HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1992-03-18, Page 23Cll.!. • Daryl and Susan and big basun.' K�/y le arc pleased w annou,icx the safe arrival ua•Krnatcn Marianne err March 2, weighting 8 Itsa., 15 ors Proud grandparents art Keit' and Carol (rill, timid Band and Clary and 'rill Maiden, Luc 12. HENNING - ('truly and Norman 01 I AllidtNi ane very proud to anrsuun,C Use sale arrival of then daughter Mimah Amanda air Mach 13, 1992 weighing 9 Ibs., 14 urs at Si Ju scpfn's Health Centre. A new little &DACE fur le/tinier, '1abfsetha and Sabbeina. Proud g randy. rent s arc Ronald Eleanor Horn, Ex- eter and Rudy and Susan Ne ni g, London (iseat-grardmuther Mildred Jones. Backe. 12c PPVK:JE • Wow, Twins! Paul and Cathy (nee Glavin) are thrilled to amoasce they've --boar ''avid-blessed°-withiwo-snore-beater - tut shiWeen. A little brother and sister for Kristy, born February 24, 1992, are Jos Edward, weighing 6 lbs., 0 oz.; and Trisha Jacqueline, weighing 6 lbs., 0 o¢. Proud Edrandparenare Joe and Mary Pavkeje and u and Jadtte Glavin. Many thanks W our family and friends for all of their help and wpport. Thanks to all for all of the gifts and visits we've receival. A special thank you to Dr. Fellows and the nurses at St. loaeph s hospiud and to Dr. Steciuk for the ex care he has given to all of us over the last several months. 12' SFECKLE - Cam and Kathy welcome with love their second child, Shawn Daniel, bons Thursday, March 5, 1992 at 8:22 a.m. weighing 8 lbs., 1 oz. Shawn is a new little brother_for.Brent. Special thanks to Dr. Steele, Dr. Steed and staff, the O.R. Team anddle excellent obstetrical nursing off at Clinton Pubhc Hospital. Also. a big "Thank You" to Grandpa and Grandma Love, Grandpa and Grandma Suckle and Eleanor who took extra special care of Brent 12c WILLFRT - Brad and Tammy are delight- ed to announce the safe arrival of their first child, Brennan Alexander, born on March 10, 1992 Proud grandparents are Lloyd and Eileen Wallen of Dashwood, Margaret Mundt of London and Helmut Mundt of Caledon. Our special thanks go out to Dr. Dupr>< and Susan of DCCT. Dr. Roger and Dr. Brown and staff of St. Joseph's Health Centre for all their expen care for this spe- cial baby. Also. thanks to all fnends and family for their support and encouragement 12' ' .Us,?�:-:::;.;• �.p�,� :,ire. �:�,{a,;. FINKBEINER - At Victoria Hospital, Westminster Campus, London, Ontario an Tuesday, Mardi 10, 1992, Leila G. Funk - bemer (Mallard) of Exeter, and formerly of Stephen Township, in her 79th year. Be- loved wife of the late Edward Finkbeiner (1967). A cousin and done friend Thelma Zlateff of Kitchener survives. Funeral ser- vice was held on Thursday, March 12 at 2 p -m. at the Hopper -Hockey Funeral Home, William Street, Exeter with Rev. Ed Lak ' nouns offsfiating. interment in Creditor, Ce- metery. 12c CRiEDITON HALL BOARD - On behalf of die Crediton Hall Board..1 would like to take this epporuasityto thank -all those who helped make our "Old Fashioned Dinner" the success that it was. A very special thank you to the 4-H girls for their help. 12 Sincerely, Drew Roberton. Chairman I)h iJARDINE - The Dcsjardinc Farm,, would like w thank the people of 'l ivenun, Kincardine, Pun Elgin. Paisley, 'rare, Georgetown, Wismar, Cape evoker and I x glen fur Use help of wise, donations of loud, clothing and furniture at the loss of our soy and daughter•ui-law's hone by hrc 'Ihc names arc too numerous to mention Ats , thank you w one nnusiciain wlnu played mai atop at the benefit dame for them We are overwhelmed with the kindness shown in any way. Thank you again. Your help will never be forgotten. 