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1 imes-Advocate, February 26, 1992
20 Property 101 ke
Available lrtwediately. $275. plot 8,810 -
Wath one year lease.(!ai 'NW
1-6611-6585 - 9 am. to S p.m. or 233.3497.
dean, washer, dryer hookup. Paved peeking
8485.00. per mr** Hoene 235-1449 or
Mn* n tenth flu. Phone atter 6 pm
262.2612. (Itfn)
EOR RENT - HENSALI. - targe 2
bedsoam apt., 2 years old oak cabinets,
4 . bath, fridge and non
per month plus utilities
Phone 2364961. Min)
available now. Ground floor, - laundry
facilities; beat inekided, pasking,fridge and
asoveindnsded. Phone 235-0230. (3tfn)
2 BEDROOM CONDO, Grand Bend, close
to beads end downtown, pool, recreational
centre. S575 per month. One year lease.
Phone 519423-4813. (3-9c)
ONE BEDROOM API'- downtown
Available Feb. 1 includes fridge and stove
3350 per month plus utilities. Na suitable
for duldren or pets. phone 235.1060. (4tfnt/.
APARTMENT'S with three appliances
Laundry faahues in each unit. ()round floor
units available. Phone 235-2961. (4tfro
EXETER - One bedroom apartment stove
and fudge, wash and dryer, gas heat,
excellent coidiuon. 5350.00 plus utilities
Phone 235-2252. (San)
You will enjoy the 2 large
bedrooms with Jarge closets,
separate' den and storage
room ensude Includes full
size appliances and skylight
in diningroom.
Call Marlene M. Parsons,
Sales Rep. 235-1304
Extate Realty Inc. Realtor
For Rent
Wellington Place, Exeter
- New building, large 1 and 2
bedroom apartments
- Hurry, only 4 units left
Maples Hensall
- 2 bedroom apartment
- 1 bedroom apartment
Heat included
• All units immediate occu-
• Offering discount rates
236-4230 235-3511
Township of Tuckersmith
CONTRACT NO. 91 -001 -TT
Sealed tenders, clearly marked as to
contents will be received by the under-
signed until 11:00 a.m on Tuesday.
March 10, 1992 for the crushing and
dekvery o1 approximately 13.000 cubic
yards of Granular A stock pile. A break-
er must be used Tenders must be sub-
mitted on the Township tender norms
available from the undersigned
The lowest or any yonder not necessar-
ily aocepled. All lenders subject to the
approval of the Ministry of
Doug Poulton
Road Supennlendent
Egmondvtlle, Ontanc
519-522.1838 or
EX87BR 'Ntwirsai sea daro'tallwan
lower , glass to AowtMswn
lltilltiss itnldsd. Arsine Not
Not salable for psis. Pbau.. 2.
WRYER - Oieued Boor two batesewa
ipso went newly teneviesd, close to
downtown. Phone 236-7714 o4 236-7431
Aare p.m. (9-11c)
LARGE PARM HOUSE, approx. 7 wiles
east of Exeter. Available mid March.
References teemedApply w Box 32,
Advocate. Exeter Times , Box 850, Exeter,
Ont. NOM 1S6. (9:10•)
2 BEDROOM APARTMENT in duplex in
Exeter. 3350 per month plus utilities. Call
Heather Roger Broker, X235-1732, EMU
/Leahy Inc. Realtor 235-1621. (9tfn)
Cheat display window. Calor deiails u
235.1918 or 235-0739 after six. (9:10c)
Suver $445.00 monthly. Includes heat end
utilities. Please supply inferences. Cali
235-1331. Ask for Don Smith. (9x)
IPPERWAS}I Bt:ACII - Brand new 3
bedroom cottage for rem 5650.00 per month
plus utibttes with option to buy $139,900.
