HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1874-3-12, Page 2..$,Osese esess QL ' nee 04 Ceara 42,000,000 LEST- • ; -; • ----;; -200,00 'Tee easses nseese: et leui kg),'S 1),11k ,13'ik101/ :01'4016 Olk LO1a1011,1:1141,,,NOW YO:'14 U.S., tit, N.11 14,11d, an tilt; IltidOlVta t`,1flo4 t.k:110. WW, ilA io eud Quebec, adVti,11V2P,g on 'Pio linge atui' t=olle ,t'or11,4v, 14...*:.NY Turk xuen,h4o, (ireehbaekie, 1)iscemite Notes, luterest puld on 1)01x)iiit iisevipts. 001,:e hours -Wren), 10 a. in, te p, S,itordays k LO 4. 41. to J. .E hi& W, S'4,11ATILY, Exeber, eseb. h, , /Manager. ;reter i;# yZarrigal THuRSDAY, )1,1A.1.01.1 Wink; 0 ALI 1111,4 Oar readers are erobably aware that discussion has weseel h )0 the °Aer- ie Legtslature dariug the past few tiays, alai the debete 0I1 the Orange 13ille has brought out to it, great exteat the general feeliag of the members cia this subject. Last year, a Bill was Inoualit in for the incorporation of the Orenge Lodges of Eastdrii and Virestern Oat:erre. The actleta of the Govern- ment at that thue plainly' showed that they were aware of the cesisisteuey of Oeangemea ashing forhicereora- den, awl of the 11e0.36ay okthe Gov - memo*, gra,nting tlipeat 1111,4) Power8' ' which they asked. Hajf Alley thought other ,vise, they would 1.110e rejected the Bills at once, bat this thisy aid not `dta The I3ills W01.13 ellowestto pass through the Honee, aud when the time came foa them to receive the ,ii.uction • of the LieataGoveroor, he was advised by his minister's to withhold it, and have it sent to the Goveenar-Geueral for rati-• fisation. Tao thickuess of this device was too thin. Nothing more nor. less was thi . done for than to show their seminvillinguess to the they Would. be placing Sir John in an em- barrassing positien. The G-overzior- General, however, seat them back. to Mr. Mowat and his colleagues. Agaia ,the matter has been brought up by the Opposition, and what cio we find Tls.e ve:y same men who voted for the Bills last year, now voted agatinst them. But it has,been done in a very quixotic meaner. A Bill was introduced by the Governmeat .whieli empowers a genus alincorporatioe, under which any body of men may become incorporated, buy laud, a.nd hold it aseflteir own, no mat- ter how legal or illegal their motives. -- During the debate, the Sttorney-gener- al intimated that were the Bill faience to - producive of harm it could easily be repealed. What great amount of jus - ties is there then iu the passing of this general Act? If a society incorpora- tiug itself under its bans abuses the principles. given, the .A.et will be repeal- ed, and the Orangemen, although inno- cent, have to suffer a like penalty wilh 'toe guilty. It is claimed that a great 'amount of uunecoessany trouble will be -----enenaneetannarne icatger: idea has formed itself out of a mere 'no: thing. The Orange Bills 'merely pro- posed the incorporating of the eastern aud western Grand Lodges, under whose powers the minor lodges would receive the privileges. Had there been a general Bill asked for, we would not have thought so much of the matter, but as the Orangemen were the only - persons to seek ineorporation, it looks -very much like white-waehing. and like an attempt to gain the 'supper t of Cattl- e olics and Orangemen. The Govern- inene having seen the dilemma in whicb they were about tobe placed knowingly gave the second reading of the Bill 'a three months' heist; until which time we shall hear nothingnof it. sane.. nrielietitir Spades. I e pai`i .)„1A4 a. majority on the ground. 11;til (1011}11,111i1104011, verbal orothees s'ires, with, any of the .foreMen WW1 t1a;. WOO., befe TO Or the 0100^ 0116, ftlailer t111111 tee note sQut Mr. Statelier, awl to wined I love already refereed. I eevete aireetly ludireetly itelfiel tiny nein how he iiitemled to vete or atiompted in any way to isifluetice, the men to eta() foe one candidate or ' ths eater. 1. bad no knowlodge then, oar havel noee of - the reletive iann- hat s of the 'Aloes mid the Bielclord men. That le .all I hew; get to :SIV WWI l'egard to 'Lilo 111.4HAT. ONTARIO LEGISLATURE At a meeting of the Public Accounts Committee ou Friday last, the commis- sioner of Public Works appeared and made the following statement which we extract from the Globe report :—He said—On the forenoom of the day of the nomination of 'Messrs, Bickford and Moss, Mr. Dickey called upon me at ray office, and told me that some of the men at the Centrrst _prison desired to attend the nomination. He also told me it was customary for large employ- ers of labor to give their men on suen occasions time to attend nominations without reducing their wages. ' I thought if that were the rule—and I knew I had acted upon the priaciple inyself when I employed inen—that it would be only a, fen thing for the Gov- ernment to gine the isithee indulgence to their men. I then gene him a note to Mr. Wegner the auffethitendent of,tbe workS, a copy of whielr 1, did not keep. The language, hoaVevar, was to the fol- lowing purperteand as near as I 021,11 recollect to the origival:—"If the men desire to attend the aomination you are at liberty to give thern a half a day's liberty and let their wages go on." That was all I did, aud reesoie for doing it is as I have already stated, 1 thought it was only a graeeful and pro- per thing for the Government to give the same indulgence to their men that other employers of labor gave. I have done it myself, and I believe no person, company, er corporation lose anything by giving any such att indulgence, for men work better, stud make good any little loss that mey be sustained in the way of wages. By letting all the met go /10 jealousy could arise between )(Jees and Bickford men. . Mr. Lauder—We went facts, not aportette. Frasen-s-1 ,think it is scarcely eeurtese to interrupt the hon, Commis- sioner of Publie Works. It is desinelde we should hear his etittement, whether ZIA or argument, ,, Hon. ltfe. MeKellar—I