HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1874-3-5, Page 2r fer fitneS. .17..S v, ,j/1.4..ncis 5, ' .4100 41-4.41 4 On of the atest trials --„-if Lot the greatest -that bite OM COMO befOrO 0oOTL 01' ju$tice has at last been decid- ro, A general feeling of uneasiness pervaded the bald thriug the ten long inouths through which tho great Tich, borne trial hits lasted, Previous tx, the 2Bra of April, the time at which the triaPdernmenced, the Defendant bad been the petted sot tit a multitude of simpletons, sympathetists, and stub- , hornists. The situpietous included those who believed everything their friends told them; the sympathetists forth:ed. a:melons of woak-miuded peo., ple whose views and. sympathies aro al- ways ht fa,i-or of the weaker party whe- ther ri,,:;ht pi‘ wrong. 11.8 au illustra- tion of thise-One Pahlee Yard, a number of the middle elasses were expressing themeelves in decided terms as tO the legalityof the Claimant of course, favoring the idea that he was the " pure gaili," just the gen- uine c‘ stingo !" te.Ogettleman stand- ing, by, M,lio wished tb forret cut the real 'eatee'for so much sympathy, ad- dressea them to that end. tThe reply teitteerae-,-,ti If lin hadn't beenet lanSher'a eon they'd. 'a given him his 'estates long age!" The stubborn ar,e %those who formed the opinion at the outset that the Clafinant was Sir Roger, and whom no amount of reasoniug or ev.ie ,dence, no matter how weighty, cOuld make believe otherwise. .A.nothett °lase was thOse v,ho, proMpted by wine pecuniary motivee, would have lowered the very heavens orraised this earthly sphere, to acconiplish their shaister ends. :Whitney may s,efely be placed ia this category. Unscrupulous even as the dropeical pet fur wh .se eausele was W,Orking, no means were lobe by which evidence might be gained. The ' globe was raked. from east to wed ana, .frora west to east in search of any who .evould, tor filthy lucre, swear black Wat3 white. The fact of his visiting Ameri- ca, u,na engaging. Jeau Luie, aman who knew less hy far of Sir Roger than he will some day know of the hangman, aisisted in no small aegree in framing the verdict of the jury. Lnie's prompt • ings acre xio greater, probably, than these given. to other witnesses, but his lack of caution led him, the Claimant, and philanthropist& Whalley, into un- looked-for trouble. About the year 1868, the Claimant preseed Lis claims before an unsuspecting British public, who are always willing and ready to aiseist in raising the "ready" to help those who are so depraved and worth. less ae,aot to be able to assist thern. selves. e,Siiice 1866, Arthur Orton has laughed,Seid giown fat, at the expellee of any number of incredulous British amilnew they have the pleasure eaueeeilag him for fourteen years. - The annale. of legal procedure do not show smell amonnt of contradictoer evidence as was given in the late trial. eiedithout qualms of conscience oaths blacker them the king of. ebony were heaped one ,upon the other, with the vain hope 4 giving possession of large eetatee to a perimon. batch.er. .; Could the spirit of the dead Sir Rog- er ha,ve,been allowed to walk the halls of justice while the Pretender was giv- ing hie evideace, it might have eisen in its wrath in defence of the ;Charaeter of its master. Knowing full well that Sir .Roger had gone the way of all flesh, he received oneeof the vilest (if char- . actors, being ble.ined fer iniitencipg se- ductionse betting on racehorses, gamb- ling, had e'eery evil' oa the calendar -- Whitt, surpriees et*, is that one, men could, contain enough brase in -tompOoition to stand before et juey ,ef twelve inen,!and father any an& every clime' of which it had been hinted „Sir - Roger hadbeen guilty, no matter' hew grave the offence. In short, we thiuk that a righteous jury have awarded a, eighteens verdict, and have satisfied a large cla is of the right-thiieking people. More talk! one person has' climbed to the tep of the ladder of' fitnie and: re- nown'. But two °flap Pereons Who . have made themselves widety, known in thie short history and who. move. it the same sphere, are men of widely different eharacters. These are' Mr. Hawkins, proseent6r lave Crown, and Dr. Kenealy, for the defensee- Mr. Hawkins ;by hie funded „wit, large amount of humor, and hie sble,' elo- qoent and touching addreee,. has won fur 'himself a name' which. will be as lasting. as the ages. Mro,,Hawhinse memory, at all ch erished, 'will ..be for his great amount of arrogance; hick, of . ,judgment, and'hautour. 011ief-Ststite Cockburn has commanded the' reePect of all, , G'4 Sit . 77' Throughout the evlible Doreiniens an effort is being qinetly but,surely, works, ed up to establish businesses, en' till - form. eash peinitiPlese: If a s‘• stein Of Credit at all neceetierooie is" otly in tlie first few years of the.eettlement, of 'clietrice. It eannot then be:expected of those whoe duty it ist delve out of the untutored seil a" ,elitilter 'fur thonii; setve,s and family, p,ay evorthe hard, casii 'for every little necessary d &xis, tence: Their faerte mote pay' foe, and perhape ever) foot of tlis land, (levet is studded by Majestic" treee of;00 for- est, and these yieldvhim no rerounera. tion.ontia by dined hard lebor Le lett. rid a pOrtFott iltiveite4tli of ikbertliiiii Every eneeitragereent given. to the Oar. ly settler ts stettld be fully tepaia•-• If a fete' Menthe' tteedit given te each a. Mat Will raVail ,anything give ie rei'd he Will shoW his alinreeietion y leentdiating t delet at til 0 11/.,,, 4 voss le moment.. Qf cotirs '1,41.0e Q.-xeopaow.:4 to t WC, OW, t9 rp01,!, Par;lcular of out; own County, Although has not, by many years, beeh as leag tied us inany poorer comities in this Province, it now ratiltS' as being the be,it agricultural county in. iho western district. '17,:ore must be SOMe) roson for this. i4 this : those who first settled here Wero not of that tdass whoee fingers had boon tapered by coll$tailt yiano-raypini,;, nor whose aptirc SLOW- eti, theta to loive bout, their knee to the shrino of fashion, Qu the contrary,. 