HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1992-03-18, Page 18Page 18 Times-AdVocate, Mardi 18, 1992 IMMUNITY • .. What year do you think the Toronto Maple Leafs will win the Stanley Cup? Our 1 irnes Advocate reporter interviewed all the Leaf fans she could to find out when they think their. favourite team will win the Stanley Cup? What do you think? s!!'41 Ll The'TA will be on the street to find out your opinion on carious issues. etiQfPJT Harvey Smith RR1 Credlton "First they have to qualify to make it. If they do qual- ify they could be like the Minnesota North Stars last year. But first they have to qualify" Al Quinn Exeter "Realistically, if they keep Cliff Fletcher as GM they will be a contender in three years." Harvey Smith RR1 Crediton "In 1993-94 they will be Stanley Cup winners. You can bet the farm on it" 6111 Theo Huron Park "They will be Stanley Cup winners within three years because of Fletcher and the trade" Harvey Smith RR1 Crediton "I expect there will be a few changes. If they are not in contention'this year, when it is trading time some of the older players may be traded. That sums it up!" Jesse Schroeder Dashwood "They will win the Stanley Cup next year. They -started out slow this year but after the trade they have played really well for the last part of the season" Catholic Women's League hold council in Grand Bend By Roberta Walker GRAND BEND - immaculate Hears of Mary Council of the Cath- olic Women's League met on Tues- day, March 10 at the Alhambra hall with 16 members present. President Cathy Vrolyk chaired the business. Spiritual Convener Annie- Vander- bygaart read an inspirational pr;.ycr to open the meeting. Under correspondence, an invita- tion was received from St. Peter's CWL at St. Joseph, to auend a Day of Recollection on March 24, Tues- day, from 10 a.m to 2 p.m. All members arc encouraged to attend during this season of Lent. Under Christian Family life, Lia Vandenberk gave several readings, and a get well card was signed by all members to be sent to Mary Mennen, who was in hospital in London. Tillie VanLecuwen re- minded the ladies about Meals on Wheels - she could use a few more volunteers. President Cathy Vrolyk reported that 13 members attended the Deanery Fun Night in Goderich this year. Next year this annual CWL event will he held in Strat- ford, at the Knights of Columbus Hall. Several members, along with Father Beck also attended the World Day of Prayer at Calvary United Church in Dashwood. Cathy Vrolyk and Roberta Walker repre- sented the CWL in the prayer ser- vice. Next year, 1992, the service will be hosted by Church of God in Grand Bend. Father Paul Beck gave an update on plans for the new church hall, with no construction date an- nounced as yet. The architect's drawings are being reviewed, and the two old furnaces in thc boiler room will have to be renovated or replaced. The building committee will be looking at tenders for con- Staffa by Roberta Templeman STAFFA - Cromarty Presbyteri- an Ladies were joined by Hibben United Church ladies and gentle- men for the World Day of Prayer service last Friday. The theme was "Living Wisely With Creation" and was chosen and prepared by the women of three countries in central Europe, Austria, Germany and Switzerland. Vale Mahon chaired the after- noon with ladies from both congre- gations participating as readers. The address on the theme was given by Margaret Kemp, Ceeney Drost, Margaret Daynard and Ada Pethick. Betty Lou Norris accompanied the hymns on the piano and Pastor Allen closed with the Benediction. Staffa Women's Institute held a business meeting on Saturday morning at the home of the Presi- dent. Joyce Vivian. The nominating committee re- ported on thc upcoming annual meeting. The District Director had banquet tickets and quilt tickets available for members. The display to be set up at the an- niversary dinner on April 8 was discussed with Freda Kerslake and Joyce Vivian agreeing t♦o set it up. The plads for the March meeting was announed that they would be visiting "Hilton Home Grown Mill- ers" operation on March 25. Every- one is asked to meet in Staffa at 11 a.m. tractors, but will try to include as many parishioners in the building of the hall as there is expertise available for the job. Father Beck also encouraged everyone to make umc for attending Lenten devo- tions, and to sing in the choir, as more voices would be a great help in the Easter liturgy. Roberta Walker informed the group that Community Living, South Huron will conduct their an- nual door-to-door fund raising cam- paign, Flowers of Hope, this year. The fund raiser was not held last year, but more captains .have been located to cover the towns, villages and townships of the South Huron area, so the campaign is back in al- most full coverage for May 1992. There is sell a need for captains and volunteers in Scaforth, and south of Grand' Bend the Klondyke arca. Anyone,interested in canvassing for funds to assist the mentally handi- capped people in our local commu- nities, please call 238-2471 or 237- 3637. Plans were finalized for the annu- at pancake breakfast, to be held this year on Sunday, March 29, after. 