HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1874-2-5, Page 2\• • r1r.,•:.' ;',.° •,t-'' tee se, , , "1,1,7'4 ,,11, .,,, ,41'1,,,, ., ,. , . I f4i ,•?.,.!(' (.,7',t'‘,''''.(-14 0 ;.';:'''' ,, , * , "l,11' ti .1' fli•iwilitc; 1,, Cie l• if tit i'f tia. 1.,,,, ii : ,celit k„.,,,k„•0.,,iol e ,,,•,.0 ,i., ),, u, iu,„.,,,,,i, .1".•, 1,4), ; )-•iiti,„ i •••i• 'yiiptu., ei.v.,", ,1•17,47,, ,,, I ".-„,; '''' Al. 0, 1. 0 17:11W, 0, ' ' ,,A,(1(11111.0911, iS;11I1111.1.•,,,,,•••••„.••,, 1 0 1) j30t ii ,yeil, *Mills.. ,, - , , - - . , ,... „ 1 0 0 Brant, i>.i.„, rleiniug.,•..;„„.„.„.„. 1 Or 0, Braut, S • , 1,1" a terso 4, , , . .. • ..,..,,... 1 0 0. Brookville Buell . , 1 0 0 , llinee, N., Gaiii,)8„..,,,......,..,....,,,... 1 0 0 , :-. .:., ..,,'', 34.,,,k1o,,,, 6., Blake,..,,,,, „.,_, , 1 0 (1' . . i NV011, 0111110tO,11.,......,.,,,,,,,. 0 ',11. 0: ' 1.1 001108 1 01,'. _ ...,. ,..,.,, 0 1, t; ' Carl ▪ /1:1111,' 10,2•.t () 0 1 I. 0 .3),o14. E„ Ross.— 1 0 0 1.01,1111 W., WO; d„. . • 1 0 0 1-1,tr( 1 0 0 1\r„ Cascy. ,, 1 0 0 ,.‘100 regor.- .„.,„ .„ „ 1 0 0 blronteinte, Iiirkpatriet. ... -,..,0 I 0' Gleogarr,y, 1 0 (1, reit ville, ro use ,. . .. , , 1 0 0 Grey, . . , ,,, 0 1 0 GI:e.Y: N., Snider . 1 0 0 0 .,•ey, 8., , , .. 1 0 0 11.0-dinnt7L(1, ,midson . . 1 0 0 .11 111011, , 0 0 1 11,tuniton, I %Mg . .. 1 0 0 00,4 E , \lite „ ... 0 1 11 ts , :11 N., .... ......., 0 1 111.a8ti. gs, "\V Brown— .... 0 1 kiluron, C, Horton -•;!, 1: 0 Huron, S., Catuerou . 1 Os Farrow.-... • ., :.•• • 0 1. Steplienson— 0 1 Eingst( n, Alitcdohald. 0 1 L tuibtau, 1\fackenzie....,..... . 1 0 Lan rk, N, Galbraith . 1. 0 • • ... • 'tee La 'ant , Haggai: t 1 Leeds, & Grenville, N., reegushrn 0 0 jones , .... „. 0 1 0 Lennox, Cartwrigat 1 0 Lineal , Norris . 1 0 London, Walker 1 0 1\fiddiesexe E., 'Wilson 0 1 Middle:sex, kets-' weenie . . 1 0 0 MiLbilesess, 'W., Ross 1 0 0 Mai ,ek., M.eCAllum 0 1 Niagara, Plemb Q 1 Nei -fads, N., Charlton.— ...... 1 0 '" 8., Stuart . 1 0 lir•oviliumberland, 13iggar.... 1 0 „1‘1,"sorthumberland, W., Kerr 1' 0 Ontario, N., G, rdon....,1 0 Ontario, 8., CE111101\013. 1 0 Ott:twa, Currier . 0 1 " 81. jean . 1 0 0 Oxford, N., Oliver.. ...... .......... 1 0 0 Oxford, 8., BodWell . 1 0 0 Peel, Sinith 1 0 0 Perth, N., Monteith 0 1 0 Perth, 8., Trow 1 0 Peterboro, Bertram.— ..... 1 0 Pee ,cott, Hagar 1 0 Prince Edward, Ross 1 0 leenfrew, N., White 0 1 Renfrew, 8., M.:Doug:Ill 1 0 Russell, Grant . 0 1 ti'inicee, N., .......... 1 0 Suneoe, Little 0 1 Stormont, Archioald 1 0 Toronto, C., 'Wilkes 1 0 Toronto, E., O'Donohoe1 0 Toronto, W., Moss,. ...... 1 0 "Vie oria, N., McL nnan 1 0 Victoria, 8., McQuade 0 1 Waterloo, N., Bo ,vmen 1 0 aterloo, 8., Young ... 1 0 1,\ ellaud, Thom! on 1 0 IVelling.on, C., Oiiton. Q 1 WL igton 8., Stilton 1 0 Wentv, osth', N., Bain 1 0 Wentworth. 8., Ryinal 1 0 York, E., 1 0 Yo. k, N., Dymond • 1 0 Ionle W., Blain-- .... . ..... 1 0 () 0 0 0 0 , • evznec. M. O. I. Argenteuil, Abbott......... ......... 0 1 o leagot, Mousseau 1 0 0 lieauee, Posor........... ... . 1 0 0 leateharnois, Rubino d. . 0 1 0 Belleehasse, Fournise, 13erthier, Paeuet Brome, Pettis 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 Cheinoly, Jodoin............. ... . ... 1 0 0 Chateauguay. H.olton. . . ..... 1 0 0 Comptoit, ,Pope.............. ..... 0 1 0 Drutu'nd 1 Arthabasta, Laurier 1 0 0 Hochelage, Desjardins....... ..... 0 0 1 -Huntington, Scriver f• 0 1 Ibervilie, Richard . 1 0 0 Jacques Carder, Laflamme 1 0 0 Joliette, Baby .... 0 1 0 Laprairie, .. . 0 1 0 L'Assoinption, Hurteau0'1 0 Laval, Ouimet 0 1 0 Levis, Vreclietie 1 0 0 Lotbiniere, Bernier 1 0 0 Maesinenee, Boyer ...... 1 0 0 Mt ga•itic,''E Richard._ 1, 0 0 Miesisquoi, Douahue 0 1 0 Montualta, Dugas 0 1 0 Montiouguy, Taschereau.... 1 0 0 Mi.mtmorenci, Lauglois 0 1 0 Liontreal, Ryan ... 0 1 0 Montreal East, Jette . . 1 0 0 Montreal West, Mackenzie 1 0 0 Napierville, Dyrion...... ...... 0 1 0 Nicolet, Gantlet_ e 0 1 0 Pontiac Wright__ . 0 1 0 Portneu'f, lie St. George 1 0 0 Qaebec, C., Cauchou Quebec, E„ Thibaudean Quebec, W., McGreevy., 0 1 0 Quebec County, °area ....... 0 1 0 _Richelieu, Bartle.-- .... . .. . . . .. 1 0 0 Richmond and Wolfe, Aselmer1 0 0 Riensuski, Fiset 1 0 0 Cheval 1 0 0 St. Joints, Bourassa, 1 0 0 „St. Ilyaciethe, Delorrne 1 o Lt. Maurice, Lejoie. • K.e.,forct, 1-iuntiugton 8;ieeltrooke, Brooke . . . 1 0 0 1 0 0 '1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1Stel; 'secs, I.,authier........ ....... . . 1 0 0 .Stetostead, Colby • o 0 niata, Pouliot............„ 1 0 0 ",,Terrelsonne, 0 1 0 Theee _Rivers, McDougall-- . . 0 1 0 Two 'Moontains, Prevost.-- . 1 0 0 'Vlkodreuil, Harwood 0 1 0 lYer,clietes,„ Geoffrion 1 0 0 '01 Yatoaslat, ... . . . . 0 0 A case which excited considerable in- terest was tried before Judge Lttcource nt the, Division -Court sitangs here ou Wednesday, in which. it Mrs. Gordon., of NVit(erloo village, •sought to recover damilges from Mess s. Enel,ler and Brandt, hotel -keepers at that pls.:0, for having supplied lter husband %vita, .11- quereafter being forbidden to do er)...— The evidence addu3ed '11/2-1,13 of 11, contra- dictory eharactei , and would punt() it Philadelphia Iawer to eliminate n ' anything,like " the whole typo. , and nothing. bat the truth," The plaintiff s'Wore that defatinants, in .801)ton:bee 'last, Were notified not tO sell her Jlits. , band any liTani".' that in Spite of this they did Intliish with Mal eonse 400.0 lie became so O4'trage- ▪ Violent. A'S tey necessitate arre.ft -1.„, by the to Wn eali$01,1,311:1, T1.1 a defendants leAllied• that thoy (int hot.; spply G-Yordon ' •Virth Heiner- at the Mine 01111'd 310, writtot tiotirce from his yd.fe until the litttek,;. part of 1);ecenliwr; Parnage,4 ,,Vere laid at $40 in ,oftell ease4, :brht 1114 Tioneur the' J.44,6 reserved. ''r'tteci8f.o.n in the matter nail 1st i'clryna • '` Pf-'4 14;1i VV. t) A *"" iA)11°11 . 4.0.0 1,,,•(');11143 2.v 1;,11(;).