HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1992-04-22, Page 241111111111111111111111 Page 24 Times -Advocate, Apt II 2:', 199:' Tully renovated home In attractive 'area, 1 block from Main St., Exeter. Featuring 3 large bedrooms, 1 1/2 baths, large liv Ing room, diningroonl and deet, large kitchen and family room, new gas furnace, attached garage and storage shed. Large deck off den. $132,700.00. Call 235-1647 East View 134 Mitchell Court Mitchell Ontario 5E a. Sat., April 25 91. =1. Sun, April 26At:aml - 5 pm. • Large luxurious -2 !bedroom !apartments • Designed.'t,uith;seniors in mind Just north ofy4wy.=#87at'the East end of Mitchell. Watichior signs For more information callioe at 565 5062 or Dougti36-:2961 Paid For rite of your woodlot 8AY AND Y Cut your -own firewood We will deliver small truckloads of ,Mw grade hardwood logs tt) your place.. 4MII Movlus Logg1Rg 4sltMOM GRAND BEND Phandarealdeleite Home Palk, reumbeet 'od roads -and «tees w apsnwing. Hames to nrnmsle, ttee1J i-eeniiloort. liable T.V., alsitelkw tie, pets walsume. thane or 213.3894. (42tfn) 1`25 ACRES of markable land 'al Highway Photte236-4566. (4itfn) `iEii ACRES - 3-4 bedroom brick 1.• Large country kitchen, 1 1R baths. -4 wood (loots, meant -updates -end t>rassuRing. Large Hensel' mesa Asking 5112,000. Call 263-2686 after Spm. (10tfn) 556,000.00 - 2 bedroom, gas beat, akunuturn siding, low taxes, good smarter Acme. Vendor consider holding modhsac. Henul1262-3205. (15-17c) ST. JOSEPH'S on •Hwy. -21. 3 bedroom, aiVsbe4 �er�e�,�-4i�i.+•-wermesa+wilit- atifrniimiaosinvoinhineland dishwasher, >aiMnrtce'- -r'slforAVell manaaisted -lbs, :450'x200' ii/iiise nater. Asking S107,500. Pima -236-7173 for information. (16-I9c) 2 'BEDROOM 'HOUSE riga 'Seoul Available Mar ht.' 235-1810. (17*) LUCAN - 1 hos s and *tildes i laded. .t10 per math. Av.itsble irratedinely. Phone 227.4049. (17tfn) LONDON -Sublet from May 1 to Aug. 91. 1 to 4 roams available in heewse - Richmond and Huron by Wewsm Ones. fylty furnished. All tuajor 515000 per month or best offer. 8-0537 or 327-871 • (17:11ci EXETER - Oretstd flexr one bedroom apartment, heat and hydro, fridge and stove inoluded. Avai eblc May 1st. Phone 215-0659. (17tfn) 1111•111111111111111 THE "OLD TOWN HA11." auditorium for rentals, . including workbags, meetings, banquet roan, leotures, exhibition, films, et.. Kitchar facilities available. Phone 235-0318.(17Un) COUNTRY HOMIi on arse lot or small sewage. Rent with option to buy. 228-6766. (12tfn) 2 t e:l N .,lice EXETER - split mach with attached garage, 3 bedrooms, 2 .baths, lg. family room, private yyaaassdd,,•,pwed driveway.. Call aftar6pm.235;2384. (16:17c) -.LOTS FOR SALE - item Hwy.121, two aris:JHsahwood..1.et.us build your dream • .brise. Ted Voogd Canansctien, 238.2742 mina* p.m. (16tfn) 6/- 235-162' 415 Main St. S Exeter erii `/C•c. - 236.553c 55 Ontario ST. t Grand bet' FIRST -AD! "Reasonably priced for immediate :occupancy with . 3 abedrooms, ;separate dining morn, attached :garage on deepict. C,ETPIRST! Be "oom1ysvzy" by the fire- place in the-kving room, newer 3 bedroom home, main floor laun- dry, master ensuite, Large family room, oak kitchen, with built-in appliances. OLD AND NEW Older 2 storey plus addition, brick family home on beautiful treed lot. Large rear deck and - storage shed. Playroom in base- ment. GENEROUS BUILDING LOT Residential, services available, 66' x 132'. Available immediate- ly. $19,500. ittr I Alit 1,faNtlrtlN n► - 120 Commercial Space for Lease tram as low as t$29.00p.r week. Heather sopors' M.J. Cianyi " Madero. Parsons" Associate iiiroiter 235-1782 Murray Woad" 286-0927 235-1077 Bary Winery** 2624107 23&-lao4 " Sates representative L•rovr,, r. or ker 2 BEDROOM APARTMENT„ around floor, downtown -Hentall, neepeted baigh �}.md-.prking, TV -cable.