HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1874-3-12, Page 3( oar 8 Clliin E'QQWas delightin8;4i4,. en:04 large• townie, en xzo�at ' r'beollslless,, alld has not tnli}liedhis g• e b leaving. the place and WS un- • TTheThefa :wi Qiii4ers of the �? 11 stoles. Department h leendo i havhad their salaied inereasec by the amount set opposite their 111111108 :—Mr,• J. •E titre:thy, Col actor 1,00. Mr. Collett, Boob' -Beeper, $100 ; Mr. D. Celaieron, M Surveyor, $x200 ;r. Ineine, landing 'waiter, $50 Mr. Church, ;Waiter, $50, A family living, at Grinnell, Iowa, vias lroisoned by trichina) mime thirteen weeks ago, and two of the zuembere sub seenently died from the effects ; yet that the poison was by trichinae has just been brought to light by Chicago physicians. Fourteen weeks ago the family of L. P,.T31ood, a farmerdwell- ingnear Grinueil, comprising thirteen; enembers, two daughters-in-law and two grandchildren included. All were well and fitrong couatitutions, such as are bred ou the level lands of central Iowa. Father and mother, Hulbert, J.,, and wife, with Bertha and Lillie, his child- ren, Wallace and; wife, Mary, Annie, Willie, Agnes and Perley, these i om, posed the healthy and happy, group -- and now two lie stark cold in death. The leferohant's Salt' Company', eif Seai;orth, have recently; tested the prac- ticability of .evaporating salt litho b the aid of crude • petroleum iustQas.d of wood. r The xeult is that salt can be made An this n11ituner as cheap is ;with Woo'L et $2.50 per cord. : ��ron�, the report of the Commission- �.,r of Agriculture and Public Works of Ontario, we observe that the total ex- penditure on public works (not includ- ing repairs) sine Confederation, have been $2,00,078 88, Frora thismust be deducted $51,648 64 expended on Agrieim1tuxa1 Farm, Mimics), since ab- andoz h' It i ''aid iA that nearly all the oin- ian, sessional messengers }navereceived notice that their services will not be re. cluired during the approaching session.. Annie Scott, • a buxom Westminster maiden, ;about five weeks since, pur- 1oiued eecloth Mantle from Mre. Coop©', of. London township, while the latter was visiting at Deacon's hotel. Miss Scott says she can't account for her indiseretion. Arrangements have been made for holding a grand mass meeting in the temperance cause in London this (Thursday) evening. Spettigue Hall will be filled an the occasion. The President of the Western Prohibitory League, Rev. G. M. Innes, M. A., will preside, and addresses may be expected from Messrs. Ross and Bodwell,M.P's., Knowlton and others. Prof. Samuels will have a choir of young ladies pre- sent, who will no doubt enliven the pro- ceedings with their beautiful selections. • Lueknow people appear to be in somewhat the Fame predicament as the dog leas in the fable of the dog and bone; Tile bone of contention is whe- ther to join the County. of Huron or that of Bruce. _According to the Serzti- v,at, those of tl,• nopulation living in l�i:ll�,t r bare ;,:,.,1 1:: the full rigor of Tit'• t'1: t4P,s.E, i!ila.te, sit:, ' A si. 1 -# ,. h,,, a\.L Wwv,i+, lel.' 7.. t ,?Hess they l):anze<lia sJi ,:,' > resign of leaking ::- vitt-Igo nen of .the County of lin- eon 1,11d will it be belieeed, Wawan- a,a !? Fel )anhey: and petition 4, 1874 .,1'ho %glie ving areio iortj' t �e P00100.1be. 400Yr0otodbY 3paoltnhkin scZl3agk.) b rale)( 410extow 'lip 0 100. i u 09 In ° li a ,, GO � f a r A C flat r, per i?arxgl ..,,,. # 1bVC"0 .k00 l rias . 