HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1992-02-26, Page 21)111,10S -Advocate, February 26, 1992 Pape 21 OOLIJhIS - Oman •►4 lawasby are thrilled a anotmce she aeivat ,d Meir Ent child, Olivia Kathleen, bone at MC a.m. m Piueary 17, 1992 weighing 7 km 3 ozs. Mad meedpenmls m Jim and Dena Col- lins, Peterbormigh sad Norm std Mary Lou Tait, UMW. am special theeka to Dr. Her - terrific staff at Wet4a"a Coliaae HosPisal ORKel • Daryl aid Isflie /gas MEW are pined a awe the arrival eteir-arat - sYY as Pahlea j 18. 1902: nerals Nie 916., iI 12a,, abon ie KW. �ihethia�ar. Leu dims aid Patd kisses MoBrids and Home mid Bea Orb, peat Kerr Lathed Tireb. Violated .. .. and t- petheir ' • Sash. 9c mac ) • Btia red Becky ate albar thebtg safe arrival fM Preasis. m Petnesry 17. 1992, gni king the., S ass. Pseud rimarreetts ase bawd Janice Bak- er of Hmeali Bill and Kandy Manner of Aylmer ad Ann haw of Lannon. emu erNaiar ass-Kashiuw.-Hodahea-d-Dash- wood and Gertsade (filaria) liamillen of Eraser. A big fink you to Doctors Kota and Kramer and all the wonderful oases on the third floor, St. Jampb's Hospital for heir exadlms ane of manaay,nd Cady. A wry special dshank you to Daddy tot all bis sT: poet an RYAN - "Maurice and Terri (tee Brown) welcome with hive, a ser, Jahn Michael Ryan, born faraday, Jaeger, 24. 1992 a Si. Joseph's HospisaLondon. A brother for May Fitness. Sprainswap�go to Ba- ry and Harry Oseaa and Mike and Tame Ryan, Mount Gael. 9c VEKMIJNT - Walter and Brenda are phased to aiomce the safe arrival of their Scot Edward Arthur on Fdseeary 3, • 8 lbs., 4 on. A little brother for Sarah. Bradley and Daniel- Proud siaodp.mts are Lionel and KW Wider ad 1 s Vermont. 9,c WILLERT - Colleen is plaid to wee the arrival of her little amen Crystal Joyce, ban m February 19, 1992, weighing in at 8 lbs., 2 ors. wants are Ervine and . �grand- menu Joyce Witten, and Atnberth Bradley, Kitchener. Special thanks to Dr. Steed and the meting staff at Clinton Public Hospital. 9• E FLEIiCHER • At University lapial. Lon- don. on Tuesday, 17, 1992. tuna - ret M. Fletche(MofExeter, in he 93rd year. Beloved wife of the hoe Roy Fletcher (1932). Dear mother of Marie and Bob Field of Winnipeg and Dania and Bbowie, Patti etty neither her of Ki rca dile. Beloved =rear f • Maio ad r of eight efiiidren. was cease by 2 titer, vena and Harvey. Rested at the Hopper -Hockey Fu- neral Home, Wiliam Street, Eraer, where the heard service was held m Thursday, Febswry 20, 1992. 'The -Rev. Fay Patience officio d•-Tmamen Do- nations to the Heart and Saki Fogodetion would be appreciated by the Fletcher Fami- ly. 9c SCHENDERA • P tea ily at his lee nisi - Moe, RR 4, lastitid, aetwtded by his t evil . on Thursday. *heavy 20, 1992, Kart H. 1adawdar, in his 411th veer. Dear Wafter of Ursa* and Ped Sieahod d Lon - deo, Ted and Masten Selman of RR 4. Deatidd, Thema Punt and Lase Mai,aic bah of Calgary. Also survived by several Meet and nes. Reseed at the C. Has - kat and Sun Hose, beau, Friday harm 7-9 ppm. where the band .mace was held on Saanaday, February 22 at 3:30 p.an. with Rev. B. Riesaul officiating. Carnation with interment nt of ashes a Siloam Cwnesery. Donations to the Desertion Cancer Society would be appareled by the family. 