Times Advocate, 1992-04-22, Page 25Washita be dispersing household effects frosm theorem* of the JIM Mrs. Leroy Thiel of Zurich. 1 his is a weld kept offering. Watch next weeks papa for a full listing Stocker Sale at DENFIELD LIVESTOC .: SALES . Tr. Thursday, Evenings, -April 23, at 7:00 p.m. Good offering of steers and heifers, 600 - 1000 lbs. including 75 Limo heifers and steers 800-900 Ib. (1 iron) 130 Herford•lrs (Western last fall) For intormation milirgeo yatnds at -866-1140 Brett Coulter !Bruce Coulter 2944164 294-0585 Future sales April 30 and May 7 STOCKER SALE 700 Head :on -St. , May .2 , 1 at 1.p:m. at fiensaillivestookilaies Ltd. Consisting of:Steers, 'heifersand:Dalves For -more informationaoall Barry Milier -.519.2352717 4519-228-6285 Truck 4.519.6614956 Office v192622831 Auctioneer::lacy Aardiner LARGE AUCTION SALE Modern furniture, appliances, piano, riding mower, snowblower, hair dresser equipment etc. to be held at Lobb's Auction Building in Clinton for Marvin Nott of.Seaforth several other consigners. Saturday,.Aprfl25 at 10 a.m. LAWNMOWERS: Turf Tac 10 HP riding mower with new ergine,.. . !-awn Boy gas mower. 'SNOWBLOWER: Land Mark 8 HP 5 speed 2 stage snowblower 2yr. old. ,HAIR'OHESSER-EQUIPMENT: 3 pump _up barber chairs, 4 hair dryer chairs, 3 ttair wash sinks, 4 waiting roomchairs, 3 floor stand hair dry- er. APPLIANCES: Woods chest freezer nearly new, 2 smaller chest freezers, harvest gold fridge, 2 harvest gold 30" electric stoves, GE al- mond coiour washer, GE washer and dryer, 2 microwave ovens, 2 portable.cobur TVs, 2 modern propane barbecues. CB base radio and mike, Texas calculator, hand blender. Mr. -coffee maker, etc: Westirsgg7 house dryer, Craftsman 30 litre wet vac, White fridge and -stove, lV converter. FURNtTURE,.ANT1t1UES, PIANO: Mason Risch upright piano • •.. bench, modern eight piece dining suite like new, table-extendo407>ft:-- with 2 leaves, 6 captains .chairs and hutch real nice. Curio-0Irbinet, maple hutch, 5 pieces tight coloured pine bedroom suite withalueen .size water bed like new, oval pedestal. dining table with 4 maplachairs like new, matching chesterfield loveseat chesterfield and 2•chairs :brand new, still in the wrapper, beige chesterfield and matching kiwi pine framed chesterfieldloveseat and .chair nearly new, light oak coffee and end.tables, maple rocker, antique combination side board :.and china cabinet, antique dresser, vanity dresser, odd chests of drawers. 39" round coffee table, clothes closet with drawer, patio um- brella table and chair set nearly new, double water bed, pine blanket box, treadle sewing machine, rowing exerciser, 2 trunks. chrome table and chair sets, card table and chair set like new, dishes glassware, bedding, quilting frames, garden toois.26'.aluminum extension ladder, Dement leveling that, wheel barrow, several stacking chairs and tables pplus more. T@A1AS: Gash or cheque with proper ID -Auctioneer Richard. Lobb.Clinton 482-7898 Wed.,.Aprll-29 at 6 p.m. Tractor, machinery. cement mixer, post hole digger, antique bag cart.scate etc. Go 2 corners west of Holmesville, turn left, go 1 1/2 miles for Isabel Harris. Alwation_tiale Of good quality furniture, appliances, antiques, brass bells and misc. items. in uron • re, alar for Mr. Ivan Grigg, Exeter, plus additions HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE: Kautman 9 pc. dining room suite with Ig. buffet � hutch, 2 leaves for table, 2 arm chairs;and 4 side chairs (new condition), . Kaufman. tea wagon, wood labia - and 2 chairs, 6' folding table, buffet and hutch, Kaufman 6,pc. bedroom suite, orthopedic box spring and mattress, 4p c. bed- room suite, 3 pc. bedroom suite, 2 pc. bed and dresser, new brass and wood headboards, new box springs, cedar chest, Kaufman leather chair and matching foot