HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1992-02-26, Page 18limes -Advocate, February 26 199? AN CALL `14e) E / Private, d4 Non- aommerciai ads only (11111111111111, was Super Ads must be pre -paid Advertisers want one thing... RESULTS. And that's what we guarantee when you place a SUPER AD with us. For ony one low fee of $10.00 we'll run your ad in our newspaper until you get the results you want. All you do is call us by Friday and ask for SUPER AD. You can take up to 40 -Kurds and -we recommend you use a price for whatever you are advertising. If you do not get results by the following weekend, call us on Monday and we'll gladly 'e at the ad at no charge. And we'll keep running the ad as long as you want (Excluding real estate). TALK TO OUR ADI-ViSORS MON.-FRI. UNTIL 5 P.M. OR LEAVE DETAILS ON OUR ANSWERING MACHINE classifications 1 Lost, Strayed 2 Found 3 Situations Wanted 4 Help Wanted 5 Business Opportunities 6 Services 7 Livestock 8 Farm Machinery 9 Sports Equipment, Veh 11 Cars, Trucks • 12 Pets 13 Musical Instruments 14 Appliances, Television 15 Personal 16 For Sale 17 Wanted to Buy 18 Wanted 19 Property for Sale 20 Properly for Rent 21 For Rent 22 For Sale or Rent 23 Wanted to Rent 24 Property Wanted 25 Notices 26 Legal Notices 27 Tenders Wanted 28 Auction Sales 29 Yard and Garage Sales Los'. Strayed GERMAN SHEPHERD - Husky - cross poppy 3 1R months old, black with white paws, and white down front of chest Stanley Twp. Call 263-2539 after 4:30 p.m. (9') 3 Situations Wanted CARING MOTHER willing to babysit in my home on weekdays. Experienced, Seasmabfe rate. Big backyard, lots of play aiea. Lots of TLC. Phone 237-3850 Dashwood. (8-11') CARING MOTHER of two would like to babysit your children in my home. Reliable, big yard, good meals. References' availale. Call 235-0738.(9•) • CLASSIFIED RATES WORD COUNT SEMI -DISPLAY FIRST INSERTION - $9.00 per column inch SUBSEQUENT INSERTIONS $8.00 per column inch. (minimum size in this category 1 •inch. Accepted in mtdtip4es of haft inch.) BOX NUMBERS to this office $2.50 per insertion. $250 DISCOUNT OFF OF RATES LISTED BELOW FOR PREPAYMENT Charges are based on tt um- ber of words. Sets of n rats as for serial numbers, attest humbers, phone numbers or prices count as one word per set. Words joined by hyphens count as separate words. FiRST INSERTION - 20 words $9.00. 150 per word thereafter. SUBSEQUENT INSERTIONS - No $6.00, 1py changes,20 words per word there after. • BIRTHS - 30 words $10.00. 15d per word thereafter. MARRIAGES - Er►oapernants, Death Notices - 20 words $10.00 gash additional word 15e. IN MEMORIAMS - $11.00 plus 2c5004; line of verse. COMING EVENTS - 30 words $10.00, each additional word 150. Three insertions for the price of two. CARDS OF THANKS - 30 words $10.00, additional words 10a each. Deadline: for cfssedied ads fe Moods m. Vs- 4."_) ti Phone 2354331 3 Situation, Wante: CARING MOTHER will provide day care for children 3 years and over. Meals, crafts, story time, toys, supervised outings. ittnly one block from school. Reasonable rites, leferences. Phone 235-0816. (9:10c) EXPERIENCED HOUSE CLEANER looking for)rk in Exeter area. Phare 235-1566 b 9 4 Help Wanteri NEW CAREER CHALLENGE - Stan your own business with Tops 'n Trends, a ladies fashion wear company, known nationwide and yes you too can drive a company mint van. Join our winning team, be your own boss, eam extra dollars and have fun doing it. To Team how, come to our oppontmit) meeting at Exeter