HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1992-04-08, Page 26Tfrass4100$1191s, A ilIe, 1$Q2 What do ou feel about Ths NHL is strike? What do you think? Rlck Topp RR2 Ansa Craig "i think the players de- serve what they want be- cause they are the Lowest paid In any professional sport. Hockeyls our nation- al pasttime. They deserve— what they want." Craig Wlnbow - a- Exeter� 1 don't like the players strike but I don't think there will be any playoffs because they are not get- - ting close in their --- -- ----- negotiations." _. The St. Patrick's CWL enlisted the support of.the Lucan Lions, Optimists, and the Masonic Lodge to hold their annual Blood Donor Clinic Thursday evening at the village community cen- tre. The Red Cross said the response to the.oall for mors was Quite good. Some were even suggesting the NHL strike may hate °broughta kikq rki edonors' out. 'CWL volunteer:Bernice Crunican supervises the rest and recovery of Mike Kelly and Roger Bane (front) after their do- nations. Lynne Farquhar ifaienPark "I feel it won't just affect the NHL players. It affects local minor hockey and sports groups that use the -playoffs for hockey pools 4o raise money . But the players must have a seri- ous point to give up their chance at a Stanley Cup." .41 Deny Boyle Exeter "Owners are not getting the most out of their in- vestments but on the oth- er hand, it's not right the way the owners have kicked around the players. iklfhare right and both are wrong. Speaking as a fan, ex -hockey player and coach, it won't hurt the game one bit. I don't think the players will give in" ,Easter services in GB By Roberta Walker GRAND BEND - A general pen- ance service was held on Sunday, at 7 p.m., with vespers and an op- portunity to receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation. A general penance service was held in Zurich, St. Boniface on Monday at 7 p.m. Confessions will -also be heard at St. Michaels in " Stratford on Wednesday at 10 a., in Regina Mundi, London on Thurs- day ,at 10 a.. and in Strathroy on .Saturday at 10 am. Stations of the Cross and Btnediction will be held on Thursday at 7:15 p.m. followed by choir rehearsal. Palm Sunday Services will be held at all Masses on the weekend. Saturday at 7:15 p.m, and Sunday at 9 am. and 11 a.m. During Holy Week, the Holy 311ursdayMass,and Washing of dle Feet will begin at 7:15 p.m. Good Lots of Spring activities in Grand Bend By Roberta Walker GRAND BEND - It's April, with sun, spring and the return of the Snow Birds! Welcome back to Sam and Mary Dixon,Ecland_Dolores Tighe, Wilma and Jack Smeekens and all the other "old" familiar faces around town that have been missing all winter Get well wishes from the entire community are sent out to Paul LZietrich and to Larry Taylor. It's great to see both of you back and getting better each day. The visitor's centre is open at the Pinery Provincial Pak, from 1 to 5 p.m. daily. Come and explore the trails in spring, and drop in at the new centre too. Don't forget the babysitting course that just started for teens on April 4; call 238-6195 for more information. Get your Salmon Derby tickets in time for the Early Bird Draw, on April 18 at 4 p.m. You get an early chance to win tickets for two at a Blue Saintsbury by H. Davis SAINTSBURY - St. Patrick's cel- ebrated the Holy Communion ser- vice at 8:30 am. Sunday. Nadene Bedell read the lessons. Rev. Stephen Emery's children's focus was "God Loves . Us as We Arc", and for his Homily he stressed that "Communion is the celebration of receiving God's love just as we arc". An intimate celebration with all members gathered closely around the Lord's Table took place. Sunday, April 12, St. Patrick's celebrate Palm Sunday with the Holy Communion service at 11:00 a.m. The lessons will be Isaiah 50:4-9a, Philipians 2:5-11, Respon- sive m de% Psalm 31:9-16, the Holy gaga A coffee hour will follow the ser- vice in the Parish hall as well as board meeting. A reminder that April 14 the A.C.W. will meet at Rose Ctmeittg- harn's. Please remember Thaik koffering and darts. tor Telly Bread. Mr. and Mrs: Fred Dobbs Jr. have arrived home from a holiday to St. Jucia, West Indies. Mary Davis has returned home from University Hospital where she had eye surgery. Get well wishes from alt your friends at St. Pat- rick's. Get well wishes are also extended to Clarence Davis of Exeter. Congratulations to Ryan Carroll who played on the Lucan Pee Wee Spring Has Arrived slim the Fashion Closet %off Spring ick April 6th - 18th With every purchase a chance to win a $50 merchandise certificate 395 Main St. 2311411100 Jay game, or a free Salmon Derby charter for four. Pinedale Motor Inn is hosting a Fisherman's Flea Market on April 18 and all local clubs and or- ganizations are welcome to join the fun. Tables are provided free. Call 238-2231, Salmon Derby Headquarters, for further information. Book your spring cleanup with volunteers from the Grand Bend Horti- cultural. Society, for raking, pruning, etc. Call