� oaot�a11 sate for floe ratans. *13th Moth arra Fee'. Phoee262-2230. (48tfc) THIRD MONTH FREE RENT. One ahatboom apartment_ Elizabeth Cron Amin:ants building. Phone 262.2612 after bpm. (47tfn) HENSALL - Two bedroomapanmart imam :amactive, well maiouioed 8.srnit building vmeith an strolled.entryraodJanodry facilities. 11160:moth. .Avatble .sow. _Gall -=,2t 'Z737t(53dn) JaARGE BRIGHT 2 -bedroom apartment, tsiaadrytsooiwps..paved .parking S485.00 spetnetiemb *us utabues. Plume 235-1449 or :281141950. 111101The - ground floor .apartments with Alsip and stove. Call Glen Haven Aps.ssrus 235-0349.(44tfn) FOR •RIEVT - 1, 2 and 3 bedrooms apartments, . available immediately. Phone 235.05374461fn) 2 BEDROOM APARTMENT in Exeter, clean; washer. dryer hookup. Paved parking 5485.00. per month. Phone 235-1449 or 235-1950.(51dn) FOR RENT -bedroom apt., 2 :yin 5400 ,-Pbone23.6.4961. HENSALL - Large 2 years cid, .oak cabinets, bath, .fe>dge ;land stove per month: utilities. ) LARGELUXURY .2 BEDROOM APARTMENTS ,with lime appliances. larrdty facilities in each unit Ground floor units available. Phone 2354961. (4tfn) EXETER one bedroom apartment, fridge .and stove supplied. Available May 1st. Call -.Jack Taylor 235-3293. (8tfn ) ARACHELOR APARTMENT - 424 Main :lama 9400.00 moahly..locludea heat and aat#ililies. Please supply misseeses and apply rispstsan at 73rD Times Adversely.. (9x) -WO BEDROOM APARTMENT - wive, fridge. beat, broadloom 3273.00 per moth. 262-3144utter 6 p.m. (l bin) :' iIRBDROOM APT.: dowouswn aussior. Available April 1. Fridge, suave. -- .Batu hydro, Phone 235-2965. (14tfn) HOSPITAL AREA - 2 bedruorna emiur" available immediately. Beautiful aesateek. Fridge and awe, dishwasher .and gatMral mac. Washer .nod shyer also available if �v$6500 .pa terae.h- Utilities Call 1171.6131 for an asppoinumeotto view.(15-16c) ONE BEDROOM and bachelor lAlfrartmeau. Fridge, stove, 4 undry parking Phare 235- 497. (1Safn) ONE BEDROOM APARTMENT - wpacious dowtal•wn .epaament. This is ,an +wr 6 room pea- r.1t. }leaf u iric1ta4ed. MerDit isys.52350173. -9.6. (l iffn) 4 _UBt2RaoM _wow - HOt13E, ly romeraled- Call.istcer 6 pm..�s piease�.Pho ne 236.7565. (17thn) BACHELOR APART IENT Al(stager, beat S315.00 per meoah. Plsuae • 235.2740. (IWn) ::tpNE AND 'IWO i$W*OOM ;APARTMENTS, available immediately. I Marlene M. Parsons , talo 5-1304, finale Realty Inc. 235-1621. (15afn) /� HOUSE LN EXETER \recrently oo tedurated, 3 bedrooms. close to beak sod grocery store, available May 15. PJwne 235.1756aAcr 4 p.m. (1611n) EXETER DOWNTOWN npetsies apartment with deck. Fridge, wive, wasber, dryer.References e . (16dn) COMMERCIAL/OFFICE SPACE for stint. Good !oration on Ltdei s Main Satre. Can t 233.2740.(17Jn) STOR I WONT/OFFICES , reaawabl e rent as u or will renovate. Main St. Hamill. Phone 262 -3334.(I7 -19c) For Rent Townhouse, Simolials $t. fowler - 3 bedroom, 2 bath, Fin- ished rec room, decorated and new carpetsAvailable 1st week•of April i 41 ri Ducharme Investments 2364230 2354511 gaysiarawarawasisaaarriarasibb NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS In the Estate of - -`tESUE'RAY CONSTTT All persons having claims against the estate of Leslie Ray Consiu, late of the Township of Tuckersmith, in the County of Huron who died on or about the lst:daylof January, 1992, are here- by notified to send in full particulars of their clainf3 to the undersigned on or before the 7th day of May 1992 after which date the assets will be distribut- ed having regard only .to claims then received. Dated .at Seaforih, Ontario this 7th day of Anil 1992. McCONNELL,.STEWAAT-& DEVEREAUX