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I hoes -Advocate, March 1 1 , 1992
Dancing up a storm at the Family Fun Night in Vama Saturday
were Danny Rathwell (left), Chris Telford, Danny Keys, and An-
drew Laurie. The four were practising their moves to Michael
Jackson's latest.
From our
kitchen to yours
By T.A. ghost writer Heavenly Devine
Everyone thought that last
Friday with the Michaelan-
gelo Virus waiting to attach
unsuspecting IBM comput-
ers and their clones was a
problem. However, this Fri-
day, March 13, and one
which we have to look for-
ward to on November 13 is
enough to strike terror into
the hearts of many who may or may not use computers. Friday
the Thirteenth! That day associated with so many kinds of bad
luck! Friday the thirteenth even has its own special phobias asso-
ciated with it, Friggaphobia, the fear of Friday and Triakaideka-
phobia (how's that for a mouthful!!) the fear of the number thir-
teen. Friday was often associated with hangings, as many
executions took place on that day, and .Christ was crucified on
that day. The number thirteen may have taken on its sinister
meaning due to the fact that there were 13 people present at the
Last Supper.
So for those of you who are superstitious, arm yourselves with
silver dollars and rabbit's feet in the next few days, start looking
for your four leaf clovers, pack along that piece of wood on
which to knock, guard against the evil eye, relax take a deep
breath and enjoy the day!
For those Triakaidekaphobiacs out then;, this recipe has never
given me thirteen Hot Cross Buns any time I have made it.
Hot Cross Buns
In a small bowl measure
1/2 cup warm water 1 tsp sugar
Sprinkle with 1 tbsp yeast (or one package)
Allow to sit for ten minutes until yeast is thick and foamy.
Meanwhile, in a large bowl measure and mix
3/4 cup scalded milk which has been cooled
2 eggs 1/2 cup sugar
1 tsp salt 2 1/2 tsp cinnamon
3/4 tsp ground cloves 1/4 tsp nutmeg
1 cup raisins or sultanas 1/2 cup currants (I use peel)
Add the yeast and
1 cup flour
1/4 cup cooled melted margarine -
Add remaining flour, 3 1/2 to 4 cups quickly and turn out on a
floured surface. Knead the dough for about 10 minutes until it is
smooth and elastic. Place the dough in a greased bowl and tum
to grease the top. Set in a warm draft -free place and allow to risc
until double, about 1 1/2 hours. Punch the dough down and tum
it out onto the clean surface. Roll it into a 12-16 inch rope and
cut it into 12-16 pieces. Shape each one into a smooth ball and
place on a greased cookie sheet. Flatten each one slightly. Allow
to risc again, 30-45 minutes. Brush with an egg wash, 1 egg
beaten with 2 tbsp. milk, just before baking 15-18 minutes at 375
deg. Cool on a wire rack. Make crosses with an icing sugar
These are well worth the effort to make, and are a treat at any
time of year, not just around Easter. •
What do you get when you pour hot water down a rabbits hole?
Hot, cross bunny! Ha! Ha! Ha!
Library program in
Kirkton and Exeter
KIRKTON - What has happened
to the three little pigs? They are all
shook up. Find out why this March
9reak when your library presents
The Slightly Juggled Three Little
Pigs' by Meadowsweet Produc-
This colourful and intimate pro-
gram is suitable for young and fam-
ily audiences. Bob . Howard has
worked with Meadowsweet Pro-
ductions since 1985, apprenticing
as stage manager and then puppet-
eer. He is also a juggler and enter-
tains his audiences with his quick .
humour and puns.
Sponsored by the Huron County
Library. with the assistance of the
Outreach Ontario Program of the
Ministry of Culture and Communi-
cations and the Southern Ontario
Library Service. The Slightly Jug-
gled Three Lick Pigs will appear at
the Kirlkon Branch Library on
Monday, March 16 at 10:30 a.m.,
and at the Exeter Library at 2:30
Admission is $1 per person.
Fun Night in Varna
for area families
By Jean Beierling
VARNA - The World Day of
Prayer meeting for the Varna -
Goshen .charge was held in Goshen
Church with Agnes Lampiere pre-
siding. Living Wisely with Crea-
tion was the timely topic. Linda
Linfield and Geraldine Eckel per-
formed the skit "Switchboard", a
telephone dialogue between an oil-
man and God. It illustrated the di-
lemma many people face to pro-
duce a commodity that is in
demand, even though it is ecologi-
cally damaging to God's earth. We
have no right to overuse or misuse
the earth's resources was the mes-
Margaret Elliot listed some of the
positive actions that being taken:
the Energuide ratings on applianc-
es, the Eco Logo on more environ-
mentally friendly products, farmers
improved care in the use of pesti-
cides, recycling. One of the most
promising programs is the educa-
tion of our young people to care for
the planet. There is a United Na-
tions Conference on Environment
and Development in Rio de Janiero
in June.
U.C.W. business meetings were
held following the prayer service.
Margaret Hayter reported a well -
attended and financially successful
pancake supper. Stamps for Lepro-
sy (Canada) raised nearly $8000
for leprosy control and treatment
last year.