1,41r hands Oat: (.1. 14 11 j tayosition with their mind itial muscle, and with a will they buried their axe in tile forttet eak. Toil and drudgery gained the mastery', aWi now the iele fioltit3 bear the fruits of their labor, It is not to be suppoiied that thesa people at that tine° had the "wherewith" to gain o,sabt3i6tOO.oe, kuld orOilit in 'their ease' was a necosSary evil. Those peo- ple have now worked theineolves into a state alutoet borderline on independeuee, and the mejerity of them have their farms atencumbeeed, CIA. fine :ander:- Coe built thereon, Their farms yield them as mach prbfit now as they' ever did, and, as we said, they are ()early ga paid for. Tim proauee of . the farm if it ie propeely workedeTielde far more. that will keep a family froM .t0 year, ae is felly exemplified ty the fece that tt bile in a mule etate it paid foe itself and kept the family in compara-i tive luxury, We say, then, the farmer is ilOw in a position to pay etieth foe ev- , erything he may wish to buy, an& the more this is carried out the better it is for all concerned. It ie stioh an easy matter to enter a store, buy -what Olds may be wanted, and tell the clerk to ejust dot this down, please i" that we nevar think of the inconvenience oc- casioned the poor merchaot, who al- ways onsech occasions hypocritically reniarkai " right, all right, sir !" whim frone the depths of his heart he wiehos the goods back again bO the shelves. We have shown that . it can- not be otherwise thau possible for the farmer, without him being at all frugal, tie have enough and to spare. What thends done with tlie o spare "2 ' In many eases, not to say in all, it is let out at accumulatiug interest, while the debt of the family is acentaulating at the Merchant's. How very, very ere roneous ie the idea that meney is made by the transaction. But the merchant is prepared for this; ide goods are marked at a certain price, from which he varies a lerge percentage if you pay the cash, ea., you have but one of two eateroativeee either „buy for eca,sh and :save the itterett or ;bay for credit autl, pay the itteveste It is a wele-known fact th'at mer- chants can buy te greater advantage when armed with the cash, und.thereis no merchant but who will give hiS turners the benefits of this decided ad vantage. We hope all oar, Inere4ants will give thie matesenthought, and es- thPii• basitro,o4 ou the cash prin- cinte4 which one or ewo of our mer- chants have decided upon doing., would be wisdora, we - think, for the merchants to hold a molting at tin ear - !plate, and talk the matter over. Passover Bread. From the Now York Times. , Theonemarial of the passoven. and its observance by those of 'the Israeli- tish foible, this 3 -ear commenced on the 18th of 'February. Taroughoat, the ; world the desconetaats of, the tribe of Israel? who cling to the religious belief of their forefathers, keep the memorial law as handed clown to them by Moses: -"Seven days ye shall eat, unleavened bread; even the first day ye shall put away leaven out of your houses ; for whosoever eatoth leavened bread from the first day, until the seventh day that Soul shall be cut off from Israeld! The season is observed, as is well known , a memorial of the night when the Liord smote the Egyptians, and passed over the children of Israel ; and of their suh sequent deliverance from the .hosts of the tenemy. The manufacture and sale of unleavened bread, and matsos, as it is called, during the passeVer week, are much greater in- this city than many imagine. There are Only ten bakers in New York who mended - tun the Passover bread ; and they nee up over lout thousand barrels of fiour during the week in preparing matsbs, Thin trade is not confined to thie city alone, as the bakers referred to fill or- ders from Brooklyn, Philadelphia, and many cities outside of the State. The matsos made out Of flour mad water only, and the loaves sre cut out iti the form of aarackee as4 large as a dinner - plate, and thinner than a biscuit: The loaves or.eakes are bakedio a eriep and are very lighte-abolit. ten to:the pound. The loavetea'rxef'diepoeol, 'of at ,tleveir mita a pound, and none bat those that are whole ere solde.and the: breed is broken by the family et eaclihneal, the pateelannhas.etetong at appointed peay- „ • • • et previous to UV) bee:biting. of bread. The heoken loaves aroground up and used in melting the cruet of pica, tette, etc. Enough breed' is purchased at once by a family/to last over a Pessover seation, There are many of the 'fermi- -High Smith, that in thelleeplatations prove interesting. ' The Out.fraw Stevq 16^,nveriv AU& :ttOTTakpri, F,NO er A neerratare wen , rril) erten, Nt O., .Theb. 25, 1674. Addltionalinel details of the 1d11-, ing Of .§1-z•vo toweyy go , to deny that til0 Inbri WI) o'Recoinpliefied his:death not tifte:i the bl o 1110110V bni. II eve - • • beet in pursuit of him for tieverel weeks as an act of seIfeelefeliee; he havingeent them, or, at least, two' of them threats that ha would kill them ae eoot he itoold find then), They' hod several, tantts been in sight of linn, but the ctr, ',enniganeas were such that there was a r.I.A of tuning others they fired) and on the learning of the day they killed him thee/ had three times been he the same poeition wheel), they fi,re,d Inte its tnnay .otlides were neromea tAte free and oeer hint 'lett they elicit -Iola it beet not to fire, and retool; At the time they axe,. he wee pitting In a; his face towards, thiln, and luta just ltauded his ride tql a boy, who WAS St414110,t,,, noar the while no play- ed tin) banjo for the •;,niittscnicht of these present. A sudden opening of those in front of him gave the opportunity, and they fired together, asing° two double and one siatOtt barreled shot -guns, MU. thOn they wounded tito negro boy who stiaat 71.0aV, 671,10 