HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1992-04-22, Page 22-ole aims 1 Lou. Buoyed 2'Feend 3.Skunk= Wined 4 Help Wanted liminess Opportunities 6 -Services 7 Livestock 8 Fawn Machinery 9.Sports Equipment, Veh 11 Cars, Trucks 12 Pets 13 Musical Instruments 14 Appliances, sap, Television 14 16 For Sale 17 Wanted to Bury 18 Wanted 19 Property for Sale 20 Property for Rent 21 For Rent 22 For Sale or Rent 23 Wanted to Rant 24 Property Wanted 25 Notices 26 Legal Notices 27 Tenders Wanted 28 AuctioaSaies 29 Yard and Garage Sales EXPERIENCED Meseomte moon willing to do spring dining .or regular cleaning. Pbone263.5427. (little) ft's TIME FOR SPRING CLEANING - Ca11 Kathy 263-2114 ,for your .tbaeosgh housecleaning orweekiymimiog. (16:17c) CARING MO ER will :protide mainly day ears .felt your- Milan. .Meals.•a its, slosytime, toys. omervised falsg . Only one block tonin school, asea able sues, me(eaeseea. Phone 235-0816. FANSHAWE COLLEGE STUDENT Beads Coop jobb. al .data entry oink. Hard working. able References aruLAble ble -and oo i Aps227, 1992: Phme136.1T71. (16:17c) BXP D looking for .rook. Will am weekly, monthly or -when you sant it dsne. Ask for Marlene 236.41125. (161r) 1 Page 22 Times -Advocate, April22, 1992 411. RESSILTS WINN OUR S10 siwa AD CALL /- Private, 4 Non - commercial ads only ANYTIME Super Ads must be pre -paid Advertisers want one thing... RESULTS. And that's what we guarantee when you place a SUPER AD with us. For only one low fee of $10.00 we'll norpeariedlawaritmagolimruntil you get the results you Trent. All you do is call us by Friday and ask for SUPER AD. You can take up to 40 words and we recommend you use a price for whatever yeassalmplvertising. If you do not get results by the following wlselllslld,.call uaran011ea layaid `1MMe'N gladly repeat Theiki<1t#0 charge. And we,'H*keep running the ad as long as you want (Exch g real estates ` TALK TO OUR AD -VISORS MONMIL LINTILS P.M. OR LEAVE DETAILS ON OUR ANSWERING MACWME .Moielleadelsin .i isExtra Charge . J CLASSIFIED RATES WORD COUNT SEMI -DISMAY FIRST INSERTION - $9.00 per column inch SUBSEQUENT INSERTIONS $8.00 per column inch. (minimum size in this category 1 inch. Accepted in mes of haft inch. BOX NUMBERS to this office $2.50 per insertion. $2.50 DISCOUNT OFF OF HATES LISTED BELOW FOR PREPAYMENT Charges are based on the num- ber of words. Sets of numerals as. for serial numbers, street numbers, phone numbers or prices count as one word per set. Words pined by hyphens count as separate words. RRST INSERTION - 20 words $6.00. 150 per word thereafter. SUBSEQUENT INSERTIONS - No copy changes,20 words $6.00, 150 per word there after. BIRTHS - 30 words $10.00. 150 per word thereafter. MARRIAGES - Engagements, Death Notices - 20 words $10.00 each additional word 150. iN MEMORIAMS - $11.00 plus 250 ppeer line of verse. CDMtIG -EVENTS - 30 words $10.00, each additional word 15c. Three insertions for the price of two. CARDS OF THANKS 30 words $10.00, additional words 1.011 each. Deadline: for classified ads is 4:00 p. m. Mondays. 