HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1874-1-22, Page 40 LEG/8L4 TU/8E 1) PA[t4~I4M471T- 4/ /t'd$ESS'ION, O1t4NG1,+, BILLS; Toronto, Jan. 10, /874, 11I 1`. 1, )A, rc i y 13(trltoll ieltr•o(1llcaccl ,lnetitioll frozzt. O, 11. Gowan and others, flying for note of incorporation for the Orange Societies of .Ithzstern;sled West - I ,bt^11U 1 n . t o The . Attorne -Ca ouoral rtioit • t > y dt hell, a bill to incorporate special, l+eelevolent, and other eooioties, Mr. Lauder enquired evlzother arnot any and what authority or instructions F. . were given to l�. T, donee, on account, elf the Agriculture and ,Public Work, to ,sign, print, or circulate in the County of Sireoe a Special statement of the re- venue and expenditures of Ontario, ei ce the lst July; 16O7, fae rt din the year '78 Arstatement a >.i moat tit n 1<6s silo t 3g the > disposal of the surplus revenue of Ontario up to the 81st of December, 1872, qr tti statoznent of the estimated oxpondzttu e- of the Province of Ontario for 1871, 172 1878. The Atty.-General ;said that 113:. ,Tones had been'inst>.ucted by Mr. Me - Kellar to hake up seal a statement, but it was printed at t1t eeponse of' some parties engaged hi the late elect- ion,. The 'louse then t4'd'.' 'our nad atI1 p, m, Mr. Clarke ofWe ' tan enquired 'whether it is the ittlfi ition of Govern- ment to extend etho use of the ballot in voting to Municipal as *ell as Parlia- mentary elections. mentar el t" " The Attorney -General replica that it was not. CANADA CAR WORKS. Mr, Lander asked for eontraets,.and. all papers eonnected withe the Canada Car. Co. and the Central Prison. He said when the Sandfield Macdonald Government introduced the scheme of a Central Prison, $150,000 was intend- ed to cover the expense, but when the new Government came into power, the Commissioner of Public Works, without asking consent of the Legislature, bar- gained away our freehold, bartering away our property to the Car Company. He understood that engines had been put in costing $10,000 each. Mr. Dickey was a lucky man. The Commissioner of Public Works regard - [ed him for leading the forlorn hope in South Grey by giving him the contracts for the .CentralPrison without tender, at his own price. What use did Dickey make of his power. at Mo,es's election 2 The workmen in the prison were inter- fered with. and threatened with dismiss- al if they did not vote for the Govern- ment candidate. There was never a ereereeeeerereee year;% this ship lied booze carryin' its burdens ofcerp„ es ---ea drifting eeeidelire matinee by the fro on crew. 'They still advertise for "" a good girl "" Tilled by the visitation of Provi-. acme) through tl G. medium l a horse," e ," was the Ccr•orior'r verdict in tlzo, ease of aGeorgian mode who tiv as hicl(od to dei zt1e. "There . lhcto. I sitild Jolles, itisllohvrtitllful- ly auelr'etl awe the pie wlticiz his land- lady had, just served fail, the stufflied, just served him, "tlle stuff isn't at for a pig to oat, and I ain't go- ing to cat it. A affected singer at a Dublin theatre r �a°as told Idy a v a.,g in the gallery to " come out from behind his nose and sing Itis song like other people. ," Please, lezrse, sok, said a,aittle' girl who. was sweeping a crossing for a living, you Lave given me ap bad ponrra>. '-- " F.i Novel mind, little girl, you may keep it for your honesty." A western editor leas placed over his marriage announcements a cut repre- senting 1C' large trap, ,sprung with the motto—""The trap down another nin- ny caught I iunycaughtI Mrs. 1'rtrtil;gton says sho diel not