HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1874-2-5, Page 4blacksmith is a'Ways striking ;fox vs twee, When is. a thief like a re,vorter When he takes rotes, A Marriage on a railwny traits may )r l EriX he termeded y railroad tie. e. An Illinois moll has him ted a steam jaekees. As if a stennl one were notes eery. If yon want to Make a bnstle in the world, take five newspapers and a eieeo f t}l,pe. ,p, pocket -picking, as in. e”er'tling oleo, a hope ,never succeeds until lie gets Ls hand itn, ” Came to his death while being hit on the bead with a lone -handled Stew - pan in the hands of his wife," was the verdict in a recent case in Illinois. A v¢ang gentlemen et Kansas City sant seventy-five ce nt . toNow York re- cently l-cently for a method of writing without pon or ink. He received the following 1 scVi rtIon on a card 11 t0 with it pencil." The Cotreh Pret'ext Rtyleai "lent and llnt!er" the fact tied the First Prosies- t( t plebe church of 13a>ti1116ro bels had for its l.?natore, in the order named, the Rev. Messrs. Furniss, Bellows, Sparks, Llezup and Biirnop. A bachelor says if yotl band n lady a newspwper with a rarngranh cut out t of 't', not P 1 a Vete of itwillbe •e read, but eeery bit of interest felt in the paper' by the lady will centre in finding olt what the missing paragraph contaire 1, A wealthy farmer'at Fulton, N.Y., has this liotico posted up in his field ; "If any man's or woman's cows or ox- en gits in these air oats, his or her head will be out off, as the case may be. .A. Tuan eye am, and paw• my takes, eon. £oolizatinn to a man who lets his critter run loose, said eye." A erten horse jocks' " down east " wee awakened one night by a violent. thunder -storm. Being somewhat timid he awoke his wife with " Wife ! wife! rlo you sunnose the Day of Judgment has come ?" " Shut up, you fool," was the aff 'etionate reply ; "how can the Day of Judgment come in the night?" A little boy and girl had been c au - tinned never to fake the nest -egg when +ileo gathered the eggs; but one even- ing the girl reaclled the nest first, seized. en the egg, and started for the house. Her disappointed brother followed, cry- inrz : "Mother! mother ! Susy, she's been e`nd got the egg the old hen mea- sures by t" DA3BY� t'll'S Assoeteueseo " ()lt',l"eRIo.,-„,, `l'he next ,A,nueel OeuYttitiOA of the above Association will be held et Belle - Yale, consi ent:Mg on Wednesday, the 1,1th of Februrtuy. The etiinntittee two sipping *tet patens Ill order to na;alie this eouventlou the Irtost profitable of any before held. I ie Services of enir I t !;.otatlenleri, both from, the United States, and Canada, having been scoured for the ocoffeion. All parties wi,ihiug to :Menu alaii become members .should }apiary to the Secretary, MrJ. 4. Hog.' lur, Of Ingersoll, ret mum for eertif�ioates,. }lf preeeut. tion of which to the ticket. atgellis at the different railway stations they, will bo entitled to a return: tick- its at one fare and ti ird, owing to, special arrangements made with the liferent f com railway companies. These certificates canbehad from the Secretary any time between now and the Con- vention. The lifeless body of I youeg man was picked up by the con- ductor of an accommodation train o Auburn 1el near Farmington lLo$ week, who, it was supposed, had fallen. or jumped from the express *Well had passed a short time previous. A phy- sician had him taken to the baggage ear, and under vigorous treatment he revived, but had no sooner recovered. consciousness than he sprang out of the door of the car, striking on the plat- form at Fisher's station, As he landed he tell backward, and would have been out in too but for the promptness of a newsboy who rolled him over. Picking himself up he started down the track muttering