Employment Office (R.S.V.P Bela) 235-0471) on Monday, March 3, 1992 frau 1:30 to 2:30 p.m. or all collect for a one on one interview at your convenience. Tops 'n Trends , Manager Lois White (519) 786-5506. (8:9•) BAR ANi) KITCHEN HELP needed. Apply in person 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Lester's Roadhouse, 58 Main St. North, Exeter. (9c) PART TIME HELP WANTED - Cash crop operation in Dashwood area. Applicant must be mechanically inclined, must have field work experience, and must have their own vehicle. Apply in writing stating experience qualifications, references and salary expected to Exeter Times Advocate. Box 33P, Exeter NOM 156. (9:10c) REPLACEMENT MOM requited five days a week, 8-4:30, one school age child, one nursery school, two cats, me dog in need of training, pleasant surroundings, clary negotiable, senous motherly types only. Call 235-0562 after six. (9c) WE ARE EXPANDING. Farm custom business is looking for a self motivated person. Operating equipment, shop work and sales. Irrigation experience an asset. Must be comfortable waking with liquid waste. Possible co -ownership to nght individual. Send background experiences and expect wage to Journal Argus, Box 87, St. Marys NOM 2V0 (9c) The Times -Advocate urges our readers to use caution when sending money for business opportunity or employment ad- vertisements. Be )n -you are dealing with a reputable company before releasing any credit card information. Re- member... if any advertise- ment sounds too good to be true, it is. Full and Part Tinse Positions Available for men and women for a local factory distributor- ship expanding in Southwest - em Ontario. Excellent oppor- tunity for advancement for couples to own.their own business on a full or part time basis. Full training provided. Please send resume to 109 Meg Dr. Unit 14, London, Ont. NOE 3T7 Att: Diane Ryan 4 Help Wanted EXCELLENT PAY assembling products for our manufaarsrers, easy work at home. No ex ante. Call 1-504-641-7778. ext 135. 24 hours including Sunday. (9-12c) FULL. TIME POSMON AVAILABLE on Agncuhure Enterprise in Exeter area. Self starer, mechanically inclined, neat, mature person. Housing not provided. Apply in writing stating experience, qualifications. ons. references and salary expected to Box 30P, 'c% Times Advocate, Box 850, Exeter NOM IS6 by Feb. 28. 1992. (8:9c) 5 Business Upportunrtie:. EXETER PROFTTABLE FAST FOOD BUSINESS only. Phone after 5 p.m. 238-2161. (8:9•) 6 Service LAWN & GARDEN CARE PLUS • Book Your Snowblowing • Light Deliveries Laverne McCarter 235-1062 CARPET AND window caning. Phone 235-3281. (7-10c) CUSTOM ATC • SEEDING. red clover application on wheat. Call Mike Lightfoot 235-3055. (9;10c) 7 Livestoci' LARGE SELECTION, good quality, aggressive waking boars York, Land, Duroc, Hemp, Spot Hemp x Duroc, York x Hemp, Duroc x Spot. Also bred and open gilts. ROP tented. Reasonably priced, guaranteed breeders. Delivery available. Richard Suoebel, RR2 Grunion, (519) 225-2587 or 284-2628. (I8tfn) WE NOW HAVE AVAILABLE an excellent selection of Yorkshire Boars also Duroc boars, open and bred gilts of both breeds. Ted Schcndera 225-2734. (47tfn) 9 Sports Euuipment,Vehicle, 1981 JAG 4000 SNOWMOBILE, 440 engine, excellent riming condition. $1400 or best offer. For a test dnve please call Dave 263-3032. (6-9c) 1988 YAMAHA BRAVO, good condition, 51500. Call229.6931. 1 I l -n: i t Ucr PRIVATE SALE - 1984 Cougar, good condition, best offer. Phan Mike 349-2661 1976 GM TRUCK, running condition, selling as is, 5250.00. Call 284-1912. Guitar g Piano Lemons maim* Beginner to advanced .all styles of music Brad's Music Studio 235.1263 RRSP LOAN At Prime Rate (Currently 7.5%) Extended Hours Thursday 9 a.m. - 8 p.m. Friday 9 a.m. - 8 p.m. Saturday 9 am. - 3.pam. For more information, contact Laurentian Bank of Canada 386 Main Street, S., Exeter 235-1460 • LAURENTIAN BANK OF CANADA SINCE 1846 11 Cars trucks 1977 PONTIAC PARISIFNNE, 4 dr., V8, p.s., p.b., air conditioning, runs well, selling u is. Call 461-0765. SAVE SSS ON SAFETY INSPECTIONS. Only 535.00. Moat ars and trucks. Call Advanced Auto Wreckers 2346250 or 234-6790. (3tfn) 1980 OLDS OMEGA V6 auto, air, 4 door, 84,000 km. Good condition 31550. certified. Phare 235-1449 or 235-1950. (Stfn) 1986 FORD F150 c/w fibreglass topper, new exhaust, oil undercoated yearly. 54950 safetied. No G.S.T. Phone 227-4129. 1988 PONTIAC TEMPEST, . excellent condition, 50,00omiles 35500. 94 King St. Hensall. Phone 1-262-2217. (9•) 1983 HONDA ACCORD, two door hatchback, auto sunroof, am/fm cassette, pod condition 51500 u is or 51700 ten. Phone 229-6644. 12 Pet HACKNEY PONY - 9 months old, quiet, does not bite or kick. Will trade for beef or Holstein calf 3225.00. Phone 237-3566. (9:10c) PUREBRED REGISTERED ARABIAN COLT, chestnut colour, good oenformation, very gentle natured, halter Woke, born April 30/91. Asking32000. Phone 284-3732. 12 Pet, PUPPIES - 3 female Scotch 1'emer 5250.00 fine, no shots, no registered Available March 5, 1992 293-3031. (8:9c 14 Appliance_ 1 elevisior ELECTROLUX VACUUM with power nozzle and all attachments, guaranteed good to work, S150.00. Call 228-0531 15 Persons: 1E YOU WANT to drink that's your business. If you want to quit that's ours. 1'o speak with an AA member please phone 235-1934,227-4562 or345-2536. (17tfn) 161-nSoil ENGINE PROBLEMS/ Engines "for most cars and pickup trucks. Prices as low as 5450 installed. Call Advanced Auto Wreckers 234-6250 or 234-6790 RR I Exeter. Towing service available. (44tfn) STEREO SYSTEM - Fisher receiver, Sony tape deck, Sony CD player, Pro -Linear speakers. Will only sell as complete package. 3475.00 Phare 235-1523 between 6 and 8 pm. Ask forpon. (24tfx) _ DOUBLE CUT Red Clover Seed. Call Frank at 235-2650 or 229-8851. (3tfn ) 16 i r, tuff • PATONS YARNS • - Discount Prices Ron'sBeen' Centre, Mensal]. (t&fn) 1989 Prices on Utility Sheds Quality built sheds Wood, frame, clad in pre -finished steel Price change April lst Order Nowt CONSTRUCTION Ken McCann 234-6401 Deric McCann 235-3566 CROSS CANADA MARKETPLACE iT'S FAST - ITS EASY! ONE CALL, ONE BILL DOES IT ALL. THINK BIG - CALL THIS NEWSPAPER FOR DETAILS. - VACATION/TRAVEL CANAL CRUISES; five days aboard KAWARTHA VOYAGEUR, scenic Trent -Severn Waterway or Rideau Canal; private state- rooms, meals, free brochure; write Captain Marc, Box 6, Orillia, L3V 6H9; (705) 327-5767. SOUTH CAROLINA - MYRTLE BEACH RESORT. Oceanfront condos, housekeeping provided. Indoor pools, saunas, tennis. Golf and vacation packages; winter rentals from $400/month. Free brochure: 1-800-448-5653. PERSONALS LOVING, PROFESSIONAL, couple wishes to provide wonderful home for infant. Home study approved. Please call (416) 084-1951 --fleet for Stephanie or Peter, atter 61 m. COMING EVENTS CRUISE CANADA'S CALM -WATER RIVERS onboarcj,elegant overnight replica steamboats. !Romantic cities, 1000 Islands, International seaway/locks, whale -watching & fjords. $629. +. Dial -a -brochure 1-800-267-7868.. OUT