HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1992-04-22, Page 18Times -Advocate, April 22, 1992 Special St. Thomas service in Granton GRANTON - At the St. Thomas' Anglican Church on Easter Sunday, the Rev. Stephen Emery celebrated the Holy Eucharist and his message was about the Saviours Uncondi- tional Love which is eternal and ev- erlasting. The servers were Kayla ne Rolo- serr, Paul Acres, Sylvia and Mela- nie Beatson and Helen Hodgins read the lessons. Lynda Hodgins sang during communion, accompa- nied by the organist Marlene French. Feaster lilies, and Easter Garden Louise Wood (left), tums while she and Stephanie Kelly watch Kerrie Consitt skips double - Dutch Thursday moming during Jump Rope For Heart activities at Hensel! Public School. Priscilla Lambert (left), and Jllleana Knlp were hopping on Thursday at Hensall Public School's Jump Rope For Heart. Golden Glimpses ZURICH - The residents hope everyone enjoyed a joyous Easter. Residents who were out visiting with their families during the week- end were: Susan Leslie, Marcella Dietrich, Theresa Ducharme, John Soldan, Noel LaPorte, Nelson Howc, Edna Johnston, Dorothy Bapty, Alma Prance, Pearl Hooper, Aaron Gingerich, Elbeth Ginge- rich, Ellen McGoni1Z , Ann Wil- lem, Ted Steinbach, Sophie Misch- kc, Eileen Gemeinhardt, Harvey Keys and Mary Romaniszyn. Madeline Harburn was welcomed back from the hospital. Residents were pleased to wel- come the Christian Reformed choir on Tuesday evening when they brought the Easter message in song. The Thursday afternoon chapel service was conducted by Rev. John Hiibom of the Exeter United Church. Beatrice Rader presided at the organ during the service. The weekly bingo was held on Saturday afternoon. Easier bunnies were won by Alma Prance, Pearl Hooper and Oriole Harvey. and other spring flowers graced the church. Flowers were also placed in the church from tui funeral of Nor- man Devos of Chatham, brother-in- law of Margaret Oakley. A time of fellowship followed the service. Some from the St. Thomas' con- gregation attended the Maundy Thursday parish service in the eve- ning at Si. Paul's Church in Kirkton as well as the Holy Saturday and Easter Vigil service held in the eve- ning at St. Patrick's Church, Saints - bury. The Parish Good Friday service was held in the evening at St. Thomas' church, Granton when Rev. Stephen Emery's message was a reflection on the Father's love and a meditation on the Cross of Jesus. At the Granton United Church on Easter Sunday, a Sunrise service was held when Pastor Normalie Voakes' message was entitled "While it was still dark" based on the lesson from John 20. Special music was provided in an anthem "Lilies' by the choir. -dcfast followed the give: The Good Friday service for Granton and Wesley held in the evening at the Church wilt the theme The Passion through Wom- en's eyes. Carolyn Bryan was the pianist and scripture passages were read by Marilyn Humphrey "a homemaker speaks" by Jennifer Blake "a ser- vant girl speaks" by April Bryan "Pilate's wife speaks" by Ginger McColl, "a woman who offers drugged wine speaks" by Paula Pin- combe, "Mary Magdalene speaks"' and by Mary Waters "Mary, Mother of Jesus speaks". A duet At the Cross Her Vigil Keeping was sung by Jennifer and Dianne Blake. ,Personals Sympathy is extended to Ben and Trudy Kop and family in the death of Ben's mother Mathilda Kop last Monday. The Anglican parish Bible Study group met on Thursday afternoon at the home of Mary Jefferies. Seminar coming to library By Roberta Walker GRAND BEND - The public library is hosting a special semi- nar on May 27, at 7:30 p.m., "In- venting - From Concept to Mar- ket". This program is sponsored by the Lambton County Public Library, with the assistance of the Outreach Ontario Program of the Ministry of Culture and Communications, and the South- ern Ontario library service. Seminar leaders are experts in technical evaluation and market- ing from the Canadian Industrial Innovation Centre of Waterloo, Ontario. Now that you have an idea for a new product or ser- vice,where doyou gotofrndthe help you need to make your in- vention a reality? "Invent*, Prom Concept to Marta" intro- I duces you to the inventirie pro- cess, including evaluating the technical feasibility of year product, investigating legal pro- tection options, conducting pre- liminary market research and mote! Learn about the various Canadian resources available to you, many of them free of charge. As pan of the seminar, spelt participant units' Complete 1 p h- fessional InveeMlon Disclosate Form to take home and use as a first step in their own personal invention strategy. CaII 238- 2067. Seniors enjoy faster dimwit,' By Gertie Fleischauer off the Zurich Diners Quilt, dtttrat- ZURICH - One hundred diners ed by the late Frieda McAdams, enjoyed a delicious Easter Dinner which was sold to Susan Hemming - 'last Wednesday at the Community way. The Golden Agers WOOD -4 entre which was decorated