stool (like new), Lazy Boy recliner, platform rocker, Lary Boy bed chesterfield, ches- terfield and chair,,arm chairs, odd chairs, toot stools, 2:end ta- bles, fern stands, table, dresser and pole lamps, 2 writing desks and chairs, 3 high chairs, card table and chairs, wooden chairs, odd dishes and misc. items. .APPLIANCES: Inglis stacking washer and dryer, microwave oven, Hitachi 23" consol colour TV, Panasonic 20" colour TV, stereo with record player and 2 extra speakers, stereo consol Hi Fi, Hoover, upright vacuum cleaners, elec. broom. wee $EL,t.S: several brass bells, some 1878, ar,d cow bell. GOLF CLUBS 1 set of mens, Wlson golf clubs, Cooper bag, starter set of clubs, bag, and earl (new). ANTIQUES AND.COLI.ECT48t.ES: talk dresser and bed, Jen- ny Und bed, spool bed, old cupboard, pie cupboard, small ta- bles with drawer, blanket box, hump back trunk, wooden radio, treadle sewing machine, wicker stand, viewer and pictures, 2 iron kettles, milk cans, lanterns, oil lamps, horse hames, halter, whiffle trees, neck yoke and other collectibles. TOOLS AND MiSC. ITiMS: Black and .Decker elec. sander, 8- & D fig saw, Universal soldering gun, (new) glue gun, approx. 6' x3' x 1'6" steel cabinet with doors, hand and garden tools, large bird cage, small aquarium and misc. items. Don't miss this sale of outstanding furniture, all clean and some new. Terms: Gash or authorised cheques. Norm•WIlionpiAuatIoneer,-Phone 285.1931 1Auehey Skinner (left) receives a cheque for $1,062 from Brad Oke towards the Children's Hospital. Oke presented the cheque 'on behalf of Oke Woodsmith employees who used a -_dunking machine at their last ;company golf tournament to raise $531. -The company matched the amount to 4saate tires total toward the Skinner Waikathon which iter- d4rt ireber April 5. Tht+ee-AdvoClttts, r prii 22, 1992 Rage 2S WE LMN \T1\ . Sn.r:=iali7inC1 i!1 Qosterp ur ir, 1- ir' 1Mirllt Exeter Times --Advocate Fxetr- rip Hermann Cattle co. 263-2619 -girder Buyers for tats, feeders and stockers --Aitockers and Western Cattle arriving daily Contact: Office 263-2619 -Qtlmg Hargreaves Victor Hargreaves 263-2619 233-7511 Musical lead cast at Huron Country Playhouse GRAND .:.B ND - - boy..3.letrd, Artistic Director tat •4he =rimer► Country 'Playhouse -has lannormced that.Laisa Way has been cast as the lead;in;the:twoanusicals being pre- sented: at:the Playhouse this sum - .mer. Sheaiilll-npenahe season as Ma- na.:lhe high -spin cd.postulant who .meals the.heart of:the ellen .Captain Von Trapp:and;his.:seven:rhildren lin-Tice. Sound .of .Music.'This show, _deaaribed:.asahe:mast taloved,mu- . aical of alt: me,stmsfimmanne -16 to July 4. -There willaisobe a two week series of spr ahmatinee:per- fonnances for schools prior to:the - official opening. "It is part: of ; our-teaoriate to in- volve lite community !whenever Possible" aaya. ;loyd l'and•we feel we are doing.this.by.•providing stu- dents the opportunity .to see eco- nomically -priced live --professional theatre. The Sound of Music is generous- -ty sponsored by Big VDrug.Stores. -TIle second :time Huron Country Ptayhorose itheatre-goers will see Way in Camelot, the final show for .the 1992aeason..She will appear as QottesMre vire :this medieval tale from King Ams court. The Box Office its ;that :nor patroesutre vary anxious .ao: aoltv4.utll 4h0 >pe- .grsntry:andrgreat.aotagaluon this .great show" 3tated-Lloyd. ' Camelot -inns from August 18 .to September Sand, is:presented with _the gener- ous -assistance of Canada Trust and Union Gas. May bas :played many musical aoies.