HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1992-03-11, Page 224110042
Apiagoillilaillite, March 11, 19f -g!
R • Seeeisid9ea,
much 'joy a healthy (Jtoewtiful baby
int. A true Monett from Clod, Alyssa Jo)
flanker arrived ort Pebruary 18, 1992 and
weighed 8 Ws. A•weadesful little aster ter
Candace and 4reemeAlleaud grandparents
-are Phil and i•rantistil teerhey; aes gam end
serlassry ser r. AalrM'atl m1 is
4iMaar.,rYlany ksserlf%to'Dr.
-fey�n, Dcthirmat dtastd asILN:eBendy, Ca-
- tittase.'Neecy at -Minna ,Merpital-
Shamus. 11c
4117111PDN • Jeff, -Janke, Stapey*astd• hearer
ontiploseed to•a neunce abet -este arrival of
''Poon ` uslefick Lloyd, on kishslnry I1,
•1992; erighieag 4 lbs., 14 on. at St. Joseph's
-illseMh Freshen, Landon. •Pseud ipendgrnet
rare Oman _aphell, and Jack and Wilma
COLLINS • Dave and Debbie o one=
to announce the birth of Megiun f�t t
no Bihnuiry.22, 1992 at 8:34 a.m. in Mem
Hcapisal. She is a new wee aster for Col
Peen, Val, Samantha and Michael i 1•
JF.FFERY • Mark and Sheila (tree McLeod)
thank God for the early but safe arrival of
-their- firs-ahikl,--eladdy'a-aitsfa sit1; Kayri
Lynn, wasglung 6 lbs., 1 3/4 oza. on March
2, 1992 at Hanover and District Hoepual
Eleventh • grandchild for Marguente McLe-
od, fleeter and seventh grandchild for Harry
and Ruth Jeffery, RR I, Hansell 11 •
STUBBS - Lyle and Brenda Stubbs arc
thrilled to announce the Binh of their third
�Ititd-finagles=Kyle =Nfillnrs, :un-4arwsary
24, 1992 at I:36 a.m. weighing 9 lbs. 9 ou.
A little brother for Victoria and Lindsay
Proud gsatidparents are (.anuan and Marga-
ret lbampson of Lucan and Fay Stubbs of
RR 1, Thedford. (Anano. Thanks to Dr. 'M.
Rebel and OH nurses at St. Joseph's Hoapi
tel 11e
COTFLE ••We wish to express our sincere
thank you to mauves, friends and neigh-
bours for the many ass of kindness to Ray
dung his illness and at the tune of his pass-
ing. "lo all who sent cards, baking, flowers,
visits and love, we are grateful. lbanks to
Exeter Hospital and Dr. Gans for many
months of patience and canng, to University
Hospital safe and Dr. Bwghner for your
speaal care, to the Hopper -Hockey Funeral
Home and the Rev. Charles Henderson for
the kind words and prayer, to the Thanes
Road Ladies for the lovely lunch. llaanks to
John and Lynda Declare, 'theta Playfoot,
and Bill and Mary Smus. Everything was
greatly appreciated and we will never forget
these :pinnal people
11• Sincerely,
T he Family of the late Ray Cattle
DIXON • A very heap -felt thank you to the
many friends and relatives whose thoughts
and prayers have been with ,-rte during a cant
teal time. The cards, haters and phone calls
have been greatlyarpprasueci.
11• Hi Dixon,
Clareshdn, Alberta
GALLOWAY • Sincere thanks tomy fami-
ly. mauves and friends for the visits, cards,
flowers, gilts and telephone calls while in
hospital. Thanks to 1)s. Jade, Rev. Laksina-
nis, the staff and nurses of South Huron
Hospital -with special thanks to (trace and
Ray, Dennis and Marilyn for their care.airice
ting horny.
