HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1992-02-19, Page 20ftal tey'19,'11152
NOSY • issue aid 'may sae to
asemice die him& -oft eiir devil elkiht
dhows Rebiiby.
ew Bob and ~Loti s11141)71611111=
a l Rite $shmk. Cream. 8c
I (M CH • bury ad se.ia ass pined to
aaa-o the Yds d dusk &ugYw Sarah
Menses, on Riley, Nobiliary 14. 1992.Sa-
wa was bas at Clime 14 c 81 �
arty 9 Ibs., 13 ass. A VaMrite sister
foritim. 8'
DAWSON - Lary and Melissa, dung with
big brother Jamie. aro dolled to annoaraoe
the safe snivel d Brendan Larry, born Feb-
ruary 12. 1992, weighing in at 71bs., 8 on.
Proud graidipmanu are Massy and Bea
Duero* dmid Conte
cad sleeks to staff at St. 1w is Hospital
and Dr. Maynard. Very special desks- to
Ote.dsu Dawson for coming and helping
out tie fiat week. 8c
DURAND - Hit Do yet want to meet the
new Kid on the Block? My mane is Andre
Joarph Durand. I'm the newest addition to
the family of Jody, Meryl, Else and Dinette
Durand. I was bom at 10:30 p.m. Tuesday,
February 11, 1992. Spoiling privileges go
out to grandparents Sharon and AI Hughes
and Mary and Ken Morey. Special thanks to
Dr. Maynard Bridget, Stacey and e11 the
staff M St. Joseph's Health Ohrare. 8•
Terry would like to announce the birth of
their son, Alex Austin, bom at February 5,
1992, 8:30 a.m.. weighing 8 lbs., 1 oz. at St.
Joseph's Hospital in London. Proud first-
. Wire gre nos are Harold and Phyllis
Parsons of�ippen and Alphauus and Alice
Mary Honohan of Kitchener. Special thanks
to family and friends for their support, Dr.
Fellows and Dr. O'Connor. 8'
SIMMONS • Stephen and Maureen (nee
Repier) are proud to announce the arrival of
their fust child, a boy, Shawn Stephen, born
February 5, 1992, 3.:05 p.m., weighing 8
lbs., 2 oat. Proud gandpaaus are Joe and
Rose Marie Regier. Zurich, Audrey Marshal,
London and Jim Simmons, Arva. Great-
grandchild for Olive Simmons, Hamilton.
Thanks to Dr. Fellows and the nursing staff
at St. Joseph's. 8'
THOMSON - Joe and Debbie (nee Lynn)
along with big sisters Josie and -Bailey are
very pleased to annamce the birth of Scott
Simon Lynn, born January 27, 1992, weigh-
ing 6 lbs., 10 oz.s. Proud grandparctu are
Deme and Betty -Anne Thomsen, Parkhill
and Ralph and Gwen Lynn, Lucan. Proud
groat -grandmothers are Mn. Annie Thom-
sen and Mrs. Olive Horner, Parkhill. . 8nc
SUPPER. Old fuhiomed Roast Beef Dinner,
Much 11, 1992, 5-7 p.m. Adults S8; C
dren S4; Family S20. 7,8,9c
February 29 and Sunday, March 1. For team
registration call Scott 235-2019. Pancake
Breakfast at the S.H.R.C. Saturday 8-11
a.m., dance Saturday night Public welcome.
FIRST DEGREE to be conferred on Tues-
day, February 25, 1992, Oddfellows Hall.
Also will be DDGM Official visit All broth-
ers weloome. Annual Friendship Night to be
held at'Kirkton-Woo 8 am Commmity Cen-
tre, Kirlion. an Saturday, March 28, 1992.
For tickcu and inquiries, please contact Wilf
Bowman, 235-1563. 8'
WOMEN 'AGLOW Dinar' Meedir s. Men
a41411111111iarfsed: ininaary'St WO pas.