was meetly giving my, reesietas for doing what I del, J had no intentieu of making any dis- ilnction between the pelitical perties, and thought no objection eould be raised on party goettede by letting all the mon go to thei nomination where / both eandidates and their friends were / disease the enestion of the ay, and where ao division er shove of ,Ands Was to be tajeneeloindieete which 1 Toronto, March 8. "Ion. Mr. Currie moved the adoption of the secoral report of Committee on private Aft &Udell moved id aineudinent that the report be reec mutinied With instruetions to consider tee preemble the Bill to unite the Note:11,4nd South. Re:tinge of ',furore foe ingistottion per- poeee ae prowl After diseussion the House divided, awl the anienthnent was ()eaten' by 40. to 29. After:recess, The House was eaeve.' baeles into Coimuitteo.on the Arieeesmeat Cortitio Slight /1111011a11101.1tS Were Made aild. the Bill WaS thenneeportede ened third time and passed'. ' On mution, that the Bill respectine the incorporation of joint otoelt eompa nies be read the third time andtliassed Mr. Meredith asked if thrs 'Govern meat intended to bring in a Windine A t. diot. Mr. nlowet said not this ses , Resolutions as to fermented 'spirit uous liquors were adopted ha ememit tee, reported, and referred to the com mittee on the Bill to amend and con eolidatethe law for the sale of ferment ed and epirittiems Epees, The Bill was passed through commit tee. • Toronto, March 4th. After the RainViv aud Private Bill. Committee reported, Mr. MeCall nioved for copies of al papers, documents, ete., relating tu th Victoria Railway. Mr. Boultbee said the time had now arrived, shadowed forthb y more that one gentleman in the House in year gone by, when they -wouldhave to con Eider very carefully 'the question cif geetuting money in uid of railways, be cause they could not shut their eyes to the, fact that the very large surplu they had Olt hand when this G-overu ment entered en its career had. been to a great extent dissipated, and in pru &nee they must now carefully conside • what they were about. Mr. Clarke (Norfolk) thoeght tha • the scheme should be neferren till .th necessities of the countrer re.quired th railway. . Mr. McClean expressed his gratifica non at eneing that this question 'we one of the very few eliscussed thi House from a non-political point o view. The roads now being construct ed m the section of the e000try unde consideration all tended to divert the traffic from the metropolis of, the Peo vince, and this afforded the stronges argument in favor of the promotion o ' this scheme, which would enable the Western portion of the Province to sup tion on the paper : That the presen marriage licenee system is unjust to about five -sixths of the population of this Province, inasinuesh as there is an nually contributed by the Protestau portion, of the community only the sjum of forty thousand dollai:s to the genera revenue besides an additional sum of twenty.thousand dollars to the issuers of marriage licenses ; while owing to certain rights which our Roman. Catho- lic fellow -subjects claim were secured to them by treaty, they have not in any way contributed to said fund; and the said Marriage License Fund ie ius to the general revenae, and all classes of Rer Majesty's subjects share alilce in its benefits ; That the AttorneysGeneral stated, in his place in this.House; that a Bill would be introduced to remedy this anomaly uot later than the present session ; end there will be just reason to complain if the Goveriatnent doinot take early and immediate steps to place all classes of Her Majesty's subjects upon an equal footing in that respect. Hon. Mr. Mowat moved the Hon.Mr. Fraser be on the Public Aecounts Com- mittee in the room of the Hon. the At. torney-General. Mr. Cameron objected to the motion being put at that late hour, and when so many membees were absept., Hon. Mr. illowat said the m.otion was on the orders of the Elou.se. Ile wished to be relieved of his duties on the Committee. ; The Rouse adjourned at 12.40 pan. Thursday, March 5. ltfraMerrick moved the adoption of the seventh, report' ot the" Private Bill Committee. Mr. Daly moved in amendment that the bill relating to the re -uniting of the North and South Ridiegs of Huron bee referred back to the Connnitte.,fore r„.437, cons ideration. , Hon. Me. Mowat belated:Hine ame.ndment wouldehet as dogma to look intelhe natteera• Mr. Daly said, liethacl nosaj ecti i f it were Understood,' thattAlfie- ,eubject would be taken up to-metirow. On the adjourned debate in regard to adding the name of the'llon. Mr. Fra'-' ser to the Public Accounts Committee, Mr. Cameron said it `wad net the in- tention of the Opposition to permit the name of the Provincial ,Treasurer to be paused on the Public Accounts Commit- tee without offering the utmost resist- ance in their power. Hon. Mr. Mowat said henonsideeen that the publics interests required that the name of the Provincial Secretary should he 'placed on the Connhittee. lie trusted the Hon. member would re- consider his decision to eta against time ; if not, the reeponsibility of delay- ing the public business must rest upon hien Mr. Cameron said the responsibility must roast upon the Attorney -General. He (Mr. Camera))) found that the Hon. AttotheysGeneral was a party to the Central Prison transaetion, althorigh he wohld not go so fear fte to say that he was a party' to the discreditable Order givea to Mr. Wagner to allow the workmen leave of absence !seder to attend the homintstione in West Toron- to, and to pay them half a de:see wages not of flat funds of the country. The AttotneysGebteal wanted the name of the Hon. I\ traltietteer put on the Public Atcottrits CeMmittee, but would no't 01. Itsw Mr. Uerriek's name to be added., Time the only tanichtsion that etatlei be iceived at woe that there wae a desire to Prevent tho investigation of mentos that, if known, woald <Lunen) the