HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1992-04-08, Page 20GRASS CUTTING Page 20 Times -Advocate, April 8, 1992 01.111111/10/1111 MEWS Ilan OM SW x /10 Private, Non- commercial ads only IMPIE aim Super Ads must be pre -paid Advertisers want one thing... RESULTS. And that's what we guarantee when you place a ELJPER AD with us. For only one low fee of $10.00 we'll run3l,ur ad in our newspaper until you get the results you want. All you do is call us by Friday and ask for SUPER AD. You can take up to 40 words and we recommend you use a price for whatever you are advertising. If you do not getreeult's"byme following weekend, dell us on Monday and we'll gladly repeat ffe:sd-at no charge. And we'll keep running the ed as long as you wantf xolu ling real.estate).,_ TALK TO OUR AD -VISORS ' ATONAL. MIL 5 Pal'. OR LAET'A ILS ON OUR A►'W !WHINE Plus Your Ad Will Reach 10,000 More Readers In -'The. t Marys ,gnat us At No .Extra Charge classifications 1 Lost, Strayed 2 Found 3 Situations Wanted 4 Help Wanted 5 Business Opportunities 6 Services 7 Livestock 8 Farm Machinery 9 Sports Equipment, Veh 11 Cars, Trucks 12 Pets 13 Musical 1nstnunestts 14 Apphattices, Television 15 Personal 16 For Sale 17 Wanted to Buy 18 Wanted 19 Property for Sale 20 Property for Rent 21 For Rent 22 For Sale or Rent 23 Wanted to Rent 24 Property Wanted 25 Notices 26 Legal Notices 27 Tinders Wanted 28 Auction Sales 29 Yard and Garage Sales 3•Situcltlors Wante. EXPERIENCED Mmomite woman willing to do spring .cleaning or anular cleaning. Phoue'263-5427. (ll4tfn) RESPONSIBLE MOTHER in limull is willing to babysit in my home. Call 262-3029. (14:15c) ITS "TIME FOR' SPRING'="1710-1 .Call Kathy :263 2114 for housecleaning ing or weakly cleaning. (141St)' CARING MOTHER will psntdds,:rlaaiity day care for your children. hisils.neafts, ctotytime, toys, supervised erMings• Only one block from school, ool, saasaaable ;miss. Ietaen es. Phene 235-0816. 4 Help Wanted CLASS AZ TRUCK DRIVER pan time or full time mechanic uudk driver. References. . Stan date on or before April 10. Apply to Box 38P, c/o Times Advocate, Box 850, ExeterNOM 1S6. (14:15c) 4 Help Wante ' 6 Servicf• PART TIME HELP NEEDED on cash crop fame. Experience necessary. Phone 236-4420.(14;15c) HAIRSTYLIST wanted, possible business opportunity. Phone 235-0781 (15:16c) MATURE PERSON needed for winner to cane into my home to babysit a 6 yr. old. Phone 235-2023. (15:16c) EXETER .HAIR SALON in aaarch of experienced. fair stylist to start anytime. Full apart -time positions available.. Apply to Boa 40P, Exeter Times Advocate, Exeter NOMIS6. (15:16c) SEcRETARTYIRECEPTIONISI' needed. Full time. Duties include answering phones, greeting in person callers, typing, Wig, daily deposits, occasional payroll and other misa•li•oeoous duties. Applicant must have excellent typing skills, bookkeeping/payroll experience, excellent public relations skills. the successful candidate mut be very organized and able to work under pressure in a small office . environment. Computer experience would be an suet Resumes will be acceptedm by mail, Aution Michele Adair, IllhamCountry Playhouse, RRB 1, Grand : Band, Cut NOM ITO -tit April 17th.(ISr16c) IX TALLY TROPICAL -INTERIORS in expanding to all ams of Ontario. We require consultants and managers to sell silk plants and trees through hone parties sod commercial sales. Call Janice collect 403-986-4507. 