in an --=mod by Frieda McArkreaswrs s - - Easter theme. Tammy Antaya welcomed all diners, especially visitors from Bayfield, Grand Bend and Hensall. The Easter Bunny was also present. Table Grace was said by Gary Carruthers, who also gave a mes- sage to the diners. A draw for an Easter Lily was won by Elda Wag- ner. Birdie Finkbeiner was the win- ner of an Easter Table Centre. Auctioneer John Finlay auctioned Board of Education discuss municipal .affairs document G -, All ? Cl" -:by the set: Thd iditial syaem is h1=' hmiteee taf;the arson Colin Bow of Municipal ready available to adjudicate any of.) unicip el Affairsdoe reviewed' nnent problems which might develop un- der this legislation. OPsuLocal int and con- The Ad,Hoc Committee holds the . eluded that the document does not position that the disclosure of as - w would sage concepts that the title sets as contemplated by the report would suggest is unduly bureaucratic and rh- Trustees Joan Jewitt, Num rive for municipal representatives. rep Pickell and Joan Van den Brock The position as articulated in the cont+ the suggestions in do -rt would require school trustees The Committce was dismayed to report credit card and store bal- ances of more than $ 1000. for the the suggcsl that a new (and un trustee and the trustee's spouse and wry) level of bureaux y minor children. The committee �� A Ivihmic>� Conflict of In- views this type of information as ir- at Q Commission would be added rnrlevant to proper functioning in at Queen's Park and drat it �d'municipal work and verylikely to � paid from revenues collected by deter good candidates from coming res and boards covered municipaliforward for office. Easter services held in Grand Bend By Roberta Walker QRAND BEND - Welcome to ,iiel Frank Vanhevel, infant Aim of Greg Vanhevel and Sharon Poen, who was baptiaeed into Ake ' 'bnmaculate Hent ;Mary Oturch Community on Easter,Sun- day. On behalf of Bishop J. Sher- lock, Noel Patrick Colin Greaves was confirmed during the Easter Vigil service by Father Paul Beck Congratulations also go to Mark Smits, John Patrick Breen, and Cameron Gordon Britton, who re- ceived their First Holy Communion on Easter Sun -day., Many thanks to the 12 young people who took part in the Wash- ing of the Feet on Holy Thursday, to the readers, the altar servers, the eucharistic ministers, the choir and choir director Dolores Tighe, solo- ist Roberta Walker, and the guest organists, who made Holy Week Services possible. A special thanks goes to organist John Verkley of Thedford, and to Darla, of Aylmer, who performed several lovely flute solos during the services. Thanks to Margaret Schoeley, who decorated the church so beautifelly. CWL The Catholic Women's League executive held a meeting on April 7 at the home of Grada Vie -aunts. it was decided to postpone the April 14 meeting until April 21, as the earlier date conflicted with Easter choir rehearsals. The guest speaker for the April CWL meeting was Eva Karchava, a Russian Exchange student who is staying at the home of CWL member Roberta Walker. The Easter Ecumenical Service will be held on Wednesday, April 22 at 8 p.m. at St. John's By the Lake Anglican Church. All ladies are invited lerinend. Women's Institute annual meeting GRAND BEND - On Thursday, April 16, Grand Bend Women's In- stitute met for their Annual Meet- ing. A bountiful potluck brunch was followed by a business meet- ing, chaired by President Donna Lovie, hems on the agenda includ- ed: the Zurich Fair display; the creation of a tablecloth for the Mil- ton Agricultural Museum; Stephen Township Sesquicentennial Pro- gram; 1994 Heritage Plaque; and the new Officers for 1992-93. There will be a Women's Institute Picnic on July 8 at Crediton, and a Workshop at Centralia on June 10. One hundred finger puppets have been handcrafted for the Medical Centre. Twenty-five volunteer hews were recorded by our mein hers. The next meeting will be May 21 at Dashwood, to take part in the South Huron District Annual meet- ing. Games of crokitiole concluded the afternoon. sold to Alfred and Rose Priest, Eleven ladies from St. Peter's Lu- theran church presented "Church Bird Watchers" a silent play with Phyllis Deichert as narrator. Ina Neeb read an Easter poem. Six tables of solo, euchre and bridge was enjoyed. Genie Fleischaner spent last weekend in London with her family She also participated in the Special Olympic Bowlathon for the Mental- ly Handicapped. Barbecue Winner Dave Moore Fuels and Town and Coiuntry Home . i;V3n2fort.vongratulate Jock !MIImi ton ' o l ill ► was the _lucky winner of a -barbecue in the draw held at the Hrxne and Garden show Last week. Sales manager Kevin Buchanan is shown presenting the barbecue to Jody. i AVE -ARE MOVING ON WEDNESDAY APRIL 29 TO 1�13ON STREET, CLINTON, ONTARIO our Telephone Numbers will stay the same (519) 482-3428 or 1-800-265-5170 N r NEW FIELD OFFICE O.M.A.F. JOHN ST. COON& ST. HWY. 4 TO BLYTH t NORTH P-: TOWN OF CUNT t l re