of the. shots. striking him on the forehead running' rownt .itignead under the skin, ilotaing bet his thick, skull saved him from in- atttnt, aOath. Lowery fell or leaped for - Ward out of the chair, and died almost instantly, 1.1144 weutos TUE Boor, T insttootod, ulo body, ifo was shot the largest hind of deer shot, call- ed hero '"whistlers," Ono shot entered the forehead nearly over °elite° of the right eye -brow, one on the right cheek bone seal nine in tne breast, witch tvere scattered over a distance thee could., mit be eevered by iny hand., The others, nearl,y till or a fatal charac- ter, peeetrated the lungs, thorax, 'and regii,i just above and. to tho left df the hettet. Either of the balls or, shot in the face would have killed him. The three the'elteet Must also have prov- ed fatal. The general appearaneo of. the body was eateral, but he seewed to be rather emaciated ----probably from tong and lonesome watehfulnees, from his too freqnent lifie of spirits, or, if ow) could eupnoso such a brate to have had any "conscience remaining, from the herroieitg of conscience. Ile leaves a wife and floc children. Twee brothers 01 leis wiln-Oxendinee by nante-e-are mew lying. out in 1,Ixc1 swahips, charged with mualeriog man -Barney Lock - leer. TER MER,E.P. 77.naCii-IDAD A PASSERGER eia ea riptooNS Boali-or. TO DEAT517-4-NAhlos AAP FALL CORD DEiAOliEl;-pAN- L) AAA:QM. TAR P.ASSF.No:EaS-41O41CORON- ER'fi IN4LJEST. Loudon Itfarchl,--A terrible tragedy „ . °cow:red on the Great Western Railway on Saeurday night last, resulting ia the Ilea% of seven or eight passengers, and the serious ,Woundine of ten or twelve others. The Banda Expeess left here at 0.20 p.m., with Several petroleum and bag- , gage cars, and one coach crowded with passengers. Al out midway between this city. qua lio4toka station, an oil lamp in the closet 'I:ell feom where it was '.epenqa to the finer, and was' broken. In a anoment the oil ignited, an& the whole interim: of the closet was 011 fire. Panic at ono seized. the pessengere and efforts. wereeteade te stale the flames by the use of the Cushions but if waelound useless. The great spe.ed at which the train was going, reckoned at over thirty miles an hour, fanned the fire to such a degree that op hope was lefthut he an immediate stoppage of the traio; hut them being ' no hell rope attached, ne commutieation could be passed uttil Conductor Mitchell at much pereonal eisiCran fozward and gave the weaning. By thes 'tithe the fire had gained. full sway and the affrighted passengere*ere throwing thenas,e1Yes from the platform and mit !of, the windows which they smashed 'for the purpbse. a few hailuutes the ear was consumed, and 0.lose :who could not escape were burn- . eel to a crisp. ''The names of the dead aro Mr. John MeKellavi sohool ,teaeliert StrethroY ; Miss Purvis.% of Pateoliage etdieng son of 'Abe George' Burs:haul, of Stietthroy; all 'fain woman and her child frem uneepe teavo; Anne Dunn and Hariet esomohe. • cone QPri- mqv jure(' are Mr. and Mre. Zavitz, an ell:hely couple of Lobo ; J. C. Rob- ertson, of Watford ; Mrs. Crawford, wife of Mr. Crawford., maelnuist, of this city; Mi. John Breathwicke claide in Mr. W. Bolton's, of this city ; Au- gustus Blessing, of Strathroy ; Mrs. Freeman, of Ingersoll. Dr. Smith, formerly of Toronto, but now of limn - aka, met with slight. cute about the head, !Aft not serious.- Res/. Mr., Coll- eanore, M. E. °bur& of this city, jump- ed and received slight injury. Mr. G. Monereiff, Mayor of Patellae received a wound in the leg. The Rev.Mr.Hoop- er, of ehe Woodetook Institute, jumped out and was slightly injured. ' Mies Spier, who accompanied Mr. Crawford, received slieht injury. The remains of the dead form a con- fused heap, deposited upen a platfUrm of boards at KoMoka seirion, been gathered off the track. ,„ The iejur- ed werehrought 'home to Ilia city, 'and. scone left Komoka. Ur. Jahn Hay, merchant flof Toronto, -was shockingly burned about the fttee,, head and. upper part of the -body. 110 remains Daly.'s :Hotel Kaneko, Where aleo is'Dr. Smith and Daniel McKellar, the latter wound- ed in the head. 'Excited Crowds were at Komoka to- day from all part 3 surrounding eager to learn theeiberee , A corginer's.ingtest was comraeneed by .Dr. J. II. Flock; of this city, who, ,„ after sunineoning, respectable 'Jury, ,,at 1-.80 o'clock. Dr. itloPre, the tenet Western Rail- way Ceinpany's physician, did all in hie power, with able assistance, o help the sufferers. LATER Thoinjured persons at,Amolut, evithe the exceptionent MiteSteatlevelek,..eveal: T.tiOrt was in a very tOW..Opnaritiet,,ancl. it was, feared Would not ,survil,c until tuerning, The wotinded:'in..,;t4 city' were much bettor, Mr.. llebi,*Ai, 'being ; the , only peeson 11'110So 0/1.S6',:si,li's of a The following,'addi;tional names of jived perSOni'P • beenina,de., public shice yestertlay,, ' Geo, 111tuir,W London, hatiliis hands bruised, and, head cut, eomeWitrit,, Aithur H. Orton, he,' oue ofhle leg fractneed. , , , Moors. Dearneee Miller, also of Strathroy, receive( s it mimeos., James Cowie, butelier,IVyqming, was injured in the lower lintbs, tirs. P. Ryan, of London, was seri- ously burned, and lies in a critical state itt a friend's hetise on Wellingt-n street, Jas, Mitnass, Tudian of Sar- nia,: had his head, badly etit, and lege bruised, There are reports ;in eirenlatieu of the disappearano eeveial persoes, but wo haVe not been 410 Sotto:, to ascertain their nimos, so ais to be able to vettch for them, NOW YOrit Peh. HaVaria ter states that it hi chrrently repoeted there, that tlie recent battle near Puer- to ,Principe Mirage(' 3,000 Spanitili troope 146114, 5,000. Cubans., Qver 800 Spstalards were; and wounded, in &dine IlideseimaGeneral Bascorne,i, the okainoli tclur 'xitk; '.1.1,316C=ACIT1414:114tNI:1; AYIO'NC4- 0V101: plt3t4ORX. SI:3=100.4) ataiti TrOMON4111,'NT, LOroaoll, 28,--72110 Piry in the Tiehborne ease, after being out. 4 ShOli, 1,440 brought, in a veraiet of guilty of all ehe eliargee, awl tbo elaimant was ,eenteaced to fourteen,yeare eeeal et/r- oll:0e. There ie great excitement oven tne verdict, After the veediet was an- nenneea. the elitinoott expressed a de - Sire to kalrOSS Court, but the Lord JuAice refused him perrassion. lb maintained his usual composure whon the senteinie 'MO PrO#40aBOOd* elm()); hands, with las pounsel, and was theo takeo from the conrt•room by a seldonoused exit, placed itt a private eaeriage and rapidly dtiyen to Norgate., much to the dieappointment of the im- niense, though orderly crowd, whieli outlawed. ou; side to see him pass. Lembo, Feb. 28. The Queen and Ministers have sent dispatellea General S'ir 01.krnet Welsoley conerat- 'elating him on his seamen, London, Feb. 28. -e -It is said that the eiew Parliament, immediately after as- Nembling, will 'adjourn for a fortnight or three weeks. The' Queen's Speech will probably re- commend a grant' of money for tluare- lief of sufferers by tim famite hi Belted, London, Feb. 26. --The following ad- ditibudappointments of members of the new Government aro officially antouno, ed :----Duke of Abercorn, Lord Lieut0- ant of Ireland • Thos. Edward Toler, Chancellor of ;he Duchy of Lancaster ; Sir Chalks Bowyer AdderleY, President of the Board ef Trade; George Sada* Boeth, President of' the tocal Govern- ment Boatel; Algernon Pulite Egerten, NaVal Secretery to the Admirality ; James Lowther, Under Secretary for the Coloniul Depaetinent. London, Feb. 25.-A report has reached here that a great battle ,:as been fought at Coomassie. between 'he Ashantees and the force under General Sir Garnet Woleeley. The engege- ment is said to have lasted the whole day, and closed with no decided. rehult. The loss of the Britiele troops is given as nearly SOO, including malty officers. The Highlanderi :done are reported to have had 150 men killed and wounded, Gen. Sir Garnet Wolsely is said tO he in need of reinforcements, which were 15 miles off Loudon, Fob. 25. --The War Office! has received no report of the battle said said to have occurred between Sir Gu- llet Wolseley's army and the Ashantees, hut an unofficial, though cireumetan- tial, despatch has ree abed the Admiral- ty !Office. The battle Siege fought at Acroomboo: Reported ainong the killed are Majer 33nard. 'and Capt. Buckle. A special despatch says the Ashantios entiridee surrounded the British army, 'but were eventually driven off with great loite, The principal war chief of the Aisloin- tees was killed. The King has takOn command in person, and it was-ex:peet- ed that be would renew the attaalc. Fehruarei 5th was the date decidedupon for the sweating Of CoomassielY Gen- eral Wolseley's form. • London, Feb. 20, 0.a.m.--4Pullei de- taila of the battle between Sir Garnet Wolsely and the Aphantees say:the lat- ter flight desperately, the fight lasting from 0 o'clock in the morning until 3 in the afteerfoon. Seventeen British Mlle cers were killed or wounded. The na- val brigade, 140 strong, loet 39 men ; flee Rifle Brigade, 38-, and tho F„.ingin- eer's3S men. Thet-lose of the native allies is unktown, htet it' is very neavy. The communicatione of the British for ces with the rear are threatened. yes believed that another large foece of eeehantees 'was eerpreneeaog, from the southwest. FOREIGN. Madrid, Spain, Feb. 28. -Senor Ser- rano has been declared Presideut ef the Republic of Spain, and,. Senor Zabala, Ifinister of War, is appointed Pre,sident of the Council of Ministers. Geueral 11.03:lentil felled to relieve Bilboa, and it is reported his manyhas been defeated by the Carliets with -a loss of 3,0a0 men killed and wounded. Ampoet, a town on the river, has been captured by the Carlists. President Serrato and Admiral To- pete, Minister of tho Marino, left Mad- rid for the North. Zabala will act as President during the absence from the, Capital of Senor Serrano. hfachad, Feb. 28 (evening). -A dis- patch was received at the War Office,' from Gen. Moriones stating that hewas unable to force the Carlists from. their intrenchments before Bilboa,, and that his own advance line had been broken by the insurgents. He asked for rein- forcements and the appointment of his succeesor. He still occupies Somarrae- tro, out on Minon Povina end Iteilguez., 13ayonne, Feb. 28. -The Carlist for- ceshave occupied the city of Tolosa, in Guipazeott, and. Oden, SInall town in shot lea lie wee perfectly seber but ite eup tica. to be insane, No) Yo0t, Vele 25, -This p,m. Pia. hewn t jehn Doyle, of the 15t13. Pre- Iciiitevetie ,11.o°ft 8134: tt:::;,1tIltli,Y1/Vtil,at Ali'$1' P11461(11 e , )1!iijt'isi 1)(404111w iwa been keening pompany for tee ie time, At is said the Oilleer was insau y jealous of tha young lady, and Vole , after gettiog very drank, weut to heifresidence and engaged in e Yllat'.. rel., (tiring which Ito drew 4 revolver and shot hie through the bead- * Jqtioulti declines to pay $75,000 to Smiti Alia Martin, his lawyer,i, who yell,: tsta,;,''Nf';;Qi:i'iiaLbg,Q pbrgerVi4o1;b7o a lilroestle4 betthi the ton million dollar bait ot the Ulna leintey against ltim. , who wt,,s came shot by "Ir. Mott, whom nototeote evieher Gale Gaanion, wile lmoiNecendi: tri.,i)otraiall.)atle,ed toe orloibbo,naeltodf ‘tsjilleo Niawil,hoat W shington, Feb. 25, --Agent Saeille of tle. ilea Cloud Agency, io So aPPro- liemivo of sii stitly 0-tioneak of bostai, uos miong tho Sioux. that he has tole - N v Caetle, Del, Feb. 8(3.-A gang 8feli ca for troops toproteet the ageoey, 1 of el v. it1St Might t-lurpmed, gagged and hem, tile 'Warden of the Jail, and ae- leeee several prisonere, inelueing 1.4'ree- Law m, Hurlbut, Carter and Ilope. I jar, he murderer, the bank, burglars, Thee eseoped in a tug. Nftv York, Feb, 20,-A polio spy re- por the 'number of New York o r i - and rish organizations are uniting with mut eta at 300 and says the Gerunto the prenclunou. At a recent meetina he airenau seal,: , "It is not onii e3 want, it is also liberty and ab - o tion of high salaries and monopolize - ha de, and administer it with rifles and tiot We will take justice in our own beroneta. We have orms already ; we wid 6nd petroleum and us it, as we did ittParis. Our Gernaan-Ameriean bro- rjoin•82.,1,,villedielp us, and. we will help Harnellsville, Feb. 2e. -The strikeof lirakemen on the Erie has ended. satis- en:eerily to all parties, andall passeng- lir and freight trains aro running regul- erly. Rochester, N. 7E., Feb. 26.-A fire was started to -day, by au unknown man, nndor the second storey stairs in Public Schoolhouse No. 3.2, in Howell street. The flames wore diseovered be- fore much damage was done, and before there was a paoic. The 800 children in the upper rooms would have been out off from escape, eneept by the win- dows, if the flames had progressed far. Springfield, Mass., February 28. -- Ninety weavers of the Lyman Mille, at Holyoke, struck for the pay they recei eedlefore the panic. New York, Feb. 28. --The, celebrated divorce suit in which Col. W. W. Price, millionaire, brewer, is defendant, ended .yesterday, with a decree dissolving the marriage, leaving the oustody of the children for further consideration. San Francisco, Feb. 28. -Vasquez .and his band of robbers and murderers are still raiding in the Southern.Com- ties of the State. On 'Wednesday they zobbed the Los Angeles stage, carrying of $200 and 8 horsee. One mai shot at 'Vasquez, but missed him. Vaiquez returned the fire, shootingleim through the leg. He then told Lim his name and granted. him his life. Galveston, Texas, March 1. -Twelve Indians were killed in a recent fight on the double fork of the Brazos. Detroit. Feb. 28. -Despatches recei- _yea from the Upper LakePorte indicate tat unnenal.ererly opening of navigation. New York, Feb. 28. --Provisional President Arias of Honduras, who was besieged at Comagaj eta, capitulated to CfshenettisalielfeiSM'a 4 ,C,.:„Tifdaieltttble biblood- o xou es. CANADIAN Toronto, Fab. 28. -It is reported. that the revelations 'elicited at yester- day's Public Accounts Committee, showiug that Hon. Mr. McKellar order- ed the 111611 at the Central Prison a half holiday.,to attend Moss' nomination, without any loss of pay, has proved the last straweand it is seal he is to be got rid of quietly. The name of Hon. gr. Currie is meutioned as the probable nen' Minister. Bank of Commerce stock fell 1a per cent. yesterday. This created some sur- prise; as it is known that a large pro- portion of the Dominion Government account is to be transferred to that bank. The true eiplanation is, that 'Mr. McMaster, who holds „nearly one 111 illion and a half of the stock, is " bearing" the market. Dr. Peitts is to retire from the editor- ship of the Leader, and the present as- sistant editor, a gentleman who is a general favorite and a writer of ability, takes his place. It is hoped that un- der his rerime the ead,,r will become tier' e worthy of its rank as a Conserva- tive journal. •Ottawa, Feb. 28.-A match at len- Biscay near Can Sebastian. Herds between two Toronto gentlemen, 'Messrs. Hos and Macfarlane, for a nice Typhus fever and small -pox are rave - eine Bilhoa The fall of Bilboa is im- little stake, took place at Clisby's room minent. The, foreign consule heve left ti.oesteirodafyaveovr°noifnThe Ti.helo.mbeettftinegneweaeese2e the 9.it3'' Don Carl°s and thtaff hay° some fine play,on both sides the game been in the vicinity since February ferd. Bayonne, March. 2-A despatch 11;10 WOO won by .Msefarlane. been received by Carlist junta here, re- A horrible, story COM,,S from Frank - porting that Bilbea be surrendered to town to the (Alec; that a man named Whiting, while logging near that place the Royalists. It is said that One ogz-sve.matspoo ano -artyn abeL zotie_ hchounis•celsnhaSve;Obrietelubadons1;e1.0, bardinent of the city', , The firms of Messrs. T. K. liertwill -Bayonne, 2. -Five thoueand eheanea St Catharines, Gilbert r'epubliceene. encamped near the village,, sentorrsteeo 18 miles northue6a P--ete;o'n", of-Lo-ciport, raid others have Bilboa, ever a surpriscaby Carlists, and en 'received contracts on sections 6 and 13 a bloody' engagement- took plaee, the W1W Wellead which one trOusand of the' former. wero Mole)treal; March L. -A -verY dig's* trolls nre, oy which one life was lost killed, the tenitthidei took te,flight, aml and anotthee, seriously imperilled, oc- woke closely pursued by the Royalists. oiirred coyhfe Rope waik st. Ca. All of them either captured, or deownea thatine St., at about tine &Clock yes - in an attempt, to 'erose the elver in the way of thoh. retreat, terday morning. Mr. Coyle, who occu- pied the walk, was severely burnt about A.MERICAN the face and arms, and is in eonsidera- At Morris- bdiaeY,dellignetr.lii!leai:ceoevmereywilitslt better to - Philadelphia, Feb. town, Mondaen while the monatorti of While cloning up the rnMs indetulbeetflal,f1: the Freeland Lodge' of Odd Fellows ternoon, the body of ft boy, aged „ six - were reline nine; Three Years,in 11.1,,ro teen, whith' was afterwarde identified as Trap," Abraham 8. illinkokor 80n of that of Zephien Labreche, wag discov-, Rev, 11.; A, iitinsiCkers was 5110t dOtal, wed, under a bench, where he wee pro - The youth vas:Persona/Da hart,IteeP" bably aSleep tit the tinfo of the Ate,atal er. e was sull'ocated.by the smoke, New York, Feb. 20: -Tito Indi9Als at Yesterday morning Jos, Schneider, a Grand River Ageileh Dakota, idlIed workman on a, new building on St. Private Collies, of the Seventh infan- me,rgatet 8}„, teem the eelteah etney, try, end stole several horses. and brit° his right leg, and ale° dielo- A dispatch Lem Port says the eating hN sheemele lle wits Ind;ILOS intend conCentratilig at the foot hauling up a '46x of saw(itigt, when, the of the Black Hille by the first of ikpriL repo broke, it id he lost his balanee. Pee, eretary to a gener,1,1 NI,ar tiyett the whites' auring the ritilniner. Dayton, 0" Peb,, about half. past one o'clock yesterday afternoon, 80011140 'Mk the city, Chrs- topher Moitette Vremehmain shot his wifoin tho ixiok) tior took, luilit4 her 11,stantlY. , ',Beth Were din to denly got angry,• ond Ehk:3' thq '00 tabk, :110 f011tAlka, 1,10t liitOi1e 41'24 fell et the saved his life Xingston.