HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1992-03-04, Page 21i ••i 1 Hermall Livestock Sales Ltd. Order buyer tor fats, feeders and stodkerb Stockers and Western Cattle arriving daily. Sorting cattle tot TaIboWH10 Livestock Exafttanto Ltd. on Fridays Restaurant open daily 7 a.m. - 3 p.m. 00, For more information contact: Barry Miller,Manager ©O Oftice 262-2831Exeeter 235-2717, Kirkton 229-6205, Truck 1-661-8956 CLEARING AUCTION SALE Combine, 2 tractors, large modem tarm machinery,to bo held at the Seatorth Fair Grounds in the Exhibition Centre tor Dminic Murray Thursday March 19 at 1 p.rn. 1984 International 1460 combine with pick up head and 6 row narrow corn head, International 6788 4 wheel drive, articulating tractor, Intei- national 574 tractor, Anderson Rock picker, rock windrower, large gravity boxes, 6 row planter etc. See next weeks r for full list. Auetloaaarittollerd-tebb4$2-fN6 Owner DonsInbMtxreyWa7.1832 -Aulc s Bob 1ltteyweed 235.0874 Burt Lebb 4824377 Saturday March 14 at 10:30 a:m. at South Huron ileo Centre,:Sxeter --Wewill be ersing-antiques,.collectibles,=ftunishings.-appli- ances from the home of Mrs. Myrtle Orr along with additions from an Adsa Craig home. Watch next weeks paper for a full listing of this fine auction. Henaall Cattle -Co,. 263-2619 - Order Buyers for fats, feeders and stockers - Stockers and Western Cattle arriving daily Contact: Office 263-2619 Greg Hargreaves Victor Hargreaves 263-2619 233-7511 JF ng UPCOMING AUCTIONS �� �t�w FOR YOUR'CALEENDAR .{p P' ,jurdav lifiatch 28 44. for Mi. and Mr. Harold Ginge nnchh, 4 miles northwest of Zurich. a good listing of tillage, haying and harvesting, machinery. Farm sold. Saturday April 4, for Mr. Raymond Ducharme, northwest of Dashwood, 1 1/4 west, 2 12 miles north on Con. 15 lot 10. Real estate consists of 175 acres tarm.with 160 acres of highly productive rich loamy soil tiled at approx. 60 ft. Large yellow brick house with 5 bedrooms, large kitch- en, living room, hardwood floors, cedar deck, large steel driving shed, steelcovered barn, silo, ample water supply, 2 tractors and good line of machinery. For viewing this property please call Mr. Ducharme at 236-4863 or Auctioneer at 236-4814 This is a wolf. kaet property. Complete listings -of series in papers to fol - .low. ********************************** * AL,S0 ROBSON F7<S� * AUCTION SALE DATES CLAIMED * Mar. 14 - Swine Production Sale - Lesterosa Swine, Forest - 1:30 p.m. * * Mar. 25 - Clearing Farm, Len -Del Farm - Delaware * * 8ry�date to be announced) Estate Antiques and Furniture - Mt. * es * * Mar. 28 - Clearing Farm - Geo Niblock - Parkhill * * AprI *Apri *Aon * Apn * Apri * *Apo Apn * *Aon 1 - Swine Production Sale - Thames Bend Farms - Tavistock * - 3 - Clearing Farm - Whitney Coates - Exeter 1 p.m. * 4 - Clearing Farm - Ken Parkinson - Kirkton 8- Clearing Farm - Jim Dougal - Exeter * 9 - Gearing Farm - Victor Soetmans - Parkhill * 11 - Gearing Farm, Buildings and equipment - D.W. Hammel - Birr * 15 - Clearing Farm - Wayne Lysko - Mt. Brydges * 16 - Clearing Farm - Ken Nelson - Lambeth * 17 - Consignment Sale - Fair Grounds - hderton, Farm Machinery * etc.