HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1992-02-12, Page 28sages of affection from the heart from Big V neighbourhoods
e1P11,110,11,9,11 11110///11,11141,11,11,
Hummer Roses are red. the
sun has rt s rays 1 m stiff; u:
Love writ you. after 260C
Days Love Hummerette
love working wit!°, the
Wortley road public schoo
community Heart telt
thanks. Judy Muller.
Craig Loving you has
meant more to me thar
anything ever has or will
Love Shane -a
Hue-; I m so blessed to nave
you You are so loved & ap
preciatec Forever. Kelly
`earl var. Is rec. my car is
blue. Tommy the snetk
love yc.. Paula
I love you Valentine. to my
sweetrrear' Jeff Koct.
From yo..• sweet secret
Skoog—Bod 1 ll always love
you. ! know that now
Thanks tor believing ui us
Happy Anniversary. Happy
Valentine s Day Rick. 8.
Jane Shielas of Lambetr.
Gulu As we share our firs'
one together in St
Thomas. Happy Valentine s
Day. Love Guilin.
My dearest Frank Mat
thews Your oh so sweet
darling (guess who!;
VicKi Roses are rec. violets
are blue. I love me. and sc
do you. Love Danlene
Katie my lady. and your big
brother Brady. Hugs and
!asses on Valentine s Day
Love Mom & Dad
AI. Asara Happ•, Valen
AH my love. your
Glenn Roses are red. violets
are blue. but woras alone,
cannot describe how much
' love you Heatner
Jack- You are my
' everything. Happy Varen
tine s Day. ),.love Helen
Chuck My one & only cupid
Happy Valentine's Day
darling. Love forever. Alice
• Wilde.. i love you. ddie
Happy Valentine s Day tc
Luke. Monique. Chante.
-C.:general. ano Simone Love
Morn &Dee
Daddy Or: our 1 st 'vaier
tine s Day together Love
Danielle—Purnpk:r Pie
Wilbert My greatest hap
piness liesir. the intertwir
ing of oer dreams. Hearts
anc minds Love yo.,
Sne t,.
Love you HorSirriu'
Hachel,e Jet' Lisa.
Dwight. Greg. Canaace
Stever.. Danie Ceuee
George Happy Vaientine
Day we love you very
much From your girls. Va.
Methene. ar:d Nicole
Scott Roses are red. vtoiets
are blue. you re the best
father 8 husband. we rove•
you Tammy 8 Meessa
John Hoses are red. violets
are blue. i car t stop iovir c;
you Love always. Pam
You hotel the one & only
Key tc my hear' Love
Ken. Happy. Valentine s
Day Love always Gery
Chnstiar Andrew. are
Nicole Please ase our vaier
tines and wig be your:
Grandma Noreen.
The best daddy. Happy se
cord 'Valentines uov.
you• littlest pear.ut
0u' sweet valentine s
Courtney Tiffaney 8.
Shawna Barnes Love you
Grandma 8 Grandpa
Happy Valentine s Day.
. 98th London Brownies
Rainbow Owl
Robert You re the one &
only cupid for me I love
you. Wendy
-'Andy & Christine. How
wonderful life is with you
two in my world. Love Kim
To my favorite aunt. Hap-
py Valentine's Day. Nicolg
Tin; & Megar love you
very much. Love toreve-
Mommy & Daddy
Mom & Dad Happy Valet.
tine s Day and we love
you Emily Mary -Anne
lar. Lydia anc Reuber.
Terry I we. always love
you. no matter what Love
forever. Sue.
Tom It s youngit s new
Mini,. I love you Ger.
Happy Valentine • Day
Smelfly Love Barg -
Happy Valentine s Day
Muckc Love your Duckc
Tina X0
My nusband Wayne Would
yo., please be my valet
tine- Love your wire
Happy Valentine s Day tc
Gerry. Aaron. Jasor.. anc
Honey For nowforever.
fo' always love you
Happy Valentine s Day to
Aunt Marie. anc Uncle
Love Christopher 8 An
drew in. Corruna
Happy Valentines Day tr.
Aur.t Mayme & Uncle B.
Love Christopher & Ar
drew in Corruna.
