HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1992-04-01, Page 22Page 22 Times -Advocate, April 1, 1992 t.\" FARM PROPERTY AND FARM 44 *k on ♦ MACHINERY AUCTION Saturday , ADrll 4 at 1280 am, For Mr. Raymond Ducherms,1 1/4 miles west of Dashwood on Hwy. 83 and 21/2 miles north on Conc. 15, Lot 10, Hay TWp. REAL ESTATE : Consists of 175 acres with approx. 160 acres of highly productive rich, loamy soil tiled at approx. every 60 feet. Large yellow brick well kept house with 5 bedrooms, large kitchen, living room, hard- wood floors, large cedar deck, basement, wood/oil heat. Large steel driving shed, steel covered barn, silo and ample water supply. For view- ing this property please call Mr. Ducharme at 236-4863 alter 6 p.m. or weekends or auctioneer. TRACTORS: A.C. 175 diesel, p.s., duals, M.F. 135 diesel with hd load- er, 328 N.H. pto spreader with heavy apron, Cunningham 9 tooth chisel plow, M.F. 3 pt h 16' high clearance plow, 15 ft. 3 pth Kongskilde cult., 11 1/2 tt. Kongskilde cult with finger harrows, 9 ft. cult., 15 tt. roller with pups, 8 ft. 3 pth Ford disc, McKee Dorn hog, 4 ***on harrows wIlh� poles, IH drill, 10 bale fork and stooker, MF 488 corn planter, 46' 6 Speedking carriage pto auger, 3 gravity boxes with wagons, 3 pth blade, 13.6 x 28 duals, chains, walking plow, wood trailers, wagon running gear, ext. aluminum ladder, wagon of small items, hard top camp trailer, 613 Dutz Allis 12 1/2 hpr. riding lawn mower with 42 in. cut, 1982 1/2 ton Dodge pickup. REAL ESTATE TERMS: 10% down day of sale. Balance due in 30 days. Property sells subject to a modest reeerve bid at approx. 1:15 p.m. Not responsible for loss and accidents. Tars Oash.l00h. Auctioneer John Finlay 236.4814 • PATIO FURNT11*18 • VALUE PRICED! Wood, MMM. IL ML._, cast, cumRattan co Ran Weakest. 71 Kies West, Fonar (519) 786.218). See and compare! (14c) BELARUS FRONT WHEEL scat skive tractor and Blizzard (made by Geo. White) mowblower, (single auger), both in good condition, asking $3,800 or best after. Phone 229-0684 or 229-6143. WEDDING DRESS (7-9) Mad piece and crinolin for sale. Call 228-6252 titer 5:30 P rah. WEDDING GOWN and hat for sale. Satin, lace and hag train. Size 7. For information call 235-0372. NEW ZEALAND RABBITS for sale. AU sizes and breeding stock. 85 to $20 a. Pour mecum Muscovy dude $10.00 each Phone days 229-6566 ornighu 229-6712. (12dx) HOUSE TRAILER, 13 foot Boer, light 6bnr�laaa volt i,190 volt • wove, new_ NNaha, 'vrieds sad , I Excellent I WOW oottfllw.�A* g 8220My 0. Cavell 235-3008 after 5 p.m. MAN'S STANDARD BICYCLE. 26" wheel. Phone 235-3534.0e) FRIDGE AND STOVE. Ingle gold frost free $400; washer and dryer, older model 840 for the pen. Double traverse certain rod 105 h.. 825; man's quality leather motorcycle jacket 8540.00 red and black plus Sheep helmet $200.00; 2 flip down sofa. Green tweed 820.00 each (14c) WALL UNIT, 2 sections, bar unit and auetaimnant came. Dark pine finish with ********************************** display lighting: matching coffee table, * excellent oondnion 8350 complete. Call * FARM SOLD * 2a4-1806anytime. * Clearing auction sale of farm machinery, some household effects, etc.,* RED CLOVER SEED - Datable as * For Ken and Madeline Parkinson. Lot 