Exeter Times, 1874-1-22, Page 2fr se, eeteeletepes' a Ane porOon wbd tato a parer rogUlitrly nun. tho poot-uffive, whether directed h lo inialt0411' 1111 OthOrki, 'whotilor la; has. ouboori. bed or itet, reopomibto for paymmit, 3 a paroo4 ordorshit paper diocoutimiva, he uant pay all arrors or the publioliero may continue to oend until payment made, Own odlect the wholo autumn, whether tho paPer io taken front tho office or )(mt. 3, Teo courto,. Dave desielea that refuriug to 'take newopapors 14/40tlif.411, fr0111 CIO put,t, 911.1e0,:in rellIQViMg Dada lotylut; thou mtealled tero muNit oyidour,e of hiteutioual iveua t Itc meter • XETnR, THRUSDAY, let 1874, stril0,1rEr: , nee sorry to ebserve that SOMe of parttiane Of Mr. Cameron have be- ettia the tactics which se diegraced them at the last general election -the taelieq, of bribery. , Severid eases have comq , to onr ears, eail we will give the partici uteri of one Where it Was attempted; merely to conviitee,the persons. implicea ted that we arellWare attics facts. Two persons entered41.101onse of Con:seri vative in tIsborne, and asked hien what he wohld teke and votelor ale.,Cem . on. .Wheu told that his vote cal:11(1)1ot 'ebe. bought. fleet' ';ivanted. tu knew what lie' Would takevitiad stay at lione4. But he was not tO'be bribed, and held them eo, and further, that he intended to vote 'for Mr. Geeimway. Such. ooadeict does 'not reflect 'much credit on the Pailies 'concerned, and we hoPe to See 'it meet ' With just condemnation 'at 'the ti(ells. 'We are in possession of 'the names oa the'parties, and eau \ranch for the truth ' df the' aboye. We kiiihy" natliehl• Ste- ' phon whe was offered' one hunciked: tars ferhis Vote and influence.i0ii4ror of Camerae, bat he refused it, , 114THE.111 $.111.4.1LLQ11r. ! Ali a far-fetelie-d arguin;:' „ase , amongst the Gleinetu elemidifadinditee them to xote against Gresiewate the one •now being used is the mod ehellow we -ever hem' of. It is, tliej:i oar' reporter ',in his report of the •ZuHil Fall Show, 'called the Geemaut all sa,uer-kraut. 4;sTow!this iilisealituguage,an unmiti- :gated lie, and Whb'ever makes use of it • fot the above orl'any purpese, are deala ers in falsity.' _Now weIlhould•like tot! „know wile -I've -Sive to do with Mr; Greerriva,y or":111r.: GreeteWai`eitli us. The artifice ie tgc(rt'he °tittle Of E•gyOritill dig ,A1,3•alinosi scion" as iee ineeption. Our reportec -make' neb of the word. sa,uer-krautin the' artitile 'spoken of, but in conneopien "with no nationalities whetever. Ile, 'probably would not have done se, but owing to the spirit of jocularity in which! the introduction. was eVtitten, to carry a point...•Ialiowever,',"4 liai=e •offended.anY by the simple its6 'of' the •ahird', hunibly arblogize, itie our "eildettiorato befriend all and 'offend ,aaneee the.contrary, by readhig the 'whole of said. report, it will be•seen that 'lleuse of German nationality re6eiv(ii en. LcoMiums- 'for their display bf thins 'which werehighly merited. oet ef the laarlildl man's ettp, /nal env - r hoe the readers of the ',Linea with fl deliberate map of the prOposed neW ceUnty aud its pr000eed county WWII, You will pleaee observe the eetistic de- sign in the engraving ; eafoi the eounty town, we hay° to apologize, the ertiet eaye he thialos it's all right -awe repro - tient thern. they will most assaredly be --a owl to re If Perkhill is te lee made into a soan. ty towne Strediroy will be another, Londou another--lael Middlesex will get a fa:triad eating ep. Poor Hueon ; your tate° gene, if St. alereas milt, tote the tiowerlo manipulate as she Pleases, the toeenships of whiell you ere 'Would it not be well foe thei neuticipalitios ieterested to get up te FtlitG01'71`E..r. • . aee ceware, 'peen a slight know - _ledge elf derniiited nature, that avcialee 'and greediness are elemeutary coustith- exits of many men -those of weakened and depraved intellect. Being a prope erty of train-it:will possibly create a ind- laria bedita eontelnapnaelinfittfhiseaffe'ct a part=liteget theapedne •enuelity./c_Even though the geildiateleo-t iion. now bolding full'aelva? eliorild. en- 'gidse tiagreat de4'ofialit 'Atention; it is -the great Wheel, 'and eihe brakes -ar? moving, the lessbi'Sdieele still con- theee in uninterrupted playealthiyfule; 'nese, we might sae,. In .the month oft 'December last, at the time the petrified potition to :tot ftS a counterpoise to flail' ina.tor, for if left itIone, and onte)' enq story' heard, it uuty thin out more Clin,di ous them anticipated. " 44(1 forever, the 014111[40 WO saw brealc. Like geaven's first dawn. o'er the sleep seg I.' • When they, from the slumber of ages awaking 1, ,Looked mnverd, .and .blessed. the more thotmlii: ere it fled." . Jaaafloffa. — ' Ur: Blake says the amphibious rail- • d way! --otherwise Pacitie4IS to be built by Veuese .litbor. The liele Goveru- meat said they would ,'erepTey ao ueSe on the uow raileoad, tht‘t- it should he built With Europealike'Who weld ileak it a point' ,eo settleeloaq the eoute"; eful that th, vend was fee. the gainieg ef the trade likeeetlie Pitai fic, These were 'two of th.'6 objeets2iii view. But with le chane 4 Govern, ment abentisea change' of Phrrose steatl'offe'talitaliau rdd flaaadein, terattoe, We'lleave ;dee eatiefied with oneWeale at'huadee,;43eY,,t9,1'iirt 9:itereet and Oh koin Feet Lyarry 'VerViiiiitch like eineideg. :canipan: tereitoey, ien't e• 'And' e1148,1is c6olo, ping the country': 'It is a' nice Wily eo settle the cotenlOy the impOrffetion of john Chinantie construcAhatevor pateheitort0e• fierinaphiedWreilway are tolite Vd‘ laileVtha Ce- iestiajtas a hatred to settg4 m a for- eign clime, and. glad •dsh` areof it, too. Hoef different ec•r'itlitthe Europe4i emi- ereiee ! His object *on arritinAn our *genies ie ,b,61'ott$ our midst and ratio hinatelf uPto endependineSe and no matter frbiai what pal lie•May his °heed is the same, andlii, e fewi years he is much a Canadian as any of us. This is the class of mem tho