George After 20 years.
you re still like a week
Love you forever. Linda
Roger Wil you , be my
Valentute ' : love you
always. Love Julie
Keit My nusbana. my best
frieno. my lover. and my
confident. Thank_you love
Love is patient. and kind.
love always protects.
always trusts. always
preserves. love never fails
My specie,, V'aientine
Richarc Charles Dustin.
born January 5. 1992. Love
Grandma Girard
My honeybunny I hope the
next four years are as good
as the last four Love You-
Daddy We love you very
much XOX0 Snawr 8
Jasor. Sometimes it s,
nard to express how mucr
: really care. XO Colleer
Manny The one i love. the
one share. the one wnr
KflOWS rear,y care 1-ror
Steve May JOv( my best
friend. you make it al, wo•
thwhile Be my vaientir,+'
Pau: Wrier i stet ?our'
my blessings start u.
thinkire d' yc.. _u V,
Meanie -
C r Make tres yea•ars:
the rest the best r ou
my whole life Love yoc.
Pat Roses are red. vroletr_.
are blue. 1 wall always Iovr
you Love Rot.
Dave I love you. and Huss
you Happy Valentine r
Day Love yup, oto'
Jimmy Happy Valentine s
Day baby Wor t you please
be my Valentine i love yc..
Scott My big koala bear
love you forever Your et
tie rrionkey. Michelie
Uerewpy I rrgrad things
are working our. looking
for wan: t( the future
Love Squeals
Sciumpe' Yo., are my
dream come true. and i we'
treasure you forever Love
Family hugs is the way our
love we show for Jessica.
Samantha. Allison. and
John Will you be my Valen
tine? Love your babe. Lisa
Chris. As we grow in times.
you will forever be mine.
very special valentine. Love
Sherri & friends. Thanks
for being there for me
Happy Valentine's Day
Love Kim
Daddy We love you Wt.
you be our Valentine? Love
Sugarbear & Rosebuc
-iappy Valentine s Day tc
my wonderful supportive-
nusband George Kathry!
We love you Grandma &
Grandpa Bubblegum Mar
shmallow Love Alicia 8.
I love you because you re
you. without you : d nave-
avanothing to au Anr.
Mark Happy Valentine s
Day We love you Love Rita
a Nicolas. XOX0 _ . ..
Mike With all my love on
our firs: Valentine s
together Love Amanaa
Mike Davis We love you # •
Daaay Love Crysta.
Harley. Travis & Stan
My Snuggle Bunny. All my
love. Carr.
Roses are rec. violets are
blue. I will always love you
Love Tracey
Roger Come back to me
baby. We'li paint the towr.
red. I love you. Love Tracey
One of the most beautiful
woman ir the world. Karer.
Souluere. Love Neisor
Happy Vaientine s Day to
Charlie. Wendy. Nancy.
Johr.. George Det.
Theresa Great students'
Anr: Etheringtor. You re
terrific You make gooc
cookies. Love Jerry
Poppy You ve made me sc
happy the past few
months. Love you
Hi Judy. my tittle turnmy
sizer. Love Rob & Taper
Brenoor. Roses are rec
violets are blue. sure
would like to see you soar.
Love Tracey
Chrrsper:. Sugar. and Bet)
bre Here s to many more
Thursday nights!!! Happe,
V -Day Love Spice
The best Valentine Dadcy
You're the greatest. Love
Sarah & Micky
Dani ve realized tnat our
rove -is priceless. You re my
inspiration. till the end o`
time Love Kirr
Maria Condone Thanks for
oeir.g a wonuerful sister 8
remember that i love yoi
Love Lana
My five cniiarer;. ar.o tnee
spouses. Eveiyr. grant
criidrer trftee• grew'
grandcruidrer. Love Gran;;
ma 'tie- _
Gladys. 't 5' years.
Geaayce ;r.,' car, stria say
Happ, vaier:tine ;ray
Love rrusuarc Bot
ter ougr tr e laughter 8. tile
tears Love alway. . XJX;
Bucy Yue, are the ries'
rove yuu more roatt words
car. say Love Wleettee
Hey Wife, ,love Neu.... diet
The doctor
Antonia Everybooa loves
yo,.. everybody loves yet:
but nobody will love you
like me Tavier
Jason Tne ove of try ifs'
rr'y star In the se) LUV(
aiwa s Erir Down
Br una 1 love you so ver ,
very much Love Rose-.