4, Concession 8, Blanchard * Common No. 1. Phone 227-4604. (13;14•) * Twp. Take 23 Hwy. to Concession 8, then 1 mile east. (Watch for * DOUBLE. CUT RED (momsRED. * signs).2 miles from Woodham. * 650 lb. Poona 236.4060• (13•) * Saturday April 4 - 11:30 a.m. * CHICKENS - oval wady *TRACTORS: David Brown 990 diesel, with heat hauser, Case 995 * chickens 6-9 lbs. Free delivery. Cats diesel, A.C. D14 gas with loader, includes 7' mower, 3 pt. h. A.C. W.C. * 229.6843 after 5 p.m. :GOLF CLUBS - 11 piece net, men's duet * as is. *gas, 'hand, Northwestern with extra d , COMBINE: 1976 Gleaner F, gas, bean special, spike cylinder, pickup * head, excellent for bean harvesting. * * FARM MACHINERY: .Norcan 3 fur. 14" plough, 13' triple K cult., 10'*** ******** *'s*V•***'t`*e`*'a** *triple K cult, 10' #25 White wheel disc, M.F. #33 single disc, 17 run* * RETIRING FROM THE SWINE INDUSTRY * grain and Pert. drill with grass seeder, 4 row cult., Massey 4 bar side * i AUCTION SALE OF BUILDINGS, SILO, HOG EQUIPMENT, AN- IC*rake, chain harrows, flat rack and wagon, large gravity bin on truck* TIQUES AND SOME MACHINERY * * tired wagon, smaller gravity bin and wagon, M.F. #520 12' wheel disc * * For Mr. Dave Hammel, on #4 Hwy. just north of eire. 8 miles North of * * with heavy blades, Int. 4 row #56 corn planter with insecticides and* * London * bean plates, 9' packer, rubber tired wagon, Bissel disc, bale stocker,.* * Saturday, AprII 11 - 12:00 noon land roller, harrows, Allied 8' blade, White snowblower. * p party *MISC:4-4' steel culverts, 20 cement forms 4 x 8, 5 rods for 13' silo, * * BUILDINGS & SILO: To be removed from the ro 40 x 20 Feed * lumber, old stair case, grain augers with motors, Windpower generator, * 1st stor sealed silo with unloader for high moisture corn, barn 160 x 24,* * 1150 gal. plastic water tank, grain thrower and pipe, ladders, steel and * frame also cement block, barn 110 x 24 roof only, barn 50 x 20 old* * wooden posts, feed carts, Surge bucket, Woods 2 hp grinder, Stewart'* frame style. * * cattle clippers, forks, shovels, etc. Other small items found at a clear- * HOG EQUIPMENT: Farmamatic 4 compartment feed mixer, Big Dutch -* * ' man 350' feed conveyor with drops, 2 - 4 ton bulk tanks, 7 ton bulk* * ing farm sale. * tank, Houle stable cleaner approx. 250' and unit, Burk stable cleaner* * HOUSEHOLD: Admiral stove, Kenmore automatic dryer, Co-op deep * * approx. 350' and unit, 30 tie stalls for sows, 20 farrowing crates, breed-* * freeze sofa and chair, beds, lamps, kitchen table and 4 chairs, ward-* 4t ing wheel, cement partitions, wire partitions and gates, cement cleaner* * robe, books, magazines, antique radio, sealers, old dishes, pots and * 4c vers, feeders, augers and motors, lumber - 2 x 4's and plywood, 24c * pans, wash stand, storm windows, steel desk, other tables and fumi-* it * ture etc., kids swing, milk cans, stainless steel pails, iron kettle, wheel- * * Martin fans (like new). All the above equipment is in running condition. * * barrow etc. * * Lots of penning. * LAWNMOWER: Turf -track #25, tractor and lawnmovtier, 11 hp. Further.