Fred Bates 238-8798 or Hank Ford 238-2396. All proceeds go to the -Horticultural Club for local landscaping projects. The next Horticultural Club meeting is April 28 at 7:30 p.m. in the Grand Bend Legion Hall. The topic: "How to Beautify Grand Bend this Summer." Gardeners should take note of the London Home and Garden Show, held April 15-19. The meeting on May 27 at 7:30 p.m. will be a plant swap so bring a plant to exchange with someone. The Horticultural Club is also sponsoring the New Huronia Singers Spring Concert. on May 3 at 2:30 p.m. in the Legion Hall. eS;\ Chocolates easter5 en, its ORDER EARLY!!! ... basheis, tins ir trays filled with, 9chocnl0.te bunnies frChiekts • butterercarn, eggs • cm* of at, marts ... chordate ranging from 994 t0 $130 Exeter o 235-I2I I OPEN Gcrji Fridam 11-5 xtuxdcu 913W-6 J Ba.43fie d, o Sb5 -2474 oPEtJ Good Frid uj, Sato Easter tom -2.00 • Golden Glimpses Blue Water Rest ome ZURICH - Spring is bound to be just around the comer as our resi- dents are busy working on trans- planting tomato and flower plants which have outgrown their small pots in the greenhouse. The next move will be from the greenhouse to the outdoor flower gardens. h is one of the activities that the gentle- men feel at ease working at. Last Tuesday evening, the resi- dents welcomed 14 little Beavers Iron the Zurich peck. _They sang several numbers -ler the tesidents, played charades and also presented each one with a little gift. Residents • are happy to have these little boys since many of them are grandpar- ents. On Thursday afternoon, the chap- el service was conducted by Peter Steckk of the --Conservative Men- nonite Church from Blake. Fr. Pe- ter Hayes of St. Boniface Catholic church, Zurich, celebrated Mass for his parishioners. Many of our residents enjoyed —their shopping spree on Friday un- �ler their own roof when Gori Fash- ions came with their large asson- ment of clothing which was displayed. Many of the residents family members came to help them make choices. A fashion show fol- lowed. The prize winners were Edith Miller, Exeter, Mary Martin of the home, and Alma Prance. We welcome Mac Davidson to the home. She is a former Zurich and area resident. Madeline Har- burn is presently a patient in South Huron Hospital. Friday services begin at 3 p.m. Easter Vigil begins on Holy Satur- day at 7:15 p.m. with Confirmation. Easter Sunday masses are at 9 and 11 am. Church of God Easter schedule for the Church of God is: Palm Stmday, April 12 11 a.rn. worship with Holy Land Slides, Series I at 7 p.m. Maundy Thursday, April 16, 8 p.m. the Lord's Supper and Feet Washing. Easter Sunday 11 a.m. worship, with Holy Land slides Series II at 7 p.m. Grand Bend United Easter Schedule: Palm Sunday with ConrmdStion 11:15 a.m. Good Friday 3 p.m. Combined services with United, Church of God and Anglican held at St. John's By the Lake. Easter Sunday service at '41:15 . am. with i,confumattion -OA New Members. Desperately Seeking Ball Coach Anyone wishing to coach ladies slow pitch team in Zurich Please call: Roxanne Brideau 236-4189 or Cindy Hendrick 238-589`5 iii t10 A well prepared resume wili help you get the job you are looking for! A resume detailing an applicant's work history and education is extremely helpful to an employer who is seeking a person for a specific job vacancy. Your personal resume should accompany your letter of application. Here are some guidelines to follow in preparing your resume: Li Make it clear, concise and easy to read - and no longer than two pages Ll The resume should be typed on 8 1/2" x 11" white paper with enough white space to prevent a cluttered look LI Start with your name, address and phone number LI Next under a sub -heading "Work History" detail the previous jobs you've held - in reverse date order - that is, last job first. U Use a separate paragraph for each position and precede it with the dates you held that position. U State the job title, a brief description of the responsibilities - and the results you achieved. U The next section of your resume should come under the sub -heading of "Education". Start with the highest degree obtained or grade completed, followed by the name of the institution at whieh you studied. Follow this with previous education attainments. At the end, list any specific instructional courses you have attended in conjunction with your work. . U Under the sub -heading "Affiliations", list memberships and/or offices held in professional or industry associations. U Under the sub -heading "Personal Interests" list any activities which you feel will be of interest to the employer - such as volunteer work, etc. Your letter of application and your resume will be the factors that make the employer decide whether to short list you for an interview. So make It as impressive as you can - but stick to the facts. a. We can help you get an impressive and professional -looking resume Call Debbie Lord at _ 1(!ii@ �S4/4-r guQ� li/ 424 Main Et. Exeter (LLS) 2351331