HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1992-02-26, Page 10CSG EDUCATIOW
-Edible:Bssn Producers Update
March 101929:45 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. fee: $20 (Includes lunch)
Guest speakers' topics Include:
• Challenges Facing the Coloured Bean Industry
- Bernadine Wolfe, Ont. Coloured Bean Gtewers Assoolotion
• Ecological Production Methods
- Jim O'Toole, CCAT
• duality Aspects of PiOdeti$Ing Edible Beans
- Steve Twynstra, Great Canadian Bean Company
Also included in the day is a producer panel comparing differ-
ent production systems tor growing beans
Weed ldentldcetlon.and Control March 18/92
9 a.m. - 4 p.m. Fee: $30
Intended tor farmers and agribusiness personnel, this one day
update is both a review of cofitrnon practices and a lesson on
the latest environmentally friendly techniques for weed control.•
The session includes naming weeds using mounted samples,
photographs and illustrations and teaming which is the herbi-
cide to eradicate each pest.
Instructor: Tom Hartman, Pest Management Advisor, O.M.A F.
Course tees include GST
To register or tor more Information phone
Centralia College, (519) 228.6691, Ext. 285
Ministry o'
and Food
Huron Park, Ontario NOM 120
PIuj Free
New model 230 Field Cultivator mixes residue without
plugging even in heavy residue.
▪ Choose 14'7 to 41'5' ...rigid, flat
or tent fold models
• New 5 -bar frame is made of
large 4°x4- tubing for extra
strength to high H P_ tractors
and handle heavy residue
• Arrangement of shanks
eliminates stnpprng around tires
• S tine or C shanks are spaced
farther apart for more frame
clearance and less plugging
Yet they're dose enough
together to thoroughly wore
residue into the sot
• Self -leveling hitch with mechan -
cal wing control keeps cultivator
level front -to -rear and
• Convenient hand -crank depth
control adfusts in 1/8'
• Compression -type shank spnng
is more reliable than extension -
type systems It won't stretch
like extension -type springs
• Ask your dealer about special
low rate financing
Russeldaie Farm
Equipment Ltd.
RR 1 Mitchell Phone 229-8975
Call for a free color brochure
or Visit your White dealer today.
GrOWing to f
your nee s.
For over 100 years, Cook's has expanded its facilities to
serve the growing needs of our farm customers.
In thattime, we've earned a rgwtation for reliable
commodity trad*ng and responsive supply of crop inputs.
We pride ourselves on being a full service, 100%
Canadian -owned business.
Our 8 locations have everything you
need this spring, from seed and
fertilizer to crop protection products.
And Cook's people have the
expertise to help you get the most
from your trop.,
We caul help you with crop
planning, provide soil testing and
fertilizer Wending. and custom
application of nutrients and crop • Hensall
protection products.
When you're looking for reliable
input services this spring...
plan tograw.with Cook's.
iipp' Atwood
Division of
Parrish a lifileifeclict, t.itgiled
4'Ct�,< rlt`t°n
41110 Beabwood
60 years of,
serving you right
EXETER - it's been 60 years since V.L. Recker first started providing
area fanners with the latest farm equipment, parts and service. From hum-
bte beginnings, Recker Farm Equtpment.kas grown into a multi-million
dollar company employing 25 area residents.
"His business began tack in 1932 in a shed beside the old blacksmith
shop in Dashwood," said Bill Becker, president of Becker Farm Equip-
In 1932, McCormick -Deering, now Case iH, inquired in the'vieinity of
Dashwood'fbr a new equipment dealer. V.L. Becker was recommended,
but it took some time before he was convinced to set up shop.
With the Depression still in full force, Becker had the foresight to sec
the quality of the full line of equipment and the need for expert service and
"The early years proved to the Beckers that the only way to succeed in
this business was to concentrate on the day-to-day need of farmers," con-
-firmed'Bitl. "That -meant V.L. Becker had tri concentrate -on repairs, pacts
and service."