Kitchen, living, laundry, large garage, all
within walking ditnnce of -the beach. Call
(519) 271-1242 or 271.6407. (6-9c)
21 Fcr ken
1'HE "OLD TOWN HALL auditorium for
renals, - including weddings, Meetings,
banquet mom. Lectures, exhibitions. films,
etc. Kitchen facilities available Phone
235-0318. (1711n)
CENIRALIA 3 morn apartment
furnished. heated, suitable for isngle or
student Available immediately Phone
228-6867. (9c)
23 Wanted 1 o Ren!
WORKING COUPLE with well behaved
dog require house with garage and
workshop m quiet scenic country setting by
January 15. Phone 1-672-2682. (3tfn)
CASH CROI' LAND Centralia-Herisall
area. Paying 5200.00 per acre. Reply to Hox
311', c/o limes Advocate, Box 850, Exeter
NOM IS6. (9-12c)
24 Properly Wanted
EXETER - Bungalow or 1 112 storey home
in quiet area. Need main floor bedroom and
bath. Prefer separate dining area. Phone
26 Legal Notice
In The Estate of
Late of the Township of Bosanquet,
County of •Lambton who died on the
28th day of November 1991. Creditors
and others having claims against the
above estate are required to send full
particulars of such claims to the under-
signed on or before the 12th day of
March 1992. after which date the estate
assets will be distributed having regard
only to claims that have then been re-
Barrister & Solicitor
417 Main Street
Exeter, Ontario
Solicitor for the Executrix
Tenders Invited
The Ausable-Bayfield Con-
servation Authority (ABCA)
invites tenders for the follow-
ing vehicles:
• one down -size pickup truck
• one full size pickup truck
• one full size utility van
Tender specifications maybe
received from John Schwindt;
Extension Services Manager
at the Administration Office,
Mornson Dam Conservation
Area, R.R. #3, Exeter, NOM
1S5, 235-2610.
Tenders must be received at
the ABCA Administration cen-
tre by noon (local time),
March 18. 1992.
New Home for Sale - . 2205 sq. ft.
4 bedrooms, 2 1/2 baths
• Oak cupboards
• Gas fireplace
• Open oak staircase
• Cathedral Ingroom
• Double garage
• Interlocking brick driveway
• Sodded and landscaped
CONTACT Stoneyridge Developments Inc.
Jack Taylor 235-3293
In The Erelete of
Late of the Village of Zurich. County
of Huron who died on the 20th day of
July 1991. Creditors and others having
claims against the above estate are re-
Rutred to send full particulars of such
claims to the undersigned on or before
the 12th day of March 1992. after
which date the estate assets will be dis-
tributed having regaid only to claims
that have then been received.
Barrister & Solicitor
417 Main Street
Exeter, Ontario
Solicitor for the Executors
In The Estate of
Late of the Village of Grand Bend in
the County of Lambton who died on
the 29th day of -October 1991. Creditors
-and-others-having claims -against the
above estate are required to send full
particulars of such claims to the under
signed on or before the 12th day of
March 1992, after which.date the estate
assets will be distributed having regard
only to claims that have then been re-
Barrister-& Solicitor
417 Main Street
Exeter, Ontario .
Solicitor for the Executrix
In The Estate of
Late of the Village of Hensall, in the
County of Huron. All persons having
claims against the Estate of the above-
named deceased, who died on or about
the 15th day of December, 1991, are
hereby notified to forward full particu-
lars of their claims to the undersigned
on or before the 15th day of March,
1992, after which date the assets will
be distributed, having regard only to
the claims of which notice has been re-
18 The Square
Goderich, Ontario
N7A 3Y7
Solicitors of the Estate
Grand Bend Scouts honour founders
GRAND BEND - The Scouting
movement celebrated the birthdays
of their founders, Lord and Lady
Baden-Powell last week with a ban
quer at Royal Canadian Legion
Branch #498 of (;rand Bend. ()vet
90 children, their parents and sib-
lings and their leaders attended die
evert, with boys and girls from
Sparks, Brownies, Guides, Ptllth-
finder,, Beavers, Cubs and Scouts
represented there.
After a fine potluck meal, Brown-
ie Leader Margret Breuer intro-
duced •Legion President Ron
Crown, who 'made a donation of
S1000 to area scouts and guides.
The money will be split 50/50 be-
tween the boys and girls groups.
Guide leader Josey Brittain thanked
the Guides for decorating and set-
ting up the Legion Hall.
The leaders were all introduced
Brinsley 4H
13y Jennifer Hodgson
BRINSLEY - On February 18
the Brinsley 4-H club held their_.
second meeting at Bensley -United
Church. The president led us
through the 4-H pledge and the old
and new business. The group decid-
ed that they would be called the
"Energizers". For the roll call,
which was "Finish a rhyme", they
had many interesting ranswers.