vengeance on those who had twice saved his life. His name was afterwards ascertained to be Hanna, a resident. of Rochester, but whether in- taue or intoxicated is s*ill a question. °" Doesthis razor go easy ?" asked the barber of a victim who was writh- h e ander a clumsy instrument, whose chief recommendation was a strong' ]nindle. Well," replied the poor fel- lam, that depends upon what you call this operation. If you are skinning. me, it goes tolerably easy ; but if you are shaving me, it'goes rather hard." A good mother was trying to explain to a voting hopeful, the other day, about 'fighting arsainet the devil. After telling the little fellow who the devil wee, end how hard he was to success - fulls, resist, he turned around and said: " Mamma. I'd be scared of the old de- vil; hut if I was to come across one of the little devils, I'd knock the stuffing out of him." A toper got se much on his stomach the other day that said organ repelled the kale As he Ieaned against a lamp- seet vomiting, a little dog happened to step by him, whereupon he indulged in this soliliquy : " Well, now, here's a .co lun'rum. I know where I ate the aked beans, I remember where I ate that lobster, I remember where I got that rum, but I'm banged if I can re- call where I ate that little yeller dog." Says a Detroit paper : " In the Police Court the other day, when a man was about to be tried for assault and bat- tery, he brought forward his boy, ten years old, as a witness. The Justice asked the lad if he knew the nature of an oath, and the boy said his father ,had explained it. "He said," replied the boy, "that if I didn't swear that. the other fellow struck first", he'd tan the whole hide off my back. He wasn't used on the stand." A. minister walked six miles to marry couple lately. He said he felt sort of fee -bill like. The groom saw it. A colored man applied to a Boston savings -bank, wishing to draw one dol - ler. The clerk informed him that the iron rule of the institution forbade the withdrawal of less than three dollars. Dur colored' brotherwas in deep study for a few moments, and the said : " Sar, I'll take de free dollars." The three dollars were paid to him, when he at once added : " Now, sar, if you please, sar, I'll 'poset two dollars in de institution." The amount was duly re- ceised and credited, when, with his loose dollar in his pocket, he gave the clerk a sly wink, and walked away, whistlirg, "Catch a Weasel Asleep." A LARGE HEARTED JUDGE. ---A jnstice of the peace out in Iowa has a pretty ,good sized heart, judging from a recent decision promulgated iu his court. It appears that a stern parent attempted to invade the sacred precincts of his parlor at a time when his presence could be dis- pensed with. An assault and battery snit grew out of the affair, and the fol- lowing is the decision of the Justice: "It 'pears that this young fellow was courtiB the plaintiff's parlor, and that plantiff intruded and was put out by de- fendant. Courtin' is a necessity, and wrist not be interfered with. There- fore, .the laws of Iowa will hold that a ear int has no legal right in a room wriere courtin' is afoot. So the defend- ant is discharged, and the plailltiffmust pay the cost." It will encourage many cf the young men of the land to know that the law is all on their side in cases of this sort. .A. Paris journal.. tells the story of a beggar who presented himself regularly at it certain coffee house with a clario- net under his arta. " Will you allow me, gentlemen," said he, in an humble torte of voice, xr to play a tune ? I un only an amateur, and if you prefer giv, Mg me a few coppers I will spare you the annoyance of hstenitig to Tile." Every one felt at once for a few stray coppers, and the musician de katted 1 with n profotend