9c i'IWRiSIi(7TON - 1 wish to thank all my treads who tssammbeeet.he *bh cards, vis- ittsi d oats wide I was adpaHospital. A si n ks bar Cain for Obi Alma s to LaMmw 9* Archie LAING • To our way, may triwsda who sappoesd ws .all iw6 `Bob's year -keg - .stole era mater. Araks. Your cards, vats and Mb sew .o meth io ass. -'To less who seat floras aired. -or mads do- wabes to the Cancer swsray or earthen - tie at M. rhes d his death. we are most ssasafd. Meeks to the Csemerty ladies for minding bock and a spatial sag you to our V.O.N. erase, Breads' Smith, for her care of bath Bob and tug Sac _ Rm6i#nsaetamily LUTHER - I wait to dank my family, rela- rves, triads end neighbours, for the flow- ers, rands, taeu, phone calls and viers while I was a patient at South Heron Hospital, Ex- eter. Many -tasks to Dr. Monne( and cors- , es, abo to Dr. Roach -at University Hospital and since renaming home. Greta MURRAY • The family of the tate Mn. Maio Murray, of Beater, Ontario, world tike to thank friend., naives aid neigh- bours who wppossed as d ow treses of n eed. Think you to Dr. Hodde. Janice -Hayser•Oke., V.O.N.. Hawn Camay Hame- ▪ iTothean's Ambulance. Exeter Hos- pital, Jim Hoffman, Michael O'Connor, aid Sather Joseph Baggana. Thank you alio to Bill -Gibson for being Men's special faced. Your kindness has been sinasely appreciat- ed. 9nc P1NCOMBE ppre t- P1NCOMBE -1 wish to say a big thank you to all my very thoughtful frauds, neigh- bours. and relatives who were w Rood to re- member rase with cards, flowers, gifts, phone calls and visits while in the hospital and since t1.-ning home. You kindness will al - 9 ys be remembered.Leese SMITH - The family of the hate Lillian Smith wish to express • their sincere thanks and appsedaim to Wes, friends and neighbors for the beramitul floral dribus s, memorial dmstiaus, •,.,.spay cards. !tied deeds, visits to the funeral home and to she maty friends who bsisbeaaed !`font's rays with their visit chile she was at Qatar - way. A special thanks to Htth and Hellen McKay fa transportation fa appointments Leaden.ai Our gna 4 to Rev. Mark Ga - comforting meow and visits. To the P.C.W. 0 Carmel for their officious inch, to dna slats at Qaeauway. to the pill - bearers, a Michael P. O'Connor Funeral Home for Weir MaugMhisses -ad •mder- 9� Jack and Bah Smith, Harry and Doeia Smith, Nara and Ion Cooper 111111111111111111111 llIoS !SON •' We, +a daily of Me leve Orden 'r— -en, gent a Wit thank all who rmatMred Oman, with cents, flowers, was and eleiu dress hu hospital sack y dMaadhws Spni+d eines tohi o Di, Sudak, Exeter, Dr. Waller, St. Marys and Hatberi's Amtediece tot Mer quick fe- spo las .ad sappers, Ball aid Sass area Hoare and Mn. Steen Sinal, DM for her comforting servioc. The floral tributes and di.iteble doiatiau were beautiful and op p.ec ted a shad,. We woad him to extend our warn Masks to our (snares and friends for your kindness shown in so many ways (lid bless you all. 9c Judy, Kan, Derek, Dee and Wada, sad Lee and Iliris Jerry. 10RLAND - L baits of voyeur herbed, who passed awayiibleary 28, 1991. My dean Meds memories that will lest for rrver. 9c June, -0ORL AND --fa iovingemenery ed ria bsother-unlaw and verde, Bat, who passed away soddenly 1 year ago, Pebwary 28, 1991. Today means sad meaiosiea, Of Bert, who has Sue to tat, And the ones who think d him today, Are the one who leaved him beg. ens Lynd Oe i. Kathy,' 3mtleyarid Shawn. -9' CORNISH • In living memory of Man and Dad, Mary Bllisebeth Cornish who passed away Fabrwary 26, 1991; and Emerson Cor- n ish who pegged away September 1, 1968. May the winds of love blow softly, Wee an ellove Ware e sleeping, And will never be (argot. Rammabeod always by Donna and Woo - die Woods and family. 9c CORNISH • In • memory d Glendon ▪ teesElizabeth, who -sramdata Mary passed away Feinuary 26, 1991. nil da is remembered and No words ate needed, quietly We shall never forget Sadly missed by may, Bill, Christian and Kahic. 9c FRAYNE - In fond .and loving memory of our dear Mom ad Grandma Ella Frryne, o pissed away two years ago. Mart• 2. 