(viogly 00 1111(eaiatico col". , 134$ sidvt$ 11y junti)11 ;: l'1.01 tije 0 ka. Xcf,' ,qi'sf) 211110 eoittest is how overoult tilt) tint tle decided, NVe re'st• Ilk/W01: 42r filet weld etitir ilv ittlyersu to 01'01 ruption, and .we latvo har"..1 say •r4). ,00V1i1.0.1)0, .11011,10, l'att, that, .e.,01•0 it proven, that, prominent it net • 1:),t, Ot'ion has summarily prr4; - 114'41 .,tn. their party would, olier bribes to Au 0133 rt.(' .1,118. life; his itchiest, - voters "they (etruild . withdraw foreVor • ea 1)1'<" 1,4' 1116 t free" the No2t, if (11e -e /non b1,211 Ids kit'ar 1148" tY,Q21,0 (10.W11 'W1'`,13 otr filthiest la)pes. "'No for 110 pa it tiwO WA's, that unless dut, influence were 01.0).011 to bear up, 011 1110 00118:111110111,8 1\ir• (rtVe11\VaY 111r11 1V1111, Bat, fOr tho 1,10u0.„. 1110 0111'0 ,iorn, to ••3,vy, tho L.0„ Llainal,d, toed many lilt, The/Test-It, Q "VO 00041, Mti'llY" 21/110 11.M,1 Vkaed 1'01' the paet tweety years with the Conserva- tive party, and v,11(:k up to t11 Bat- urday evening previous to the election, given their word. (1 1 10 adhere to.the party, went to the polls ou the Monday following, and voted foe Cann even. -With what speed must the ar- rows at' ovayietion have left theie (pie. er, piereed through the wall of sin, and sheAlied itself la the bosom of these poor but houesteatee ! These mon are wiee, aye, a$ an. Old (11.10tati.011 11'1118 it, “ \Vie° as far as the beard." Of eoarse, they 1V01T /Ware Of 1V1.011, they were doing, and we doubt not whet' they went to the, polls and tho sa- cred volume was given into tilde pol- luted hands to kies with their Lps. they could have (Ivied unto high Heaven, 0 wretched hour that finds me those open up, ye earth aad receive me, ore I thus pe,rjure my wretched stud!" but a sense of shame overcame all other f, and they kisseC, Ths WEIS 11 t presence of thoee who, without ale, qualms of conscience or couotenances of livid hue, eonld have sworn they hot/ received inducements to vote for Cameron. We speak for the Mass of Mr. Greenway'e friends when Nye say that fiom the be- ginning to •the end of the campaign thsy worked with all h011eSt zeal, know- ing they were working for justice and right. It is seldom in the annale of political history,we read of melt amerunt '1of opposition to one,main Had this • op- position been of an ordinary character, Greenway might have " SMiled -upon those gemmon, A.8 -mile serene alai high." But as it was, he ITELS forced to go to work, unaided and zilone, nutil the last few days, and inept the picked of the land—Wood, of eoaring fame ;Blake, of iutelleet gigantic ; Bowman with Ger- man influence galore, Springer with ditto; Young, great, in• parliamoutary debate; and Mcgahon, well- khown the defeated of Loudon. This with the puny f4a. a a couple of' briefiess law- yers from Goderich. and Brussels, did considerable to defeat Greenway. But it is rumored, and time will tell whether true or not, that filthy locre had a very ameliorating effect upoa the issue. Greentay is wellsknown through- out the 'Riding, 11;iia ie admitted to be 0, geutleman io every sense •of the word. A man who, from his youth up, has worked assiduonsly, and has made him- self what he now. is—a man who con- ducts himself witi3 energy on the plat- form, and sends terror ioto the hearts of his opponeots—a man for whom we should feel a like peide. est P2?..0 TEST: We have been authorized to state that a protest will he immediately en- tered. against the return Of Mr. ;Camer- on. This is no idle tale. The matter required no second thought, for it was evident from early morning on' the day of the eleption that money in unlimited quantities had been sea -hued' through the Riding by Mr. Cameron's agents •and Committee -men. Money was gi- ven to a great number who now signify theit intention of bearding the lieu in his den. In fact, proof of corruption ie so OVERWHELMING, that to use a vril&;ar phrase, Cameron isn't safe in his boots. The full rigor of the law is to be carried out, and prominent men in the sur- rounding townships are, we are sorry to say, to be indicted for bribery. Itis really astonishing how men of high standing in society will stoop so low as to deal out in quantities the purchase money, an& thus degrade themselves for the purpose of giving to One of themselves an empty honor. There are many more facts which we ;might state in commotion with' the r.•..ette elec- tion, but as it might assist in defeating the ends of justice we desist. 110 rer Y:t.V.11: • Many expreSsions of -wonder have been heard regard ,to 1110 sending out froin Londori of a •number of persons of very deubtfal character, By reference• to another cohunn it will be seen that their, mission wits of, no "very honest na- ture, r ./11t 18 almost Sufficient I'd say that .albliough the Conosi.vatiye party haver been gliiity of (111"017 01i110,it.:11V011 the (3111, entlar, they were not giiilty of .11aying this Cargo of roughs s•hipped, to the rid-, r..Wohltil strepriJe our readers' tb know that int :tile other ' Side; gangs of wen atie thoroughiy .inte ft6tiag r1,8 scrutineers, and repeatingyrrfaultipiye &c.; ta, the polling booth 4 and Weida it surprise thenirto knew that these irierl had their atithOrity frotrt S. SIN'CLAIR, Cameron's hoe. otn frfond--autbority to eame here mai act in the pOSitibli of scrutineers, when. ever possible. ,TIley Wel..e. already in possession of the Voters' Pear in mindi 'we do not Kay, that , ine re Ulan it few of the party W0.110 aware of this tcansitetion, but that wakes the sin none the lees; However, tho,•people of,, th. liave tibkrhebit thett.011.1.1e. tion nog -looted; and the positions wete )1,11 Ailed by re241,0, rbdore tho8a reneg:tctes, An. an itppeitiancey., bd. •.irk.t•Yritaia)A0,0,t01.1,10).0 et 1 0:11), 10.if1 to t.1104,, elee., a rush fur below polifieal horizon, tioit Avill be the lacitui, of sever- '\ eul),P068 Le 1h1,ri• l'e44'ea. to tlaa. t1,1 yotos tile Liberal -Conservative °1-)8etrur'ilY fl"r"1. whi()11 110 611"1(1 11°)02' 1),;;Lid,y; 2:1)0 1•0ab011 assigned by the .11)1•`;'° ornlorgod. rijarc \YOH, Me., 'WO 1i1,1:7131 ns 8,11 111(10X to the purity of tho 6i,011:53.1110., Jan. e6le' Lleckeitzto Atlitiiiiistration for dissoli .6)1'1'1100. () tio11 was to litive 1.103130 eleeted by the az r,„, p e o ply one feee fri)))1 eorruption, re the late 01001,100 '111 l'it11.11S 110 0,1- (1,..A.RA'DtAi.,3, I1011110'; '1Y0 1-311Y, "'Oh, -PlaritY/ -11-0\v 1110u 0118'1110 W&13./Okie( 1101' 11011031 i.1.1 001'1( 01 ell L,„31,3101010,100,:1,11'::,(111°'•01,t1(i),(1111(1C411;i11$""i;:41.0'0:111.11.31:.. .11.:)1.11,11'1.10111111.1*;011'.i:10‘2'11C11'1%)tril'ISI:Litilt 0U111:i1111-Y11.;:2'i \‘1;11'(': (1) „ Stati011 1111d ft:01,2111 ,..1,041 18 a 000(1;1;011 untey professions \At 1111., 0.14 (10.111a0,,e(4, ±110 b( 111tUngbout 1 lie provinces, we are bound b102,41 (AT. Evevy 'Arr to say there never -woe more svholeeale is heieg paid to the ethic:nese. f -/i nn,nuptian easItiee un. in tlia, ilit03.,y or (1.,,,11.,isc1001\11,,,,?011,1iJi'tolinitioaft..y1110).)11,.