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Times-A4ivocate, March 4, 1992_
Full house for Hensall figure skating carnival
Members of the Mensal! Rguro Skating Club held their annual camival Saturday evening to
the theme of "A Jukebox Saturday Night." Here, members jive to the tune of fun, fun, fun.
Participating in the jingle were Jennifer Alderdice, Jamie Bengough, Marique Branderhorst, Na-
than-Cann,Suzane-Coleman, Kim Forrest, Richard Greidanus, Jillian Koehler, Hilary Long, Lea
Mudge, .Nathan Regier,_Deniefie Ritchie and KristB_T lor.
Soloist Tara Pring
Members of the
Hensall Figure Skat-
ing Club participate
in the first half
finale Sixteen Can-
Great skating entertainment in Hensall
By Vanessa Cook
HENSALL - Saturday evening
the Hensall Figure Skating Club
presented "A Juke Box Saturday
Night", the club's annual figure
skating carnvial.
There are 45 members in the
Hensall Figure Skating Club, divid-
ed into three groups; Learn to skate
- Canskate A, Canskate B and Can -
figure Skate. These groups com-
bined their talents and presented a
program featuring music from the
50s and 60s.
Tossin' and Tumin' was per-
formed by the Canfigure Skate
group. They were dressed in their
pyjamas and at one point they laid
on the ice and tossed and turned.
Six children dressed as engineers
skated to "Do the Locomotion".
The littlest skaters came out on
the ice with Teddy Bears tied to
their tummies and tried their best to
skate to "Just want to be your Ted-
dy Bear".
They also skated to "This Dia-
mond Ring". Other songs
that the skaters performed to
were: Lollipop, Fun Fun Fun,
My Boyfnends Back, Sixteen Can-
dles, All I Have to do is Dream.
Soloist Tara Campbell
Jailhouse Rock, The Twist, and Yel-
low Submarine.
The solo performers were: Donald
Broadfoot and Trista Wilson, Tara
Ingram, Lisa Faber, Tara Pring,
Tara Campbell, Kendra Mudge,
Becky Corbett, Lindsay Knight,
Dana Cooper, Leann Consitt and
Kerrie Consitt.
The highlight of the evening was
the adults skating to "When I'm 64".
They came out on the ice dressed
looking like they were in their six-
ties, complete with canes. At fust
they slipped and shook just as if it
was their fust time on ice skates.
One of them fell flat on her back
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And Leann Consitt dressed as a
nurse came out checked her over
and then helped her up on her feet.
The canes were dropped and they
skated the remainder of their pro-
The Hensall Figure Skating Club
is also having a fund raising lunch-
eon on March 13 from 11:30 a.m. to
1:30 p.m. at Hensall United Church.
Ham and scalloped potatoes and all
the trimmings at $6. each. For ad-
vance tickets call Anita 263-5025.
Take outs are available.
On February 28 Leanne and Kar-
rie Consitt attended a test day in
Mitchell and successfully passed
Leann her Senior Bronze dance and
Kerrie her Junior Bronze dance.
Just Cookies March 24 or 26192 7-10 p.m. $25
As a result of requests by participants of the Great Cookie Caper, we
are introducing this workshop. You do the baking and take home a varie-
ty of cookies for lunch boxes or snacking. Enrolment limited to 16.
Say "Chest► -Cake" March 31/92 7-10 p.m. $25
Probably everyone's favourite dessert! Did you know you can make a
low -cal variety? You do the baking and take home a variety of samples.
Limited to 16 participants.
Cooking with Herbs April 9/92 730-10 p.m. $15
Put down the salt shaker - there are some wonderful flavours out there.
Participants learn how to grow their own herbs both indoors and out-
doors. Methods of drying are explained - conventional and microwave.
In addition, foods flavoured with herbs are prepared for tasting.
All courses include GST
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