5 Business Opportunitie_ The Times -Advocate urges our -readers to use caution when' :$ending money for business opportunity or employment ad- vertisements. Be certain you •ane dealing whl a reputable :company before releasing any credit card information. Re- member... if any advertise- ment sounds too good to be true, it is. 9EKKY 1111 OK1GI\ALS • DESIGNER CLOTHING • Mature, Experienced, Consciencious SALES ASSOCIATE required for Exeter and Bayfield Locations Must enjoy fashion and people. Send resume to: Perry Originals, Box 1137, Exeter Applications for the Position of • 'Temporary" Full Time Custodian o for an approximate period of 4-5 months. 0 at Our Lady of Mount Carmel School will be received by the undersigned until 12 noon on April 16, 1992 Application forms available at the Board Office, Dublin. Duties to commence on or•about May 1, 1992 Mr. Ed Rowland Plant Supervisor Huron -Perth County R.C.S.S- Board P.O. Box 70, Dublin, Ontario NOK 1E0 B.J. Murray J.S. Brown Chairman of the Board Immosterof fidagpation ACTNOWI Excellent Wagesl Spam tine work at lima Ibrozpoose. 4778 _ =LAX. t6pea.24 (1 J,.AWN & GARDEN CARE PLUS • RI�CAN • HedgeTurtn••lars g • cleaning • Light l s Laverne McCarter 235-1082 REPAIRS .APPRAISALS BOB'S ORIENTAL ;RUG .CLEANING 'Wall toWall Broadloom and Upholstery Cleanedin your Home • SPECIAL 2 FOR 1 CLEANING ON ORIENTAL RUGS eg. 1-9x12 ... $108.00 - SECOND 9x12 FREE Free Pickup and Delivery London, Ontario (519) 588-9021 Office Help Needed Send resume to Box 41P Exeter Times Advocate Exeter, Ont. NOM 1S6 LAWN ROLLING Jerry.228-6226 Darry1294-0627 Book earlylor best results WEDDING, BABY AND FAMILY PORTRAITS. Jervis Photo Inc. Clinionad Exeter. Main SL across frau Scotia Bank. 235-1612. (13tfn) LAWN ROLLING -Phone Mike Koricina 293-3191 INCOME TAX professionally psepaed in your home or our office. Rates from S12. Phone235-1417. (12tfn) Butler r'oS. SEPIIC-TANK PUMPING PH: 227-4254 =Lawn Rolling Dave Ratz 237-3359 or 237-3458 after 6 p.m. 8 Farm Machiner Large or small lawns Fred Jones 235-1122 atter 6 p.m. LARGE SELECTION, good quality, Leegressive working boars York, Land, Duroc, Hemp, Spot Hemp x Duroc, York x Harp, Duroc x Spot• Also bred said open gilts. ROP tested Reasonably priced, guaranteed breeders. Delivery available. Richard Stsoebel, RR2 Clanton, (519) 225-2587 or 284-2628. (1&fn) WE NOW HAVE AVAILABLE an excellent statlenion of Yorkshire Boars also Mom boort, Cpers and bred gilts of both __ltoads.Ted &handers 225-2734. (471fn) REGISTERED STANDARD BRED MARE, 4 yeah old. Needs experienced Rider. S1000 o.b.o. Phone 234-6209. 'BILYEA CONSIGNMENT HORSE AUCTION at Woodstock Fairgrounds. 'Friday, April 17 - 7 p.m. tack, 10 p.m. 20 bead of bones. Sat April 18 - 10 am. tack and trailers. 12 noon hones. For infonnation225-2130. (15:16c) NO. 3 MASSF.Y BALER with motor. 4 bar :International side rake. 42' King Wise elevator. 100 gal. 3 point hitch sprayer with new pump. 12' 6" auger with 1 hr. motor. 6 round pig feeders. Four gates. 1972 Pontiac LeMans all in good shape. Phone 235-0267. M.F. 843 SEED DRILL, 26 run with grass seeder -planted only 200 acres. 229-6517. MF 202 GAS TRACTOR with industrial loader, eecdtent condition; MF Rollover suuaure, Model 300. Blanchard Township 229-6427, Grant Thomson Road Superintendent. Lawn Rolling Floyd Westlake 237-3444 Exeter priority Custom Tree . Planting Machine planting for wind- breaks, fences, rows or Targe areas. Call now for spring bookings Cut Rite Tree Service 229-8802 404. The South •Huron Rec Centre • '1„t4k Surnmer,Playground Staff Applicants should be mature, responsible students with previ- ous leadership experience working with youngsters. Please submit Tetter of application