11-0-d MOM VISA UMW. Phone 235-1331 The Times-Advooattesuvges our readers to use caution when sending money for business opportunity or employment ad-, vertisements.certain you are dealing with a reputable company before releasing any credit card information. -Re- member... if any advertise- ment sounds too.good robe true, it is. HAVE YOU EVER BEEN-AFR.£CTED IBY RECENT OR PENDING .LAYOFFS? Do you want a high profile, professional caner? Whether you have been: displaced by current -economic oonditions ,orif you are simply considering a change to a ,dynamic, fast,611Owing career as a highly paid sales representative, then check us out today. As Can adianasush.to.utlljje tinafaial_sefviagaaed,prodtrcts_to:ingrease returns and reduce taxes, the opportunity for professional Soles patpite- grows every day. Training motivation, and marketing assistance available. Write in confidence to: $luMMyD.Noel, aethodmadiavasbeent Corpaistion I1W ilsilsMall. iflMtiw �llao Leaden OatarioM AJP6 49saia SENIOR SECRETARY - RECEPTIONIST Our well known Home for Seniors requires the ser- vice of a Senior individual to provide secretarial and administrative support. You will have demonstrated the ability to prepare typed financial report and statements. To balance priorities and organize work load and able to work on your own. To have strong telephone skills and be friendly, pleasant personality, competent and people oriented. To have computer data entry experience and possess a good typing skill. To (have a good let- ter writing skill. To have some bookkeeping skills. Salary commensurate with education and experi- ence. Can be bonded. Closing date May 1, 1992. Pease send your written resume to the attention of: Josef -Rist, Administrator Blue Water Rest Home, R.R. trio, Zurioh, Ontario NOM 2T0 unit LOVING MallIER -am nae, ardBiag to bbbysit your child. in my lease. Reliable. leawnekimg, loot y -in Batey. Previous Nursery School 'Call 1111ersha23.5.3081. ) 4 Hein Worm 1 TOTALLY TROPICAL " INTIBUG S in apsdiog to All .mess d Ostazaio. We empire aomulants maid manners smell silk plant and toes .through boom panes and monomial Mei. .Call -Lott° collect 4033486.4507. PERMANENT PART 17111E eedlor full Me ]help requited. No -amowledge of pbuoEephy or framing meessary. • Will rain. Apply in person or mod femme to &e i Biota Inc.., Box 1840,287 Main St EseJ)er,Ontatio NOM 157. (15:16c) PART TIME ammer be scouted. Apply in person _fay 2 sed 3, Mount 1 and 4 p.m. knee, 45 Main St. Grand Bend. (17:18c) AREA CROP AND BEEF FARM las full time pennon .foriadivdoal malt scpeomce cn-marhiemy and with sank Please send mime with .1---- es :to Box 42P, c/o Exeter Than Advocate, Box 8.50, Exeter, .0eLNOM 