marry her husband because she loved the male sex, but because he was just the size of her first husband, and mould wear out his old clothes. Do you think," asked Mrs. Pepper, g0 x " that a little temper is abat ng in l a woman ?" "` Certainly not, ma'am," replied a gallant philosopher ; '" it is a flood thing, and she rc ox ht never to lose 1t." Tiinpkins aroused his wife from a sound sloop the other night, saying that he had seen a ghost in the shape of an ass. " 0, letmo sloop," was the reply of the irate dame, " and don't be fright- ened at your own shadow. Go forth in haste I No time to waste Proclaim to all creation That men aro wisp Who advertise in the present genoretion. A follow with a. pistol shot in his left side, one inch above his heart, a six- inch slash on his hoad•,and a broken leg, crawled into a Bangor, Me., doct or'e office " to get `fixed up," as ho pleasantly put it, the other morning. Scientific men have recently discover- ed that the poison taken into the sys- tem fromcontinualsmoking of tobacco will cause death in one hundred and sixty-seven years. We warn our read- ers who have been smoking nearly that time, to break themselves of the habit at once. man who abased his situation more in Last week, in Ohio, a younglady shorter time than the Commissioner died from •what a round -headed oldoe- ofc Public Works. There was the Pro- tor said was " heart Blot or embyolism ton outrage, and we find that the man of the mainflue of the heart," but she Lewis, who figured in it, had been em- revived in an hour, and it was found ployed during the summer superintend- had been temporarily choked by a chew ing the construction of a road in Thuile of gum which she had swallowed. pier? : ay. • Hon. Mr. McKellar denied this. Mr. Lauder said he had the state- ment on good authority. He would withdraw it for the present, but he ~taouldfurther investigate it. Hon. Mr. McKellar thought it would have been better for Mr. Lauder to five reserved his remarks until the papers were brought down. Until they were brought down he thought that the Proton outrage was played out. He wished to say that instead of one engine costing $10,000, the two engines with ;boilers did not cost that amount. It vas ' not a fact that tenders had not been received, though he admitted that he had followed the precedent of Mr. Carling in not advertising for the same work. • As to the alleged interference. with the men, he stated solemnly that. neither directly or indirectly, had he Influenced the voting of any of the men. The Attorney -General, in reply to Mr. Scott, said that if the Government Adjourned over the elections, they Would not do so till the iiay ;before lamination day, • The House then adjourned. Toronto, Jan. 14,1874, After routine business, Mr. Merrick moved for copies of all correspondence ivith the Dominion Government with Teferanee to the Aets of Incorporation of the Orange Asociations of Eastern and Western Ontario, and all Orders in Council and papers• in•connection therewith. He wished the papers to be 'brought down that the motives which actuated the Attorney -General in ad- vising the disallowance of the bilis ;;i :night be seen. The Attorney -General consented to their being brought dawn. He thought. 'if there was any balanee attached. for .delay in the Orange legislation, it was Sir,John A. who was to blame. Mr. M. C. Cameron defended the Minister of Justice in not interfering -with the rights and privileges of this .House. s After some further discussion, the address was carried. WHISKEY DRI TRING.