* FARM MACHINERY, ETC: McCormack W6 gas tractor, Gehl forage* * * harvester with hay head, Gehl forage box and wagon, Kool blower, * 580.00. can 22941275. t 11For Sok BEEF FOR SALE: Side swot. 230 Ib, avenge. out and wrapped, $1.65 Ib. Call 461-0817. DARK PINE, BUFFET HUM!, owl table, 6 drain reasonable, excellent condition. 284-1786. MOVING SAE - Air conditioner 10,500 I4.T.U., 36" droplet( white table, 4 ice cream aye drain (3' padded mats). Phone 284-2240. 14 H.P. JOHN DEERE. garden tractor, hydrdsutic driver, 28" mower, run approx. 30 hours. $3500; 1974 Flyre trailer, deeps 6, in excellent condition, 3 way e, stove and awning and Arnim. $ . Phone 1-522-0295. THREE CAR SEATS FOR SALE. Two Evendlo and one Strollie all in good condition. Call evenings 234-6793. ROUND WHEAT STRAW BALES, 4x5. Phone 228-6288. (14c) SUPER DEAL - big brown Magregor golf bag. Wide track "Bag Boy" Deluxc gol/ cart, cushioned fold down seat. Flew condition. Matching woods and iron coven, umbrella. Cost 8350.00, sell $175.00 or best offer. Can pudnese individually. 238-2180 Grand Bend. HOG PARTLTIONS - 16' lengths, 4'x6" spacing, 1/4" wire, 3' high. Galvanized can be welded 843.00 per length. Available at Centralia Farmers 228-6638. (14:15c) T'OO1S - Skil saw, Sara 7 1/4" new 8150.00 and tax. Asking 880.00. Makin 12" steel dho,saw extra blades, stand 8140.00; l R" au impact (new) 825.00. 3/4 h.p. 1 cyl. au compressor with task on wheels. Regulator to 120 the. 8225.00. Call 235-3059. CRAFTSMAN 10" RADIAL ARMSAW. Priste'eostdi1ion. $600.00. Phase 228.6796. JOHN DEERE 30" rider lawnmower, 3 years old. Complete with rear bagger. Phone235-2764: 17 Wanted i o Buy WE NEED CARS AND TRUCKS for wreath's or resale, towing service available. Brock Auto Wreckers, Crediton. Phone 228-6700. (40tfn) * information phone (519) 229-8269. TERMS: Cash sale day. Lunch,booth. Auctioneers * * M.F. 17 run single disc drill, like new, aluminum doors, Webster gas air* ** -it compressor, Dunham wheel disc, J.D. 494 4 row corn planter, steel* * posts, 2 speed Martin fans, styrafoam sheets, Lawn Flite #8 tractor* * Hugh Filson Tom Robson Ray Filson * 666-0833 666-1967 666-2009♦c * and mower, picnic table, BBC), small fndge,•cream separator, butter* * * ,* bowl and print, gas tank and pump, 2 wheeled trailer, old manure* * Fax 666.0833 found at a clearing farm sale. Further in-* ************its******tlr#itrirlk#*�r�k#A. * spreader, a few misc. articles fou *formation phone 666-0973. - * TERMS: Cash sale day. Jr. Farmers Lunch booth. * * Auctioneers * CLEARING AUCTION SALE Combine, 3 tractors and farm machinery, to be held 2 1/2 miles north of Exeter on Highway #4, then 2 1/2 miles east for Uoyd and Russell Ferguson Friday. Agr111130) l l tit 1 p.m. 1979 Whitee diesel esel withh cab, heater, straw spreader, rasp bar and wire tooth cylinders, 23.1 x 26 drive tires, 703 N 3 row narrow corn head. 13 ft. cutter bar head with pick up reel and 10 ft. pick up. TRACTORS: 1982 White Field Boss 2-85 with cab, heater, air, dual remotes, over under shift, 18.4 x 38 tires, run only 1841 hours. Set of 18.4 x 38 duals. Ford 4000 high arch diesel 13.6 x 38 power adjust rear wheels, 4 row Ford mounted swifter, 4 row JD bean puller, fits on cultivator frame. Cockshutt 1550 gas tractor. MACHINERY: Kongskilde PGB series, 18 ft. trail hydraulic fold wing cultivator with Inland