1136. (17:18c) BOOKKEEPER - RECEPTIONIST - Local firm "an islikviAal with a neaaot-,eieID�iotoae maeeer and good egpniamoaak skills. The successful candidate smut be amebic of :mining sufi iitall bookkeeping iaaiaes. • Emporiums witlWeedpr ect 5.1.. Ample, -end . Lams 1-2-3 a infinite ' mu. Please , aid your resume to the attention of iocene'Sambon, P.O. Box 69, Camelia. Ontario NOM 1KO. (17c) 4 ear4e,leati FASH I O N CONSULTANTS EARN .UP TO 4M,%6 Full-time ,and part-time No=experience necessary Work your own hours For more information .2352418 5 busines .Jpuc "11111111e ACT NOWI Excellent Vases! Spas time assembly. Easy mak at home. Noe:po-e. Call 1 17778 mtt. 135. Open 24 haorsi ciudingStsday. (17.20c) GOIDEN OPPORTUNITY! Bain ap to S700.00 per week. SapplealifiAt year -canon moms. Also -an gime job for a -cants, Loaeaaakers and aatta ars. For free information said a self.addressed mimed envelope to: Golden P.O. Box 2431, Landon,; Cm N6A 4G3 (16:17c) LAWN:& GARDEN CARE PLus $PRING Cutting • Flower s • lied• .lawn Rolling •� Cleaning • Light Laverne McCarter235-1062 INCOME TAX professionally pstghaed in your bone or our dike. Rates from 312. Phane235-1417.(12tfn) GRASS CUTTING Lame or small lawns - fred.Jones 235-1122 after 6 p.m. kILAWN CUTTING - Dashwood, Grand Mend, .Zwidf area Call A&K lawn SSorvioe. 237-3713 or 2364149.atter 4 pm. LAWN ROLLING Jerry 228-6226 Darryl 164-0627 Book early for -best results Home Bright CLEANING SERVICE CHERYL KENNEDY • We provide -Weaning stalpiles and vacuums • Weeky-bi.weekiy or monthly maid **mice • Fully bonded and insured 233-7080 NOTICE to Hey Township tents 1.The Dog Licencing Officer win l be calling at your -home in-the-nextfew weeks to issue -the -1992 --DOG TAGS;BPd COLLECT THE FEE. 2. NEW LFFiCE'HOURS:-The tovmahlp Office will•be open Monday to -friday 9:00 a.m.-to 4:30.p.m. now open during noon hour) beginning -April 21, 1,992. Animas Iliosisessan Visdamassao TOWN OF EXETER INVOLVEMENT IN MUNICIPAL ADMINISTRATION PROGRAM Summer Student Required Duration: May 19 - Aug. 28/92 Location: Exeter Municipal Office University or Community College Student currently enrolled in public adm.nistration, economic or political science, geography, planning or environmental studies who will be returning to stud- ies in September, is required by the Town of Exeter. Strong an- alytical, computer and writing skills are necessary. Please send resume by May 1, 1992 to: Rick Hunday Chief Administration OffloQr Town -of Exeter P.O. Sox 759 Exeter, Ontario NOM 186 4 SPRING CLEANING? We will clan out youramc garagetxurement and haul itaway Reasonable rates 22134459 WEDDING, BABY AND FAMILY POR1RATls. knine7lbomo M Clime and Exeter. Mair St. Balm ban Sortie Bann. 235-1612. (13de) REPAIRS APPRAISALS BOB'S ORIENTAL RUG CLEANING •wall toWall' Broadloom and Upholstery Cleaned in your biome • DPECIAL:2fOR 1 CLEANING DN ORIENTAL RUGS eg. 1- 9x12 ...