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l imam -Advocate, February 12, 1992
The demise of the Homan Reading Chow produced a windfall for the Hensel! Public Library.
Thursday afternoon, the library was presented with 18 children's books donated by the Circle,
which closed due to a lack of helpers. From left are Joanne Rowcllfi`e and Louise Wood, for-
mer Reading Clrcle.leaders, and Hensel! librarian Susan Hartman. •
Crediton Optimists to sponsor
Valentine's Day youth dance rrs '
CREDITON - The Crediton Opti- open to women of all ages from the
mist club is organizing a Valen- community. It will be held on
tine's Day dance for the young peo- Wednesday, February 19 at 8 p.m.
ple of the Crediton area. at the Stephen Township Conuuu-
All grade six, seven and eight stu- nity Hall in Crediton.
dents are invited to the Stephen The guest speaker will be Diane
Central School gymnasium on Fri- Aitken of the Huron County Health
day night, February 14 between the Unit.
hours of 8 and 10 p.m. She will be speaking about breast
The youth group of Crediton cancer, breast self-examination,
United Church is planning a tobog- mammograms and screening.
gan parry for next Sunday after- • Three new members, Shannon
noon, February 16. Members are Gielen, Amanda Glavin and April
asked to meet at the church at 1.30 Smale joined the Crediton 4-H club
p.m. for the second meeting of the year.
Next Sunday moming's service at Lisa Clarke read the minutes of the
Crediton United Church will be un- last meeting.
der the direction of the U.C.W. The With president Mary Anne Gro -
guest speaker will be Bob McFar- tentraast in charge, members re -
lane from the Leprosy Mission. vealed how much and what they
Senior choir practice at the feed their pets.'
church is scheduled for tonight, The next club meeting is tonight,
Wednesday at 8 p.m. Wednesday at 7.30 p.m. at the Cre-
The next regular meeting of the diton hall.
Crediton Women's Institute will be
by Bernice Boyle
DASHWOOD - Evereu Haim'
celebrated his 99th birthday Sunday
with an- open house at the Blue Wa-
ter Rest Home. Relatives and
neighbours visited during the after-
noon and were served cake and ice
cream by Blue Water Rest Home
Ladies Auxiliary.
Karen and Ken VanWieren are
on cloud nine with the arrival of
their new son Brendon Paul.
The Dashwood Women's Institute
held their February meeting last
Wednesday afternoon with the
Tweedsmuir committee Maud
Hoffman in charge. Roll call, name
the location of a place in Dashwood
and area, that is not in existence to-
day was answered by 18 members.
Members brought a picture and
told of the first school they attend-
ed There was a display of their fa-
vourite quilts.
President Katheryne Becker
brought pictures of rural schools of
Stephen Twp. which are still in ex-
istence and those that are not, and
what they are being used for.
Maud Hoffman gave the changes
in Dashwood residences in the, past
50 years.
The short business portion of the
meeting with secretary and treasur-
er's report were dealt with by the
Guest speaker, Margaret
McClure, Crediton, Historian for
Huron County, gave an interesting
talk on Huron County's early devel-
opment and pioneer settlers as well
as special mention made of Stephen
Twp. that this year is celebrating its
S1pka by Annie Morenz
SHIPKA - Euchre will be held
here tonight (Wednesday). at Ship-
hipka Community Centre at 8 p.m.
Visiting with Hugh and Annie
Mecum over the - were
cousins, Roy and lean Boomer, of
Mio. Michigan.
Last Saturday the Americans
treated the Moron's to supper to
celebrate their 51 wedding anniver-
While the Boomer's were in Can-
ada they visited other relatives.
Alms Genuner. Howard and Muriel
Maier. Dashwood. Les and Matpo-
rie Adams, Exeter and Hazel Cor-
beu at Hensall.
Madeline Sweitzer, accompanied
by her daughter, Barb Dundas, of
Crediton along with other relatives,
attended an 81st birthday party for
Madeline's sister, Hilda- Smith at
Kingswaq -Lodge;, i.St7 Marys -12g
A 99th birthday party for Everett
Heist, was held Sunday at the Blue
Water Rest Home.
Ken Baker was a supper guest
Sunday night at this son's, Don,
Sharon and Jamie Baker.
Friends, who gathered recently at
the home of Melvin and Gertie
Stade, to celebrate Getie's birthday
were, Les and Marge Adams, Exet-
er, Emil and Katharine Becker,
Alma Genuner and Florence Mar-
tine, all of Dashwood, and Hugh
and Annie More= of Shipka.
Clean up all those
Christmas and winter
bills with a convenient
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Dlstrlct WI meeting In Ailsa Cralg
RAN'TON - Roth Bryan and
Mabel Lewis represented Prospect
Hill and Oranton Women's Insti-
tutes at the North Middlesex Dis-
trict W.I. Bxeoudve and Direcloes
meedog held at the Ailsa Craig
Reoreatiortad Centre last Monday.
At the St. Thomas' Anglican
Church on Sunday, the Reverend
Stephen Emery celebrated the Eu-
charist. His message was that one
cannot be ones own salvation and
can inly_.be redeemed by the Grace
of Ood, Muriel Lewis and the min-
ister read the lessons.
Several from the Granton congre-
gation attended the study group at
the rectory in Kirkton Thursday af-
ternoon, led by Rev. Stephen Em-
St. Thomas' A.C.W.
The -A:C W. -met on Thursday
evening at Irene-.Roloson's home.
Robson opened with a prayer and
in regard to Vision 2001 and Wom-
en's Ministries, an evening for all
the women of the chtfrch was
planned for May 7 when. this topic
will be further addressed.
At the Gratton United Church on
Communion Sunday, Pastor Nor-
malie Voakes entitled her sermon
"Love Story" based on the lessons
from Jeremiah 1, Luke 4 and I Co-
rinthians 13.
Unit one met on Thursday after-
noon, at the home of the president
Doreen McRobert. The worship
was -opened with a bymn _Breathe
on me Breath of God and Doreen
led the meditation on the theme
"Hatred stirreth up fife, but love
covers all sins."
Business discussion included the
General U.C.W. taking charge of
the Food Booth at the Mudrun in
September, topics for the Lenten
series, and tire -Laster -Sunrise ser-
vice and breakfast.
Unit two met at the United
Church on Thiusday evening when
the guest speaker was Sue Haskett
of Lucan on the subject of Interior
Deooratiag Ideas were presented
on colour /schemes. twanging and
aging pictures, etc. followed by a
quesdon and answer period.
Unit four met at Nora Wissei's
home on Wednesday evening.
Leader Marilyn Humphrey read
Proverbs 10, Verse 12 and gave the
meditation on "Love covers all
sins", closing with braver.
Unit five met at the home of
Mary Jones in Si. Marys on Tues-
day afternoon, February 4. Presi-
dent Margaret Spence opened with
a meditation "Always a Samaria".
Business items included a family
night in April, the next General
U.C.W. meeting, and the bazaar.
Margaret read "God must have
loved us" and then Eileen Crawford
and Margaret Near presented a pro
gram on Love and Valentine's Day
The family of Robert Hardie
gathered at Craigholme in Ailsa
Craig on Sunday to celebrate his
85th birthday.
Your carpet might have a better chance of surs4vIng In 1h�4i * fatrrowrt home. kr the
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