HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1874-1-1, Page 6AACHINREY4 Li Mr- 1t/TWaft 11(1 Of 1,0a 1jLuU Jasvitos, Stropt, s TO 70AV Air fully half an io In' his usual ien iteaoribed , vivtcs °tri uce n \mot Atiesiolic Peter had manifested iseif to the. assembled spirits, Peter ela,t,Lted hands with hini„ and he fol,t the °lose pressure of the e's grasp, ' 1'OTX1 thiri he argued t Lt quite pnssible to understood 'ileutos of r Ddymuit luntst hi to the side Of " the Persont tu love." The insl'ant Is*Ftis wer.c out of the speak t he fell back on a choir be - There 'was great ite- eiueot g behoved lis hos etong " spirit control," A secC1psod, and a surgeon e ni to the medium and found him meeting broke up in wild a Way, oudleas a, Rubber mid 7Sroill Dolls riety at Nellos'. in,_,,.; ,,./.•:,...ve;gture. _ otuctime pi:evious to the middle of to.last centitry, the country round In was infested by a large liand of freebooters, under the command of the famous, Rob Roy McGregor, who put l- ilulie.-di.-tricts an`der" contributions, • mid advanced OV011 to the very walls of the town, 4-i defiance of a garrison of English soldier,t, then in poSsession. of he castle. Ae officer who was on his way to In- uerness, with money -to pay the troope, and having with him only a very sinall detachment by way of au escort, was oblii„rei to pass the night at an inn, about thirty miles from the end of his journey. Li the course of the evening he saw a man of good aspect, and dress- ed in the national costume, make his ap- Tem:once in the house, as if with the in- tention of remainilig till morning ; and as therll appOnl'OCT to be only Ono ap- artment in the hunable establishment, . lie invited the stranger to take a share \ of his supper. The Highlander accept- ', with an air of great reluctance. . Ns.., The officer finding from the conver- Ittion that ensued, that his guest was ell acquainted with the roads and de- ‘ies in the country, entreated him to 'company the little escort the following ma in, disclosing to him the object In, ',, ,of th,i. march through that -wild district 1 ibib,..+ ,' 'he ebtertained of fall - 111 e hands of that formidable bandit known , .10,ie nam.e, of Rob Roy. The inountuicieer, after someliesitation pro - to be the safae. Early in the -morning the ducal' continued his march .accomparicui.15-"his friend; anl in trs, versinEvti solitary and sterile glen, the .convoation turnel once more to the marauding eri)loits of Rob Roy; when, , all of a sudden, the stranger, address. the Englishmau with great energy, , said, " Should you like to see that notorious freebooter?' , Without taitine• for an ans e the , t, w r, r4ighlander gave A whistle so loud. and strong, that the rocks of the glen re- sounded the signal, and in an instant the officer and his men were surround - ,ed. by a body of men armed to the teeth -And so numerous as to render all at - „tempts at resistance unavailable., ” Stranger," said the mysterious .guide, "1 am Rob Roy. Your. fears of e were -without foundation, for I came 1 et night to your inn to discover the route you were to take to -day, in order to ease you of your treasure; but I an incapable of betraying the confidence . you have reposed in me. 'Therefore, after showing yon that you are comple- tely in my power, I send. you 'away without loss or damage." „ Accordingly after giving the officer the necessary directions For pursuing his journey, Bob Roy disappeaTed with his. troops in the Same sudden manner in -which these last had presented them- SelVOS to view. Go ancl see what Nelles has got, .next door to Treble's, Main Street, Ex- eter. DRU $) CHEMICALS, ETC, DRY.000 S ETC , MU- 105 ANC SEWIN MACHINES, DRY. LUMPER. for - SALE HAVING of hie interostji FrOi(Vs tQ hic brother, 4. P10.41.), new offers for sale tit tho Pearly 400,(1Uu foot osousolieti ELEMLOOKLUMB1B FROM $4'T.a.