HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1992-02-19, Page 21•
Tlmp-Advotal s, February 19,1192 Page 21
Heritage Days
Amon Hesse gives his rendition of Yellow Submarine during
.Heritage Days at,Stephen • Central School on Monday. This
. act was part of the routine put on by the grade five class.
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B4sphen Grant (left) sings along as Krista Dearing and Jamie
Becker attempt to spur the audience in a sing song with the
help of a cue card. The demonstration was part of the grade
four contribution to the Heritage Days assembly held Monday
et Stephen Central School.
Dining for Seniors hold
Valentine's meeting
ZURICH - An •excellent attendance of diners met Wednesday at
the community centre.
Tammy Antaya welcomed all and gave a reading a legend of the
Valentine. Gerrie Fleischauer read a Valentine Poem, My Heart is
yours on Vakntine's Day.
Entertainment was provided by Lloyd Ouerbein on guitar, Max
Ducharme on violin, and Jullieue Denomme who will be 90 in April,
playing the piano. Their toe -tapping music was thoroughly enjoyed
by all.
Denomme was also joined by her family, around the piano, singing
songs. Five tables of Solo and Euchre were enjoyed.
Faith Tabernacle news
CENTRALIA - On Friday eve -
February 14, the Secret Sis-
ters of Faith Tabernacle, hosted
their annual `Family Crokinole
tournament" at the Centralia Com -
Masi Cesare. Winning the mast !
for the men was Pastor Bob
w. least games: Ribble Mot -
am, moat foe the ladies: Bonnie
Ohre, least; Tandny Grohs%
pasesisg•mystery box: Joyce May-
ers. candy guessing: Bill Graham
Sr. •
Saturday evening the youth
Group saNyed Akillialig hosted. by
Youth for Christ at the Zurich Are-
na. After skating, Pastor Kevin Rut-
kdge spoke to the youth Woeg with
music provided by local talent.
On Sunday morning the children
of Faith Tabernacle Sunday School
were visited by Charity Chip 'n Dil-
igent DMB, the loveable chipmunks.
The Chip'n Date Scripture Rangers
null be joining the Sunday School
at the Hamill Arena, Friday, Feb -
n y2Bst 7;30 for an hour of skat-
ing: Bveryone is welcome for this
family night of skating.
ueensway News
HENSALL - Qtrseasway resi-
dents benefited front a lively Bingo
sesalon Monday afentobn with die
trusty Kippen UCW providing as -
anima and prizes.
Rev. Phillips of the Varna -
Goshen United Churches led wor-
ship service Tuesday afternoon
with Floyd McAsh as • keyboard
player. Residents are singing
_hymns -to -the -accompaniment -of or-
gan, flute; accordion, or whatever
they fancy and are really enjoying
their new keyboard.
Thursday, the creative juices
were flowing as residents gathered
for Valentine making in the activity
room. There were countless verses
composed, many beginning with
that old standby, Roses are red, vio-
lets are blue.
Regular voluinsers Dong Insley
and Joyce Pepper entertained resi-
dents on keyboard, guitar ad piano
for the Valentine's party Iriday -af-
ternoon. Everyone enjoyed their af-
ternoon of music, dancing and also
the preview of the program resi-
dents have prepared for the Volun-
teer Appreciation party. This was a
good -opportunity -for -the-residents
to practise in front of an audience.
They are looking forward to enter-
taining at the Volunteer Apprecia-
tion party.
Coming events: February 20, 2
p.m., Volunteer Appreciation Party;
February 27, 7 p.m., Birthday Party
with entertainment by Jack Sim-
mons and The Swingin Seniors.
.UCW make Valentines
AJ SA CRAIG - The Ailsa
Craig United Church -Women put
-their creative abilities to work
when they met for the February
meeting at Marg Tweddle's home.
Mary Scafe who was in charge of
the meeting provided scissors,
paste and paper and each lady
created a valentine to take home
for someone special. Sylvia Thirl-
wall had everyone using brain
power to think up the names, of
towns and villages to answer the
questions in her place name con-
In the worship service on love
and friendship, Scafe pointed out
that the only way to have a friend
is to be one. Each 'Orson was
asked to tell about some act of love
that had been an influence on her
Marg Tweddle, the president,
presided for the business meeting.
Gertrude Rosser and the Communi-
ty Outreach group are planning to
give a flower -to the sick and shut-
ins on Valentines Day. Tena Stokes
has several more quilts to be quilt-
ed and would welcome new quil-
ters. Mary Sutherland reported that
the group's carrot pudding project
had been successful and that there
are still a few puddings left to sell.
The president urged everyone t6
attend the World Day of Prayer
Service on March 6 in the Auditori-
um at Craigholme. The U.C.W.
will not meet again until April 14.
'It was decided to withdraw the
March meetings the women will
be busy preparing for the Annual
Roast Beef Dinner on Thursday,
March 19.