harrows, nearly new, John Deere 2600 semi mount 4 furrow 16 inch bottom plow, like new, Oliver 3 furrow 14 inch mounted plow, International 56 - 4.row corn planter with fiber glass boxes and insecticides, Vetter 3415 15 ft. rotary hoe, Kongskilde 11 ft. cultivator with rolling harrows, Henry bean windrower with cross con- veyor, Innes 570 bean windrower, John Deere 10 ft. trail disc, Spray - motor 200 gallon trail sprayer with poly tank and hypro pump, JD Van Brunt 15 run seed drill, 3 JM model 250-7 gravity boxes with exten- sions on Horst wagons; Turnco model 225 gravity box on Horst wag- on, Older gravity box on wagon, JM 12 ft. hydraulic fertilizer auger, New Holland 328 single beater manure spreader, like now, Winpower model 25/15 PT2 PTO drive generator; New Idea 323 one single row corn picker, Cockshutt 207 5 bar side rake, Owatona 40 ft. hay and grain elevator PTO drive, IH 3 p: hitch hay mower, Oliver 60 baler, Oli- ver 18 trail combine, New Idea 40 ft. 6 inch grain auger 16 h. flat rack, 3 drum roller, Bissel 10 ft. double packer six section diamond har- rows, 1 Fortress 1 -Walker pig feeder, 17 ft. & 11 ft. 5 inch gran au- ger,s 300 ft. of 1/2 inch plastic hose. NOTE: NO SMALL ITEMS - PLEASE BE ON TIME!! This is a real clean offering that has always been kept inside OWNERS RETIRING. LUNCH BOOTH TERMS: Cash or cheque with proper ID Owners: Lloyd Ferguson 1-519-263-5859, Russell Ferguson 1-519- 263-5959 Auctioneer Richard Lobb Clinton 482-7898 CLEARING AUCTION Of tractors, implements, feed and misc. items to be held 7 miles south of Dublin on County Road or a 12 mile south of Cromarty on FAllis 10 a.�l TRACTORS: Deutz - is 6250 4 wd. diesel iese with roll cab and 455 Quick -On loader (1200 hr.), J.D. 4020 diesel with cab and duals. IMPLEMENTS: iNH 352 mix -mill with scale and long unload auger, AC 2000 4x18 semi -mount plow, A.C. 3x16 mounted plow, J -M 350 gravi- ty bin with extensions on 12 ton gear, A.C. 16 ft. wing cultivator with finger harrows, N.H. 510 manure spreader with top beater, Versatile 8x60 ft. pto drive auger, Int. #10 sixteen run double plate drill with grass seed and fertilizer, Owatonna 250 ten ft. swather with crimper, Nuhn 500 gal. mini -vac tank (2 yr. old), Kongskilde 11 ft. 3 pth cultiva- tor with rolling harrows, AC 12 ft. trail disc, Ford 530 baler, Kools for- age blower and pipes, 32 ft. skeleton elevator, Overturn 4 x 14 mount- ed plow, Advance 26 KW alternator on trailer, 7 ft. scraper blade, McKee 6 ft. single auger snowblower, Pittsburg 5 1/2 ft. rotary mower, Lilliston 4 row swifter, Cockshutt rake, gravity bin with fertilizer auger, Three good flat racks and gear, bight running gear, Dion forage box (rough), five section harrow and polo, Gehl 300 harvester with pickup and single row head, Seagle 3 pth cement mixer, livestock trailer 8 ft. x 14 ft. MISC: Four raised weaner decks, four raised farrowing crates, three feed carts, hog scale, Hotsy power washers, power hacksaw, Comet electric welder, Comet bench grinder, Zenith 12 speed drill press, Shoperaft 10 inch bandsaw, May lire changer, 12 volt fuel pump, Sears 2 cylinder air compressor, toriches, 6 ton feed tank (3 yr. old), aluminum truck topper, steel siding, water pump, with gas motor, and a wagon load. FEED: Approx. 