Gov- eramoot. Mr. Boultbee thought that the Gov- eromeot isheuld haw no ohjeetion to eabstitating the name of Ur. 11.1errick for that of the member for Fleet Torun, to. The investigatioo, $o far aa it had gene, ehowed that tile Goveeianeot loot beeo geilty disereditable peoceseihnes. It wee osseessary to the prosperity of the country thin, striet watehfuleeee should be exercised. on the part of the Opposition iu refeteitee to the aceountE4 awl that the Government eloseld called to accoent for every item of ex- peoditure. eepooditure woe in- creasing every year, while the reeeiPts were hot ilieveusing, and the country would, underetand fleet the Attorneys General preventea the Opposition hav- ing a Our opportunity of feeding out tlieee things with reference to ene'Gov- • ere Went,. After recess,, Derteoe Moved the' eendfid read- ing of the bill to ineorporpoente the Leyal Orange Assoeiation of -Western Ontario. lion. Air, Mowat' suggested that the 'notion should be deferree, as the Hoaee had euly null -an -hour to discues it, Me. Deacon asked whether it was the intention of the hon. gentleman to oppose the bill. elan Mx, Mowat said that of course the hon. gehtlemati knew the position of the Government in reg-arn to ,these bins. He did uot think the tnode ;sestet]. for iacorporatiou should. be in- sisted upon. Mr. Cameren Said he was not pre- pared to give a silent Vete 011 tile bill. The time allowed for the dikeuseion of Private Bills having expiredethe de- bate on the motion to substitute, the name of the Mr, Fraser for that of Mr. Mowat on the Public Accounts Commit- tee, was neon resamed. 111r. Code thought the accounts ought to be thoroughly investigated. He moved in ameudment that the werds " and. Mr. Merrick" be inserted after the name "Fraser" in the original mo- Speakeis ruled that the amend- ment was out of order. Mr. Boulter moved in amendment that the' following words be inserted after the name "Fraser"—" Messrs. Meredith and Hodieins," in the original motion. s Mr. D'Arcy, Boulton said. he coulcl. not but conclude from the action of the Government that there -was domothing to couceal. Mr. Lauder said enough would be shown to prove that the Central Prieou was a job. The HOGS° diVided on Mr. Boulter's amendment, which was lost. Yeas,23; nays, 41. 4 most dieorderly scene ensued; as member alter member inse to speak. Four divisions took place, ending in the motion to substitute the name of the Provincial Secretaay for that, of the Attorney -General being carried. Toronto, March O. The Speaker took the chair at 8.15. Mr. Lau.der, before the orders of the day were called, wished to allude to the report in the Globe in reference to his conduct in the Public Accounte Com- mittee. The report stated. that Messrs.' Cameron and Richards had concarred in Hardens statement that his laeaguage kacie4ayistlillauct ‘11i'lesPmrdneertiZp.lead guilty to the use of the lannuage imputed to him. He believed nre. Richards said Mr. Lauder's language was improper. • Mr. Rykert said it was extraordinary that papers should be allowed to pub- nislf reports of proceedings in Cominitl tee while the members' mouths 'were shut upon it. The publication amount- ed to breach of privilege, ancl.reportere should be careful that they reported Hon. Mr. Mowat moved the third needing of the 13ill te provide for the incorporation of benevolent, provident, and otlfer societies. ' Mr. Merrick eepressed regret at hav- ing opposed the measure. The Gov- ernmentiThad opposed- the passage of the Orange Bill into lave last year without having told the House that it was incompetint to pass them. He ee- gretted that the papers havingreferende to.,thie ,matter had not been. brought, down. ffe candenened the general Bill which gave the power of holding land to 'almost any corporation' what- ever. He concluded by mOving the three months' hoist. Hon. Mr. Mowat said the previsions of the Bill were more- stringent than the measures in force in England and the United States. Mr. Deacon opposed the tlifid read- ing of tbe 13111. ' Mr. Farewell thoughtethe 1'3111 might to pass, because so Many other socie- ties sought the privileges of incorpora- tioitnir. Monk said he had a large Orange NevOiDtiSittitilleelBreilvi. oseferagees-e-sist-ne---arideeitii.1- ing less. Mr. 'Robinson would vote for the third.reading of the general Bill, , be- CanA° he'did not believe it would inter - `fere with 'the passing of the Oeitage Isa;`, ' 'aire...Carieeron condemned the ;provi- siciiietof the Bill, by which any leOsty of neri 'cellist' get incorporated 'without their` 'objeets being known, `, 'After reeess several private bills were advanced a stage. 'The" House went into Committee On the Ballot Bill, which was reported, when leave to sit twain:was given.' Hon. Mr. Itiowitt° Moved the second rea,ding of the Mareiaeo Bill, after aelef aisen:sion the -13ill was read a second time. The Howie adjonrned midnight. Torontoallarch 9. The Speaker took the chair at 8.15. Some private bills were advanced a stage. - - Mr. Lauder moved. a resolution that all certificates or accounts respecting, public works and repairs should bo chalked and verified by the engirieer and arohitect befbro` payment•in accor- dance with the same, arid' that the House regrets that the sum of $81,- 227,- part of last year'e expenditure on the Centred Prisou, shotild haeo been paid without being checked en verified. , The inetioa *as lost, • Mr. Carnercm Moved a resolution thit it was tlio duty of' a metriber of the Executive Council to eubmit to examis taloa under oath before the Commis- sion of the "louse empotvered so to amine a witness, eacepteng that lie should not be extierdned respecting any- thing which by bis oath of office he not required to diveIge, The reeeron &this. enalcitig this motion even duet of the Teette men' the Public AC- emente Goitustittee ceoteeding that ill.01111)01'S of the Ceoverument elieuld net be examined 011 oittli. lIon. Mr. Ceoolas ethiel if a xnember et the Goveviiment -wee put under oeth 14) tell the svhole treth and nothing bat tho truth, hie only fitaegaal4 Wt -14 +.