12c Mutton awl Mynk, Darrel, Vivian, Cosy and Dayna FRAYNE • The family of the late Robcn J. Frayne, of Exeter, deceased February 28, 1992, would like to express our sincere thanks w relatives. friends and neighbours for their kindness and suppon. A special thanks to Rev. 1_ Hllban -of HAIKU United Church and Peter Frayne of Durham for their words of comfort and prayer and to the off of South Huron Hospital for the Care and concent shown during those put few months. Our a to the ladies of the Exeter Un Church for the lovely lunch and to the staff of Hopper -Hockey hi - neral Horne for their care and stenion dur- ing this period of distress. Thinks to you all. I2c K£LLER - Esti and Kathryn Realer wish to thank their relatives, fnends and neighbours for their cards, gifts and best wishes at our surprise pany in honour of Earl's 50th birth- day and ow 25th wedding anniversary. Thank you Ken and Shirley and Howard and Elaine for thinking of us by calling from Florida while the parry was on. It felt like you were with us- Earl also want to thank Melvin and Genie for the birthday dinner on Sunday -for him and -the elders. Special thanks and love go to our family Kathy -Ann, Ross, Caroline, Joe, Michelle and Sam and our two other daughters LJ. and Lon who gave their time and effon in planning this pany and making our 25th anniversary such a memorable event. We are truly blessed and we thank God for very dear fnends and lov• ing family! 12c MILLER - A sincere thanks to my relatives. Mends and neighbours for your kindnes, and sins during Lo'se's illness- The cards, flowers and expressions of sympathy at the time of his death were greatly appre- ciated. Special thanks to Pastor Larry for be- ing there, your prayers were a great comfon to everyone. Your thoughtfulness will al- ways be remembered. 12• Grace MILLER • I would lake to say a special thank you to Pastor Larry, Dr. Stcciuk, Jan- ice Oke, Mom Miller, Glen and Peggy, Judy, Morn and Dad, Karen and Gayle for being there for Lome, Jennifer, Melissa, Jonathan, Jacob and myself. Your prayers, comforting and thoughtfulness will never be forgouen. I would also like to thank the Dashwood Bears, Dashwood Old Tigers and the 14th Sodbusters, who pantapatcd in the Guard•of Honour, the Zion Lutheran Ladies Guild for serving the lunch; lloffmans Fu- neral Home for their friendly professional services. Also thank you to our relatives, friends, neighbours, The Lutheran Prayer Chairs, Junior Choir, and staff and swdcnts at ZPS, for their prayers, comforting words, flowers, donations, care packages, food brought to the house, cards, hugs and their shoulders to cry on. 12' Marg, Jennifer, Melissa, Jonathan and Jacob ROHDE - We•would hke.tothank-everyone for coming to our Surprise:Pany and for all the -food, cards anhpreaents., Also no Mary for throwing it together and for having a good time also. Special thanks to Karen and Kathy for trying to keep it a secret and cleaning the house 12c Doug and Judy ROWE • 1 wart to thank my family, tele Lives and friends for cards, gilts and baking sent to when 1 had my a.cdent It was great ly appreciated 12• liclva St'llll II -AND • I would like to express my most sincere thanks to everyone for their prayers, earns, telephone calls, visits, flow ers, Inuit baskets whale ui hospital and sus.' rrtuntuig horn, Special thanks to unbu Ian.' attendants Mtkr and Christine, dus ton, nurses .t University Hospital ad my family. 12' THIEL • We wish to express our thanks to all those who called, visited, Sent Cards and preyen while our melba(. Marie, war in the pltal. The many floral tributes, manorial donations and expressions of symmetry y were greatly ePpreciued. Our thanks -also to Pas- tor Arles, the Lutheran Zlwrdi Women and the staff of O'Connor Funeral Home. Your kindness will always be rananbesed. 