$8 PER: M, IT CONSISTS OF onco• gnci. iBatn .1.iumbeL' As T ilf17(1 Vetir(41 from the Mill 13uSiness those who have cootracird lino -mita with no will do 1110 AlrOl` by settling g tts erly 4 da,to r,s possible. MR. A. FREID Will in future Carry on tne Business to its fullest extent. —0- 01?ISTING and SAWINg as usual, punctually attended to. Ho will pay CASH FOR ALIN NUMBER OF GOOD 1.00$, 1OAII FB:EID, Daallivood, Dec, 4,1870, is -ti. ,C21=21;265=3.4..., "IF OST. lost, on or about the 25th 'Nov., a small neck 'Fur (mink), either in Elirnville, br between that piaci) Exeter. The finder will C011fOX a favor on the ou-nerby leaving it; at the TIMES office. 'ANTED.' ' Wanted 500 Snow Birds, for which 5 cents per pair will be paid. W. E. WII,HINs, Central Hotel., STRAYED, McW37cigiT STEAM AND WA - Flouring and Grist EXETER. The undersigned wishes to return sincere thanks to his ,nuinereue, customers for their very liberal patronage in the past, and also take this oppor- tmtity of stating that he is better prepared them ever to turn out To STRAY HOI4SE.---CAME INTO VI. my promises on or about the 28t11111t., ,aged horse. The owner can have .the same proving property, pasring exitenses, &nil taking it away.. Tnes. P0T1l5, DeVon. 10-35, STRAY.—STRAYED INTO THE J any premises on Lot 23, eon. 3, steplien, about the 1151h04 October, a, red yearling heifer, a white streak on the belly andone on 'the back. The owner is requested to pay expenses and take her away. 10-31. Will; PENIIALE. THE VERY BEST OF WORK. G.Q TO TgE, OLD EST4B4ISHED RUG • STORE For the largest and best asisn•tuient of ruB:r?, piaTGs, • MEDICINES, DYES, WINES AND LIQUORS for medicinal 11430, and oYerything usually kept in a first-elass Mug Store, Special attention paid. to filling receipts tind. preseriptioult, and satisfaction gifaranteed. C. VANDUSEN, .WINAN, M.D Chevitst it Druggist The mill is in the beet of running order, and pax - ties can generally rely on getting their grist home with them. Having lately put in a new water- wheel, tlinre it now an abundance of water. STTIAY STEER —CAAIE INTO • 3__4t the premises of the subscriber, lot 10, con, 3, Hay. a yearling steer -white and blue. 'rho owner is requested to prove property, pay expeuses, and take it away. 14-31. PATRICilc r.71 STRAY 1 SHEEP.—CAME :INTO the enclosure of the Subic:Tibor about liar - Vest time, a OWO and tWO lambs. The O'WrIer qn Ssied. limy cxpetntes 53 .41310 them ttway. , fAMES 11,U S SELL, tot'?, Thames Tleall, 'Chthonic. 10-34. CARRIAGES, ETC. FTVE ITIGIIEST MARKET PRICE PAID IN CASH FOR FYFE WHEAT. FLOUR AND CHOPPED FEED ALWAY ON HAND. Tit STRAY CATTLE, CAME INTO „...4 my premises, lot 17, CCM. 8, I:shortie, throe yearling,s-one red steer, ope'spebtud steer, and the other a light grey heifer, The ownor 13 roci(101:400 to prove property, pay expenttes, and take there itw«y. 11-34. it. HAMILTON% 141 STRAY. ,STItA.111D INTO THE J14protalsos of Vic stibsoriber on or about the :to, or Oa. Ina, t OWO alYtt two 1CLI111)8. Tha ownor 0414iiaro tho same by proving property, m(yingall ,oxpensos, illiChari hilt (nit sing, keep, etc. '• T11.0MA.S 1,11 USTON, tot 4, con, 3, Stephen, 13434, D. M'LENNAN. J. ROSS PLANING MILLS! J. ROSS, Builder, Manufacturer, and dealer in all kinds of BUILDING. MATERIAL, suceli as • SASH, DO Iv MOULDINGS, etc,, DRESSED AND UNDRESSED. Ho lias also on hand a I:ft-at-class lot of NOW READY AT THE EXETER CARRIAGE FACTORY, A large stook of • CUTTERS Beth Double & Single • Swell -Body and Portland. MOW IS THE TIME TO PUB - _LI CHASE while there is a good selection. All kinds of Cutters and Sleighs made to order at the shortest notice. Painting, Trimming, and :Repairing Is CARLO G Promptly attended to. ALL WORK WARRANTED M give satisfaction 3. TRICK. EXETER NORTH CARRIAGE rA,CTORY. Flooring, Siding CASING, Soroll-Work, etc Which they furnish to order. ,-1141.STPAY.