OF TOWN PROPERTIES PROPERTIES TO BE SOLD for unpaid taxes. Crown Land availability. For information on both write: Properties, Dept. CN, .Box 5380, Stn F. Ottawa, K2C 3J1 ARTICLES FOR SALE RAILROAD POCKET WATCH. train engraved on gold tone case, fob chain, jewel, Swiss parts, $41.95. Also eagle hunting scene available. Please call (416) 763-9133, anytime. SASKATOONS: The Berry Fruit from the prairies. Seedlings for orchards or farms. Three excellent varieties available. Fpr a free information package call toll-free 1-800-463- 2113. WHOLESALE PRICES on satellite dishes 'Do it and save' complete with receiver 10' black mesh dish, electronic package, warranty, $1899. plus shipping and taxes (519) 426- 7109. STEEL -BUILDINGS BUILDINGS - IF A SIDE-BY-SIDE comparison is what it takes to pick out the best and lowest...we're all for it. Now for a limited time - Factory Direct ROCK BOTTOM PRICES. Ex. 25 x 30 value $3,125, Now 62.374. Save $754. 40 x 120 value $14,088. Now $11,288. Save $2,800. Call Pioneer 1400488-5422, BEST BUILDING PRICES - Steel straitwef1 type - not quonset - 3204 $7344; 40x72 $10,276; 50X90 $1,5#882; 60x126 $22,072 - other sizes available - Year ;endGiargttoe - Paragon - 24 Hours 1.800.263.8409. AGRICULTURE TRAINING PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT for farmers and agribusiness, a two-day course for farm, nursery and agribusiness managers, March 10- 11. Lamplighter Inn, London. Advance registration, University of Guelph (519) 767- 5000. CAREER TRAINING LEARN AUCTIONEERING at the South- western School of Auctioneenng. Next class: March 44 - 20. Information, contact: Southwestern Ontario School of Auctioneenng, R.R. #5, Woodstock, Ontario, N4S 7V9. (519) 537-2115. SALES HELP WANTED FINANCIAL INDEPENDENCE can be yours 'developing Master territories for $18 oillton book business. Tremendous profits, bonuses. Complete training. Lifetime opportunity awaits you. To qualify call 1-800-465-5400. HELP WANTED UNDERCOVERWEAR- Excellent concept in lingerie safes. We're looking for women who love lingerie and want to make money. 1-800- 265-8541. As seen on Kelly and Co. WHOLESALE FIRM SEEKS 2 reps in your area to service retail establisned accounts. No direct selling. Potential earnings $1000 -51500. - weekly. Training provided (416) 398-0919 or (416) 398-0924. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES GREAT OPPORTUNITY. Start your own underground lawn sprinkler company. Hot new business of the nineties. Minimal investment required. Calf now. (514) 631-1011. EXTRA INCOME! Grow baitworms in your basement or garage,+Odorless operation. Low investment. Market guaranteed! Free - information. Early Bird Ecology, A.R.# 1, Smithville, Ontario, LOR 2A0. (416) 643-4252. EDUCATIONAL OPPORTUNITIES LOG BUILDING CAREER. Pat Wolfe Log Building School carver otwtseS beginning Apf 131h. Tan weak, $2,200, four week, $1,100, one weak, $350. (613) 253.0631, Ottawa area. RETIREMENT UVING AFFORDABLE FLORIDA LIVING for everyone. Sand for your free copy of the Flonda Directory of Mobile Homes & Parks. P.O. Box 781, 99, Debt. AD*92, Sebastian, Florida, 32978. MORTGAGES FAST MORTGAGE MONEY available for homeowners. Pay bills, credit cards. Example: Borrow $10,000., repay $100. monthly. No qualifying hassles. Call Intransicon Financial Group, Toll•iree 1-800-268-1429. Yaur,ad aJglrfld appear in community newspapers in Ontario, pr right across Canada, for,any iedividual province. Space is Limited, so Cip11 This Newspaper Today!