12' Lynda Declare, Howard Thiel and (undies VANRAAY • We wish to thank ow family, friends and neighbours for sharing in our 40th Anniversary and making it such a suc- cess. On behalf of Brother Bob Miuleholu we would like to thank all those who donat- ed to his minion work in India. Your gene- rosity has reminded w of the importance of sharing the many blessings we have received over the past 40 year. We would like to ex- press our appreciation for all those who srav- eUed from near and far to share in our spe- cial day. 12e Case and Anny EXETER ODDFELLOWS Annual Friend ship Night Dinner and Dance, March 28 1992, Kirkton-Woodham Community Cen- tre, Kirkton, Ontane. Music: Royal Aires Entertainment: Chords of Woodham. Din- ner: 6:30 p.m. Tickets SI0.00 each. Dinner and Dance 515.00 each. Dance only 56.00 each. Tickets from Wilf Bowman, 235-1563 or Lodge officers. 11,12,13' SPORTS CARD SHOW, March 29, iI- 4:30 tables available. Call D. Wilson, 294- 0317 or G. McLinchey, 294-6263. 1 1,12c(13) LUNCHEON, Caven Preshytenan Church, Thursday, April 2, 11 a.m. - 2 p.m. 56.00 per person. Tickets available Anstett's, Smyth Shoes or any member of Gordon Auxiliary. 11,12,13c SPRING FROLICS fealwnng Stonetown Entertainers, April 3, 8 .m., Centralia Unit- ed Church. Adults 53.50, public school chil- dren fret. Tickets available from members or at door. 12,13c,14nc ZURICH AND AREA WOMEN AGLOW. March speaker is Barbar Hicks, Clinton. Non -denominational. All women welcome. Monday, March 23, Zurich Public School. Social time 730, meeting 8 p.m. 12' REDIRECTION of Long Term Care. The Govemment of Ontario has been holding a series of meetings in Huron County to dis- cuss possible changes to the system of ser- vices for senior, disabled adults and family caregivers, in order to help people remain in their own homes. The last meeting will be a wwrrep up session wen to the public and all adehsory groups. h win be held oci'Thurs- day, Much 26, 1992 at 130 p.m. at the Clinton Legion on Kirk Street. Everyone welcome. For more infomtation contact Community Health & Support Services (519) 675-7680 or 1-800-267-0535. 12,13c 4 DIREETOIW EMMANUEL BAPTIST CHURCH 187 Huron St. W. Exeter Pastor Rev. Kevin Rutledge 235-2661 Sunday, March 22 9:45 a.m. Sunday School 11:00 a.m.Morrrng Worship 7:00 p.m. Evening Fellowship Communion Everyone Welcome BETHEL REFORMED CHURCH Huron Street East, Exeter -Minister REV. HENRY VAN ESSEN Sunday. March 22 10:00 a.m. Worship 11:10 a.m. Sunday School Nursery available 7:30 p.m. Worship - Everybody wea one Come and Worship with us • EXETER CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH Main St. Nath Pastor Rev. Sleds Vander Meer 235-1723 Worship Services Mardi 22 10.00 a.m. 7:00 p.m. Nursery Available Everyone Weioome S dnday Radio CKNX 920 10:80 a.m. Daily T.V. Faith 20 Global 6:80 am: Prayer can do anything Nit God Gen do. CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 68 Main Street South 235-2784 Minister: Rev. Mark B. Gasksn ,Organist: Miss Carolyn Love Sunday, March 22 11:15 a.m - Worship Service Nursery and Sunday School Everyone Welcome TRIVITT MEMORIAL ANGLICAN CHURCH 264 Main Street, • Exeter, Ontario The Rev. Fay M. . * Patterson Third Sunday in Lent March 22, 1992 11:15 a.m. Morning Prayer Sunday School Nursery Available No Lenten Service Tonight Wed eeday.