and resume no later than Friday April 24, 1992 to: Lynne Farquhar, Recreation Director South Huron Rec Centre Exeter, Ontario, NOM 1S1 Invites applications for Town of Exeter requires a student for the Public Works Dept. " DU ' TION: May 4 - August 28, 1992 DUTIES: include grass cutting and parks mainte- nance. Student will also assist in other areas of pub- lic works services as needed. Application forms may be picked up at the Municipal Office and returned by noon on April 21, 1992. Only those students requested for interview will re- ceive=ply letter G.E. Kells, .-Warks Superintendent Considering a new roof Deck or fence renovation? Tripp Construction 238-6033 Hay's Automobile Itf,conditionil1Y • Interior shampooing • Vinyl and fabric protector • Exterior buffing and hend.lttwax • Engine shampooing -. • 3 year shine guarantee • Oil undercoating Pick up and delivery Bill Hay Hensall, Ont. Phone 262-3249 CROSS CANADA MARKETPLACE ITS FAST - IT'S EASYI ONE GALL, ONE BILL DOES IT ALL. THINK BIG - CALL THIS NEWSPAPER FOR DETAILS VACATION/IRAVEL CANAL CRUISES. five days aboard KAWARTHA VOYAGEUR. scenic Trent -Severn Waterway or Rideau Canal, private state -rooms. tnaab, tree brochube; MAO Captain Marc, Box 6. O064, L3V *Hui; (705) 327-6767 RESORTS TOURIST RESORTS - ONTARIO. Numerous remota and drive to resort epportungres. From 8125,000 with terms. Remote fish camps. Excellent moos* hunts. John Ladouceur, (807) 223-7353. Fax (807) 223.5950 -RECREATIONAL VEHICLES COACHMEN CAMPING -TRAILERS. Hardtop Fotdown, Fifth -wheel. Travel. Park Modals. Tsuc)tcarrrpers•caps, Fbr•tine 8 t...r Fbdrgtess 8 Nurnrnum Truck Caps. Parts -Service for most _grease including Bareau-1)onel_Lextra, Royal T nater l A.V. Genn• in T.violdal., Ont. (519) 343-2122. COMING EVENTS OPANOLA HIGH SCHOOL 40TH Reunion July 31, August 182. 1992. For information wnte to. Box 646 or 1188. Espanola, Ontario POP 1 CO. OUT OF TOWN PROPERTIES PROPERTIES TO BE SOLO for unpaid taxes. Crown Land avarlaw ry. For inlorrnation on both write: Properties, Dept. CN. Box 8380, Stn F. Ottawa, K2C 3J1 STEEL BUILDINGS BEST BUILDING PRICES - Steel Stratwal Type • not Quonset - 32x54 87344; 40x72 810,276. 50100 815.882. 604126 622.972 • other sizes available •Spring Clearance - Paragon • 24 Hours 1.800.263.8499. BUILDINGS • 'ONE PHONE CALL CAN GIVE YOU a low cost erection.* by direct telephone order from Ontario Manufacturer...28 430 Value 83,700. Now 82.944. 40450 Value.86,800. Now 85,593. Other sizes avowable 1.800.668.5422. Meow hest xtlIatl Boeings s OC.. (080. SPRING 'SELLS$RATION' on Buildings from Future Steel. No gm im, ks, just sold value for your money Cas to Il free 1.800.668.8653. RTICLES FOR SALE LOG G IN CANADIAN WILD RICE direct from auppl r available in 5 and 100 pound bags For ntor tion wyd•. Lisvek Wild Rice, Pickle Leek Ont. OV 3A0. TRAMPOLINES-Wholosoke• to -The -public. 14' round from 8399.. 14' octagon from 8649. Cart AAA Trampoline. Ltd.. 308 Circle Or. E., Saskatoon, Toll Free 1.800.667.8466. Us�s SALE ADV IS Ion 'buslbusiness mats 810,000 year With hundreds of established accounts Everything you need .s suppred. lavas forces quick gala M19.500. Cat (519) 471-2663 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES MAJOR OIL COMPANY DEALER I.as.ng volume sod aerva 6 'C' store combo Capital required. Serious inquiries reply to Box A-15' B abridge Exarrwter. Box 1049. Bracebrrog" pnuino P I L 1St. GOVERNM8NT GRANTS, LOANS & assistance programs (Federal 6 Provincial) lot your new or rousting sinal busrnees. Information (514) 037 2422 