-i0-0.:11,1titclioolsCcivi: Canada. As far as 8031111 litee.011 ativoe of the North of the 'II' concerned. the Orit party soNs' ate des- • • ' County oi Perth Association held at pp. peeette strait in whieh wets), anti Listowel, it wee itioved by 1\1-i% A. Pat- .i())11; 0V011 011t8i(101,'S 1/01011gillg tO 111C' patty 101:$011, of Aro en hap, tens, seconded by Al., . freely admitted that there Ivies a danger 1-311cdlumen, Elloe, that. Llr. 1. Lf Daly, of Strati:01"d, be the titanittee of' 13; of losieg• 1110 Their (vorst"fears V thi9 douveut ion for the Local 1-fonse would have been 33ealized had libt 1,) eslestege, eantasay 3 inan by 1,0 practieos of corruption beeu resorted to. the name Cloorgo `',$'0-13-tniat. of 'flies° practices of which the Conserva- place, died last evening trom the tee tive party have been preelaiined guilty froottles1011(())11.ilvt,'ellt!e6tkesst'et)1,1:3111,11-Nes'ailli.)001811113.1•1e0tcottitiloicti: 1°11)), 'Were t110 Te.ry 0110S \Vhiell 1110 6'1118 Cod.- yostordtty.. 1"i„c'd out to $11011 POrketi00. tide rid- And oldnitin neened Illteinlintt, aged., iaL Mg. 11 the Conservative party have 75 yoars, died while being. aeteseeee , ne been guilty in the past, the " purity " from ft. 8.10igia 11i8 1,t3 party are now doubly guilty. rilha libuse, dieletece of tss•enty feet. t fol T01'01110, noted G. A, bo naost open acts of bribery Were. resorted utt6011 00,1210 buforo 3\101abb .14;2, to to. 'Men that iiever voted 1111Y 01.1ier day, oil a charge of libel, he }Lavine , wt way in their hie titan 011 .1,10 (Jonserva- threaten( d tO 1,58110 a number of al, cards tot -tempts etait'iLeter of a lamed on Cruielishat:k street, if the teintuts• Jetiny Lturrity, cliLl not give him otos lanntred dollars. Mason was coo:emit-. edf.sr trial, and directed to find two surities in $100 each, besides entering into his own recognizitticcs for 8600 or to abide the eviene Mason. wrathfully', told Alr. 111c liabb that he had no prop - " - , -• ).• 1,ei, et. 11, Woe. f' le! se ,f;,,,,;o, T40 14 'Jou. 1'00 " "d0';,11iX.$ r T E w.11 0,1;ft, t,) on'L fieara:;;4 itsi:1 good 1141/ kJ.* , , • 11,w 0%0;1'04" tho iaa „,‘ 1.1e1,),e,„ in • I toiptoa, ;emu, he edt• /t itnqur " A p 4 r Nov ),',011,, 01kilio,w tutu,' heaw.0' sup, Vs'o 41'0 P-LwA,0 't116 '0/4;4 VIV \\.14, 01,0eitua outiadlan batik 4, little„, The eir. canto espeeiitily births, Inarriages dortio." the Jrnwe," --at the strim,1 Vhao stopping liavvy to hear )t.n.e., front the couliti,•,y--. beltv r," n is Worth ,4t1,1 ' ' (41 11 n, +11 Clf ,c/rial."411 editoe lyith ol 1 about " 1 ,,,oy• eyes .4.4,,•(„) kik'arli Had it been. lit Ow ,Soutil i-re.1.1 ley (iYes ' erle•rl, get l'oe• Islands one nmilesty not.• have /,4q(140,:0)41.01, :11',11. 1'7,11°,13'; been shocked nor our terror aroused, ittg on all 'the to 'WO $10-Wg 8 k,all l'f(A)bv; .11!;1.)It':\);11'1'; "ijoto-i 111a,,Y ---" have ,linitt(Kl. f.,;Oed many /Qv's obtain ,icbiato Yrv,c,1%.1.41,m, ”.13, in the old country ine r never smelt Dais for the our() of Cell:0111c disease of olic inwiter." It was any 210,t,n ro, Those who aro dP.icottr. 1011(1)11,1t1,, 1 \1:11rtatill,1°.tor°11,,,,lel(Qk agcd with the effects of strong polso- yoim,„ ,104,11,1 load „1,„ii.11i10 if ilso 11aa , !, .• • ous metileinos, are solieited to test the sold his fox skit) yet. Coin, „from IN/ - merits of these inost sat.° effectual mut. year.3 p./.114:tic,c• lias '0,1;011 110s1liii1.1 ,`").1111: 0 itAK.(>0 L'y SI10- goon and 'dispeaser one tho kr- cossful teitaineeting was held, under'tlie gest lionthern Hospitals as v."01.1., its a anspi,les of the Loyal ()range .3ociety, ilowas-fu pritetiee. )11N (4(1- 011 0s1011-1{.); thO.',2;'Itit inst. AL / On tliouglt tc7.43 « (kindle(' (..t.s uttfavorable rice ,44 •"""(, 11`1,, 101'11 C 01.1"' ,, 1; ,, yet 13110 111111. \Vas weiiiiituit, Le unties reference to of the claitir diselartged i t - "), •t\ - • • . Air Aaron Sawyer W.. M Patriotic sra'ttli AVinclielsett, intend 11113•1 welr'e aclivQ1'ea (L411(1)(1till'ili';';t;c°, 0(10%Y.grIcL,Isr,;' l'ilt)i-ixrrclult,1°(.1:eistl'ivets1,n11'1i111t"le!itic:311111°1\•:ylal:1:(C.311:i'lli.Pri;5112(11;,Q11(1'ie.' wish. 1,4) lay in a, heavy steel,: of $nring goods, and 'clear out their winter aciek• Of course, 2vhengootls are purehased cost price people eannot expect tO bay them 00 credit. S4) take the " ready " along with you. Peelcet Diaries. for 187'4 Nelles CUDII,TATION.-011 Sunday evening, the 25th ult., a very . interesting cere- mony took place in Christ's Churell, in this town. Mr. 4.011.11 Morton, who 11as-for some linie been , a, student Huron College, London, was ordained •to the 1.)iitconfii-e by' tins 1.7ord Bishop of _Tiniest. About three hundred per- son$ were preseut, including the officia- ting clurgynien. It was evident that a very imposing corernony 11111$ to take Ou right of the caw. table le Lord Bishop wits seated, while the left ltev. Canon Elwood 10012 up his position, aial in the front were the Lev, Alessi's. Barr and Logan and the candidate fbr Holy orders. Tile or(lin- , ation service was thou proceeded with. After reading a, portion of tho serip- tures by ltev. Mr. Logan, Canon, Elwood Ittlutinistered.to Mr. IN:Lorton the oath of supremacy. It then bedaime the, duty of :the Bishop to ordain antl re- ceive him as a l)eacon in the Oirurch, while the ctuitliclate himself himeled be- fore him. 