-Mer h 25, 1992 7 p.m. Holy Eucharist 7:30 p.m. Lenten Programme in Pansh Hall Everyone Welcome EXETER BIBLE FELLOWSHIP 930 a.m. Sunday School 10:30-11:00 a.m. Fellowship Time 1190 a.m. Family Bible Hour 6:00 p.m. Communion Service Nursery Available Tuesday evenings 7:80 p.m. - Bible Study /JI services are held at 94 Orchard Street Exeter ifiverwne Welcome For marc inlomsapon please cell 229.8881 EXETER UNITED CHURCH Comer of James and Andrew St Ministry The Rev John C. Hilborn Mrs. Bev Robinson The Rev. Grant L. Mills (Minister Emeritus) Director of Music Ralph C. Topp March 22, 1992 - 1190 a.m Third Sunday of Lent Sermon: "What Was Your Recent Miracle?' Young Adult Class 9:30 a.m Sunday Church School 11 a.m Nursery Facilities available Courtesy Car: Don and Melva Ecker 235-0575 Everyone Welcome • EXETER PENTECOSTAL TABERNACLE 870 Main St. S. Pastor Vernon Dean Assistant Pastor Kevin D. Rogers Sunday, March 22 10:00 a.m. Sunday School 1190 a.m. Worship Sarie 7:00 p.m. Celebration Service ednesday 720 p.m.WWNight Programs for al ages. al servion A pac mast Goilable d end • friend' 1 ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH Dashwood Pastor LARRY STOJKOVIC Sunday. March 22 920 a.m. - Sunday School 11:00•4.- Worship Service Etatikone Welcome S 0111Y HOUR at Roc Caine Anises, Hu run Park. Stant Wednesday, April 1, 1992 from 1.30-2:30 p.m for 8 weeks For chil dein age 3 5 to have fun singuig, hstenutg to Blbl. stories, making crafts, and eating srta.14 'Io register .all Karen 228-6236 or Anel, 227-4549 Spolsot cd by the Exeter Chnsuan Refcurnlcd (?lurch 12,13,1Sc I:XI'I'I:k O11UF'EI.LOWS 1st Ireggree will be wrllerred on -Tuesday, Marchi 24, 1992 with Stratford Lodge un &accidence. All rival cant. !.inch will be served. Exeter Oddfel- lows Hall, 8 p.m. meeting. 12' McGILLIVRAY REMEMBERS, a history of the past 150 yeas and the present, will be sold by advance order for 530 a copy wail April 5, 1992. Thereafter, use price will be SIO a copy. Order fonts are available et the IrMan L veyr m294 69 vf1ice .os 93.5 from Ltxnme, 294.6990 or lois, 29'! 1'35. 12,13c THEATRE FOR KIDS. Visit the Blyth Festival to see Canadian Content's theatre, music and mime show, On the Go, an Satur- day, March 21, 1992 at 2:00 pm. at Blyth Manorial Hall. For udteu (56.50 each) call 523-9300. 12c PINERIDGE SNOWMOBILE CLUB An- nual Meeting, Sunday, March 22, 3 p.m. Potluck supper a< 5 p.m. Staffs Hall. Every- one welcome. 124 ?nom\�UC\1'.?iJ +A,OP.�;..:rJ ...:1`P``v.`C?M1Yk.]p• • ..:�.'..`?'4.: BOYLE • lo.IavMg memory of Kenny, lwho �passed away 2 year ago, March 22, The moment of your pasting, Slipped through our finger. Like a grain of sand, We stood in disbelief, searching the depths, Of our minds to understand, All we had to offer you was love, And its all that we still offer you now, You will never be forgouen, For we see you in every breath that passes, Every tear we cry, And in every second. We still ask the question why. Always remembered and sadly mused by Morn, Dad, Becky, Crystal, Terri-lyn, Wayne and Zachary. I2c GRINNEY - In loving memory of a dear wife, mother and grandmother, Eilene, who passed away March 16, 1982. It broke our hears to lose you, Hut you didn't go atone, Because pan of us went with you, The day God called you home. Always remembered by husband Jim, daughter Diane, son-in-law Rick and grand son Linc- 12• GRINNEI' - In loving memory of a dear son, brother and uncle, Dennis, who passed away March 25, 1987. The world charges year to year, And friends from day to day, But never will the one we loved, Froin memory pass away, Always remembered by father Jot, sister Diene, brother-in-law Rick and nephew Enc. 12' MAGUIRE - In loving memory of a dear wife, mother and grandmother, Anna Ma- guire, who