`'Qftl8ilit'; to be WOrli at an. Til0 1111Verita alitliOritiOS had deolaren the Dominion Act giViag Committees othei: than on estivate bills power to examine unit& oittli was umanietitutional; that case a motion, of this Hone° tentlee teem° effect Wati alSO wiconstatittional. The limas° took eeeees. After recess, . The debate on the Western Oraege Bill wan resumee by Mr. enodgiue, who meved for a three menthe' ltoiet, Mr- D'Arcy Boultoneeid that the 4,11* only gave the rights to Orangesueune winch they were entitled. 'The Orenge body was noted for his loyalty, nun yet the Clovernineat refused to give it the peivilege it gave -to otlier sociotiee. Mr. Boultbee supporta tlie though lie voted against it last yeer. Mr. OnDonoglitie expressed. the hone that the bill would. be withdrawn, ois der to secure peace in tne country, Mr. Robinson could not uhdersteed opposition to the bill: Ho should note for it. Canieron read an opinion by Sir john Macdonald to the Goner nor -General on this subject, shawieg that the,Dominion Governmeut did wieli to iuterfere with the legislate f this Ho use. Hon. Mie Mowat contended it' general Act was sufficientnend as \these bodies could become incorporated tnr thatemeaeure there was no necesetter, fon the n: Mr, Deacon said then the general Aot did not aoply completely to the Orange ' Mr. Daly ehowed that the Gnobe and its friends wars the firet to appeal to the religious prejudices of the Orange- men, and the hou. gentlemen had only obtained their seine en the 'treasury benches by the Scott murder sensation. Mr. Meariek said the genera Bill did not meet the ca,se of the Orange body. Me, Rylcert condemned the Govera- meat for vacillation and indecision nn thie questwn, and tlie Attorney Gener- al especially for opposing new a bill which he had always supported. After some further diecussion Mr. Lauder clanged Mr. Mowat with incon- sistency, in he.vilig got iuto Parliameat in 1857 on the Protestant horse and now turnhig his babk on his old record. The amendruent was carried. by 41 to 80. . Hon. Mr. Crooks moved an ameml- ment that in` the. proceedings before a Select Committee of this Haase, while reasons of -State policy prectude mem- bers of th.e Executive Council from di- vulging any coutidential matter cone peeved with their position, a member of the 'Legislative Assembly by constitn- timed usage may not be compelled, by order Of this _House, to oive evidence • 1 - against ns own dctaiminat on. Mr. Itleredith moved. in. amendment to the amendment that it is expedieut that the evidense of the witnesses be- fore the Select Committees of the Rouse, whether suell witnesses be mena here of the lilx.e.cative Council ur net, should be taken under oath, Hon. Mr. Fraser moved. the adjourae motet of the debate. Carried. The House adjourned at 1.45. ..,,,pareierevecrtesigsmassactorcsserivearentaarretecarie ST. PATRICK'S DAY.—Next Tuesday. Ora) Feeeowsthe.—The 25th day. of April next, is the 5.5th anniversary of Odd Fellowship in America. , Tim PETITION.—Tlie petition against the return of Mr. Cameron, left here for Toronto, on Monday morning last. CARDS.—Visiting cards, wedding cards and business cards printed. in the neat- est style, in any color, arid on the phert- est notice at the TIMES office. ' ItE-UNITED.—The North and South' Riding Registry office are to be re -uni- ted, and Mr. Hays, of the North Riding office is tO receive a silencer of $5,700. One Tneents.—We are indebted to some friend in Hay for a late number of the New Orleane Times, from Which we have gleaned some useful. informa- tioa. AEMOVRD.-111. Kinsman has remov- ed his dental office to the new book- store, Main street, where the Dr, will be happy to naeet any who may require his seryices. DEATH OF • llonea.—Scarcely a week passes 'hut we report the death of a horse.' On Saturday night last, -Mr. Jas. Pickard lost a valuable horse by in- ilamation. •It was valued ae $120. Tnes Wneraea.—Sitturday, Monday, Tuesday and ,Wednesday remind us of the eommeneement of a winter. -Cold, raw, and. blustering winds pierced you' to the vitals. Snow came in gusts, but , 7.L.Watt, WAGGONS OFF.—NOW WO itS81.11130 our- , . selves to he a model village, Would it not be wise to -enforce the law regard- ing obstructions to the sidewalks, and keep those unsightly waggons' oft the side of the road instead of on tlle side- walk ? EXOTEF.yIENT..-- C011Siderftble ' rnent was created in this vilWgec, on Tuesday last, on account of the mar- riage of one of the fair young dameele of Exeter ‘to a young merchant of' Lftek- now.. May the stormy day which wit- nessed Miss Gordon's marriagee he no criterion df her after life, Thousands of good wishest followed the happy eouple as they started on their wedding tour. Societe -4M Friday evening last, a social was held. under the auspices of the S, of T., of this place. The 'incle- ment. weather , prevented a very large turn oat, but a very pleasant aed enter- taining evening was spent, Me: S. - Banta ell adeltessed those priseentem the calm of teinperance. M03.31`3, ii‘Ttlsion Hooper and White gave seadinge, Mise M. A. Verity presided at the oegan. Seen SPA/4OLED BANNER. Every month. brings with it this moist inteees. ting of papers, published by Hunter & Co., Hinsdale, N. Ho U. a, Theee men and their organ have been maligns ted and 'hindered ley every Tone flick and Harry ef the light,litigered gentry, The Dam ler* apparently cotes not in what vulnerable point it strikes its vie, tine, 50 long as the Mow required, Only the rogue and teteive the fell vigor of ite.weath. Pollar upon (toilet it hes saved its stibeceibere by ite " llogttee Cornet," Go in and win,we erty. • 11, -11^N To Youa, AaveNeeee.