—It' was on one ;.,,,rof the American river steamers; at din- '-e'ner, that an able matronly lady remark ed in conversation with a grave looking gentleman, on the subjeet'iof intemper- ance, '" Of all the things in the world, I despise whiskey drinkers." The gen- tleman dropped his knife and fork in the ardor of his feeling, extended his rignt hand, and tools hors within his own ` and w , with emotion threatening:, tears over the loss of ruined sons, he , replied, with faltering words, Madam, I respect your sentiments and the heart dictating them ; I permit no ono to go beyond mo in des i is k whiskey y p u g w y drink- ing. I have been disgusted in this very" boat, and I -Bey it now before the, captain's face. What, I say, can be. more disgusting to sec them a well dressed, respectable young man step up to trio bar of the boat, and without fear af :observing oyes, boldly ask for whis- key; when they know there is in that ind,rielee vary best Cognac brandy ? The, Governor of Wyoming winds up his Thanksgiving proclamation in this style: " Give thanks unto the Lord, for his mercy eudtu eth forever. In wit- ness whereof I have hereunto set my hand, and caused the great seal of the Territory to be affixed," • The .I3ourbonville, Ky., Mountain Echo says . that the following isa true copy of a letter received by Judge Ran- dall, of the Knox County Court, a few days ago from the countyjudge of County : " Mr. onable P H Randle sir I am in sick Bed I wish zny Case Con- tinued S am the mane Evidence to Ex plane the hole Truth I hope all will Berito this the 22cl 1878." Every person who has ever met a commercial tourist, with his little satch- el,' will appreciate the following "" The drummers came down like wolves on the fold, their toes were all frosted, their noses all cola. Their weather peeled bugles soon shone through the town, they gobbled the money and salted it down, then took a few orders and lit out of here, with their heads full of business and skins full of beer." " Dear old Aunt Sarah," said a school -girl, " don't sr a. very well, and last Sunday she was buzzing around getting ready for churehelooking for umbrella, specs, overshoes, and last but not least, her prayer book. The latter she thought site had secured by grabb- ing something off her bureau at the last moment, but when she got to the church it proved to be Ivy musical box, and the old lady, in trying to find her place in this uncommon book of prayer touched the spring, and it went off in find style to the tune of ' 0, Jim Along, Jim Along, Josey.' " Another old citizen of Illinois is pre- maturely no more. "In Life's great game of poker," as the aged minister tearfully observed in his funeral dis- course, " he has thrown down his hand, which, permit me to say, brethren, was equal to four aces and a ,queen,he has surrendered his chips, drained his glass to 'the dregs, and walked out." And what is most remarkable about it is, the full force of the impropriety of keeping her "rat -poison in the teapot did not seem to strike the old lady until about the time of the inquest. The following, by Josh Billings, is only a trifle inferior to some passages in Thomson's " Seasons," by which noble poem it was evidently inspired ; " Spring came this year as much as' usual. Hail, buteos virgin 1 5,000 old r years and upwards, s, halo and heerty old gal, welcome to New York State 'ane parts adjacent. Now filo birds jaw,. now the cattle' holler, now the pigs skleam,` now the geese' warble, now the It " acs sigh, and nature la frisky ,. while the nobby cockroach is singing " Yankee Doodle,- and ' Coining thru the illi.'' Now may be seen the muskoeter, that gray ,outlined critter of destiny, solitary and alone, examining Ms last year's bill, and now be heard, with the naked ear, the hoarse shanghigh bawling in the barn -yard." Nicholas Waln, though a Quaker preacher, was a great wag, He A fernexeit Slone AT Se,t.