1200 bale of straw, approx. 200 bale of hay. NEIGHBOURS EQUIPMENT: M.F. 2705 diesel with powershifl, air heater and radio, MF 255 diesel with multi -power, JD 2130 diesel, MF 4 row air planter with monitor, Kongskilde 18 ft. folding 3 pth cultivator, fertilizer auger. Lunch booth. Prop. and auctioneer not responsible for accidents or de- letions from sale. Decision of auctio*eers final in case of dispute. Terms: cash or cheque with ID Prop: Bruce Dow 519-345-2335 Auctioneers: Doug Jacob and Wallis Ross 271-7894 - 619 - 539-5077 * Hugh Filson Tom Robson 666-0833 Fax 666-0833 666-1967 ********************************** * FARM RENTED AND IS FOR SALE * * Clearing Auction sale of farm machinery, misc., a few household items. * tle For Mr. and Mrs. Gary Skinner, Lot,2, Concession 2, Usborne Twp..,1 * * 1/2 mile's E. of Centralia Restaurant (which is on #4 Hwy:), 5 miles S E. of Prater. 9 miles N. of Lucan - * * _-- Monday April 6 - 12:30 p.m. * _ *TRACTORS: Ford 7000 diesel with cab, Ford 3000 dieselwith'loader, * *'Coc cshutt 1650 diesel with cab, 16.9 x 38 duals, tractor chains. *FARM MACHINERY: White 7300 diesel combine with cab and 13'* * Kwik cut head with floating cutter bar, 4 row narrow corn head, dummy* * head with pickup, J.D. 494 4 row corn planter, 4 row bean puller, Innis: *#520 windrower with cross conveyor, Gehl forage harvesterwith hey * * head, 2 single row heads, Kools blower and pipes, Matheson forage* * box and wagon, corn hog, 1000 rpm with hydraulic feeder (like new), 2 *gravity bins and wagons, 3 pt. h. mower, Int. double disc 16 run all * *with grass seeder, older double disc drill, 16 run with grass seeder, 2'* * row bean puller for Int. A, scuffler for Int. A, 3 pt. h. cult., Int. wheel * I *disc, steel roller and pups, A.C. #1200 cult., N.H. side rake, bale eleva- * *tor, 16' 3 pt. h. cult, 3 sections rotory hoe, 3 pt. h. blade, old swather, *cement mixer, Calsa sprayer, 2 16" 4 fur. 3 pt. h. ploughs, 3 fur. * *plough, Allied 6 section harrows, hog feeders and water nipples, Allied * *single auger snow blower, generator on wheels, hammer mill off Gehl * , *mill, Woods 5' rotory mower, plus forks, shovels etc., small items found * , * at a clearing farm sale. * *LAWNMOWERS: Lawnflite, with electric start, MTD lawnmower. * *MSC: 150 wood pallets, 500 gal. gas tank, water tank on wagon, etc. * * 'r etc. / *For further information phone (519) 229-8252. 40, TERMS: Cash sale day. Lunch booth. h FilsonAuctioneers Tom Robson * e► 154833 Fax 846.0833 6861667 ********************************** /IPIl/z/IHII//. Hensall Livestock Seles'Ltd. Order buyer for fats, feeders and stockers Stockers and Western Cattle arriving daily. Sorting cattle for TabOtville Livestock Exchange Ltd. on Fridays Restaurant open daily 7 a.m., 3 p.m. For more Information contact: Barry Miller, Owner Manager Office 262-2831, Exeter 235-2717, Kkldon 229-6205, Truck 1-661-8956 HIIN////AMPOOM IINIIM/I/H//IIIIIII. • Auctioneers Bob Heywood, 235-0874 Burt Lobb, 482-9377 at Sou onecntra, FYaiK We wilt bo dispersing the household of Mr.and Mrs. L.o—eb/bh # have sold their Dashwood home plus additions. HOUSEHOLD & ANTIQUES: round dining ext. table with 4 matching