passed Hiway one year ago, jy,artch 11, .1991.. I lost my life companion, A' life linked with my own, And day by day 1 think of you, As 1 walk through life alone The hone you left is lonely now, And 1 am lonely too, Those left behind arc good and kind. But no one replaces you To your resting place I visit. And place the flowers with care. But notate knows the heartache, When I tum and leave you there. Sadly missed and always remembered by husband Don, Sons LeRoy and Nancy, Den- nis and Mary, grandchildren Darcy, Dan Shelley, Kelly and Leeann 12nc STRETTON • In loving memory of a dear father, Herb, who passed away 1 year ago, March 22, 1991. March cones with sad regret, The day, the month, we will never forget. Through tear we watched you slipping. We watched you fade away, We could not wish you back again, To suffer that kind of pain. Two tired eyes are sleeping, Two tired hands arc still, The father we loved so very much, Is sleeping at God's will You never said good-bye to us, Perhaps it's just as well, We never could have said good-bye, To a father we loved so well. Loved always and deeply missed, by Lisa. Gerard, and Greg. 12• STRETTON • In loving memory of Herb Stiction, a dear father and grandfather, who left us suddenly March 22, 1991. An emptiness I've felt this year since you were called away, It seams I miss you more today Than 1 did yesterday, 'They say time heals all sorrows and helps us w forret. But time has only proven how much 1 mus you yet, Sometimes a ghoul/ht. a word, a sung, win CALM my tears to flow, Fur what it meant to lose you, no one will ever know, One condoning thought that keeps me You are now with mom where you belong Lovingly iemanbered by Susan, Mau and family. I STRETTON • In loving memory of Herten Sireuon, a special father and grandpa, who died soddadly Marts 22, 1991. Dad. we did our best to oumfort you, to etc the pain and lou you felt. Each day went by, we saw you grow weary. And suddenly you were gone. We amiss seeing your face, the sound of your voice. h Mad so unfair to have lost you too, so quickly. You art u rest now with the one you love so dear. Your memory and Jevs.wiJ bs.ltald inane hears always. Nancy, Bob and family. • I2c TAYLOR - In loving memory ef Harold (Larry) Taylor, wbo paused away March 20, 1988. This day u remembered. And quietly kepi. No words a media, We chap raver forget. Lovingly remembered by wife Hilda fat y. TAYLOR • In loving memory of a dear O- ther and grandfather, Harold, who paced away March 20, 1988. Nothing can ever take away, the love a heart holds dear. Fond manories lu.1 er every day, Remembrance keeps him near. Lovingly remembered by Jack and Mary Jane an family. I2c WATSON • 1wel an tan, brother and ender. away 6 yeas ago today, filiPeTibil..11111Cind Steve had a spacial way, Of adding tamable' evwyane We remember your Tow and laughter too. As if it were just U wf wrote a matte vanes. It wodldnt be a star. To tell the waxid about you, What is in our hauls. They say in time we will forget, To some it may be tete, But how on oath could we forget, Such *precious son, brother, uncle as you Sadly missed by Man, Dad, Robert, Mary, AI, Katie, Brittany, Janne, Stephen, Luke and Chns 12c WSLSON -In laving memory of a dear Un- cle Hill, who passed away one year ago to day, March 20, 1991. Time moves on but memories stay, Quietly remembered every day, You are no longer in our lives to share, But in our thought you are always there. Loved. too much to ever be forgotten, Jea- nie and Brendan Pivau , Patti and Dave Ca- tillo and family. 