HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1992-02-19, Page 16scores
Pip 46 TInis -AdMooNe, I ebnwy 19, 1892
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Area' bowling
LUCAN - Results otthe Last Howling Lanes
Dalian Mesta 313-725, J.M. Rtkbeitter 253-709, Ludt Wterber 982-'1088, Dunne 256-683, Msxj Owen 241-679, Deb
Para 261.673, Heather Sarnith 236.642, Joyce Sovusaign 228-636, Cathy/Mumma 216635, Mary Je/bries'269-629, Janet AMters
233401, Jan Va assploeg 278, Helen Rogers 235, Sondra Mover 227. .
Waren Loyes 168, Krista Hodgins 168, Cantina Wilson 163, Tim Townsend 158, Jennie Cockwill 156, Maraca Appelman 155,
Man T,ndgen 152, Tyler Galan 145, (keg Conniathem 145, Soeame Welch 128.
Len Poole 254-629, Jean Poole 217-603, Bob Jeffrey 244, LK Md.eran 238, Peter DenOtter 209, Willard Stiniben 204, Marilyn
ankh 197, Marg Cannidtaed 194, Dorothy PAciCialey 168 Haney DeiOoa 185.
Lee Smith 281.630, Marion Noels 218, Cathie Wessman 211, Harry Noels 208, Jin Bun 205, Marion 9bompaon 181, Art Ahbou
178, Lane Hodgins 175, l4oeence McRobert 173.
Glenn Kelly 189, Craig Leyes 154, Kelly Wilson 141, Shauna Townsend 139, Chad Rodgen 137, David Knip 128, Vanessa Smith
Lynn Smith 322-791, Larry Smith 289-758, Gary Dunlop 281-749, Wayne Wilson 260486, Floyd Riley 247.676, Clary Melvin
286-673, Pat Momeau 222-626, Linda Webber 240-622, Eugene Webber 228-605, Pat Jones 211.
Larry Maters 298-652, Darcy Weyman 265, Bob Cornish 259, Pat Ryan 237, Vicki Wird 222, Jackie Arnold 217, Don Cunning -
ham 213, Lane Currah 207, Candi Dobiason 205.
Bob Smith 360-924, Jack Fuller 342-871, Paul Smith 325-854, Pete VanGeel 287-829, Jun Smith 280403, Doug.L e 300-774, Don
Morgan 291-770, Dau Heywood 280-763, Brian Algiers 279-754, Jeff Allison 301-751, Earl Allison 293-738, ill McDonald 305-
-724, -Orval Rinn'289-703;Dan-fNraltyenai260=694; Chris-3mith297-690, Pete' Smith 251=687, AradTaylor248.686,=BiM Mashers
263-681, Ken Kadey 312480, Barry Neaman 240-675.
Pete Smith 287-79, Halm Rodgers 251-714, Wayne Smith 326-712, Heather Smith 277-704, Dave Smith-329-7o2'4.arry Smith
242492, Dan Rodgers 273-671, Harold Smith 242-642, Chris Smith 298.641, Jen Hedernan 238414.
Lucas 7.5 par., St. Marys 22.5 pts.; Lynn Smith 278-728, Heather Smith 258-644,1.M. Fetkbeiter 218.641.
Lateen 82 34 pts:: Goderieh 9 pis.; Jeff fheitwaher306-1411, Harry Voiles 910-1988, Doug Peen Jr. 923-1995.
Tun Smith 34S-868, Paul Smith 340-816, Larry Gibson 323-792, Don Wallis 267-693, Butch Riley 278-673, Lloyd Rimmer 239
672, Rob Riley 286-658, Gary Dunlop 258-646, John Hill 279-619, Ron Leyes 213-608, Darlene Smith 234-607, Cheryl Riley 2I h
606, Jahn Mason 220400.