13a:key ,•. , l „ 25 20. 80, o.Uru ,.. ,, .,, f ±)o .00 a 05 1}ot y to s. ... , p0 lO 1. 00 s,U „ 4 0 t 30,00. mr 1 Q lr t# rard �"1 N COCA , ,,..,., huE'0U •sa�n w atthe St e.." t hes r. er ElC e C abouttwo weeks the subscriber Wit. show And in. 'e 'finest and best' Assorted Stock he has ever th had. WAITED. h ich eggs,, Thousand J�ozeu, gg ,. One Hundred. The i g heat Price in. Cash Will be paid. -has followed alter petition, until iTv,r' there` has been .. one presented to the Grave inept praying for the village to be relieved of all. amunieipal Vonore and taken. again to fat bosoms of its math- ers_Kinlose and Waw.auoeh. Ye quarrelsome people• did, ye..only know zn which: • lay ;the mine of 'health how soon your decision . would be made. .... . . :',McGowan,'/I. P. P., of North Wel- lington, was wined and dined at Elora, on Friday last, and Farrow, M. P., was dined and wined, at Fordwich, in.North diuran, on Tuesday: ' • • The ,movement is spreading. We see by the Advocate, of Friday last, that a prayer meeting was held in Thompson & Wzllerns paint shop at noon on Thurs- day. ;. The wleekmen wereaddressed by Rev. 14lessra.: 'Mitchell and 'Rodgers. Knox church choir was'_.presente A. protest; hal been entered against the return of• Sir. Jolin A. Macdonald; Sorge of the opposition. press •say no l nor" If Jolie A. can be proven guilty of bribery, he has no more right to ' take hie neat in the House than M. ;C. ,Ce;m•eron,. - Fair play's bonnie play." Listowel council have decided upon stelinr 'ng .a by-law to the ratepayers of that villitge on the 21st inet , for prohi- biting together the sale of spirituous' liquors `'' Tit tLiberal"Con'ser•tatives of Moan - 21'74 Held a meetitig'onliTeduesday, the `S„t1ilit., At Elston's Hotel, for the •Mr. Haywood,, of'ielitellexi,' Die "'reuet. 'pied the appointment of City Chamber- ' lain'of:Winn•ipeg..'. ” The Kiricardlne Review still indulges Iri such choice epithets as " Ohiok " -a- . biddy," Sanctimony," a Smellfknges," . etc., :towards, its'cotem e,• . A geispieieus-lookiag.peeson, Who'ap- •etwered the description of a well known character in London, was obet'er'bed try-; ing the windows ;of Aid, :Aiidsu`i, resi='•' dence on Waterloo street,, est ftl early hour on . Saturday night. Detective E hair wa informed of the oceurence; and' wade an exalnil atien of the:proem- sou. Ap force af• apociale wag. kept in the ,vicinity ''aurin the night but the burglar did not `make his second ap- pefeenlco.: A Vat named McWalters, -awhile going horrie at abotit eleven o'clock the night previous, was ages:nit ed by throe' Men at' the cern'' °Meter loo and Pall Mall streets. The robbers did not get anything for their trouble, Owing to the fact that Mi. McW, when approaching, them; deposited his watch and chain inside his trousers, and both slipped into his stockings, ^wherc they remained secure from the villians. w.