During the social time Mary
Scafe served a lunch of sandwiches
and tea.
Catholic Women's League
Catholic Weasels Leake
Sy Resew Walker
GRAND BEND - Eighteen members of the Catholic Women's
League of lmmactdate Heart of Mary Council met on Tuesday at the
Alhambra Hall. The modal; opened with a spiritual reading by An-
nie Vandenbygaert, and was chaired by president Cathy Vrolyk.
Christian Family Life Convener Lia Vandenberk reporter) that
$268 was collected from the sale of Aro Life articles in December,
and a check for that amount was sent to Lambton Right to .Life.
Communications and Public Relations convener Roberta Walker
gave a report of the Challenging Learning Needs Awaroness Work-
shop she had helped to organize for local children, for Winter Car-
Our CWL is to detiverivteats on Wheels form March 2 to March -
30, organized by Tillie Van Leeuwen, Only five seniors are present-
ly receiving meals. About 13 members are expected to attend the
Deanery Fun Night on Wednesday in Goderich. A bus has been
chartered for the use of all area councils.
Work will begin soon on the quilt fora summer fund raiser. It was
decided to purchase a doll and a dried flower arrangement as second
and third prizes. The raffle will be held on Sunday, August 30, after
11 am. Mass and tickets will be printed 10 to a book, $1 each.
Members signed a card circulated at the meeting to be sent to Jack
and Wilma Smeekens who will be celebrating their 40th Wedding
Anniversary while down in Florida.
Members are asked to attend World Day of Prayer services to be
held at Calvary United Church in Dashwood on Friday, March 6 at 2
p.m. Plans were made to hold a pancake breakfast for the parisn on
March 29, the fourth Sunday of Lent, after 9 a.m. and 11 a.m. Mass-
es. A small fee will be charged. The next Diocesan Convention will
be held in Sarnia from Tuesday, April 28 to Wednesday evening,
April 29, closing with a banquet. Bishop John Sherlock will be guest
speaker for the event, to be hosted at the Canterbury Inn.
Several invitations were received from the Sacred Heart CWL
council in Parkhill: 1) To their second annual Euchre Party on
Thursday, February 27 at the Leisure Club in Parkhill, at 7:30 p.m.
RSVP to Lucy, 294-6413; 2) St. Patrick's Day, March 17 to a Mass
at 6 p.m., followed by a supper and a guest speaker, RSVP to
Joanne, 294-6741; 3) To their second annual Bowling Event at B&D
Lanes in Strathroy on Wednesday, April 15 at 1 p.m., $5 per person.
Please RSVP to Lucy 294-6413.
Corresponding Secretary Josie Britton, who is the Guides leader
for Grand Bend, gave an update on the Religion in Life Badges that
area boys and girls are earning in the Scout/Guide program. About
20 youngsters are attending four sessions held by Father Paul Beck
and Rev. Colin Stover, and will be presented with their badges at the
special United Church Service on February 16. The Catholic young-
sters will receive their badges next Sunday, and four Lutheran chil-
dren are working with their minister for theirs. Due to schedule con-
flicts, Josie Britton had to resign as corresponding secretary: Annie
Grootjens will take her place.
Rec director, manager get high marks
- EXETER - The recreation di-
rector and the facilities manager
of the South Huron Recreation
Centre have been given a
"thumbs up" following their
year end evaluation.
Thursday night at the centre's
board meeting, Lynne Farquhar
and Cam Stewardson heard
`.praises. from chainnan.Mike.Sol-
dan and past chairman Dave Ur -
lin. •
"We have two 10 -year vete-
rans here who know the building
and know what's happening,'
said Soldan.
Stewardson recently received
written praises from a touring
group from St. Thomas who vis-
ited the rec centre.
Soldan pointed out that ten
years ago, it was the board mak-
ing all the major decisions and
now, the staff has more imput on
such matters as budgeting.
"I think there is a lot of good
things that will come out of this
board in the next two years,"
said Soldan.
He said he liked the idea of
the rec staff having an open-
door policy.
The rec board has been asked
to keep their budget to a zero
percent increase this year and
Soldan said the rec centre's aim
is nit to make a profit but to
provide recreation.
If there isn't recreation, kids
get in trouble."
• In other news from the rec
board meeting, plans are being
made for a Canada Day celebra-
tion which will be hosted by the
rec centre and the Exeter branch
of the Royal Canadian Legion.
• Ice rentals will be increasing
by five percent in September.
Prime time will go from 569.50
to 572.75 while non -prime time,
midnight to 4 p.m. will go from
535 to 536.75.
• St. Marys Minor Hockey As-
sociation has put in a request for,
six hours of ice time for next
fall. The rec board said they will
discuss the possibility of renting
non -prime hours.
• Urlin said the board has to
start going after business instead
of waiting for business to come
to them. He suggested a divider
being put in the community hall.