Ilene AAA. roster.music. tipwker
Laltryd Ilnatter, k. Timken. 910.
aiM a686 en 2164940. 8'
PANCAKE WPM to be held at Trivia
Memetid Pariah Hall an Tinos�y, Mews 3,
from 5 to 7 p.m. Addis 37.00, Minn
54.00. 7,8,9•
LAING - At Ids residence on Iiiday, Pabru-
uy 14,1992,- Robert-Meteshin iraiag of
RR 82, Staffs, in kis 64thyaar Bedews s -
bend of Ruth (Jefferies) Lsims. Dear father
d Marilyn and her husband A��11kse��xtt Zimmer,
Stretford; Margaret and her husband Jeff Al-
len, Guelph; Andrew sod his wife Hskn.
Scarborough; Murray, Sedotth; and Tan
and his wife Lisa, Sedortls. Dear brother of
Haze) and her husband Howard Eves,
Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan; and Gordon and
his wife Eva, RR 82, Soffa. Loving grandfa-
ther of Soon end Erin Zimmer and Robert
Allen. Ruled anile L.oddiait Funeral Home,
Mitchell, where funeral services were held
on Monday at 2 pm. with Rev. Lurie Milne
officiating. Spring interment in Staffs Ceme-
tery. Memorial donations to the Canadian
Cancer Society or the charity of one: choice
would be appreciated. 8c
MURRAY • At South Huron Hospital Ex-
eter, an Saaday, -February 15, Mrs. -Mary
M. "Marie" (Cook) Murray of William
Street, Exeter; in her 57th year. Beloved
wife of the late Marl Murray. Dear mother of
Rosemarie and her husband Wayne Hoff-
man of Route 83, Zurich: Doug and his wife
Darlene of Brantford; Joyce L Murray of
Stratford; Kevin of Palmerston; Ken of
Lon's Bay, B.C.; Lisa and her husband Vic-
tor Rumpel of Hasan; and Soon of Lucan.
Dear sister of Beryl MacDonald of N.B.;
Jean Stroeder of Kitchener, Louise Cook of
Stratford; Pu Jenkins, Ilene MacDonald,
Lorraine Gnyy, Agnes Fcshein, Mari Schu-
bert, Brian, Wendell, and Paul Cook, all of
N.B. and Hugh Cook of Timmins. Also sur-
viving are six grandchildren. Private family
visitation. The funeral Mass will be conduct-
ed on Wednesday, February 19 at 10 a.m. at
St Boniface Ranan Catholic Church, Zu-
rich. Spring burial in St. Boniface Raman
Catholic Cnnetery. As expansions of sym-
y donations to Thameswood Lodge,
would be appreciated. (Michael P.
O'Connor Funeral Home, Zurich, entrusted
with em rganenu.) 8c
SMITH - At Queensway Nursing Home,
Hensall, on Monday, February 10, 1992,
Mn. Lillian Mae (Broderick) Smith, former-
ly of RR 1, Hensall, in her 91st year. Be-
loved wife of the Late Orville H. Smith
(1968). Dear mother of Norma and her bus -
band Dan Cooper of Exeter, Jack and his
wife Beth of Landon and Harry and his wife
Donna of RR 1, Hensel'. Dear sister of Ar-
thur Broderick of Exeter, Mn. Ethel
McPherson of Strathroy and Mrs. Pearl Ab-
bott of Thorold. Dear sister-in-law a Mrs.
Helen Broderick of Exeter. Predeceased by a
daughter Helen (1988) and by 2 brothers
Harold and Ray Broderick. Also surviving
are 5 grandchildren. Rested in the Hassall
Chapel, 120 King Street, Henaall, at
Wednesday from 2-4:30 and 7-9 pm. where
the funeral service wu otndontul on Thurs-
day, February 13. at 2 pm. with Rev. Mark
Gaskin officiating. Spring interment in Son-
ia Union !Cemetery. As ,expressions of
sympathy donations to Carmel Psesbytetian
(2tureh or the charity of twice would be ap-
(Michael P. O'Connor Funeral
Homes Ltd. entrusted with arrangernenu).8c
10618AN - SelWy at W late residence,
etAlled° em ttassiay, Primary 8,
19112A�g e��'y a"a�o� 4 in lie ;SW year. Life.