Leader Nicole Vannistle had a
quiz and a game for the members to
play. Then Junior Leader Jana Lyn
Rowe gave her presentation on
The club then got into little
groups and talked about packaged
items and answered questions
which asked if there was too much
packaging and what could be done
to change it. Every group had ver:
interesting answers that were help-
ful and useful.
The group then ate the snack and
drink prepared by Andrea and
Crystal Lee and Val Ryan. The
meeting was adjourned by our pres-
ident Julie Jones.
Casting call for Sound of Music
GRAND BEND - The Sound of
Music is the opening show at the
Huron Country Playhouse this sea-
son and a casting callhas been an-
nounced by Artistic Director Tony
"We are looking to cast 30 nuns
for this show, all shapes, all sizes
and all ages." says Lloyd. "This
fulfills the Playhouse mandate to
involved the local community in
our production."
Kate Burnett, Business Manager
Centre news
EXETER - Leona Hern with
•team members Muriel Marshall,
Len McNaughton and Marion Port-
er thought they had a comfortable
lead until Charles Tindall and team
-members Mildred Thomson, Helen
Hindle and Lome Marshall scored
four in the last end to tie the game
at 8-8 in carpet bowling last week
at the Exeter Youth Centre.
In the second game, Helen Hin-
dle with teammates Wilma Davis,
Lorne Porter and Marion Porter
won over Ray Smith and his team-
mates, Philip Hern, Muriel Mar-
shall and Lorne Marshall by a score
of 9-3.
In the non -bias bowl court, Lome
Porter and Wilma Davis were vic-
torious against Ray Smith and Phil-
ip Hem in the first game while
Charles Tindall and Maishall Dear-
ing won over Len McNaughton and
Leona Hem in the last game. Tai
Chi classes at eleven ended the ac-
tivities for this week. The drop-in
centre is held at the Lion's Youth
Centre every Thursday starting
shortly after 9 a.m.
at the Playhouse said resumes will
be accepted by mail only and will
:be accepted up to April 1, 1992. In-
tterested applicants .should have
dance and singing experience -arid
-should be prepared to sing one of
the songs from the show.. Resumes
should include a photograph and a
list of related experience.
Auditions will be held in late
April .
The Sound of Music was origi-
nally presented by Leland Howard,
Richard Halliday and Rodgers and
Hammerstein, and starred Mary
Martin first opened in New York
City on November 15, 1959 and
ran for 1,443 performances. It won
six Tony awards including best mu-
sical and filet version starring Julie
Andrews won the Academy Award
for Best Filni of 1965. It features
well-known songs such as Climb
Ev'ry Mountain, Edeleweiss and of
course the Sound of Music. Huron
County Production of the Sound of
Music is sponsored by Big V Drug
Stores and opens to the public June
16 and runs to July 4.
simin MUMS LTD
Quality Grain Storage
Drying & Hand ing Products
/AL-MAilIRaOgMt244 AIN aral�iia LTD.
Si W. Bast
Phone Bus. (559) 235-1910
Jam. (619) 235-2018
To supply labour, material and equipment as and when re-
quired to refinish hardwood floors in residential units. (Approx.
two per month).
To supply labour and material as and when required to com-
plete interior painting in "unoccupied" residential units. (Approx.
two per month). t, ,
Individual Sealed Tenders for each of the above contracts will
be received until 12;00 noon on Monday March 16, 1992.
Interested companies wishing to view residential units should
meet at the ODC office 10:00 a.m. on Friday March 6, 1992.
Tender documents may be obtained from the Ontario Develop-
ment Corporation, Huron Park, Ontario NOM 1 Y0.
The lowest or any tender not necessarily acceptable.
Ministry 01
Industry, Trade
and Technology
and asked to come to the front ft r
flowers and a round of applause as
thanks for all their dedication, time
and talents to help area youngsters.