* 18 - Farm machinery - Ken Oliver and Dave Siddal - W. of Merton* * Ail n 25 - Furniture and antiques - Est. Floyd .Davies - sa Craig * May 9 - Ontario Limousin Bull and Female - Kitchener Stock Yards * >! May 22 - Limousin Bulls - Be oon Farms - Iona Station * * klSale dates still available - call the experienced for more SUS * * Mobile Office - Immediate Payment - Courteous Service * * Thinking of an auction??? We will be pileased to discuss the details . * Auollonssrs-Ra* X66-�00 y Filen� * * * * itivh Filson UST*rnH n * Fax 6660133 ********************************** F 0 R S T Y A U C 0 N S FORES1 C11 ` AUCIIUNb IN'. FOREST $TY AUCTIONS INC. UNRESERVED PUBUC AUCTION FOR CANADA POST CORPORATION Saturday March 97th 14 .0r. 580 Quebec Sraast = Siark'sora ours London MATERIAL HANDLING EQUIPMENT - SCAFFOLDING - MAN LIFT CONVEYORS - SORTING UNITS - LIFT TRUCK - REDI RACK - SCALES - ETC. PARTIAL LISTING - Aluminum 14' portable scaffold man lift ex- celient unit, approx. 30 sections aluminum scaffolding, 18" x 10'L aluminum roller conveyors, 25' x 40" W steel cat walk, 100 bag racks, elec. 1,000 Ib. 8' reach pallet truck, 30 ends and corners 18"H rsdi rack, 30" W x 20' L conveyor, assorted conveyors, 30- W x 14' L conveyors 8, Ig. qty. aluminum siding, 4' x 6' floor scales electronic (bolt to floor), 60 machinery moving dollies 28' x 5' wind 26" x 4' and 40' x 4', approx. 200 steel and maple sorting units (work table base with pigeon hole tops), 4 wheel shop carts, 30" x 5' maple tables, Ig. 6'L double sided mobile file cabi- nets, 20 oak and maple desks, steel stands, mobile tables 3' x 6' x 6" 0, 6.skids card board boxes, mobile wire shelving open one side x 80'L x 5'H x 4' x 8' work tables, 30" x 5' steel tables, approx. 1.000 parts trays 6'W x 20"L x 6'D, mobile carts steel 38" x 5' x 20"D C/W 30 removable trays, 26" x 8" plastic trays - 400, super mobile double sided wood shell units 2'W x 54" L, pair heavy duty swinging rubber doors, garbage cans with the old coat of arms on, approx. 1,000 plastic reversible stacking tube 2' x 1' x 12-0, upper pigeon hole units maple 54'W x 4'H x 6" 0, vary in size mobile tables 30'W x 5'L x 4-D, much much more too numerous to list. CALL NOW 10 BE PUT ON QUR MAILING LIST TOP QUALITTYY EQUIPMENT MADE TO LAST - ALL COUNTS AND SIZES ARE APPROXIMATE. DENNIS R. STOREY JR. C.A.I. I.S.A. AUCTIONEER - APPRAISER The Rotary Club of London presents Casino Royale Extrava- ganza Friday April 10th, Live Entertainment - Casino - Live and Silent Auctions 471-3011 473-2302 659-7223 F 0 R S T Y A U c 0 N S 519-4-7 1 -3011 • PHONE 473-2302 • 659-722:; Granton and District Lions Club Fifty's Dance Sat., March '47 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. at the Kirkton-Woodham Com munity Centre Music by: B& L Stereo Music Tickets: $6.00 Proceeds to Community Betterment Lucan Community Bingo Wednesday March 4 Bingo starts 7:30 p.m. Regular Games $1000 Jackpot Game Total prizes $2300 Due to the licence regulations, no one under 16 allowed to play Licence 1537495 1 Oren Iltesmatessn for - Lorena Fink and Am Crown Fri., March 13 9 p.m - 1 ani Lunch provided 411. Grand Rend Legion Hall • if DANCE MALL 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. Fri., IAEA Singles pillwe Lee Davidson & eysbruah ***** Sat., Mar. 7 NIghtwatch 349-2678 DROP IN CWB Final meetings of the 1991-92 season are here Friday March 6 Lost regular evehing for the grade 9-10 group Piklay the 13th March Break bosh Last session for both groups Bring your skates for a skating party at the recrea- tion centre, to be followed by a dance at the Youth Centre Lion - Cent' The Kinette Club of St. Marys presents Glenn Bennett in Concert Thurs-, March 19 Two Shows 3 p.m . and 7 p.m. For tickets call: Betty 284-2623 or Jacqui 284-1824 St..Marys Area Arena and Community Centre $5/person "Get up, Get Down, Go Crazy!" • • LADIES