HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1992-02-26, Page 9Times -Advocate, P4littrtfitly16, 1092 The .Zu ich g dub fared well at the HOME (Huron Oxford Middlesex and Ern) competition -in -Ingersoll last %i eekenb: - in -Iron ow, -1 m -left; are gold medalists -Sarah- Rae Lovie, ll gi Illman, and silver medallstJenna McIntyre. In the second row are Jeff Miller (bronze), Crystal Russell, Carrie Illman (gold), Krlsti McIntyre (silver), and Marcia Denomme (gold). Behind are Shelly Miller (bronze), Melissa Timmerman, Julie Semple, Alyshia De- nomme, and Krista Schllbe (bronze). Absent is Came Regier. Good Companions hold meeting DASHWOOI) - Thirty-four "Good Companion" members and eight guests gat down to a pot luck noon meal, Monday February 17 at the Dashwood Community Centre. Happy birthday was sung to four members with February birthdays. A short business meeting fol- lowed. Rev. Henry Van Essen of Exeter spoke on Community Living South Huron, to promote, sponsor and support a better understanding of the problem of developmental handicaps by the general public - The next meeting will be a "pot luck dinner'',Monday March 16 at 12 p.nt. All seniors are welcome. • Varna by Joan Beierling By ,loan Beierling VARNA - Thursday. February 27 the Young People (Grade 9 and up will meet at the Kippen Church to go bowling and then back to the Church for their meeting. Rev. Robinson and Rev. Phillips can still use helpers for the Thurs- day evening young people group (age 10-13). If -you can help please contact them. Anyone interested in Bible Study should contact Rev. Phillips of the tune and day suitable. • Family fun Mark lour calendar for the Stan- ley Township Rec Committee's An- nual Family Fun Night on Satur- day, March 7 from 8-11 p.m. Price is S10 per family and 55 a single. Hotdogs will be provided and la- dies please bong finger desserts Mark your calendar for the annu- al Canoe Rally coming up April 5. The Fiddle Jamboree is coming up on Apri 112 . Tuesday, March 3 is the Annual Pancake supper at the Varna United church from 4:30-7:30 p.m. Adults 55 and children 12 and under S2 and preschoolers free. The Stan Lcc Club will meet Wednesday, March 4 at 8 p.m. at -the Varna church Shipka by Anni Morenz SHIPKA - There will be another euchre pany here tonight, Wednes- day, at the. Community Centre at 8 p.m Personals Birthday wishes to Ed Turnbull. of 'Luneh Moaner resident in this area) who will be 87 years young on Friday, February 28. Annie Zielman and daughter An- gie, accompanied mpanied by Roger and Debbie Ward mid their children, Ashley, Amelia and M'Lyan.of Zu- nch, spent the weekend in Eases with Annie's daughter, Susie and Wayne Robson, Colin, Sheina and Breagh. The occasion was celebrat- ing Breagh's fourth birthday. Annie also visited her sisters Susan Jan- zen, Helen Stadler and her brother Bill and Ellen Janien in Leaming- ton. Ferman and Leota Snyder were Friday night supper guests last \week with Lecland and Ilene 1)es- jardine, at Grand Bend. Ken Jr. and Carol Baker, of Goderich, visited Saturday with Ken's father, Ken Sr. Baker. ni'the .archiveg 1 titheitnes Advocate' .10 Years <Ago •Eitbniary.24,1982 .Jack Tinney of :Hay townitibip . tang 11982:thainnan of the Ausable Bayfield -: tion Authorkt9 at:theannual meeting in Luc an,Thursd y. '.The aterdusage'reiell'for the new Lake IturorflWater System;:Ito'fIw police villages of Centralia and Crediton;: •were; at$60 per year. Vettaran #sr: of: televison, .movies and :stage Jas k Cieley has been:: by Muskoka Festival to star itt the touring productionef Sleuthto appear in'.;Blytii on March 2. Moat area delegates to the Ontario Liberal leadership convention in -.Toronto supported:: the eventual winner, David`Petersson. Hurotv.Middlesex MPP .Jack Riddell ;said he looks for positive:things from newly Ontario Minister of Agriculture Dennis Timbrtll. Due to :recent heavy snow a ccumulation, of rials of the Ausahle =Bavfiield Conservation Authority ?stave 4i flood warning for this spring. 25 Years Ago February 23, 1967 - Grand Bend council has asked for a discou ><t;from.