A delightful letter was received
from Bev (Cantelon) Daffi thank-
ing the community for the generous
wedding gifts, especially since
she's been away from Varna for so
There will be a shower for bride -
elect Julie Healy in. late April. Var-
na U.C.W. is invited to Kippen's
Thankoffering meeting on April 14.
Joyce Doig will speak on her trip to
Russia. Kim Preszcator will speak
on Massage Therapy at the April
meeting of Varna U.C.W.
Stan Lee Club
Stan Lee Club members held
their regular meeting on March 4
with a good number in attendance.
Anna Keys opened the meeting
with a poem.
The committee in charge of the
April 8 meeting is Keith and Mary
Rowntree and Margaret Elliot. This
meeting will be held in the complex
again at 8 p.m.
A letter from Huronview in-
formed them that November 18 is
the date they entertain the residents.
Charles and Bernice Reid and
Ruth Johnston were the group in
charge of the evenings entertain-
ment- As each member paid their
dues they were asked to place their
name in a box. Charles conducted
an elimination draw.
Lucky numbers were 15 and 30.
Dorothz Ostrom received a treat of
tomatoes all the way from Florida
and Ivan McClymont was the win-
ner of a bag of oranges from the
sunny south.
They were delightfully enter-
tained with several number of toe
tapping music by Adam Wilson,
Jack Simons and Ralph Stephen-
son, Charles expressed his thanks
from the group.
Ruth Johnston conducted a con-
test and several games of crokinole
were played and a delicious lunch
brought the evening to a close.
Fun Night
The Stanley Township Rec Com-
mittee had another successful Fami-
ly Fun Night on Saturday with
many families in the area attending.
Spot Dance winners were Trisha
Renner, Becky Robinson, Pam
Crete, Greg Keys, Sharon Hartman,
Rosalyn Hartman, Andrew Laurie,
Amy Vanderhar, Mark Laporte,
Karen McBride, Amanda Elliot,
Raymond Beierling and Heather
Laurie. Hot dogs and finger des-
serts were served late on in the eve-
ning. Heaping bowls of popcorn
were on the tables.
Canoe rally
The canoe rally is next on the
agenda being held Sunday, April 5.
The Fiddle Jamboree to be held the
following Sunday, April 12 - 2 p.m.
- 9 p.m. Admission is $3 and lunch
is $7
Baseball registration
With hockey starting to wind
down with the playoffs just about
over, it's soon time to be thinking
about baseball. Stanley Township
baseball registration is to be held at
the Community Complex from 9:30
to 12 noon on both Saturday, April
:4 and Saturday, April 11.
Golden Agers Club
By Jean Dann
GRAND BEND - The Grand
Bend Golden Agers Club held its
regular monthly meeting March 4
at the Grand Bend Legion. Fifty
members sat down to lunch at
Peter Gruschovnik, of the O.P.P.
Forest Detachment, spoke to the
members about all types of "Safety
for Seniors" including safety at
home as well as mail and phone
scams. He outlined the many ways
of handling those situations.
President Ron Dann then led the
members in a discussion of plans
for next month's April 1 meeting.
Arrangements were completed for a
luncheon and Fashion Show, fea-
turing Tops 'n Trends, with Lois
White, for the ladies and Peckitt's
Men's Wear. Ticket info by calling
Nola Love at 238-2948.
The members then voted to soon-
sor the 9:30 a.m. Monday Golden
Age five pin bowlers at the rate of
five cents per pin scored by them.
Proceeds will be divided equally
between Kids Help Phone and
South Huron Big Brothers and Sis-
ters. Anyone wishing to further
sponsor the Golden Age bowlers
for the Ontario Five Pin Bowlers'
Association (O.F.P.B.A.) Kids
Help Hone Bowlathon March 22 at
Zurich lanes, call Ron Dann at 238-
A few seats are left on the bus for
the March 17 trip planned by con-
316 at r5 Ulak ' n.44 +0 UAL
...! rte
ule42.1 t•,gAtebn.5
Grertr I.orPet,
trat4ea 220'64K
vener Nola Love. Call 238-2948 for
The next euchre will be tonight at
7:30 downstairs at the Legion and
again Wednesday, March 25.
Going for the ride of
his life at the Stanley
Township Family Fun
Night on Saturday was
Jeremy DeGroot,
chauffeured by Caitlin
Renner. About 120
people came out to the
evening of dancing and
socializing, despite the
rainy and foggy
Open House
Spring 8 Summer line
Sat., March 14
11 a.m. - 3 p.m.
177 Anne St., Exeter
- No GST
- Booking Discounts
- In house Specials
Fall Clearance Rack
For further info:
Janet Ferguson 235-3416
Jump Into Spring
with a Fresh Perm
Appointments not
Reg. $43.00
$3 5 (including GST)
Great Feeling
(including GST)
necessary (Others) Reg. $43.00
Offer expires March 21/92 Ask for Maryhelen or Sheila
Shalome Hair Fashions
710 Main Street South Exeter 235-0782
B.B.Q. Season is
Whole pieces of
New York Strip
Sliced in bag 4Ib.
Whole Pork Loins
Sliced in bag
N possible
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HrTy. 09 - 3 %s miles east of Exotor
Phone 233-1123