•inaWdipg-the lead in Canada's ;mast- famous musical. She starred as •Acme ashuiey in -Anne ,of Green Gables tat !the tartot vn eati- valvire d1stVndforfive seesaw. :She :has ydao taken Ibis vole ao . Japan :for, tthnee Canadian tours, and was .most recently back .toJapamto.pmmote Canadian.tour- ism for. the Government of Canada. Way _has a.soprano voice with a `rooatnapge•from low G torhigh C. Her 'formal .training incbes Voice :and-iiremaunaining fmmlhe Uni- rasitylofToronto/Royal Cooserva- Wry -.of Music, .the Music 'filtoatrc :program from the Banff School of Fine ArLtand.the opera program at Sir WilfridLaurier University. Quality Girain Storage Drying &-Handling-Products 101181618111081ALE841 SERVICE , aK 19199iggion si. w. Rog 650 EXETER ONTARIO NOM ISo Phone ave. (619) 236-1919 Res. (619) 236-2019 C.uston No Till Drilling Soya beans, small grains, forages, and canola. Call Datriid Hodgins Corbett 2944517 Hensall Livestook I r,IOrder buyer for fats, feeders and stockers 0 Stockers and Western Cattle arriving daily. Sorting cattle for 0 Talbotvllle Livestock Exchange Ltd. on Fridays ft Restaurant open daily 7 a.m. - 3p.m. fg ( DMarlo Pork Ptmduceisitarlidi g Yard 1 i Leen wkly Tuesday 7, n. -12 woven 0 For more information contact: 0Eany-Mer, OwnerIlhanaper Office 262-2831, Exeter 235-2717, 0 Kiriklon 229-6205, Truck 1-661-8956 Household Auction for Manuel Gurtaat the Property, Greenway Ont. between Parkhill and Grand Bend on 81 Hwy. on Saturday lliMav 2 at 11-4413 (Full list next week) For information call Bruce Gautier. 294.0585 Brett Coulter 294-6164 Auctioneers e1's Burt LOW 477 Hugh Filson 686-0833 CLEARING FARM AUCTION Combine, tour tractors and farm machinery to be held 2 miles north of Lucan and a 1/4 mite west of Clandeboye tor Dave Hill plus additions fliday, Aartr24 at 1 p m. Farm is Sold Lunch Booth Terms cash, or cheque with roper I.D. Owner Dave Hill 227-1761 AUCTIONEERS Burt Lobb Hugh Filson 482-9377 666-0833 See last week's paper tor full listing Ali: 4i it ******411** * -,* 4 -k PROPERTYAUCTiON Of house and 4 tots in the Village of Varna Saturday. An11L25 -10 a.m, -* Consisting of the following: pgjael 1: Includes a white sided 2 boors * house,3 bedrooms, 4 pc. bath, family room, dining room, kitchen, cif- * flee. upboards, oil hot water heating, town water, in real good condi-,« * iron. low taxes, lot size is 82 12 x 132. Known as Lot 3. «rc * parcel 2: Directly behind the house described in parcel #1. Loris 8217* 'k 2 x 132. Double garage with _cement floor and excellent workshop onZ this property. ar at Parcel t3: Known as Et 15, directly west of Paroel a2 has a double* �t roe! . arage with water and hydro service. 4 el ; Directly west of Parcel ill, has-acsinple.garage emos+k _ t #2. The above is located on County'Rood.*3. -Huron �faCounty. 14 .,K house east of the main -corner of Varna xm-the north. side. Property* ah:goes back to a back street. Exoe1ent opportunity for a summer home* /t -or permanent home, 5 mites avast of bake Huron or Bayfield. Don't "'overbook this opportunity as owner is anxious to sell. We feel assured',,* *that this property will sell at reasonable prices. ,,.rc *TERMS: 10% down, balance in 30 days., Subject to a very moderate * erve bid. -a* resVIEWING: ,Sunday April 19 - 1 - 5 p.m. and sale day or by appointment *through the owner (519) 233-7t55. 4 parcels will be offered as one* 49 first. If not sold will be sold separately. * 4 Auctioneers * * Hugh Filson Tom Robson * * - 666-0833 666-1967 * * Fax 866.0833 * *4f*•if•K*4F4 ***1l**4K 4F *F**/410 4.4R4K . r*lir************tit***fir*tit**rt ESTATE AUCTION SALE 01 antiques, household furnishings, etc. For the estate of the late Mr. Floyd C. Davies, 220 Main Street, Ailsa Craig, Ontario. * -0 Saturday./ 'Ii 25 - 142.1n. alr 4' ANTIQUES: Wash stand, oak bedroom suite, Singer treadle sewing''t` ♦` -machine, cedar chestssBulova Regulator wall clocck, large side board' frith mirror and lamp stands, made by Stevenson of Carisle, oak +# K ,square dining room table, 6 press back chairs, harvest table, antique* • * tins, large picture by Jack Daw of Rheims, (Written history with it), old 4records, cheese boxes, old trunks, blanket box, copper boiler, pictures,* ` books, wicker baskets, needle point stool, clothes racks, candelabrum'* • dandle holders, brass ware, silverware, collection of s' • ' ns, aluminum * +Ay �rwmare, old scales, old water reservoir for stove, wash • : rd, tub stand.