late GoVernment PM:posed shouldebejed the Mad, and the elites the present Govern- &mit says shall :not baild it. Is it for the benefit of the country that this Change is made'? Not by any &eons. it is for the beeefil, readers, ea rinie" eing ofland-johbers-for the'benea 'fit of the Notthorntrecifie Ittrelwai-not for your benefit. Marini= Word's. It is now with you, eleettere of South Hur- an, whether or nbt( yOn sustain a Gov- eernmeat that is departing from a honee principle -bee utilizing Chinese lebor itableeedjudgmeat, that the brilliant. idow. ,pf dissolution never entered, the hrai:li of '.1\faeltenviie Cleo. Drown ontorea the Seeete, awl ere hey° yet to 11.0#4' a denial of that eseertion, It eau- itot ileitied with treat. If dieeelli- tioa eves inteedetl, it 211110t ha Very eteange that they should alloW 'Wee, in West Toronto, 111cfstrac, in Antigen - isle laid every Welaber, of the Cabling to go to the ladle, if it. eyes ItnoWit that they We.1'0 to be eout bitelefoie reeOlootion withia (de. weekee 'Why did ehey pet distiolve the House wheit they took the reels of eewer ? TheY eeeree .04 0614" dent of a majority 'the Iloutie that, they inaagined thenetailves sere enough to go on with iltegdVeraineut (eveb`vith the corrupt Atreairliz:geren. ft, i)ir only when they toa oiiit that they'sle' not possess thecon9dence of the `goufid that 'they think of disselutioe, ' " Next he saye : "'flea coliootiou :io ivory vial, suite ell theAllaRed, bu t ttalAl *N.41104000 of tho Not, IL mouidlit's,re4 ilootiou ao fo the itotouudluit,otitte of ,.polltioul morality Ileveloped by the Pacific; Scaudaiopresti- patiou, win, I thiii1c, ;cot chic+ everv , rdasonable and thinking AphliviiiA }las at bomb the -virtue of his country, f)hnt iMircouroo.waii °poll tot,: 0 Gov - eminent, but tq.). 40.111Q01110W to ilia: houel ,,plectorg (.1mitulti. You pan'O.expect it pure .St*V.11 oval 1).4 in)Pliro teUrco--ao more (atm you :aitiNictpure and honest himoiation from a parimaiout elected, by the gr000ect acts of corrtiptiou, and Whe most outrageous violation of law au& therustitation," The objeeteou is very Plausible on the surface, and mime after " calm roteb.' speot of the past " takeu ; but ittio162• groltered by Arr. Cameron is 4ibt'" vorYt 011Yasililepn the' earfaco" nor after 44a .calla retrospect of die past." eElec- tors, jeg inuegice dinan who, it is al- legedaapent $15,000 in debauching the pooped at the yet election,' attempting eo OltY the roMif a political moralist, autrthenteheg Make''eleti people be- lies,ted oho of :ehe perest and 'Meet SfelAttifietl of politidians.• ' -"Alta ',such cant "and hypoeill',4•Y'its' that 'etio411-hr , . I 'thlabove qaetalioi, we chit` etegilY 'gine the pet...sen'iSh tlielPlit hoof re - *eying sin. That politioatanorelttrin the House was at a very 1, ItOtv ebbein- deed, Mr. Cannettn has the leery beet of retest:Ms to knOW, aed we egannielhat eieealts on that ,point aerVinritateiely an9(-Teem a thorough coechizanaO of taets. Yetecitift'expeet a pure Strewn fii'dni, impuie source•a-adatiAn can your eireOtalnie tend honed l'Ogislation elected bY"the gros- teat gated corruption and beethe most Outeil'geouse yiolations 'of liild'and the ennseitattenefi ' So '"Say(g Mr.' Cameron, ‘11,end. 'lloe'L quite %rte.:" with him. And all. C. has good eeeseop foreltliowing that Be, a Member or the late Hauge, was. elected by the gidaaeet -acts of•borrup- thin; Mid by the most Oultageous Viola- tion alum ana the.`4onstitutieu.''''.)Ve wo4i, now, how our Lae represe tive Call have the brazen effrontery to offer the " independent electoke 'of Sotith. Huron" (as he calls then's', mild we elirnestly hOpe they will prove Wein- selvhi independent) such a docuniett ; we' Woedar he dares to face the debtors of a coitetituency which he hes pelluted ia the goastruction of this road. Isi and dragged through the aem•V depths .. this reliteYa continual one ? Well, 'Mee, . • — 'ef corrtiption-a, coeetitheriey whiell he it is Ace ' It is merely a summer affai, ., --a five mottles iee the year road. Now: gained the honoi (?) of. representiiik by ... s shall welave-a leleitOeghitine of railway' ''" the geessest ac ts or corruption and bv on CantAien 6'94 'Oita will be a direete i channel 1tti the conimeeeiel ports .6f (Asia from Mit very' centre. or utilize part of aur soil to drive -that trade to American waitkete ? The Matter is 'in your ownballk" NOW think et well. Never mind the'soft 'blaiiiithinehts be, the most oatrageous violation of law and the conNtution-by means at once 'also fieest fetil awl diereputable. 'tree that perittintimt Should be plod of those those members "elected lit, the grossest corruption" --they shotild stewed by flatteringlIqigelas• This .notagain be permitted to haae a voice is a dmatter of vast itheyeitatiee.'J Be e he legislation of dur eoupeteaefoi Yol.fn UWIN- Junaii AND Juitr. Aretve ffity; better ,by 'having British Coltimbia in 41 you itan't expect a pureltee'din• frbm the Confederacy ? Certainly a.e.liat no' an einipureesource," Mk' Canteren One Clouted': Will we have it l',clieg`after lee% thee cieerly pointiegeone'the breakineirdeeith with her iii Manner (...Vurse that sled: el- be Puiateitt'ty. the- lepoliear,ollaby these railwaY jobbeeelej electors ; and's,/ -hope they eellt follow Nb'ealed 4imply a fool if she consentja and' her tiseri interests ate heiee'etwilitch- the path real (lean by thee geatleman ed by heaaelf. What's in a tale ?ir,Not ead recoritiheir votes foe' NIL Green - much, flothetimes but there'e aigood d'ay and pelltical honesty. ' Hamittentilla few days eg5, viz., tt --IL ',I:immoral. sells° of the country having been deal tile- Che' one the Preneier to a itit Again he Isl"ityise a • withillfifteen nines of thdelow proposed thus outraged, it pecomeg the cluty of the Govern- Vailke4Winte, he owned 11.6quantity'(•O'f eteetteo aye, tee people an opportunity of truf r upunoing at the pcms upou these flagrant acts. . 