obeisance. This he repeated several evenings in sr CCe si on. At last, one evening, a young plan ask- ed hint in a friendly manner to give them a tune, goodor bad. " But I ate Afield, sir, 1 shell disapp oint you,'" ' " tever end that ,blv0 no s time.' "But z am a very poor plityer, and 1, heave,fa 'very poor instrlimellt." "No natter for that ; I was t to hear you.' "'Well, 31ir, Sinee you insist upoti•it,',. said theoor . man, " 1 Will tell you that 1 doff*} ay.r� The i4chborue fat, PSY•QQQDS, ETC, The course of the present Tiobborne trial, which has lasted through the four seasons, may thus be summarised. It begun on the 28rd of April last, and the;speech of the Crown preseeutor in opening the case lasted five days. For- eign witnesses, who were anxious to re- turn home, were first examined. Next, since in trials for perjury, however spe- cific the limited matter relied on nlay;tbe, the examinations2 from which it is extracted, must be read from beginning to end, the Court was engaged for more thanafortnight in the reading of documents, and it was tho 20th of May before the examiaiation of the witnesses for the prosecution was re -commenced. From that day the stream of witnesses continued down to the 10th of July, the fifty-sixth day of the tial, when the case for the prosecution was closed. Altogether, 212 persons had then given evidence, and might roughly be ;;divided under the heads of the Tichborne family, friends, and connections, children, Au- stralia, Wapping, and other Orton wit- nesses ; it-nesses; Stoneyhurst, military, medical, and miscellaneous witnesses. The court then adjourned till July 21st, and on the next day, Dr. Kenealy, for the defence, began his address, which, with holidays, lasted exactly one calendar month. On the,22nd of August the ex- amination of witnesses for the ;;defence was begun, and lasted till the 27th of October, the 124th day of the trial,when the 260th and last witness for the de- fence was examined. .These may in lik4lnanner be divided into Wapping, military, Australian, Hampshire, Dor- setshire, medical, Osprey, and miscel- laneous witnesses. On the 29th, Mr. Hawkins, the Crown prosecutor, pro- ceeded with rebutting evidence, which occupied two days, thirty persons neing examined. The Court then adjourned till the 17th of November, and finally to the 27th, to give time to prosecute enquiries into certain statements made by a witness calling himself Jean Luie, and to do which an officer was despat- ched to the United States. On the of- ficer's return two days were employed in his examination, andthat of the :wit- nesses, and documentary evidence brought back with him in contradiction of Luie's statements. Then came what may be styled the Luie episode, which ended in the discovery that he had been a swindler, calling himself Capt. Toren- son. On the 2nd of December, Dr. Kenealy rose to sum up " for the de- fence, but after he had spoken for four days, the Luie episode again made its. appearance, ending in a discovery that he—a Swede, and pretended steward of the " Osprey "—was in reality a ticket - of -leave convict. These subsidiary proceedings occupied three days, and resulted in Luie's committal to. prison- Dr. Kenealy resumed his speech on the llth of December, and continued it ti11 the 18th, when he was absent through sickness, and the court adjourned for the Christmas holidays. On the re -as- sembling of the court, he again took up his address coming to a conclusion on the 14th of January. It . then re - mined for the Crown .prosecutor to fol- low, and the Judge to sum up, which, however, it is expected will be accom- plished by the end of the month, so that this extraordinary trial will have continuously occupied the court over more than three-quarters of a year. The