In his first year of operation, V.L. Becker didn't sell one piece of new
farm equipment. He stayed in business strictly on the strength of his re-
pair business. This is a lesson that has not gone unnoticed today. New
equipment sales can be tied to the economy, commodity prices and a host
at, other external issues, but parts and service are something that every-
body needs 24 hours a day° 365 days a year. This has been the backbone
of 60 successful years for Becker Farm Equipment.
In 1948, V.L. Becker became V.L. Becker & Sons as Bill Becker offi-
cially joined the company. Bill had been working in the business since he
was a small boy, and that type of tamily tradition continues today with Bill
as president, Bob Becker as general manager, John Becker in transporta-
uon, and the third generation Becker - Joe Becker as service manager.
Becker Farm Equipment's commitment to the community they serve has
not changed over the years. Customer Appreciation Days and Pancake
Days put on by V.L. Becker were social highlights for the mostly rural
community. They were a chance for the kids and adults to sec a movie
picture, find out about new products and services, or just to meet and talk
with neighbours.
Becker Farm Equipment remains an active partner in the community,
sponsoring athletic teams and clubs, and raising funds for local non-profit
groups. -
ln recognition of their 60 years of service, Becker Farm Equipme it is
holding an anniversary celebration throughout this week with many spe-
cial events.
The festivities kick off Wednesday morning beginning at 8:30 a.m. with
the Becker Farm Equipment Pancake Breakfast.
In addition to an open house, the 2nd annual Farm Equipment Auction
will be held along with the 4th annual Parts Trade Fair, 8th annual Hardi
Sprayer Clinic and the Case 11-1 new product introduction.
Guest speakers on Friday, February 28 at 9 a.m. will include Peter John-
son,.a Soil and Crop Advisor with the Ministry bf Agriculture -and Food;
Peter Twynstra, President of the Great Canadian Bean Company; the Hon-
ourable Ralph Ferguson, MP for Lambton/Middiesex and special -guest
Rosalie Wysocki, performance motivator. from Mississauga.
"60 Years of Serving You Right" is the Becker company slogan for
1992. It embodies everything that V.L. Becker stood for over the past 60
years and it will guide Becker Farm Equipment throughout 1992 and be-
Plan to Attend
*ills Annual
Sprayer Clihjc
Feb. 27th
1:00 p.m.
Phone Now!
Exeter 235-2121
. or 1-800-265-2121
* Introducing the all new Spa and Eagle Booms
*Nardi Hardi Inc. specialists will be on hand to discuss " how to spray
your fields with Confidence"
(519) Sales, Service & Rentals since 1932 Fax (519)
235.2121 1.800.265-2121 235-2791
The New 230 Field Cultivator performs exceptionally
well on conservation or conventional tillage acres.
• This is your ideal tillage tool be
cause it does an excellent job or
seedbed prep and preplant
chemical incorporation to tact. it
many cases. it'll also perform as
your one -pass tillage tool
• New 5 -bar frame is constructed
out of targe 4' x4' tubing for extra
• -S" tine o' -C shanks are spaced
farther apart for more residue
clearance and less plugging
■ Arrangement oI shanks elim
nates chemical stripping around
Sell -leveling hitch with mechan,-
cal wing control keeps cultivator
level front -to -rear and
• Convenient nano crani, deotr
control adfusts it 1 ,e
• Choose 14'' to 4' ngic iia'
or tent fold moaell.
Asr. about competitive financing
Gale lo' a tree color brochure
or vlsrt your While dealer looay
Kansan Allaa Craig Mitchell Port Alban Saaforth Granton
282-2627 2934223 9484433 699.7135 345-2545 225-2360
W.G. Thompson & Sons Ltd. has been
serving the agricultural community for
over 60 years with top quality products
and exceptional service. Contact us tit
your 1992 prop input ngj,
HL2202 Marathon Midland Birka
HL 2241 Apache Stinger Rodeo
HL 2275 Baron Wesland Lester
LO 2337 ,Crusader Crestwood Craig
HL2384 T41508 Rocket Etienne
HL -2320 Tallon Vista vltskot
T48802 1
We e~ hondlle a Qomplete line of Agri-
OherrliOale and fertilizer application
Discuss your needs with us!
Hyland Seeds... it Growing Truelohbt,rf