• M 1 ont:het, in a great work, The Universe Faye "That Arnatoteieally'atd phtsycally speak. lug, the )Inman mechtieism le very rndb and corirae eorritsared to the exquleite deliduey re- • teai'edtint he orgntiistni ai 'cetitte 4kninials; Ilnt 'blue, the intellect, the real scepter !of the tea trerNd, pterlominntoe Mier the appssrontlnperree iond matter, 'Though If'nark alone•'app ptoseh= throne rht; est the dltascri ar:;s,,ttires titre sbnrao ern, t of the Menial, and hie structure ho belongs to our' sphere, be rooms already to elevate MIAOW tow era. the 6nprerne tlesenco by the al, Bade of lilt' genius.,'; A gritind and pliilosophi(s truth and ;Vet how corripnraiivly small the number of the ear'th's indabitente. Were marl to eotiCbrm r'io't) to the laws of health incl, of tee •tart! and be lose wide:tea to tho,;rittificataon of his Yint3.oris, it would not bo ziceestiary, to ace- , o 'ekes• , - of _ t a �ollowe Cam aurid 6 trrp 1 yp p Aida ab a reatotati7e for rho poweee a the hM t end tiaelatis geatbin, *tile the iverld's r ;'O titeed be Feb.' 25,1874. t .....••,gig --- .F3RODERICK. LUCAN� Rteceiits Disbursements -1873. RECEIPTS.. .Amount in Treasurer's hands, from 1872.........,,...$ 58 78. X0.11106) Gleeson, Shop License 40 00 Thomas Hodgins, " " 40 00 Edward Mara, a' 40 00 • Michael Crunioan „ i, 40 00 Henry B. Quarry, rr " 40' 00 John W. Carroll, Tavern License 25 .00 Joseph Fitzheney, " " 25 00 W. E. Wilkins, " " 25 00 • Robert McLean, " 25 00 John Cain, •" i . 25 00 Samuel Plenary, .s 25.00 William Walker, " 'i" 25 00 11. Macklin, Circus License 1.0 00 Show License 8 00 Wm, Stanley, weigh Scales 86 00 Clergy Reserve Fund 66 85 W. W. Lee, Collector, balance from 1872 21 00 County of Middlesex, for townlines 100 00 John C. Frank, back taxes . 20 28 Thomas Abbott, Taxes collected 4 50 .it. H. O'Neil, Statute Lal or colleetedfrom young men 5 00 Fin.os 2 00 Wln. Stanley, " 2 00 W. W. Lee, Taxes collectel� in part 251 00 R. Thompson, amount of Collector's Roll 1677 44 $2627 80 EXPENDITURE. ROADS, BRIDGES, AND DRAINS. John Ryan, drawing ashes in 1872 $ 1 00 i' drawing lumber for sidewalk...... 75 Richard Thompson, lumber for sidewalk 18 20 John C. Frank, nails for sidewalk 1 40 P. Hefferin, .ditching 1 25 J. A. Orme, making crossing at the Post Office 20 80 John Ryan,, gravel for weigh scales. 2 18 Richard Thompson, repairing Dueler's Bridge $ 87, F':'tere ir, Mtbifig`b3ftr8 yaro .::,r...,,;.._.....�_._.1C;1..7,5::. Win. Davis, shovelling snow ......,., 1 001 00 P. H fferin, filling up an old well P. Ile 13 25 Orme, repairs done, and team one day 7 08 121 46 11 25 75 100 00 6 02 1' 45 82 80 8 00 1. 00 4 10 1 50 B. Stanley, 118 lbs. of nails .. W. Donovan, building sidewalk........:... 7,1 days work repairing sidewalk G. Thurman, repairing Bridge E. Leech, gravelling dredge..... , J. A. Orme, lumber for `'sidewalk .......