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l lines -Advocate, March 4, 1992
OMHA playoffs
Lucsn peewees, bantams midgets now in semi-finals
.tucan atoms stormed the Pt. Stanley net on Thursday night.
LANGTON - Jason Hodgson
scored two goals as the Lacan
bantams tied Langton 2-2 in then
first game of the six -point 'DI)'
semi-final Ontario Minor Hockey
Association series Ni Sunday.
Chris Haskell assisted on a goal
for Lucas who hosted Langton
last night and travel to Langton
for a 1 p.m. game on Sunday.
Lucas eliminated Port Stanley
on Friday with a 4-3 victory. Has-
kell fired the hat tnck while
Shaun Fairweather got the other
Jamie Lightfoot and Jason
Hodgson had two assists each
with singless from Fairweather
and Matt Munro.
Peewees: Kurty Hardy and
Corey Smith each scored twice as
Lucan eliminated Dorchester
with a 6-1 win on Friday. Chad
Greenlee and Josh Appleman
also scored.
Appleman had a big five -point
game as 'he -set -nplour goals• and
Hardy had two assists. Greenlee,
Brent Belamy, Adam Duskocy
and Corey Smith also set up
The night before in Dorchester,
the visitors lost 8-2 as Smith had
a goal and an assist with the other
tally w Marty McLaughlin. Jere-
my Cornish, Ryan Carroll and
Appleman assisted.
Last night in Lucan the pee-
wees played host to St. Clements
in the semi-finals with the second
game in St. Clements on Satur-
Midget: Rob Paul, Brian Heck-
man, Mike Munro, Brad Cough-
lin and Collin Kovi►atchi all
scored for Lucan in a 5-2 win
over Bothwell on Saturday.
Pahl added two assists in the
game which eliminated Bothwell
and sent Lucan into the semis
against Langton. Doug Hotson,
Munro anti Heckman also assist-
Friday in Bothwell, Lucan was
blankod 4--0 but won on Thurs-
day 3-1. Ron Gandarez, Paul and
Jeremy Jemec scored for the win-
- -ncrs -white Chad Owalchmai,
Munro, Shane Pfaff, Kowaichuk
and Paul O'Shea assisted.
The Lucan midgets are in Lang-
ton tomorrow night and the series
is back in Lucas on Sunday at
Novice: Ben Duskocy had the
lone goal in a 2-1 loss to Dort
Stanley on Saturday.
Atone In the quarter -finals
against Pt. Stanley, Eric Yeo's
two goals weren't enough as Lu -
can was eliminated in a 4-3 score
on Saturday. Rob Silver had a
-gosi and an -assist while 'Shill- .
pson, Ben Debbie and Sil-
ver assisted.
On Thursday, Silver and Yeo
combined for the lone goal in a 3-
1 loss.
Stephen peewees: Jeff Glavin
had six goals as the Sharks beat
Tiverton 11-4 in their quarter-
final 'E' series game.
Darryl Parsons had a goal and
and assist while John Rutten had a
goal and an assist. Also scoring
were Rob Morrissey and Tim
Matt Glavin had three assists,
Derek Sweitzer, Nick Pfaff and
Jeff Glover one assist each with
one for Ben McCann.
Minor hockey scoreboard
February 29
l xetcr 2 at Parkhill 9
Goals for Exeter: Nick Anatctt, Melissa
Gook -far Parkhill: Steven Moore (4),
Ryan Murdock (2), Willy Tootian, Lee
Ritchie (2)
February 29
Exeter Kings 6 - Forest 4
Goals: Geoffrey Duckworth (3), Januc
Rasenburg. Fraser Jones, Cam Murray
• Fcbatariry25
Exeter 1 - Mdenon 1
Gail: Jared Bourne
Assist: Shawn Kramer
March 1
Exner 3 - Lambeth 0
Goals: Steven Rosenberg (2), Jared
Moist: Michael Hanather
Shutout: Ryan Sullivan • this is his 10th
shutout of the season.
Februery 29 - Exhibition game
lldenon Sabres 0 at Exeter 3
Gash: Kieran O'Rourke. Mike Dietrich.
Kevin Overholt
Assists: Mike Dietrich, Daryl Bourne, Jer-
emiah Brenner. Tunothy Snell (2)
February 29
Exeter RSD Panther 4 - Hensel!
Goals: David Veal (3), Ryan France•
Amulets: Shawn Talbot (3). Caleb Johns
(2), Ryan France, Kyle Farwell
February 29
Exec RSD Panthers 2 - Parkhill Jets 3
Goals: Shane Czypyha, Robes Acton
Ambits: Shute Czypyha, Robert Acton
.; s
February 24
Exeter 0 at Mitchell 4
February 29
Exeter 5 at Dorchester 1
Goats: David Marshall, Greg Geoffrey
(3), Joshua Hem
Amities: Sean Guenther (2), Brian Hay -
man, David Marshall, Jason Gruner, Mat-
thew Szabo, Chad Dalrymple, Tyler
March 1
Clinton 3 at Exeter 5
Gods: Tyler Bourne (2), David Marshall.