captain's chairs, lovely solid pine hutch and buffet, solid oak roll top desk, cedar chest, oak sideboard, real Mclean beige chesterfield and chair, recliner (red), Bentwood rocker, 2 love seats, wicker fan chair and matching table, several dressers, wardrobe, hall tree, coffee table, drop leaf chrome table, Antique clocks inc. fancy iron clock with Noah Pomeroy works (1849-1878), gingerbread and steeple clocks, Ingram - Bristol ships clock with Waterbury works, 30 day Long Pendulum clock, a nice selection of chinaIIHWOlass Inc. RS -Prussia, Germany, Burstlem, depression, several good pcs. of carnival glass, 4 seasons pitcher, oil lamps, condiment set, bullseye finger lamp, bedding, lug- gage, pictures, lamps, 30' electric range, old post card albums, crocks, Queen Victoria print and dozens of collectible and useful items. MiSC AND TOOLS DeWalt 740 Radial Arm Saw (10"), Toolex 28". Copy -Lathe - 1 HP Main drive, band saw, roto tiller, 2 push gas mow- -ors, bench grinder, reciprocating saw. _chain straw, kerosene heater, hand and power tools, workmate garden tools, 6 man tent, Daisy BB gun, fishing poles, 32" x 18" glass fireplace, doors, etc., 1/2 ton truck topper. M. • CLEARING AUCTION SALE Combine, 2 tractors and farm machinery, to be held 2 1/2 miles south of Brucefield on Highway #4, then 3 miles west for Albert Postma. Thursday. April 9 at 12 nQoc1 COMBINE: Gleaner F corn and soybean special with cab, heater, ra- dio, strawdtopper, gas engine, 18.4 x 26 dnve tires, 430 4 row narrow corn head, 13 h. cutter bar head with reel and pick up. TRACTORS: Allis Chalmers 7000 diesel with cab, heater, air, radio, 20.8 x 34 rear tires, front weights, dual hydraulic outlets (real clean), rated at 106 PTO HP. MF 165 diesel with multipower hydraulic outlets, 16.9 x 28., power adjust rear wheels, 16.9 x 28 dual wheels. IH 434 gas tractor with loader. MACHINERY: MF 33 15 run grain only drill, 3 yrs old, Kongskilde 20 ft. 3 PT hitch wing cultivator with leveling bar and rolling harrows, Allis Chalmers 500 series 4 row corn planter with insecticides, IH 45 13 ft. vibra shank trail cultivator, Allis disc, 3 drum roller, 9 ft. chain harrow, 2 - Case 4 furrow 16 inch semi mount trip bottom plows, JM 12 ft. ferti- lizer auger, New Idea 3 PT hitch fertilizer spreader, Case 3 furrow 16 inch trip bottom plow, Kongskilde 4 row scuffler with rolling shields, Emerson stone picker, Winpower PTO drive, 7000 watt continuous al- ternator Model 1217 PT2, Calsa trail sprayer, NH 3 PT hitch hay mow- er, NH 56 5 bar side rake, NH 268 baler, Innes 520 bean windrower with cross conveyor, Mauer 4 row bean puller, 4 row weed wick, bel drive manure pump, 25 ft. single axle highway trailer with 4 ft. sides, steel floor, front axle and tongue, 3 gravity boxes on wagons, Ebersol 36 ft. hay and grain elevator with electric motor, post hole digger, 18 ft. flat rack on wagon, 6 ft. blade, 2 - 16 ft. 4 inch auger with 5 ft. ex- tensions and motors, 4 section diamond harrows, bale stooker and fork, 5 ft. rotary cutter Lucknow 7 ft. snowblower, cyclone grass seed- er, MF pressure washer, 2 - feed carts, cement mixer, 2 - 2 wheel trail- ers, table saw, bin aerator, small drill press, wheel barrow, wagon load of tools and