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Times -Advocate, March 11, 1992
Primary concert at St. Boniface
ZURICH - The primary students
of St. Boniface ttchoot are holding a
concert on Wednesday, March 11
which begins in the gym at 7:30
Dress' rehearsal will take place
the same day at 1:15 p.m. Everyone
World Day of Prayer
The World Day of Prayer Service
held last Friday afternoon at the
Mennonite church was well attend-
ed by ladies from the various
churches -in town, who also -took
part in the program by readings.
The theme was "Living wisely with
creation" sand guest .speaker was
Carol Gingerich of Zurich.
Hardball registration
The Dashwood minor hard -ball
registration will be held Saturday,
March 14 at the Community Centre
in Dashwood from 9 a.m. - 1 p.m.
for those wanting to play T -ball to
Midgets. Bring along birth certifi-
The Optimist Club is sponsoring
a Dance-A=3iton to be field at the
Zurich Community Centre on Sun-
.aintsbury by H. Davis
SAINTSBURY - St. Patrick's
ACW held their March meeting
and World Day of Prayer service at
the home of Cheryl Carroll with
Nadene edell as program leader.
With nine rs present the ser-
vice began with ing of the
hymn "Have Mercy o God
Most High".
The service prepared by e
women from Austria, Germany and
Switzerlaed are members of differs
ent Christian churches and send
their greetings to all of us, all the
members from St. Patrick's read the
different parts. Nadene Bedell read
the Bible story "The Tower that
was Never Finished". Scripture
reading Colossians 1: 9 - 17 read
by Betty Johnson. Bedell closed
with a prayer for Environmental
The business followed with last
minute plans for St. Patrick's Day
dessert euchre and bake sale, Tues-
day March 17 at 1 p.m., and May
12 at 8 p.m. St. Patrick's will enter-
tain St. Pauls, Kirkton and St.
Thomas, Granton ACW. Ladies to
our May ACW meeting when Jack-
ie Wells, VON will speak and show
a slide presentation on Partative
Care. Invitations will be mailed
The ACW annual will be held
May 2 at St. Pauls, Cathederal.
A Bible contest by Nadene Be-
dell was won by Marguerite Green -
A workday at the Church is to be
April 25, 9:30 a.m.
St. Patrick's celebrated the Holy
Communion Service on the first
Sunday in Lent. For the children's
focus Rev. Emery told the story of
an Eagle and described God as like
the eagle which catches her young
on her wings,when they were going
to fall. For his homily he spoke of
the devil addressing his demons and
"The task of Plaguing the Faithful
of Jesus."
Sunday March 15 Lessons are to
be Genesis 15: 1-12, 17-18, Philip-
pians 3: 17-4 responsive reading.
Psalm 127 and the Holy Gospel 13:
31-35. The service of Morning
Prayer will be held at the Davis's at
8:30 a.m., the last House Church
service of the seasons.
Hazel Davis attended a Sunday
School workshop at St. George's
Anglican Church on Saturday. Patti
Carlisle was the speaker. A very re-
warding day working with the
"Whole People of God" cirriculm.
St. Patrick's have received their;
invitation to St. Paul's Kirkton
"Spring Ring" for March 29 at 7:15
p.m. Master of Ceremonies is Leon
Ron and Margaret Carroll were
dinner guests on Saturday with
daughter Brenda and family. Ron
was celebrating a birthday.
Birthday wishes from the congre-
gation of St. Patrick's are extended
to Harry Carroll who is also cele-
brating a March birthday.
The World Day of Prayer was celebrated at the Mennonite
Church in Zurich on Friday. These women of the host church
presented several hymns during the service, which involved
the four Zurich churches and St. Peter's Catholic Church from
St. Joseph.
CREDITON - Tonight, Wednes-
day between the pars of 5 and
7:30 p.m., the Crediton hall .board
is sponsoring an old fashioned roast
beef dinner. Tickets are available at
the door.
Crediton United Church senior
choir practice is set for tonight at 8
The regular meeting of the Credi-
ton United Church Women will be
held Thursday night at 8 p.m. with
Menai Hughes of Elsa as the guest
speaker. Everyone, including the
men. is invited to attend.
Crediton Minor Ball registration
will be held Thursday, March 12,
7-9 p.m. and Saturday. March 14,
9-12 noon at the Crediton Parks
Board Room. Coaches are needed.
Clean up all those
Christmas and winter
bills with a convenient
at thBClinton Commun�y
70 Ontario Street
CLINTON 482-3467 EXETER 235-0640
day, April 5 from 1 to 6 p.m. All
,proctods will go to the Blessings
Unlimited Building Fund. Pledge
forms arc now available at the li-
brary or J&L Variety Store.
Skating carnival
Don't forget to attend the Zurich
and Area Figure Skating Carnival
this Sunday, March 15 at the arena
beginning at 2 p.m. This year's
theme is "On Broadway". Tickets
are available at the door; adults
S3.00, children $1.00 and pre-
school -free. -
Day of Reflection
A Day of Reflection for C.W.L.
members is being planned for Tues-
day, March 24 at St. Peter's Parish
Hall in St. Joseph from 10 a.m. to 2
p.m. given by Fr. Moms. Ladies
are to bring a brown bag lunch.
Coffee will be provided.