---1n the was ono travelling on horseback in year 1785, the captain of a Greenland company with two Methodist preachers. whaling vessel, found himself et night They discussed the points of difference surrounded by icebergs,and"hty to" un- beeweeztheir respective soots until they expecting every moment to arrived at the inn whore they were to til, 'tering, eXlne , . ,. w , g p the morning .put tip for the night. At supper Wain. .bo round to feces, In `11e looked about, and saw e ship near was seated between filo two Methodists, by. Uehailedit, butreceivednoanswcr. and before thein was placed a dish con Getting intoe. boat with Etolne of his taining ewe trout. Lash of the eireti t crew, 'l e' Intellect ont for the Inystoriotis riclers placed his fork in ft fish ttiltl teens oruftr Calming along eine the vessel, sforeed it to his plate, after which cacti llo.eawthrough 'trio` port.holo a elan shut his eyes and said a 1png g�reed be* at retable, its through 'keeping a log: fore Meat. The .Quillen* availed flint,» book, tram ttr death. The last date In self of the opportunity to transfor both. the log=bool?u Was 1"72, sliewitii'. -thatt of the trout to his ottli date, merely re rxeter,Atlgtt',28, `78. too vessel had been drifting for thirteen ineeking, when t� ed their g the otlie>,s opened the iCo. „The' sftilors were eyes, Your religion teaches' you to` s among, , ;: pray, mint , lid, seine froion aeneeig the hatnocks, pray, batt Imine tettches ,me both to hers in the caoltr,. :1101' thiteen watolr and p1 a y I" 4) 41E1'00 L OARLING DEALER IN, fy-Oood0 GROCERIES, V?Ln in Liquors ]C—I:ARDWARL CK Boots and Shoes Patent Medicines, Also, DEALER IN ALL KINDS OF LEATHER And ALL KINDS OF SH FINDING N C 00.4L Paid, for Hides ISAAC CARILING. MISO2' LANEQU$. ' Take notice. that an application will be made eat .thio neat session of the hogislatturo of On- tario for an Act, unthorizing the Cnirts of O i. ratio to admit 13oaiiaamita Y. Elliot, of filo vil loge of Il'xoter, in the Uouilty, of Baron, as an Attye'noy and solioitot. BLAKE,K IIZ,I Z ti: BO YD, for Applicant. January 1st, ism. 1"J -t; ' . /'1I. I 11, 1 •s �'4i. . Be euro before buying. tnem. Gold and 77 Dund Thelargest Jo Jewelry, Y, Goods, S;e., evey description, W. ,D, AIdGLOGHT,,fJN trio boot ii the n , f 1 � 1 h ' - ter- � " S.a,C.v� r i�'A,pCl market, a V"• ., ot,7<( P •�v. ,r, `•. •L �''.. � ''C) 1- IIS 1 f 'st 1 1.47 -• * � B, 9.„ro of .\ z e.t«. and get the W. D. MoGioohlon watch You will have no other after Booing A.11 who wear them rocoinmenal thorn. SilverLady and Gentleman's size sStreet• Loudon. See the testimonials. 0at1l0 14 best and cheapest stock of nue Gold +, Creoles Silver • , . lv 1 and Plated iY[elb,, Panay &o., in the Province. Revering W. D. M'GLOc*LIN, 77 Di -Ludas et. Loudon Out. AUTION.