HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1992-03-04, Page 18ioldiertieefs. 46ttllnt one thing...; RESULTS. And that's =la1 a guarantee when you place a SUPER AD with us. For ony one low fee of $10,00 we'll run your ad In our newspaper until you get -the results you want. All y1Df�adD:/3:las/t us byfild.y>Iandask for SUPER AD. riDtr.earlr*llke up to 40 words prtd we reaornmend'you use a price $bre whatever you are advertising. If you do not -get ',sults by the following weekend, call us on Monday and we'll gladly repeat the ad at no -1 4al-estate). A1C IV VUR AD VIS IIII ON.-FRI..t)!V7L 5 P.M. OR MAW' DETAILS ON OUR ANS INC MACHINE P44.'YourAd-Williteach.:104)00'More a e -Full Time -Person required for gas atten- dant, -experienced in re- tail. Students applicants welcome Applications.available at C.E.>Mactwi ii Sunoco °rdti►ond NBumo to .544 ,Main St. .5., :Exeter NMN:1S1 1 Lest, Strayed 2 Pam! 3 Situations Wsntetl 4 -Help Washed 5 Business Opportunities 6 Services 7 Livestock 8 9 Wit, Veh 11 Cars, Trucks 12 Pets 13 Musical Instruments 14 Appliances, Television 15 Personal 16 For Sale 17 Wanted to Buy 18 Wanted 19 Property for Sale 20 Property for Rent 21 For Rent 22 For Sale or Rent 23 Wanted to Rent 24 Property Wanted 25 Notices 26 Legal Notices 27 Tenders Wanted 28 Auction Sales 29 Yard and Garage Sales J JIuuntions Wanteo CARING MOTHER willing to bebysit in my Atone on wedtdays. iiamori raced, reeshablctate. Hig.>baakyard, tots crisis) alta. lots of TLC. Phone 237-3850 Datbwood. (8-11e) Tthe Times -Advocate urges our readers to use caution when sending money for business opportunity or employment ad- vertisements. Be certain you are dealing -with a reputable company before releasing any credit card irtformation.•Re- member... if any advertise- ment sounds too good to be true, it is. :.Registered 'Nunn Reed parttime me Geriatric experience preferred Reply in person to Exeter •Vlua 155 John St. E. Exeter Ont. RESIDENTIAL SUPPORT STAFF -PART•TIME Under the direction of the Residential Coordinator provides di- rect supervision and instruction for people- who have a develop - mental handicap. The ability to work independently within a team structure is -es- sential. Experience in the field preferred. A minimum of a.secornldary school diploma is required. Some fipecial red courses relevant to the job -would be rap asset. Must obtain and maintain a Standard First Aid Certificate. Drivers Licence re aired. Please submit your application in writing to: Mary Swinkels McLellan Administration Office Community Living - South Huron P.O. Box 29 Dashwood, Ontario NOM 1NO Closing date: March 23, 1992 - heL' Wnnte EXCELLENT PAY assembling products for our mmmsfeemsen, easy work at home. No •�mce GU 1-504.641-7778. ext. 135.24 hours including Sunday. (9-12c) PART TIME HELP WANTED - Cash crop operation m nadnrood area. Applicant .must be mechanically inclined, must have field warn experience, and must have their own vehicle. Apply m writing stating axperiertce qualifies ms, references and salary .expected to Exeter Times Advocate, Box 33P,.hxeter NOM 1S6. (9:10e) . FARM LABOUR - Ailsa Craig.asea. Egg Layer, pullet and cashaop operation. Dunes to inehde egg collection, field work m sprang sod fall. operation of tractor. Apartment on farm available. Phase reply by phone to Scow Morgan 1 snald Enterp ucs, (519) 571-9870. (10:11c) NANNY REQUIRED immdistely or for the simmer for three children in our homc. Must be a mature seapensible .eomvetic wring person. Please call evenings 2346793.