„, 010 parade a, gourd. ad reed, (lino from the, Tbie tad 4'0? awdust, which probably 28. -This mottling Of the GaOtiOett Battery, froin lioatltruartere Av a S Dr. 0, S. Strange "A," battetyi t 6 Dr, e/o- t the, .1"C- Toronto, Vela 26, Clalie, of Wellinatoo, ingaired whether the Government had deterrnill ea to reeounnend payment to JOhlt MelitgomerY of any portion of the loss eestained by him. by the Government of Canada taktog property from hitn 1837, and troops burning other peeper- ty. Hon. Mr. Itiowat said the Govern- ment bad coneidered the matter, but had tun come to any conclasion on the Oubject, Li answer to Mr, O'Donolioe, Mr. Mowatt eitid it was the intention of the Government to proceed. with the Nor, mel School at Ottawa. He also said it wits tot the' intention of the Govern- ment to introduce a measure to amend the Municipal 1.40an Fan(' Act. Mr. Clarke; (of Wellington) amend - mutt to the bill to require the ownees of threshing and. other machines to guard againet accidents eves concurred Hoe. Mr. Pardee moved that the aloes° go ilea, committee on the reeolu- tiOPV.; 1.01,[tit the SUMS dee to the Crown by 'boa fide settler$ still in QC- enpation tio their lands in feet. town- ships m the comity of Renfrew, which had been expected in the general act, Carried. The House went into committee on the resolutions, which were adopted, reported, and (immured M. Hon. the Crooks moveanthe second reading of theeLiquor Lew Amendment I3ill.' He 'said the Dill teael chiefly a consolidation, but contained some am- endments. ; It was bettor to en. force the law than to make it so string- ent as to prevent respectable dealers from carrying on busieess. , He had heard the views of the temperance pee- ple, and of deputations feom the Li. caused Vietuallers and , Shopkeepers. The Biliproposed to increase the fees, but he had come to the conclusion not to peopoee that increase.' He pro- posed to gi've the 0.°mi:ter:Judge pow- er to revoke licenses improperlyiebtain- ed,, and to dismiss eny municipel In- spector who failedto do his deityaand also to require, the libellee and other con - .stables as jlooeet of theio duty to see the ftutilment of this law. _He proposed!:to introduce • anethee class of licenses, ap- plicable to manufacturers.' Other pro- visions of the bill chiefly refeered to ma- ohinere. Mr. ',Cameron raised a question as to whether this Legislature had any right to limit 'of Houses issued. Mr. Bethetie suggested the appoint- ment of au Inspector to obtain samples ef liquors for submisson to chemical an- alysis, for detecting adulteration. He was in favor of earlier closing than pro- vide(' hy the present law. fr. Baxter saki he knew brandies anclegins were liargolo adulterated with cleleterioue &rugs. He supported the appointnient of an inspeotor. Hon. Mr. Currie thought the num- ber of taverns should be limited to oue for every five hundred people. Several members- proteeted against the right efeeppeal :Crone the decision of neas;istrates being teken from tavern leeepere. Toroni o, Fob.. 28. The Speaker took the chair at 3.16. Thea Speaker anneunced the return of a member in place of Mr. MoKill, for North Wellington. Ron. Me. Cameron pointed out that the 'Vellitby ate, Port Perry Railway Bill had been submitted to the law elork, and had been sent eo the printere m bk1T-1.11.:e.tiouse e_e_ enennenee • Mr. Farewell said he was ignorant of role of the House on 'Mr. Crook's Bill, to amend and. 00n- solidate the law for the sale of ferment- ed and spirituous liquors. An amendment was moved to the third clause by Mr. Clarke, of Norfolk; to prevent shop licenses being issued. The ninth clause was amended on *motion of Mr. Cruolzs so as to allow councils in towns and villiages to pass by-laws regulating the tre'ffic. .„ The lionse took recess. , ' After recess several private Bills were advarmed a staee. The House pflen again went iuto com- mittee on the Liquor Bill. Mr. 'Clarke, of Norfolk, moved that not more than twelve onno38 of spirits be sold by ehethiebs, except on medical certificates. Cier.rieil. The remelting clauses were carried and the committee rose. The House adjourned at 11 o'clock. Toronto March 2. The Spealter,took the ehair at 3.15. Mr. McGowan was introduced hy Messrs. Camercal and Lauder, and took his seat for North Wellington. Private bills were advanced a stage. Mr. Boulthee moved that, irt the opin- ion. of the House, it le inex.peclient and impaoper for meMbers Of the Local Go- vernment, Speaker of the House or county officials, to interfere with the House of Commons electious. Hon. Mr. Blake had contended ageanst alliance or hostility between this Government and the Dominion. Tie regretted that members of the Gov- ernment had seen, lit to take part in the repent Dominion election, and also the ,Speaker lila gone into the contest...He also gri,ve instances of interference by the Commissioner of Public Works in elections, especially in the late West Torotto election, where he gave direc- tions for the workmen employed by the Govermue,ne to receive a holiday to at- tend the noteination while receiving a "MI d17'138eptlIbilyine Objected IQ these re- marks, as the qiieetion was pending be- fore the Public Accounts Committee. The Sperolter appealed to the honorable member to avoid referring to this ques- tion at preeente , Mr. Boulthee pr,oceeded to allude' to the Proton ontrego Read to condone. the Government hi:tore—ace generally, Mr. Bethute dile House had no right to interfere with the protection of privileges of the House of Commoria which lay within the competence of ehat House alone. If the resolution,epplied to the inembers of this House genertilly