-----,SrT.TiA'YE1) INTO riam JIL-4 pietnisos nt03o subscribcir, lot 2.3, coo. 8,10. Lay bc)rimq).rt , or n,bott, ilto lst ef O(3t01)0r, IL YOrLi'llli.P holler, The owner can lia've loir by proving prop, erty, payhtg expenses, -and tkt4 Jim- away, ' broSsed and tIndrosgocl, ponsiantly on 14,n(1. Ft STRAY. CAME INTO THII` -Premises of the 6086yibov, op or abeitt Or( lah, throe yearling heifers end este hello,. tall, ,The owner ritrilptvo them by proving prop pqi.ag oxponscs and takingOtto avvr.v. ./ T. J. WILSON, Lobi -1, Oth co . 14-:31 'RENVARI)„, STRAYED 010 premises Of the subscriber,!411 tt,4 t u Colt, rising iltrce,y cora old, wit Arta te,d, opo r, it k Ind foot a little '55hif eporty Of goW i,r, J)a\'lt, 1.'1)0 tTyoto belatid to kity Ono giving sooli infor 0 4i4ll1eridj31;lt14.1:rdevcry. Any parson 0 it bliffaftOkUllifiletice W !nose (dingLo laW,,...:,.W.X.f.44TAT4 \ DerAy Pitt : IsT ON logia pkoc,00(1111 g CLV inlatcq Lath 66 Sithurie s Always eat liandi' Special attention paid to PLANS sapinunors, Thoroughly uncl61starlding bIt 1:A1511160g loop, Fag. 110110 hat oxpetioDoori workmen, and ttsing enly .first,c)64q1.1tikori,a1 ho feela confident of giving entire ollatikelblii to ail wlio rutty toot /Alit with their pattoimgc, Cat solicitodo The subscribers take advantage of this oppor tuuity to make knovuto the inhabitants of Exeter and surrohnding country that they are prepozed to furnish the Most Stylish Buggies, 'Cutters, Sze-, E2CETtill DEALER IN th'y that can be built outside ofilthe cities. None but practical workmen are employed, and as the pro- prietors are thoroughlypro.ctical, they ivillh.ave a supervision over all work done. Portland Swell Body and otehr stylish Cutters always on hand at city prices. Particular attention paid to llorse Shoeing, General Jobbing, etc Before purchasing elsewhere, give us a call. Our buggies have taken prizes at two fairs ;Axis season. Satisfaction guaranteed. Remember the place -Harris' old stand. Oct. 16, 1873. G. & BROOKS. Exeter, •••••••••=ialoamao. gp,MM.10.1 :DRY -GOODS, ETC. OCTOBER 23 1373. J -UST 0P E N1E2D EX -STEAMSHIP POLYNESIAN, AND DIRECT FROM TRE MILLS AT DEWSI3URY, IN YORKSHIRE, Two Bales More OF THOSE BEAUTIFUL TWILL - LED IMITATION CANADIAN' BED' BLANKETS ONE BALE HORSE BLANKETS AlBolttst oponingf ot,Btetlicishir deliiicittnewlanf peakOrder4, thopo 'Woridorkully �htlp GROCERIES, Winos ani Lipor: 1 C Boots ancf8hoes a tent Medicines, Etc. Also, DEALER IN ALL KINDS OF,. ICA„THER And ALL KINDS OF IVIARRIN 9 illwarW"'" 11!ellMI r '1"410600411-gAilli• !WAY' 0 NT, 4ifilOPtqliuNkigtfan,fgeffeltd.N34.von, IN Iti rtit(u 11 tI51I3lUl4llIfl 1111 31(1 1111111 (13(111 411131(11 411 nqiMMIIII l 111 1101 IIMAIII*11 1111111 111111111111 : 5418511• WI Vsaasww. CD Czt biti gi- (I2„, 4 rgg I-4 5' zki2 N.41 fl-) g 5 g .,.,„ •-•3 QD t -i l''' 1341,P }-rlt EtJ ,.. gi li „, .t. 5 0.,.,0 ...E.,.._.,. . 0 ,13' n g `'. ofe, 5' , rct • . 1..:.1 . • )—.., • 1,i — o..... 0 ig .711 'The• in: of Reed Organs We do not wish to detract from the merits of other Organs by upholding ours, but are ever ready to submit them to a fair and impartial test, feeling confident of. the result. PRIOES 'FROM' 55 TO 11,500. itR"Testiniottials fropa the best musicians in Canada can be aeon. MARRIN BROS., Parkhill. isair `f:4” vte--•^tiz" ov-c,i<odK-g Improved Singer Sewing Machine. ,THE LOCKMAN 18 4 ' The Best, rathily* kvIrlititachine in the Dominion 1T 18,THE Simplest, Strongest, Quietest,• Lightest Running Most OOnvenieht Machine Yet Contructed, lts make is unimpeachable, and its 'work most satisfactory. The ew Layer Raisins New ValenciaBaisi; ew Sultana Raisins 0*,-0...'4.r.r...oit s.