misc. items. NOTE: Most items have been stored inside. OWNER IS RETIRING. LUNCH BOOTH TERMS: Cash or cheque with proper ID Owner: Albert Postma 1-519-263-5235 Auctioneer Richard Lobb Clinton 1-519-482-7898 L U U U U U' V U V (, -- 1t4sa4t.1***************.KsF*************.K****t FARM SOLD * Clearing Auction sale of farm macinery, truck, livestock and race horse equipment. For Mr. Whitney Coates and neighbours. Sale will be held * * on lot 10, Concession 5, Usborne Twp. 1 1/2 miles S. of Exeter, 2 1/2 .* * mile E. on County Rd. 6. (Bill Pincombe property) Friday April 3 -12:30 p.m. * * TRACTORS: M.F. 35diesel with G.W. loader, M.F. 165 high arch die-* sell, Oliver Super 66 gas, 15.5 x 38 duals. 4< FARM MACHINERY: 3 pt. h. Kongskilde 15' cult., Oliver & Massey: * ploughs, Owatonna Model #25 swather 10' with crimper, G.W. sprayer, * 30' boom, hypro 4 piston pump, 24' harrogater, Int. 720 automatic res-* * set 4 fur. plough, Kongskilde 10' vibraflex 3 pt. h. cult., steel roller, cult, * * with finger harrows, Gehl forage harvester with hay head, feeder for-tc * age wagon, Oliver 10' wheel disc, G.W. snow blower, Int. #46 baler, l' * Kingwise 42' elevator, grain augers and motors, bale stooker, N.H.* * side rake, bale fork, 2 flat racks and wagons, J.D. wagon, harrows, 10'* * stone windrower, Kongskilde 9'6 and 13'4 cultivators, M.F. 10' 3 pt. h. * disc, grain blower and pipes, N.I. #214 manure spreader (real good), 2 * ton auger grain wagon, Calso pressure washer (new). Int. 10 seed drill, * * MH mower, NH hay conditioner. fr 4rHORSE & UVESTOCK EQUIPMENT: Gerald race bike, Oshawa race K at bike, jogger, harness, clippers, show trunk, all kinds of cattle supplies,'0 * cattle shute, metal calf feeder, wheelbarrow, Champion 3 h.p. grinder, ; Harvestore roller mill, 5 hp motor, liquid manure pump, 2 round bale * feeders, 1400 gal. steal water tank, utility trailer, platform scales, horse * cutter, railroad ties. * Many other useful articles found at a clearing farm sale. * TRUCK: 1974 Ford with duals, 8 x 12 stock rack, twp, shute, etc. Sell- k►gasis. �t TERMS: Cash sale day. Lunch booth. 4i Auctioneers Hugh Filson Ray Filson Tom Robson 888.08p3 Fax 668-0833 0661967 4,44-8.41 iv*4iuV.4 4414 4< b CLEARING FARM AUCTION Of machinery, tractors, and miscellaneous articles for Tony Michielsen at the farm go east of Corbett, 1 mile tum north 1 mile. Saturday, April 4 at 11 a.m. sharp Dan Beeler and on County rd. 5, -Deutz-9006 tractor, Zetor '7745" 4 wd tractor c/w cab and bader 1,100 hrs., Nufiel d diesel tractor, Farman 706 diesel c/w 1-8.4 x 34 dual, IH 656 c/w loader (gas), 8N Ford, Hesston 560 round baler like new, Hesston hydroswing 1010 haybine, 40' bale elevator on wheels, 28' White cultivator S tines and busterbar, IH 700 plow (6-16"), IH 400 8 row airplanter, Westfield 45' x 8" auger, 36' x 7" auger, Husky 3600 gal. liquid manure spreader, Husky 5000 manure pump, homemade grain buggy, 3 pt. hitch snowblower, 2 gravity boxes on wagons, aluminum loading chute and side racks, 250 strawsavers, Gleaner model G SP combine c/w 14' grain head and pickup, IH "10" 16 run seed drill, Innes bean windrower, Kongskilde Overum 4 furrow semi -mount plow, New Holland 'TR70" combine c/w 3208 cat motor hydrostatic