'After a. portion of tee Cha- pel of St. Lune had been read by Air. iliorton, the Lord Bishop delivered a shortaddress to the withal:Ice, in which lie appealecll to piu'ents. and chil- dren. On the 0110 hand lie ,,,skt,,d tliem to instil into (lie winds of the, young a fooling would cause them to de- vote their sorlsto tile work ef the uliuistry, and 011 tile other he request- ed the youth present to i'efer back. s• few Years and -Ethnic how Iew. of them - then ever expected to witness such an even as the present; aud he also spoke t) theui:of the noble calling ill which Mr. Morton had eugaged himself. The choir did excellent service on the 0C011- 8ion. ul,),/iyed the (lottery Wody, 1;e3t,... te,ne, yesterday atteitipted to 11 A11 i)og, the 0vQrseor..11/2.1 '110 PasScd throitglt the ia, ite 'had inisiLppropriitted their .The police eillue to hisreseue, he Chinese Ilion 111,11104„001 ,t10,) 1111 1•11.1',"(.7.1, iron, •1"1,11,e tilithbed tilere Into a tfari, fee" v•ialuding 10oz: i\r)"iisey sltot himself itt „a, „ 'Ail II,V111,,:,', 11 1,1.11,1117, 1\411 senteucoa ,:.',....„,;,, ille to bo 111111g l'og 11 1'0,130, t,11, .1?0,11), '11111111,, ,Ii111, 31 ---.71\, (100'111t - A 1 41.„tat-k.ft; 1 1111,3 L11/2311,,y 111011 01:11,3;a1,,,13137(1 111 iil,p it ie," "a(its" atom." Fort illice,",,, :„Ottool,. '1,1•telit-();'y, (vero fritirilered by l....lou.x. liinkits eitrly in. the 2v001.i. ''.iiiiiltinii., D. T,, •Ual). 1.--Tbe, report the iiiii,,,isitero 01 2yeedelloppers iteic,.. art :1.10e is 3(3t, fully erealt.iii lnir(i. desl)ittell re c,- 1 Ve :.1 t 0 - (111,,‘,' 'ft: /111 (i 011. 1111111', 001111,1111,11t1i114 /11 11,I1o1„1,.. '':"..;1:11.1y, yt; that file "utail late arrived (rn. that ut31 Cleitiid itiver, 'whit r;110 !everts 6.1' i'i.1. it,,•(.11rliance. A surall tinitrundilig" rty cif i•ii ilx recently lila,e.t.1 1141 atta0.1i. titO l'Oilkat,3, b u li esere easily re - Ise.", ittidleft. - i-.1411.1 Vralicisee, Jaii. 3 1.7-2.121.e. 11010r - as' 'e'iutirilever and roblier, Tilui. iio 1511130z. witli it f.),.alig of abc>,it 1,,,,, ty sperinletts, iaLs been (1111-300Y•,1110d 012113 (.1,.irk, 12 rine:este leart of Ke:ei County, t.1.-,irie, r Stette, • The 811e/•ilf: of titat ably, edlill a str(itig Osseo ,'of 'teen, s castle to . fight end u.terttai o tile AVilliesrbaree, ;Tan. 21,—()o. Thursday .;i3 a portion of the ielof of a eottl mine al' tilts city fell In, buveing under it a torte. named large •co \yolked all day, ding to rescue Jetin, but \verse tumble do eo until to-Lbly. When found, lie Le ornelieLi under a .111118S 0.f ich lead to be la:tete t befole his body ttld be removed.. Live ticket, were approached by Camer- on's agents, and offered money for their votes. Some of them, evidently sharp- er than the agents, took the, reeney and made 110 promises, and then. voted for Bfr. Greenway. Those men are ready to allirm to this -when tho proper time comes. NVe hope the LibEa.ab..Conserv- ative Asoociation mate:daily assist the Maeltenzie Goverument in the work of purifying the liouse, and that Mr. Cameron may receive the reward for which he so industriously labored, SHORT De' A'Arirr.:S. The Ontario Le.,7islature resumed its interruptc-d duties on. Tuesday last. Cir'er5. ft.'r 131" "4`1".11..6"'—` cover the value of the building. Did David Glass orow-v,011 011 t.110 OV011., Britn,„1,1 CitInsy, rahmun tat:1111. ing of the 20(1). ? . the C rand Teunk eta: av \V 1,1 1 4. Philadelphia, Jan. Hei- ibolt made a confession 'of the 2110 17- Of.K11110.10, •the Gorman bulge, in 080 employ he v,,as, and for which me he 111,113 Oonvicted. . (103 cri GREAT BRITAIN. Loudon, Fob. 2.—The ineinbees of diament Were 10 day nominated with - t opposition. in 18 Counties, and three rong,h constitteencies England. and Iles, and twenty eta conservative:I 1 thirteen Liberals wore returned. rec. Liberals 1 IT GOD servatives re returned illecut laud, and six Con- vatives, two 3.10111e 1.1,11101-8 111111. two ierais in !Adana. erty the city, and that eireinnetesica Pa combined with the feet that eureties did not 'seem at all anxious to come for- sse ward, led to Mason eoon finding hiels \yr; self 011 the °tilos. eide of the, 1'1 on- bee- lee red door at the police conet, and 804 Th of initiatory proceee before going to see goal. ser The theatre was completly gutte,\ Li! la,st night. Nothing stands. bat thej ; No pa,rty made any gaina to day ex_ WIIIIS• T110 i111311rath.10 artioulit,:l to ,,,I.,;. 12,, , 090, whiell, it is belii 2 ed )vill near121 ce14 the Iteme itulers. In liilicenny 1 Kerry Counties, Thoinas E. U.'it)lor il istinnilteti were retsoeital by Dutilin county, and .11)11/1 I'. Ball alai David , L. „am 'it& by Du ein thus eneite All , ett10a 41:,,,''LliNr1,:tir)21):Nit',.1,11tt.iitt.,1:,." t'0, ,1:1)1:11 ;,_ 1' , ,:- a . oe'rel, to ..e.e..1 1:. ativ es': 110,(1 irel,u,a,sei, ,ite.t1 the , en I, , b Ail ,.., 111 at, , . , ., . .,,, ' A, A' !..)4. OA 71.10,01, ., . , • A1110 c,instAtuencies 01 ,.a.bu „Cati:10.:11101.1t. Ti'.1\y -,4'ort: renetatiet•• 0 011111 110r -t I eneral tta.i tile (mantes, l' '''" L'''''' 111° e 1)ufitii in w.ill arrive nore on Ta -." - "rcirt"rjt .1\ 1-''''"1;g* *1\11111(leIllt thud 0116111b0I- eleleteeal, Feb. Lone lee se •ll , There Wali $01110 liAl 1111(,' at Slieflielci s axee suers' tie, estet,1. - • . s 1 i 0 , •• t 11 pollee v. ere obliged to ian, la oe val. cam tido tes'iroin tile violence t.ditocbacks's supporters. London, Jan. 81.—Infermation, has been received Loin the Gold. Coast that tile antinforee 1.11eler Sir Garnet Wolse- lev reaclied the River Prall on the 1st of A Mr. Stipp opposed Rufue 012$011 in. Kent, the Grit interest, owing to the want of light in Oat con stituency, and a strange determination on the part of the people to be corrupt- ed, he is now Stripp-ed. It is announcod that Mr. T. l',I. Daly has been hrought out by the Liberal - Conservative Association of North Perth to run for the seat in the Looal Ledislature vacated Ly Mr. 'Monteith. NA,Te Lope to see lir. Daly triumphaaitly elected, and doing geed 'work against a 'corrupt Administration. Senator Mills, of. Hamilton, died in that city on, Saturday, the 21st ult. He sat in the Legislative Council of Cana- cla as a life meneber, aud. woe called to the Senate by Royal Proclamation in ?.,lay, 1807. Re was ConServetive in polities. Mr. C. E. Stewart, proprietor of the Hamilton died iv Toeontot the 25111 He was formerly part proprietor of the Woodstock Sentinel. It, is rumored, says the Montreal Star, an independent newspaper, that Sir A. T. Gslt shortly be tendered the leadership of -the Liberal Conserv:1z tive party, which it is proposed. shall recoustructed and. freed from all who were implicated in the Pacifie Scandal. Dr. Livingstone, the celebiatecl Afri- can explorer recently 'died in the inter- ior of that country, feoni dysentery, while on his way homeward, after an absence of eight years. His body hap been enbalmed, and is being. conveyed to England by way of Zanzibar. An extraordinary and amusing case of personation occrirred at the election in London between Major Walker and Hon. ,Tohn Carling. A: nigger" with a heart blacker than his hide swore he V•711,S the accountant Molson's Bank and voted fon Walker in that gentle-' matt's place. That's; swearing that black's white. r • . It is rumored that Senator Brown is to be taken into the Cabinet, and that Mr. Blake is to be taken out. We re,joice more than any Grit newspaper in, the country whon this happens, for just.so surely as Mr. Brown enters the Cabinet, just so surely Will that Cabinet fall -4m to the' dogs. ' It is stated' on good authority that Mr. Gibbons, the Returning-Oflicer for South Huron, was' canvassing agaffist Mr. Greenway during the late contest. 'Mr. McLay, Registrar of Bruce, made a most energetic canvass in favor (Of Mr, Blake ; but then you 'Tories were not atioWed these pri•Zdeges; wad "no(v that you're out, and we're in, wIaly, 01 right, and a pretty good trick.' The following from the New York Shn illustrates the las restating to from low antics i--Cantula, has vast mines of iron Ore in the Ottawa Valley, Litst year- 14,000 tons of iron , ore from the Ilull 11111108',and 28,000 tons from the Alarmora iron mines were exported to the 'United gtates. A loge 'quantity of it Was inalinfactitred hero mid Sent 'hack, Mr. James Fahey. editor of the GuelPh, Herald is out as the Conservat-, ply of: bccf, furldidled these ,Liallans be - five candidate for Centre Wellington, iro;; (111,11$ted, ttlf?(1 thor0 boing mou., ne,y nave riguified -their intention. atLend tho faulty Lb:esti outertairantnt b the skating rink oo that evening. On ili , that a ii0C 0 bauk has becii opened by a well-known citizen on Lawrence street, and that the proses! In Jauuary, and that the 041111,110e guard t1.01.1S (Ike 111, abeyance owing to the unt williughess of the victiials to come fo had penetrated thirteen :miles beyond 7) • 1., Ward /Ma give evidence.. lt is sail 1111 there is another bank of this; charact London, Feb. 1.—A dispatch from en ;A. Elizabeth street. Cap:,..,Coast Castle states that twelve It is roporteci. that iL leading inembe. ainhars)ladors from the Ashantees recent of dm Feonell section of 1113 Libeei 1y atTived. in the British camp suitig for party stiv.;011 on Satueday mornin, pe,ave. Sir Garnet 'Wolseley reedied that if the Government find then • -lathe would. only treat with. tee lung selve8 with is majority, they will intri.. himself at Goomassie. duce a bill disqualifying all =emboli London, Feb. 1. --The 1)041,3 were mix ed tp -with t Pacific scandal frie opened ye itorday in Guilford, Chatham, silting , Parliament ; also that fie • Kidder ininstes, lIfitidstone, Andover, will addness the lioine anthorithe, and 'North Lincolnehire The ()miser- prayiiig -Trutt such )18 have receive ilonors shall be clegraded, perbliele• (lis•esicd of their decorations The Stetr :elves the story 110 authenti: with editoeial comments. Yesteeday Councillor Llullins 111 Councillor Ic.enedy, of St. Lawretie 1Srard, and accused hiin of workin, against 111 m in tile "Warl. This Kona" denied, itc.d :),fullins still persisting i, his asser1 ion Idnally gave him the direct, 22. oroup on M till s o eked hill (10W11. : Kene413, ook his brolt.eu nom f and yaw, aled honor to the Coml. and dein fbileted. ivarra, t for Mullins arrest, Ichicli was 6Tatitecl, but MIS 5111) seqrtentl„,- withdrawn, 1110 caso habit sett] d by Mullins agreeing to pay $4,•:( to 1110 ioneral hospital. it wou1(1 seem front this that the value of 13 cit( father's n)seis,just ,C10 currency. heti he contest pr(anises to opp be warmer a/A1 more excitino• than the 2' r Parlianteixtry. and We 11ave had another cold snap f'or, lime the past two days, the thermometer ranging from 17 to 4 below zero. To -day has 1)een warmer, but to saiglit is clear and cold. vatives were victoriouS, holding their owa in ail eleutions excepttlua at Barn-• staple, and. electi their candidates in eight boroughs represented by.Libeteds in the last Porliameot. The Libeeats show a gain of only one member, hav- ing defeated Conservative atnarlistaple. •Rear Adimiral George Conserva- tive. (vas elected at Chaflal'nrbr--- . jorny of 060, altholigh the doedc yards aild other goVernmeat establishments there gave the -Ministry great itithience. At. the Ilist eta:bib:1 he wits defeated the Liberal candidate, Otway, then 'Un- der Seeretary for Foreign Affairs, who had a midority -I !-.3 5 . . 0 n slow, Liberal, was re-eleGt011 G a Ilford; 343 majority a,tainst 21 at last eleetion. Ite•nry Attoruey General, and C. Barclay, fernier Liberal niemberc, were. returuca front `J'itruiton, withola osition. During the week there ,1001 hug., resulting f)f) Conservatives returned to kar- nt. VICINIT-Y. 1,1011101,1ie$. 011011 111113 Ilaq fIrtif!on M"./VJ ()it T Sill:IC:tali 'I!, On' coa- l] a/ 111.Evia, t ele- "VSTallier, L" • rr OUT KaVEK4E.N.11().1:50f-)1.8'.".•. • ••1?0:11,,...., . • r• • r .• '•••' . THEY 4XT1.73BIPT AN „ 11474SIODI OF POLLE0'. So161,35NsOulStli‘1,10.:IS .0, 41,1 JaL,t1s a,r• 1.1 +.0',0.L1) 's+ - TIO1T ids vot,ai$ts; Pr()ceeis amount , to 111)out $50. I , . • , Flanders gave ft oAMERON'S A'CIENTS .0FEEft A8 111011 concerti in tlie agrieultural oil "tile AS , $/00 Full ,,INGLE voTt, 28tii inst. whie.11 was lftrgerly atfentedi, , , , It is reported to be, the' best entertain- i Mont ofthat ltrati ever given in this (41- • • 1.ify•c„, • ' 'nee tel be ,E2h*otested TTIMPERA.N01,-.1 MneTINo..---Intention - of the BritisliAiltilletorincallo(1)110aliear oafn Golo?oectli • • ' Templars of 2everal Leading Illen in the Townships', rneeting the *tVesloyanMeth. elinrch. 211/361:Y' on ri2hursdfty evening tile 19111 ' --H Prof. Sarnuelis of London and. Rev. Mr The most hotly contested election i ,t. Walteliold of Bt. Mary's will leotuye on' the occasion.. Others are expected to the took pii10° t( /Sidi • 1; deliver addresses. " The lodge :intend 011. 1\10111-1e'Y EariY thG rt' inviting the ileighborilig lodges and di- ever -Y °°neeivable meang c°11NreYal' 0' visions. LInesio will be in attendance. WIIS nia)10 IA68 0f bY 0110 11"'rtY Aumissiou free. adt xrianas temper_ the other. The result of the doted .1 alle0 arc; invited.. we all know. The Reforin (?) can„ - date lias been elected. by a majority 1- 3 -.TIT L'• 7 8 . The following are the majori.ti. s Tresennits' Meheixo.—A meeting tee so far as we 0111.1. learn the `Sabbath School teachers of the Ex- . .. ..... ....... 1 ()ter and Usbortie B. C. Clitircli will be 8teplien ..... ........ .. ....... 9 r`N, held at IFJ e, this (Thuirstlity) af- Gotlericit T'p... ..... .. . 1 ,2 ternoms. A lave° erowd. is expected.. Ushorue • 2b1 PUBLIC) 3111.41iTIN G.—A put) g y ' ' lie -nieetin 'Ha 21(3 will be liehl at Elimliite, t1;is (Titus- Clittion . 58 ,l,b-.7,;) evo,==..1,-, NV .b. On 1'114 :LUC 1` . 2111.1,161. 1.5. S'bilL1110.-"7....... ',........;:-..., .;..., • •'• -22,,,, ' ---- '1Fliitlock and i\lethuralt, ond 3.5... joint - ---- - --- .,-1L, ' Parsons, of Cretliton. will be preeent to . 302 ' 2 k2 d eliver iiddressc.-.8 on the occitision. Ivii.ajority f01' CaM(117011, 82 '. NEW Oatfaen.---Qttitutitios of brick It was evident to tlie careful eye th- a have eli•etaly been hauled for 1110 aew change had come over the tide of aft, cs, ' 13. 0. Gliareit peoposed to be erected at 110011, which assured Air. Greer,b.wo 's at this pitten the ensuing sunitueti.---i- friends that the ease was a hOpte'' ss When built this -will be a flue ecillice, one. However, they fought it out, rol mid a great credit to tile place. , well, too, but 110 harder than Mr. 0 !LI- TT/2 „.,1,,.,-,ii,,,,,.„1:10,,e,:___:1)„e0 eeeiseesentr at arou's. friends (lid., The moSt open .,,as , this place on. lifotiday last was, for a of' bribky tianl corruption were 00111,,,111- thne intense. Every effort was inade ted bY ''.3,1r. Celheron's agents. 1'i -of' in this section to det.eat Litr. -.1 rot;11,vay. can be'iurnished. of the giviog of sin. -ey Llossrs. Harding, of ht. 11,1tyte, told. hi large sinus to a iminber of'. (get-, .es. T.Aldingteli, of 1.,t.,ttford. •,,,ero :),itihs• on Tiosi(ls thio, it was'',deenied neoe ....ry behalf of Mr. Cameron. ,,,, to :lend oat ‘,ot...the Lichee. tor svret,!..ed ------ - -- b--.$ti,-+---i .---- -- - tools with whiCh tO carry the elect, . ; T62:Yr.i.943' iikx lille et1,1.0g;)'4',V. ',111t1 t.ae‘sers'sices of a band of seven,' en What a frightful eensation tlint it-, of the rag -tag and bob -tail populax. oF when you let\ e juet got liraile of a cold Lendon—the scum and. dregs of be, Moutla,y night and paled your boots city—were secured. :For , what 1 r--,, elf to be told thee tile week's wasaing pose, we are' not preparcct,to say, , r... 1 is out on the line and west be brought tiler than vriatt was stated in the t . - ' ie., 'Noe, to de thie ef a tio2,y eve in grit•ins, which 1,11ey took 110 oar.% to t• 1,-. the suynaer, witl'i' a d4licatc perfayne clear. These, teiegraitis were,i1 '0- ,,,.,,,,r ,,,.., of tio \vers flitio. tile nay, aod a blus,... stance asking Walker to send out a h. „r band oil the next street, is not exactly a, scrutineers in Mr. Cameron', -niter , winter, with a , ,,,iing breeze Islowieg' auce svith the demand, the Major e t kt...., hardship; -but tw do it in. the (lead of and signed by ;kir. Sin otair: I con: !- Pipes of ail kinds at Nelles'. alai tile clothe., .• , stiff /13 II r Ring -pin , out ---very quietly, -but not so qui' 17 is. soinet.a.ing 11.0 man can clonteleplate I that the Conservatives were 110t 0.,V a A GIE05:1!.—Fr0111 the 'LIM'S C)f. light and '418,1101V, we ilitve heart' of 'ghosts. Hamlet liad a, ghost (valicing at tlie (tread liour of midnight, and -waking honest melf fruit their slumbers. Alrs. Poppinjay's ghost. wa,s a:13 hi 1010r:tail, bore, and nearly torinentect the life out of the ftitoritole lilr. Poppihjay and his 11020 mistress. rfhose ghosts had a fetur • Sul ilithit of teeversieg tltis eerthly sphere 11). garnionts of nearly white, at the laour when the day waneth and another ilrawetli nigh. _Brit the gliost of which we are illiolili to mitke ineation wiiis not 11 white ghost, net" did it make its appearanec, at ghostly liours, nor yet did it walk. this earthy sphere ; but iii utter 3 igidity it stood befo.re the ga,m0 of those observing it, at the hour of 8 , . ,, ,..1 of, Fevere- itruele IS as rigid as the Ceselifi• pets. It V i.fi first 01):,01•ved u',5, a 1 , giant; and the man -mho '\vrenclies tile the.Tillage, who, bra,ve bor.. -wishing to - pin off so3.1(.1 111.1011 bo.1(ls the -basket in ex - pass, thienv it few ellowbitlis at it, hue it, did not stir. Then arranging himself Pee.tRt301' 0i se0Ing the pi"'''' ar''''.' 'II tlie 11116 Of its OW/1 aCOOrd iS 100 1/111-0 I:01' 2V01:1, htlilt 11,12) a pyrnanid of those , ,.1 4 0 ,,1 4 In IA i'lle 8 ' V;11 i (ILL Lk° .1:tieCt 1r it11 rineri.111-r l'11.;.:(;;.1 :i6S:11111(11t‘ee'f(tni.In't'1',2141.1113-(e)1:.1(1"111313erlettettri:enS t t 1 ii .•.1 .:$t. .0, : e%aeliv 11 que• nig - ' ' 4 ' 1 'e sasii.1111,),)(')1(1.'.1`.1 .),''.1',16'11:iu 17,-17.4(1,1 ()I..° ° ,n't , !'111. 0 8.16i.11 1101d 01 the gertrieut evieh los oli'll d • ,imsrtion, .1,111 1.31)1(1}7 3.011,1izi Iv, it ,1 6 lanck.and ecuiLe to veil it ou, but rt, , , .- „ -- s, . 1 - .. , ,,.., • , • ' • ,`„ Ltoesn't come Titeo I e - 11 e 't • tneli0,111.1...,,s11,-,ei.tsejuaLtesnoleoii31,!..11,•.,,;:er,j;ei- jii!,1,1Leasuls;,i3(),31cilitstri.,111.t nan-i and th'ei; aessen1„,',ftela :It'd' t14;."611.1 ,i1 -,`,P0:. q ways, mid when it c(»nes off -it weirs - neared the contrary way from. -which he taiini tin shape it Ian been ,„nt the after. should. have crone. As “ distance leuds ,d /wall working into, which perimes it e n cll.; tai tril ell t•,' ' kc., 11 o rallied a( .,'; bil 1 110 1 d - 7' V. quaking. .'"vrre '1,111te an- of it -11108e 17 roughs, headed by a . •. Dinnad, a lawyer, • and of the 1 ea firm of Cornish MeDonald; and a iiennett, weli-kaown cabinet -mak •-, of London. Upon their arrival hers, a, watch was set over them, and th, ever:e ,,action. carefully 'observed. t Sunday the gong paraded the streets o , exoberance of spirits, and me many boasts. On Monday morm ; they defiled—some going to ene polli ;• booth, and some to another. A mr, - ber went to Limerick, where so gre • was the fuss created. that a number et special constables had to be,sworn e At one time. of the day, it was reporte,(A. that they had taken possession Of a polling' booth, but this was not credited. Early in the morning Bennett, one 01 the leaders, armed withait4„....Wsto vdters' demalded admission at the Exeter 'polling booth as scruti- neer, Lir. .1 Drew, knowing the, gentleman and his charaeter told them b0 belVaVO of Mr. Bennett, o'f London. Mr. Eacrett, the returning -officer, told him he WaS sapplied with scrutineers. The Londoner's ire 1101$ thou roused, end he told many things:whick might' have boon better for Air. Cameron and.. Major Walker had they ',remained un- toid. One of the gang bpasted he had voted seven 'times for theit'major. Ben- nett was told he had better tramp off its quieltly and quietly as possible. and in the course of au hour he was seen to “. else the 5110W 1'1'0111 eff his feet," esul leave immediately. It- 11111,37 be denied e der8talla 110AV it is ti Mall variu,biy gets lus boots oif before tile dead sum- mons comes, but toe rest of it is '11a,in enough. There IS 11 SOrt ot rebellious feeling in hie heart vvhieli prompts him to try to entangle his wife in an argu- ment, and failing in this he snatches up tee basket and goes out in the yard with it, rapping it against the choirs . funl ,knocking it rip against tile sides of the door with as Lunch vigor as if it (vete not intrely itccidental. If the fond wife is r111.y way attentive, she cam hear 1)1,8 w 1 - k u ow n V13i.00 0,011 vari- ns oljeets to eteroal sun:0ring, long filter he had disappeerett There is no levity in tile liens of frozen clothes. ' . , „ , , , just asi 'readily to enter the lateket as to ororeent to 1118 aS$1;11,$.111 0(1 an eigut:.,..$),)- be shaved through the 1,0y11010 og year- old hero. 'Xi ; placed ti mins elve 3 tine. 41,110 first articles he doubles tit) ill the old positioil, and agani labori- hands, `1.11(1 t110r0 is a faint semblance of ce,refulluess ill. pocking away; but after that lie sinesslies than': into the basIcet 'without any ceremony, (111d crowde them. down with. ins feet. Ho uses the sanie care takittg down a, line .ottinbro 11.,17111kOrelliof ttoi,ti he' does capturing a, slieet, eend me,iies two handliercliiefe. of every one. 'When lie gets Par front the 1)asltet, he allowe the art.icles to tnultiply in Isis :trim!, i.e) to save stops ; a,nd, whoa he gets hie ovine full'of tile 'awkward and miserable things. isdlose. 511111'11, iey eorriers jab him in tile neck. and:fat:0, hu comes to an article that refusos to give 'away at one end. Ho palls and choices desper- ately it, howling anti screaming 1118 rage, lie inadvertently i3tops on the dragging end of a Sheet, 1111d "lien 110 collies down fiat on tile frozen snow, ircit bounde•up again, erating teeth, tidal hastily depositlyi,,,g 110 'bun- dle the latskot darts bae,12 to' the re- fractory riteinher, and; titkiug held of it fiercely tugs st• (vhile he fair.1„1/ jumps tip and 'down in, '6116 et;:trentity of Ills anger and cold he eenies -rt.,eol- peeterliy, and with a plai of the, next, artiele, and he goes' ,014,11' itgain--411is tnne on his ,and \vIth. violottee. tlie„ clotiles „Tailored; he tal4:05 the basket iip in his livid 1.i an ds, b in g tlie top articles agaiT1St already frozen cititt,Itud, tints to.rttmd propds his lifeless limbs into 111,) 11011.x. .1,.:1110 stands rcuily to bill), to e1026 iher door, and Is -2:liou&t.I.1121. enough. to as:k him if it's onld But, if 1163 - wise tnn,11 win he is 21, Wise malt plattt, 16111solf to. front of 12.11.6,titih6v,:idtd train), tug frorzat features itto 0.11 itupl2t2.2, ahlp :frowt ‘o2111 lyreAerVe 31)111 eat 1,`What -p,.1 '?" 3,1v.3 taiAtest mojiareatiott `21,0111' _. Sifter OUR. .711:oTrii.-- The very con- . 'k:Nrill111,°114' ' vincing article in the, Parl<liill (../-azette, onsl:Y aP11110d 6110 10:Y01:it° missiles. t'Yei; St, Louis, Mo. Jitn. 81.---A darillg OF la,,31 W001( 111.1011 ouv lionie-tnritst8 ab (11'01:Y l'i-111-0 01'. firing, 1-11c plain `` c'llilek awl sur.eessfill robbery was committed "die proposed division. (d the counties el -111.°k" i'v°111(1.1)eat' 1r11? 011 dl0ir 0'11's, 1)'"i"' thia (ironing 011 f.110 I1:011 Alorintain 11, has so shattered ande (1011-1(',,i'alized our ,3till tlie victiin boat no lietreat, Young- li., neat. Gadshill ..')t,ittion, 120 ;Idles be- editorial efforts that, w-, can .say neth. 8t°1 r'a:•7s, '` I'll beL it ''' a" gli.0sr6:" "0, low the city The trait) was signalled to hIg on, the subject. Wo don't in.0 tend 1).slItINV 1" trt-,a,Ys- the mmior, " it Can't be, ,f,01), the switch was turned, and.. the. to auslver the •witilings of a wilip't cur. bill.' 1'12°11 l•li' 1.0°1°' irliglitY Ilk° 0110," train run one, side track.. ' As the tea; ' et wderite wliero's that Irian 9 . Torror overcanurl.: tile two, and, tile as- 11.30to3„116-paeretin, iC001,011illittlietNovla:sAdfoortall f,3,1,tetic,)3.1.3e(Nlvileof,12 , • ' /11,,./,37, 71711.6/1, 1_,/1sTAT/,,,......