Times Advocate, 1992-02-12, Page 17Times -Advocate, February 12, 1992
Pao 17
Busy tam at Gkand Dead Wint�r Carnival
By Roberta Walter
GRAND BEND - "Stars of To-
morrow" competed in a talent show
at Rinnegan's Irish House Restaurant
on Sunday, afternoon, from 12 to 4
p.m. Owners Susan Roche and Har-
ry Finnegan auditioned over 30 acts
in front of a delighted audience.
The winner of the 5 to 7 year old
category was a very talented 3 year
old, Jessiqua Rapely, who sang *No
more monkeys jumping on the bed
Second prize went to Meagan
Wegg, 6 years old, of Huron Park,
for her gymnastic performance.
In the 8 to 10 year Old category,
Emily Miller, age 10 of Dashwood
area, won first prize for a great ren-
dition of "Dancing in the Street".
Sid -prize went--w--Kali We g, 8
years old, of Huron Park, -for her
great gymnastic - jazz routine.
Levi Lane of Southcou Pines
Grand Bend, age 11 years, won sec-
ond prize in the 11 to 14 years cate-
gory, _ with .two great songs .from
"Guns n Roses". Top honours went
to Patricia Wegg, age 13, for a su-
per gymnastic - jazz routine. She
did all her own choreography for
her number and for her sisters. Mrs.
Wegg said they've just moved to
our area into Huron Park and her
daughters are so pleased to find ac-
tivities for girls available. Well, our
community is pleased to welcome
such _talented young ladies! Susan
Roche provided 60 goody bags for
the young crows, and all of it disap-
peared, a good attendance, despite
the blustery winter weather outside.
Congratulations to all the kids who
strutted their stuff, our future—Stars
of Tomorrow."
Children's recycling workshop
Area children took part in a spe-
cial Children's Recycling Workshop
on Sunday morning, from 10 a.m. to
12 noon, at the Grand Bend Public
school. {Jrganizers Doris Becker
had 10 centres set up to provide fun
and information about "the 3R's,
Reuse, Reduce and Recycle." Blue
Water Recycling helped to provide
some of the ideas and material.
There were 2 videos available, an
information centre and a garbage
Quiz with flash cards. Some kids lis-
tened to a rap tape from the Minis
try of the Environment called "The
---Boz"-and were -asked-so--natke :up
their own poem or song and record
it on tape.
Parents and kids pitched into
"Garbage Sorting Aoivities - blue
box recyclables, Compost,' Hazard-
ous waste and plain old garbage.
There were brainstorming centres
"Environmentally Friendly Alterna-
tives to Hazardous Products." The
workshop ended with an improvisa-
tional drama by the kids on "How to
train your parents to recycle."
Theetc 3--R-package - of, ae-
at Hensel! Public School by contact-
ing teacher Doris Becker.
Chaltenging.learning needs
' The Grand Bend school gym was
once again a beehive of activity -on
Sunday afternoon, from 2 to 4 p.m.,
as over 60 children and their parents
participated in a CLN awareness
workshop. C:LN stands for challeng-
ing learning needs, and the activi-
ties provided lots of opportunities to
learn in an atmosphere of fun.
That was the typical reaction to
the -afternoons' activities = "not as
easy as it looks." Josh Watson and
Alan Hyde of the Exeter area were
invited to challenge the children to
timed wheelchair obstacle course,
using highway pyhions. Everyone
wanted a turn in a wheelchair - it
looked like fun, but turning short
"As the Benet Re -turns' -
Shirley Platt and Peter Heist ham it up in their roles as
Peary Ditchum and Chad Plerasing during Grand Bend's
winter carnival soap opera farce, "As The Bend Re-tums":
at the Legion on Saturday.
"As the Bend re -turned" to a packed house for both performances on
Saturday, February 8. Howls of laughter could be heard by the sno-
pitch teams outside. What was so funny? Another soap opera by our-
urown talented playwright, Barbera Wheeldon. lampooning out new mu-
nicipal council and a few other notorious local lights.
Proceed reporter, L.oreua Crocker, .leader of the local "Golden
Geese" led a daring raid to destroy an eyesore and clean up our famous
Grand Bend Beach. How will Mayor Dun Clawson a ncdhis council re -
Wand? Will they hear the plans of Chad Pleasing on the ladies behalf?
Buford and Beaiguiin know, but they're not telling - their lips,,ahh,
beaks. are sealed. Ouce again Cherisse helped to astir the plot to a full
boil. but if you want to know what really went on, ask someone who
saw the play. if they can stop giggling. Or just wait for the re -runs "As
the Bend Re -Turned? Another show stopper by cast and crew; congrat-
ulations to all involved for a great perlormatncc. Tdrtessee Williams.
eat your htten(out!
Hockey on the mad
Continued from page 13
On this night, it's too dark to look out and enjoy the Ontario country-
side. Revington remembers his trips through Europe.
"We'd read and play backgammon. For Inc it was sightseeing because
I'd never been there before."
The tights on the bus are all off, the newspapers are put away and time
are small ooavrsations going on. Urbsbott's videos are the main focus,
it's not hockey.
"Everybody has to deal with the kiss in- their own fashion,". said Res.
Later he said several players. including himself, could not sleep when
They got home. The ride stays with them.
Paris, London, Wean. the order is reversed as the players get off. gath-
er their equipment and head home to their beds and in a few short hours
their jobs. This is senior bockey.