1990. Today recalls sad Dories, Of a dear Mom gene to test, And dna airs who think of you today, Are the awes who loved you best. We will cherish all our memories, They are full of love and cute, They remind us ria we had a Mom, Who was the beat beyond compare. No materhow we spend our days, No mater wtbat we do, Our heats still ache with sadness, . As we lovingly think of you. Always remembered and sadly missed by Helen and Bob. Ross and Marione and fami- lies. 9• YLINE - In loving memory of a der sitter Katherine Kline, who posed away Feb a ry 26. 1991. Sweet memories will linger fotever, Time terror Change than, it's tote, Years that may tame cannot ,over, My coving ssambrnce of you. Always remembered and missed by brother Joe and leanly. 9* BETHEL REFORMED CHURCH Huron 8awet East, Easier Minister REV. HENRY VAN ESSEN Sunday, Match 1 10'00 ant. Worship 11:10 am. Sunday School Nursery available 790 pm. Worship Eswybody wet orae 1 Come and Worsuip with us EXETER Bi8LE FELLOWSHIP t 930 am. Sunday school 1020-1190 am. Fellowship Time 1190 am. Family Bible }iota 890 p.m. GenW101417i0D Service Rummy Available Tuesday evenings 7:30 p.m. - Malls" All saviors am hold at 94 Orchard Simi Saar ne For please oat 11294M11 1 1 EXETER PENTECOSTAL TABERNACLE 870 Main st S Pasbr Vernon Dean Aasialaht Pastor Kevin D. Rogers Sunday. Mstrch 1 1090 a.m. Sunday School 1190 and. Worship Service 790 p.m. Coiebraion Service • Wadnimmay 790 p.m. Family Night Programs Mor el ages. Nursery available for al aervioe* 'A plror b meet God and a klond- i ti EMMANUEL BAPTIST CHURCH 187 Huron 8t W. Emir Pastor Rev. Kevin Rusedge 236.2881 wraday, March 1 9:46 am. Sunday School 11:00 am.Momi g Worship 7:00 p.m. Evening Communion Everyone Wdoome TRIVITT MEMORIAL ANGLICAN CHURCH 284 Main Street Engler, Onierb TM Rev. Fay M. Pallerron Last sundry Altar Epiphany '11he Tianslgdradon' March 1, 1992 11:16 am Hoer Eucharist Sunday School Nursery AM.* Ash Wednesday Mnoh 4,11992 7110 p.m. Wombat) of Aahas Friday, March 8, 1992 2.00 p.m.World Ow of Pow Service Lunch Nilotic Evweycne-Wow none CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 88 Main -Strom South 236-2784 Min4Ner: Rev, Mark 8. Gaskin Organist: Miss Carolyn Lore Sunday, March 1 11:15 a.m. - Worship Service Nursery and Sunday School Everyone Welcome ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH Dashwood Pasbr LARRY STOJKOVIC Sunday, March 1 920 a.m. - Sunday School 1190 am. - Worship Stearins Evwyafe WWoane EXETER CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH H Main St. North Pastor Rut. Sleds Vander Meer 235.1723 Worship Sorvioas March l 10:00 am. 790 pan. Nursery Available EWheelchair r Sunday Radio CKNX 9201020 am. Dailey T.V. Faith 20 Glebe! 690 a.m. Lilo it too shat lir ui 18 do everything we term to do; but it is long enough lir 111110 do everything God WSW us to do. EXETER UNITED CHURCH Comer of James and Andrew stn Ministry The Rev. John C. I'kWorn Ws. Bev Robinson The Rev. Grant L. Mills (Minister Emeritus) Diroc*r of Music Ralph C. Topp Mich 1, 1992 - 11:00 a.m. Last Sunday of Epiphany Sacrament of Holy saps Sermon: 'The Chrisfan Roots of Anti-Semilientr Young Adult Class 920 am. Sunday Church school 11 a.m. 'Nursery Fudges meltable Courtesy Car: Don and Melva Wier 236.0676 Everyone Wokeato • CSEDrTON COMMUNTTY CENTRE: SUPPER. Old fashioned Rosa Beer Dimer, March 11, 1992, 5-7 p.m. Adults 88; Chit Oen 84; Finely 820. 7,8,9, PANCAKE SUPPER w be held at Triviu Memorial Parish Hall on lliesday, March 3, frown S two 7 p.m Adults 87.00, Children 84.00 7,8,9' LAS VEGAS - baster weekend, April 17 w April 20. Holiday het, 5379.00 USD; tial PsJaoc, $369.00 USD. Robert Q Travel 482-777 I or 1400-668-7471. 9,10,11 c WO1ILU DAY O!•' PRAYER, lfaiday, March 6, 2 p.m., Trivia Mamaaeiel C urt:h, Exeter. Counesy Car, 235-= bysuung available. 9* BEEN SURER as Health Umbel Cheer, April 8, 1992. Two soness: S p.m. sod 610 p.m. 9s ZION LUTHERAN are holt a Pao.ke Supper, Toseday, March 3 with two table . settings, 5 pat. and 6 pat. Tickets available from members. Adria 84.00 and children 10 and ruder 82,00. 