_,AV 0 would beg, ststattce of a ,stur1,',2 Jab, c -or, who had (led all tlie ehosts of MIrispool,, was to reninal our readet's of tile seitcliolotsc..) proouroa. The 1110,013 Nv,Ls 1,1017 lv,oin. 116 W'3t'-; °()ItClx)1.1e(-1 .bY a II] all 'Weal:d1g. 610 1311010 ill F1'ehlabl13.7011 011 IN 1 ' a inask.. A pistol was placed to his head and lie was marched off. Ile en- gineer, fireniaii, wail al ul express agraits itild other train men. 200r0 -01011 seized. (iv 12ext, 1.11e 1.1.th ilist. Tins property 12i.of fir,st value, and Intuit 1)0 sold, as the eX.'03.1t01'13 OF tI10 late A. Preid. have by five initsit'el hertvilyarmed, frig" 01)101.0tnreil.:1"stillctcc11tt°1 seella11'.1"11i01"swIla(3100 t,Cv)11 "took. from the paseengers, abou 001'00, 1131( .1 , t111$0 placed under guard.. The robber:1 ,\,•,(yrolet .,,,,i14,0321 delay, then went throucrli the entire train an) two . thousand ' dollars and a alliount of jewelry. 'They oleo tool; frote the Aclanis Exiiress messenger 0110 thousand dollars and rifle the mail e The robbers then left Boutheely di- reetion, and tater the rel.oaso of train.,, ine11 the train star ted. r southward , They Inn:rued nobetl.y on the truia Tliey left, behind [loin, tt,11 1.8t. 01t0.48 licws itetn, deserip4ive of the tritnsiteli011, whieh they had 11,1reitilY writi,en up. ;Taw apprelien- Si011 8 113.'0 eXprOPS1(1. by the 0‘1,71 017.$ ,01" 111j ge 11011(18 y 11 SO . 0 'range liet(v oe the ,i'Aiortli .1,141 l'ami 11 atte, of a 30110r- froin Ciotta: '.2d111 Svott,(crl 1)1)(1 trent the Ch eyeni e g0011. 11'3!LI30,1 3111(11. 0111017 tribes 001)1.14310d, Titre' 511p- (11113111331 11i11(; to shine, and 1>ravsry 17$.1,8 at it L)ar. distan(;e hetW'0011 1110 0:110Sb its cortillaii:tLitS, 117118 (11310121y 11'.1iort- oneil, 1110, ghost, gave. no eigu. At last, the, g110.1i----no, .1)()Sii, 00111 - plot;oly covered witil). marks 1011ere it had bcieii stifuelt with sno(v-Ixtils, •usecl P1101-itat'1'011,-1Vo ha.ve been informed , a petition boon extoilsivelv Cir. 'N'v0III:1,111t, etlot)till'I'lissi1P3'1)11:71710\.tyttb±s01:,r.c'i'it.)6.)10a, 1110,Y ekittted of title, itsitine• tlle 0 over.for,$111 e Lo 'loss 11.proilibiii()Ii •18 a, Toys or all deseri-ptions at Nelles'.. • P,,,.te.p the ol)..1 and \S.T,,liol)e .,,,,vv-rina 4 r-vtira 1°I,1,°WC(11, 1'1,10,g,0°°t,tto e'11;11rit'111).F. 71110 fOlIOW111.h. itein elin from, ions (vele 1)1 ( liotflesvell told others lo electors (33.1 Gelt /7epor,+er, 1.1111,y be interesting rondfiV 1)151, 1111e. (ya 5 it meet() tisl,y to ern' rea,(lers. The person 1010 siglioft els the paper, says that 'the person Tolvxstfir IntVe now airibbod 1, 170,112; mna PtintOd and On 112016, SO that orders cat , ' ' , bs out at "ft, moment's' notice, ftll wh° rvi- the 1)1 f r st '11 as all/ointments cinity and wliq ±-4 11 -OW living with a, ';'),„.0.1b...„,00;'11."011111e,ster s 322118essinornt ty.l.r. 1 33011,11( 0,41,'' f,wo y011,11p;,3-31.011, 11() s nnt fit' rni..1,,,s 1011t) 0, were re - '0°31d 101 to se021 in their Oreler$ at tattling home late 011 'New Yea,r's night, .1q0 well printed and rul apent very jolly a 1'1 ionclis house, they met with rather tr.oletarstafici s.e.votn,1 art annuirit 22,c 001111130, 1130 0110 M0 mantel' of temudnps In call Johntny, the o ,1101 .1;.you., It be. plat() of li,.,,r;j61.13,. 03) 2"11,:ie.,11 t2),:purellaso raore, thoy ' 1:1,1 St de11.1-(;,(11,10. 011, ii)0 t-,10{"1 kariellta (2k is a k,lever young ..tcoow, alit a 0,11)1 a rur 1r .1 , , )0,01.8 nun1 Jet ()Nei '31'0a14e.i') 4tict 1111(e 31`it16 1 000, tw.d wid laugh at 1121,12111'u' represe.litittive than tlte late IaIncrited rtnAkitiry fr( 10 Fort. Pettrolt)ail . 2:atepaye ),.(il.122t )e6ves 11 ,lettve to 'lay' er 3' .011)1123g because 4,12.011. ;eves tlionr.ht IR to 1111011 and, (3,1110.2101$8 343,1'110, \VO ' 11',t0S. 14 ing-Orrecttr'urriirrstr "is.. .groat.excase, for .trile„greennt`i4'. tilt.trye.d.rprtt „tails .r..00citeloit.... • Arriving. at pliteerOf doethialion..theYtlise(r)ver.." ..ed by. tlie.,•1140 oillrig) atm ixt.. titer. . . .. 4, •,•• • ±: • , • A. blittlitrr riviArirroXtr' "r•rrr and. that Mr.. Sinclair or any other person sent.for this gang, but the inost indubi- table, proof is forthcoming:in the shape ef a telegranfaskiiie for them, with Mr. Sinclair's name signed to it. . On Sandityreven'ing "last,. aProminent- hotel keepdr in 013.8 villigse had seVenty- fiete dollare counted out, to him, and . ,svos told that it Was his, if he would, it vote Tor"... Mr. Cesnerene e' bol 'said, that wae not, hio principle, tint 0 ins teethed' givieese .his vote to Gr. iiway, , and refased tile offer. This is but one case imiougst 'the Amity -which might bo„ ' mentiened„ ' - ' .. ' , , .'.• During the; day, ,a fearful,tritegi-took. place at Zueiela in which three Conser.see vative gentlemen Wer0.$0.1q,011S1Y 111j1-tioa A German, lately froni the States, gert'4, ting Wrathy at the polls, let his wr loose by lope -sing T/701111 his coat.4slee hid.den Sling -shot, and. wounding George CaSe,r1Mr„ Jas. Petite aud Elenev iqc(.131stiii. With the e\,,eept . : - named, so, far its we can learn, the tion passed olf quiotly. 'We believe it is the,, intention' ot COneerVative AssoCiatien to ente protest eseein ,L(lro ,Caliter.004. retin and there is no. Jack cf eVidence: to , nrovd corruption of the blitekest and. foulest, character,. Wc aro not tiling.. to let the pitrf•y down easily; 41$4 some.' br14 it -111.04f bllt r '‘Vr state moot pogi- tively that a protest; will be entoredand pm:On:A.0 the utinetist. ext eaMity ,•,• an. still for Ulet'' somo rof the leading Men h the teWnithips will be. 'Ilutietif41,101, h.il eqh so, if ,rthere to onyevirtite it tit law, SoinO Men Will sttifer the etItterae. tienalty it is pbsSible tO inOitt., Prt Nemeis. of fate is. already r On ttre.. flit et the t4 P.(artV Cii Iltititt'":. '•