Barristers, &c., Seaforth, Ontario Solicitors for the administrator NOTLCE TO CREDTTORS in:the Estate:of VERNA* AY:GREENLEE iieesased All persons having . claims against :the ,estate.of Verna 'May Gresnfee.iate:of Rahe Townof F.tmter..Cotmty of -Huron, -'mhodied on or about.tthe.26thairy:of Ferry 1992, arcaquired:to Slepar- tiatlars :of same with Raymond .rod MaLmn..Solicitors.of Exeter, thio. by the 9th day .of May 1992, .after .;/which date :the • stata-utill!be ;dieribut- .d having -regard only .to Abase :claims 'of which notice has isiensmeeived. RAYitifONDASI CLS AN Solicitors for.thenstecutrioes, Exeter..Qotario NOM.1S6 NOTICE TO -CREDITORS in the Estate.of - EDWIN ;GEORGE,MCARTHUR _Late of the Township .of ,Staphen.iin :rhe County iof.•-itaon, retired .service - awn. who died on or about the 19th �sy -of-August, 1991. Creditors .and others having claims against the above .estate are required.to send full particu- .ilars of such claims to.the .undersigned rim or before the 8thday of May, 1992 tatter which date the estate assets will ,ibe distributed .having regard only to ;claims that have then been received. RAYMOND & MCLEAN Barristers and Solicitors 387 Main Street P.O. Box 100 Exeter, Ontario NOM 1S6 .Solicitors for the Administratrix NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate -of WILLIAM ORVILLE YEARLEY Late of the Village of Crediton, in pie County of Huron. who died on the 31st day of January, 1992. Creditors and others having claims against the above estate are required to send full particu- lars of such claims to the undersigned on or before the 30th day of April, 1992, after which date the estate assets will be distributed, having regard only to claims that have then been received ROBERT J. DEANE, Q.C. Barrister and Solicitor 417 Main Street Exeter, Ontario f NOM 1S6 +, Solicitor (or the Executors Audrey McliaNglailin visits area LONDON - National N.D.P. leader, Audrey McLaughlin, is W be the guest speaker at a nomina- tion meeting for the federal rid* of Leaden -Middlesex. The meeting is to be held Friday, April 24 at 7:0(1 p.m. at the Connol- ly Building, 523 First Si_, Londout. Tie federal riding of London- Middlesex includes the east and south sections of the city of London plus the Townships of North Dor- chester, West Nissouri, London, Biddulph and the Town of West- minster. Interest in the meeting is high be- cause the nomination is being hotly contested by two local nominees, Carolyn Davies and Patt Nunn. Carolyn .Davies is. -currently em- ployed as Constituency Assistant to Marion Boyd, MPP for London Centre. A Registered Nurse for 20 years, she says "I have seen the devastating effects that Conserva- tive and Liberal policies have had en peoples' lives-" Davies also targets the OATF threats to the family farm, rind tete thousands of jobs lost to free trade. "I leek forward to serving the peo- ple of Lentlan-Middlesex" says Da- vies, Meet of three daughters, Kerry, Sarah and Katy. Platt Nunn is President of Mid- dlesex NDP and Constituency As- sistant to a local MPP. Num has lived in London and-Ihrottndifg Counties, is a of IJWO and brings a of meal and urban ministry as a parish priest. Nunn explains her position saying, "it is difficult, especially in these hard economic limos, to stand by and watch as the federal PC' government refuses4o respond to growing crisis. Their attitude of 'wait it out, let the economy restart itself' is a do-nothing solution and it costs everyone." The general public is welcome to attend this nomination meeting. Carol Darling elected director of provincial Child Find OAKVIL.LE - ghild Find (Onta- rio) has.announced that at their an- nual :genal meeting, held . in