--lt te your advantage to economise ae „ poeenne ny °Very legal means, 110W 0004 You eeenoMiee more in this Way, than watehing where you eau get the best bargains ? Mr. Thos. (lreonway, having eleared out the whole Of hie Whiter ANS/a noev reeeiving epriug goods, Mr, Oreenway's facilitiee es a buyer, are well knowo, reel customere veep the 1)(31104 of tiliS advitatage, Meeneeies' lisserreire.—On Thurs- day evening lest, about fifteen people met in the Court Boom, Exeter, to (sera° slder Ways and meaue of eneblishing Mechanics' Inetitute thia piece. Dr. llyndratto was enpoiuten to the chair, awl lead terverrel doelitneute incidental to such forxnation. Mr. Will J. White acted en secretary. A 00111111ittO0 COM:, 1.1080d, Of 1)r llyndmau ann Mr. In V, lelliot, wee deputized to ettnvass the villagere and obtein the general feeling in the matter, before reporting to a 8ilb. SOglIellt meeting, which will be palled in duo time ey the iteeve, The interim. tage of each a society as a e Vow speak of, are of no meagre character. And the tendency of the Institute as a tvhole is to raise the membere above that et:andante • of literary and, educational quagmire into which we are prime to wander.- IL is to be hoped that a ready and willing hand may assist in the en- terprise, To CORRESPONDENTS:L-4 1110St inter- estiug letter, from. L. M., Osisiaai 2. 0., Enniskillen township, and entitlen' Advice to Young Lanka," hasebedin received ; .but we know no person en- joying tho inithele " L. M," who' is able le indict dli011 an epistle. It surely can't stand for " Leg of Mut--." no offence, tve hope but we can't publish worth a cent, uei'lees we ecnow your name, not necessary for publication. Another correspondent, te whom we wish all good wishes, sends us a poetical effus- ion, entitled "After the conflict is over I" to the tune of "senor the Opera is ovestl" and does Oot ay whether it is original or not. B ue we happened to espy the. same months ago, and, of course, conclinled our anonymous corresponden made a mistak,e. Again, we say, send along your Acme, eta., but send along your name, too. Rertnente.--On.Tuesday last, the al. most dormant state of our village was aroused, and its alinost lethargic stu- por shaken aside. We had a runaway. There hasn't been a runaway here for about a week, and the depraved youth of tele village were seen to walk listlessly tibout, -with their lips -a -falling. And all beemese it was aboat a week sioce they had stood. by, with. legs stretched apart and opeu mouth, laughing at the indescribable terror depicted upon the lace of some agonized teamster as he tugged desperately tit the reins in the vain attempt to check the locomotive - like speed of hie horses. On the day above-mentioned their wupfogressive tastee -were again satisfied. In the afletioon a couple of "bloods " har- neesed theiranse (this is the Lenteu season, aud we may be C-X011.,Sed a joke, fur the horse might well have carried the lithel,'I'Oats wanted; enquire with- in I") horse, and drove peacably to the where their eginne-imity was soon put to the test. A wagon embraced the nigh front -wheel of their eilicedwilolifibtnout izart anC11.,ag fsitiallnde:I'.11is.11; btllwiztOurniidrailit'OtholI'r1dIsYlia101 play," pursued. the uneven tenor of its way, and left springboard and oceu- peuts to pursue the journey alone.— The horse then assumed a „gentle trot, 'and reversed. his coarse homeward, which place he might have reached without molestation but for a Logy which happened to be in hie way. The N. R. Agricultural Society Spring Show of entire horses and bulls will be held in Clinton, on Tuesclay 21st, April. Mbie Society Report. Below will be found an extract Cf the Report of the Exeter Bra,nch of the British and Foreign Bible Soeietn, as kindly furnishecl us by the Secretary, Mr. H. C. Boulton Exeter North, collected by Mrs. Kilpatrick $10 80 Exeter West, collected by Mrs , Broderick and Miss Victoria , Biesett. 21 00 Exeter East, collected by Mrs Samwell and Miss Ilyndman 17 10 Exeter South, collected by, Misses Manning and Weir. 4 05 Eden, collected by Miss C. • Coggine (3 87 Bethesdancellected by Misses Harvey and 131atell 15 41 Centralia, collected ,by Mrs. .. ........ ..... 11 70 Providence, nollected by the . Misses Emily 5;17 Tetal amount ...... $96 74 Sale of Bibles a 46'64 Grend Total $148: B8 Expenses $(38 07 U.C.B.S.,$26 74; B & F. B 8. $53 5480 81 $148-; 88 The follo-wing were appointed affice- bearers for the current year : Pnesneerre--Rov. W. Lund. SDORETARY—H. C. Boultoin Tnra-Der'e—Wm. Grigg. Stephen Couti#1. Stephen, Ma,rch 2, 1874. All the members present, Minntee of previous meeting road and signed. C. Prouty and Ii. Doyle appointed tavern inspectore, tavern lieenee to be $8e, and must, ne paid before next Coancil meeting! oeherwise such person will receive no license, The following persons applied fee li- cense ; M. Neville, S. Press, T. Hod, gins, I?, Buckley, W. Bolter, II. Boca - poem., and W. Breen. Mrs. Flannery to receive aid tp the amount of $1(3.00. Petition of tansteee of school section -No, 12 to be empowered to borrow $1,000 to psy for the erection oft theie echool house, to be paid in WO yeida. Petition granted, The following persons were appoint- ed fenee-viewelee Snell, j, Blesett, T. Hogarth, lislathewston, 11.olt, R. MeThereoe, McArthur, sea, J. To - talon, and E, Dadriels, .The following4pereone wore appointed poinidlieepees : W. Cockle:ills T. Shop- lift, jaihos Itteth ,0011, P. OTioerke, 1), Stalls, J. 1, 0 Mitehell, G. To:trona T.. Mar ouldm. letr eceive Sen. balance of forte )Tored, by if, Pareotie, eeconded hy W. Felton, Tilat Olern draft 4 by-law with refa.ente to the Manieinal Loan Vend, to ontaio front eaid fnnd for past ininreenexente.—Carriee„ The lollowi•ng N1r0r0 granted: Rooter Innen, for printingpamplilete and Aeeeeisor's Notices, 09.75; 0. Preuty, for Deed, reetuniog offieer„ ve- to:8' 4st, kei, $10,25 Deputation to Toronto to S(30 after glirP111S1 $06, Ccinlieil HOW adjourned te meet first Monday io April te forther aPPorttoll eurOla8 money. O. PAOW.XY, CoiliScii, Utrborne, eletreh 7, 1874. Council met purstuent te adjourn - moot. All the members present. Min- utes of last regular' ancl special meetinge reed and confirmed. Aloved by j, Elder, eeconded by L. Hunter, That iqrS. ClarOk receive $10 for relief.