10.11(1. Sik. M. C. Crenated, etippbets • (Jen ttnythine• be plainer than that ? an • •sp,ye • he will. suppoilethe preseht By nsing such language Mr. Cameron •evideatly invitee defeat ; for if the peo- ple must pronounee upon corruptiuu the Polls, either the course pursued by lefr. Cameron at his last °location must be approved or disapproved. "And he invites the eleetore to " pronounce upon these flagrant acts;" --such as wore cemmitted in his behalf, ! • In the seventh paragraph Mr. Came- ron says : • -ram prepared to sustain them" (the ,Govern- ment)"iu elevating the standard of public moral- iby and in conducting tbp,,aifairsof tue coim try 00 itoneot aud eyinounord ormciples." If, as he says, a pure stream cannot bo eepectedefrom an iMpure source, you canliet axpect pure atud honestle- gislatiten fickle -meta 'who( are the coin - palliate of letter thieves andithe paeromi. of nide who stole•Sir john Macdonald's private papers.: >Neither ean yeti ex - vete pure .and horieSt legiSlation from men who are elected by the base use of money. 's We think it would have been wiser in Mr. Camerott had he not issued an tale dress at allathari to have deseeeded ta euch moekery' 'and gliding, hyPoerisy. 'What a sad spectacle he Will' enalte of himself', if he goes through the .014g uttering suet' trash la s•,his -epeeeliett, We hope ;OW decides ef• South .11teroare-a tiding Mr. Cameron debattehed polluled with corruptioen iri tneie Might and shoW Mr. .Catneeerethae'eheyaie possess ihdepen- dence--end h 1by 114eereling their 'Votes foe Graeriaraya that thb‘. late Househ.iceded 'purging of the cirupt element, ••'Le , CANNOT DE PlalVDN.-We fol. lowinallibin en Ablawge ner present candatate himeg memo the liptcli vote, he tufty on ot it bilial,,,,Ier'thek hoe had looney, and their natures are,Such that nothing but Molloy wil1fdinoAleui from their de. graded how& to the booth." 1.);, , ' The hum who would utter stieh 8036- e ments. (Moils me people of natio'. that ream annati4 the firet PoWers Of the World, must, eithier be a ktiVe or a fepl. Probably he hae nester eoeii a GOrrilitil. ft he hasn't, let hint entice to this see - deli and We Will E4hOW him Germans who t4r0 amortg bee mod worthy set, del% ; they oettipy positions or honer and trust in the towhships, wed are not to be bought with mehey-havingprin- eiplee ea straightforward, and oftentimes' inoro so, ea an Irishman, a Sentehnien, • S a firs " • , e • • town of t. M s t clam to bei (e eeenment in this baresfaded act. ft erecta to a county town, welthei not is 'for enhancing the Ya.luelq :the' pror- the slighteet idett thitt en'the weairbf 'erfy of this ring Vett •tpeeeriettdbes being bueleez-not for the ,aeeiage'eef the Coun- was anothter of thoseigitith-houndklhat . • , . try • et lerge. These ate 'facts, stern was seeking a hke distinction. Now we 'fillet' Why notIbkitil a eallevay- of theie searcele deem the matter spoken of by oWle•'? •eitiat no ;•eellen the country wile •either„ of these would-be towns (for nei- but4l fok themaathey are not so fool - tiler of them, strictly speakingetre tha t 4.Nomw " ..gosomm yet) es a fit subject for dispute. But Ar.R. C.4.11111.110.41,S AD fillESS. :we mere-'ly sa,y slew eyords aneeet it in' a • • this issue to show the parsiniony' to be Me. M. C,• Cameron has issued an used by Parkhill of swamp notoriety addle:sale the 44 independent electors of " 1 • I and St. Mary s, of 01111410e fame. Bet. Son neon, an( a very nice, 'arm - ewe even than e..e,„,,e, eee.e, „wee ennocent little document it is. . 1 'was the Parkhill G-imette Of last 1,4ek. helP being amused at the picture he shows us of the immorality It contained an artiele for thetermation -of a new county, and, in face/Aipethrs of the late Parliament, and yet feel dis- gusted and iedignant at the presurap 'to be them:eau of some clique to tarry et nye thereee tie don of the man in putting such a hear out cinch a scheme. of hypocrisy before an enlighe$Ued and 'opposition to it of any eceouniPliceell, cultivated people ; and how he can by 'noes, do tell us what is meant by oppo- any possibility expect to Mid 'an'aledor sition ! Wheu the whole of Middlesex, in the riding so verdant gs to agreeWithi "with the exception of Parkhill, and all .. him, is more then we edle; tell. Hoe*. , you 01 Huron are aeainst it, what do u , w y re er to ver that may be IA 'ell f that ? le not that opposition ? ' hot \lie appeal to the 1111108 for an ati'swer. Soule of its principal 'and most objec. In the lirst place 1" Everyone," it says, i5 favorable to tterlahle featnr'41 e lie lays : ' ' .f the eeheine, as, indeed, it would be oidoctions have been made to the cOurse the dill f thein to be otherwise lateens Govertonimil haklub,'Elmodht it ad:glibly) in in the tem ef fllete and figures." Now, elite te ;tree te Pet '04ff 61,..ject, that tile (4overinnertbsiteuhlL‘loPr7(iit O 800 the mail or ineie who itre f tvor vorl c ' ' the lute r ,f ) t es_ p.p,k141u1,1,11e Dior - men now, flpltisi ion, alit wb,,edu thell apo paths., • thete'e too much, • We have yet meta suieee lea the present 10(0 f it- par talent, should have initiated t 1,e et vri• ero ti o) • ihte tO. a sohenie which: for e lifetime f/r;',1/41:allregei..:4',41t;','"ec.7eTtli';''egic>lie.t.lig'1.1,s'iliititio"';' l• .. ..,,, ., „ , A ,iii ,i.e... -. 7, , anti Atha y'falled Ap ffitti.lifildtei'efiy ti() Acing,- then ' aceps tame teams 1. ,tn ir money-oags, see:came. to see eieetoeal reeve . er : . toe to See 4ietf. w . O. ar0 Wilimg.tei ray ' We helve if ' to .otii, readees if those ' 166,090 for the put•pose.of.gratifying “ geetlemen '. iii, ' opposition". did eot ' tell, Morbid- :feelingte . ae those of elle 'take' it peej/e:;' t:ieW,. Of, tile, present State 1 it)tradio,, twit. Bet thee, lege eaea,, the Of ittlataa mid WIOlie,-O: thTy-licive' 114' a . 4011.tiOri3 'Ot.'kliitt ,101.1rildl illiSSCA ft ."111,170' gO,Oil argtliliplit' ill belegiag tbewitelt the ate' -one.fer deli, as lookers after plea that the Government. •shotild.'thave el:, ,,,ees 0, be plerteede4 Met the Howie itild S0011 WilOth61.' they glit , levee stiec ved if „,,yotilisa psssessed its cerifideilee, befokeilistiOlit eee;!:%;;ti itte a0,rditttiL ' . this pub.