Chad Dalrymple, Matthew Szabo
Anises: Matthew Sabo, David Marshall
(2). (bad Dalrymple. Tyler Bourne, Josh-
ua Hem, Sean Guenther
February 28 - Exhibition game
Exeter Packer 3 - Seaforth 6
Goals: Mille Wilhelm, Andrew Freiter,
Justin Miners
Artists: Andrew Fierier (2), Stephen Far-
qubar, Jason Miles, Scat Keys
ruary'29 - Exhibition game
Exeter Packer 4 - St. Marys 4
Goals: Mike Wilhelm (3). Scat Kays
Assists: Jason Miles (3), Andrew Freiter,
Ryan Ralph
March 1 - Exhibition game
Exeter Csanchen 8 - laiden Moose
Lodge 7
Goats: Greg Young (7), Purr Fragukatos
Artists: Robert DeVnes, Robbie McIn-
tosh, Dan Snell (3), Tim Mayer (2).
Wayne Colc
Matter Peewee
February 26
Exeter 4 - Belmont 5
Goals: Jeff MacLean (2), Mark Bell (2)
Ami ts: Ryan Beckett, Geoff Mayer, Jeff
March i
Exeter 4 - Be brnent 7
Goals: Jeff MacLean (2), Mike France.
Dave Fa r
Assists: Hill Kline (2), Gilfillan, Jeff
ExeterSe wee
Big V:Bullets
February 29 - ExhthW,m gene
L.urdun Oakndgc 'lice 1'1 at Exeter Big V
Goats: Ryan Soldan, Bryce Hann
Assists: John Miters (2), Ruben 1 umer
February 29 - Playoffs Game 41
Exeter 6 - Parkhill 1
Goals: Lawrence Cole, Adam Hem (2),
Shaun Simpson, Scott Rasatburg, Wayne
Assists: Shaun Simpson, Wayne Cole (2),
Jon Moore, Trevor Obre
February 29 - Playoffs Game 42
Exeter Mustangs 2 - Suathroy Audio Vid-
eo 3
Goals: Jan Moore, Shaun Simpson
Assists: Wayne Cole, Lucas Forrest
• Exeter Legionaires 13 -,Clinton I
Goals: Gavin Snell (3), Ben Armstrong
(4), Chris McDonald (2), Rob Kobayashi
(2). Scan McCann
Assists: Trevor Taylor (5)
Exec Lincolns 3 - Lucian 0
Goals: Dan Taylor, Andrew Hem, Jason
Amish: Andrew Hem, Mau Turner, Jason
Kramer, Mau Sims, Mike Burton
Shutout: Kenn Hines
Stephen Tyke
Mean Machines
February 29 - Toumranent
Stephen Mean Machines 1 - Pon Elgin 5
Gaal: Jesse Schroeder
Grum 42
Stephan 2 - Seafoah 5
Goals: Jesse Sduoeder, Scott Davies
March 1 - Atvinaton townsman
Game 41
Blyth 4 - Stephen 3
Goals: Jeff Glavin, Rob Morrissey, Derek
Assists: Jeff -Glavin (2), Nick Pfaff, Tim
Game 42
141,1hD 2 --SNOW4
Exeter Novice Waxers' deiencemmi Jared Bourne watches as Lambeth's J.D. McFarlane
falls to the ice during Sunday afternoon's game in Exeter.
Goals: Jeff Glavin (4)
Assists: Tim Morgan (4), Darryl Parsons,
Mau Glavin, John Rotten, Ben McCann
Consolation Finals - Game 43
Stephen 13 - Dresden 1
Goals: Jeff Glavin (2), Darryl Parsons (2),
John Rouen (3), Ben McCann, Tin Mor-
gan, Derek Sweitzer, Rob Morrissey, Matt
Glavin, Kurt Mills
Aashts: Jeff Glavin (3), Darryl Parsons
(2), Ben McCann, Tim Morgan (4), Derek
• Sweitzer (2), Rob Morrissey (2), Matt
February 26 - WOAA League Playoffs
Brussels 6 - Stephen Twsp. 3
Goals: Bill Hodge, Jeff Glavin, Brent
Assists: Jeff Glavin, Mike Bowerman
February 29
Stephen Temp. 4 - Brussels 1
Goals: Jeff Glavin (2), Bill Censor, Brent
Attains: Craig Glavin (2), Hill Hodge.
Souban Inlakahana
Medford Tyke Tournament
Loam 16 - Clearwater I
Goals: Michael Mitchell (3), Pat Maguire
(3), Matthew Baan, Scat Riddell, Ryan
Nickles, Michael Bancroft (7)
Assists: Andrew Bluiunorc, Michael
Mitchell, Pat Maguire (3), Geoffrey Moss
'A' Su nifmal
Wain 3 - Chatham 13
Goats: Michael Bancroft (2), Michael
Artists: Pat Maguire, Ausun McAvoy
February 29 - Game 41
Lorean Laser 2 Mi. Brydges Blue 1
Goals: Trevor Smith (2)
Game 42
Lw -an lasers 4 - CMO 3
Goals: Trevor Smith (2), A.J. MacGregor,
Mike Anker
Assist: Colin Haskell (20
Game 43 - 'B' Championship Final
Licari Lasers 3 - Stnthroy Canadian Tire
Goals: Trevor Smith (2), Colin Haskell
(in overtime)
Andes: Colin Haskeu, AJ. MacGregor
St. Marys 4 at Lucan 7
Goals: Ryan Hobe[, Jason Wyan, Den-
ton Hackney (2), Steve Greenlee (2), Josh
Mists: Rob Hillis (3).Ssevetea dcc
(2), Ryan Hannam, Joshirrstryy, Brutal
Hackney (3), Carey Hickson
Parents want tykes to play
EXETER - Disappointed, disillu-
sioned and disgusted are the words
being used by the couches of the
Lucan tyke hockey tram after they
have been informed they will not
be participating in the Exeter Minor
Hockey Tournament.
John Bancroft, coach of the Lu -
can tykes, said he feels his turn
was not allowed into the March 21
tournament because the Lucan
tykes have too good a record.
The Times -Advocate has re-
ceived four letters from parents of
Lucan players voicing their dis-
Last year, Lucan had two teams
in the tournament. Tykes are be-
tween four and six years old and
the younger ones are called pre-
Lette' to Etittor
tykes because they are first year
hockey players. .
"At no point do we take a look
and say That team is too good," said
Mike Anstett of the tournament or-
ganizing committee.
"We've been instructed to make
the tournament competitive," he
Two of the eight teams in the
tournament are from Exeter.
Teaching hostility in tyke hockey?
Dear Editor:
1 am writing to protest the exclu-
sion of the Lucan Tyke Team from
the .Exeter Tyke tournament on
Mameh 21. The organizers of the
tournament seem to feel that the
team's winning record is too good
for the team to be allowed to par-
There seems to be some unfair
rumours regarding this team circu-
lating the area. Contrary to popu-
lar belief, (here are only a couple
of really outstanding player on
the team. My son is .only six, is
playing his fust year of hockey
and is not a pint-sized -Eric Lin-
dros. I feel, it is unfair to him to be
denied the op-
portunity to par-
ticipate in a
cOrrjpetltion based
on the fact that his
team has won all
but one of their
Tyke -level Jtockey_is supposed to
be am opportunity for our children
to learn about the fundamentals of
the game, not to acquire sonic
warped idea that winning is more
important than competing to the
best of your ability - whatever that
ability may be. I would hope that
we as parents, coaches and admin-
istrators can try harder to foster the
Letter to Editor
ideals of good sportsmanship and
team cooperation instead of a win -
at -all costs attitude.
I feel that it is unfortunate that
two neighbouring communities
cannot exhibit a spirit of friendly
competition among their beginning
athletes. Instead, we arc teaching
out children a hostility that will af-
fect their auitudc not only toward
the game of hockey but toward life
in general.
Mary Blackmore
Lugano Tyke pare9t
RR I Lucas
Tykes want to play hockey
Dear Editor:
The Lucan tykes ,Are nineteen
boys aged four to six. These boys
have worked very hard this'eason
and I'm sure i speak for all the par-
ents when i say, "we are very
proud of them".
Lucan Tykes Hockey Program
teaches the basics of hockey to
build confidence in these young
• boys. By'Lbasics, i mean teaming
to skate forward and backwards,
how to stop and how to carry the
puck. It also rpe;uas good sports-
manship, confidence, team work
and fair play.
For some, their greatest accom-
plishment this year will be to
touch the puck when it is in play:
for others, it might be the thrall of
scoring their fust goal. Everyone
shares in the excitement! They
really do not care whether they win
or lose. They arc out there for the
fun and love of the game.
If Tyke hockey is supto be
foul; why is it that the LucanTykes
were not allowed into the Exeter
tournament being held during the
March Break. We arc told that it is
intended . for mostly first year
players. Lucan has ten fst year
players on the team. Last ya�ar, Ex-
eter was more than happy tQ accept
entry foes from two Lucan
teams. Unlike
this year, we
were not a
threat to the Ex-
eter tears.
We arc not the
only leant denied
entry in this tournament. Strathroy,
last year's "A" champions have
been excluded from the tourna-
ment. Is this fair play? is this the
kind of example we want for these
young boys? Is this how neigh-
bouring communities treat each
i wish all the players in the tour-
nament best of luck and to the vis-
iting coaches a wanting: "If ou'fe
good, you may not be invited back
next year".
To ibe committee who mat$&'this
decision, watch these young chil-
dren play. Try to sec the game
through their eyes. You will prob-
ably learn something "It's not
whether you win or lose, it's how
you play the game!"
Barb Mitchell
Lucan 'Tyke Hockey Morn
acid Proud of it,
RR n3, Denfield