HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1992-03-04, Page 2222 , TNne8-Adwidate, March 4, 1992 0111 • 411dMc - LAUZON • Nam and Leri Lynn (>Mswan) and big dater Katsina are phage M an wawa ohs oafe arrival of Clrlflnlsa'llrye on 1rbrvary 26, 1992 at St. !drys Senegal Hospital, '1 ins, weighing 7 lbs., 15 oat. Proud grandparents arc John and Pane Stewart, Exeter and Leo and Hattie Leaman, "'Mullins. TOa McEWEN - Rebecca u exda.d Wmmlene t the safe arrival of her lade sissor Mastaa Elisabeth, barn February 19, 1992, 11 lbs., 10 ov. Proud parents are Ehret Mettwen. • Many thanks a friendsaNiriu Specialrurtktt to Dtl�lr i _ yet ; -.fig Judd and Maynard, and the 3rd floor 81.101 ithtie was a surprise around everpeor staff at St. Joseph's 1 s . law thanks for cards, best wide dear nae to Pallimive Care in lieu of gifts end tfepieially lofted, who planned every calla 1 eh for etde-n�ely a birth e.y atoll never forget -lust for the nosed - 40 is Swat. (0c Jacki NAllit1S • 1 wish sottltsnk my for the lovely Illinklety Dem itirty ttsie M my Mawr m Smiday, Psb.usry 23. IBM you Merits, RiY, lean. loth and MOW *elm thseshileheem. Wane erisAen end Plaid was an NNdwlpin.-6relbhildren Brenda, Hol Artane Twrr visits were a joy. e1ethenlel . gilds, sad will isamirenausitleivid a~rJenis PRYDE MONUMENTS • 11wsk you to all nithr4ed at the time of our fire. Special � It to the fire depannient and Bill est- alrtedeo for the many who provided food 1110c Marg and (Jerry Fergusstxh 1P11AYNE • At South Huron H Hae. or, un Friday, February 28, 1992, Robert loco Payne of Bneter, m his 7Sth year. Be- loved son of the tare Garnet Payne and An- nie Reid: dear brother of haw Sparks of Oederich and alar brother-in-law of Deane Smith (Wayne) of Exeter. Mr. Frayhte war, Creeed by his brother Arthur u, 1980. b.cleof Joyce Kimber, Melville Sru- nrams both of Colliery, John Sennas of London and Peter 14.yne of Durham. Rested at the Hopper -Hockey !asso! Hanc, Wit- ham Snow, Baeyer for visional staday evening 7-9, where the funeral service was held on Monday, March 2, at 2 p.m with kcv. John Hilborn officiating. hnermett in Exeter Centsiery. Dr:nations to the Hart A Seoke tbursdatkxt would be appreciated by ' ` e family. 10c MORGAN - Leah and Scot sae mud sean- nsOmnce the safe arrival of their sow Soman Richard. A little brother for Shawn, born February 18, 1992, wsighine 8 lbs., 3 oat. Proud graedpeents are Carole and Al Preece of Centralia and Burdens and Bev Morgan of firmer. Proud great- snsstdparenu are Mary and Bob Cade of T and Marsard Jean Preece of Orillia. A apodal Marks to friends and family for their torp and supp_ rt during this special occasion. 10' SKEA - David and Chalons (neo Miller) an paused to announce the birth of emir fust child, Rosemary Karat, born Monday, February 24, 1992, at Maim District Hospi- tal, Sixth granddilld for John and Wawa+ Skca, Hemssall, and fust gnwdokil4 for Pied and June Miller, Granton. Oseat-lire edehild for Edith Miller and Mary Rader, Exeter. 10' DICKEY - 1 would like to thank all those who helped m any way to make my Birthday Open House such a memorable occasion. It was a perfect day. A special thank you to my tauuly 10c Laura HOFFMAN • Thank you to all the '- mations and individuals who my "Snuggles for Kids" timpani to Atha past year. Your donations of stuffed animals was is y. Dom Haim Hoffman'. Arnbulaaoe, De hwpod HOGGARTH • 1 wish to thank my fids and relatives who remembered me Me I wu in Exeter hospital with flowers, cards and visits. I would like to thank Exeter hos- patal, the nurses and Dr. Read for the good care and Rev. Gaskin. 