Oak- ville on April 3, Robert N. Morris, of Goterich, has been elected presi- .dent. Moms has served on the :-Board of Directors for the last two .years, .and is the Crown Attorney for the County of Huron. At the same meeting, Lal Dar- ling, Chairperson of :the :Huron County Chapter of ChilcrFitkl:has been elected to the-.Btoard DfDinec- tors. Darling established:3he Sinn County .Chapter of Chijd Find in June, 1991. At present, the Chapter consists .of a committee of 10 per- sons withlabout.65 volunteers. Child Find is a registered non- proft:charitabie organization com- mitted to auris t in the -locationand rxeoOvtery , of -;missing :children. Among sits other services, Child Findoffers to .the community the Kid Check Foals= at -no charge. The Htuart -1 way Chapter of Child Find (Onai io) will !hold a Kid Program on Saturday, May16, 1992 from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 pin. at St. Mary's School in Goderich. With the consent of a patent, chil- dren will -be fingerprinted. A book- let entitled "All About Me" will be provided. It will enable parents to record a full description of their children. It is encouraged that par- ents use a school photograph of their chiildien in the booklet. How- ever, a photographer will be on hand to take any necessary photo - Persons who.are interested ini - coming a voltmteer- for the Huron County Chapter of Child Find should gall Christina Yaks, . in .-the Wingharn area, at , 7.1473, Bev Anstett, in the Exeter area, at 235- 2560, or Bob Morris, in the Gode- rich area, at 524-9272. NOTICE OF NEW NOTION of.the Canada Employment -Centre Effective Monday4.0127,..1.0B2 272 Main St., ter Telephone: 235-0471 +Mine:235-2491 ��,if♦ Employment and E,npior et gel �°4' immigration Canada krsnnryatiost CassetteCar ld a ONTARIO GOVERNMENT TENDER A BACK .DOOR PURPLE TURTLE Saturday May, 2 - 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. Lliacentiwaed lines - out of seams stock - lou of baby - worth geui ng up for. (17;18c) BARGAINSI BARGAINSI BARGAINSI Bi` V is having a back door sale. Sat. May 2.8 a.m. to 2 p.m. Ga./acre early. Free 500 mL Diet Ajpsi for first 75 customers. (17:18c) CsARAOESALE: - Saturday, April 25 - 8 am; to (.Ziwort.yt Hoorn St. E. Variety of ions mailable (16:17•) Please note that the following have a specdic date and time for site visit to view the work. It is MANDATORY that contractors attend the site visit. Contractors to meet at ODC Admin, ition Office, Huron Park. HEATING CONTRACTORS TENDER HIP82/15 SITE VISIT - Monday, April 27th at 9 a.m. Provibe and install five (5) 8s -tired furnaces at Huron Park. 1 POS ITq "ENDER-HIP92J16 • -431TE VISIT - Monday, April 27th at 11 a.m. To supply and install new eaves and fascia on fifteen (15) units lett Huron Park. GENERAL CONTRACTORS TENDER•HIP82/17 SITE VISIT - Monday,.April 27th at 1:30 p.m. To repair -relocate fifty-eight (58) sidewalks at residential area in Huron Park. -ROOFING CONTRACTORS TENDER HIP82/18 SITE VISIT - Monday, April 27th at 10:30 a.nl. .Replacement of one (1) fiat roof, approx. 37,000 sq. ft. INSULATING CONTRACTORS TENDER HIP92/19 SITE VISIT - Friday, April 24th at 9:30 a.m.' insulation of ceiling at Bldg. 36 Huron Industrial Park, Area ap prox. 13,000 sq. ft. on sloped and Oat sections. Individual sealed tenders for the above contracts will be re- ceived until 12:00 NOON LOCAL TIME ON THURSDAY, MAY 7, 1992. Tender documents may be obtained from trip Ontario Develop- ment Corporation, Huron Industrial Park, HNkon Park, Ontario NOM 1110. For further information regarding these tenders please call (519) 228-6657. THE LOWEST9R.ANY TWE.ti NOT NKESSAHILY AC CEPTABLE. , Jw11NI8TRY QF INDUSTRY, TRADE AND 49ioY