—I Hereby forbid any ono %� o giving oloait t n • from n g 6 o any poison without any written order. WM. SLEE. 10-3t. Usborne, Jonoary 1st, 18713,%'- --_ ' R6BLLS & MACHIN/EY, /'cLENNAN'S TER Flouring The undersigned to hie numerous patronage tunity of Ivor to turn THE rho mill is ies can generally vith them. sho e1, there FY= HIGHEST IN CASH • IC'1:PAND STEAM AND WA- -POWER and Grist Mill, EXETER. I t i wishes customers in the past, stating that out VERY in the beet rely (laving lately is now au MARKET FOR CHOPPED ON to return sincere thanks for their veryliberal and also take this oppor- he is better prepared than • REST OF WORK. of running order, and par- on getting their grist home pot in a now water- abundance of water. IIE.A.T. PRICE PAID TYPE WHEAT. FEED ALWAY RAND. D. M'LEN1`AN. J. ROSS PLANING MILLS! J. ROSS, Builder, Manufacturer, and dealer in all kinds of BUILDING MATERIAL, SASH, Doors, inns .. MOULDINGS, , etc., DRESSED AND UNDRESSED. He has also on hand a ffrst-class lot of Flooring, Siding CASING, Scroll:-Workf eC. Which they furnish to order, Dressed and Undressed, constantly on hand. Lath& Shillfr es Always an hand. Special' attention paid to mast, z tc+xrx '. ` Th'brotlghly und'ors£anding liii business, keep•. ing none brit oxporieneed worlrmou, and useio only first-class Material, he feels confident o givnhg entire satisfaction to ar11 who may ley hint with their ptbirooa,izo. • A Call aoliai'ted, fl1 V1Zltetla 17111 M t0I1 MUSIC, AND NEWINO MACWIN I Ti( I � I 11 I I , I I u � I I I I I I I sr m 11 I 18. 1 I l ul a I I I i I� Il I III � VIII auu I� I II II I PI a I ul, I 71 4 V � II. I r IIIIumNI$ II I I I ry � ..�•.._ , I IdIIIP II II ..III I uIIIII I.IIII I I VIII 1 I ILw. .1 _! �J er. ry y„ ./ ,.uu luN uI IiIJ11411111.II1JIlIII num � I1 IOI�IIIN II��111NbIINlilplllpllulllII iJm�i a imn,UIIUDUIII11I �VQIhIi.µ �O IO IF Al;ll ••I� VII c w�_11111101111111116t191l IuulNnnlln nt•ua`i6i an t ,� 4 ngtu n, er•5 9R9$ • •n m r irTi :..•.� T ,.�. �,. .•.. PPM. �' - r + � �� v III ill ,III iIIIIIII�ir I mI III II IaIIT 11 In 1 J•,. IIr ' 1111 ii 111 Ifism''}}. n 'i lhlil m l Ir -R„1-...� I I�I011ulllluluaumuollullllpll uu III�ViIi I IllL III III 1111 i 1111IIIIQi11U l liili� 1 1 J11111'..I 1 LI • .4F.ZUD\L The xng of Reed Organs, a, We do not wish. to detract .i m the merits of a s other Organs ua a byupholding ours,but aro ever readyto submit them to a fair and impartial l aI al tort, feeling confident of the result. PRICES FROM r M 5� TO 1 � 01..,5 00. Testimonials from the :best musicians in Canada can be seen • MARRIN BROS.; Parkhill. q 0.'O ti t7 m 9 A if .p [[gi�p OQ G. eel n Lot eete GET AN iyi OR AN 1,(oK��Y\ Improved Singer Sewing Machine. THE LOCKMAN 18 he Best Family Sewing Machine in the Dominion 1T 18 THE implest, Strongest, Quietest, Lightest` Running Most Convenient Machine Yet Constructed. Its make is unimpeachable, and its work most satisfactory. The IMPROVED SINGER is an excellent machine for all kinds of heavy work, such as harness, boots & shots, etc. HE SHUTTLE 1S SOLID.STEEL, larger, simpler, and in every way better tile' any oche [ use. C „ 8O17THCOTT, Agent. MB. S. always keeps on hand a supply of Lachine: Attachments, Thread, Needles, &Re. N. B. FULL INSTRUCTIONS GIVEN TO EACH PURCHASER. Mr. Southcott is prepared to give complete and satisfactory fits in his clothing Line. C• S®mr sza,COTT. TR IC &ND SE INC MAIC I E • MUSIC, 0. C. WILLSON'S SEWING MACHINE AND AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENT EMPORIUM, fr+'�' 4s ,R T.9 STILL IN THE FRONT RANK AS USUAL. Si f : r ENG CHINES. THE FLORENCE Noiseless, Reversible Poed Lock and Knot Stitch Penally Sewing Machine oha- onges the world in perfection and range of work, strength and beauty of stitch, durability of con- struction and rapidity of motion. Can and examine. Send for circulars. Agents wanted in every own in the Province, , Itis Machin has taken ilrstprizes at all the County Fairs. 