<six lord service stations for the supply of gas and oit for H1age vehicles. • Area >motorists are urged by police to use their seat belts to cutdowu:thenumber ::of:;accident injuries. :SO YearsAgv 'Febr ary.26 ,1942 -A fancy dress carnival: attracted'S00 persons, about 100 in custuna -to the Exeter arena. Some of tbeminners were Marjorie Welsh, Marian 'Cowan, Bail r ,hGkie ' use*li 410PciOrt, : Joyce Broderick and ?Elauuor Caliak.-WesVrtb the skating race and Carl Stare was !woad. GRIMY CanstablesJohn F.erguaun-was injured :when his cow Telied>Oi*t:On<ihe way to,hwedigate:a theft<of<rnnney barna Crediton:buuiaess. Speaking to Stephen <township ::farmers in Crediton, `Whyte of 'the harem T4)111121111011 ,of 4gr culture urgedsed -farmers to use ac arate+ibiattl kkreepi g - An oleactritc *V' : far -. victoryii gra • has hoes aaragad>on .the inignotraet.otE4R ln' A[tp1111A1 IM1I u1i t- 180 Wart 1 R xjill2 --MililitliguRningliarn, formerly of Shipka Astsiparchased iRoyal .Hotel in Crediton from Varker:mac- fote1:eke ers iiwd:butchersfin Crediton have laid in a Y.,orlipe life' the, coining ;sunitner to help beer ceidmiataimatsfrolL Public speaking contest at Crediton hall tonight CREDITON - The annual public speaking writ,est for five area elemen- tary schools will be held tonight. Wednesday at the Stephen township hall in Creditixt,at 7:30 pm. Sponsored by the Crediton Social Club, the contest will bring together the top speakers from J.A.D. McCurdy, Usburnc Central, Stephen Cen- tral, Our Lady of Mount Carmel and McGillivray Central schools. Choir practice at Zion United Church in Crediton for this week will be tonight, Wednesday at 8 p.m. An official church board meeting will be held Thursday night of this week at 8 p.m. Members of the Explorers and C'.G.I.T. groups will be meeting next Tuesday afternoon after school at.the church. Sunday morning at the United Church, a membership initiation service for C.G.I.T. niembers was held ,with leader Georgina Grotentraast in charge. Rev. U. Ducharmc will be speaking Sunday afternoon, March 1 at 2:30 p.m. at Knox Presbyterian Church in Mitchell about his work with the Middle East Council of Churches in Cyprus. The church youth group will meet Sunday night at 7:30 p.mn at the church. In hospital at South Huron in Exeter arc Alwinna Gallowpy,,tnd Leda Einkbeinef. Zurich farmers attend GATT rally By Comfier Sweeney ZURICH - Six busloads from the Huron County area were among the 40,000 people who travelled to Ot- tawa last Friday to protest in front 'Urc of 'Parliament. -Anwmg them wen. MPP Plant Klapp and wife Heather. CVL quilt The St. Boniface CWL ladies have their quilt set up at the Church in the Narthex and it's heady for anyone who would like to come out and help quilt. Cabs Eighteen Zurich cubs camped out at St. Peter's Parish Hall last Thurs- day to Saturday. On Sunday, the various scouting groups attended mass in their uniforms at various churches in the village. On Monday, March 2 the cubs will hold their Kub Kar Rally at St. Boniface school beginning -alt 7 p.nt. followed by a group commit- tee and all parents are asked to at- tend. Vele of Leo The Lions held their last dinned _meeting --at -the minion - Tavern last Monday with District Govern- or Lion David Rumble from Bur- ford attending. The club recently collected 891 for CNIB and donated 550 to the :Bowl For Millions for Big Broth- ers. They also donated 5384.68 a+ the Zurich pec wee house league tournament for medallions and pucks. February 25 a membership meet- ing will be held at St. Marys and February 27 is the group one's turn to help at bingo. A directors meet- ing will be held March 9 which is also Farmers Night. Guest speaker B I uewate r residents celebrate Valentine's ZURICH - The birds arc making their presence known in the bushes and the sun has finally started to shine so what better time for sprang to arrive. Residents celebrated Val- eatine's Day. here by having an af- t,jamoon tea in the auditoriomt. Resi- nous and staff looked through their Closets `and were all able to come up with something red to wear for the occasion. Gladys Gingench helped to serve tea and cookies to residents and visitors. Henry Becker is a patient in St. Joseph's Hospital, London. 