ext. 98 _ HELP WANTED REMOTE MOUNTAIN RESORT HIRING to, summer. Chambermaids, waitresses. gas attendants. cashiers. For application send s.5, addressed stamped envelope Glacier Park Lodge. Rogan Pus. B.C. VOE 280 DISPLAY ADVERTISING MANAGER to supervise display stab to maximize revenue n start sales. Pater newspaper sales expari.nce Abbotsford Tirtles, 33228 S. Fuser Way AbboWord, B.C. V2S 283 EXCELLENT CONCEPT IN LINGERIE SALES Wire looking for Women who kava .lingerie and need money. Enrol in our 'Free' kit program Way. Call 1.800-465.8541. MOTORCYCLE AUCTION SUNDAY. APRIL 12. Totonlo International Swap Meet 8 Classic Bike Show. International Centre Giant Motorcycle Auction. Info: (416) 427.4201 Sell your bike; 625. Parte Booths. 895. Free Parking MORTGAGES MORTGAGE MONEY Foe HOMkO'WNEAS Pay oil bills. Credit Cards Income Taxes Example; Borrow 810,000. Repay 8100. monthly No qQuatdyting hasst.s. Gal lntranaicon Financial Toll -tree 1.800.2681429, -CAREER T HAIMWG FREE CAREER GUIDE to home•study correspondence Diploma coupes. Accounting. Aircondit oning. Bookkeeping. Busln•ss. osmetoIogy. Electronics. Legal/Medical rotary. Psychqq'vgy. Travel. Granton, (SA) -263 lad. West. To}6sto. 1•60d.950.1072 T UCK DRIVER 1I training AZ and OZ courses. sd o air brake, dangerous goods , defensive dining, log book and border uoss.ng. Rodgers $cbooL Ontario eSitlfat.. -C,as t -800'66840 1 EMPLOYTED • DEMOL1110N•HOU ES, $ARNS.3. ides. garages. sheds or apartnwlts. We do Cal ytd do ft right. For Tree estimate esti Julien Aima (519)5-0723 I_______. _______ .__ Your ad,eould appear In community newspapers in Ontario, or right across Canada. or.any Individual province. Space is Limited, so Call This Newspaper Today! CLASSIFIED RATES t WORD COUNT SEMI.DIBPLAY FIRST INSERTION - $9.00 per column inch SUBSEOUENT INSERTIONS $8.00 per -column -inch. (minimum size in this aelegory 1 Inch. Aoosptted in multiples of half inch.)) BOX NUMBERS to this office $2.50 per insertion. $250 DISCOUNT OFF OF RATES LISTED BELOW FOR PREPAYMENT Charges are based on the num- ber of words. Sets of numerals as for serial numbers, street numbers, phone numbers or prices count as one word per set. Words joined by hyphens count as separate words. FIRST INSERTION - 20 words $9.00. 15¢ per�word thereafter. SLSSEDUENT INSERTIONS - No copy changes,20 words $6.00, 15¢ per word there after. BIRTHS - 30 words $10.00. 150 per word thereafter. MARRIAGES - Engagements, Death Notices - 20 words $10.00 each additional word 150. IN MEMORIAMS - $11.00 plus 25¢.per line of verse. COIMNG EVENTS - ..30 words $10.00, each additional word 150. Three insertions for the price of two. CARDS OF THANKS - 30 words $10.00, additional words 100 each. Deadline: for classified ads Is 4:00 p. m. Mondays. I-= Phone 235-1331 classifications 1 Lost, Strayed 2 Found 3 Situations Wanted 4 Help Wanted 5 Business Opportunities 6 Services 7 Livestock 8 Farm Machinery 9 Sports Equipment, Veh 11 Cars, Trucks 12 Pets 13 Musical 1nstnunestts 14 Apphattices, Television 15 Personal 16 For Sale 17 Wanted to Buy 18 Wanted 19 Property for Sale 20 Property for Rent 21 For Rent 22 For Sale or Rent 23 Wanted to Rent 24 Property Wanted 25 Notices 26 Legal Notices 27 Tinders Wanted 28 Auction Sales 29 Yard and Garage Sales 3•Situcltlors Wante. EXPERIENCED Mmomite woman willing to do spring .cleaning or anular cleaning. Phoue'263-5427. (ll4tfn) RESPONSIBLE MOTHER in limull is willing to babysit in my home. Call 262-3029. (14:15c) ITS "TIME FOR' SPRING'="1710-1 .Call Kathy :263 2114 for housecleaning ing or weakly cleaning. (141St)' CARING MOTHER will psntdds,:rlaaiity day care for your children. hisils.neafts, ctotytime, toys, supervised erMings• Only one block from school, ool, saasaaable ;miss. Ietaen es. Phene 235-0816. 