12• WILSON - In loving memory of a dear brother William, who passed away one year ago today, March 20, 1991. There's a gift in life you canna buy, That's very rare and true, h's the gift of a wonderful brother, The one 1 had in you, The many things you did for enc, In your kind and way, You gave me years of appiness, No one an take away, 1 think of you in shame, And often speak your name, But all I have are memories, And your picture in a frame, Your resting plate I visit, And place your flowers with care, But no one knows the heartache, When I walk away and leave you there Lovingly remembered and sadly missed by his sister Helen and Paul. 12• WILSON - in memory of a dear uncle Wil- liam Wilson, who left us suddenly one year ago, March 20, 1991. We often sit and thunk of you, And think of how you died, To think you couldn't say goodbye. Before you closed your eyes. The blow was hard, the shock severe, We never thought your death so near, And only those who have lost can tell, The pain of parting without a farewell, Never more than a thought away, Loved and nanembered in so many ways. Sadly mined, deeply loved, and forever re- membered, Joan and Stephen Caldwell 12* WILSON - In loving memory of our great uncle William Wilson, who passed away one year ago March 20, 1991. Just a prayer from those who loved you. And a precious memory true, lo our hens you'll live forever, For we thought the world of you. Always loved, never forgotten, Enc and Benjamin Caldwell. 12' Page 23 0 - Precious Blood Mission Cash Calendar Winners Mar s - Robert Restate, Esciw,11)64 9SO Mar. 9 -a Chuck, Dorothy Bourgeois. Londtn, 01323 950. W1.10 M L: Delany, Duhlnn. 11018 950. Mar. 11 - Ron Regia, Sarnia. 00696 930. Mar. 12 - RxMrd Rada Dash wood, 01561 550. March 13 - Ruby Roder, Dash Hay, 00321 930. Mu. 14 - Pas, Maryann Feeney, Seth, 01010 5100. (Menden available until April Conus D. Darting 233 1302 Open House Will be held in honour of John Soldan's 90th Birthday Sun., March 29 2 p.m. - 4 p.m. Bluewater Rest Home Best wishes only It seems time passes by, in but a wink, it's hard to believe your old enough to dnnk. Happy Birthday Rob Love Mom and Dad Happy 25th Gerald & Helen Francis March 25th r Happy 25th .`anniversary st� 1arf and Kaier 1 Love Gerard, Ryan and Graham XOX Love Kathy, Ross & Caroline, 1 Joe & Michelle & Sam anavP.S. "Happy Cruising' ON ON salts OW two lie last WO Bible Stories and Exciting Activities 11,, for 3 to 5 -year /iAk, olds... At the REC CENTRE ANNEX, HURON PARK Starting Wed. April 1/92 1:30 - 2:30 p.m. for eight weeks Registration: Karen 228-6236 Anne 227-4549 Sponsored by the Exeter Christian Reformed Church PRYDE MONUMENTS Due to the inclement weather and the recent fire in our offices and showroom we have extended our sale for this final time. Please feel free to visit our new temporary offices and showroom at 274 Victoria St. Centralia. lust three doors north of our existing loca- tion. Our hours are 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Fri- day. Sat. 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. and evenings by appoint- ment only. CONSUMER ALERT Effective 1992 our provincial government through changes in the cemeteries act by approving Bill 31 will be adding additional cemetery Mels of $50 to $200 to install Ant or upright memorials M all Onta- rio Cemetedes. My flat marker or monument order placed now be- fore the new act becomes law will not be subject to the new fee plus until March 31 we will pay the 6.5.T. For further information please feel fee to come into our showroom and r • = at 274 Victoria St. in the vil- lage -of Centralia or : 1228.6439 or our toll free line 1800-265.3477. We have over 40 r uments on display for you to view.