baler d)ie d >4a tlitdsBulla Midas
of Leedom. Roy was p miseasssd by tis pat-
ens, Homy ad Basan dollen, basins 1Vi1.
mid Aden. sisters Meir ad EYasbeth,,
sad sae ateptew Earl. Rsawmbeted by rev-
appedrr rmea,
nieces and anthems. Rested at the Hop-
RaMa fou' visitation ase hour prior to the
fasssal service which was held en Wednes-
day, Pabraary 12 et 200 pan., with Rev.
Douglas Wdoht dlfa sing. tkms Mer-
men! in Hamert30netuy. Dseeti s to the
Omen Heart & Stroke Foundation would
be nppncined by the Really. 4c
TAYLOR - At Sion Huron Hospital, Exet-
er on Smiley, Psbinary 16, 1992, Bye M.
(Lamm) Taylor d Orad Bold and former-
ly d W in her 69th year. Beloved
wife of the lata I. Les Taylor (1989). Dear
mother of Sends (Mrs. Aim Creek) of Wy-
oming, Rebecca Bates of Coll lgha, David
Taylor of Sonia, Steven Taylor of London
and Victor Taylor of Huron Park. Loved
r of six graadehildreo. Dear sis-
ter Flosamoe (Mn. Jerry Ranter) of Lon-
don. Predeceased by sinus Cecile Rivet,
Jeanie Turnbull, Helm DeVries and broth-
ers George Lauson and Henry lauzon. Rut -
ed at the T. Harry Hoffman & Sons Funeral
Home, Dashwood where the Funeral Service
was held on Tuesday, February 18, 1992 at
1:30 p.m. Rev. Ken Morgan of Wyoming of-
ficiated. Interment in Pinery Cemetery,
Grand Bead. If desired. Mamosial donations
to V.O.N. (Lambton Breech), Lambton Eld-
erty Outreach or charity of choice would be
appreciated as expressions of sympathy. 8c
CASE - Special thanks to Dr. Stedok and
the nursing staff at South Huron District
Hospital for the care given to me while 1
wu a patient there. Also, heartfelt epprecia-
lion to family, friends and Bob Fletcher of
Hopper -Hockey Funeral Herne for sympathy
shown during the loss of Roy.
8' Phyllis
DAVIS - I would sincerely like to thank
everyone for their thoughtfulness and kind-
ness shown to me during the past year since
the death of my loved husband Harold, on
February 21, 1991. Your kindness to me
8▪ * Wilma
GOWER - We wish to say thanks to every-
one for your words of sympsmhy over the
death of our Uncle Wm. ate. Special
thanks to the Exeter Villa Staff and Di. lam
for their wonderful care.
8' Phyllis and Carl Gower and sons
GREB • I want to thank my familyy, rdla-
tives, friends and neighbours for the flowers
cards, treats, phone calls and visiu while I
wu a patient m St. Joseph's Hospital. I want
to give very special thanks to Dr. Read and
Dr. Philips and I want to thank the nursing
staff d the 4th floor of St. Joseph's Hospital
for the wonderful are they gave me.
8' Melvin
MacLEAN - Spinal" stand to Dr. Ste iuk,
nurses in Exeter and St. Joseph's' Hospitab..
The kind ads of many friends, ands, flow-
ee6rs, gifts, phone calls etc. shall never be for -
8' Peg
670 Main St S.
Pastor Vernon Dean
Assistant Pastor Kevin D. Rogers
Sunday, Febrtauy 16
10:00 a.m. Sunday School
1100 a.m. Worship Service
• 700 p.m. Family Night
Programs for all ages
Nursery available for all services
A place to meet God and a friend'
90 a.m. Sundry School
1030-1100 am. Fellowship Time
1100 a.m. Family Bible Hour
800 p.m. Communion Service
Nursery Averiable
Tunny evenings
7:30 p.m. - nide study
Atl services are held at
94 Orchard Street
Everyone Wdoome
For more inlonlla`on prase
oar 2213-1101
ee MeSkeet in
Miister:Rev. Mork 8. Gaslkin ?