•.. error in half cord of gravel. Putting in box drain :and covering same W. Walker, filling hole for the old scales D. Whalen; ditching 3. Leech, making culvert ......... George Hodgins, repairing sidewalk $:516 11 MISCELLANEOUS. 1 80 Free Press, advertising Court of Revision P. Hefferin, levelling circus ring .- 1 1 8000, ,deridith Metidith, law fees....... •......, ......... 5 00 2 53. 4 00 2 00 2 00 6 00 $ 27 08 'John Flanagan, tiles for weigh scales Glass tit Fitzgerald, law fees...., , Siddona do Dawson, printing. audit sheet M. Smith, statute Labor refunded for ��1872 ••. lira. McCarty ...." Mlri. Hodgins, use of Council Boom . •-•••• ••-••• MUNICIPAL OFFICERS' SALARIES. "?;. It. H: O'Neil, Reeve, and selecting jurors: W. Porte, Councillor P. Mcllhargy, Councillor R. McLean, Councillor... 0. McRoberts, Councillor .. ••••.•...•.••.' .TL Macklin, clerk and selecting jurors •• registration births, marriages and deaths rr" 1ieeurning,eifireer,'po7,3uarters ".l+:np,•�w�•• J. C • Frank, Treasurer ....... , . .... . D. McRobert, License Inspector J. Thompson, Auditor • •' T. Hossaok, Auditor • W. W.Lee,for collecting part,: of 'taxes " Inspecting gravel,; and notifying for m't'g • R. Thompson, collecting license for "1872 • « ,a ' , the•Roll' M. Oreulican, .Asseinior and selecting Jurors..... ..•• " SCHOOL PURPOSES. School Trustees' Order. .....:...., $1000 00 Treasurer; T'p of Biddulph'; Int: 4o ll 1r. Edey 80 00 Municipal School Grant by order of J. Dearness, 115 00 '12 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 22 00 6 00 8 00 5 00 12 00 4 00 4 00 1000 14 00 3 00 25 00 27 00 $ 190 50 $1105 00 COUNTY OF MIDDLESEX. Treasurer, Cotiilty of Middlesex..,,...-... ....,...•:..$ 120 00 AWARD, Treasurer, Township of 1iddulph, onawerd..,.....,.. 135 00 ABSENTEE LIST. Thomas Rariton, Lot 224, 4th con. line,' 1-5 of acre 14 14 4 Martin Omelia, part of Lot 5,. S. L. R., 5 acres . 8 .Andrew Keefe, Lot 42, Water Street, Butler's survey 95 5 67 Jacob Kennee, part Lot 5 S. L. I3., 6 acres..•...,.•..,. $ 12 64 RECAPITULATION. Romig, Sidewalks, and Drains ,..,.. . .. 516 11 Municipal Officers`Sctlarics..•,,,..,..«..,••••... + , • 100 50 2/ 08 1,fiscellaneous .. . . ..: ..: . Schools : . ................................. 1105, 00 12 00 14I i Seventy of ... 0 0 Township .. 195 of 13iddulph ....:.:..:............•.�•"•. 12- 64 Absentee List.,r..a.:.,,,.�:,...va.rv,ar,. ««:. r.:......r: `$2256 88 ...,. 2627 82 Total Ameant of � p , ,.. 2256 8$. Tottnl amauiit as+ExliCu(Iltttro ..............•+:_,.'..•:� Tota amount ilt Treasurer's hands ,.........:.........$ 871 49 .CgtAl ' JOSHUA . T4OMP ON lAt ditors Ti {1nSSACK jtttett , moot 1814, Lard 10't 12 utsmgwa. 50082 5010 3ueapp 81 tu�a�. 20 80 1 00 Larutk l3kit:s. 75 C?h 1 Q0 Calf skills 00 Ca.) 10 'Weed....,,,, 200,82 1300 Apples i'qr bine 60 t4 15 mlran 00 " ' 00. )shorts 01 " 0 00 I'orlt .,.. . , '1'arkoys #oro ci t<} 7 coats' iqr nb ; dame, 5 cants, ,per ib ; Uhlgkons, from 20 to 60o, ;sor;pair, straw pow koad, 49 00 to 4400, 1dON1)013, (from, yesterday's %res Press White Wheat now.... 0190 " 1 00 41&1 ,.. 1 80 " 1 87 73eci Fall Wheat, old 1 07 " 1 00 " now. 1 00 " 1 15 Sprlug, 013... 