- tiOni 1.311t, say they,,eetteeeee eetteeeee eeetee (le etliploye 'a bitmitekitig mit) and his. Cabinet had . been ever - °Nit e*itt ibr that, blundering t.„",3.".4.,sn'a b•it,olie would last week I tilinstrated with ft tilitp of the tity,,,, A. , blundering lieginiting hi' . nit Snell 'will to ,.,,By reference to tti 'Il be' MOD that Oar 04 'ttilteittli6 katlie'i. 11, theewn, To that 'argument. we stly the Cfnecientient woad Mimi then heve hg;a the privilege of appealing to the country, Ihit then again, if they were afraid Of being drivenliont power", why did th9y SO beitstingly assert that they had a good working 'majority it is oat! 0 ofy peksoi Whe .Wa 3 to give 4 ) e TgE ,a a pleaeant tilne ou '-rieeeday :Yelling Kincardine Mechanics' Institute Ina leet, Ainateore-local alit( feeeign- ao the Editor of tho TIALLEi. I) , ...., — ii : i . , . ,, , eekaer, e peeeenteaud rendered geod 091°Viee, ,,,EA11. -111,-r- V 48 11S.,01116111ng /101K ,Alex• Mainline,' felt fro tl.” . f eliort is tile memory of some mane awl lionee, !it leeellele etiene ,rf, a '41°1,4° '41 With, Wilat 000rteay they Wili nieOt''y011 lateatlied no 40)..0 -77P.a I 71`,4.44e4n1a13(1. 011501110 00easion$, and,1401'01/4101diar4 0 . yout."freech'iscris loolced for. Year re- ielitQtet-Aetin'atI.:1;0enteie4nviettainlAt443,1 ye' iln'iti11-)e21),rt ,,,,e'ytee leiigeirot:yi itbs vitetel'.er ' iNnoewntiosiiire,(11,ts eia4,,ci' ttytolltoir. 1,14e.u,,,v,:ilsitahhies,u'o' tlitoghlitaoczli t, e5v.nors Illinuiliedra ()bay Client ea: )01 weiyeeet001..,ffreiiigNsio,e4nils(t,isat)r:layntitt ci.ti t.i. t, ,e4elitosunteere with'llieu." 1Prtl'' eel4T'Tall 'fallim...., inioi le ' Ah -'1` i • r 1111n4d)97P4:ftlteri4etelittedi'Ciil.gi°it°, °If w'AePulat'3aielltIt5i12; w°Qa'nea'r-el "k114utbliw--ilz:e '''s3"14"eV`Vwl'iltg/iLi'1123 befotohleimeettlueeTtole: ,lfeotr latilarbietjrish. or net, years pia' and /eaves •a 'wife ' ail 611° , , eeeing th'et, child to mourn hie' resit '''" " '" ' thet„the leading eerie pepee in the Dem_ witi:el.eutQuanuneiitatueigloTehadolitilatnsi'13,theeve2r6lyth, iiwilti,o, inioh, and the leading organ -of the pgnevi.,.tebruhn'ttesttteeth!daete'?ielri th°e4zumleren sap' Isitau.tdia0•111!:17t41:1011a.u%itt'ktYtaiidnitilailetylie4611- h . ,/. i.., . , The" fir'st'*ine'b'it'g''' of the Csiltin. ty 0 In its very nature, the ,Papacy is o uttOelY isonaosed tO ci4iPlih'erty. It GondligiLlehw,illoibie'11111.1°104(idTvlitehCe°271irtth - Itee' elainis ' to bill(' all men In the niost wheieelle Warden will be °looted."' - 1 debeeting` thraldoin as well 1iii ii .1 lle el .. 40eeee, I tge eialtiene 'Renee, as inetlOnally. It forbids iit.431 to en- eae, ;eh had A loouppo.. of mho trees ..,.. „ r . . Vic Ila x , rt. , 0- . I a - . quittel end form, opinions feeedhimself: 1 :1;da-i-iii.---' L Ti,,,,,.,,,,,st tlibiics foe him-solifee1wItat ! " - ' g' a few (19'..6 eg8. ' We "ItUr 00 oeeasions like the ereeeateeeeteen en" WololeY eenunander-in-ehief of is 4104 4,,,,ho is wrong , wonv the late 'wields wooed niP1 liem (1144 to obey. The priest' sters be' :1!' th',1)11(1." " t" NVVat's the !natter with, the Kincar- twoon tdien and higNalter-assunies4J 14 -le- hasn't spealtrfor Gent absotetely and infallihly (rinT.po intt-tridual ? _eedipere the meek() kneel before him "Mbeted lieporter' for two weeki. ,Wake and 'lay bare to his inmost, soul nelw t„,hey ,s,,t1"°!ie're aeleeP" "7°u and theedupon coittlenins or pardons in ntiow '4°N•rdtte fuj'qgt e•''`a • the naidei 'of the' Almighty. It robs 1' On the 11411'1'4' Ite Mr• Hmsitine counsel for the prose:4400n in the' tieth- man abf" nehlest priailege-direct commewietedon"With Gocl; it debases ebYeentl eeeeset'her eseelmetheiveintreg4tei'anh: hhie to :ehe Veryleeel of 1.)agapieen. Can but he was reseued-ley the peolice. a milii'lbev'trtOlifree who led:Heves his temeete in tine worm one me twee_ Mr. BOSS Itobindeee• one 'Of rthe naost successful business men of Iailleaedine tion the Meit Wee dependent upon started for Florida tile otb.er claY the fiat ' of ea 'Miserable Woriut of the duet. Hee himself ? '14'1What a frightful hPiesezweasheisntheeratlatillii•ea R4tett'1014'641,,iilicist;il•-etPbtuyitilriee weapon of tyranny ,theedonfesaienal is ! ntPcilistsyinags etkrhdDi;'t4 !'tthii?er itiltljettiun Pe°Plc of Educardine. '.'''Speeele tease, h att 1 tl d ' ',erect buildings suitable for renting ur- vri:leuemosf.._311.10iunrdsoaotgiNuleullneeic"4. ti041 to9 late for this issie. Tnnonas.-1,110 trustees of Exeter $01f001 invite tenders for the er,ection Oi Iteii'( 'school house, See poutOs. Nonnyvilou.:-Ltlie taltee --: e .--- vlace at Vernis ou Monday next. Nee - tion dh,MondaY•following. 1(194.1aurierr4.--TnEx0er Fin,e0 the 1st *di July, 18, there Anrie,,Ween 22 r.aarrisigea; and deaths,' 4. ' PE11801,lia.--Afr. A. Bishop %.,P. B, Saturday 40,ttlitfit, lobles hearty after hie 4,,JOVin at t• the 'OalOal. Beis.-'-'9n Tuesday night the rain des- cended:tn torreiits, placing the roads in a very8 ppery ()metal= on Wednes- day.' " Violins and Concertinas at all prices' at Nelles'. THE' Cbusurritr.-Very favorable ael ports Te4VIC us from Mr. Greenway's Central 'Committee, and, his election irti mew certain, Sena, RUSH. ---With unabated rush, the teams pass and re-pase, laden with lumleer and brick. Query -Where is it all going ? Ileina6s.-The Bishop of Huron wilt(1). V.) preach ia Christ's Church Exeter next 'Timidity' evening, the 25th inet; et 7 o'clock p. m. Pocket ',Diaries, for 1874 at Nelles 'Binee.-,--` We hope our capitalists will pelt their shoulder to the wheel, and t t it • tete 1"1( +dm o Mr. E. G. Hart, late editor of the bbses, And th.us 1 P !, e, 0 re lepep c own the cry for r c more house -room. • R. C. OKURCH.