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Times -Advocate, April 22, 1992
Crediton Institute
sets new slate
of officers
CREDITON - The annual
meeting of the Crediton Wom-
en'. Institute was held Wednes-
day night, April 15 and the new
executive was installed.
_--.he new president is Marg
McClure, replacing past presi-
dent here Haugh. Lois Hodgins
fills the role of vice-president.
Jane Dearing is the secretary
and Alma Davey is treasurer.
The assistant secretary-tresauer
is Dianne Finkbeiner. Irene
Haugh is the district director
and the alternate -1r- Eleanor
Following the business meet-
ing, a brown bag sale was held
with proceeds going to Pennies
for Friendship.
A very large crowd was in at,
tendance for the annual Easter
and Communion service at Zion
United Church in Crediton, Sun-
day morning.
Prior to the service, the youth
group of the church sponsored a
very successful and delicious
pancake breakfast.
Senior choir practice is to-
night, Wednesday at the church
at 8 p.m.
Retiring Crediton Women's Institute president Irene Haugh
was presented with a gift by another past president Eleanor
Flowers of Hope campaign begins
By Roberta Walker
GRAND BEND - Flowers of
Hope 1992 began their campaign
with their -annual Captains Dinner,
held at ARC Industries on April 7.
Henry VanEssen, President of
Community Living, South Huron,
welcomed all the captains and vol-
unteers who will be conducting a
door to door canvass in the month
of May.
The target for the '1992 fund rais-
er is S15,000 for assisting those
people in our -community who have
a mental handicap. Most govern-
ment program don't cover the entire
cost of assistive devices, like spe-
cial shoes, and dentures aren't cov-
ered at all. '
Money from Flowers of Hope
also goes toward supporting the
swimming -program for children
with Challenging Learning Needs
at McCurdy, or for Youth Involve-
ment Ontario, a CLN teen support
group at Exeter High School.
Last years' campaign was scaled
down to a mail -out, but due to en-
thusiastic grass roots support, the
majority of communities in the area
will be conducting the canvass this
year. Ila Mathers, chair of the fund-
raising committee, gave an update
to the captains and distributed the
canvassing material. Monday, June
1 is the date of the Captains Tea,
when all money and receipts are to
be returned.
Here is a list of the captains for
each area: Centralia - Kay Tripp;
Crediton - Phyllis Collett; Dash-
wood - Marilyn Steinmann: Hay
Townsrtip - Marg Love and Deb
Denomme; Hensall - Bill Gibson;
Huron Park - Mary Lou Becker,
Stephen Twp. 1 - Wayne King; Ste-
phen Twp. 2 - Lois Turnbull; Us -
borne 1 - Clarice Hern and Marleen
Hutton; Usborne 2 - Judy Ellering-
ton Usborne 3 - Annie Bray; Us -
borne 4 - Anny Weernink; Usbome
5, Jane VanWieren; Tuckersmith -
Bert Branderhorst; Zurich - Doro-
thy Dietrich; Exeter S.E. - Ted
About town in GB
By Roberta Walker
• GRAND BEND - Congratula-
tions to Blaise Duchatme of St. Jo-
seph's, who won the 50/50 draw
held by the Grand Bend Chamber
of Commerce.
The next Chamber of Commerce
general meeting will be held on
May 12 at 7:30 p.m.
The April dates are completely
filled for the "55 alive" Mature
Drivers' Refresher. Course. Please
watch for the May dates, to be de-
cided soon, or call 238-6500 for
further information.
Grand Bend Nursery School is
holding their registration for 1992-
93 on May 12, Tuesday, from 9 to
11 am., in the lower level of the
United Church.
Dabber Bingo starts on May 5 at
the Grand Bend Legion to be held
each Tuesday at 7 p.m., with lots of
prizes and fun.
Don't forget to purchase a dog tag
for your pet today - the 1992 dog
tags are now available at the Mu-
nicipal Building.
Are you interested in participat-
ing in Grand Bend Pride '92? All
volunteers are to meet between
May 2 to May 9 for a general clean
up of Grand Bend. Call 238-8362
or 238-8583 for further informa-
May is a busy time for the Grand
Bend Horticultural Society. On
May 3, the club is sponsoring a
Spring Concert by the New Huro-
nia Singers, to be held at the Le-
gion Hall at 2:30 p.m. Fred Bates
and his crew are still available to
clean up your yard and grounds,
and prune your shrubs.
On Wednesday, May 27, at 7
p.m., the club is hosting their Sec-
ond Annual Youth Night, with
judging of the best plants and
awarding of certificates. At 7:30
p.m.. the monthly meeting begins,
followed by a "plant swap". (Bring
a plant and go home with a differ-
ent one:) If you have a green
thumb, consider joining the Horti-
cultural Society. If you don't, come
to a meeting for some advice. Keep
the information flowing and keep
all our gardens growing!
The sympathy of the entire com-
munity is extended to Clara Hamil-
ton and her family, on their loss of
Alec Hamilton, husband and father,
who passed away recently. Alec
had been a friendly face around
Grand Bend for as long as most of
us can remember, and will be sadly
The Grand Bend Cub Scouts
have been meeting at the Pinery
Chalet, near the toboggan hill, in
Pinery Provincial Park. Last week
they took the opportunity to hike
the Lookout Trail, before the meet-
Some of the Cubs will be attend-
ing a baseball game at Labatt's Park
in London on May 3, organized by
the Lucan Group Committee, to sec
a London Tigers game.