Organist: bias Carolyn Leave
Sundry. February 23
900 am./Asn and LasMa-Basakl.at
11:16 am. -, Wordily ilarvloe
Nursery and 4mdst► AMMO
Emma, Waf.e.w
Sunday. February 23
920 a.m - Sunday School
11:00 a.m. - Worship Service
Everyone Welcome
264 Main Street,
Easter, Ontario
The -Rev. F -ay -M
Seventh Sunday Atter Epiphany
February 23, 1992
11:16 a.m. Morning Prayer
Sunday school
Nursery Avaiisbie
Everyone Welcome
Comer a James and Andrew St.
The A. John C
Rev. C. whom
Mrs. Bus Robison
The Rev. Gant L Mils
alt )
Allah C. Tapp
.. bur ry23, 1992 -11130 a.m.
Sand Yby Huron -Pot
our Wsskand
Young Adult Class 920 am.
Sunday Ohurdi3oh.ol 11 am.
Nursery Follies.awbtplo
187 Huron St. W. Exeter
Pastor Rev. Kevin Rutledge
Sunday, Fsbsraary 23
9:45 a.m. Sunday School
11:00 am.Morning Worship
7:00 p.m. Evening Fellowship
Film - 'The Church - God's Instrument
for Changing tie World'
Eaeryone Welcome
Huron Street East, Exeter
Sunday, February 23
1000 am_Sidarshhip
11:10 am. Sundry School
Nursery available
7:30 p.m. Worship
Everybody woloane
Conte and Worm* Wet us
Msin 8t. North
Pastor Rev. Binds Vander Maw
Worship bsusiy
F 23
lops a.m.
Sunday '
CKNX 10880 am.
Day T.V.
Faith 20 Gbit 610 am.
Nr tit loo apart ibrsista ab.atss ling
t imon kolo; ea p�i�
want - tMy isne *NW you to my
Iddide.91111111111111n s.d telWrse for ends,
0awu. e . and visits while I
wet el. sisals to myLois
sadsia4n-Mw Alms% "yell for Wring in
to their home and !skin ewe of see for the
past wean weeks. 7lteth you to Dr. Men-
a*, Weft" for ids etre and Rev. Hilborn
for his tisk sad payer.
TASKO • line family of the late Bmewncia
Tisko wish to emend our shame thanks to
oar Medusa, Monde and neighbours for
their Mndy aces of album*, manorial daun-
tless, moan offerings, Moven, food and
aide earths the nam lora 01 a mother,
-gamilmoilter -Ili (aur
special necks to all of die staff at Strath-
more Ledge for their cue and rapport for
meet a bag tine.,Special Hanna to Rev. 1.
B�wo the choir and akar boys at Our
Lely of Mt. °ironed Church. Also special
thanks to Bill Harken of Hackett Faseral
Home for making things easier for us.
Everything was very muds gp.e'med.
8• Lew and Madafer and family
ERS - We would Like to thank the many in-
dividuals and organizations who so gener-
ously donated to our 1991 fundraising
campaign. Your support is greatly appreciat-
ed. 8c
IOR FRIENDS: On behalf of the M dlasg-
iag Learing Needs dassrooni and their
Maeda, I wish -to -hank -you -for tie use of
the Legion and the • again this
year. The students enjoy else social activity,
the opportunity to de lop the drill of shut-
fleboo d and the flange of pace. We appre-
ciate the constant support of Mr. Laverne
Stone and Mr. Charles Tindall. 'thank you
again for your generosity. Sirhcerol
Doan Webster
S. .'4'r'.B,tMEvt c&2:iitPr.c .i ik amok
JESNEY • In loving memory of our dear
parents and grandparents, who went home to
God; John (Jack, February 3, 1989; and Wil-
hdmine, February 22, 1990.