MORNING BREAK COFFEE HOUR Sat., March 7, 9:45 ELM. Speaking and Book Review: Susan Romph, Selah Family Books Music: Sally Bott and Janet Krahn Ladies are invited to share a re -cycling hint Fee will Offering Emmanuel Baptist Church 187 Huron St. W., Exeter 235-2661 Please _join us Dufliwin House Centralia 228-6648 This Friday Night March 6 Karaoke "Singa-Long` Searching for an Alternative in ahrcation We are the "Exeter Chriatian;School Society" .Want to know -snore? .Call 2352614 or 235-0781 Antiques. tion Bi Godes, LARGE AUCTION SALE rn, glassware, wood stove, to be told at Lobb's Auc- 'nn for Charlie Felker of Seaforth, Helen Bradiey of ms. Saturday March 7 at 10 a.m. Kelvinator 30' electric stove, small fridge, chest freezer, Moffat dish- washer, Admiral heavy duty washer (good one), GE dryer, spin dry washer, Camaro down draft stove with catalytic converter, bowed glass china cabinet, with curved door, oak nine piece dining room e suite, home of Bramore chesterfield and chair nearly new, flat to wall rd bottom, 3 piece bedroom suite with box spring and mattress, 2 hart double beds, double box spring and mattress, king size bed, set of bunk beds, 2 Boshart hutch tops, antique dresser and wash- stand, 1reaQle sawing machine, vacuum Cleaner with power head, de- humifidier, Credar chest, press back nursing rocker, drop leaf gat&j g table, hall tree, chrome table with 4 swivel chairs, patio table with um- brella and 4 chairs, crockinole hard, card tables, 3 cast iron tractor seats, pressback arm chair, odd wooden chairs, antique chest of drawers, floor lamps, dishes, glassware, bedding, garden tools, alumi- num 24" extension ladder, aluminum step ladder, lawn chairs, 2 gas lawn mowers, 2 push reel lawn mowers plus items too numerous to mention. Terms: Cash or cheque with proper ID Auclionwr Richard Lobb Clinton 482.7898 1 Testes -Advocate, March 4, 1992 Exeter Legion Reties Aux BINGO Thurs., Mar. 5 7:30 p.m. 10 Regular Games 5 Specials 1 Share the Wealth Jackpot $650 Lic. 0681098 Page 21 NOW OPEN 10 a.m. 8p.m. 4 Way Inn 380 Main St., Exeter 235-0580 flAKWOOT HIGHWAY 21,NORTH - GRAND BEND IMieadly Issarewto tea pct Ui.?T E ,llAllYSTE1?..Y DINNER THEATRE IN OUR LARGE NEW CONFERENCE HALL COCKTAILS:6-7 PM DINNER & THEATRE AT 7 PM $78. per couple (incudes dinner, theatre d taxes) $176. ppr couple (incudes deluxe accom, dinner & theatre) PHONE 238-2324 FOR TICKETS IN HOME CH14,40 0 Are You Interested In Being Self Employed? Do you r*tildren? enjoy Huron County will be experiencing its very first, In -Home Child Care Providers Trainina Prggram This is a Federally funded pro- gram which includes both class- room and worksite training The program will be starting on March 30. 1992 a: the Wesley - Willis United Church in Clinton COMMUNITY INFORMATION NIGHTS Will Be Held In rA1M11' ON j erch`9, at the Women's •Today lett 77 904).n1. Wan aillieftWaitiheOld'Tawn Hall. It 7;8p ?eine 1-31, Assessment Office nl#ieom:at 7:30 p.m. VINNOIMM 44Mewcir12, Town Hall, 7:30 p.m. i :, A training, child care, and travel allowance will be available to the participants who qualify. For further information contact Vicky Piluke or Cathy Armour at the Women Today Office at 482-9706 MelEmployment and Emploi at immigration Canada immigration Canada ct-con.Gixioe WALK FOR SICK KII6 5MiIe Walkathon allproceeds Loa thea1tLpflENS 04C0OPITAL, .:of 1ii Ott. StephianniLy2S°Ifcinner vlkilk on. _ un April stn itfli6Kr,A/1►slil 12 Adye Of soots are Grantable at V vzwt •1/f.(.A/ noe,i. ,1 4%ttket: