HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1992-04-01, Page 12Page 12
IUD's -Advocate, April I, 1992
If you couili, wholwould you Melo pull
an April Fool's Day Maim?
id like to pull a trick on
• my, dad bemuse he's
scared of everything -
--wornismaseres, -
1 would like to pull a
trick on my brother
because he always
" I would like to trick my
morn eat dad because
like joking around with
- them"
-Cassandra °Sash
:Zatich PubllcSchoI
" I would pull an April
Fool's Day trick on my
brother because he's'
weirdand he -teases mei
"I would pull a trick on
my Aunt Mouse because
It Islier birthday on April
Fool's Day"
" would pull eta& on
my Mend Matthew be-
causevve ere best
By Roberta Walker
GRAND BEND - Over 60 awn -
ben of the Hilton Country Play-
house Guild met on March 25 lot
their monthly luncheon meeting.at
the Colonial restaurant. Shirley
Platt chained the tneetingrand intro-
duced the first guest speaker,
Louise Hoffman, of SagaBomd
Book Store. Hoffman encouraged
the ladies to attend a special- event
her store has sponsored, a visit
from Dr. David Suzuki, to promote
his new book, "Wisdom of the Eld-
ers", on Saturday, March 28 at 7
p.m. in the .Grand Bend School
Pat Vernon gave an update &her
, f-;„
efforts to secure funding for the res-.
tonaion . and presentation of the
scrapbook and history of the Play-
house. Project Chairperson Shirley
Mehayre reported that the Fashion
Show will be held at the Legion
Hall this fall, Sepxmber 25 and 26.
Thanks to all the.helpers who as-
sisted in the Bingo games in
March, raising over $1,300. Bingo
games will be held on April 10 at
10 a.m., April 17 at 10 p.m. and
April 18 at 1:15 p.m. at Indian
Road Bingo in Samia, as fundrais-
ers. Marathon Bridge games are to
be completed with scores handed in
to .Marlate Brenner by the next
April meeting. Anne Didier of
Grand Cover Estates volunteered to
chair the annual Planting Day at the
Playhouse on May 24. Dave and
Carol Steckle are donating .all the
plants and flowers.
Don Southcott, member of the
Playhouse Board of Directors,
spoke to the group about the im-
provements underway at the thea-
tre, to provide sturdier, safer quar-
ters, housing and seating, both for
actors and audience. Government
regulations require an extensive
program of changes.
What is the future at the Play-
house? Can we envision a school of
the arts for children in dance .and
acting? Could plays be work-
Grami Bend •
GRAND BEND - Spring is 'a
time ofthangernesnow (lisappers
and the grass -peals up. and you
can get rain, sleet, wet snow and
warm sun, all within one month.
Goodbye to March, and let us hope
, for a warmer. April,with enough
showers to coax the tulips and daf-
fodils out of their cold, muddy
beds. in time for Faster.
Spring is also a time of rh*nge
around' Grand Bend:The old LCBO
office stands empty at the moment,
but the new LCBO waits forgoer
visit at the on Highway
21. across from LOEB-IGA.
The new CHA-CO Bus Stopata-
tion is located at Farmer Bill's
Thera is another new Babysieing
Course for area youngsters, starling
on April 4. Call 238-6195 for more
Dabber Bingo starts on May 5. to
be held every Tuesday night at the
Grand Bend Legion Hall.
The New Huronia Singers will
perform a spring concert on May 3,
at 2:30 p.m. m the Legion Hall,
sponsored by the Horticultural So -
Registration of runv. students for
Onmd Bend Nursery School Sep-
tember 1992 season will be held on
' Tuesday, May 12, from 9 a.m. to
11 run. in the lower level of the
Grand Bend United Church. Please
contact 238-5585 for more informa-
Saturday, .March 28 marked reg-
. istration date for local soccer and
-baseball:tens, but Maces are still
*available, so hurry and register.
The next Grand Bend - Area
Chamber of Commerce-Qom:al
Meeting will he held on April 14. at
7:30 p.m. Please try to attend.
1992 Dog tags -are now available
in the village - remember, your dog
must have a dog tag!
Don't forget to suppott the Cham-
ber of Coannette fundraiser, the
50/50 thaw. -and win up to $2.000
at only $2 per ticket. •
The Grand Bend Salmon Derby
is coming up on May 9-18. so get
your tickets soon, in time for the
Early Bird Draw in April. Csd1138-
2231 for further information.
Do you have any inientsting pho-
togaphs or slides of Gilled _Bend,
particularly of those "Days Gone
By?" Photos are waded to make
Shipka. by Annie Mom,/
SHIPKA - Six tables were ill.41C-
tion at the bi-weekly soucluoparly
held last Wedaraday sight at SAliP-
ka Community Caere.
At the close of play, bane
McCann was highJady far thei eve -
fling with low lady position gang
to Alden° Wolfe.
High man score went to Gear
Cunainglism..with men's lowaaare
join toEvivilladdiss•
by Marilyn Tkeelps00 *IMAMS"
Ione hands WOG by Jimisaglason.
It was anomumedemother timbre
will be held inLwo as.
The southgrosp were inAltalite
of arrangement and SeiMehments.
'I lit t annual Shipka schoolcom-
fauna), meeting will he held April
14 at p.m.
1)on and Elizabeth Adams, re-
turned home last week after a 12 -
day motor trip holiday to Charles-
ton, South Carolina, where they
visited friends, Roy and Louise
Henderson. The couples drove
down to Dunedin. Florida and
watched a couple of Blue Jays ex-
hibition games.
John Hopkins of Richmond B.C.
visited last Wednesday with cou-
sins Melvin and Gertie Stade. John
is the son o( the late Len Hopkins,
who formerly lived in St. Thorn-
as.Ontario. John was up to Ontario
on a business trip to Toronto.
Bill and Ellen Janzen of Leam-
ington visited last walkaid with
Bill's sister Artie Abort and
niece Angie.
Sandra and Tony o
Mount Clemens, Michigan were
over to Ontario, last Tuesday to at-
tend the funeral of their aunt Mrs.
George Regier, and also visited
en Baker.
Friday at St.
r and siger-
Sandra's father,
Ken Baker v
bylaw Bad
gaiph and Mary Weber hav
tattled home after a month in
41t: Whik there they visited for two
vatilak.s with Ralph's brother Keith
j'rIf the Peachey fami-
ly. ys used to farm east
of Daihwood on Hwy. 83, and are
known to many in thisana.
The Webers also visited at Crys-
tal Springs and Zephyr Hills.
new Grand Bend post cards, .so
please submit yours to Kevin Poole
of "Between the Lines" ot to Bandi
Ivey of 'Rendes Distinctive -Fash-
There is an Open House on Satur-
day, April 4, from 2 .to 4 p.m. at•
Chateau Gardens Activity Centre in
Parkhill, for the family and friends
of Eimer and Ideate Desjardine.
Congratulations on your 50th .wed -
'ding Anniversary, a lifetime togeth-
er! Best wishes only.
- -Don't .forget, April is Cancer
month. Daffodils go on sale on Fri-
day, April 3. all arouatthe town of
Grand Bend. Daffodils will also be
sold on Sunday at area churches.'
Nancy Thomas is in charge.
April is also the month that the
snow birds return. The swims have
already cane and gone, but the
signs of snow birds are entnistaka-
ble: shutters comeoff the windows,
lights are on in the house, a car is
parked out in front, and your tele-
phone rings!
Thesympathy of the entire com-
munity is extended to the wife,
childmn, tellitiVCS and friends of
ibe./ate Terry Skinner, who passed
iliwaYon Fliday. Much 27. He will
be butiedie London.
I -1(.1Z Block
its work.
? V
e -guarantee your -sa ts
ideliori. And experi-
enc e in preparing
complete and turate t
returns will give you pea
of mind.
Canada's Tax Team.
Standing up for you!
476 Main St.
(Devon Building)
Exeter, Ont. 235-1153
Mon. to Fri. 9 to 5:30
liat.10 top.m. 2
Gold hosts luncheon
shopped for new productions? Will
the gift shop someday offer art ex-
hibits, flower centres and cafe ser-
vices? A community based theatre
can be a real resolute to its sup-
porters, only limited by your imagi-
nation and creative fundreising.
what will be its future here in
Grand Bend? Southcott thanked all
the ladies for their loyal support
over the years of development of
our Playhouse, from a canvass tent,
to a regional theatre.
The next meeting will be held on
April 22, a general membership an-
nual meeting, at Oakwood Inn.
Catholic news
A parish penitential service will
be held at Immaculate Heart of
Mary Church in Grand Bend on
Sunday, April 5 at 7 p.m. A number
of priests will be available to hear
confessions in preparation for East-
er. Stations of the Cross and Bene-
diction will be held each Thursday
at 7:15 p.m., followed by choir re-
hearsal for the Easter liturgy.
That's a silly way of stating what is a documented fact. 75% of all
advertising mail meets a sad end. in the trash can! Of the 25% that
we keep, most we don't even read at that time. We set it aside, to
come back to. Or to forget about completely.
Three times as many people would prefer to receive their price and
cost information in their newspaper. There, it's all together in one
neat package. Complete and ready for comparisoh. When people turn
to their paper, they turn there with interest. Which means that's where
your advertising message needs .to be.
choic6s available, it's difficult deciding how best to ad-
vertise your business. -But everything becomes a little simpler whe
you remember one rule...
. .
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