* • raoe dishes and glassware, etc. +p *HOUSEHOLD: RCA coloured TV connote with remote (real good),'d` Sears frost -tree fridge with bottom freezer, eiectric stove, small Wood+t` freezer, old fridge, Admiral automatic dryer, wringer washer (both like: * new), sealers, flower pots, tools, chesterfield, chairs, couch, 2 single �` beds, dresser, chest of drawers, wooden bed and double dresser with mirror, 3/4 walnut bed, matching chairs, vacuum cleaners, blankets, It .* quilts, linen, lamps, small tables, pots and pans, tupperware, dishes, o` it get. appliances, Lazy -Boy chair, kitchen table and chairs, china cabi-4et, new records, hospital adjustable ,chair, all kinds of knick-knacks, �" Imps and saucers, typewriter, hand and garden tools, wheelbarroms,IP " `i(�MS: Cash sale day. Lunch booth +A` Auctioneers sit Hugh Fagot, Tom Ao��pn �666-0833 656.1861 Fax -686-0833 - - - S 4 *r*#-M*ik110rrMnA81484-*irir3trit,4 t r#stik Coulter Auctions $pring Conslgnrrlent Sale et The Auction entre Corbett, Ont. between Parkhill and Grand Band on 81 Hwy. on Saturday May 16:at 11 a.;u. Furniture, antiques, machinery,and.any saleable article. Al- ready consigned complete household from Grand Bend includ ingproperty,at 10 River Hd., Grand Bend to be sold on site at 10 a,m. To consign call /Iruce.Coulter 284-Q685 ;Brett Cr utter.20A.6i64 5• UEHOU8 HOLDFARMMACHINEAYSALE . turday, till 25 AT 10 Z For Mr. and Mrs. Gantt ter on location jDuth of Zurich TRACTORS: 1070 pie djasel.with,air, duals 248,41E1m w rubber, IH 584 diesel, roil bar 1900 hrs. like new, Case 430 gas with h.d. loader, Massey Harris 33 wide front and, 6 row IH planter with inst. boxes, 350 bu. JM gravity box with 10 ton ,wagon, wood and steel tank boxes on truck frames, 22 ft. Kongakilde wing cult. with buster bar harrows, M.i . 14 ft. wheel one way disc, .22 ft. land roller with rid wings, DMI chiezl chain 13 tooth chisel plow. Case 308 4 furrow plow, bean windrower cross conveyer, tandem led. spreader, 6 row curt., diamond harrows with pole, front and mounted land leveler harrow, 3 pth blade, 2 NH manure spreaders (new apron), large quantity of steel and lumber, 30 24 ft. steel sheets, steel water troughs, gegia.gad 4 ies,Agd nipoY useful small farm items. HOUSEHOLD 16 and 22 cu. ft. (jeep freezers, fridge. *1r ,waar, wood dining room table with chairs and hutch, wood draaVis„jpod ta- bles, cupboards, chesterfield with chairs and loot tied with box spring and,mattreas and antique wood bow shaped dresser.,with large mirror; iron beds; wood chairs, Olivetti adding siatiobipe, Pager - wood typewrikr, 1977 Ford LTD station wagon (as is). ANT40118S: Fwd wood car wheels, buggy wheel, dtfids *aipd apopt bed, Childs cradle, childs wood sleigh, 5 gal. atone jug, sisal shuttle, tin funnels, no. 8 cast iron dutch oxen, cast iron kettle, copper boiler, bot- tle caps.and capper, Silverwoods cream pan, milk cans, Pepsi cases, honey cans, hand refer, horse shoos, large quantity of older bottles, Beakers. hay knives, cream separator, cross Gut saws, small platform scales, incubator, J.J. Taylor combination safe. This is a partial listing with many other useful items. Terms: cash. Farm Aoki. Lunch booth. in the Zurich Arena. We Are pircasad to an nou� Au(:tion of two quilts for the Zurich Golden Age club and the Tatwn.snd Country Home Dinners. Arrasr ,.John Finlay 226.4614 PrQprtster 236.4843