Red Devils - Sandra Dickert 685, Alley Cats - Joann Lebold 525, Town & Country - Hilda Vanderhoe k 485, Happy Gang - Sheme
Edwards 722, AEe) Cops - Anita Faber 647, Packers - Elaine Weido 540, Silly Si - Helen Barney 587, Pmpoppech
rs - Bonnie Schenk
531, Odds 'n' Ends - Trudy Rooseboo691, Joky Six - Edna Mielke 552, High Triple - Sandra Dickert 786, High Single - Pat Love
339, High Average - Sandra Dickers 214.5.
Yang Gums - Rob Vandethoecc 685, Family Affair - 011ie Edwards 670, Market - Leroy Melodic 671, Crystal Balls - Tim Wilcox
e - Luke Mammerateeg 636, Highrollen - Paul Rood 637, Pin Cumbers - Darnell Ramo Jackson
554, Roekeu - Don Jason
High 675, Hgh ' le - Gary Huston 370, High Tripl�NDAY GRANDra 915,
1High BENDA SENe - Gary Huston 236.7, Luke Mornmenueeg 224.9
Jean Dean 669, Ron Donn 604, Lacca Devine 448, Olive Webb 432, Aileen Ravelle 422, Clayton Lovie 359, Dorothy Cutting 359,
Clarence Smillie 309, Verna Lovie 308, Nola Taylor 303, H.S. - Jean Dann 241, H.S. - Ron Dann 211.
Jim Johnson 155, Dan Greb 102, David Bresseue 110, Penny Can 83, Gary Stebbins 107, Rob McCann 112, Judy Hansen 101,
Donny Tiedmnan 69, Gladwyn Dale 19. •
Grace Ballantyne 420, Maida Baynham 413, Bea Dykstra 475, Dorothy Kipfer 513, Madeline Amsby 480, Beryl Elgie 431, Bene
Smith 453, Rosales n Baends 445, Marion Define 498, H.S. - Bea Dykstra 202, Bene Smith 206.
Dteamen - Joyce Hillman 531, Hot Flashes - Pat Redman 591, Ooh -la -Ls - Baty Deters 692, Misfits - Marge Roberts 483, Uneaks
- Donna Webster 574, Rinky Dinkies - Lis Eden 446, High Single - Baty Deters 313, High Triple - Betty Doan 826, High Average -
Joyce Hillman 205.
Ted Polar 576, An Sheppard 557. Bob McGall 539, Vic Dunbar 513, Al Hargraves 510, Edith McGall 489, H.S. - Bob Metall 237,
H.S. - Edith McGall 178.
John Lillie 407, Hazel McEwen 265, Maude Weston 318, Marion BEeker 283, L oseen Divine 327, Austin Hamman 253. High Single -
John Lillie 224, High Single - Mande Weston 192.
Just 4 Fun - Ted Stanlake 500, A Tam - Gary Huston 688, Jim Smith 688, Try Herds - Henry Vanderspek 601, Pit Bulls - Jim Keller
651, G.M.D.': - Howie Giem 674, Odd Couples - Bev C:egan 331-823.
Ha Shots - Pete McFalls 274-736, Humdingers - Tom Arthur 233-559, Hush Puppies - Dick Bedard 219-538, Bad Attitudes - Marlene
Bedard 241-594, Ramblers - George Eisenschink 193-531, Toadally Mixed-up - Bill Forrest 273-601, High Single - Gloria McFalls 299,
Gerry Thiel 363, High Triple - Gloria McFalls 684, Jen Russell 795, High Average - Gioria McFalls 190, Jim Russell 211.
Bantams - 3 games - Jonathan Hardy 417, Heath Palen 447, Shaun Duc anne 427, Alicia Schroeder 412, Collin Shaw -Young 399,
Craig Hese 398,Mdissa OBrien 370, Michael O'Brien 343, Jason Hardy 339, Ryan Parsons 330, Lindsay Shaw -Young 313, Jarrett Pal-
en 303. Peewees & Scarfs - 2 games - Stacey Butson 256, Derek Ducbaanne 198, Jamie Bengough 184, Craig Schroeder 184, l eeanne
Erb 163, Samuel Dstars 154, Aaron Dears 152. Byron Reiter 136, Julia Hardy 129, Tasha Green 113.