1 12 " 1 00 13sthle3, now:,....,. , . 1 00 " 1 48 V08,13„ , ..,... 55 100 oats now 1 00' 3. 00 Eggs,fresh per dos 27 ” 28 1;1008' fli . ..• , 00 s „' 7i ;,los ..,..... 8T.ot43. t'6;.. Full<whest $ 1 95 " 9 00 Sprang Wheat 1 80 " 1 89 Oats, ...,, ..... .,.......... , 1 i2 " 1 98. P0:6e 107 100 Butter 15 " Ens , ..,....,.. 15 " . G 14 00 ",1c 90 Wood,.... .::............. 7 p075. 7 00 Pork • SEAFORTII Fall: Wheat Sp:sng Wheat Barley Oats,, Peas Butter, No 1 Eggs 15 " is H ywa 1s 00001500 Ifi�iee .11 00" rS 50 60 " y 00 4112" 116 1 000 •'" 1 as 3 55 " 1 255 a6." 40 58 " 60 20 " •25 MIVVAk Buffalo March 11. Qaitio--2Marltet opened, dull, Ile' coapts 805 heed over last week's regolpts. Market stronger but 10t quotably lli(;h r or. No silos, though Ole 1?ld for the boot Illizaois 93 oers iu •nmarket, and 0 o asked., 1 d. Mileh eons---l3ecoil>ts 2f5 l oa Market dull, and $85 to $55 vase asked forcol>inlon to fair, A tlQerease of $5 from last woelc'o prices. Sheep and Lambe—Itoeeipts 1,600 her►d, or 4,200 mare thttn'1ast wee/i.. Two,thirds are coumnion and inferior.. the 'market Opened ie off on all grades. Sales of common to fair at. go to 6 o; fair to good Glc to 70; and ,extra at 70 to 8c. ill fa 2'!`I Weroar,—lu $oaforth, en the 27th. ult., the wife of Mr. Jas. Wright, shoemaker, of a aughter. McGeneoa--MCAarnsu.-At the Mouse, EiP- pen, on Marcie 3, by ltov. 11, Cameron, Mr, Richard McGregor, of Toronto, to Margaret, eldest daughter of Robert McArther, Esq., of 'Tuebersmith. V6i v41 1 Nnuno•—McPoorntr.-13y'D. Olipllmzat' at the residence of the bride'sfathor, Fob. 24, W. 2t. Vanvalkeuburg, of Zurich, to Miss Mary Ann McDougall, of Stanley. FLa7cnrn—•Gonpox—ley Bev. 1. Barr, at the residence of the bride's father, March:10th. T. Fletcher, ofl)uuckuow,to Miss Jane Gordon of tllis town- ceee--F'um'e, ne leo', onh Edwards, at the risidonce of the b7idoxe father, March 8r1.Wm. Oke to Miss Mary A.nn,Frayne both (Olio Township of Usborne. Peas-•-teeeee i.—By the sande, "at the resi- dence of ;the Bride's father, Mr. Henry'ly- lin?flof Tnokersmith, to Mis Elizabeth Pengally 61 the township of Usborns. Y NEW. The undersigned begs to announce to his Customers and the P blic generally that he WILL OPEN HIS STOES AT Centralia and CREDITON, On or about the 20th inst., An Entire New Stock of IN cOoP Great Bargains May be Looked For. UMW 'PHOS. GR,EEr•TWAY. GROCERIES AND LIQUORS G. A. MACE Groceries, consisting ox Green, Black, and Japan TEAS, ' Raisins, Currants, Prunes, Rice, agars, &C., Which he is prepared to S ELL CHEAPER THAN EVER. v DON'T FAIL TO GIVE THE NEW STORE A. CALL. Exeter, Feb,, 26, 1874. ` ' opsorevereelFhhSN tor 2110 1ateere .i e.4a�ea u a n people of 0t0 03)4 adOi 083$0 o s't e t o f a w t zs b ilo r � t , t? r1YYws peni9K d*0444ae4t1 L4rge$tOid )Ta4CompeteSiacK.