9c CELEBRATE VT. PATRICK'S DAY at to Sather 3esquiaateasiai awe on Sat- - • may, March th 14 at e Halon Park Rex Can- Ire. c by Books aid Whey lack. Tinkers from the 3asgniiooeaaral Commit- tee tad Crediton Social Club and Knights of Columbus members or call 234.6331. Spe- cial Inch provided. 9,f0c LUCAN LIONS CLUB -St. Panidt's Day Party and Deemtamriio Kell 's Haves, Saturday, Maids 14, Loan Ccnmtauty Cave, noon- i a.tn., matinee 3-5, authentic Mai stew, also person.as Tetuan Luna Hometown ilind.formation SSS 0 227- 1140. Age d Majority. )c PUBLIC SPEAKING AREA SCHOOLS Wed., Feb. 26 8 p.m. 1oredMton community Centre Sponsored by Crediton District Social Club EXETER FIGURE SKATING CLUB VALENTINE'S DRAW WINNERS 1st Iris Cuurrell 2nd Linda Steele 3rd Demers ford Precious Blood Mission Cash Calendar Winners Feb. 16 Lola kiaepmald, Candace A0120 $50. Feb. 17 Minnie Sienanovirh, Windsor 10242$50. Feb. 111taadyn Wibon, Hamilton 11743 050. Feb. 19 Joe, Passe n amoufh, Haran 10414 850. Fab, 20 Ray Yuan, Rearm 10440030. Fab. 21 Dance Kiets, Waodhe s 10705 050. Feb: 22 (Ivry Gotha, budiestm 11531 6100. Exeter lio���`o SiGPitch and all events involved with the weekend of Feb. 29 & Mar. -1 have been cancelled BUCK & DOE for Murray Taylor & Gloria McKenzie Sat., March 7 Dashwood Community Centre Music by DJ 8:00 p.m. -1 a.m. Lunch provided. $5.00/person For information pall 263-5072 or 48%)239 Buck 8 Doe for Nancy Durand & Dennis (ike) -Elsenschlnk Sat., March 14 8 p.m. - 1 a.m. Lunch provided $5.00 each 234-6229.262-3036 Happy,80th Birthdays for Carter & Grace Kerslake Sun., March 8 2 -4p.m. Lawn Bowling and Friendship Centre, Mitchell Best wishes only please • BUCK & DOE for Shelley Armstrong & Darrin Mitchell Sat., Feb. 29 8 p.m. - 1 a.m. Kirkton Woodham Community Centre Join us for RENEW St. Patrick's Parish, Lucan, Ontario 227-4726 OUR RESPONSE TO THE LORD Week of... March 1 March 8 March 15 March 22 March 29 April 5 Mame Risk Sin God's Overwhelming Goodness and Love Decision Deeper Awareness of God's Presence Renewal - An Ongoing Process Sunday Mass Schedule Saturday Evening 7:30 p.m. Sunday Moming 8:30 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. Come, Holy Spirit! Renew the Face of the Earth Maw 50th Wedding Anniversary Open House The family of Laverne and Beatrice Heywood invite friends, neighbours, and relatives to an Open House to help celebrate the Golden Wedding Anniversary of our parents. Saturday, March 7 2 - 4 p.m. at the Lions Youth Centre John St. West Exeter, Best wishes only, please! :• Royal Canadian Legion R.E. Pooley Branch 187 Exeter Ont. Cowing Events Thus., Feb. 27th - General meeting at 8 p.m. - Initiation of new members - Lunch to follow The Family of Case and Annie Van Raay cordially invites you to an Open House Celebration to honour of their parents 40th Wedding Anniversary to be held on Sun., March 8, 1992 between the hours of 1:30 p.m. and 4:90 p.m. at the Dashwood Community Castro Please come and share this wonderful event with our parents! In place of gins a donation could be made to Brother Bob Mittleholtz's Mission in India PRYDE MONUMENTS New Temporary Office and Showroom Victoria St. Centrally (Bob's Tree Service) CONSUMER ALERT Effective 1892 our Prov. Government through changes in the Cemeteries Act by approving Bill 31 will be adding ADDITIONAL CEMETERY FEES of $50.00 to $200.00 to install FLAT or UPRIGHT ME- MORIALS in all ONTARIO CEMETERIES. Any flat marker or monument order placed now be- fore the NEW ACT becomes law will not be subject to the New Fee Plus until Feb. 29 we will pay the Q.S.T. For further information please feel free to come into our Showroom and office et 310 Victoria St. lel the Village of Centralia or call 24.6439 or our Toll Free line 1-800-265-3477