0 S1 WILLS011`,Clener leigentibm tlteFlDo;a;iniott. SEAFORTH AND HURON Mar 1e `t ti rkso Z/ Z.L.MdaolSSIldT c& SON (LATE 05' AMILTON,) • -' Would intimate to their nrfinerous friends and the general public that they are prepared to A11 all orders for Monuments, Headstones, Table: Tops, Mantles, &c. Granite Monuments .7traported to Order. Work of the best style 'andert, and cannot bo surpaesed in this part of Ontario. A Call respectfully solicited. Opposite Logan & Jarnieson's Store, MAIN STREET, SEAFORTH M. L. MESSET. H. MESS>T. W GRIGG , • Merohant Te,i1o2. :asap Conera1• Outfitter. BIBLE DEPOS I TORY BOOKSELLER tr, STATIONER A Stock' of Family Bibles, Pocket Bibles, Wesleyan and Bible,liristia x -' xun C t ll y Books, Psalml3ooks for the use of Pres- byterians, Church of England Prayer Books, Miseellememis Literature of a non -demoralizing nature, and a general assortment OF SCHOOL ROOKS 8&IST4TIONERY` always on hand W. GRIGG. y, GO,TOL 1 OLD ESTABLISHED G ST Own n 0 W cD 1> �pt,y 9, HtdE rcI CD ttQ 1i D abdI coEn Id • el 8-aq UI 0 c -t- CA 1-i ft 1:1bd w CD (bptP 41(0 scfl RCD. t Beett assn trrioil JAILES P. 13e5e to return thanks, icoAu ,. e of i,ytc;ra, trio patrarragc bostowosl upon, Lirq for tllo pasttw n y years b urrouuding ceuutry, 4.114 ie now opcuioi--4u nil do1,aaa Nout4 LagestaJll1 Most Complete Stook OIP GOODS IN rt'IIl COUNTY, COMPRISING 9'Cood.s, Read.y,Made a o ceg. Caps, Cro o®ri es'EIoots tl4;, $1fies ard.ware Oroo1orF , D D A �' TS, OILS, ITC.a ETC AM of whish will: bo found to be as low as any other reliable Louse in the country, Remember this is the Oldest Established Rouse i1n the County Opposite i he Post 01110 NOW POP GItEAT BARGAJYS o T BEING OVERSTOCKED, WE OFFER THE FOLLOWING L1NEd de1�' CE.E4 TLT.1,EZYTIVE.i•d Pr XCZIao. CLOTHING: AN IMMENSE LOT OF OVERCOATS. Shawls, Blankets, Ladies' Jackets, Furs, MILLINERY, DRESS GOODS &a, &a 0 A Large Lot of TEAS ata Croat Baoril loo. TIIOS. GRE NW.A 17 ez CQ.,• Centralia & Crediton, N,E. Cash for any number of Dressed. ?togs.. Elk Tom` y ROCERY 8 LIQIJOR STOIt . .4 e'° 4 r�HE tieleetione have been made purely from the Upper Canadian &ltwata and the C#oods are -of each gtialtty as mtiet give undoubted satiefaotion. Attentlotr j pattioular- ly called to too choice Stock of Sugars,'Teas, Coffees, Henness 's andSazerac Brand in Wood & Bourn• s�- y Scotch and Irish Whiskey, DeB er's Gin, Booth's Oicl Tom In Woodaitda BobtY CARLINAmber .Ale & Stou Poste- Together with a general assortment of all classes .o OYS° .h:, .S and BARD NES • • Purchasers axe requested 'tocompare prices before going el eherc► as tb t \/; goods will be sold at an exceedingly small profit. Liberal inducements offered to hotel Keepers pnrchasing in ci. tity., GEO. A. MACE, September 17,18713' • Main Street, Ex OPENED OUT, ,3 'MO J,)+:'” FI J 'reIltate4 �'l�rltuPrew's EXETER, TETR ONT. Mr, John Drew would inform the public that leo has opened ottt his Furniture'ty new building opposite the "I'1MES office, and is filling them with ONE OF THE BEST STOC3KStobe F'OU'ND WESTERN' ONT:I:RIO, it comprises Chairs; Tables, Stands, liurorns, Cnt[boards,`Sidoboards, andPodstetde, $d 1 also on Hand, a choice selection of PARLOR SUITES, REP COVERED' DRAINING ROOM SUITES Ranging in price tip,to $175., Yon Will find hero everything usually kept in a rirst-class otItabliehmont, ilii *lira e' shortly a largo importation of the VERY BEST r`B'ITu. netted froni the best ntlanutludttirett in the United States. ;The Whole 1 ire"'w' i run N', I3..—Thepairing done promptly. riot iz spogiality, ()Ivo the sttbsoribor a call," i1 (+"naives of oteity 01114; Jl it 4