11• Alwrnna
' IIS O1NS =•*•wish to enpress'iw-sin
anent Mwks and appreciation to ererysne-fur
yuunleirtdness shown to lied and his4Mtily
at the time of Mother's funeral "l'o all who
sent flowers, memonal donations, cards and
food to our houses, we say thank you. See
coal thanks to Ile.' Wayne 'Taylor and Res
lobs Ieldtun tor the servtii. the ladies of
Parkhill Anglsc,u) Church for the trema)
*sans lunch ('buck and Loss His, Stntifiruy
Middlesex Hospstel and u. all the staff at
Craighotmr 'to 1)r Whynsa and l)i. T'eepk,
our many thanks for .11 vont special Oily
and toucerr,
1 1 • Ssncerdy,
John Hudgins and family
l V%'IS - We wish to thank rhos,- family
and tnen ds who .ioursed us to cetehrau ng our
25th anniversary We also wish to thank
those -people who were respmsibte forget-
ting the gifts of flowers and an anniversary
ckx-k as well ae tf." organii4Uon of the food
but t c t
1 ! • Allan and Gladys
RYA! • A very special thank yea Wall -du
neighbours, friends and tinily fo *1* 4d
and guts and Hoftman's Ambulance Service,
tixeter Hospital and the doctors, wanes and
start at University Hospital tax their help in
my speedy recovery. Thank you verywwch
11 c Yarn tntly,
Michael J. Ryan,
Mount Camel
STEPHEN - Sincere thanks to all who
prayed for me, visited, rent cards, tele-
phoned, drove, helped at the farm, also Pas
tors, doctors and stones. My pstehed•haan
appreciates your help
• Doug
WEBBER - We would hke to dunk our
families, friends and neighbours and espe-
dally our ddldren Cheryl, -Dove and Osns
for.the wonderful innprise. on our 25th wed-
ding anniversary. To key. McGee of Victor-
ia St. United Qaurdn, Goderich for renewing
our wedding vows. To the Bedford Hotel for
the lovely meal and all she extra auenuon.
-Also to Bob Desjardine for takmg Me video
so we see all that our minds couldn't absorb
after the shock. Thanks for all the cards,
gifts and plants sent to -our home. With fame
ly and friends as wonderful as you, who
needs anything else!
1 1 • Love Linda and Eugene
MILLER • Be still, and know that 1 am
God. Psalm 46:10. Peacefully at his fate resi-
dence, RR 1, Dashwood, on Thursday.
March 5. 1992, Lorne Earl Miller, in bis
41st year. Beloved huiband of Margaret
(Dumigan) Miller. Dear father of Jennifer,
Melissa, Jonathan and Jacob. Loved sen of
Grace (Resteaayer) Miller and the late Her-
bert Miller (1984). Dear brother and brindler-
in-law of Elaine and Hank Bouwinan of Ste-
wanown;Carol Chrysler of Goderich: Judy
and Ron Gouged of Exeter, Joanne Miller of
Mississauga and Brenda and Ron Se wur-
man of Bramptar Loved son•in-law of Don
and Evelyn 1)wnigan of Grand Bend and
brother•in-law of Joe and Kathy Dumigan of
Goderich: Gayle and Scan McGregor of
Grand Bend, Karen and Randy Thiel of
Dashwood. Also mussed by his aunts, un-
cles. nieces and nephews. Rested at the T.
Harry Hoffman & Sans Funeral Home,
Dashwood. Funeral service was field at Lon
Lutheran Church, Dashwood, on Sunday.
Manfi 8, 1992 at 2:30 p.m. Pastor Larry
Stoikovic officiated. internam in Lan .Lu-
theran Cemetery. If desued, manorial dona-
tions to Huron -Perth V,O.N.: Canadian Can-
eerdiooely or chanty of choice would:bc
appreciated as expressions of sympathy
POLd1O1K , at South 'Edon
'Heepisal, /teeter. uttilliny, March 6, 1992,
Menrsa A. (ffrenner) Petlod of Oeuntry
blear Retirement home, lllodtord and for
merle of RR3 Parkhill (Mellaril Lute), u,
Polk i,k (1985)H8I a(
don mother and moat
er-in4aw of Richard end Pauline Poilock of
(Jvclsard Lake, Mee/mean and Marilyn and
Jack Duncan of Adrian, Miulugal' Also
loved by her 3 grandchildren, John Pollock,
Julie Plock and John Duncan and 3 great
Jsartdchildrco Dear sitter of i)un Hrerner
,and Hely (Mrs line Ibmhull) both ut
Gid Hord aril Shirley Wenner of bandit,
land 'Nster-in-lass, Madeline Webb. of "Ibo
Ion, Ariaona Rested at the '1 ilarry Holt
wan & Sans Iuneral Healy, Darhwow,
whersahe Punta! Servicrwvs held on Mar
day, Muds 9, 1992 at 2130 p.m. Rev. Robs.
Pe*le . t?lttikled. Cott, with .ismer-
mens in Oran& Heed Cemetery. If derived,
memorial dared ns to rhe Hear and Stwgc
ileendelfan or dimity of choice would la:
'apprise/eased ss eapressions of sympath y. 11 c
RADER •ilssoafutly at University
Lowden, ow Saturday, March 7, 1992 �o)
'Aydwr(Weis are) Roder, e4RR3,-2rrfch;-n,
her Sikh year. Beloved •wife of • Ray 1.,
Rader, Dear another aid mouser -in• aw of
Robert and Jean Pin homer of Wean, Casal
and Brad Oars of-Avat, Barbara and John
Vella of St. haemes,' Brenda Rader and Jeff
ilennewies of Lurid[. Predaonsed by her
fust husband, Maurice Rdtbeslner (1910).
