HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1992-03-04, Page 10Sat. March 7
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Times -Advocate, March 4, 1992
Performance motivator Rosalie Wysocki and Bill Becker
Fanners cat at Becker Farm Equipment Trade - it
The Management and -Staff of Becker Farm Equip-
ment would like to thank everyone who participat-
ed in the Becker Farm Equipment 60th Anniversary
Kickoff events held the last week of February. Your
presence made our week.
The winners of our draws were
Mr. Gary Street!, Thodford, Ont.,
Mr. Brian 074611, Liman, Ont..
Congratulations Gary and Brian and to at/ our other
door prize winners.
Special thanks to everyone who contributed to
the Easter Seal Fund ($228.00) at
our Pancake Breakfast
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Area societies attend OAAS convention
TORONTO - Delegates from lo-
cal fair bards attended the annual
Ontario Association of Agricuhural
Societies convention at the Royal
York in Toronto on February 18,
19 and 20, together with more than
1,400 representatives from across
Ontario. The theme "Building on
Tradition" was incorporated
throughout the convention, this the
200th year of fairs in Ontario.
Guest speaker, Taylor Parnaby,
News Director of CFRB related his
past fair experiences attending his
home town fair in Orillis and grow-
ing up in rural Ontario.
Dolores Shapton of Exeter who
Nerved as O.A.A.S. Homecraft pres-
ident in 1987, related die evolve-
ment of the Homecraft Division
from its inception in 1937, then
known as the Women's Division,
later 10 be called the Ladies' Divi-
sion to the change in name to
Homecraft in 1986. She went on to
report that the Homecraft Division
has assumed responsibilities for
providing leadership and resources
for the enhancement and promotion
of homecrafts to agricultural socie-
ties, the planning and co-ordinating
of the annual convention and ar-
ranging for an educational program
of interest to all fairs.
Shapton challenged everyone to
pledge to continue to mold our fairs.
It is our heritage and even in our
trying times we can build on our tra-
ditions for a successful future,
Shapton said.
Winner of the Ontario Agricultu-
ral Museum Quilt Competition was
Bean producers seminar
HURON PARK - Bean producers will want to attend the Edible Bean
Produces Update featuring area producers and association and extension
representatives. This one day seminar is being held on March 10 at Cen-
tralia College, Huron Hall Lounge, from 9:45 a.m. to 3 p.m. The registra-
tion fee per person is $20 which includes lunch.
Guest speakers and their topics include: Charles Broadwell, Ontario
Bean Producers Marketing Board, giving an update on current GRIP and
tripartite stabilization negotiations and Steve Twynstra from the Great Ca-
nadian Bean Company, discussing the importance of quality when pro-
cessing edible beans. Jim OToole, head of agronomy research at Central-
ia College, outlines various ecological production methods, and the
chairman of the Ontario Coloured Bean Growers' Association discusses
the challenges facing the coloured bean industry.
Farmers on the afternoon producer panel will compare different produc-
tion systems for growing beans. Panel members are Roben DeBrabandere
of St. Marys, Hugh Dietrich of Lucan, Dennis Dow of Staffa and Brad
Carnochan of Seaforth.
This event is coordinated by Huron, Perth and Middlesex OMAF offic-
es and Centralia College. To register for the day, or to find out more infor-
mation, contact the Continuing Education section at Centralia College,
228-6691, ext. 285.
Brinsley 4H meeting
By Jennifer Hodgson
BRINSLEY - On Tuesday, Feb-
ruary 25, the Brinsley 4-H club
held their third meeting at the Brin-
sley United Church, beginning the
meeting with the 4-H pledge.
President Julie Jones then talked
about the roll call which was
"When was your house built and
what do you heat it with". They
then talked about their homework
which was to test if your house has
drafts and leaks.
Junior leader Tara Conlin then
talked to us about "Saving Energy".
A guest speaker, Iva Amos, came
to talk to us about recycling and
what it has done to our community.
She told the club that "every little
bit helps" and all should work to-
gether to ensure our future. The
group then had a snack which was
prepared by Tara and Anne Conlin
and a drink prepared by Ten Press.
Angela and Jennifer Hodgson
and Jennifer Dright are to bring the
snack and drink to next week's
meeting. The meeting ended at
Buchanan welcomes
federal ethanol initiative
TORONTO - Ontario Agriculture
and Food Minister, Elmer Bucha-
nan, last week expressed support
for the federal government's budget
initiative to remove the excise tax
on fuel ethanol. "The removal of
the excise tax on fuel ethanol is a
boost to the ethanol industry and
the producers of raw materials used
in its production," said Buchanan.
"I have been encouraging the fed-
eral government to provide this ex-
emption since becoming Minister
of Agriculture and Food, and I was
pleased to see it in the federal bud-
Buchanan also re-inforced his
commitment to co-operate with the
ethanol industry to explore ways of
developing an ethanol system that
provides enhanced markets for
farmers' crops, supports rural devel-
opment and offers a renewable en-
ergy source.
"We want to bring all parties to-
gether to create a viable ethanol
system in Ontario. We hope to
work with the private sector to
achieve this through innovative
production, distribution and mar-
keting," Buchanan said. "The Min-
istry of Agriculture and Food is
moving ahead in examining pilot
demonstration projects on these in-
novative strategies.*
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Heather Ingram of Markham Agri-
cultural Society, District 5.
Marion Godkin of Seaforth Agn-
cultural Society won 3rd place in
the Whole Wheat Broad competi-
Rita Bilcke. Queen of Exeter Ag-
ricultural Society, Wendy Semple,
Queen of Hensall-South Huron Ag-
ricultural Society and Aimee Geli-
nas, Queen of Zurich Agricultural
Society, together with over 100 rep-
resentatives of societies in Ontario,
participated in the training program
for the CNE Ambassador contest to
take place in August.
Others attending *ere Dolores
and Bruce Shapton, Wayne Shap -
ton, Alan Renning, Doris Weigand
and Ruthann Negrijn all of Exeter,
Bob and Marlene Bell of Hensen,
Tim and Ellen Shute of Kirkton,
and Margaret Deichert and Heather
Kopp of Zurich.
It's Time For DeKalb Da s.
MARCH 9-1 4, 1 99 2
*If you t:tuy 10 or more units of
DeKalb corn and/or alfalfa and
pay before DeKalb Days end.
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March 12 & 13, 1992
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