he totild understand its logic. Prinee moved an emendment, Otteinling the tesolution to all niernbere of dile Honse, bitt it wits 110t eeconded, Me. Cameron, attn.' complaining that Minieter had spokeu on this subject, proceeded to rend extreets from the speeelice of Me. Blake and articles in Ole oeganto thew that, the Reformers had forirterly edeocated the „strictest tlylpftr- tiality tOVVard8 the Dettinion (*wean, Mont. Ile wee going .en to allittle to ItleIeller in reference et) the °mitre Prieon etriployee, whoa 138 rrItiyeodt othtat tpuoitrxtt fitniortToYti41, ttao *0 of order, ,,areen0 eabl it Was 1404 sto- oes.4ry that, tb( Speaker should bo nen- UAL, in that ite)iad to hold the balouce between partiee lion, Mr, ihwat as,hi that, nentrality wa$ i)iten!,ed to refer to the aosr- erument isa a 'ehole, not to individual niembero, it vas prepoeterous pup - 1)9$0 that genthroen oppoeite should be tilloWed notice eharges against the Goveenmetit of the couutry without the Gown:1440ot litving si chance to reply - Mr, Boultbeo replied, Hon. Mr. MelOellar asked hon. moue, bers to etispead their judgment on the Central Prieoneeneetion, till all tlie evie donee was talt4n. After revues Mr, nYkert proceeded to auireadvert upou the Speaker'e vailduet iuterfer- ing either in, 1,oniiniou or Ontario Poll' ties. The gommistsionee of Public ,Works had been bite/filing with Gov- ernment employee dnring -the recent Toronto electien, and the proof would soon, be fortlitaming. Hoe. Mr. Frazer eaid the eole object of the motion was to embarrase the Go- vernment. Tee leee Government bad telten the same couree as that now con- denmed. The inembers of the 0 ov ern - went bad a right to vote and also to express their views in relation to the Deminion elections. He had gone to. East Peterboro' as an elector, holding peopeity hi that constituency: Mr. Lauder moved,to add to the res- olution the following words :-By ad- dressing a public meeting, or promot- ing the interests of any candidate, or by canitassitg or ieduckng persons in the employ of the Government; or any of the eteparttnents thereof to vote. Hon Mr Pardee said this was saw- • ther attethple `CV inatecee thl?" 1/01ist -to° adopt the principle which it had alrea- dy repudiated. • Mr. Cumberlaad coudemned the Go- veaament for repudiating doctrines in office which theythCd advocated M op- position. ,; The motion wasiost on a division of 25 to 43. I , uncrammturrac...imry,Terammomarzoomaza Zi4g MOD.--L4s of it. ' Snow.- ore.of it wanted. Reno -I attempted to rain on Tues- day- Ponsoraul.-Mr. Wessel, Ilugineer, Z., H. B R., was in town on Tues- day eveniaT last. Dneaceonse eelEeeieo.--4. meeting of the Directdrs ei' the South Riding Agri- cultural S9ciety, -will be held on Wed- ,nesday next. See advt. ' MONTRI.i STATEMEnS.-A nuruber of those monthly statements are nowprint- edo and tix'aehers may send in their orders at o . Prices made known on application. SomAa.-e-.1 A social will be held in the basement of the 'W. M. Churclato-mor- row (Friday) evening, for the purpotio of raieing,funds for the S. of T. in this place. Admission 10 tient& leinaenre.-A meeting' of those inter- ested will be held in the Court Beam, this (Thuisday) evening, at 7.30 p.m., for the impose 'of organiziug 1,'e- chanice' Letitute in this place. cur report of the Fra°.:15071u'r—chinTea Meeting at "Bid - dun*, ewe neglected to state that the W. M. their wore mAde the receipieets io.efeatiofinh.e three -seer, In j to the 13idaulBhitez via make this cor- -sy'-'..cir-c4-4-ular" 'itniLauf7sWireicitiatmysg, auttine°11elleceet, "Caen," TEE MOTTO. -Mr. J. W. system. MT. B. Ilas reduced his stock wonderfully, and is new: reeeiving in- stalme nts of Ms epring goods. His seleceions are :generally aekn.ewledged to be good. Cetaetaas.-Within the past few days a number change:3a have ronen in the proprietorship of hotele, stables, etb. Mr. John ,r'ratt purehas- ed from Mr. E. Cheetah., the leritannia House," and Mr. Rawaehaw purchased Rollixis' Livery Stables, whieh he im- mediately sold to Mr. Christie. W. M. SOOIAL.-On Wednesday even- ing, the 25th ult., the Ladies' Aid Soci- ety, ef the W. ,M. Church, in this place, . . held a social under their auspices. It was given bY Renton. A very pleasant and sociable evening was spent. Rev. Mr. Kettlewell entertaining the audience wieheie reading, and Mr. Chas. T. Doyle with a recitation. Over $12 was realized.. et --Why did the direcn inosn, tee:tett tors alloweeleat large drove Of cattle to be ttthied. into the show -ground, on Tuesday" evening We are certain the Directors are not that class of men to knowingly allow of their property beine destroyed and they never sane- tionecitlie putting Of a drove of cattle groancls where tlae sunken foot- prints in the soft clay will make the ground as had as a barn -yard. DEATI1 OF A STALLION.-Ou. Sunday night lest, B.ne stallion, tile property of Messrs. Hunter & Pincombo, of Tee - borne, cameao his death by no unusual means. While tied up in his stall, he throw one of hie fore -feet over hie halt- er -shank, and choked himself, to death. On Tuesday morning, he was found dead. ' Ile was a, valuable animal, and his loss will be deeplP regretted by the faenaing cOmmunity. Fteenents re HIS yottng townsman has been heaping for him- . eelf plles of film° the shooting line. His cellibto first,made itself 'known in Londoh, a few weeks ago, evhen he car- ried off, prizee competed for by the crack shots of, the States arid Canada.- Althettgla but am .atuateut be was look- ed 11110/.1 4S no mean foe, and Mr, Drake., et London, thoughtfit to shoot egaineit him in Lucat, On Friday last, for the sum of $56 a side. Mie Bissett ,Proved Winner, as the fOlIoWing scott will show ; out of 25 birde otteli Biesett killing 10, and 'Diake 18 : mssErr. 1101110101161,0001111,1100'. 