Ladies Auxiliary
The ladies Auxiliary of the Rest
Home held their meeting on March
3 which began with a musical pro-
Twenty-six members and one vis-
itor attended the meeting. Clarence
Smillie, who lives--in-'the apart-
ments, made and donated a cancel
chair to the Auxiliary, which is
now on display at the Home and
tickets can be purchased on it.
Plans are underway for the up-
coming Mothers Day Tea, Bazaar
and Bake Sale that will be held on
Saturday, May 9. Some local peo-
ple from town will also be seeing
up craft tables with items they have
made and will be selling. The resi-
dents are also busy getting things
made ready to sell that day.
Larry and Debbie Denomme re-
cently enjoyed a vacation in Puerto
Mary -Lou Erb recently enjoyed
spending three weeks in Florida
along with Jerry and Brenda Rader.
Judy and Kim McKinnon and
family moved over the weekend
into their newly built home at Park-
side subdivision.
Jean Armstrong returned home
after a holiday in Edmonton wherc
she visited with two nieces and a
nephew in Camrose, Alberta.
Congratulations to Case and An-
nie VanRaay on the occasion of
their 40th wedding anniversary.
On Sunday all their children,
spouses and grandchildren attended
Mass at St. Boniface church for
their intentions, followed by an
open house at the Dashwood Com-
munity Centre.
A family dinner was held after-
Gwen McEachem, Toronto, spent
last week helping out at the home
of son-in-law Allan Scott and boys.
Earl and Martha Heywood spent
Saturday night and Sunday visiting
with her sister Gertie Fleischauer.
Birthday wishes to. Margaret
Gingerich, Kim Ziler, Justin Scott
and Cheryl LaLonde.
May we offer our sympathy to
the family of Marie Thiel and to the
relatives of the late Dorothy Rader
who both passed away Saturday.
Little Scott David Regier, son of
Dennis and Dena Regier, was bap-
tized at St. Boniface church by Fr.
Hayes on Sunday.
The annual pancake supper was held at Trivitt Memorial Angli-
can Church last Tuesday evening. As Terri Snell and Fred
Dobbs supervised the baking of the pancakes, more than 200
people came out to celebrate the annual festival before the
season of Lent.
Dining for Seniors successful
EXETER - The Exeter Dining
for Senior Program has been a suc-
cess, say organizers.
Between 50-60 persons attend
each week and volunteers help with
meals and driving people to and
from homes. They also have indi-
viduals who set up tables, put
equipment away, prepare and serve
meals, registration desk and key-
board, but they are still in need bf
volunteers to assist with set-up and
driving. If interested, please con-
tact Tammy Antaya at 235-0258.
Jeanne Gladding has been the
seniors Hostess for several months.
She is a Homemaking Supervisor
with Town and Country Homemak-
On February 4, Maxine Sereda
presided at keyboard. Gladding
read a poem, "Life begins at 80".
Another poem entitled, "Monkeys"
was read by Tammy Antaya. Draw
piizes were won by Allan Buswell
and Isabel Kerslake. Pat aijd Grant
lead in singing each week Trom the
two song books. Games follow
each week .in the North Room.
On February 11, was a Valentine
Centralia by Mary Kooy
CENTRALIA - The world day of
prayer service at the United Church
was led by the presidents Jean Cas-
lick and Becky Harriet with other
U.C.W. members taking part. Gle-
na Tripp was pianist for the service.
A solo by Lois Wilson and musical
piano number by Marjorie Johns
was enjoyed.
A skit was presented by Judy
Mills and Faye Skinner. Addresses
"Living Wisely with creation" were
given by Glena Tripp, Adeline Elli-
ot and Audrey McFalls. A delicious
lunch was served at the close of the
service. The evening was enjoyed
by all present.
Coming up at the United Church,
a trip is being planned by the
U.C.W. for a dinner and theatre trip
to St. Thomas on June 24 at the
cost of 555.00.
On March 12 Confirmation class-
es begin at 6:30 p.m. at the manse
and on March 25 an official board
meeting will be held at Centralia
At the euchre at the community
centre on March 2 prizes went to
Mary Kooy, Ilene Pullman, Sam
Skinner, Harry Noels, Mary Mei-
kle, Jim Jarrett. Next euchre March
Sunday visitors with Mary Kooy
were Bonnie Kooy of London,
Barb Smith of town, Clayton, Alice
and Clyde Kooy and Scott Rogn-
valdson of Huron Park. Andy and
Marion Thompson and Elizabeth
Conlin of McGillivray township.
Easy 46
dinner with a special menu and lots
of decorations. Jeanne Gladding
read a poem and a favourite true
love story. Jean Hodgen on key-
board provided some lively music
and played for the sing song. Ta-
bles were decorated with miniature
rose plants and some were given as
draw prizes to Mary Meikle, Don
Jolly, Helen Hindle, Milton Beir-
ling. Cards were sent to members
Dutchy Wooley and Georgina Eng-
February 18, Florence Finkbeiner
was on the keyboard. All were wel-
comed. The lucky draw was won
by a volunteer driver Walter Fy-
denchuk. A collection was taken
for new playing cards..
February 25, Jeanne Gladding
welcomed all new diners - eight
birthdays were celebrated with
cake and Beatrice Tate won a draw
prize. Josie Ryckman presided at
keyboard. Two cards were sent to
Ray Cottle and Myrtle Orr.
Upcoming programmes: April 7
the Public School choir will sing
and on April 14 is an Easter cele-
bration and anniversary party.
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