-By reference to advt. in another coluinn it will be seen that the new R. C, Church, McCeillivraY, be opened fot-Aerviceort the 1st Vebruady next. • 'Tear SALE. ereVlie Broderick has an annual sale eigfi.ly 'winter for‘tliiis pur- • . pose of otehAag Off 'big "stock, and replen- ishing new.'''''His sae Oentinues on Saturti4 evening': • • t' ' ' Brampton Progress was given a oonie who goes lioaestly to ,the'eenfeseional, plimentary supper 1')e, some of the pine but must become to e greater ,me less cipal citizens of Brampton, on the On degree inerally subseii•kietit Ito ' }him. of his departure from that place, AM Need we Wonder at thelielitical pOwer on 'the fellowing day thecae° ehapletresti, oxereisedby the priestsi'even in 'Upper presented him with an address. Canceller?", iBut the Paaacy does mere: Ladies, as a general rule, are to be thaie this. - It chtimseniiversal domin- found on the side of eighteen(' so it ion,1--t4thperal as well ite epiritual-L r 6ve i happens, in Kingston. The young the 41.ticitis 'of the worltil It elates te depoebt ldn 's and regulate kingdoins ; leaedie,e, ein an aeadan-V there' had a vote absolktte•I St bmissiou fritin all Men. f• It ,.,. tn subject of the Scandal, in the absence of their teachers,, and.all but sa,ysr'God?aaveitethis power ; aml h. id no Nbittinlatholib wholioniesitt;,,,a,..,,,, .three wore found in favor of Canada's great statesmae, John A. McDonald. . NO4',;•Sir, I wald liee•adviseretaliat- . me St. Thomas Voles says on Sat - ion mi, the part of !any patholic„hiVa 'telt urdity while the train was going to them be very careful h°W they l''°'°) ati'd- Loedone and while still near St. Tho - not lie persuaded into yetmg for -11106e/ lams; .a man by the name of Patrick men that Come to us on'occasio4Ilikea el/az), an employee of the road, was the present, and when they obtain w,hati ..•60eitiptalb, run over, the train beushing they waut -- our vote's .--itrePay use.Weeth' Of his arms: V was snowing very by the publishing of articles like ill •harilYard,it.is suppbsed the snow dam. above, which I hope you will publish. zleddiU(eSia 7Vatrinifortunatolnan is Hoping I have not trespassed on youri doinw well undertha cirownstanies. space, I remain one of those that have. lir.Witzgeiald, Fishery Inspector at faith in our clergy. ' Margaret's Bay, report, that the fishing A. Camerae Eeeereea. ! 'telisoie in that vicanity has,been sue- Offa, Jan. 20, 1874. ' ' I cesefill. A large quantity opmackerel, *--.•.--4 l's'as taken during the E3ununer, and now both herring and cod abound, It is ' - 'weed os a sinaelar circuOtences that , #146-11'1E ee Tee Paisley Advocate has enlerged. The river can now be Crossed atPees- cott. , They have formed a iiefeau Club in oe Brempton. Kingston, hotel keepers are fined every dey. West Itrawanosh is to have a new cheese faatory. The workmen of Stratford are unan 11110mi/et. Monteith, . • no eiton & Co.'s lace store, Boston, was burned dowe on the 15th inst. Matrimony in Eineardine has settled down teas old level, and remains quiet. The Credit Valley Railway bonus by- law haS" carried in Centre Wellington. An Aylter tannery was destroyed by fire on'Sitturday'last. Losseetes#0. 100,000 beshels of grain &tinged hands at Prescott on Saturday last. Owing to the very open winter, flail- ing on Lake Huron is a poor specula- tion. A. G. T..A.,brakesman had his hand smashed- whiter eoupling ears at Carron - brook. 1 •a•"' '' Kincardine public school elections was it ' dead' affair. No interest was taken. 1 i• Goderich youths are vandelistic (this word's patented,) and girdleeliade trees. Wretched humanity. The Conservatives of the North Bruce held a Convention at Brucefield, kiektid• lid love iont of the house on Sun - °11 NI°ndaY last' ' day night, and 'as the young man A Koppel farmer, named Richard would'nt apply for'aj, weerant she took Ralph, was found dead, in his own bush, it upon herself te d' -O' So; 'being deter- . on the 15th. inst. . mined "to make the old man stiffer," old boxes to young dogs' tale, and theiq her dleatialiection.re l' 'Jae', much to The Wingheen people indulge in tyine The wat'iatit'iwag',:inot isetted, cry " boo." Very moral set. ' The Presbytery et Huron met at that light -to contest North Bruce with can't see it le Seaford', ,m. theerCanada Presbyterian Church, On Tuesday e3th. ,inst, and Ald. Dickey says he Mr. Farrow. Guess he's 'frttid , - . . , , . clesed mieWednesday afternoon. ,The Chicago svhavilleeided to sever ceuriec- •• lr s' b. t 11 elesod was that of . • pr111(.1pa IL JeC C S(..„„ , The effoeleie queen's Association of union of th'e'd`Cehcluarreelia oluSfcitevtolraue;f1.;•u.illi`oh; Presbytery tion wall the Internatioretts. . Theh'eelititmer Cape ilaY, cam by a majority of one. The follOwing as collision with the Isaac Rich e int° the division list :-For Unim :-Minis. . . mi the ters : Rev. Messrs. Goldsm th, Ure, 15th inst., when neaa Rhode Island. Jones Brown McCuiag, GI. cey Mc- , , , Report says the politicians of the Lean, Pritchard and Leask ; aldere-, South Perth post their 'election notices Messrs' Wilson - Strachan 'ardinee on church property, during divine ser- and Agnew' ' •- a * , - -, viee. ters : Rev, Mes'silsAg. Glligtitte'iljnnl,cliwol d4fRinoiess \ a -v .,i "',''', vo% • .s The Ville du Havre sufferers will not Earr • an ei t soft , Elc is -Messi . French, They will appeal to the New rultolie Soott et d' Spence. be indemnified, for any loss from the Carnochinal .e'llter, Kerr, M 1 „„.__...... 4 , • t, 4 10 York Courts. For ' the convenience of th The by-laa• for the Credit Valley iney wish teiltitie Pontiac; bite a •large mineberee Of 'the eaotlfish ,cap- tured recently, ',pave in Cale mouths the wire hbokelese,d Freilich fisher- men on•the•Ba,ules. Ityan, who resides rem Newbo- roa Met with a very eadateeideet Saturday kg: • While eneeketria get- ing out •some timheir .witlet-aneighbor the axe. glitneed and.,octaght Mr. Ryan on the cheekAeveeing; a .piecefrom the cheek bone end cutting pat elniost .the entire cheek... Fears ay. entertained that lock-jaw mey set in.. ' A partyeef 'eentleihen took advantage of the berlidifel Weather',on MOnclay, 12th inst.; 'aredfwetat for a 6,i1 in Wm. Gilpin's yacht; 44 Tihil MOO< .They landed at Father Island, where dinner was . partaken efilliheoped air, The oldest inhabitant ettel catchall event leis' never before oceiefied tu Brockville Beco4liet.'