St. Marys 9 ps4nir'4ch 121 par. Bev Cregan 728, Madras edard643. Zoridl I 23 par. vs. Si Marys 7 pts. Pat Palen 632, Sandra
Dicker 602. Zurich II 5 par. vs. Gaderict 25 pu..Dnnna Webster 663. JoyceMillrnan 604, Betty Dears 514.
Zurich 24 pts. vs: Godeeich 19 pts. Frank Palen 1165, 011ie Edwards 1129. Luke Mommenteeg 1110. Zurich 22 - Mitchell 21. 011ie
Edwards 1205, Gary Huston 1172.
Bantam girls 550 pins over
By Ron Dann
ZURICH - The Zu-
rich Town and Country
bantam girls team (7-
10 years) may have set
a new record, scoring 550 pins over
their average on the way to a fourth
place finish in the Y.B.C. 4 Steps
to Stardom zone finals Sunday at
Owen Sound.
Two seven year olds, Jenny Har-
dy, with 189 pins over her 84 aver-
age and Stacey Butson, 113 pins
over her 80 average, set the team
record pace while Shannon Wilcox,
Janet Thiel and Becky Meidinger
added 112, 84 and 52 pins over
their respective averages. Together
they bowled 690 in the final game,
highest of all 10 teams in that
game. The- team was coached by
Zurich Association's Ron Dann.
The bantam boys team, coached
by Zurich Association's Jean Dann,
bowling at Port Elgin, took fifth
place with 333 pins over their aver-
age. Collin Shaw -Young led with
105 pins over his 112 average. Jar-
rett Palen, Craig Hesse, Jonathan
and Jason Hardy added 81, 73, 42
and 32 over average scores.
Dave Kirk's 763 and Scott
Gould's 683 triples led the senior
boys team, coached by Gary Hu-
ston, to second place behind Owen
Sound. The junior girls team fin-
ished sixth and the junior boys
team seventh.
In the single division, seniors
Chad Wilding, .with 1,077 and Patti
Ann Dickert, with 955, both fin-
ished third in the five game realloff.
Bantam girl ,Melissa O'Brien took
Exercise - the stress beater
By Heather Montgorery
Fitness Instructor
All of us have one form of stress to
deal with, whether you're coping with
unemployment, the recession, cross
border shopping, divorce, child rebel-
lion, illneis or financial burdens, it all
amounts to a tremendous stress load
on our body system.
It is the chronic stresses that we face in our day-to-day lifestyle
that really lake their toll on us. Although the causes of stress arc
mental, it is the physical problems that get us down and an only be
curbed with physical activity.
One of the best ways to reduce the symptoms of stress (headaches,
PMS, backaches. insomnia) is with exercise. Yes that is right - exer-
Exercise releases- a chemical drug called endorphins (endo mor-
phine) in our brain and spinal cord. This morphine drug is nature's
way of helping us cope with stress and it's legal. All you have to do
is exercise to get it.
After a workout. you have this natural high feeling. Exercise pro-
motes a feeling of well being giving us a good mental attitude. I
might caution you, this "morphine drug" endorphins is addictive;
your bodywill continually want more making exercise addictive.1
This natural drug is,also a great pain killer, anti depressant, sties '
reliever, it bas no side effects and the costs are low. You just have to
exercise to get it.
People who do long, conWulous, gentle exercise enjoy themgst ef-
feciive stress iberapy k nownio nian.
So get out and get.your "legal fix" of endorphins. There is no bet-
ter medicine available. Start now, apart by just doing it alow.11nd lots
of it: You will be able io aope.eth Snarler .uveas much mare offacient-
fourth place in her division with
724, for 149 pins over her 115 av-
erage while Shaun Ducharme's 732
gave him eighth place in the boys
division. Junior girl Lisa Campbell
finished sixth.