(10;I1c) BABYSTITER wanted for two school aged children fivedays a weak from 6:45 a.m. to 8:30 a.m. to start March 24. Phone 235-I389after 8:30p.m. (100) TRUCK DRIVER WANTED. Must have Class A licence. Minimum three years expertnoce. Heavy hanker -preferred. 'Day trips only, • 401 corridor, -wage mgatieble. Month of April only. Rcply in writing to P.O. Box 940, Grand Bend, Ont. NOM 1TO. RESPONSIBLE caring imdividual-mgttised to provide are to three children ages 4. 3 and 6 months in our Keane _full time. Starting April 13. For more infemation phase call 237-3405.'.We-areloceusd.two noires ttteside of Exeter. Galin) r' Jery CUSTOM ATC SEEDING, rad cover septiaticn on wheat. Call Mike Lightfoot 235-3055.(9:10c) CHAINSAW AND carbine chain ming. -Phone 237-3207 evenings. (10:11c) INCOME TAX professionally mewed in your,hane or our office. Rates hoe 512. Pbune23S-1417. (ltltfn) TOWNSHIP OF UCKKRSMITH Applications will be received until March 13th, 1992 for the poarbon of SUMMER STUDENT at the Municipal Office Applicants are required to be enrolled In a Basic Accounting or Business course at a Community College Position available May 1st to August 3181, 1992 Please provide resume outlining work expenence as well•es any other perti- nent information J. R. MG1aohlan, Gark-Tammurer, ' Corporation of rhe Towtahip of Ttrohetamtth. Ysnsatra, ptpario NOM 1L0 4024623 ASSISTANT EDUCATION TECHNICIAN The Ausable-Bayliekl Con- aervat on Authority invites ap- plications for the position of .Assistant Education Techni- cian to.alsaist.with the Camp Sylvan Conservation Pro- gram (tel-edlacetion pwgram) . The successful canldKiale_wiN have e*perience .and kn owl- ecgge in the toliawing .areas: AwtdAor-edycation methods, grade 6, 7 -and 8 -Students; conservation..-andoioliwy. The contract ,period is April ,21 -.411110 19.1462 . 'Reese toward .ceaumeS to: Kathy Monk, Communications Manager, ABCA, H.H. 3, Exeter Onta- rio, NOM 165 Fax (519) 235-1963 before March 27, 1992_at 4 p.m. LAWN & GARDEN CARE N�:PJUS • Lr g Ic iitu tg� s • He• E Thrtunvmtroing • Rolling • Light lCleaning liveries Laverne McCarter 235-1062 tWsSt0r, LARGE CFI ACTION, good quilt), aggressive working boars Yori., land. Dime, Hemp, Spot Hemp x flume, York x Hemp, Duroc x Spa. Also bred and open gilu. ROP tented.-keasonabh priced. breeders. Delivery available. =ridteedStroebel, RP.2 Granton, (519) 225-2587 or 284.2628. (18dn) WE NOW HAVE AVAILABLE an excellent selection of Yasksldre Boars also Demc boars, open and bred gilts of both treads. Ted Sc hendaa225-2734. (47tfn ) JI):.r- L11111f)r1tP `• Ver11r- 1988 YAMAHA BRAVO, good condition, 31500. Ca11229'6931. 1976 GM "TRUCK. arming condition. ging as is, 5250.00. Call 284-1912. astitttlfr 8 Plano LIAMMOMIS Available Beginner to advanced all styles of music Brad's Music Serio 295.1363 • Red Clover Seeding for Experienced, custom ATC application call Dennis�!`Dietrich 237-3378 EVER THOUGHT ABOUT RUNNING A VACATION FARM ENTERPRISE? MAYBE WE CAN HELP GET YOU STARTED? IF YOU ARE INTERESTED CONTACT PAUL NICHOL, CO-ORDINATOR OF THE HURON COMMUNITY COMMITTEE PROJECT, AT 524-2168. CROSS CAA i LA E IT'S FAST - IT'S EASY! ONE CALL, ONE BILL DOES IT ALL. THINK BIG - CALL THIS NEWSPAPER FOR DETAILS. VACATIONttRAVEL CANAL CRUISES; five days aboard KAWARTHA VOYAGEUR, scenic Trjnt-Sevem Waterway or Rosati Canal; pnvate state -rooms. meals, Iree brochure: wnte Captain Marc, Box 6, Orittia. L31/6H9; (705) 327-5767 RECREATIONAL VEHICLES COACHMEN & BONAIR Camping -trailers. Hardtop- Foldown, Fifthwheet, Travel. Truckcampers-Caps, Parte Models, Royal -Trailer & R.V. Centre in Teviotdale. Ont. 1-(519) 343-2122. Come see us at K.W. Canperama R.V..Show Mar.543/92 and Stratford R.V. Show Mar. 13- 15/92. PERSONALS PREGNANT -CONSIDERING adoption? Loving, married couple wanting to adopt a baby. We would provide a wonderful home. Registered for adoption. Please call (416)884.2857 (collect) answering machine tor messages (completely confidential). COMING EVENTS 11TH SPRING FOREST CITY nostalgia & antique snow ancsata.March 14th & 15th. Saturday 12-9, Sunday. 11- 6..,Canada Building, Western Fairgrounds, Lonoon .$3.25, 60 dialers. (519) 879-1810. NOSTALGIA-RAMA '92. 85 nostalgia -antique dealers. Old advertising palters, toys, sportcards, postcards, braweriana. automobilia, documents. books. photographs. Sunday, March 8, 10-4. Fairgrounds auditanum, Woodstock. OUT OF TOWN PROPERTIES PROPERTIES TO BE SOLD for unpaid lazes. Crown Land availability. For information on both write: -Prep dies LMIWC+i:-triox5360,4Irs-Farra,4(2C3J1 ARTICLES POR SAJ.E DON MESSER and other memorable recordings from the good old days. For frac catalogue, Write to Music Barrs, 3665 Don Mills Rd., Unit 6,307 N. WiUgwdele, Ont. M2H 3N3. 3 FT. SATELLITE DISH AND SIXTY CHANNEL program,. approximately half price, for,hest chews, sports, cell Mr. Button. (416) 945.8714, 45 Ontario St., Gnmsby, Ont. UM 3H2. PORTABLE 'BAND SAWMILLS - Centrda's,10eding manufacturer oUers a variety of medium Save money, make money. Free brochure, Enercra t,.I3, 130 Saunders Road,:Same, Ont.1.4M-6E7 (705) 734.1211. RAINBOW VACUUM, 3 year-warrenty,;.NiShfly AWL Includes all attachments and pQwemortls..ke..brend new. Call (619) 742-4490. SASKATOONS: The Berry Fruit from the prairies. Seedlings for orchards or farms. Three excellent varieties -available. For a free information package, call toll free 1-800.463.2113 PREFAB HOMES FANTASTIC OFFER TO OWN YOUR OWN HOME. Development company will bwkd on your lot. Top quadtty material with exciting floor plans. Three models to choose from. Example.pnce: 1,200 sq. It. =49,500. Scheduling of construction and puce commitments limit thaiamount of homes to be built. Phone today for details .wtlilss this oHer is still available. (416) 969.8 ,000. STEEL 8).11JIJ INGS • BUi,LD{N.GS - IF A SIDE -13Y -SIDE comparison is what it Islas to pick out the best and lowest -were all tor ,t Atari Joe a limited time • Factory Direct ROCK -SOT -1'0M PRICES. Ex. 25 x 30 value $3,125. Now 52.374. Save 5754. 40 x 120 value 514.088. Now 511.288. Save 52,800. Call Pioneer 1 -800.668 -5422 - BEST BUILDING PRICES - Sleet strartwatt type - not quonset - 32x54 57344; 40x72 810,276: 50x90 815,882: 60x126 522,972 - other sizes available - winter works program- Paragon - 24 Hours 1-800-263-8499 SPAN -TECH STEEL BUILDINGS - Now you can get steel framed buildings at wood frame pnces. CSA & .GWB certified. For free brochures, call today 1-800-561- 2200. .800-561- 2200. BEWARE OF LOW PRICES. Before you bu;. cnecx the size and depth of the panel, the ovenap ani thickness gauge) of the steel. For venue. quality and integrity call Future 1.800.668.8653 A -Z PRE -ENG BUILDINGS INC Nev. types. steebwood, quonset. cladding. For true value. action �. answers - Wally (416) 626-1794 atter 6prn. weekend:. Free brochure. Clip -save CAREER TRAINING LEARN AUCTIONEERING at the Southwestern School of Aucbone.nng. Next class: March 14 - 20. tnlorrnation. contact Sotithwestam Ontario School of Aucooneenrig, R.R. 15, Woodstock. Ontano, N4S 7V9. (619) 537-2115 EARN A SECOND INCOME Income Tax or Bookkeeping courses by correspondence Free brochures. No obligation. U & R Tax Services 1345 'Pembina Highway, Winnipeg, Manitoba. R3T 266. 900685-5144. • -FREE cAREER GUkDE.1oAorneJtudy correspondertce Diploma courses. Accounting, Airconditioning. $gokkeeping, Business, Cosmetology. Electronics. 03Medical Secretary, Psychology, Travel. Grantor 63 Adelaide -West, Toronto. 14100-960.1972 SALES -HELP WANTED MUSIC CAN MAKE YOU RICH. Market our 2 tor 1 Music Coupon Book with tremendous savings and tropical vacation. Large bonuses. High profits. Great opportunity. Call 14300:a63.1900. fiti$4,4EAS 'QPPORTUNITIES WINNERS SECRET - Fantastic home business; quality hous.holdprpduols: un001 ditivftal arantee; retirement pogrom; 124 year reputation; exciting income potentia. Watkins, Box 22066, Saskatoon, SK S7H 5P1 (306) 966-7725. bXTRA INCOME! Grow bsltwonns in your basement or garage. Odorless operation. Low investment. Market guaranis/WI Fre. information. Early'Bird Ecology, R.801,ritle. Ontario, LAR 2A0. (416) 6434262. EDUCATIONAL QPPORTUNITIE LAG BUILDING CAREER. Pat Wil. Log BudOing School career courses beginning April 13th. Ten week $2.200, lour leek. $1,100, one vvoic $350. (613)2530631, Ottawa area MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS HOW TO PLAY POPULAR PIANO. New home study course. Fast, easy method. Guaranteed. Free information. Write: Popular Mucic, $p o (126). 1031054 .Ellis, Kelowna, B.C. MY 121. t - REAL ESTATE SALE BY TENDER. Restaurant in HaYtwrton Highlands vacation country, 2.400 square feet. fully .4i ed, licensed, seats 140. Additional tot. Contact H _futon County pavakkpmcnI Corporation (705)457-3555. • iXgiur,ed coykf appear In community newspapers in Ontario, pr rJpht,across Canada, .or any individual province, .Space is Limited, so Gall This Newspaper Today! DHATES 'WARD MOUNT . `LAY FIRST INSERTION - $9.00 per column inch SUBSEQUENT INSERTIONS $8.00 persohrmn inch. (minimum:size in this aelegory 1 Aaospted in 'multiples inch. of halfInc BOX 4411114:- S to this office $2.50 per insertion. -450 DISCOUNT OFF OF RATESJ]STED BELOW FOR PREPAYMENT Charges arebased on the num- ber of words. Sets of numerals as for aerial numbers, street numbers, phone numbers or prices count as one word per set. Words pined by hyphens count asTIa words. FIRST: ON - 20 words T�S - glilirtaar No copy changes,20 words $6.00, 1511 per word there atter. BIRTHS - 30 words $10.00. 150 per word thereafter. MARRIAGES - Engagements, Death Notices - 20 words $10.00 each additional word 150. IN MEMORIAMS - . $11_00. plus 250 per line of verse. CORING EVENTS - 30 words $10.00, each additional word 1511. Three insertions for the price of two. CARDS OF THANKS - 30 words $10.00, additional words 100 each. Deadline:ior.aiuMNad+ads Is 4:00p.m. Mondays. Phone 2354331 -Full Time -Person required for gas atten- dant, -experienced in re- tail. Students applicants welcome Applications.available at C.E.>Mactwi ii Sunoco °rdti►ond NBumo to .544 ,Main St. .5., :Exeter NMN:1S1 1 Lest, Strayed 2 Pam! 3 Situations Wsntetl 4 -Help Washed 5 Business Opportunities 6 Services 7 Livestock 8 9 Wit, Veh 11 Cars, Trucks 12 Pets 13 Musical Instruments 14 Appliances, Television 15 Personal 16 For Sale 17 Wanted to Buy 18 Wanted 19 Property for Sale 20 Property for Rent 21 For Rent 22 For Sale or Rent 23 Wanted to Rent 24 Property Wanted 25 Notices 26 Legal Notices 27 Tenders Wanted 28 Auction Sales 29 Yard and Garage Sales J JIuuntions Wanteo CARING MOTHER willing to bebysit in my Atone on wedtdays. iiamori raced, reeshablctate. Hig.>baakyard, tots crisis) alta. lots of TLC. Phone 237-3850 Datbwood. (8-11e) Tthe Times -Advocate urges our readers to use caution when sending money for business opportunity or employment ad- vertisements. Be certain you are dealing -with a reputable company before releasing any credit card irtformation.•Re- member... if any advertise- ment sounds too good to be true, it is. :.Registered 'Nunn Reed parttime me Geriatric experience preferred Reply in person to Exeter •Vlua 155 John St. E. Exeter Ont. RESIDENTIAL SUPPORT STAFF -PART•TIME Under the direction of the Residential Coordinator provides di- rect supervision and instruction for people- who have a develop - mental handicap. The ability to work independently within a team structure is -es- sential. Experience in the field preferred. A minimum of a.secornldary school diploma is required. Some fipecial red courses relevant to the job -would be rap asset. Must obtain and maintain a Standard First Aid Certificate. Drivers Licence re aired. Please submit your application in writing to: Mary Swinkels McLellan Administration Office Community Living - South Huron P.O. Box 29 Dashwood, Ontario NOM 1NO Closing date: March 23, 1992 - heL' Wnnte EXCELLENT PAY assembling products for our mmmsfeemsen, easy work at home. No •�mce GU 1-504.641-7778. ext. 135.24 hours including Sunday. (9-12c) PART TIME HELP WANTED - Cash crop operation m nadnrood area. Applicant .must be mechanically inclined, must have field warn experience, and must have their own vehicle. Apply m writing stating axperiertce qualifies ms, references and salary .expected to Exeter Times Advocate, Box 33P,.hxeter NOM 1S6. (9:10e) . FARM LABOUR - Ailsa Craig.asea. Egg Layer, pullet and cashaop operation. Dunes to inehde egg collection, field work m sprang sod fall. operation of tractor. Apartment on farm available. Phase reply by phone to Scow Morgan 1 snald Enterp ucs, (519) 571-9870. (10:11c) NANNY REQUIRED immdistely or for the simmer for three children in our homc. Must be a mature seapensible .eomvetic wring person. Please call evenings 2346793.(10;I1c) BABYSTITER wanted for two school aged children fivedays a weak from 6:45 a.m. to 8:30 a.m. to start March 24. Phone 235-I389after 8:30p.m. (100) TRUCK DRIVER WANTED. Must have Class A licence. Minimum three years expertnoce. Heavy hanker -preferred. 'Day trips only, • 401 corridor, -wage mgatieble. Month of April only. Rcply in writing to P.O. Box 940, Grand Bend, Ont. NOM 1TO. RESPONSIBLE caring imdividual-mgttised to provide are to three children ages 4. 3 and 6 months in our Keane _full time. Starting April 13. For more infemation phase call 237-3405.'.We-areloceusd.two noires ttteside of Exeter. Galin) r' Jery CUSTOM ATC SEEDING, rad cover septiaticn on wheat. Call Mike Lightfoot 235-3055.(9:10c) CHAINSAW AND carbine chain ming. -Phone 237-3207 evenings. (10:11c) INCOME TAX professionally mewed in your,hane or our office. Rates hoe 512. Pbune23S-1417. (ltltfn) TOWNSHIP OF UCKKRSMITH Applications will be received until March 13th, 1992 for the poarbon of SUMMER STUDENT at the Municipal Office Applicants are required to be enrolled In a Basic Accounting or Business course at a Community College Position available May 1st to August 3181, 1992 Please provide resume outlining work expenence as well•es any other perti- nent information J. R. MG1aohlan, Gark-Tammurer, ' Corporation of rhe Towtahip of Ttrohetamtth. Ysnsatra, ptpario NOM 1L0 4024623 ASSISTANT EDUCATION TECHNICIAN The Ausable-Bayliekl Con- aervat on Authority invites ap- plications for the position of .Assistant Education Techni- cian to.alsaist.with the Camp Sylvan Conservation Pro- gram (tel-edlacetion pwgram) . The successful canldKiale_wiN have e*perience .and kn owl- ecgge in the toliawing .areas: AwtdAor-edycation methods, grade 6, 7 -and 8 -Students; conservation..-andoioliwy. The contract ,period is April ,21 -.411110 19.1462 . 'Reese toward .ceaumeS to: Kathy Monk, Communications Manager, ABCA, H.H. 3, Exeter Onta- rio, NOM 165 Fax (519) 235-1963 before March 27, 1992_at 4 p.m. LAWN & GARDEN CARE N�:PJUS • Lr g Ic iitu tg� s • He• E Thrtunvmtroing • Rolling • Light lCleaning liveries Laverne McCarter 235-1062 tWsSt0r, LARGE CFI ACTION, good quilt), aggressive working boars Yori., land. Dime, Hemp, Spot Hemp x flume, York x Hemp, Duroc x Spa. Also bred and open gilu. ROP tented.-keasonabh priced. breeders. Delivery available. =ridteedStroebel, RP.2 Granton, (519) 225-2587 or 284.2628. (18dn) WE NOW HAVE AVAILABLE an excellent selection of Yasksldre Boars also Demc boars, open and bred gilts of both treads. Ted Sc hendaa225-2734. (47tfn ) JI):.r- L11111f)r1tP `• Ver11r- 1988 YAMAHA BRAVO, good condition, 31500. Ca11229'6931. 1976 GM "TRUCK. arming condition. ging as is, 5250.00. Call 284-1912. astitttlfr 8 Plano LIAMMOMIS Available Beginner to advanced all styles of music Brad's Music Serio 295.1363 • Red Clover Seeding for Experienced, custom ATC application call Dennis�!`Dietrich 237-3378 EVER THOUGHT ABOUT RUNNING A VACATION FARM ENTERPRISE? MAYBE WE CAN HELP GET YOU STARTED? IF YOU ARE INTERESTED CONTACT PAUL NICHOL, CO-ORDINATOR OF THE HURON COMMUNITY COMMITTEE PROJECT, AT 524-2168. CROSS CAA i LA E IT'S FAST - IT'S EASY! ONE CALL, ONE BILL DOES IT ALL. THINK BIG - CALL THIS NEWSPAPER FOR DETAILS. VACATIONttRAVEL CANAL CRUISES; five days aboard KAWARTHA VOYAGEUR, scenic Trjnt-Sevem Waterway or Rosati Canal; pnvate state -rooms. meals, Iree brochure: wnte Captain Marc, Box 6, Orittia. L31/6H9; (705) 327-5767 RECREATIONAL VEHICLES COACHMEN & BONAIR Camping -trailers. Hardtop- Foldown, Fifthwheet, Travel. Truckcampers-Caps, Parte Models, Royal -Trailer & R.V. Centre in Teviotdale. Ont. 1-(519) 343-2122. Come see us at K.W. Canperama R.V..Show Mar.543/92 and Stratford R.V. Show Mar. 13- 15/92. PERSONALS PREGNANT -CONSIDERING adoption? Loving, married couple wanting to adopt a baby. We would provide a wonderful home. Registered for adoption. Please call (416)884.2857 (collect) answering machine tor messages (completely confidential). COMING EVENTS 11TH SPRING FOREST CITY nostalgia & antique snow ancsata.March 14th & 15th. Saturday 12-9, Sunday. 11- 6..,Canada Building, Western Fairgrounds, Lonoon .$3.25, 60 dialers. (519) 879-1810. NOSTALGIA-RAMA '92. 85 nostalgia -antique dealers. Old advertising palters, toys, sportcards, postcards, braweriana. automobilia, documents. books. photographs. Sunday, March 8, 10-4. Fairgrounds auditanum, Woodstock. OUT OF TOWN PROPERTIES PROPERTIES TO BE SOLD for unpaid lazes. Crown Land availability. For information on both write: -Prep dies LMIWC+i:-triox5360,4Irs-Farra,4(2C3J1 ARTICLES POR SAJ.E DON MESSER and other memorable recordings from the good old days. For frac catalogue, Write to Music Barrs, 3665 Don Mills Rd., Unit 6,307 N. WiUgwdele, Ont. M2H 3N3. 3 FT. SATELLITE DISH AND SIXTY CHANNEL program,. approximately half price, for,hest chews, sports, cell Mr. Button. (416) 945.8714, 45 Ontario St., Gnmsby, Ont. UM 3H2. PORTABLE 'BAND SAWMILLS - Centrda's,10eding manufacturer oUers a variety of medium Save money, make money. Free brochure, Enercra t,.I3, 130 Saunders Road,:Same, Ont.1.4M-6E7 (705) 734.1211. RAINBOW VACUUM, 3 year-warrenty,;.NiShfly AWL Includes all attachments and pQwemortls..ke..brend new. Call (619) 742-4490. SASKATOONS: The Berry Fruit from the prairies. Seedlings for orchards or farms. Three excellent varieties -available. For a free information package, call toll free 1-800.463.2113 PREFAB HOMES FANTASTIC OFFER TO OWN YOUR OWN HOME. Development company will bwkd on your lot. Top quadtty material with exciting floor plans. Three models to choose from. Example.pnce: 1,200 sq. It. =49,500. Scheduling of construction and puce commitments limit thaiamount of homes to be built. Phone today for details .wtlilss this oHer is still available. (416) 969.8 ,000. STEEL 8).11JIJ INGS • BUi,LD{N.GS - IF A SIDE -13Y -SIDE comparison is what it Islas to pick out the best and lowest -were all tor ,t Atari Joe a limited time • Factory Direct ROCK -SOT -1'0M PRICES. Ex. 25 x 30 value $3,125. Now 52.374. Save 5754. 40 x 120 value 514.088. Now 511.288. Save 52,800. Call Pioneer 1 -800.668 -5422 - BEST BUILDING PRICES - Sleet strartwatt type - not quonset - 32x54 57344; 40x72 810,276: 50x90 815,882: 60x126 522,972 - other sizes available - winter works program- Paragon - 24 Hours 1-800-263-8499 SPAN -TECH STEEL BUILDINGS - Now you can get steel framed buildings at wood frame pnces. CSA & .GWB certified. For free brochures, call today 1-800-561- 2200. .800-561- 2200. BEWARE OF LOW PRICES. Before you bu;. cnecx the size and depth of the panel, the ovenap ani thickness gauge) of the steel. For venue. quality and integrity call Future 1.800.668.8653 A -Z PRE -ENG BUILDINGS INC Nev. types. steebwood, quonset. cladding. For true value. action �. answers - Wally (416) 626-1794 atter 6prn. weekend:. Free brochure. Clip -save CAREER TRAINING LEARN AUCTIONEERING at the Southwestern School of Aucbone.nng. Next class: March 14 - 20. tnlorrnation. contact Sotithwestam Ontario School of Aucooneenrig, R.R. 15, Woodstock. Ontano, N4S 7V9. (619) 537-2115 EARN A SECOND INCOME Income Tax or Bookkeeping courses by correspondence Free brochures. No obligation. U & R Tax Services 1345 'Pembina Highway, Winnipeg, Manitoba. R3T 266. 900685-5144. • -FREE cAREER GUkDE.1oAorneJtudy correspondertce Diploma courses. Accounting, Airconditioning. $gokkeeping, Business, Cosmetology. Electronics. 03Medical Secretary, Psychology, Travel. Grantor 63 Adelaide -West, Toronto. 14100-960.1972 SALES -HELP WANTED MUSIC CAN MAKE YOU RICH. Market our 2 tor 1 Music Coupon Book with tremendous savings and tropical vacation. Large bonuses. High profits. Great opportunity. Call 14300:a63.1900. fiti$4,4EAS 'QPPORTUNITIES WINNERS SECRET - Fantastic home business; quality hous.holdprpduols: un001 ditivftal arantee; retirement pogrom; 124 year reputation; exciting income potentia. Watkins, Box 22066, Saskatoon, SK S7H 5P1 (306) 966-7725. bXTRA INCOME! Grow bsltwonns in your basement or garage. Odorless operation. Low investment. Market guaranis/WI Fre. information. Early'Bird Ecology, R.801,ritle. Ontario, LAR 2A0. (416) 6434262. EDUCATIONAL QPPORTUNITIE LAG BUILDING CAREER. Pat Wil. Log BudOing School career courses beginning April 13th. Ten week $2.200, lour leek. $1,100, one vvoic $350. (613)2530631, Ottawa area MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS HOW TO PLAY POPULAR PIANO. New home study course. Fast, easy method. Guaranteed. Free information. Write: Popular Mucic, $p o (126). 1031054 .Ellis, Kelowna, B.C. MY 121. t - REAL ESTATE SALE BY TENDER. Restaurant in HaYtwrton Highlands vacation country, 2.400 square feet. fully .4i ed, licensed, seats 140. Additional tot. Contact H _futon County pavakkpmcnI Corporation (705)457-3555. • iXgiur,ed coykf appear In community newspapers in Ontario, pr rJpht,across Canada, .or any individual province, .Space is Limited, so Gall This Newspaper Today!