Dear -laughter of -Ben -and Minnie Walsers
of Seaforth and deughter•indaw of Mrs. Nil-
' di -Ratter 6FHasftwood. Lswed•shterand•sis-
ter-iadaw of Helen and Andre Aubm of
Ourtbsidge, Qlmtnoe and Marilyn Walters
of Liwowel, Wilmer and Carol Walters of
Suatford, Rabbn.and Ann Watters of Owen
Sound, William -and Barbara Walters of
Orillia, Melvin and Diane Waken of Mark -
barn, Glen .and Louise Waken of Cam-
bridge. Dear sister -in -taw or Doris and Bud
McGregor, Barl and lune Rader, both of
London, Lloyd and Audrey Rader, Floyd
and Margaret Rader, both of Dorchester.
Loved grandpa of 3 grandchildren and 2
great-granddsildren. Rested at the T. Harry.
Hoffman & Sons Funeral Hoanc, Dashwood
with viatation on Monday afternoon and
evening. Funeral service was held at St. Pe-
ter's Lutheran Church, Zurich, on 'luesday,
March 10. 1992 at 2:30 p.m. Pastor Stephen
Alla and Pastor Lany Stojkovic officiated.
Interment in St. Peter's Cannery. If desired,
memorial do nations to the Haan and Stroke
Foundauon or chanty of choice would he
appreciated as expressions of sympathy. l lc
THIEL - At Stratford General Hrisprtal on
Saturday, March 7. 1992, Mrs. Evelyn Mane
(Dodgson) Thiel of Zurich: in her66th year.
Beloved wife of the late Leroy Frederick
Thiel (1986). Dear mother of Lynda and her
husband John Deefstra of Exeter and Hu -
ward and his wife Ruth -Anne of London.
Dur sister of Donna (Mrs. Jim Vowels) of
Samna. Predeceased by ane brother Cecil
Dodgson. Also surviving arc several brsh-
ers.and listen -in aw, and time grandchil-
dren: Tart and Derek Deelsua and Bnan
Thiel. Rested m the Zurich Chapel of Mi-
chael P. O'Connor Funeral Hanes, where
the funeral service was conducted Wednes-
day, March 11 at 2 pm. with Pastor Stephen
Alla officiating. Sprang ieeamsent to follow
in St. Peter's -Lutheran Qiurchs
ceepmaicns of etaapahy,doaatienste
wood Hospital Palliative Care Llnnt would be
appreciated by the family. I lc
187 Huron St. W. Exeter
Pastor Rev. Kevin Rutledge
Sunday, March 15
9:45 a.m. Sunday School
11:00 a.m.Morrwng Worship
7:00 p.m. Everting Fellowship
Everyone Welcome
Huron Skeet East, Exeter
Suoday,,Merch 15
10:00 a.m. Worship
11:10 a.m. Sunday School
Nursery available
7:30 p.m. Worship
Everybody welcome
Goma and Worship with us
9:30 a.m„Sunday school
10:30-11110 a.m. fellowship Time
1190 a.m. Samilyzatelotiour
6.00 p.m, ,Gog1(aellienteasvice
,kN:tegi die
1411111 11(411lenirtgs
7;30 p.m. -Able Sturdy
.M&4lnioes are held at
94 Orchard Street
F4110aPrlrlloAAA 2294/8e
670 Main St S
Pastor Vernon Dean
Assistant Pastor Kevin D. Rogers
Sunday, March 15
10:00 a.m. Sunday School
11:00 a.m, Worship Service
7:00 p.m. Celebration Service
7:00 p.m. Family Night
Programs for all apes
Nursery available for all services
A piece to meet God and a friend'
Main St. North
Pastor Rev. Sleds Vander Meer
Worship Services
March 15
7:00 p.m
Nursery. Available
Wheelchair accessible
Sunday Radio
GKNX 920 10:30 a.m
Dally T. V
Faith 20 Global 5:30 a.m
Lila is too shat la us to.do everything
we want to do; .Int it is long enough Jor
us to do everything God wants us to do
68 Main Street South
Minister: Rev. Mark B. Gorki,
Organist. Miss Carolyn Loos,
Sunday, March t5
11:15 a.m. - Worship Service
Nursery, and Sunda School
Everyone Welcome
Sunday, Much 15
9:30 a.m. - Sunday School
11:00 a.m. r Worship Service
Everyone Welcome
_ScoundSunday m lent
Mardi 15, 1992
11:15 a.m. Holy Eucharist
Sunday School
, Nursery Available
264 Main Street,
Exeter, Ontario
The -Rev. Fay M
Wedriesday..Maroh 18, )992
7 p.m. Eby Eucharist
7:30 Lenten Prggraamne in Parish Nall
Everyone Wetoome
Goner of Janes arid Andrew St
\ The Rev. Jolts C. Heb rr
Mrs. Bev Robinson
Thhe Rev. Client L. Mills
(Minister Emeritus)
Director of Music.