9 a.m. and 11 a.m. Masses, in the par- ish hall. Admission is S2.00 per adult, SI IX) for each child. Chair- man Toni Vandenberk announced that the annual quilt draw tickets are ready, for distribution. Volunteers are needed to help in the quilting bee: call Rick Vandcrburght at 238- 6028. Margaret Schooley will de- sign dried flower arrangement, and a collector's doll has been purchased for second and third prizes. The meeting was adjourned to hear the guest speaker; the next meeting will be held on April 14 at 8 p.m. Ellen Lakusiak-Vandenbygaart is a specialigt in nutrition, with a mas- a ter's degree; and experience in pub- lic health and government work in Ottawa. She now resides in South - con Pines. - Alter an interesting question and anstier session, Lakusiak- Vandenbygaart suggested that CWL members arrange a trip to a grocery store with a nutritionist. This pro- vides a good opportunity for ques- tions and discussions about diet and food substitutes. GB Legion hosts open dart tournament GRAND BEND - Grand Bend Legion Branch 498 hosted an open dart tournament on Saturday, March 14. There was a great turn- out of competitors, with 48 regis- tered for singles, 28 teams for dou- bles and 14 teams of foursomes. Winner of the singles was Rick Harden of Forest; of doubles J.E. O'Neil,and Jim McKay. Winners of the foursome' - first place team Wankers; Second' place team Blue Zone of Grand Bend; third place team Mega Force and Fourth the Side Winders, Hawkeye Jeff Nutt got an incredible perfect score of 180 twice! The winners of the doubles, O'Neil and McKay will go with Grand Bend champs Tony Gaudio and Rob Johnson to Toronto in April for the Legion Provincial play offs. All the money taken in was given out in prizes. Winners of the Tuesday night darts of March, 3 were Marie Hud- son and Jim O'Neik,aidi$eGond place winners were Pat Hoffman atiidflim Hutchinson. Bill Wildman won the 50/50 draw. Marie Hudson won high score for the ladies with 135, and Bob Chapdelaine and Jun Hu- uchinson tied for high men's score with 121. Bob Chapdelaine got the high take out score of 80. Winners of the Tuesday night darts on March 10 were Paula Cormier and George Roberts. Mari- lyn. Oesch and Bob Chapdelaine got second place and Marilyn also won the 50/50 draw. There was a •:three-v/ay tie for high ladies score, with mother and daughter Heather rand Marilyn Hutchinson and Pat Hoffman all geuing 92. Bob Chap- •delaine got high men's score of 129, and Jim Hutchinson got high takeout of 86. The meat raffle winners of March 6 were: Terry Hunnford, Eileen Seigman, Liz Leatherland, Shirley Friday night marked the end of another successful season for members of the Exeter Lions Drop -In Club. Members were treated to free skating at the South Huron Recreation Centre fol- lowed by a meal and other activities at the Exeter Lions Youth Centre. Shown skating are, back row: Ben Guenther. Middle row: Juanita Chappel (left), Jeni-Mae Pfaff and Chris MacDon- ald. In front is Lisa Eagleson. 1 Leatherland, Herb Turkheim, Jean Geisel, Ruth Crosby, Bud Ander- son, Jean Scou and Vic Aubbotit. Mystery winner was Brian Hitch- cock. Friday the 13th proved to be lucky for these winners of the March 13 meat raffle. Bud An- drews, Bob Chapdelaine, who won twice, ail! Lenke, Anne Fisher, £vonne Astral and Marg Hedley. Bev Clackeu was the mystery win- ner. Remember, there's only two more weeks of darts, then the dart season will be over until next fall. The closing banquet/awards ceremony will be held on March 31. Dabber bingo starts in May, and Bob Finlay retums to the Grand Bend Legion on May 9 for those.,$aturday after- noon song fests. A well prepared resume will help you get the job you are looking for! A resume detailing an applicant's work history and education is extremely helpful to an employer who is seeking a person for a specific job vacancy. Your personal resume should accompany your letter of application. Here are some guidelines to follow in preparing your resume: J Make it clear, concise and easy to read - and no longer than two pages J The resume should be typed on 8 1/2" x 11" white paper with enough white space to prevent a cluttered look J Start with your name, address and phone number J Next under a sub -heading "Work History" detail the previous jobs you've held - in reverse date order - that is, last Job first. J Use a separate paragraph for each position and precede it with the dates you held that position. J State the job title, a brief description of the responsibilities - and the results you achieved. J The next,section of your resume should come under the sub -heading of "Education". Start with the highest degree obtained or grade completed, followed by the name of the institution at which you studied. Follow this with previous education attainments. At the end, list any specific instructional courses you have attended in conjunction with your work. J Under the sub -heading "Affiliations", list memberships and/or offices held in professional or industry associations. J Under the sub -heading "Personal Interests" list any activities which you feel will be of interest to the employer - such as volunteer work, etc. Your letter of application and your resume will be the factors that make the employer decide whether to short list you for an Interview. So make it as Impressive as you can - but stick t. the facts. We can help you get an impressive and professional -looking resume Call Debbie Lord at 1-1) irj V a ,, - Li & t 424 Main St. Exeter (52.9) 235-1331