10• Ma MEANER • The family of the late Leonard Meurer wish to express their thanks arse ap- preciation to the many relatives, friends and neighbours for their kindness during the loss of a loving father and grandfasber• Special thanks to those who sent flowers, mmendel gifts and other expressions of oareaienoes. Thank you to Blue Water Reg MIME, Dr. C. Wallace, Mrs. Vigo:her and the staff at South Heron Hospital A special thank you • to Rev. Bob $leasee and O'Connor Finial Home. Your kindness will never be forgot- ten. IOc Gerald, Carolyn Mesmer and family, Sylvia, Ken and family ORR - I wish to Clank my family, relatives, -foie ds andweighboms for the many visits, Dowers, cards and kind words sounded to me while I wu hospitalised. Mealy thanks to Dr. Wallace and the gaff of Sash Hrtron Hospital. 10' Myrtle *NEB - At South Huron Hospital, bxet- er, on Wednesday, February 26, 1992, Mr. Leaanrd John Memer of Bluewater Rest Home, formerly of RR 2, Zurich and lsxater, in his 81st year. Beloved husband of the late Ethel S. (Walper) Meurer (1987). Dear fa- ther of Gerald and his wife Carolyn of Exet- er, Sylvia and her husband Ken Middholtz e of Zurich. Also survived by a brother -tat -law and several sisters-in-law. Dear grandfather of Stephen and Julia Meurer and Jomnifer Miaisholu. Rased in the Zurich Chapel of Michael P. O'Connor' Funeral Hornet, where the funeral serval+ was conducted Saturday at 2 p.m. with Rev. Bob Sinew offsciatmg. Sprang hutment Emmanuel Church Ceme- tery. As expressions of sympathy donations to one's charity would be appreciated by the Y IOc taLd BUTLER - At the Bluewater Ree Home. Zurich on Thursday, February 27, 1992, Mrs. Roaabella Anna (Albrecht) Butler, in her 83rd year. Daughter of the late John and lwwda Albrecht. Wife of the late Frank But- ler. Dear stater of Lulu and her huabu d Charles Scotch mer of Bayfield. Dear a:rrtt of Pat and Murray Garrett, Charlene and Gor-� ' Suddenly at South Hurond®.Aeterasd Ruth Ann Miens. 430 sur- '� err, on Sunday, March 1, 1992, Mn vino; are several grandnieces and tsephewn. iMoh+-Most, r+� R.N. o[ ch: in her 46th year. Beloved Funeral service was conducted on y, Rahway 29 at 4 p.m. in the Zurich Chapel or the Nagel P. O'Connor Funeral Hanes, with Pastor Saephen Arles officiating. Spring interment in St. Peters Lutheran Church Ce- metery. As expressions of sympathy dona- tions to the Btoewater Rest Kane Building Fuad or St. Peter's Lutheran Church would be appreciated. 113c COTTLE - At University Hospital, Landon on Sunday, Mach 1. 1992. Ray H Cottle of Beater; in his 111th year. Sawed bnbs d of the Jute Iautta (Yi8ow) Cottle (1990). Dear blether d Mn. Marie linea of Exeter. Ray was pmdaeened by his ester Refa and his bother Alvin. Mao senviviag ars a num- ber of nieces and.aapiatvs. Rented at the Hopper -may Funeral Home, WM'lbtrn Street. Baster for visitation an Monday 3-5 and 7-9; where the Rowel Service was held on Tuesday, Marrlh 3, 1992 at 2 p.m. with Rev. Charles Headman el ieatmg, Spring inemseot Exeter Cemetery. A Lodge Ser- vice was held at the funeral home Monday evaeing at 7 p.m. with Exeter LO.O.F. Lodge in dsuge. 10c GRUDGE • Saedoly at 1JeiswI tel en Thursday, February 27, 1992, Cteen Ohm) Iso e. of Lam end fosmetry or Cardinal. Ws Nth year. Doer mother of Gary andJuiceCm*�tof Landon. Lori and Al Lear of Huron Park, and Rimald and Terry Grudge of Fran McMurray. Dear grandmother of Andrew; Michelle and Presley; and Shelley. Dear gnat- snndtnather of 8amtsel- Dear sister of Jade Ryan of Laodas. Ptedeoeased by brother Gerald Ryan (1991). Dear found of the Butch family. Rested arise C. Haskm & San Freieral Horne.223 Main Sweet, Limn, Sewsitay mimes wu service bed en Sweddaay.. l l att33ppm. with Rev. Dourer! Shoo Officiating. iatutmmt St. James Cemetery.oions to the Ontario Haut & Stroke e. Dm on or the Sunshine Foundation would be /pre- casted by the family. 