Beavers: Marlene Love, John
Lovc, Bev Brown, and Judi de -
Lange. Cubs: Larry Parks, Jerry
Vanbruaerte, and helper Mark Hey-
wood. Scouts: Simon Baarbe, Steve
Riddell and Mark Sereda. Sparks:
Valerie Martens, Brovwhies: Margrit
Bever and Annette Stover Guides
Josey Brittain and assistant: Tracey
Stier. Pathfinders: Zelda lnthout.
Cub leader Jerry Vanbruanc
AIS"itil:illbEts T11`gIC-1tilEiits
Group Commitee Ibi all ,Their
wait, and than Iced Rev. Colin Sto-
w and Pother Paul Beek for their
help M preparing die "Religion In
Life Badgt o course. The event was
also attended by Area Commission-
er tan Withers of Girl Guides. It
was a joyous, if rather noisy, cele-
bration of the scouting movement
for all, complete with iced cakes
and a "happy birthday" sung for its
founders, Lord and Lady Baden-
Recipients of special awards from the Winter Carnival Com-
mittee last Thursday evening were these four who have provid-
ed services to the carnival in past years. Dan Thornton (!eft)
received an award- for moving snow Wr the International
sculpting competition, Doug Jennison wa recognized for fill-
ing the sculpture molds, Dan Stanlake received his for build-
ing the boxes in past years. Norman Johnston (right) was re-
warded for supplying vehicles from Grand Bend Plymouth
Chrysler for use during the carnival.
*Hensall Livestock Sales Ltd.
Order buyer for fats, feeders and stockers
Stockers and Western Cattle arriving daily. Sorting cattle for
Talbotvllle Livestock Exchange Ltd. on Fridays
Restaurant open daily 7 a.m. - 3 p.m.
For more information contact:
Barry Miller, Owner Manager
Office 262-2831, Exeter 235-2717,
Kirkton 229-6205, Truck 1-661-8956
V U •V_ U U_ )
Coulter Auction s
294-0585 Parkhill 294-6164
We will be having a number of interesting auctions including
our annual spring Consignment auction. If you .are,.considering
an auction give us a call for -excellent service add -reasonable
rates. Good dates still available If you don't liave enough to
make a sale call us and we will include your articles on one of
our sales. For top prices get "Action by Auction"
Bruce Coulter Brett Coulter
30 Years Experience
Hensall Cattle Co.
- Order Buyers for fats, feeders and stockers
- Stockers and Western Cattle arriving daily
Contact: Office 263-261.9
Greg Hargreaves Victor Hargreaves
263-2619 233-7511
Annual Fat Cattle Show & Sale
Saturday March 21
Cattle judged and sold in groups of five
Luncheon 12 - 2, at 1:00 p.m. John Pickering will
give a presentation in the ring on the new grading
system for slaughter cattle. Sale at 2 p.m.
Everyone welcome.
For information or sorting call the yards --
Brett Coulter Bruce Coulter
294-6164 294-0585
Mobile 649-8164 Fax 666.1143
Bob Heywood 235-0874
evening iBurt Lobbyy482-9377
. friday SouthHuronRec Centre 28 ,Exner
We will bo dispersing the contents of a well kept Cherryhill Apt. along
with additions from the estate of the late P. Dorey
HOUSEHOLD & ANTIQUES Solid maple round dining table with 6
matching chairs, maple chest of drawers, lovely maple hutch and buf-
fet, 2 excellent chesterfield suites, several upholstered chairs, antique
wood and cushion settee and chair, several dressers, hump back
trunk, small wood and glass curio cabinet, small antique table, open
washstand, 30" elec. range, auto washer and dryer, good chest freez-
er, antiquepas lamp, captains chair, antique Okla bad, hanging oil
lamp with amber shade, piano stool, bridge lamp, pressback nursing
rocker, several oil lamps, counter scales, commode, metal Cola sign,
milk cans, school desk, china and glass incl. frosted lion compote,
germany, depression, Occ. Japan, wooden works hanging clock with
stone weights, B "8 D jig saw, -Tee Bird- pedal car, antique sleigh, 2
double beds with good mattresses, humidifier, several lamps, mirrors,
pictures, small appliances, old radio, insulated stove pipe (several
lengths), ram style water pump, books and hundreds of useful and in-
teresting items.
NOTE: Household and antique auction, Sat., March 14. Accepting
consignments of good clean furnishings.