„.. dChoice - Teas, for .C.htistinaS at RANI OiiVEt SINGEB is au excellent machine for all kinds of ImaXy work, such as harness, boots de s3,, , , etc. , THE SHUTTLE IS SOLE) 'STEEL, larger, shi au npler, d n eery way better any otho. in use. " ' C. SOUTHCOTT Ara t.. ME. S. al ways ksepe on hand. a.supply of. Machine Attachments, Thread, 1,;Feedles. , N,B, FULL INSTRUCTIONS GIVEN TO EACH PURCHASER: Mr. Southcott is prepared to give complete and satisfactory fits in his clothing Line. Ca OITTIECOTT. • Begs to return thanks for the patronage bestowed upon hina for the past twenty years by the People of Exeter and surronniling country, and is now opening -in all dopartmo.uts-the Largest and Most Complete Stock .GOODS IN THE COUNTY. COMPRISING Dry° Co ocl.s9 Ito acly.V.Eacle. C1othing5Mallinory /Eats Caps, arocerie.s, Boots cAl Shoes, Zard.ware, Cry, DRUGS, PAINTS, OILS, ETC., ETC.) All of* which will be Viand' to be as low as any other reliable house ha the, country, Remember thisisthe Oldest Established House iv. the County Opp site tlhe tost een EXETER 1171 ROCERY & LIQLOR STORL THE sotootionhave been made purely from the Upper Canadian Marko and the -GOOddi are Of,such gun I ity must givo tunioubtocl srutisis ctiot, AttontiOn ,a,,t,rtioie. g ly canal to 4310 choice Ooelt of , . Sugars, Teas; Coftc:eS; nennessy's and Sazerac 1,-5randy In Wood &Botth Scotch and Irish Whiskey, qKyper's Gin:, :Booth's Old Tom, In Weodamd noq CARLINer'S Amber Aie & Stout ljortei Together*ith a general aasertreione,of alVebts'f3ea of .n d,SARDIENES ar.stIsalkl...14.1,1FINEatneVZ,Cai Ithrt0Cr/ 4aqiD4 aid Fa 4", • n O C. WILLSON'S MUSIC, SEWING MACHINE AND AGRICULTURAL 'ti.PLE ME NT! EMPORIUM, SEAF 9 'ONT . 69 STILL IN TEE FRONT RANK AS USUAL. SE DIACZEIIITE., THE FLORENCE Noiseless, Reversible rood Lock and Hi,et Stitch Fun -illy e.-tting Marline an lenges the world iii_Perteetien end range of itork, stiungtli 0),3 berrsty of stitch, ourability.of con, strabtion and rapidt* of inotiou. and examine. Send for circulaxs. gents anted ill every,: town, in the l'rovince. This /Lachine Itls t5keis 13154 priacs'at all the Comity 1. sirs, -57.1LI0N, Gederal Agcot rop the Thuoiuiun. .0! FOR GREAT. BARGAI BEING: OVEIRSTOCEED, WE OITEB ILE FOLLOWING LINES CLOTHING: AN IMMENSE LOT OF OTERCOATS. Shawls, A. AO h_vr ryw I La ti N.1PAZ -1 T T J T ATp, f,2-1 A, Zi rge T.dot ckt :ro,v.,t TEI0, G (C -L CO., Centralia Crediton. 14,B. Ca,sh for clay nunic'er c cd lagE. OPENED...00T, '.ft;1111.eser— J. DiieV'k....Fttriiititt.6... EXETER, 0.1‘..,TT. ONE OF THE BEST STOCICS tobe FOUND in Mr. John Drew would inform the public that he has opened out his FurnitlirC;WaMm rol, jri his new building opposite the Tiralla'S office, and is filling them with WESTERN ONTARIO, •-•,--3-711,..TATent • -+ orlooms 15 compxisee ,chairs, Tables, Stands, Burerts, Clipboards, Sideboards, and Ledsteads. also on hand, a choice selectton PARLOR SUITES9,RECOVERED DRAW INC ROOM SUITES Banging itt price up to $175. You will find here everything usually. kept in a First-class establishment. He Shortly a. largo importation of the to compare prices' beforegoliig Isowhot, as th gly small profit, ro„purehagn, itt quotity. !\ttliti i4root Exotor VERY BEST FITRNITU Ho bag-, , also expects Ilettget from the host manufacturers in the United. States. The whol WILL BE SOLID iscrEsvr . N, done Kemp ly. Pictu e Plaines of every desoript a speciality. Give the suli'seriber a c 17 JOHN DREW. VCorohant Tailor 6.2141 dencrea guifitter. BIBLE DEPOSITORY 13.00x$ELLEB, & STATIOI,TER VarbilYnibiesSoSeTtectitables, Vkleyaii and ilibto Christian Ityinn Rooks, Psahn Books for the rise of Pres., byterians, Chtireh Of trgiand Prayer Books, Mieeellttneous Literature ot54 ion.dornoraligng nature, ' and a general aSSOrtrrierit OF SCHOOL ROOKS &STATIONERY ahvayq on hand ota66, ‘31. toGG, MAZER arLdl. ii ni de, 1,1to subacriber wonid infortn the public tbat hs ettrrylng oft the BAKERY IN All ITS BRANCHES Tea-Mtigs rui.wimir,r) ON APPLIOATIONand "V7eading cake 'OrLShort Ito 1.0i also received a steel( ef Fresh st 341:1813. he will s41,1 °Misr os 11Z -V .40.41.4 ttoLIOX'1ED, tlir44o8,