10c wife of Allen Richard Soon. Dear mother of Andrew, Justin, and Dacey, all at home. Loved daughter of Mn. Gwendolyn McEadtem of Toronto. Dear daughter -in - law of Mrs. Edna Soots and the late Harry Soon of Stratford. Dear sister of Mn. Linda Bury of Tanto. Also surviving are several brothers end supers -in-law and several niec- es and nephews. Rested in the Zurich Chapel or lfiahedl P. O'Connor Funeral Hanes, 49 Goshen Street Nath, Zurich, followed by esaoatian. A Memorial service was conduct- ed an T sd.y, Mudt 3, at 3 p.m. in the Zu- rich Messmte Church. As expressions of sympathy, dm anions to the Canadian Arthn- tu Society world be appreciated. 10e STAGG - At South Huron Hospital, mer, our Wednesday. February 26, 1992, Reginald A. Stagg of Henall and formerly of Exeter in his 62nd yyeeaar. -Beloved father of Trudy and Albert Rioseboan of Hoanall, Rick Stagg of Hanel and Terry and Dawn Stagg of Keewatin. Dear gsmndfather of John, Ju- lie, Lisa, Sara, Meagan, and Annie. Rened at the Hopper -Hockey Funeral Home, William Saeed, EzaIcr where the funeral service was held m Friday, February 28 at 2 pm. with Rev. Charles Henderson officiating. Inter- ment Soffa Cemetery. 10c GLOVER • In loving memory of Munbena Glover, who passed away March 8, 1990, a loving and oaring wife, mother and Gland - mother. Toa beautiful life a sudden end, She died as she lived, everyone's friend, She was always thoughtful, loving and kind, What a wonderful memory she left behind. She.lelt w sudden, her thoughts unknown, But she left a memory we are proud to own. --Tmemeher God in yatr Garden of Rut. Form this world she was one of the bust. Too loved and too special to ever be forgot - tat by husband Jim, and drldren Barry, Ar- lene, Lunda, Jack, Judi, Peter, Bobbie and Bill and their spouses and children. 10• [HUR[H=;DIRELTOR4 EMMANUEL BAPTIST CHURCH 187 Huron St. W. Exeter Pastor Rev. Kevin Rutledge 2.95.2661 Sunday. -Marsh 8 9:45 am. Sunday School 11:00 am.Mmnting Worship 7:00 p.mEvening ship Communion Everyone WWowne EXETER CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH Mein.$t. North Pasta Rev..aiads Vardar Meer 51123 Waal* Simian Mardi 8 1000 a.m. 7:00 p.m. Nursery Available Everyone Weisemo Wheelchair accesa.Wo Sunday Radio CKNX 920 10:30 am. Daily T.V. Faith 20 Global 6:30 am UJe rs Soo short for us to de everything we want to do; but if is tong enough kw us to do avwything God wants us to do se EXETER BIBLE FELLOWSHIP 9:30 a.m. Sunday School 10:30-1190 am. Falowship Time 1190 a.m. Family Bible Hour 890 p.m. Communion Service Nursery Available Tuesday evenings 7:30 p.m. - Sable Study All services are held et 94 Orchard Street Exeter El r)v ns Webom o For more inbmtaion please oarJlief TRIVITT MEMORIAL ANGLICAN CHURCH 9841l;ii Street, Engler, Ontario The Rev. Fay M Patterson First Sunda/ in Lent March 8, 1992 11:16 am. Morning Prayer Speaker: Rev. Nick Wells Sunday School Nursery Available Ash Wednesday March 4, 1992 700 p.m. Imposition of Ashes Friday. March 6, 1692 200 p.m.World Day of Prayer Service Lunch Mlbws. Wednesday, March 11, 1992 7 p.m. Holy Eudwist 7:30 Lenten Programme in Parish Hall Everyone Welcome —.lyre,-•—•-- CAVENPRESBYTERIAN 68 CHUStoatRL Sotrttt '236-2784 Mmister: Rev. Mark B. Gaskin Organist: Miss Grain Love Sunday. Mardi 8 11:16 am. - Worship Service Nursery and Sunday School Esegv a Welcome ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH Dashwood Prow LARRY STOJKOVIC Sunday, March 8 920 a.m. - Sunday School 1100 a.m. - Worship Service Everyone Welcome Ziot EXETER UNITED CHURCH Corner of James and Andrew St Maisby The -Rev. John C. Hilbom +Ars. Bev Robinson The Rev. Grant L MIs (Minister Emeritus) Director of Musk Ralph C. Topp March 8, 1992 - 1190 a.m. Fast Sunday of Lent Sacrament of Holy Communion Reoepion of MeriLers by Transfer Sermon: Wild Beasts and Angels!' Young Adult Class 920 am. Sunday Church School 11 am. Nursery Faoiiiies araiiable- Courtesy Car: Don and Men Falter 235-0575 Everyone Welcome • EXETER PENTECOSTAL TABERNACLE 870 Main SL S. Pasbr Vernon Dean Assistant Prater Kevin D. Aogors Sunday, March 8 . 