4 Help Wanted CLASS AZ TRUCK DRIVER pan time or full time mechanic uudk driver. References. . Stan date on or before April 10. Apply to Box 38P, c/o Times Advocate, Box 850, ExeterNOM 1S6. (14:15c) 4 Help Wante ' 6 Servicf• PART TIME HELP NEEDED on cash crop fame. Experience necessary. Phone 236-4420.(14;15c) HAIRSTYLIST wanted, possible business opportunity. Phone 235-0781 (15:16c) MATURE PERSON needed for winner to cane into my home to babysit a 6 yr. old. Phone 235-2023. (15:16c) EXETER .HAIR SALON in aaarch of experienced. fair stylist to start anytime. Full apart -time positions available.. Apply to Boa 40P, Exeter Times Advocate, Exeter NOMIS6. (15:16c) SEcRETARTYIRECEPTIONISI' needed. Full time. Duties include answering phones, greeting in person callers, typing, Wig, daily deposits, occasional payroll and other misa•li•oeoous duties. Applicant must have excellent typing skills, bookkeeping/payroll experience, excellent public relations skills. the successful candidate mut be very organized and able to work under pressure in a small office . environment. Computer experience would be an suet Resumes will be acceptedm by mail, Aution Michele Adair, IllhamCountry Playhouse, RRB 1, Grand : Band, Cut NOM ITO -tit April 17th.(ISr16c) IX TALLY TROPICAL -INTERIORS in expanding to all ams of Ontario. We require consultants and managers to sell silk plants and trees through hone parties sod commercial sales. Call Janice collect 403-986-4507. 5 Business Opportunitie_ The Times -Advocate urges our -readers to use caution when' :$ending money for business opportunity or employment ad- vertisements. Be certain you •ane dealing whl a reputable :company before releasing any credit card information. Re- member... if any advertise- ment sounds too good to be true, it is. 9EKKY 1111 OK1GI\ALS • DESIGNER CLOTHING • Mature, Experienced, Consciencious SALES ASSOCIATE required for Exeter and Bayfield Locations Must enjoy fashion and people. Send resume to: Perry Originals, Box 1137, Exeter Applications for the Position of • 'Temporary" Full Time Custodian o for an approximate period of 4-5 months. 0 at Our Lady of Mount Carmel School will be received by the undersigned until 12 noon on April 16, 1992 Application forms available at the Board Office, Dublin. Duties to commence on or•about May 1, 1992 Mr. Ed Rowland Plant Supervisor Huron -Perth County R.C.S.S- Board P.O. Box 70, Dublin, Ontario NOK 1E0 B.J. Murray J.S. Brown Chairman of the Board Immosterof fidagpation ACTNOWI Excellent Wagesl Spam tine work at lima Ibrozpoose. 4778 _ =LAX. t6pea.24 (1 J,.AWN & GARDEN CARE PLUS • RI�CAN • HedgeTurtn••lars g • cleaning • Light l s Laverne McCarter 235-1082 REPAIRS .APPRAISALS BOB'S ORIENTAL ;RUG .CLEANING 'Wall toWall Broadloom and Upholstery Cleanedin your Home • SPECIAL 2 FOR 1 CLEANING ON ORIENTAL RUGS eg. 1-9x12 ... $108.00 - SECOND 9x12 FREE Free Pickup and Delivery London, Ontario (519) 588-9021 Office Help Needed Send resume to Box 41P Exeter Times Advocate Exeter, Ont. NOM 1S6 LAWN ROLLING Jerry.228-6226 Darry1294-0627 Book earlylor best results WEDDING, BABY AND FAMILY PORTRAITS. Jervis Photo Inc. Clinionad Exeter. Main SL across frau Scotia Bank. 235-1612. (13tfn) LAWN ROLLING -Phone Mike Koricina 293-3191 INCOME TAX professionally psepaed in your home or our office. Rates from