$108.00 - SECOND 9x12 FREE Free Pickup add Delivery London, Ontario (519) 686-9021 Custer,/ Tree Pianting Machine planting for wind- breaks, indbreaks, fences, rows or large areas. Call rxlllli; jgrapringbookings Cut Rite'Tvee Vie: f C SFrvICe LAWN ROLLING Phone Mike Koricine 293-31 91 Butler Bros. SEPTIC TANK PUMPING PH: 227-42M LIvesloc1 LARGE SELECT , good quality. aggressive wanting boas Yoik, land. Duras, Hemp, Spot I 'Devoe, York x Hemp, Dnroc x Spot. ;iso bred and open gilts. ROP tested. Reasonably priced, =Iiirbreeders. Delivery available. dSttoebel, RR2 Gzatren, (519) 2252587 or 284-2628. (18tfn) 1 William Baker 'damming 262-2405 Automobile I(ecult(litiuuhtlg • Interior shampooing • Vinyl and fabric -protector • Exterior buffing and hand wax • Engine shampooing • 3 year shine guarantee • Oil undercoating Pick up and dNiwry Bill Hay Phone Hensel!, Ont. 262-3249 CROSS CANADA :MARKETPLACE IT'S FAST - IT'S EASY! ONE CALL, ONE BILL DOES ITALL. MACAT(ONrT L G.N.A. ORii1*E6ce...a nnum sesoulliA VOYAGEUR. cont Trar►6Ooaq ahla09ar et al)O*•I, Gni. 44414 dale - towns. (011als, 0.. blsdrr4: rr0. Caplan M✓,. nor 6. Rite L,1V6149. 3105) 3274117 WINNIPEG WEEKEND Qpaelaray. S497npnr, 2 adults. du c7nisoor1al, owning. abildr.n rocindoor pool. reela9torr Woods. G1o.. Mop w g. won'. upon. Adam on. 1740 Elko 1400 614413 PERSONAL WOULD YOU LAKE Io conopond ran uoMlactwa UoWtho people W000 Canada 10 dsolowrWai.. U n 060.14s. lo' coaocaronolnp or marriage? Ashouro , P.O. Bo. 205. Chase. -111T 9P-Si�TlES PROPERTIES 06E 1 iN Ilnierd s. Gore Lw* ara0 041y. For kforpsalenpy�LASSoCpy016.s, D.PI CN Bor 5360, San F. 066"..162G3J1 T�*AQES FAST 4�R Y ralabr la Narl.9rrrnl Par as g. C41461 Code . Burow 510.000, NNW 1100 MoraNyl N hawks. Gag 9nrarsimn rranc.; Td 990 i4C4). ttf 6TEELILDINGS BES76ulLW0472 Sis• SOa9..l Typ.•1a t- • ousel 14 32a54 *7341:40 ettl• 4datett216; ���,9,p,,s,I�SIS2.AOe1242F ods 110021394419 5U64.0e405 • 'ONE PHONE CALL CAN GLUE YOU a rad illation • by 0.f.c1 IONpbon. or0.r Roo 4710 MxWctw«...21 c2oyyaw 13.700. No. 52,944, 16,500. Now ss,s9r.-oorr dos ayraaibr I•1100444 2 Piorwr MN In 61WM BV4dIng s Nix* 1*10 1P1184G'6EUEGIM1 KIN' 9'0 ouldogi Iron f ,aw. 5490/ No ,.SbmU.+• SoK 1050 rano Wr your miry. G6 W0ON 1400- SPAN IEC11 57561 BUILDINGS LTD • Cornprl0 Pre• N19ra clod ALSr.I 4/d Woodb440 Nakano. CSA a CW8 o ddia. fed MopedfonraLly adobe. GM posy Sc. 090 mad do. WO fti.noo _BUSINESS OPPQRTUNITISS FRGM THE flEC1SS Every far��{r1 • Wry eve J t Aliriew Carrs abrq 4rom al Todhr fou Mw eve 1aen,Aa14gaKn Im7•,t 004 1199. cif 141E 15195 W4. MAKE 116 DRIVEWAY .ealn9 Oslo lo• 1pralw+9 a1pM1. kola •r-�_1„-,�, p„ct, Wilk Healed. Iouooa on coinn, LIM pawn, Nardi. Naiad tanks. Comr.rciH 1lrnspray 1*49119,.. 