Karen Be,mers Hoses are
red. vtoiets are blue tries(
.2 years nave beer, great
with you John Mark
Dear. Baby wher ; fr. Wit'
you the sun Is always star.
1E5. Love Cathy
My Frank. Happy Vater.
tine s Day with all my love
Kathleen You are my most
amazing Valentine I love
you dearly. Lawrence
Timothy. A great Dad. a
good friend. and a wonder
ful lover Love Tracey.
Cody. and Thomas
Roses are red. violets are
blue. Roy is My
sweetheart. and Elaine
loves you
Bev. Roses are red. violyts
are blue. I'm countinfl the
days until 1 am with you
4.ove Dave
Happy Valentine s Day
Grandma & Grandpa
Buchanan: and Grandma &
Grandpa Morton Love
Happy Valentine s Day
Scott 8 Marty Love
for Happy Valentine s
Day ..ove Sherr.
Happy Valentine s Day tc..
Nanerc-9. Grandpa. Aunt.
Sasso Patrick. and Uncle
Scott. Love Natasha
Ray It s beer. 7 years 8
►ove. you more. Kim
A.F Two kras. 11 years.
stilt it love with you after
al these years Always
Punkt/ My over my:best
+mens my life. my
dreame.. rr.y world.: love
you. Sandy
Margaret Roses are red.
violets are blue. thank God.
for giving me you Love
Ray My valentine. you are
so special tc me. and I love
you. Love Holly
Raymond May all our
dreams come true & con
tinue witn me & you. Love
Kelly '
Case The happiest
moments to my life are
those I spend with you
Love Lon;
Andy You re short & sweet
& that s the way I like you
Love Michelle
Tne Best 8s Cutest Big L
driver Davit Happy Valet
tine s Day.Love Sue
Donna The fire in your eyes
kindles my Heart. Love &
devotion fr..- eternity. Rot
Happy Valentine s Day
Jason. Heidi. Eric. & Lon
Love Dad & M9m
Johr Love is special. love is
true. life !s wonoerfu.. and
so are you Marriyr
Tracey We rove you the
whole fam:i . al o' us loos
8. Rosco &
Ciera Roses are red. vtoiets
are blue. you re near' 15
gold. you • e- am ,rs true
_ove Hoj
Pave Happe, vaier.tir e
Da, r .. re species tc The
aiw ys _ Love Pau
Fred That special guy nu,c
dear Friends always LOVe
Tiro 8 Day._s tw:_
tria' car abuu'
always. Pel j Ar.r'
Miranda.'Yc., re my price
and joy. re- y lite try love'
loveou.,. Love Momrry
Happy 'Valentine s Day t:.
Marr. Adair . aro Matthew
All re-' iove _riery Steffle'
Connie- . yo., rude-(.
Happy Vai.•r'',he 5 iJa,
Stew Love salt' y
Happy Valerr rte 5 Day Roc
Love Wboku'• 5 NEN
Anita. Yo., rti • a,ways be
my species, va,entare Love
Doug. 111 neve ,uve anyone
the way 1 yr;..
aiwajls. F er r,di Ica
Greg 8 •aceJ nappy
Valentine Da, ENGAGEL
Congratutatlur A, our
love. Dad. Mur . and Brod
Richie & Maggie. Happy
Valentine s Day With love
from Mom 8_Dae •
Terence. We were destined
to be forever in love. never
apart. like the stars above
Anna f
Mommy. Big bird. Ernie
send a hug. i send you a
heart of love. Andrea
Old man, in 92.•1 wish for '
good times' for me. and
you. The orange jacket'
Mark. Be my valentine.
please Love Maggie
The greatest Kids any
mother could ask for I love
you Chris & Ryan Eagleson
Cindy R Thanks for a
great friendship Ali the
best Friends always. Johr
Benjarttin & Altysa Our trt-
tie Valentine s We love
you Mommy & Daddy
Homer . You are the best
husbanc I love you Love
Misty-Devine:TO a great -11 -
year old. Happy Valentine s
Day. Love Grandma Devine
Ashley Devine. Have a good
6th Valentines Day. Love
Grandma Devine
Christopher. Justin. and
Stephanie .Seaton Woof.
woof. woof. Happy Valen
tine's Day Ydur Pal Molly
To the love of my Fife: Erick
Janssens I will always love
you. Love Cindy
Happy Valentine s Day to
our Grandchildren. Jen-
nifer. Tamara. Erika.