Nothing could be more beautiful,
Than the memories we have for you,
To us you were so special,
God must have though so oro.
Greatly loved and sadly missed by daugh-
ter Phyllis, son -in -Lw Chuck, grandchildren
Vicki, Darren, Darlene, John, John Jr., Justin
and Tan. 8c
JORGENSEN • In memory of our fried
Anne, who passed away February 11, 1990.
We miss you in many ways,
We miss things you used to say,
And when old times we do recall,
It's then we miss you most d all.
Remembered by Jim and Bonnie. 8c
McGREGOR • In loving memory of our
dear friend, Jim, who posted away 3 _years
ago, February 19, 1989.
A friend is a special gift,
One you hope will always stay,
One you hold so dear in your heart,
And way will never go away,
So all of you who have good friends,
Cherish them with love,
For Jim was our friend,
To us he was one of the best.
Sadly missed by Lloyd. June and Scat 8c
Wed., Feb. 26
Crediton Community
Sponsored by Crediton
District Socia! Club
Exeter Legion
Ladies Auxiliary
Thurs., Feb. 20
7:30 p.m.
10 Regular Games
5 Specials
1 Share the Wealth
Jackpot $650
Lic. 8681098
February 19
Bingo Marts 7:30 p.m.
Regular Games
Jackpot Yew
Total prises $2300
Due to the licence regulations, no
one under 16 allowed to play
Uosncs 1637486
9 p.m. to 1 a.m.
Fri., Feb. 21
Singles Dance
Country Versatiles
Sat.. Feb. 22
COSI Caviler Misers
t19 lRnt Witeaea tla •IU1650. pals
`�84 M�'aaea bo iasehiebill 93
teltR 1 tisswwt6 8U1 SS 830. Feb.
1SPunk QgW,t/m82106$50. M. 14
Pm, 4tie luluss. brow 82065150. Pub.
IS Pu OBaasaa,Temelah 82714 $100.
Cile dD.o t2 3-1302
Nancy Durand &
flsnnis (Ike)
Sat. ,March 14
8 p.m. -1 a.m.
Lunch provided
MOO each .
755th Birthday
The family of Laura Dickey
Invite you to an
Open House
to celebrate her 75th birthday
on Sun., Feb. 23
from2 - 4 p.m. at the
Exeter United Church
Best wishes only
onThursday, Feb. 20
5 p.m. to 7 p.m.
Volunteers required
Phone Bob Dietrich
March 1967 March 1992
Party „..... Surprise Party
25th Surprise Anniversary Party for Norah (nee Brown) and
Stephen Eckert, on March 7th 1992 .... 8:00 p.m. - ???? 'At Sea -
forth Community Centre, Seaforth Ont., Relatives, Neighbors,
New Temporary Office and Showroom
Victoria St. Centralia (Bob's Tree Service)
Effective 1992 our Prov. Govemment through
changes in the Cemeteries Act by approving Bill 31
$50.80 to $200.00 to install FLAT or UPRIGHT ME,
Any fiat marker or monument order placed now be-
fore the NEW ACT becomes law will not be subject
to the New Fee Plus until Feb. 29 we will pay the
For further information please feel free to come into
our Showroom and office at 310 Victoria St. in the
Village of Centralia or call 228.6439 or our Toll Free
line 1-800-265-3477
1 1842
Lsbui tc 1 'tinily
Skating Party
atlas. Rim Coutts*
Hit , MAIM, 7 -i psis.
Presented courtesy 0f Larry Jahns. London Ude Ins. Rep.,
Harry and Marian Douai* and tangly. Bill, June, Rob, Mary
and Ruth Ann EserarY•
All Usbome present and former residents welcome I Wear
your Seequbsntenrlial,Eautlon foregIstrallon. Some available
0 theedopr.
Early Bird Ticket -Draw M Button Draws
V Sowieriirsavallable
Print tor:
• best OOpYrnes
• largest family
AM contestants.
,.Advertisement rlponsecod lett l$
fen* .with Most generations
• MO%tM0141111 of antique skates