drive 13' grain head love bar, height control 13' dummy head 9' sund pickup 4 row agro torn head, John Deere 7000 6 row 30" planter with monitor bean cups and new cross auger, IH 735 5'furrow vari-width plow c/w auto trip and french bottoms, IH 15' rotary hoe, Noble 6 row cultivator, 5 sec- tion diamond harrows, 3 gravity boxes c/w 10 ton wagons, gravity box on 8 ton wagon with fertilizer auger, dump trailer on truck frame, bush hog, 86" GW snowblower, PTO generator on wheels, 3 pt hitch scraper blade, MH 3 pt. hitch 3 furrow plow, pressure washer, gas water pump, heavy duty band saw, IH Cub Cadet 14 HP garden tractor with 42" mower, Kawasaki 100 motor bike, many assorted articles. TRUCK: 1973 White Freightliner CO 290 Cummins diesel (Rebuilt 1985) 11A-22.5 Tandem drives 13 speed 0.0 c/w 18' aluminium grain box with hoist, cross auger and feed blower (selling as is). TERMS: Cash or cheque with ID. Owners or auctioneers not responsi- ble for any accidents day of sale. Nothing to be removed from premis- es until settled for. Lunch available. Bruce Coulter Brett Coulter 519-294-0585 Auctloneers 619-294-6164 liderton 666-1140 Moble #f --=- Fax 666-1143 r , *********************************rt •, * FARM RENTED * Clearing Auction sale of farm machinery, antiques, etc. for Jim Dou- * * gall, on #4 Hwy. 2 miles north of Exeter, lot 8, Concession 1 Hay Twp. * *• Wednesday April 8 -12030 noon * * TRACTORS: J.D. 4430 diesel, cab, front tank, duals, Case 970 diesel, * * 95 hp cab, radio, 401, (ready to go), Int. 440 diesel with low hours, * * M.F. 1130 diesel with cab, M.F. 203 diesel, industrial with industrial * * loader, Bobcat 371 loader. * FARM MACHINERY: Int. 4 fur. *720 semi -mount plough, Int. 510 15 * * run grain drill, with grass seeder, Int. #56 4 row planter with insecti- * * cides and tb't., Maurer 4 row bean puller, Innis windrower with cross * * conveyor, Kingwise 40' bale elevator with electric motor, Vibrashank * t * Int. 15' cult., Kongskilde 13' cult., 2 rollers, Kewanee 40 plate wheel * * disc, G.W. field sprayer with 21' boom, N.I. stalk chopper, light and * * heavy harrows, 12' rotory hoe, N.I. mower, hay crimper, Kongskilde 15' * * 3 pt. h. cult., J.D. 11' wheel disc, 7' packer, tubular hay elevator, flat * * racks and wagons, gravity bins and wagons (4), Int. hammer mill, wa- ** ter tank on wagon, flat trailers, Lely fart. spreader. * * ANTIQUES & MISC: Cast iron kettles, wheel grass seeder, platform * * scales, steel tired wagon and rack, fanning mill, 1 & 2 row scufflers, * * horse bob -sleighs, gas water pump, litter carrier bucket, 6" 16' auger, * * gas tanks, combine weights, M.F. 410 straw walkers, hog feeders, * * feed cart, rabbit cages, water troughs, cattle stabling, 3 pt. h. 7' blade, * * PTO hydraulic driven chain saw, front mounted buzz saw, chick feed- * ars and brooders, straw chopper for large round bales (like new), Un- * coin welder, aerators, generator PTO on wheels, horizontal metal saw, * * numerous misc. articles found at a clearing farm sale. Plan to attend. * * Further Information (519) 235-1778 (evenings). * * TERMS: Cash sale day. Lunch booth. * *Ison Auctioneers * * Fax 666-0833 Tom 6681067 * t*************rare****♦tittle***aur********t