Jaclyn. Alt. Johr: Love
Grandma --.& Grandpa
For a very special Daddy.
Hugs & Kisses. Love Kyle.
Amber, & Chad
Happy 82nd Birthday Ken.
Best wishes to last you all
year. Love Maggie.
Jerry. You are my best
friend. and I will !gyre you
forever Hugs & Kisses
Jeremy. Joshua. and Dad-
oy. Tc. luv. hugs. and
kisses just for you. Love
Grandma 8 Grandpa. We'd
like to say. have a Happy
Valentines Day. Joshua &
Drew. Though we
sometimes drift apart. you
wil: always oe within my
bear,. Love Brenda
Weed. Everything I do. 1 do
it for you
Roses are red. violets are
blue. please be Nana s
Valentine. Amanda. Dante..
Ryar.. and Kaurtney toot
Dariene. Thoughts of lot/•
trig. ano caring for you are
forever in my nears. Love
Ker Tne past 9 months
have Ueen the best : love
you su mucr..Chris
Sunshine. We met ir '73.
loved thee riow it s 92.
anc I stili love you Gremiir
Happy Brrtnday. and Hap
py Valentine s Day Dad
Love Pat. Rick. and Jer
Happy Valentine s Day
Daddic Love your baby ger
C_ystal bu ja
George Marsr . love you
did mar:. more than you ;
ever know Hugs & Kisses
Corrie. For a special guy ir
my life Happy Valentine s
Day Love Tracey -
Tc my Grandson. Vales
tine s are for special peo
pie You are my Valentine
Grandma Heler
Peachy. Just to say Jump.
and I will be your tutti
frutti"Love your Pear
Honey -Bunny You mear
the worldto me I love you
whole bunches. Heather
George My 01. and only
forever. and always special
vaientine From your
Happy Valentine s Day. We
love you Dustin. Brandy.
and Paula. Hugs & Kisses
want to hug you. and kiss
you. and call you George
Be my valentine
Patrick. You will always.
and forever be the fourth
chamber in my heart. Love
My Daughter Carol You
always have a special place
in my heart Love Your
Gary You'll always be my
sweetheart. Have a Happy
Valentine s Day. Love
Basan 8 Jay Have a Happy
Valentine's Day Miss you
bots; Love Deb 8 Matt
Kelly. Amanda. and Mikey
You are our #1 Valentine s
Love Morn 8 Dad
Happy Valentine s Day V.
two great kids. Carrie. and
Brae Love Mom 8 Dec
Honk 8 Beephone Happy
Valentine s Day Love the
Steve. Though good times.
• and- -bad. ill be -yours -
forever . Will you be mine.
Gwer. .
Jimmy. Not a poet anc
you know it. Happy Valera
tine s Day l love you Tam
my (TL:
Happy Valentine s Day Un
cle Frank. From Sarah. ano
Bear. Lots of 19ve Love
Poose. Squeal,.. Squirm.
Happy Valentine s Day
Mom 8 Dad Love JK
Norm. It s been the best in
the whole world Love
forever. Sara & Gregory
Sara & Gregory. Our two,
little Valentines Love
always. Mommy & Daddy
To my love Rukma. You
are the heart of my life
Love always. Sue.
Hugs 8 Kisses Brian. My
special Valentine. Love you
lots. Debbie
Tim. Happy Valentines
Day. I love you. Love Robir.
Jamie Rose. Delight to my
heart the lovely critic car
tured me with one great
Alanna. Happy Valentine s
Day You have a specs,
place ir. my heart Best
friend. Robir.
DaVtd Drescher. Happy 1st
Valentine's together. Look-
ing forward to many more
Your wife. Snootaroo
Daddy. We love yon, a
million. You re the best
Puff & A..;.