— Carried. Oo a Petition from N. 3. Clark and others peaying that a tavern lieense be granted. to Mr. James Davis bailie read, it was moved by J. Elder, seconded by L. Hunter, that the Pray- er of said petition be not granted. -- Carried. Movee by 3. 11aerkney, S00- onded by L. Hunter, That Messrs, T, Cos°, David Kirk, and Wm. Quinton be fenceviewers for the present year,- C3arried. Moved by L. Hunter, second- ed by W, Brock, That the applicatious el nlessrs. Snell, Potts, St. John and Moleett for certificates for tavein licen- ses be granted, as the inspectors eeport ,,they have the aocianmodation reinuired by law. --Carried. Moved by J. Hack- ney, seconded by L Hunter, that Mes- srs. 'Wm. Harding, John Dempsey, sr., Jas. Gilmore, Simon Campbell, Mat- thew Roatley, John lienlesvood, Geo. Low, and Thos. Pollard 6(s poundkeep- ors for the preaeut year.—Carried. Moved by J. Elder, seconded by W. 13rock, That Messrs. J. Hackney, L. Hunter end the mover be a committee to examine certain bridges iu the north west ward and on the north and north- east boundary.—Canied.' Moved by 3. Hackney, ixeconded by S. Elder, That Ihe Clerk notify Mr. T.. Jaeques, that -unless he remove:his fence off the side - road between lote A aud 1, before the -1st dey of May next, legal proceedinns will be taken against, him, --Carrial. Moved by j. Elder, seconned by W. 13robk, That the account of White & Sons, for printing, lie over 'till next meeting of Council.--Carreene On -mo- tion, Council adjourned to -first Satur- day in April. S. P. HALLS, Clerk. z•ucata-. Pkoit' Our own Correspondent. Locals Comeeme-e-The regular meet- ing of the council was ilela in:the Coan- eil eoom Monday, Meech 2nd,1874, at 7e o'clool. Present 3. Dight, Reeve, iu the chair, Cotteeillors Gecalacre and Robins. The =Mutes of lent meeting were read anti signed by the reeve. MoVed by A. Geodaere seconded. by 0. Robins that the arreagement entered into this day between the'reeve of 'Lie. can and the reeve of L'iddulph and by which the populatien of this municipal- ity is admitted to have been 841 at ,the time of talinig the .08113118 1871 be confirmed, and that the corporates setti of the Municipality be affixed to the agreement--Canied. Moved by A. Goodaqe seconded by ,O. 'Robins- that the Sentellee 'and that no efs'ititiOnteils1.4,‘ gixtoroaRviietocrebiliiin&ild(7thisaovisastl,te:olateoandipipourki.ten6213b8lze.4:7i44 be exPunged from the motiou, but that in all otherrespects the motion remain as -it was passed.—Carried. Moved by A. Goodacre,seconcled by 0. Roars that the Au:tenors' report no*. resseived be adopted, and that the -Clerkpe Men -Lust- ed to get 100 copies of the report print- ed. --Carried. Moved by A Geoclacre. secbuded by 0. leobins,T.hat the Clerk be instructed. tosdraft a by-laW appro- priatiog $1,080,being part of the muni- cipal grant of 'the Ontario Municipal Loan Fund, for the purpcne of paying tho debt and *interest on the Lucan Public sbhool.--eCarried. The COuncil then adeourned to meet On first Monday in April. ROBBING HEN Roosrs.---High way rob- bery and burglary have ceased here for awhile bat the spirit which prompted these nacire serious crimes has recently been manifesting itself in robbing hen roosts. .A short :time ago a raid was madenn.Mr. GallOway's poultry and the geeeeter part of themskilled and carried off, again on Sunday night the barn, where Mr. Thompson's fowl are `kept wae entered and uearly all of them were taken. Of all mean men the man who robs a hen roost is said to be the mean- est. Kuunzes.—Prices continue about the same as they vsere last week with very little offering. In fact there was liter- ally no market on Monday or Tuesday last in ecnesegoeoce otthe 2PVAIV1. afdrrrri `ditAttExes.--The Draught Players of Lucan challenged those of Parkhill last week, but the challenge has not beeo accepted. BANK OPENED.—A breiteh of the gl.t- nadian Bank Of Conn:delve is now in' full operation in this village and the ina dicatiots point tei its doing a large buss 11103S. eetromminticin. To 'Um Editor of tile Exeter Timms. Dunn Sm. Thereare many ways of de, feating ends of justice. The following' which occurred innur own village is an example. I speak from facts. About New Yeans, Mr. Cavanagh, shoe maket, hed some boots stolen by burghers. About the same time, Mr. Cathcart's eleuttere 'resisted the attempt of the burglare and they gained nothing. A few days ego, Mr. Cavanagh identified a paix of his boots upon the feet of 4 passer by, and promised to elneld hint /tom the law if he would poy for the" boots. " 1 want, to know-, air. Editor, if this is any satisfactioe to Mr. Cathcart, who now has a very good idea who attempted to break into his shop, mid not by aoy lack, of strength ouitheir part did they fail, but by Mr. Cas fore- thought having strong sleuttere, nue petty thievieg 1 am sorry to say been earried 00 for years, isnd,the deleadatiore should re ieive betelit of the law, ,THSTICE, Liman, Meech 10th. seaebeas 8 le atintlit Aititivrisea—Gs Smith'e Spriog Goode ate HOW arriving. Has buyer, Mr. Vendeteorn has illSt retained from Britain and brings witl. law 4 loge etok. See eavt4 Ow IMOD. Nel;',l4 WAR:Yr-Oil 1Priday mornioe lest, genie villain of eornmanist netlike eet tire to an noosed dwelling houee of Mr. Abraham Beiet, PHs the 18th Oon,„ Bay Tp. About 8 o'clock, Mr. Zimmern bon, Who le ier the habit ef 48* this early to li,14110 eta the fireA diseOVOred boll4to8 to be on fiee to the seutheverd, Oa examination it proved to be a dwell- ing.hourre, eviiich Mr, Reist had eonvert- en lute a shelter for the implenteote use on lite tarne, all of whieh were de- . stroyed, Loss, $000 ; insurance. The .114iiie, ' is Araniaresribeesnatieteiefunie,enyrotrhyanprowpheigly