16-2,5 • Miket. INV°ellulnitlfrsitaliCU°11)tih(lait°11141. C.1'.))11'se7s118s-e-e'l:;13 would have been teach ',lees heti his gun,beert bi statelier bore, M1'. sett's 'WOO. Mr, tissott atid his cells - in, Thomas Dissett, challenge any rnati le London except Mr, W. Mummery, to 8lloot pigeon -match for .,$tiO or $106 a side.. To be COtureted 'for latcan, iiMille ekt1;4041:11iirt'll;d'iteerr w (hie of those a, heavy dra Whielt Nr. Hodgson pnrcha 1130Uttta 4$0) WhitbY tO1V110 ntndet in boreetiesh„ The °the Wig horse,. Whiele Oke nur eaet of Toxonto, and fOr whichewo 11;rf Ihule efloiStit148; u$01:i:30t bW0iOhe stf aibsstbreeeletiuntnilV. bike the clrangtit Loxes, be is a' beauty., It is. evident he is built for speed. Ure ffodgeole new (Mils ,f9Ar firat-clase Sonnex .-01114tonday oveninglast soiree w*8 Ieeld in the heeemoLlt etthe W. Church, in tide. villiage, •Aboat 1.50 persons were present. Tea was provided by the ladies of the Divieion, and the handeome sum of $27,02, was realized. Rey. Mr. Lund occupied the chair. A splendid seloatiou of music was rendered in good etyle, by the lfieltton Choir, who repaid'a visit of the the Exeter choir. Mr. Viehere lead.' er, Revs. Meesrs, Rettlowell amdLogie delivered addresees. Logie's WAS the speech of the evening, and he kept his audience in wrapt attention fer length of time. The usual votes of thanks were moved and tendered atthe close. (Jai:tacit, -- The Council met pursuant . to ad- journment, at the COUrt R001:14,' 1.4e- .teKi Pet)* "2' 7: Aill.the nitemberg' -Pr4iPute.. The minutes of rtlid. pre ilea 'Meielin were road and eonfirmed. e A petition, from Mr. C. Senior :did others asking that no shop oe oaloon li- eonSeS bo granted by the Council, Wan read, and on motion of W. . Verity, that the petition just read head) been Si seconded by' j. Ross, it wile . olyed , placed before the Council at so late a period in this year, that this Council cannot therefore grant the request', of the oetitionere as regards shop liaeuses, but are deteimeited t o issue no ctitifi- tate to any person to eaable them to , t obtain a Baleen license.in this villageee! Application for certificatee touebtaiek tavern licenees were received from JA. Towers, W. E. Wilkins, E. J. Wilkins,. William DrOW and Edward 'Christie, and for shop licenses from-eIsaac Car- ling aucl Georeee lefece. , The -inspector of License's \ha-ving re. ported thrl all the applicantelaad per- formed the" xequerements of 'the law re- spectiug toevris and sleOps, it *as Moved by .e. Pickaief, seconded. by J . Trie.k, 'that -a jayAliw be submitted. grantine cerlefreatee to the following persenst'to eaahle them to obtain tav- ern liceeses, viz. :, W. E. Wilkins, E. j. Vitiates, William Drewe James Tow- ers, and EttWard Christie ; toed to ob. be i ;., shop liceese,s to Ieen0 Cailieg aid (.:, e:.rge Mate --Caviled. ,i; , Iii. veil 1 y i'l. T.riek, seeenited by .L. Pieland, eleet orders be granted for the paymeet el the f0110Wing S.111145, ViZ. :- .C. Senior, aegeutt for stationery, oost-, age, $1.56; Thos. Dearing, $6, statute labor commutation refunded. ---Carried. By-law No.; 2 respecting certificates to obtain taveie and shonlieenses wes duly read andPassed on motion of W. H. 'Verity, seconded by 1. Trick., vj...t. l'ilt.R.::bs::::(1111Fuo...__WAc.vHile,r-ro joVendei.rtii:Y(;f,steltoto,„(13:1.11eid.)igliiier 1 manila; ue plocuret ' iOr 0-uee 0 ' The Auditors' Report was eeceived. and adopted, :eta Ma Abstritet ordered to he published Mahe Exeter Tuns, on mo.ltaioonv.eocifbityV\-vne. He„.Vvst,eriitty3,,, sseeecoonnddeedd bbyy 33'.. PRioesksa,rTaliat siat:2one\eys state:te Le- ber be strue off Harris etceeee late._ Carried. ' , Moved bY W• 11- 'Verity, sedeeded by j. Riess, That tile Aeseesur's ealeee for 1874 be $25. -Carried. , Moved by J. Pickard, seconded beeje ,. Ross, That By-law No. 1, 1874; le anienned so as to read Charles Eacretit instead of John Gould, license inspector a and that his onlary be $20 for the pres- \ ee it y ear:-Garried. ,, \ Moe/ea...by W. H. -Verity, seconded by t( ;T. Ross, That this Council now adjourn, A., until 'March 9, at 7:80 p.m. M. EAOLETT ClOil Luca.r. .__.. (From our own Correspondent.) COUNCIL MEETING.=The adjourned meeting of the Council was held in the' Ceunoil roOra on Friday, 27th Feb., at 7 p.m: All the membere wore peesent. The minutes of the previous meeting having been read, Mr. I'orte objected to their signature by the Reeve until an alteration should lie'made in the phrase- ology of a metion made by him, he contending, that the ,words " and the Domiuion House" which , were croseed out of his motion when it was finally ,,postuoibtuni,neeivtirieter:sxdei: an:o9hdt:)1hcgethr,dio:strisaeliAd7:oituarttechoea03/:thi bile lint 0 wIletax's8.t. PC11.111olg'ke'',as:am's'Pc11::c'tsoh:,:oldiubte:alindaetedth. :mT lel -e 4 , r 4 ? t, s; )vi loaenien1W11 :I lev1(01 • cib yvyJ 0A611. ,1,000:0 dFsarh2arfenolc;:iieshotntridg cei,o(t,1 tbilie)ytolai:c0,nit 01.11:Riail;c0,2h1;::::einisli:bocotooehin, ,atnit::0::: !I 0,15.p., el:ato-nal:idi :arena: .cio tv co ri 6 t. order for amount plid Peter Bietler of \ , , , „. , It,s1:it::iii)cilteeli,jo.,,c3,1011 e:iitly:1,:tooinal,t&c, nic, :,.i,,r.latRett.f.coicimr otit:Teotiyene: n:, eceiseencreitc::::::vdiefe:::, rerore.nce ix) tile popitlatp of ibis bill_ 11)1,,I,c‘AL I? 'Ll'el.:::oldkto Liej e, 'I'll'htfa'at t6littes\ jele1/711):irtia- tr tie Led to n'tt011ti t 1E' fillinoetibg of popidation of tuciirt, at , the \rfie of iLs, 2t, Vi M Yotl.,1 thrco t1 ctlhi lel pall°, Iltieleadsk0ithtehrn6 Ite::::tgsrlie:::::;80/3sefiddlt:- iitcot‘c,„tai)011 .--=, ()ail. u(1/4` 13 h w Nn). Moved by W. Pertc, second& by;R, ill‘ir41..' ;160(i,:' (:tbA; (le: ' l';;8t :11:::;titt:t 111 :et::: :ift°:(1:tt,:l.)11\.:'''.(611 t':'1 1):::' sl,otud bo $55 and , op liNnou ,),. te n.,eilttloci, and that he license \ inv._ tbat the Pe•mildq If oust, r o ce,,J ii . eetn,e ht ceratuon itli . the reet egree Lotoes already olised, gild attiu., eame eate.--Lo, Y Oas- Messta,\b,... Lean and Poxt 11q$--1Vessrs, Ga. amcritele,41.totin4 a 1>ight, Tile Cie atijottocA to it