-' - '"" ; • . • -• „‘. j end weignt htteen punces. Woop.:-Those'df our plbs*ibers who wish to pay their saboOritlions eir; twood are requested to do sci-as soen ,as convenient. Vetare just gut andwcitOdi is very d,esilable this weathee. ; Toys of all descriptions at Nellese A WORD. -The TIMES, it new paper recently started in Exeter, Co. Huron,' In, John ,White & Sons, presents a goo•c1.1 appearance and is an excellent local and! family journal.-Netemarket Courier. I i 3.1', New 1 -The Star has found an honest man in Goderioh ; who returns money when he finds it. That's noth- ing. It's such a common oecurionce for to return anything, Imre we don't usu- ally record 'it. °nonce OPENixo.-Our readers will not forget the opening of St. Patrick's (Ppisoopal) Church, Biddulph, which Oa :', takes` ralace onrSunclay and afonday next. ttirlhe Lord Bishop of Huron will be peesent on the occasien. 1 . it 0 tf t tr.' Dey Books, Ledgers, Blotters and all kinds of Bleak Books at Nelles'. , 0 ,:, 14. . BEATEN. -Last week we received froni'Mr.' Mitatigon'Usborne a imam- ( i • • ' La •• ' moth apple-, *Noll wethought hard t ea. ,..). • 1! beat, bet this Weelealx."Ottie of HaY haa '' ihown one' ef ' the al -24.'0 htrariety r., • (twee/ Tonekbeie pOunty) whiili Meta eures thirteen *ha 'in circuinfereia.ce, Mg publishing ine leetures, we refreia giving the one given. on Monday L'Vg, Witp Wo might elate thet the eelatioa Which phrenology beers to religion was sc forcibly 4013014 14, the sub- ,jeet One of latease interest, Totes' of thanks were tendered to the lecturer, and to the chairman. 'Oyer c,4() was ta,I;eni#,Uttile deoL 014; X(' 'T E NVAY CATHOLIC CItUitCH Ar 1VicallAflrliA.Y.--- On •Suatley, let Febr4rty, 18741," The Right Rev, Dr. Virals4, Lord , London, will efliciYee,at the openiag,end dedication of the -hew Catholic claiieh at McGill', ivray...ielusehurellesa,commodious hrich a'p by P:11 Be•ennan, situated near the !,,Leadert reed, be- tweeliAltIxoter and Lieiin. A number , of Pieests and other geaelemen, are ex- peeted;to be present -ea the orgau and choir Are to be preeidecr over by Ipss Macd'onald, Seafortli:' magnificint dhiplay *of the riehest sacred lanai° may bo expected. Tile sermons en the oecaeions will be preitehed by the 'VOA li,ev, Dr.Welsh and Fetter Kilroy .).1). London. The following is from the "pereonal"' colum of the New York Ilerlitd ;- " Allan Donner Movley-You are in Canada, Harry, come back, before all is known. Telegraph to me. Save grey hairs ; save little lips, that cry come back ; save the warm heart, that will break. 011.1 borne back, is a sis- ter's cry. Canadian papers copy, even at old date. -A. W." Clara Fields, a niteteen-year old ac.r1 of Detreit, went before' a justice on day and asked for a warrant for her father, whoni she quieneed of assault and battery.' • seems that her father teilway• wits carried On giaclay last; in and vice, eePiesit;','we 'append Fergus, Elora, Oranges4116 and Hills.' big table of the legal weight berg. • bolyietsitletp1"41baullsglieel;.....of rtl.he articl p. Cainpilell, of Listowell, will run in' th'e Liberal Conservative inter'. W11(!dit ...,... . est in NOrtli Perth, vice Moateitli re- Indi'are ' d Bye sign° . • l'eas • • A S'e lie I'm -idled 'John ''' ' • 48 pltiinde • ! b army • •4 • w ;Os • • me who nshels, follow - I a, Win, s affected e0 peunds 56 pdthals 5(3 ppunds 60 Peemds upon '-, e head , of Donald Clkinl) oats neat, wesi Bay, .0...B., mope 13;i;ttaig 8640 pplteinddss Whis,k0eand fights. ' ()levee sea, • 60 'Jannis The Lei"th, En'gland, Flour Mills Tithothy Seed.- ::•:... 48 peowits were deetroyed by fire on Satnaday last. e. Duck wheat.,:a..,•s'as'' ''"' a 48 poUnds Less, :e,27,poo, dbo hands axe thrown ilex seed.. ' .;;;.,.!.; 60 peewee eat of erti ,loyments" "• Hemp poande • A chrillian WaS being pea."' blue Grase feeble -a 14 peueds reteated thy Mr. Weil, Scott, of .N.,alalet Castor 130a/ie.:ea; 40 le minds itee. The .AdVocate People didn't 111c0 Potatoes, Tereip Carrots, , , oeu set ''. co t opt. arsnipfs, 4 tfl and The Itencl Eatt Neal has jeten Opionti a...." ' 80' ponnas ed with •'itti advt., te draw3akcieWd to , Salt_ pn.,,p0b48 pligilistie'etroolintee, but 'the Weetthed Dried,editaireatee 2a poende editor deelines te, Plihlish f)ried/ Peeeheee 88 aolinds . ..• .1' i ' ,tu! 86 t3b to co utile •,t Winehele'l we find that Ambroisb Lo- To nil th • Ctinti4 11‘tthheal pine, has been admitted tolatil, We the puce ee alwaye thottglit NM, lived in Manitoba. ig tegtare The /1. owmarkst Oeneler. indepon- rice :of cllontly ays that the Oandiclature of divi Dyino , liow that the Warden of th dOttnt las dame Out oppbaition t nly be looked nyas a lin e ono it may be vcoi , irlaort:Er.---We Bre S017 ,Pift,t .01.1r frielietei: Mr Relines -'113.`0:"MiliTie 4111 tindei the eiteOts ef haegiffent'alicli. i fined tO , .11) Some "tgdy,k3 iftg01, lde ea now only'ahle to go 6i. d4ii,fit.T4ni.thi of it elaitch and Callp: " JOLLY. -We weee reading, a few days since, that "Itrhen the ,get drunk they neither quarrel' nee littve delirium tremene, and' iliet the ''‘`rdif,i't " thing they do is t9' idea all le gir s they meet. Wondeiff thet felloee• we meet in a mitter the other evening' was a Laplander. Beeesn.ea•On Tuesday last, Mr. Jas. Pickard,of this town 'and Me.' T. :B. Illartyn, of Serepta, bettered kerns. Mr. dllartyn offered, Mr.' 