The fust training session for the
Bluewater 5 Pin Association La-
batt's Blue Light ladies, men's and
mixed team bowlers is scheduled
for 4 p.m. Sunday at Molesworth
lanes. Bluewater is preparing for
the Ontario Blue Light Open April
15-18 at Hamilton.
RSD hosts
Aimicicey tournament
Felting to the Boor on Saturday morning was Jerry Lamport a member of J'Dees who in this
game won in a shootout over the Zurich Bulldogs. There were 12 teams in two divisions at the
RSD Sports Den floor hockey tournament held at the South Huron high school. Gravy Train
beat the Bulldogs 5-1 in the adult 'A' final. The Exeter Legionnaires beat Exeter Redwings in
the junior division final.
a success
By Glena Tripp
LUCAN - The Mid-
night Bowl for. Big
Brothers and Big Sis-
ters was a great suc-
cess, raising over
51400.00 for that organization.
Friday night at 11:30 p.m. a
group of bowlers gathered at the
Lucan Lanes. Don and Audrey
Watt 'donated their time and their
lanes to the money raising effort.
Many business people made dona-
tions of items, gift certificates etc.
which were used as prizes to make
it a greater challenge for the bowl-
ers, Harold and Barb Smith, Pete
Momeau, Ron Dickey, Sheila
Charlton, Andy McIntyre, Lynn
and Larry Smith, Tina Gibson,
Stan Roth, Butch Riley and Glena
Special thanks to Tina Gibson
who had 5236.00 (highest individu-
al pledges) and to Lynn and Larry
who worked hard to collect those
business sponsors: Lumley Restau-
ram, Creative Affairs, Pro -Cut,
Wicker Basket, Big Hitter, Do -nut
Delite, Home Hardware, D&L Mu-
sic Service, Balberdan, and Hiram
Also very special thanks to those
of you out there who gave your
money in pledges to the bowlers
who asked. Little Brothers and Sis-
ters will benefit from your generos-
February 11
High 6 game winners
Gert Eagleson 426
Hugh McKay
John Pepper
Dave Kyle
Lloyd Eagleson
The Ministry of Natural Resources is inviting owners to
register their heavy equipment for hire or rent at Pinery
and 1pperwash Provincial Parks from April 1, 1992 to
March 34, 1993.
Registrat' n forms may be obtained from:
Ministry of Natural Resources
Pinery Provincial Park
R.R. 12
Grand .Pend, Ontario
Tel.: (519) 243-2220
Registration forms are available Monday to Friday
from 8:00 tram. to 430 pan.
Fora information, please contact Ken Armstrong
or Rob rnett et the above address.
All registration forms must be retumed to the above
address by 1:30 p.m, (local time) on Wedlnesday
March 18, 1992 to qualify.
Ministry of
South Huron
Big'Brothers/Big Sisters
would hke to express their thanks to the following organizations
tor their generous contributions to this year's Bowl For Millions-
London Beefeaters
Mr. Lube -
Hensall Co -Op
Western Mustangs
Subway of Grand Bend
Co-operative Insurance
and Gerry Thiel
Murphy's Pub and Eatery Kentucky Fried Chicken
Exeter's White Wonder
South Huron Big Brothers/Big Sisters would also like to
announce their office relocation to the
Exeter Lions Youth Centre. John St. W,
Office Hours:
Monday and Thursday 9 a.m. - 11 a.m.
Tuesday 8 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
Phone: 235-3307
How can you VIVO up to 70% of the arxrpy used energy, and moray'
by your car's block heater? Use an outdoor taint r Can aro save by � you' outdoor urns,
. Time you, block hale tt1 turn on 2.4 tours for goodiYlxpNMs,`S,friiiryas Ipfas. erwnmhp poo'
before you lord,1110 your Cir wsl start wieldy pumps -away arra "4000t abctncst need
and easily plus you'll $4ve energy So.don't tear vasa your Joker nous* for a lull
. your block hapten turned on an night Buy en selection or outd0Or Wars, compute cubes
Outdoor honer and take the first Step in say.rrb of (Ns money saving Orta