74000a51.1N 16)312.3902 EXIM 94CU411 Gro. bawnns as your baleen or wage 0rb4.14 opera on Low ar10110u e. Marnal puannW' In• Yimm800, Cady BM Ecology, Fin/ i, Sonfro1, 0430. LER 2.60 (416)64142525. MS4A0.unlral Casinooorto wn PopoMon h WOO Iti�on. "N raga C" ATRAING - - 1 tA17GT rIN bch6 .. *.n 0,184 Sdod a Nal dans ..P47 11.11 FMareannon contort Soul wh ,0.70 Onl4r $$drool of Ao4IIOM,r 07, _contort Woo4bloet Ora450, N4S 1'Vs. (17*) 537 211 S EARN A SECOND 1NG0ME4 Intone Ia. or 1109444•9109 R2t140. 770,00 ytter s-Nne0./306L *6115.641p TR4.4,5 WIY£R AL ane 07 courts., 00 brink.. 44.9.0501 9600.. 0.0,09.. er,+n,, 709 Wil rd porn•' 0333+ Itodo..s act007, 04417 e..14.N Goa 1400 ,s. • MIti0ELLANEOUS MUSICAL VALUES • °rrrdwd. 1219. B,t'on AOcordarn. roc 5149. 2 rod 627441,550. 3 for *56952.135, Manodre 174 -1°59; Brigs 623241RY9. (Mum", 5195150, SI00err vicar 11*•5445: Pt011111611111 Violins 1645.36,100, ROAM RL7300 Prao.nd Opal Piano 11,495, Krug 40 Ila• 0.944 Piano 51.996. 6 P75 Drugs *399, Cato 61 Nolo Keyboard 5319. WurMtar Console Orman 151296. Loge Weaken G 0100 s Mrp414.1.IW.brand Mow. .5 tdach,(201)326.1395 AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE Goowetqq44r� s•,t.dswplrs nObtion. U.S. 1M.Oaradian 9w as £100.OMWs, Ca0iaan. Ch.'s. Fads. M0udes. Potions IAra1�.� ya"ro. Among 24 M red91d6d n»fea9e I.r4414419 ' 114.1*F3707 TS,AND1'R1MVPORSES Itch NaWnrlon School off au ado. o. Men no Loa, oounan during summer 1992. Fe, tolormaliarbrocr..r• S.S.r.C. Bot q9, il6Wwton. Onto& KW %so p05) 45: • 1617 GAMP_GRQUNDS Asa,d WWoolGf41) Open NOr. l.rarq r.soa Pool, iia 1.11. Sauna. Only 31p of W Fans 70691.1 rad• KOA, 6625 Lord,'. Lar 4410 356CAa2P, 3451) 351.472 COMING EVENTS GRUISC GAtIAI>A GAWNMQ� «°*0001 Meyrc 1412;24,101., 15a1406*45Coak. .JcGl f�91347As 0Aa1 fa0MSri? . ••w.mun9 ane twin Dsala�rodar0 IJ001* •1W ifELP,WANTED who. 6 r 7np lot Charas W004400454isun n Hawudon Coonan, roomba,. t wteNapyq. attc• argon nueatan Accor Available. 5,411 1 SOFF41v. 001 Waloreap MR IWS SIAI,ED Gs5 Su'ft NSS b ' 16P u 05 +nueda�r wes and 151 page caslogo. 0,01 ol.. Will or can. TM 1M 40 Placa. Bo. 16, 101st.'. Celan KOC 13.0 Ta 1400- 3 Tess 14' MCPg90o1.I(19*1 i 1. GmM T"" 'figra$ CL4.'» farce m1 Or. EtlM' 7000. iia I'M 1400481 4414 1 LIAt 5QUS FQR.&ALE i>M N p.man1�s 4 Ar ,. 8 f�.mrt: , and sat Nnenm a can. Pham 10 34001 RECREA4f1TIONAL VEHICLES MPI R 7. a CAMPING WW1 1 ;y o,g Ckerr+q .don Sea. � .. 5*7w de0w, 0,CyRR .59 191 34 )N . .MoRYCO3tr93Vw4ne• Vn 0EMQUDON HOSJSE K WAN1TEO noir; 44 IU1 h.+wi•ot d dd99s48 f.4 SAE , 54.01 1916 fewLEWanS .ANTEDs17gA•1 Av , 1444 _r� fi_eep 1 50 64405. tdM 7�11Q�fMM a'!a §Jrn,j 1Da1100v 0ly, , .. .111132M2l :NIH 4r,of/••v771177ii�N4 Mr 01W.tyew 66,1131.47,...":11g721 M6 a N 546�.�� �,0099�'o-ns p r fagl a rm 119r ow now N alM4f14 s*11*e1s!alleea • I Your aid could APPlaw In gocmnunity newspapers. In Onter1o. pr right /Across quad*,Il or any lndIddwal provfgas. SPAS* Is Welled, se Calc this fi4Wfp►p►r Today? t<