'Pietated hisi celebrated ram, which has teleen, nettey first priees, for his ram and eiglitid.61- •lars. JV.te. Pickard at once closed the bargaill',"and the rams have ehenged hands. ,I.EMPERANCE LECTURE, -OD Teiesdey evening, Rev. Mr: Rice of Trek& le",e• tared in the B. C. Church to a fair 'au; thence. Subject ,Teinlieranee'.' The loctine.ed gentleman'prueseehieikci,' :the Ob- ject ni almostenteretly now pght, and, kept his audience he' eyript'14•atten tiori flea over an hour. Rbv: Mr. Whit- lobk acted as chairman, The rev gen. tleman is on a collecting tour' 'for the large, 'new and conamodieee " church ie. , , . now •pong &built by the soceety To- ronto, "We are glad to heitr lie is meet- hig'Vfith filleeess. "ViiIii4140E0GY AND RELIGION ".-bn Morittrey'evenhire last. ReVelir''.'• Soffere, of 1;61540, deliVerecl his'leieturo en "P14eildlogy and. Iteligion,(e. in the W. M., 'Cluirch in this town, Mr. Geo of:Elteter,' hi the ehair, Ite'grbite of tbie et:into/leg With Whet lehrencylogy looked eipMe :by many and of ),ts, being looked Ilkn' as, it joke by others. 'When loked'uki'on ik Bei, enceelt is one of those unpeetain things of whieli ituedreary sayi; felloW dau underetend." Theee was, no donbtit 'WAS ilse'ef by many for the.Purpose Of DIOney. TileSe he called eltartati,Ms. tie then spoke* of the vttried "bidniorie the Matter pnrenelogy, and on the dweeent , • . diVisoits trid"sttbdivisions into Whieli ral , .dieddeda, ei leiouldheg kid in affinity to the flit othot, itottliotc:i.ttst t'pe6tioil tith, tli'burnan ere '`q,u4ed as apt ' .4 t.2., J. 1,1,, r The first meeting, of the Council elect for the year 1874 Was held in the COurtroeni Jan 19 1874. Alf the Members subscribed to the declaration of; office. And account "of $16.00 for copy nf asseraent roll for the clerk of Stephen Township was ordered. to be paidon motion of W. H. Verity second- ee by J. Trick. Moved by W. H. Verity seconded by Jas. Pickard that the clerk be appoind, ed to ascertain the nanies of the heats - or families resident in the Village in the year 1871. -Carried. -Moved by W. H. Voritte Seconded by Jas. Pickard. that the Council ad- journ until the call of the Reeve. Adventure with ee delhstitietsed etas -care Last week, Messrs. Hodgson, Oke & Willis purthaded some cattle from Mr. De Que, bonadary line between Tucker - smith and Usborue. On.Saturday last, alr, De Que started to • drive them to Eider. Two ofahe steers, not liking thic;mMode of procedure, quietly but firmly resisted. The buyers were in- ., foitmed, arid recqeested to come up and take diem` 'awaY1 On the evening of the" e.diiie day; they (the buyers) went np the fain, arid sueceeded no better than the farEinar':" Kiope 4as then pro-' cured and fastened ni- the mouth of the raciie obstreperous of the beasts. This eo maddened his aordship thet1h•e beoeme faeious, and he was -allowed to go 'for the night." ,On ehe following morning (Siinday)', the buyeis wete again 'told that they • had better coite up right away and atill the biast, al he witeget- ting furioes. The 'servic6:3 of Mr. Rd - bort Bissett and au Enfield rifle were, secured, and they madefor the seeneef, , the encountei.. • " At 10,itt his auger rolls with fiaohih,g light, And therond steer receives thorn." The bovine scented their- coening from - afar, and with , head depressed and tell erect he made ready for their reception. As soon as they came within ehargina distance, a rush was made` by his high! ness, which would have put to blush; the members of a cavalry corps. In his mad charge a Mr. Bell nearly be- came the victim. pf his wrath. But for the looseneie Of a Brno& which he wOre we might to -day have had to chronicle his death instead Of his escape. The smock was torn from his back and he was tossed about six feet. A retreat:6:e which Bull's Run makes no cenimara' sou, 'was then effected, and. a flank movement made. In the scrimmage, Mr. Biesett 'shot at the beast ten times, and as afterwards wae shown, hit him fear ' Maddened and re -madden- ed. by the'butlets, With increased anger bellakeeddefianeelo his antaaonists„ and bothided over fence and i'eld and throtighalnildi ineo ,the distance: . After' .Nfloaillithatrti-Ps toticldabyYna" Osr6e4iTne; i°tav oe r - thee attempt, at cepture was made by Messrs, Thomas laiesett end Jas. How- ard. He was discovered in the bush, and evinced feelinge'as full of ahimosi- ty as 'on the •day 'previous:. Ile' was now really' dangerous to the ,eotomuni- ty. After considerableananceerering was at hest got eat info the bp'en, and the heaters then proceeded, prairie -like, to slaylheir victini.- Mr. Bissett *as, howevela forcedlo the retreatof a tree, while . IlOward. all but escaped a chase by ihe tinady eliot of Mr. Bis- sett, which luckily ended all danger. The bead was brought to 'Exeter the seme' 'day, and when 'weighed Was found ta go over 1,200 pounds. • 111 NAR4OW Et/0API; kt34741 &doter on. Saturday morulag teat, r/ ateri.y Brewn's shop at Winehelsea w°blis:rwvea's1 Y00: elQsrpot to, bbr4ok0enin4trhe'e Ile gave the alarm: to Mr, GOQ, 1)0Well, WifideWS, and WaS (101U; litilleat to eubdue the tlaMee, Mr. BroWei and Mr, Godbolt, who were scon presoak, 40:arsielasstaceil.'a:SrltnedeySitohiunc::r;41m,4Year; ?f3y:211,6) 7act u:au- ed. NO1 serious dannige 1Y4f3 4011e. $117,61,111:10::011:0s,tlli4s 1a,,s friends iu this part are worithiefiard, 'and' vi.etory is sure. The people" bete RV' Cameron. end his money maPte- mein at home, ;,11t.LA.INS1114.11.10. L.O.L.-The mutual meeting, of the 1141°Irayi's,OrwaensgelteDidisitire:ic.ttheLOodl•gati%eoflIaSilt: Mitchell Road, Blanshard, on the 18th inst. There was tt good attendance ; every Lodge in the Distribt, (8) was well represented. " 'After '''rattine busitmes, tahuely,finollsotanat fclothr teersteelielbelle'lle,yeet:r": and W. "13ro. Reuben Switzer', De.M. 0 Aaron Sawyee, 0 Samuel FordaD. ° Thos. Hollingshead„D, Ti " Samuel Ryan, ' " Audrew Shand,'" D. Ca a.. Andrew 1.3. P, 71; .1 ,:t. frisron Pi.esbytery.. „." The presbytery met in. 'Settforth, Jan. 13 end 14. Theeewas a large at- tenclanbe 6f rilinistelikaliel aldeas.. ' • : Mr. Young reee eleeted' Moderator t:or the ensuing six rOuths. • ' 'Rey lVieSsW. Roger, 'McDiarraid and ',Mitchell being presettaivere invited to sit' as eerrespondireed neembere. 