S12. Phone235-1417. (12tfn) Butler r'oS. SEPIIC-TANK PUMPING PH: 227-4254 =Lawn Rolling Dave Ratz 237-3359 or 237-3458 after 6 p.m. 8 Farm Machiner Large or small lawns Fred Jones 235-1122 atter 6 p.m. LARGE SELECTION, good quality, Leegressive working boars York, Land, Duroc, Hemp, Spot Hemp x Duroc, York x Harp, Duroc x Spot• Also bred said open gilts. ROP tested Reasonably priced, guaranteed breeders. Delivery available. Richard Stsoebel, RR2 Clanton, (519) 225-2587 or 284-2628. (1&fn) WE NOW HAVE AVAILABLE an excellent statlenion of Yorkshire Boars also Mom boort, Cpers and bred gilts of both __ltoads.Ted &handers 225-2734. (471fn) REGISTERED STANDARD BRED MARE, 4 yeah old. Needs experienced Rider. S1000 o.b.o. Phone 234-6209. 'BILYEA CONSIGNMENT HORSE AUCTION at Woodstock Fairgrounds. 'Friday, April 17 - 7 p.m. tack, 10 p.m. 20 bead of bones. Sat April 18 - 10 am. tack and trailers. 12 noon hones. For infonnation225-2130. (15:16c) NO. 3 MASSF.Y BALER with motor. 4 bar :International side rake. 42' King Wise elevator. 100 gal. 3 point hitch sprayer with new pump. 12' 6" auger with 1 hr. motor. 6 round pig feeders. Four gates. 1972 Pontiac LeMans all in good shape. Phone 235-0267. M.F. 843 SEED DRILL, 26 run with grass seeder -planted only 200 acres. 229-6517. MF 202 GAS TRACTOR with industrial loader, eecdtent condition; MF Rollover suuaure, Model 300. Blanchard Township 229-6427, Grant Thomson Road Superintendent. Lawn Rolling Floyd Westlake 237-3444 Exeter priority Custom Tree . Planting Machine planting for wind- breaks, fences, rows or Targe areas. Call now for spring bookings Cut Rite Tree Service 229-8802 404. The South •Huron Rec Centre • '1„t4k Surnmer,Playground Staff Applicants should be mature, responsible students with previ- ous leadership experience working with youngsters. Please submit Tetter of application and resume no later than Friday April 24, 1992 to: Lynne Farquhar, Recreation Director South Huron Rec Centre Exeter, Ontario, NOM 1S1 Invites applications for Town of Exeter requires a student for the Public Works Dept. " DU ' TION: May 4 - August 28, 1992 DUTIES: include grass cutting and parks mainte- nance. Student will also assist in other areas of pub- lic works services as needed. Application forms may be picked up at the Municipal Office and returned by noon on April 21, 1992. Only those students requested for interview will re- ceive=ply letter G.E. Kells, .-Warks Superintendent Considering a new roof Deck or fence renovation? Tripp Construction 238-6033 Hay's Automobile Itf,conditionil1Y • Interior shampooing • Vinyl and fabric protector • Exterior buffing and hend.lttwax • Engine shampooing -. • 3 year shine guarantee • Oil undercoating Pick up and delivery Bill Hay Hensall, Ont. Phone 262-3249 CROSS CANADA MARKETPLACE ITS FAST - IT'S EASYI ONE GALL, ONE BILL DOES IT ALL. THINK BIG - CALL THIS NEWSPAPER FOR DETAILS VACATION/IRAVEL CANAL CRUISES. five days aboard KAWARTHA VOYAGEUR. scenic Trent -Severn Waterway or Rideau Canal, private state -rooms. tnaab, tree brochube; MAO Captain Marc, Box 6. O064, L3V *Hui; (705) 327-6767 RESORTS TOURIST RESORTS - ONTARIO. Numerous remota and drive to resort epportungres. From 8125,000 with terms. Remote fish camps. Excellent moos* hunts. John Ladouceur, (807) 223-7353. Fax (807) 223.5950 -RECREATIONAL VEHICLES COACHMEN CAMPING -TRAILERS. Hardtop Fotdown, Fifth -wheel. Travel. Park Modals. Tsuc)tcarrrpers•caps, Fbr•tine 8 t...r Fbdrgtess 8 Nurnrnum Truck Caps. Parts -Service for most _grease including Bareau-1)onel_Lextra, Royal T nater l A.V. Genn• in T.violdal., Ont. (519) 343-2122. COMING EVENTS OPANOLA HIGH SCHOOL 40TH Reunion July 31, August 182. 