expense to the Government of'', prosecuting the claimant for perjury, is set down at half a million pounds, in- cluding salaries of Judges, expenses of witnesses, foes of prosecuting counsel, &c. It is to be remembered that the Crown took the somewhat unusual course of paying the Claimant's witnes- ses, and bearing the expense of the prosecution. Such n course is unpre- cedented. A nervous woman took passage at the Tip-top House, White Mountains, to dcsceed by the almost Ise. pendicular railway. After they started bile inter view dtheeonducterConductor, hots do you hold tlicse care when you want to stop 2" "Madam, we apply the brake, which you see there." "Suppose, Mr. Conductor, that brake should give way, what do you do thclh?" "Madam, We then apply the double- acting brake, which you see at the other end, 6f the:cars." "13ut, Mr. Conduct.' er, suppose that brake should. not be sufficient to cheek the cars, where will. you go then 2" "That dopende entire-' ly upon flow you have lined in this world." , ll he c'f% ,. rend o bt e tccen Treeing ae',sz tooth properly drawn by a professional w su.._o c n i'y, , and liming it lnitclteti out miscellaneously by a,'"fall upon the pavement, is only, a slight verbal dis- tinction—one is dental, and the other is accidental. r ,liair ' - > said a young .lady our; the sea before us at: the. theatre last eve n ing, (How I shoed tette to be ail ; tact, resl't' (AlI actress; I-Iennri. tt4 Why ?' 'Oh, It must be so nice to be macre love to in stn h pretty words every even - L OARLING =ZICTElt, DPALER IN GROCERIES, Wives and Liqt;rs IIARDWA �- E CROCKERY Boots and Shoes Patent Medicines, Also, DEALER IN ALL KINDS OFi LEATHER a HOE. E• F I N DI NGS C:1.03 ,Patct tor III. es 'ISAAC CABLING, Augotst 2t?, '7t • • r Ili lEl 11'. l MeCT,()0f11 ON WAT'CIJ aro kilo boo i.r ti a,1)4rkot MUSIC, AND SEWING IilIAOU E • )1<ii.C(< t( MARgtIN $R4S., ,So l:'.7.hI:IaT ONT, palm" nt,: u11"Ilii istpTato l 1► VIII Be sure and got the W. 1), M oG loorlon Watch, eforpia}1 6. You will have other after acvin P. tea, n who wear t 5v \ al horn recommend t.o nn them. r lE}1!d 13 Go ,L 1 77 Dundee Street,'I,L ndon. and the tlestimonials, 'I ho largest, beet and cheapest stook of Ano Gold Jewelrey, Cloche; Silver and "soca Wsre', yanoy Goads, &o., ,Cc., iu time Province.rte su'i1lg of evoy description. W D. M'GLOALIN, 77 Dundas at. Loudon Out, CAUTiON,�I hereby forbid any one from giving credit to any person without my written order. WM, SLEE. Usborne, Tonvary 1st, 1870. FARM T'O1 SALE The undersigned (Were his Farm, Lot 70, Con, 4, Stephen, for r x4 a. It consists tsof acres. There i s Lr s large brick house, P>a storey (new)and t4 -h 1f a the promisee, with new brik dairy and gra nery THOMAS GRANVILLE. Stephen, Jan. 22, 1874, 3341, F1 ARM TORENTON EASYTERM -. 3ein Hollth half of lot 11,con, fl Township of Hay, consisting of 50 acres e soros elearea, frame house, log stables, young orchard, and good water. Por further particulars apply on the pre - 1111808. JOHN 131iODE1tICE, 15-tf, a MILLS & MACHINREY. C L' i T L Nur r1N' STEAM I SEAD .4.4D�T ,D SVA- 1'.Tl,1t T'OWElt Flouring and] Grist Mill, EXETER. The undersigned wishes to return sincere thanks to his numerous customers for their very liberal patronage in the past, and also take this oppor- tunity of stating that he is better prepared than ever to turn out THE VERY) EDEST:tQF 1` of K. The mill is in the best of running order, and par- ties can ganorally rely on getting their grist home with there. Having lately put iu a now water- wheel, there is now an abundance of water. HIGH la; ST MARKET PRICE PAID IN CASH FOR FYFE WHEAT. RLGUR AND CHOPPED PEEI 1 UIWAY ON HAND. D. ni'LEN N J. ROSS PLANING M I L LS o J. ROSS, Builder, Manufacturer, and dealer iu all