Cheisey. You will always be
my Valentine rove you
witn all my heart. Wayne
Errr.. Hendee. Moss. and
Mommy send our love tc
Poppa. Mommy s none'
Jamie. l 11 be yours forever
and a day. for better, or for
worse. Love Stacey
Rosemarie. The womar
wh:, has biossomec int:
ray Irfe •i loveyou., liar _
Cheisey 8. Herman.. Please -
be my. Valentine Love 8
Kisses. Great Grandma
Twee' 8 Bud. A:, our love
to t' s great kids Love
More & DaC
Charm! Cr.arlie C/Jal'
Love from, your harem Joy
Alberta. and Maw
Happy 'Valentine s Day
Daddy We love yo., a
whole bunch Justrr» and
Kass Freernar
To my loving husband Dar.
arid precious daughter
Kertlar. Happy Valentine s
Mike. Love you an to
pieces Signed. Baby Dol,
Darryl. You have always
been there for me wher
I ve needed you Love
forever, Sand'
To my precious Kayla who
continues to be my vaier
tine everyday of her life
Happy Valentine s Day
Jamey Cann Love you iots
Happy Valentine s Day tc
my special little buddy Der
rick. Love Mommy
Rod. Roses are red. violets
are blue. ,iter 2 years.
still love(irou. Pam
Happy V lentine s Day
Mommy. L6e Christopher
Kim afid Tyler Happy
Valentine's Day Love
Brent I love you more each
day sweetheart Love
Happy Valentine's Day to
all my little loves. Nick.
Dylan. and Adam. From
Floyd ' . t Happy Valen
tine's tta, From the 4- t 4
Earl of Gray. Happy Valen
tine s Day Fron Silicone
Sara 8 Allar.. We love you
atot Love Morr.rny 8
G.B Thank you for a
wonderful life Yours
forever. D.B
Trigger Car you figure
ride the rail-) Love Butter-
cup. giveup
Wilma. -My heart. my-sout:
will go wherever you go.
Love Kent Blackwell .
Crystal. Jennifer. Monica.
and Paul I love you all. Hap-
py Valentines Day Love
Happy Valentine s Day
Grandma 8 Grandpa
Leyland. Love Crysta.. Jen
niter. Monica. anc Pau
Sean. in. London.. S.:zey is
waiting. wanted to te:i you
that you re the best'
Clyde.: love yo.. w:t' al:
my heart Have a Happy
20th Birthday Love Bart
To My Teddy Bear. Ali tray
love forever Frorr your
Love Bunny
To our Grandsor, Davia
Haillot wnc was borr. or
our Valentine anniversary
7 years ago. Happy Birth-
day Grandma & Grandpa
Haillet •
Big jugs 8. wet stopey
kisses to all the wonderfu.
people at CHRVt' 94.7 FM.
Love Laurie
To the boys of Murphy se-
cond floor Happy Valera
tine s Day. Love Tammy 8
Snetia Baker. Happy Valen-
tine s Day Love forever.
Harolc.: love you with all
my heart. and pray we
shall never part. Love Rose
Karer., Chance mane us
sisters. hearts maae Us
friends Ji;,
Anay. wouic stir swim
any ocean For you. and just
might be slower Love
Love. Sharing drear:s.
hopes. fears' througr
iaughter. aha tears. we re
stanaing ta, together a:
one_ Sue
Happy Vale'trr;e s Da,
Dar . From tree love of yuu•
life. Jyyce
' s re -) j SriJggieuea• . war
110 (ur'WdrC t uJ' JveC
di. day-
Larry Rose'.
violets: are U r 5.10"
sweet are: 5
Love 'racey
S E M rtavt• a nap;,.
cr.v,r: peup,, r ,._,r.
For my oeares' H,c hare
Douglas brown M, ',ear'
always M
Puage' I',, 1d5' s l
months have bee•. till des'
of rrly ,ice yU.
forever. SK ppb
.-uve always. 1' t'.. ".a'
ve shared a quartet u'
Lenturywet' ,-J.e. '-
Tediej My ' .suariC rr
!Ove'. and frRev: rove yc,..
wrtr. al, re- sear' Deruj
Dave. U i yu O F- A
Sharr,ce.. Happy vdlentlr,e
Day ,coo y .r
Baboc XXUG
Tc my r,usuar.d Way h.
Without yu., rvoulo. if/-
er,othirlg today Happ,
Valentine s Day Babe"
Zo. I just wart to say Ha(
py Vaient ine s Da
sweetheart Love yo
forever. Andrew
B.0 I love you' It we, be
okay in 92. Forever yours
Boggles •ti.
Mom You hold a special
place in my heart Love
your daughter Patt _
Kathy. Two peas in a pod
blessed by God: we ll be
-that way forever Love
(7111,111 gp-