'The PresbyeehT fellie year was Made Up. ' 'The following pro elle Cemenissioners apPointed tp the.frett4Ge4erhl'Aieliably: l\finisters-MeOsr Bream, Grant, Fletelide,••Ileetley,.end Fe:4;11s- sohi. EldersLaltilessis: 'alatlieson, -Spence, Gardnee, :A.gnew, Scott, Wilson end" Strachen, ' "Mr. Thempson, Student, reed Pop- ulatediscomeio Belled oa- egefieal exercise 10-14, whichweia coedially sustaitiede On behalf of theeConanittee appoint- ed t,9 Consider the financial rettirne Of tbe 'pest year,. aleeOrite&yeeed e report, setting forth the average 'conteibetimis pdt family and pei member for all pur- poses, &c. While the , report showed grilifyieg eesalte' regeed te alleh eon' tellittlione, on the whole, it was resolved t'O take stops te'endeaVor to induce. the pbople to increase their contributions, and to deal with these eongregations Whieli failed in their liberality, the baiiia Of' blicOn was taken up and te.olig- and atimated disceseien (Melted, A neajOrity deditled.in favor of the basis, Its it is sent '(IOWIIL by the Assembly, The remit' an &reign Was tii8- approved of. ltev.Thomas Mellierson, of Strat, ford, WitS nominated ftS tile DeXt, Moder',! eta of the Askienibly.----ViTesiter: the, people along this lino of the W„ G, 13. B. eNreOt tea' lieve the "1;00 1' ned immix ifttely, leilifelt Wier, Aemoulecemeha-At the annual meet - ing'of the Blansherd 'Agricultural Se- ciety, held 'here the the 10thleet„ the following officera -were 'electeVfor the enteeeng .year eae-President, 'W. Iger. Vice -President, P. Kerr. Db.!' rf3 John " McCurdy, , John 1-Ienry, Johil Stepheree R. Switzer, A. Duncan, John Sutdierlitiid, W. Hazelwood, Geo. Spear - in, and Captain Brotb.oure-LCom. EDUCATIONAL INTELLIGENCE. -Mr. Inspector Alexander visited the Kirk - ton School oa: the' 9th inst., and in. structed the "trustees to diyide the schoolroora and 'employ an assistant teacher immediately -Com. - Luca.r.' (Prom our own Correspondent. WEISEEY efot between some of our villagers and l'neenber •nI people from Biddulph who ha Lepent the day in laying in 'a steak of wliiskeY took place on Main St. last Satuerday evening. The result was ti few cracked b.eads, ' • - Laces; Cooteon..-The first Meeting of the newly appointed Couneil 'took place in Currie's soheol house,e,cm Monday January 19, 1874, at 11 b'elock 'se Ill. .All the members having_ aubscribed the usual declaration of Oeflice and quali- licatiou before the clerk took the chaii. Tete oleak laid on the table the poll book- showing the result ef the recent Municipal election which was approved by the Colwell. ' ' The clerlein 'accordance with ehe re- quireneente of the'umnicipal Act reed the bond& the'etreaelireie Of the 1.11.11Di- which -was appedvetl by the Clouted.' Moved, by V:Poile seconded Rbbt McLean. that the :tithe foil col, lector to. melte his' rettirna kto thenrea- aurer be extendad Vci Monday, tlieleddf- l'ebruarynexte-a-Carried. "The Ceameil then, adjourned to meet ta Berne ttaee firse Monday in February'''rext at 7 o'clock p.•111. M&RIEBT.b.--There is little change to make dueeeg,the pest week ; compeeition ainongst hu3iers is atlive and all articles of produce find ready sale. ' A Conversazione waS held in the bagement. of the St. 'James' church on the evening', of Tuesday lath 'bast! Pi•ovisionse which were , , . supelied in tete usuel'peofuse style Satisfyeeta etee'e highly ore iginal phrase, the nedst festidioui. Readings weed, givela by Di. #ooclgate, Dr. Sutton andeelia' Mackliel'while the musical quota was' contribneed by the Marrin Brothers t'of Pit/11421, 'Mesers Robson, Potter and ',G-fso' ilinan, and: , Matheson, and the Missee Thewhendand 'johnston. A unique feature. In the en- tertainment was the sale of a Mane - moth mike which was eel into one. dredpitets, each was sold at 25 cents. „A valuable gold ring' was put in ene of the parts ; fivo young ladies, were ap- pointed to sell the tickets, which wai a task of easy accomplishment, and was SOOD peeformed; the.prize was drawn by Mrs. Sutton. The evening's prodeed- ings were terminated by the audience singing the National anthem. ' ReNewee.---A team ef horse attach; ed• to a- wagon and owned ter Mr. 'Dagg ran away in this v ge last IvIonclay evening. They ran ,aa st the eign-post of ,tho Queen's Te otel and bi.olco it down, fortunately o more darasee vats done. . • , "Sureine.-On Monday morm elast, Mr. Robert Scilly, an aged mau, ing about a mile West of Luean, compel (Nee suicid.e by: hawing himself. IlaVing went bite the ho took a roitee and got up en a beam where he fasten - od one -eied gelled . the beam and the other atoend his neck. Then threw himeelfeff, end death soon en- sued. e Califfe ii0t known. ea-ee-e Chicago Trorhingmen.. A large meeting 6£ workingmen wit held :it Chicaeo on the 12th inst. motion foO orelanizing the ,workingmen's paxty was adopted,. together with a platforin; of which the following aro pow , Nb more legisiatioa foe monopoli the` 'repoel Of thdeting'Ittwe thite favor monopolies"; ,all ways •and maws of transportation 'and e01nuninieationi Such. •railroade," ectintis end telegra- phs, to be Managed -Iva operated by the' State or ethane:Laity ; State and to% tabr li 1 id controlled pis e e es is et a savieg banks end fire' iuduraace com- bs? the State ; 'the r4leal of ` the con- tract system so fee ea relates to pub - lie works ; the amendment" of the laws, kelative to the reeeVery of wageta sttits juetice to bb inipertially and Speedily admirtisterod; al suite for the recovery of wages to be °decided within sight days; the abelition of leasing, prison. labor t6 companies or Mali/I:. duo is prisoners to be employedhy.said ni,behalf of the StNte only empti,lso.rY odeteatioh of all 'children between the ages of seven and foto:teal year,,S; ,the purchase Of childrbu'a labor, 'older fourteen years .of age, to be prohibitea Aired, yap/lent of 'ell patio officer% , and the abolition of all fees ; officer who violate official duties to have the' ot°0:469,8b‘ty: el)01°caet. 610 aociation. *•' •