3 a.m. Friday, Exeter
It's been 11 hours since the bus left the South Huron Recreation Centre:
There are no fans waiting, the bus still has to be unloaded. This is senior
fey .
and handling it was herd to do. Ex-
perts like Josh, Alan and Shawn
made it look so easy
Assistance was provided by
grade 7-8 pupils of Grand Bend
school and Youth involvement
teams from S.H.D.H.S. in Exeter,
who are committed to integration
of all kids in society. The workshop
was organized by Barbera Wheel-
-don -of- -Winter-car+tivat-cem-
mittee and Robena Walter of Com-
munity Living, .South Huron
Special_ thanks to Russell Watson
of Exeter, who rare the wheelchair
obatacle course. Parents were grate-
ful for the opportunity and said
these experiences would provide a
good springboard for discussions
later with their children about
handicaps and challenges.
Grand Bend Legion
The comrades of Legion #498 of
Grand Bend wish to extend their
condolences to Comrades Eric
Rimmer -and Tony Guadio in the
less ottheir lovedirllcS.
Winners -of the Tuesday night
dans were Shirley Leathertandl and
Mark O'Brien. There was a four
way tie for second. The ladies' high
score was 134 by Lois Elen, and
George Roberts won the men's high
score with 145. Brian Manse got a
high take out of 77, and Emina
Couckyet won the 50/50 draw.
Winners of the Friday Meat Raf-
fle were: Marie Richard and Roger
Farrington;'Phyhis Hanlon and Ter-
ry Hunnifotd; Marilyn Oesch and
Mel Gow; Carfne Hunniford and
Den Beattie; Wendy Mawson and
Bob Hedley. Dave Seafe won the
Mystey Prize.
United Church women meet
Grand Bend United Church Wom-
en of the afternoon unit met on
Thursday, February 6, with 20
--members present. testa -Jackson-led
the worship service on the Hedy of
Christ, as church members are like
parts of the Body` of Christ in His
church, bound together by faith and
love. She spoke of memories of liv-
ing -through troubled times, and the
good that comes of it. Strengths and
weaknesses make Ilk 1_n -tee g.
Programs like the 12 Step Program
of AA are based on such strengths
and weaknesses, like Gamblers
Anonymous, Weight Watchers and
Al -Anon for families. People look
at things in different ways - we can't
control the lives of others. We can
only correct our own lives, and
leave the rest to God in prayer.
Loreen Gill conducted the busi-
ness meeting. The UCW ladies will
be making small turkey pies for side
again, beginning February 25, so
they can take orders from -anyone
who wants to stock up an these tas-
ty individual meals. A letter was -
read from Rob Whiumer, their mis-
sionary in Japan. Dashwood United
is hnstfng the anneal Wood Day of
Prayer Service on Ptiday Marc 6,
for the cherries from the Oland
Bend Area.
Final preparations were made for
the hot lunches' to be served in the
United Church basement follo'wing
the Winter Carnival parade on Sat-
urday February 15. They'll be offer-
ing homemade soups, sandwiches
and pies to ibe hungry crowds, with
-coffee, -tea,-=and -hot -cllncolate -to
warm them up. There'll even be Fre-
shie pop for the kids. Doors open
flex the hot lunches at noon.
/ Catholic sews
in his sermon at the weekend
masses of immaculate Heart of
Mary, Father Paul Beck asked if we
treat Sunday- Mass end Bucharisc
only as a spiritual gas bar, to fill us
up for the rest of the week? Sunday
Mass is also a celebration of com-
munity and a call to action. Christ
called dee Apostles to be fishers of
men - we are challenged to answer
that call. "Hare I am, Lord."
Members of the Catholic Wom-
en's league had a meeting sched-
uled for Tuesday, Fetlruary 11, at 8
p.m. They were invited to attend
7:15 p.m. Mass at church prior to
the meeting at the Alhambra Hall.
- The Annual CWL Fun Night will be
held ie Goderich on Wednesday,
February 12. A bus will be laving
the church parking lot at 5:15 p.m.,
or call Cathy at 296-4665.
St. Peter's Seminary will be host-
ing a "Come and see weekend" on
March 6-8, open to men in grade 12
or older. The weekend presents a
picture of seminary and priestly life
- 'YI. Our Lady of Mount Carmel
PTA is hosting a dance "Clruisin' the
(3nrtbbean", at the Grand Bend Le-
gion Hall on Saturday, February 29,
at 8:30 a.m. The event is staged es a
'fund raiser fbr school playground
goal. The PTA hopes to have tete
equipment installed before line.
The dance offers door prizes for the
best dressed -traveller, and lets of
winter fun, so call Anne Reaburo
238-5358 or 'Beth Breen 238-8190
for tickets; in Dashwood, Theresa
Jeromkin 237-3761.
Seo-plteb tournament
The Winter Carnival Sno-Pitch
Tournament (for mixed adults) has
perfect winter weather fbr the first
weekend, as 16 teams competed.
Winners of - the A -flight champs
were the "Grand Rams" forum the
Tticdfrad armee with a score ofT6-to
11 The R -flight champs were
"Gone South" from the Exeter area,
with. a score of 11 to 3. Organizer
John Musser reports that they ex-
pect 32 teams to be com ng next
weekend in the final play° s.
The legion and the Pa nders
sold lots of hot chocolate and hot
coffee to keep the cold away from
she v0atching crowd.
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