kinds of BUILDING MATERIAL, suceh as SASH, MOULDINIGS, -etc., DRESSED AND UNDRESSED. • He has oleo on hand a ffrat-class lot of. Flooring, Siding CASING, Scroll -Work, etc. Which they furnish to order. zioEnvic Dressed and Undressed, constantly on hand. Lath et 812111041es Always an hand. • Special attentiokr paid to PLANS it SPECT 'IC,A11o1'S. fi 1.,.:,i rte",. h n trtudl l is hers noss c i speer lif a t'te>ia , Y P +, • f � O ung none hat (1461401104 Writkinen, and rising only lltst-slats material, the tools eonfidohit of givinge,ltlro so;txal'f+otilkh to all who may favor lifiewitb their patroniige. A 04'1 solletoiir 3LV11xA1, Vth1SAf}4p: 1JOTS 1'`tal 4,1 i.tllawpga }iegm 1,„„.„ " o,l?,;),A2 ,a,e "��a0 �,laulmialimlu.iii i IIIp IIIIII41j1111 rmOY'-Ob■mm• rm■m■ ■ mrmrrr mrm rm . ■ Qp1i. In y� a.:.d.. �,r�xc,�m t, �IIIIUII I h� n I I tllillllll i�lllalll 11 l�l 1 1 1 1 I I�II�III N }111111 I]7i� I I I# I N'11 I lT �WII II II II Ililll T IIIItIIIIII11111111V1IIII I� �I(I� tIIIIIIIIIItlIIII@IIIIII1111111111111 II.I1111a t 111I1l11611111111 111. ra .:.. ICIAli I II�dQQ u uI�NI I �• II i 171 � -I .I' .rat. H IR fuel, ter The 0 eed Organs' We do not wish to detract from the merits of other Organs by upholding ours, but are ever ready to submit than to a fair auct impartial test, feeling confident of the result. PRICES FROM $55 TO $1,500. la''Testironials from the best musicians in Canada eau be seen. MA.RRIN BROS., Parkhill. GET aN tovV) _t(o&NIAX OR AN Improved Singer Sewing Machine. THE LOCKMAN 1S The Best Family Sewing Machine in the Dominion. 1T 1S THE Simplest, Strongest, Quietest, Lightest Running Most Convenient Machine Vet Constructed. lts make is unimpeachable, and its work most satisfactory. The IMPROVED SINGER 1H an excellent machine for all kinds of heavy work, metes harness, boots ct: sh„tb, etc. ' THE SHUTTLE 15 SOLID STEEL, larger, simpler, and in every way better th,i. any othe in use. C. SOI1THCOTT, .Agent. MR, S. always keeps on hand a supply of Machine Attachments, Thread, Ned1 es, &t'. N. B. FULL INSTRUCTIONS GIVEN TO EACH PURCHASER.. f Mr. Southcott is prepared,to give complete and satisfactory fits in his clothing Line. C. 0077727'X007".7r ms 's c .A.1110 SEWINC1 . �'3'dib�f ■i� 1.V A1S r 0. C. WILLSON'S MUSIC, SEWING MACHINE AND AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENT EMPORIUM, FO STILL IN THE FRONT RANK AS USUAL. '' ' .Yiil '73if9 MAC z THE FLORENCE Noiseless, Reversible Feed Lock and ICnot Stitch Family Sewing Machine cha- enges the world in perfection and range of work, strength and beauty of stitch, durability of con- str•uctiou and rapidity of motion. Ca11 and examine. Send for circulars. Agents wanted in every °Wu in the Province. This Machine hastaken first prizes at all the County )airs. 0. C. WILLSON, General'Agent;Pier theDaminlon. SEAFORTHAND HURON Marble Works. 0 .L.ME B OD rlryye da az 0 IT (LATE OF HAMILTON,) Would intimate to their numerous friends and the general public that they are prepared to 1111 all orders for Monuments, Headstones, Table Tops, Mantles, &c. Granite Monuments Imported to Order. Worli of the hest style and art, and cannot be surpassed in this kart of Ontario. A Call respectfully solicited. Opposite Logan & Jamieson's Store, MAIN STREET, SEAFORTH M. L. MESSET. H. MESSET. -1-XT GRIGG , Me'oha .t ° ' ilo and. BIBLE DEPOSITORY BOOKSELLER & STATIONER A Stock of Family Bibles, Pocket Bibles, Wesleyan and Bible Christian llymmn Books, Psalm Books for the use of Pres- byterians, Church of England. Prayer Books, Miscellaneous Literature of a non -demoralizing nature, and a general assortment OF SCHOOL ROOKS &STATIONERY always on W. GTI1C4(1. GO TO THE OLb Ear tList/ to OLD' WG ST 'Rt Tel•tho'Iargestendhost assortment of IT PU:AUGS, - ICI I.,S DYE S, ;l AND ritqcort8. ingusna1I kept hi e 1 0ttelrttot• old to siittildf0etiori fRiE 0 THE F & INDEPENDENT ELECTORS CONSERVATIVRSEi•and REF013,MRS alike should avail thomselve5 of tnis passing of - portunity to secure some of the GREATEST BARGAINS EVER SHOWN IE ST. MARY'S. at this great WINTER CLEARING SALE of G. B. Smith's. He is determined, this time. if possible, to MAKE A CLEAN SWEEP OF WINTERI00ODS before his spridg stock commences to arrivo,ivhich I-Iis Buyer whom ho sent to 13ritain this Winto> IS t10W SJ LECTm a, .1. 