1992. For information wnte to. Box 646 or 1188. Espanola, Ontario POP 1 CO. OUT OF TOWN PROPERTIES PROPERTIES TO BE SOLO for unpaid taxes. Crown Land avarlaw ry. For inlorrnation on both write: Properties, Dept. CN. Box 8380, Stn F. Ottawa, K2C 3J1 STEEL BUILDINGS BEST BUILDING PRICES - Steel Stratwal Type • not Quonset - 32x54 87344; 40x72 810,276. 50100 815.882. 604126 622.972 • other sizes available •Spring Clearance - Paragon • 24 Hours 1.800.263.8499. BUILDINGS • 'ONE PHONE CALL CAN GIVE YOU a low cost erection.* by direct telephone order from Ontario Manufacturer...28 430 Value 83,700. Now 82.944. 40450 Value.86,800. Now 85,593. Other sizes avowable 1.800.668.5422. Meow hest xtlIatl Boeings s OC.. (080. SPRING 'SELLS$RATION' on Buildings from Future Steel. No gm im, ks, just sold value for your money Cas to Il free 1.800.668.8653. RTICLES FOR SALE LOG G IN CANADIAN WILD RICE direct from auppl r available in 5 and 100 pound bags For ntor tion wyd•. Lisvek Wild Rice, Pickle Leek Ont. OV 3A0. TRAMPOLINES-Wholosoke• to -The -public. 14' round from 8399.. 14' octagon from 8649. Cart AAA Trampoline. Ltd.. 308 Circle Or. E., Saskatoon, Toll Free 1.800.667.8466. Us�s SALE ADV IS Ion 'buslbusiness mats 810,000 year With hundreds of established accounts Everything you need .s suppred. lavas forces quick gala M19.500. Cat (519) 471-2663 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES MAJOR OIL COMPANY DEALER I.as.ng volume sod aerva 6 'C' store combo Capital required. Serious inquiries reply to Box A-15' B abridge Exarrwter. Box 1049. Bracebrrog" pnuino P I L 1St. GOVERNM8NT GRANTS, LOANS & assistance programs (Federal 6 Provincial) lot your new or rousting sinal busrnees. Information (514) 037 2422 ext. 98 _ HELP WANTED REMOTE MOUNTAIN RESORT HIRING to, summer. Chambermaids, waitresses. gas attendants. cashiers. For application send s.5, addressed stamped envelope Glacier Park Lodge. Rogan Pus. B.C. VOE 280 DISPLAY ADVERTISING MANAGER to supervise display stab to maximize revenue n start sales. Pater newspaper sales expari.nce Abbotsford Tirtles, 33228 S. Fuser Way AbboWord, B.C. V2S 283 EXCELLENT CONCEPT IN LINGERIE SALES Wire looking for Women who kava .lingerie and need money. Enrol in our 'Free' kit program Way. Call 1.800-465.8541. MOTORCYCLE AUCTION SUNDAY. APRIL 12. Totonlo International Swap Meet 8 Classic Bike Show. International Centre Giant Motorcycle Auction. Info: (416) 427.4201 Sell your bike; 625. Parte Booths. 895. Free Parking MORTGAGES MORTGAGE MONEY Foe HOMkO'WNEAS Pay oil bills. Credit Cards Income Taxes Example; Borrow 810,000. Repay 8100. monthly No qQuatdyting hasst.s. Gal lntranaicon Financial Toll -tree 1.800.2681429, -CAREER T HAIMWG FREE CAREER GUIDE to home•study correspondence Diploma coupes. Accounting. Aircondit oning. Bookkeeping. Busln•ss. osmetoIogy. Electronics. Legal/Medical rotary. Psychqq'vgy. Travel. Granton, (SA) -263 lad. West. To}6sto. 1•60d.950.1072 T UCK DRIVER 1I training AZ and OZ courses. sd o air brake, dangerous goods , defensive dining, log book and border uoss.ng. Rodgers $cbooL Ontario eSitlfat.. -C,as t -800'66840 1 EMPLOYTED • DEMOL1110N•HOU ES, $ARNS.3. ides. garages. sheds or apartnwlts. We do Cal ytd do ft right. For Tree estimate esti Julien Aima (519)5-0723 I_______. _______ .__ Your ad,eould appear In community newspapers in Ontario, or right across Canada. or.any Individual province. Space is Limited, so Call This Newspaper Today!