• OT GOODS IN r1 1dE COUNTY. COMPRISINCt Dry Coeds, Goad Cads ClotbizeOgratine Irate 44 Caps, Craooz'io i, Zoo /413.00 hardware, Cx'oolzory, r, , PAINTS,‚OILS, ETC., ETC, �U � f 4,11 of wllioh will be found to be as 19w as any other reliable hone* is the,seants`J, Remember this is the Oldest Established H-Iousf in. the County Opposite Office 1 JOHN BANTON ...aim.,.. At the beginning of the New Year, begs to tender his hearty thanks to his many patrons ani friends for the support so liberally and kindly accorded to him since opening in April lest, ane to assure them and the public generally that no effort will be spared to make it both a and a profitfor those who favor him with s call to do business w►ib. hon. 6a he is auxlous to do Business With Good Men and knowing that many of this class do not find it oonvenient to pay for every article at time of purchasing, he has adopted the following system, which will be strictly carried out : AL LACCO'CfNTS will become dueand payable on 1st January, 1st April, 1st July, and 1.0 October, in eaoh year. Interest will be charged on all past due accounts, at the rate of 8 per gent. per annum. The Goods will be plainly marked at the LOWEST POSSIBLE FIGURES and no discount allowed. The prion asked will in no case be deviated from, so that the sooa11- est child can purchase se econ rnically as the shrewdest buyer. Drugs, . Drug STATIONERY i (Sign of the Lied Mortar, LOGAN). DRUGS, PATENT DT's Swum, Wonus OF FICTION, TRAVEL, ETC. Circulating Library'.: Complete Stook Prices Low Call ,elicited N. AIBosworth 3. Y. Savage. Liman, rob. 19th. 1874. 96 - Dominion. Medical Laborato A CHOICE LOTS Op' JEW ElanY i AT THE SAME ~PLACE. WATCHES, CLOCKS, ETC. �( ESS TRUNKS, et SADDLES, HARNESS, JOHN RANTON. REMOVAL ! REMOVAL MOVAL ! Has purchased the stock of Mr. J. A. Nelles, and has removed his stock BOOKS and Stationery to the stand lately occupied by Mr. Nelles, and all ORDERS ARE PROMPTLY FILLED, ` REMEMBER TNF, SPOT: BW . �q G ire purcha 08 w;l1031 G. Bo sm.= BI YE 21ZNl Z $O21y bas boon milling from British Alaxtufacturars dux - 3u4 tiny months of JOnuary and February, ars NOW COMMENCING TO ARRIVE. 8h))ieeenentsPee °cepn eteepeore I'1. U S$1 &N, COBBtNTl31AN, and H113IatN1AN, Are Now Opening U p Further Shipments on the .Wa «. Ys BOTS VIA NEW YORK AND POR'TLL D. (; 8. SMITE. St, liiary's, Maroh o; 1874 SEEDS. 7� 1 � . SEEDS. —o ANY SON Sending an. Order to Cleo. J. Griffin, Seed Merchant, London, To the amount of $2I0. WILL RECEIVE A BEAUTIFUL CHROMO FOR VEGETABLE a, FLOWER SEEN INSOLVENT ACS, OF 1SEe., In the County Court of the County of Huron. CANADA,': 1 In the matter of J. 61W Province of Ontario, lF GRANDY Co. or Hunox. IksOLv.NrS. Tho undersigned have fieri in the Oka of this Court a deed of Composition and Discharge execu- ted by their Creditors, aid on Tuesday,. the 318t day of March next, they will apply to the Judge of the said Court for a confirmation of the Discharge thereby effected. J. k W. GRANDY, by Ranson Lt Mnrsns, their Attornies, adldtem.. Dated at Zurich, this 2011 day,of February,1874. 