Blanshard Municipal Telephone, System
customers may enter contest
See below for instructions
To enter the bi-weekly prize draws and the grand prize draw, in-
dependent customers can submit their name and address, plus
a handwritten explanation of not less than 25 words on why they
would like to make a long distance telephone call. Entries are to
be mailed to Car for Life Entry, P.O. Box 5055, Paris, Ontario,
N3L 3W5. This will enter the participant in the bi-weekly draw
for the period during which the entry was received and once for
the grand prize draw.,,These customers can enter as often as
they wish, but must use separate envelopes for each entry.
To obtain bill inserts which include the scratch and win and
scratch and match pbrtions of the contest, these customers
should send a stamped, sett -addressed envelope to Bell Con-
test Mailers, Box 4099, Paris, Ontario N3L 3W9.
Please note that the methods of pafioipatton outlined above are
alternatives that are also made available to Bell customers.
VanRoestel, Exeter C.E. Glenna
Hilborn; Exeter N.E. Fred Sim-
mons and Exeter N.W. Dianne
Waun; Exeter C.W. - Ila Mathers;
Exeter S.W. Doris Hackney; Grand
Bend - Southcott - Sandi Kapita-
nuik; Grand Bend Village - Roberta
Walker, Grand Bend Huron Woods
- Fran Ellison.
Many thanks to these captains
and their volunteers. When a can-
vasser calls at your door in May for
Flowers of Hope, please be gener-
Early Bird Draw held
for GB Salmon Derby
By Roberta Walker
GRAND BEND - Organizers of
the Grand Bend Salmon Derby held
an Early Bird. Draw on April 18 at
the Fisherman's Flea Market on
Saturday afternoon. Of the 370
tickets sold thus far, Don Southcott
of Southcott Pines, Grand Bend,
won the weekend for two in Toron-
to and tickets to a Blue Jays Game.
Hugh Wilson fromLondon won the
charter tour for four on a Mosquito
2 Charter boat during the Salmon
This was the first year for a Fish-
erman's Flea Market to be held in
conjunction with the annual Sal-
mon Derby. Organizers were very
pleased with the number of people
who came to the Pinedale Inn, to
browse among the display tables
and swap fishing yarns. Local clubs
were invited to participate, and
there were about 10 large tables set
up, offering a wide variety of rods,
reels, lures, creels, down riggers
and other fishing equipment. There
was one table which featured fish-
ing knives of every shape and di-
The Grand Bend Salmon Derby
runs from May 9-18 this year, so
get your ticket soon, or call 238-
2231 for more information. Why
don't you try for the largest salmon
this year, and create your own
"Fish Story" for posterity.
The Early Bird Draw for the Grand Bend Salmon Derby was
held Saturday afternoon at the Pinedale Inn. Winners were
Don Southcott, who won a Blue Jay weekend in Toronto from
Ellison Travel, and Hugh Wilson who won a fishing charter
from Mosquito 11 charters. Drawing the tickets were derby
chairman Erwin Schottroff (right), and Hugh Mathieson, who
won the trip two years ago.
The media, magazines, newspapers and television, occasional-
ly produce reports that Canada is running out of cemetery
space. They often are rather speculative, and contain some un-
believable statistics about how soon we will run out of room to
bury our dead.
This problem is highly exaggerated, we assure you. Except in a
very few isolated cases, the cities are not yet so vast nor so
dense that we have used up our cemeteries. Plenty of space is
available, at least for the foreseeable future.
Full funeral services, followed by burial, remain the choice of
most people for their departed loved ones.
As funeral directors, we can provide you general informatipn
about the cemeteries in our area and advise lou in your funeral
planning decisions. Please call us or stop by if you would like
more information.
Phone 235-1220
Staffa by Roberta Templeman
STAFFA - Following a morning
of quilting, Margaret Christie and
Marion McCaughey served our tas-
ty soup and potluck lunch.
Jay Dearing and Ada Pethiek
were in charge of our April pro-
gramme - an Easter theme which
included scripture and prayer by
Jay, a reading by Ada and a 40 -
minute video entitled, "Palm Sun-
day and the Crucifixion", which
was accompanied by excellent
Marion McCaughey accomps-
nied the singing of When I Survey
the Wondrous Cross.
In the absence of the secretary,
Verld Mahon read the minutes of
the March meeting. Our collection
of used clothing was delivered to
Good Will Industries, Stratford on
March 23 as promised. We thank
those who contributed and deliv-
It was decided to donate a quilt to
SAAIL in Stratford where Harbour
House is being established for
young men. A donation of fifty dol-
lars was made to Stratford Chil-
dren's Aid (Kamping Kids).
Seaforth Northside United
Church invited us to their 0 Cana-
da Quilt Show May 8, 1-9 p.m.,
May 9, 10-5 p.m. Registration
forms are available for anyone
wishing to display or offer for sale.
We expect to have represents -
Shoes attend the April event at Main
St. United Church, Mitchell on
Monday, April 27 at 7 p.m. Bring
your mug.
Our May meeting led by Marga-
ret and Joan Daynard will be held
May 13, at 8 p.m. The topic will be
Violence Against Women. Pianist
will be- Gwen Cfiristie and hostess
Dorothy Dow. Margaret Christie
Kime, Mills, Dunlop.
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