• Under capital projects for the
upcoming year, Ken Oke had a
list of three ich included fenc-
ing for the wn bowling greens,
buying : • r t end loader and
pure • heaters.
Of • • it :was decided not -to
pursue 'the fencing the entire
greens but maybe putting up
about 5500 in fencing for a por-
tion of the area.
"Times are tough, if,t1(ey Want
to put up a fence they (bowling
club) can do it," said Urlin. "I've
checked with the police and
there are no complaints."
• Other capital projects being
considered in the future are pav-
ing the tennis courts and repair-
ing the arena roof which could
cost up to 540,000
• New energy efficient lights
have been installed in the com-
munity centre and Stewardson
estimates a savings of 510,000
per year.
Cub Kar Rally upcoming
By Vanessa Cook
HENSALL - February 20, at the
United 'Church, there will be a Par-
ent and Son Banquet.
Scott Murray has joined as a
leader for Scouts and Liz McAus-
Ian has been invested as a Beaver
leader. -
Caourittee reports
Hensen Beavers had a five senses
night, snow art and painting night.
The Beavers are saving stamps for
the CMB. The Cubs went on an ob-
stacle course using their compasses
while doing star and badge work.
They will be attending the Kub Kar
Rally in Lucan in March.
The Scouts combined with Ven-
tures and made 5 130 selling 50/50
tickets at the Kinsmen hockey tour-
nament. They are doing badge
work, planning a campout and bot-
tle drive.
• Next meeting will be March 5, at
8:15 p.mi. at Hawaii Public School.
The Three Links Seniors of Hen-
sall met last Wednesday with seven
members present. Irene read a
poem "Old Memories". Vera Smale
and Dorothy Brintnell were
charge of euchre and lunch.
Winners of tee .cards were: Mar
Cole, Hilda Payne, Mary Broadf
and Evelyn McBeath. Lone Hands -
Pearl Taylor.
The next card party will be Feb-
ruary 25 at 8 p.m. Lunch is provid-
Luca and area students fared very well in the recent Royal Canadian Legion poster and poem
contests for Zone. r4-5. In front from the left are first prize winners Shannon Pettyplece, Sarah
Jinimez, Paula = Malin and second place finishers Marla Barker and Rose Damen. Back,
left, Lucan L - ion or; : nizer Tin? Carter, Amanda Liley, Branch president Carl Rummell and Ja
min O'Shea,
Drop in action
EXETER - Amid much merri-
. ment a growing group of Exeter
residents are learning to carpet
bowl at the Lion's Club Youth Cen-
Every Thursday morning shortly
after 9 a.m. carpets are unrolled,
bowls are assembled and anyone
wishing to learn the sport is given a
short instruction session and rolls a
few bowls. By 10 a.m. teams are
drawn and a game is in progress.
Pete McFalls and team members
Gloria McFalls, Helen Hindle and
Helen Roberts scored a one point
victory over Roy Smith and team
Leona Hem, Phil Hem, and Ed
Roberts. However Roy and his
team - Len McNaughton, Nelson
Squire, and Helen Hindle came
back to defeat Pete and team mem-
bers Bea Ballantyne, Phil Hem and
Muriel Marshall by a score of 8-7.
In the non bias bowl competitions
Wilma Davis and Muriel Marshall
were winners over Len McNaugh-
ton and Bea Ballantyne in the first
game while Marshall Dearing and
Leona Hem won over Wilma Davis
and Gloria McFalls in the second
Over in the North Hall a keen
game of dans was taking place be-
tween Marion Frayne and Doris
Edwards. By 11 a.m. several had
gathered for Tai Chi exercises con-
ducted by Charles Mountford.
At 11:30 we all gathered in the
North Hall for coffee and since it
was Valentines Day we had good-
ies as well. Marjorie Johns took
over at 1 p.m. to demonstrate flow-
er arranging. Cards, games and
crockinole are available at all times
- do join us at the Lions Club
Youth Centre any Thursday.
GpIden Agers meet
ZURICH - The Zurich Golden
Agers met Monday afternoon with
24 in attendance including visitors
Anna Keys and Margaret Elliott:
Ile hall was decorated in a Valen-
tine 'theme.
Vice-president Cecelia Farwell
opened the meeting and secretary
Ina Noeb and treasurer Gruen
McKcikr gave their reports. Card
Secretary Eileen Consiti reported
sending out one get well card.
Happy Birthday was sung by
Luella Willett and Lee Regier. Ce-
celia Farwell read a poem Why do I
The quilt donated by Freida
McAdams is being quilted at the
present time in the Seniors' room.
Everyone joined in saying the'
Seniors' Payer.. tyary Jacobi con-
ducted a Valentine Love contest.
Eileen Consist read a poem on
Guest speaker Anna Keys spoke
of her interesting trip abe and her
husband enjoyed. for five weeks last