Ralph C. Topp
March 15, 1992 - 11:00 ani
Second Sunday of Lent
Sen n W ed, n: 'When Prayer Sea Das 1
I End'
Young Adult Glass 9.30 a.m
Sunday Church School 11 a.m
Nursery Facilities available
Courtesy Gar: Don and Melva Eck,-"
2 &-0575
Everyone Wsticorrte
441 `z>.
'MAOUIM) - hi lowing memory si oar
friend Anna Magnin who pr ssrd away
Mardi 1 l , 1991
The years go by but mernones US).
As near and dear as yesterday.
11's not the words they are ixit few,
114 the lovely memory we keep of you.
Resnesnhesed byllob and Helen I.
• In levieg reesiory of %%Nana
Bast �>IMAw_bins,avarydearmen-who
plN� laMwar►►ccfltt 12,ewe learago.
Tis ilieeasne rseNdenvewd,
Ha diedee se Wed, everyeste's'tlilasd.
WMS•a�ella s vitesttosyite les
Hersh so welo ly, hit doe gM. wernown.
But lie left us memories we are proud to
T iemareltim Ood in your garden of vast,
i+nrittit esusdd beams email the hest.
Lovingly rsnterstbered and sadly missed by
1 1 c
-LAS VEGAS • Baster weekend, App 17 w
Aril 20. NOM.), hut, 8379.00 USD: hype.
Mil 5369.00 USD. Robert Q Travel
482-7771 or 1-800-668-7477 9,10,11:
LUCAN LiONS CLUB St. Patrick's Day
Party and Dance featuring Kelly's Heroes,
Saturday, March 14, l.ucan Community
Centre, noon -I Mit., matinee 3-5, authentic
Irish stew, also Mining Lucan Hometown
Band. SS.00per person. Age or Majoegty. hi
feminine - 227.114(1 9,10,(11 ),
DIAMONDS, -muted ptysiadly challenged
people, will meet at the Lists Youth -Centre
John Street, lamer on Saturday, March 14 at
10:00 a.m. (storm date March 21). Lunch
provided. For further information, call 235
0696 or 1400-267-0535 10,11c
Govamnent of Ontario is proposing chang
es to the system of services for seniors, dis
tabled adults and family caregivers in order
to help people ranaw in their own homes
Everyone who will deliver or use services
should be involved m shaping this pobcy
Come to a public meeting to discuss these
changes and tell us what you thank on
Wednes lay, March 1 1 at 130 p.m. at the Lr
ons Centre for Youth, lash Street, Exeter.
For more information contact Community
Health & Support Services (519) 675-768/1
ort -800-267-0535 10,11c
ship Night Droner and Dance, March 28,
1992, Kinston -Woodham Csmsmnity Cen-
ue, Kirkton, Ontario. Music: Royal Aires.
Entertainment; Chords of • Woodham. Din-
ner. 6:30 p.rn. Tickets 510.00 each. Dinner
and Dance SIS.00 each. Dance only 56.00
each. Tickets from Wilf Bowman, 235-1563
or Lodge officers 11,12.13'
Adult Heahh t3ittic. Location: Health Unit
Office, Saab Hurn Hospital, Exeter. Dae:
Tuesday, March 17, 1992. Time: 9.00-11:30
am.; 1:00-3:30 am. 1. Heahh Cosas.dling:
2. Foot Care (fee); 3. Blood pressure testing.
ed Church, Thursday, March 19. 5 pm. to 7
pm. Adults 5830. children 12 and under
84.00, pre-schoolers free. Advance tickets
only. Call Marg Twaddle. 232-4707 or any
U.C.W. member.
11 •
SPORTS CARD SHOW, March 29, 11-
430 tables available. Call 0. Wilson, 294
0317 or G. McLiicbey, 294-6263.
LUNCHEON, Leven Presbytenau Murch,
Thursday, April 2, 11 a.m. - 2 p.m. $4.00 per
person. Tickets available Ansteti s, Smyth
Shoes or any member of Gordon Auxiliary.