Iniotindes the loading 'dace in the March issue of THE Aerone. Threecharming pieturee, by J. D. Woodward., represent some of the most strilllng scenes iu North West -- ern Virgine. A nobler epecimen of the wood engraver's art has never been produced than tile fall -page eendering of Woodward's relealcooy Falls, James Rieer." The artist', and engraver have worked lovingly together, and the result is what may be c ailed a perfect picture. The secend picture of this series is a striking' view of the wonderful "Natural Bridge." and the third represente lovely elicit on the "James River, above ltope Ferry." The trumpet•flowers and other viues, twine gracefully over an old maple tree in the foreground., C. Mat - lads, a Freneh artist, had an ideal pie - tore of "Poland," a fall -page picture, representing ft W011194, shackled, bere- footed, seated amid enow and ice, crush- ed down -with sorrows, but not misdeed. Fritz Paulsen coutributes a full-page pieture, "Her treasure," showing the ineribr cid the thambee, with a group of yeung ladies standing about a cradle, in which there 18 a sleeping in- fant. This picture is artistie and beau- tiful in all of its details. "The Wolf tinned Shenhard" is a fine picture by Dore, illustrative of one of La Fon- taine's fables. eLaying out a town," is a child -life picture, eminently life -like by John S. Davis. Specht contributes two magnificent cuts of animal life, one respeeting,"English greyhounds," and the other "Wild Boars," a fine contrast between domestic and wild animals. Au excellent portrait of Annie Louise Cery, in the character of Aranaris, in the new opera of "Aida embellishes this number. ei.nother large portrait picture represeuts "Goethe at Home," in the chamber where he spent his childhood. The "Return of the Exile" by T. E. Resenthal, is a beautiful pic- ture avlalth depicts an incident iu the life of a npaniard who returned to his castle to 'firia it ruins. From the above list of illustrations it will be seen that the lt.larelt ALDINE is remarkably rich in pictorial ern embraaing every variety of subject. ' • The literary tntents'do not fall be- hind the pictures in number and interest Mary E. Bradley has %poem of delicate sentiment, entitled "The LKS6 hour : "Gabriel Hetrison writes a charming story of "The. Two Artists," Biego Vel - evince ail ti. Eiguel Cervantes ; Mrs. New haws ballad—"Somebu ly's Baby; Mary.B. Marge pays a pooneal "Tri bane" to the late J. R. Thompson the Southern poet ; S. E. Boggs ,contri- butes from the Ckerreser est neesestis store:. ne ehall be Tily ea,ister ;" efes.. aleaile tea aa ird, wife of the pub- c‘oaTulwdegoD,,Criweioaerleed; Dawson Shaine, a fanorite contributor, fUrnishes an ieE l• resting eseay on "Win- ter in Cananian "forests ;" M. T. teautitolinir;*laantel :NfirrosmivPienariys esf ."Tpive ertmemoPre. has en article on "The Land of the Dakotan" -county with "Drama," ."Literattere," and "Art," are well fdled. The editorial articles in this number 'consist of "Poland," "Views in Virgi- na" "Return to theExile," "The Wolf turned Shepherd," " Development of Animals," and "Goethe at Home." Subscription pribe $5. ineluding chro- mes "The East" and West." jamas Sutton & co„ publishets, Maiden Lane, New York City. a eat elie had le es '05104 4,(1. 1,k,011„ WilOn drOsee very ecanty clothes ; sbe WiXe 11,111)4 grliCery to make a tattrelleata bait atgii, Ala that she had a inielettud arose two ehildreu Novo York. 'The de. tectiee teld a far different story, but nothing eould be done and she WAS al, lowed to go it't lerge, She anmedtately took remits at 'ceding eitylietel, while the batlied deteotive stayed. at another mai kept 0, Watelt fer his quer/anon Pries °nee. She telegraphed to some of 14ar New York friends, and they are expect. tO atnne 011. 'Whoever the women Peer be,4 itS quick as a thought and eharp as a knife, and clever, 'foto as the city pollee have discovered. As it is, elle le oujnying ported liberty-nen- eept that of esponage—and evideot- ly inteOds to enjoy still further. She Is a 31111111) entive person, Veteetive Miller has been ten years in the service, and is Irnowu as shrewd officer, ann the arrest of Mollie Was no small feather in his con, but he made fatal -mistake in coining through Cana" 411 ettleged Xotoriosis Thief is Canada. SIM IS TOO SMART ,FOR TIER DETECTIVE—AN AMERICAN WARRANT TJSRLESS. • a From the Hamilton Times. • Yesterdey an episode occurred. at the railway depot here which 11113 caused much' talk and greet excitement in the police circles of the city. • Abent a year ago woman, who is said to be a notorious thief, managed, while employed as a servant in Chicago, to ateal about $20,000 in United States boncle. She was :arrested. and gave her ;name as Millie Holbrook: She was admitted to bail by bonds for $4,000 aim junipeis a -as agb go escaped no One knew whither. The detectives set tO work, and she was ulti- mately treced to New York city. De- tectiee Miller, a valued member of the Chicego force, " worked up " the 'case with ' no inconsiderable 'sagacity, and watched for hei day and night. .A.t "last, his efforts were suecesaful, and a pouple of nights ago he met her on one 'of the. Now York city itreets and took her into eustody, and she was ,Ocinfined in a cell so that she could be removed to Chicago. On the night of Tuesday last, in.the enstecly of the deteciive, who took s' through tickets," te Chicago, she left for that City. The prisoner behaved hereelf very well all the way -through, but eothelsoW yesteiday she eneertained that she was pessing theough Cenade, and she resolved on a clever rind effect, ual mode of procedure. When the train pulled up at the depot hero yester- day afternoon, she sprang. from the ear, and seeing G. W. R. • Police Constable Begley, ran totvat•de him and threw her- oelf into his arms, sayinsashe had beet kidnaned, and therefore claimed pro - tactical itader the laws of Canada, The detectives who