27 -td. FARM FOR SALE The undersigned offers Iris Farm, Lot 10, Con, '4. Stephen, for sale. It consists of 78 acres. There is a large brink house, (new) a storey and a -half, oh the promises, with;new brink dairy and grainory eTHOMAS Gti>s 01' C Zie,L=CSSET &S0N (LATE OP RATS TON,) Would intimate to their numerous friends and the general public that they are prepared to mien orders for Monuments, Headstones, Table Tops, Mantles, dm. Granite Monuments InTorted to Order. Work of the best style, and art, and cannot bo surpassed in this part of Ontario. A Call respectfully solicited. Opposite Logan & Janiiasoil's Store, MAIN STBEPT, S1 AFOBTR M. T. MESSET. H. MISSET. taINEXTei Ila'"'" DOOR• TO '- JOHNS' 1a" TREBLE'S. i OPENED 0 'la CC 'iel?4 G. .l.a�.0 ri; T ' "', EXETER, 's:''lir ou -Harness Maker for the past81r800n year1 Y e ort the ortunit of Sadden' g 111 iia are Customers for moven' Wha fiat gstrtfod •, , ortitrtit of ratursiiitg his Sincere tilankd to hie many 1(118111 ptiO:acos this opportunity Y. ..retain this patronage and that of his new r,ustomeio liui3l'tti no begste bs0 888811 t no bop, on hand andtusked 0` order a ieteemes, o• rV1n0nt of lto' bagel to dtrtb that no StooPrt HEA LIGHT I GJT I-IAFtNESS which he es as any other in the Dominion, 10'keepsilispecial lA I atte lrisld oClS of 140108E CLOTHING, just received, Tic CO oei p, ,�a / PATENT Slt AND OYE Z "CHECK. "f"U � �ROCI�INE�L, t facets of the k3' IYulrAif�t21!ll`1 dole Villi io little of collarsend Ilse g rd's Moro. 014a01i 11 at pm, i, Isillt711Fu x'LACL4 hllol,14 nth of 2140: reeled wltll yteattisett ,., �><ar >walxnili 01,0. EACRE TT (i 0 TO THE OLD ESTABLISHED DRUG STORE For the largest and bast assortment of PURE DRUGS, MEDICINES, DYES, WINES AND LIQUORS for medicinal use, And over-tlling usually kept in a first-class Drug Store. Special attention paid to filling receipts and prescriptions, end satisfaction guaranteed. C.sVANDUSEN, H.B. WINAN, DI 19. Chemist etc Druggist. EXETER, ON's'.' - --0• mt. Sohn Drew would inform tho publio that he has opened out his 1e'nrnitnro ttfareirodesfr frills pea building opposite the TIMER office, and is filling them With ONE (7F TH WS BEST STOCKS ONTARIO, ltoompiisee Metre, Tablet, Mande, Bur -tee, Cupboards, Sideboards,aad :iiedatesis, las Ise also on hand, a choido solectton of WTES, REP COVERED DRI WINS WAN:SUITES PARLORS 'Banging in Brice up ib $175. 'Iron will fled 'Leto everything ti1tially kept In a Fir' st.el off, t 148 bhe' Inteni.v Re ais0 ***sets Shortly a lenge i eeetiatlon I .l. d./ BE BESTL,i RJ.� *VERY it&7 Elberton. The Whole the bort lianriia+dtiirarr lI, tltliiln Botig'!ik frons VriZilla SO= yy�P ral BUY THE Best Organ Made. THE ONLY MEDAL EVER ER AWARD FON OR- , o84rs IN TEM UUMrNIUN, ,, . ov6 descri lion mad. �Irles �t r ltlrizl : tions promptly, i'lettiro I`l � P N', S3, r step � � ll, alit . G ive the subscriber a sill. ecI �' 3011SD1r3��� V7/114. Il sum C d1.v CO$'7 ritt IYd J mv..4JJ.' dW.Avett, 1 IN BRITAIN AND V�FlI1Ri]V1CR, snrEN, out Organs era univer, dall#t acknowlodgod to be etri'11anon To AOL oTina:,ii in allll the essentials of A goodluttrument, During the YEARR, iti78 we second es wool= FIRST :PRIZES LONDON, GUELPH, AND INNUMERABLE COUNTY SHOWS IN ALL PARTS F CANADA tL,LV T� V A l 1''o `Sto*ia' Gearantee Nivea it11 reset, tor ll1irstrntoclCataloarib,d.tc�.d �'. IaBtI C0:0At '.", 1 is b U 11 Zt1111if ti'atittet$,, ,. wird mom bJl'$ 00E01, ONTr ars•11t l,.