4 MAITIr IfIZTZO tit/mom/Aft ' Thirty per ,Ueft.r C#. B. SMITH, antiary 00, 1874. EPORT OF EXETliM PUBLIC. sciteOh vont 1878. Total No, of Chilttreh en Ee iste5 T tlfiY, ,Averse o attcudal 8o, 1st half year + 15740.410 ” 2tid half year 170-;9' 41 for y the eat - 189•00'110 Toaahors 6mn36yo'tt Bal. on hand, en Paid toaellers $014 05 R6od'7ciLlrilyii.n1, . 18 78 h, tont, repairs s 4861 Grant 130 00 ilio, • Govt 'r ant 101, 00' feel cleaning. ,• . 'i'ai.escoli'd' 979 00 school, 66o.•tro. other sollrce140 01 OOet, 51056 11180 105011110. ' 144' 44 1)aT�ant14,7aii.ls, 7I 100 tri 41000liX 01880,41 osui1 C'1.t7 RAMWEL3,4' A'aditorg. !i'liOlVfA.S b IT TON, Welt; f0alsdorc, sec. -avows. ct tisetsr, A'athllary A%,1674, 00,110, + JAl7 N;S PICKA Pegs torot!zn tlaxllts for the ,..acro ago vs4ow6 upon for c1 vast twenty yearsb hyootl oP ax teY r 1 surrounding CG tlY, n41 is new pponini—iu delµltuv]tg—t et h Iaargest and. Most Gomplote �tacl� OF 000DS IN TUE COUNTY',, COMPRISING Drs Opodp, Mgeady.Xaclo Cloth ' , illi ,7 Mats ch '?4Y a m, Cfrocerio9 Moots c, n& % P p{y W ,�1 Y M H rtm '" m� Qa�`h•�lx , o4d'r�u�+a �'a'b�t..�erp V(•� od yy DRUGS, PAINTS, OILS, ETC., ETC All of which will bo found to be as low'as any uther reliable house in the conntry, Remexr,.ber this is the Oldest Established House - in the County OPPOSit8 the 'most Office, NOW FOR GREAT BARGAd)"S • 0 REIN a OVERSTOCKED, WE OFFER TSE FOLLOWING LINES T CRE TI "Z REDUCED P11110. s. CLOTHING : AN IMMENSE LOT OF OVERCOATS. Shawi;, Bianketsq Ladies' .I Jacket MJLLINERY, mac, ��. Jackets, Frs, DRESSGQOD� i GOOD 0 A. Large Lot o27,21.6.3 at a arose Sacci .o9 • TI-IOS. C-REENWAY & CO., Centralia & Crediton.. 0 N,B. Cash for any number of Dressed "togs. 1 EXETER ROCERY 6z, LIQTTOR STOR • THE Selections have been made purely from the Upper Canadian If aI e and the Goods are of such quality as must give undoubted satisfaction. Attention U yertlonl Weaned to the choice stock of Sugars, Teas, Coffees, . Hennessy's and Sazerac Brandy In -Wood. & Bot�lR Scotch and Irish Whiskey, Del;Kyper's Gin, Booth's Old Toxn, In Woodand Bottle C_ARLIlsTG'S Arnber Ale & Stout Porter Together with a general assortment of all classes of ITSTEX-1and RDINES Purchasers are requested to compare prices before going; elsewhere, as the goods will be sold at an exceedingly small profit. Liberal,inducements offered to Hotel Keepers purchasing in quantity. GEO. A. MACE, - September 17,1843 Main Street, Exeter. OPENED OUT, reet.E 0_1 • EX.ETE , ON- T. o Furniture Wa r r8om0 fit Jelin Drew would, referee"the ublic that he has bponod etre his Fnrnit new building opposite the T12:E;S office, and is filling them with ONE OF THE BEST STOCKStobeFOUN% ;'ATE STERN ONTARIO, 10eom resos Chairs, T 1 s, Stands Barons, Cupboards, Sidoboardaand„Bodatea(16, ” also on hand, a cheic solootton of PARLOR SUITESREP COVERED DRAWING ROOM SUITES , Ranging in price up to 51176. Matt will And Moro overytbhI g useall kept in. a First -glass establishment. g y y shortly a.large inaliertatiosl of the "3.4,§T I3oilgot from tho b t manufacturers in the tiniest States,, "Th+ WIZ TA 213E IS 0 -.- `e )airiii done :drone tl.:. 'Picture rrzlinee of ti x',13. � l �' 1 p �' a speciality.` Give the anbsoribur ru'Cull, ;�7 1S Ile hent;