1000 a.m. Sunday School 1100 a Worship Service 700 p.m. ion Service Wednesday 790 p.m. Family Night Programs for all apes. Nursery avaliabie for all services A place to mast God arid a grime' • BETHEL REFORMED CHURCH Huron Street Feast. Exeter Minister REV. HENRY VAN ESSEN , Sunday. March 8 10:00 am. Worship 1 f :10 am. Sunday School Nursery available 7:30 p.m. Worship Everybody wekornn • Goma and Worship with us EDWAR - In loving memory of a deal hutHand, father and grandfather, Jim, *Su, +nosy Makh 5, 1989. in ear hearts you will always stay, 1.oveertlsd remembered every day. Forever loved and sadly missed by wile Dons, girls and famihcs 10• HODGINS • Inof my husband Roy, who posed away 1 year. ago. Time dips by, But memories gay, Quietly asnembered, livery day. Doris. 10e RUSSELL - In loving saemosy of a dear husbe d, t a iessettMIheomer who passed away 15 yeanyo, Murch 2, 14'17. He had a nature you could not help loving, . And a heart that was pdrer than gold And to those who knew him and loved him, His memory will never grow old. Lovingly remembered by Came and fami ly. 10' TiEMAN • In memory of my dear husband, father and grandfather, J. Mervyn Tiernan, who posed away March 16, 1985. When evening shadows are falling, And 1 sit quiet here alone, In my heart there Domes a longing. Wishing you were hone. Vase who have a husband, Love flim while you may, For I wish with all my heap, 1 dad wine today. hosed and missed by wife Alice aald — thelliaten Nancy and family and Lynda and family. 10s Lowly Loady, Look Who's 40 !appy BiRritdAy thwcif Miku FROM yowl tAMNy esmmusity Oenws 01,' l,ishiOrle( ROAST BEEF DINNER Wed. Mar. 11 5-7 p.m. Adults $8 • Children $4 family (14 & under) $20 Children under five FREE r The Granton Consistory Club Meloomes you to their Oyster and Ham Supper Sat., March 14, 4:30 - 8:30 p.m. Admission: Oysters Adults $15.00, Children $7.50, Admission: Ham Adults $8.00, Children $4.00 Advance tickets only call Norris Atthill 229-6548 ructsmonisons LAS VEGAS - Eager weekend, April 17 to April 20. Holiday Inn, 5379.00 USD; lmpe - rial Palace, 5369.00 USD. Robert Q Travel 482-777) or 1-800.668-7477. 9,10,11d. DIAMONDS, lensed physically challenged people, will meet at the Lions Youth Centre, Icon Street, Exeter on Saturday, March 14 at 10:00 am. (storm date March 21). Lunch provided. For further information, call 233- °696 ort -800-267.0535. 10,11c PUBLIC FORUM. Minister of Cornmahity and Social Service, Hon. Marion Boyd will speak ata Public Foran, Thursday, March 5, 8 p.m. at the Clinton Town Hall on Pro- viding Social Services in a Declining Econo- my. Question period to follow. All welcome. roc SOUTH HURON HOSPITAL AUXIL- IARY will meet on Tuesday, Mardi 11, 2 p.m Mr. Don Coaten will be gnat speaker. Please bring donations for bake and craft tale. 1(k REDIRECTION OF Long Temp Can. The Government of Ontano is proposing c ang- es to the system of services for seniors, dis- abled adults and family caregivers in order to help people remain in their own homes. Everyone who will deliver or use services should be involved in shaping this policy. Came to a public erecting to discuss these changes and tell us what you think on Wednesday, March 11 at 1:30 pm. at the Li- am i - a ail Comae for Youth, John Strut, Exeter. For more information contact Community Health & Support Services (519) 675-7680 or 1-800-267-0535. 