says he did not tip to the moment 'show he was it) Canada, fole lowed her and told the policeman that she was a thief, and was beiess taken to the place Where she had committed the Inacehy, and he produced the *errant, which here was not worth the pat et upon which it was written. Mr. 13egloy pieced the women hi eliaree of Consist, Ole Purcell, of the city police, who, ate emapairied by tile detective, beought her up to the Chief ef Police, The woman gave her name e,ictry H,oey, according to hoe a most reepeetable pers, sot residing in New Yells, Where she had been kidnapped. She Was taken fore the Police 'Magistrate, and told ono of the moist plausible stetiee that could iovented. She did not knot From the Main Hamilton, March brooke, the wonaan who' demainded the protection of our flag at the G. W. B. depot on Wedneeday, has made her es - °ape across the lilies. Yeeterday after - 110,011 coufederato of the woman arriv- ed here from New York. Shortly after Mollie /eft the hotel with her " pal walked aroused. town from one house to another until about eix o'clock, when - Dthui; jytils;aokatahiscatbimieinsilil.odwr4veluttartstaxlete surveillance of the police, and, euspect- Mg something wrong, constehle Mae - phenol' in civilian's clothes, was in- structed to take the 8.35 traint while the Chief of Police, Detective Rousseau and the American detective hired a eou- veyance so as to follow the cab contaitt- iug the fugitives, and, getting on.the scent traced them' to Wiene, where they arrivedjust in time to take thettain for Cliftone while the officers arrrivaa few - seconds too late, and then rentelleg.to the city. After the, arrival of the train at Clifton, Mollie ,and her man stop"ped at a hotel opposite the station, wheie Macpherson followed them, and tele- graphed the fact to the Chief of Police here.. Macpherson then infonned De- tective Topper and Chief of Polies Yetung, of Clifton, of the facts, when Tupper recognized the woman as tamest daring and, acomplished tnief, and as being weasted iu Toronto on the charge of shoplifting and of subsequently break- ing gaol. s Shortly before the arrival of the New York express trein which left here at 2.15 this morning, and. arrived in Clifton' at 8.85, seven men Came across from, the other side with two cabs, said in company with the man 'who left here with the woman, which made eight, drew their revolvers and, threatened te shoot the officers if they dared to keep the W01110:11. They then put leer into a cab and drove her actoss the river. The American detective, when he received the telegram an- nouncing, that they were in Cliftseenleft here in company with Detective Mc- Meaerny, but did not arrive in time to be of aay service. This morning two. men waived freed ellsieage who bailed Ler *he', rarristeit en the thereat of si bwatti to the osseous, Can fa • , tit •aid the: ee • aa hoe ef I a a es,. 'et • .1- - street emu I, r 1.c - tfwoe anuosnyindsvtecetilL321wItlelloilnefgh:W:ho:1111i:v"he-lIrteabli::1,:n140.4bi . Point.Pinalis, near Thamps, Florida. The ftrueral expenses of menkilled the Hoosac Ttumel, and paid by the contractor, have amounted to $10,000 - in five years. More than one hundred deer were killed in St. Clainnewnsbep, Westmor- land county, Pa., during the month of December. Orillia lately a vote was taken ou a. by-law prohibiting the licensing of the liquor stores. The result was 147 votes for t1WproposedrestriCtion and three against it. : dratannatO, rrIENDER 8 l'ir. ANTE D. • _L, . . Sealed' , tenders 'will h. ---e received up to the Sth or /ipriVfor the erection of as Brick School HOuse in. 8 S. No- 10, Hay, and to be completed on the 15th day of Nov. 1874. Tendbrslcill also be receiyed for the completion Of the same. 6011001 House on the lath day of,J94,1873. The plant and specifications can be Seen at the residence of John AfcEiven, on Lthoetan2800,1vC,aosaanto.j.1011:;1?azimells6.2,0aiNpcyvmt.ruow.fitTttlx,11:0. itrtioNisetoste,.0ii,r-, (14,oriloi.,itt.i..,:i'sbtiaineefird: "abAlITNERSIIIP NOTICE. i, , . RAINEY 11,0LIANGS11114111, ; r Hay,lifarch.11,11574, ..' , , 20-4t, , . . ..L.. -- rb.0 PUtaie .aVe hG:trOPty itliOralia VAt %110 11/1(3.0r- signod havo this day entered. into' a partnership iu the vilLage of Bxeter, for the .purPosc of 'carry- ing 'USA tile ii,11$1..tteisoi of butChering itc in said. Til- lage' 1 ' * 3, THOMAS VItIOR, lava SLEY,BISSETT. The Member's of No. 6 Co., 38rallstt. FL Avni return Gotiernment stores their nossession to' the armory *Afloat delay 'elly order J. N.GEOWARD, Caitain loromandin0 No)sti Oo. 4;4'04 11,4874. „ 50-tf. OND.e.--TlinfeirATCR! ityvER_ s st, was form by a boy elm toyest by Irr. john Treble, harnesS Maker, txeter. A.V- FIC011 itki advt. in the Tryens, he iminediaMly rotarberi watch to ine. WM. COOK T ',1ST OF LETTERS REIVAIN in the Exeter P. 0: on MarCh 2nd. ( Bernott Jaunts Taylor Miss Jane Itiuton Miss Sarelt WhitloOk Mists Sarah O'Neil Patrick YeoMisii Jennie WWI. SANDERS, .P.M. 1-)I13;E:CTORS' MEETING, a Meeting of tqlo DiVeotert Of the SOuth Huron Iiirotrec',1113141-(irceicilttell tadt,Teal o'cleek"e,m„ to netlie arrangements for tbo spring show, A full attendance is xecsuostod. ittiGil LOVE, Brto Seers tary. OY WaNTED. A boy about iti or 16 yr.;ars of sets wanted at this office„to learn tho printing business. Mutt have a geed education. . THE leEGUL Meetings of rAbaneti :Forest Ledo), 140,, 133, Exeter., will he lic171 usfollow8. A oer. invitu,tio4 iu eXten. deo te till Visiting bre- thren, •mot, Aptil 91, May Siti,Tttrie 20, sinly 07, Ang, 23, Stspis.01, Oet. 13, Nov. 2a, nee, 01 an d 68. ' l‘t.1121.011.11.'.ET, SeeretarY, 1\ ()TICE. Tito nubile le &roil 'cautioned pgainot Ntiitt tny wife rosy ereilitoki abiteutit, esters lets le thy Midland bettid stititlitilit'dtie cane& rir protroite. tion. I'altiO Yrtitit itiiSt Perkin negotiant* for trio drit4rt in feistier' 6f 1116,-fer end IT'S at they ere KflYVOSOn Wit iirbut ULAN .844)hpil4totoititity.W71,