March 17, 7:15 p.m. Exeter Untied Church
A joyful three hour paruoipatory workshop
to demonstrate bow joy, stress and attitude
toward life affects your health- Pre -
rev/trance required (nu oust), 235-1644.
Precious Blood Mission
Cash Calendar Winners
Mar. 1-1tabart Peasschy, Craddock 00988150.
Mar. 2 - Lan) Mackie. Zurich 01911 $50. Mar.
3 . Wauy baker. Huron Park 01290 550. Mar.
4 - Lanae Rideout, Easter 110099550. Mar. 5 -
PbilMasse, Zurich 10801 150. Mar. 6 - Leone
Brock, liaetw M 1153 550. Mar. 7 - Pat
O'Rourke, Tecumseh 1122I4 5100.
Cakodars evadable until Apol. Contact
D. Wrliag 235.1302
Kirkton Women's institute
invite you to their
90th Anniversary
from 2 - 5 p.m. on
Thurs., March 26
at Kirkton Woodham
Community Cerlflre
Come and share memories
r nkryou
The Connor Faml y .wouid like
to Lake this opportunity to
thank all .the apeojel ,piopfe
Chet boiped .us . in .all Chase 4X-
tra..ways-muco .our..is a She
of February,28.
spools; thanks to the.&tfhphen
T:wp. Fire ,Dgpt., fMA6, fie.
Phan DriP• •M1 er ,Hoc$aY, the
Wain .and . And
allahe hdiv►flWla,who,dppaled
food, Glothing, .n}poey,..hltuse-
wares ,or just a Skouider to
To the,peaple we haven't been
able to thank personally, who
rallied together to equip our
family with a new home, we
truly appreciate all the extra
care and will never forget what
super friends and neighbours
we navy.
Happy 1st Stephen Troyer
M:rch 14
Mom &
Zurich &
::Area Figure
Skating Club
Stln., March 1b 2 I)
fea tirint; St. Pairs 1,ina Mut,,
and Cory Watson
Ranking 7th 1992 Cana(1idn',
K. a1
and Jim Znown
Pei., March 13
Sp.m. - 1 a.m. .
Lunch provided
Grand Bend 1: • ion "Hall
Happy 30th
Don & Helen Reid
March 16
Love your
10th W ed N g ArfrNaie nary
Open lease
The family of Ivan and Been She,
row invite trends, neighbours
and relatives to an open house
to help celebrate the golden wed-
ding anniversary of their parents
Saturday Marcn 21. 1992
2 - 4 p. n:
at Sauble Court
Sauble Roao. Grand Bend
Best wishes only please
The Granton Consistory Club welcomes you to their
• Annual
Oyster and Ham Supper
Sat., March 14, 4:30 - 8:30 p.m
Admission: Oysters Adults $15.00, Children $7.50,
Admission: Ham -Adults $8,00, Children $4.00
Advance tickets only call Norris Atthill 229-6548
Lilliput Theatre
"Walter Whatsits wants a home"
a charming 45 minute play for ages 3-10 at the
Lucan Community Memorial Centre
-Friday March 20.10:30 a.rr
Admission Free, Everyone welcome
Sponsored by the Lucan Optimists, Southern Ontario Library
Service, Outreach Ontario, and by Middlesex County Library
The family o1.
Alice and Alfred Mathers
invite friends and relatives
to u
50th Wedding
Anniversary Dance
March 14, 1992
at the
Parkhill Community Centre
8:30 p.m. - 1 a.m.
Music by Coursol Counts_
Cash bar, lunch provided,
Best Wishes only
Due to the inclement weather and the recent tire a
our offices and showroom we have extended ow sale
fpr this final time. Please feel free to visit ow new
temporary offices .and showroom at 274 Victoria 51
Centralia. Just these doors north of our existing loco
lion. Our hours. are 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Fri
day, Sat. 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. and evenings by appoint
meet only.
Effective 1892 our provincial gpvernment through
changes in the cemeteries ,pct ty .approving Bill 31
will •he adding additional cemetery lees of $50 to
$200 to install flat or upright memorials In all Onta-
rio Cemeteries.
Any fiat marker or monument order placed now be
fore the new act becoinw i w will nut be SuOfect to
the new fel plus until Mai Al „Nie juin ;pity the
G.S.T. 111
For further infurnlation please feel free to conte into
our showroorn .and pffiee:dt 274 Victoria $t.. in the .vil-
lage pf Oentralia or call 228.0439 pr oar toll free line
1.8Q0.265-34 77.
We have Aver 40 monuments on display for you to