10,11c STRAWBERRY AND HAM SUPPER, Monday, lune 15 at Thames Road Church. l0c CELEBRATE ST. PATRICK'S DAY at the Stephen Sesquad sumoial canoe on Sat- urday, March 14 at the Huron Park Rec Cen- tre. Music by Eureka and Whiskey Jack. Tickets from the Sesquieentamial Coxnmit- tee and Crediton Sold Club and Knighu of Columbus members or call 234-6331. Spe- dal lunch provided. 9,10c LUCAN LIONS CLUB St. Patrick's Day Party sad Dance featuring Kelly's Hales, Saturday, March 14, Loculi Community Canire, aeon -1 a.m., matinee 3-5, authentic Irish stew, also Miming Laren Hometown B fo man 7-L14 pd son. AgeJtdaJor0,0. (1 )c Precious Blood Mission Cash Calendar Winners Feb. 23 - Phyllis fie, Landon. /0898150. Feb. 2A - Jim Cantu sa 15 *09620. Feb. 25 -Janice. Hovey tlILaalsan, Thamadad *0820 850. Feb. 26 - !dark Yank, Landon, *1413 150. Feb. 27 - Wilms Nevijt, Eimer 10047 550. Feb. 28 • Richard Rads, Daimon* *2113 $50. Feb. 29 -Deans Pavy, Suess 11924 1250. GUM= mill available ooasact D. Dimling 235-1302 Active Parenting of Teens Two sixrivaslmourset begin March 9th-,&Manch 31st 7:30 p.tp.-9;3O.p,m. $15.00 -.person $25.00 - couple EJI<6ter United Church Cali for details 2354860 Happy 80th Birthdays for Carter & Grace Kerslake Sun., March 8 2-4pan. Lawn Bowling and Friendship Centre, Mitchell Best wishes only please BUCK & DOE for Murray Taylor & Gloria McKenzie Sat., March 7 Dashwood Community Centre Music by DJ 8:00 p.m. - 1 a.m. Lunch provided. $5.00/person for jQ1wmation call 263-5072 or 5-)229 This is your invitation to a Mens Breakfast 'wine:Sat., March 7 at 9 a.m. MA., : Three AAA Restaurant (Hwy. 4 & 83) linty:to hear Dr. Barry Moore - reef known International evan- geHst (Recently returned from a crusade in Scotland) Contact: 234-6709 or 229-6588 by Thursday evening with the number of persons who will be attending. Sponsored by Exeter Bible Fellowship The. Faintly of Case and Annie Van Raay cordially invites you to an Open House Celebration in honour of their parents Oth Wedding Artniversary Sun.. March 8. 1992 1:30 p.m. and 4:30 p.m. at the Dashwood Community Centre Please come and share this wonderful event with our parents! in place of gifts. a donation could be made to Brother Bob Mittleholt2's Mission in India 50th Wedding Anniversary Open House The family of Laverne and Beatrice Heywood invite friends, neighbours, and relatives to an Open House to help celebrate the Golden Wedding Anniversary of our parents. SaL, March -7 2 - 430 p.m. at the Lions Youth Centre John St. West Exeter, Best wishes only, please! Exeter and Area Figure Skating Club Presents their Winter Skating Carnival This year's theme "Music over the Years" Sun., March 8 at 2 p.m. South Huron Rec Centre Exeter Admission: Adult: $5.00, Student: $2.00 Children under 4 free admission 11IIYDE MONUMENTS Due to the inclement weather and the recent fire in our offices and showroom we have extended our sale for thisr final time. Please feel free to visit our new temporary offices and showroom at 274 Victoria St. Centralia. Just three doors north of our existing loca- tion. Our hours are 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Fri- day, Sat. 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. and evenings by appoint- ment only. CONSUMER ALERT Effective 1992 our provincial government through changes in the cemeteries act by approving Bill 31 will be adding additional cemetery fees of 550 to $200 to install flat or upright memorials in all Onta- rio Cemeteries. Any flat marker or monument order placed now be fore the new act becomes law will not be subject to the new fee plus until March 31 we will pay the G.S.T. For further information please feel free to come into our showroom and office -at 274 Victoria St. in the vil- lage of Centralia or call 22&6439 or our toll free line 1-800-265-347 7. We have over 40 monuments on display for you to view.