'Best wishes for a speedy recovery. Residents are kept busy in the craft room as well as being in- volved in the various games of cards, shuffleboard and sing -songs. Residents are happy to have the school volunteers that come every afternoon off the school bus to help them with their suppers and enter- tain therm in other ways. On Tuesday evening, the Zurich Brownies visited the residents. They sang cgs, played games and shared cookies, tea. coffee and juice. Everyone appeared to enjoy their evening. The weekly chapel service was held on Thursday afternoon with Rev. Larry Stojkovic of Dashwood LaMherari Church in charge. Bingo was enjoyed on Friday evening followed by refreshments. �K ;3.1'3'1 �0�. will be MPP Elmer Buchanan. All lions are to bring a farmer friend. Drama club The South Huron Drama Club Performed at the Crossroads Festi- val In ',Myth Thursday coining home with first place. The club will present their play Blood Rela tions at the high school on Thurs- day, February 27 at 8 p.m. Tickets arc 54 at the door. Zurich cast members include Aimee Gelinas and Heather Consitt. World Day of Prayer Plan to attend the World Day of Prayer On Friday, March 6 which begins at the Zurich Mennonite Church at 2 p.m. Skating A reminder that moms and tots skating is held at the arena every Monday and Wednesday morning from 10 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Mambas -of -the—Zurich • Figure Skating Club will be participating in the annual Sweet Heart competi- tion in Glencoe on Saturday, Febru- ary 29. Auxiliary meeting -A-Miliadcr•11161-thc3 radios M►rtii- iti_ry meeting will be held at the Home on Tuesday, March 3 begin- ning at 7 p.m. Visitors arc wel- come. Personals ' Joe and Nancy Becker arc tickled with She arrival of their new baby Alyssa Joy, a grandchild for Phil and Vonnie Overholt. Brittany Eyhergen, granddaugh ler of Jerome and Cannel Sweeney will be appearing on Rbmper Room from March 2-6 and again on Thursday, Ma►19.------ — Congratulations to Carolyn Love, daughter of Jim and 'Marg, on re- ceiving first class honours on her Grade Two Rudiment from the Royal Conservatory of Music. Car- olyn is a piano pupil of Adella Gab- el. In order to show appreciation for Frieda McAdams who has donated several quilt tops she made to :vire ous church groups and has been ill lately, many ladies got together at the home of Jerry Kane to quilt for her. Birthday wishes arc extended to Jeffrey Ducharme, Shelly Hay, Ber- it Wallace, Clarence Geoffrey, Peg- gy Mathonia and Patti Webber Victor and Irene Hartman have returned from a holiday in Fort Meyers. Randy and Nancy Regier along with friends Rick and Karen Masse have returned from a holiday in -- -t rnmParadisc-Mtmd: Wayne -and Denise Meidinger and family have returned from a Florida holiday. Kevin and Shelley Geoffrey and family have returned from a visit with his brother Gary and Anna Ge- offrey in Windsor. DEADLINE: FEBRUARY 29, 1992 to register for R.R.S,P 'Registered Retirement Savings Pian INVEST IN YOUR FUTURE WE PAY INTEREST FROM THE DATE OF DEPOSIT TO THE DATE OF WITHDRAWAL. Available at Prime... RRSP ' 5% LOANS • Plus - No Payments till JUNE 1,1992 OPEN SATURDAY, FEB. 29 9AM-1 PM for your RRSP Contribution CLINTON COMMUNITY CREDIT UNION 48 Ontario Street 374 Main Strait South CLINTON 482-3467 EXETER 235.0640 OPEN: MON. to THURS. 9:00 a.m.-S:00 p.m. FRI. 9:00 a.m.-8:00 p.m. SERVING THE COMMUNITY SINCE 1952 A// Z$o /O�es 11 .YOUR OLD �► WORK BOOTS ARE WORTH $10 A PRIZE WILL BE GIVEN FOR THE WORST PAIR OF BOOTS That's right .... your old pair of work boots are worth $10 when trailed in on a -new pair, regardless of how bad they are. Choose from an ;expellent selection of Canada's top brands. • b ►rano V7V CiItaJIa Farmers thipply Ltd. Centralia 228-6638 10 . -511.414 *.$ a.m. - nuOil r In stook only �Ih itirdw are building Ger itie l