HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1992-02-12, Page 1212 • 1Ifiiiiiw trietui ►1 2711 Niue ter Auxlliary celebratesligth By Onset Sween e y ."Zi1RICH - The Ia(Lcs auxiliary -of the Blue 'Vate ! Rest Home held iikeirasesably meeting -last Teeriday tt tatItlsg Voir 2Sth -aa rilluelry. Ittelltatimeadtatiessof Offieenures made orrilrabnslry 8, 1967 iwidtilie bac l dia 'Resteras the • fIrst presi- dent. Adatialiastor Dace 'Reed -was assisted 'by ,Meda Steins in pre- senting roses to atneladies who are still active members with theauxil- -tarried-wiltbeire eivingssQsdel provincial auxiliary award. Also present were.four guests from the actual first membership and two honorary members. Joe Risi was on land to offer congratulations and demonstrate a new television device forthe'Home which allows those who are bear- ing impaired to •watch and read along. A motion was dater made during the business portion of the meeting to pay for the 5345 device. President Carmel Sweeney opened the meeting and Helen Ot- terbein followed with the conven- ors reports and new committee programs. Mary -Ellen Gingerich reported that the quilt is now.ready for the next Bean Festival and tickets are in the printing process. Friedl: McAdams donated quilt tops and backing to the auxiliary. An open house was heki Sunday in honour 01 Fvereu Haises 99111 ''birthday with many m attendance' The -World 1)ay of Prayer will tk held at tree Mennonite Church 011 March 0, and next meeting for the auxiliary will t Man'ti i tit 7 p.n. Brothel Bob's Bingo The St Boldface ('W1, slxrnsore41 bingo ut th. Zurich ('onrnnlnu., Centre Sunday an.t secured a nice profit which will t+ sent for Broth er Bob Mitt leholts missionary -'aerkin fndl The jackpot prize worth $100 was won by Maria Mathonia while Share -Te -Wealth went to Julie Becker, Paul Dochanne and Mary Reichert CWL Run Night The CWL Fun Night and potluck supper will be held on Wednesday, February -12 at the Siltford Valley Hall in Goderich. A bus will leave from St. Boniface Church at 5:30 p.m. and ladies are asked to bring along something for the supper ta- ble as well as their own dishes. The.tcost is 53 per person and the contest, person is -Mary-Lou De- nomme at 236-4769. First Communion • The grade two 'students at -St. Boniface school will begin to pre- pare for their fust communion by having a special ceremony at the church Monday night for the chil- diet, parents, ieaehers and priest. Valentine Yooth Dance 'he Valentine Youth Dance t held on Friday, Fehnta,y • 14 the Zurich Arena, sponsored by Zurich Optimist Club. The will be from 7-10 p.nt with mus by Hook's Party Sound. Dog Tags The 1997 dog taps are now and for those not on the list, pre call Cannel Sweeney at 210-1702. --Personals Ron and Bev Oesch and Rutin have returned from three weeks i Florida where they visited with h' mutts -Earl and Doreen Oesch. Lee and Rose Regier celebra their' 42nd wedding anniv while Tony and Vera Thiel cele- bested their 50th. `Steve and Maureen --Simmons were blessed with the arrival of their first child Shawn Steven and Walter and Brenda Vermunt vtrel- comed their new son, Scott Ed- ward. Jessica Roberta Geoffrey was baptised on Sunday by Father Pete Hayes. Birthday wishes go out to Everett Heist, Beattie Geoffrey, Cindy De- nomme, and Megan Gingerich. Steve Armstrong has moved to town to fill in as clerk treasurer at the municipal office. Toasting the celebration of the Bluewater Rest Home's Ladles Auxiliary 25th Anniversan 'were Martha Ducharme, left; and Marlene Gingerich. Last Tuesday, six ladies were presentee with pins and roses at the Zurich nursing home. The auxiliary began on February 8, 196- when 96'when two representatives from each church and organization in the community were "asked tc establish the auxiliary. APPYWuNT1 NEt t v 'FROM SUGAR & SPICE CilOCZAW Receiving roses to ,commemorate their 25 years with the Bluewater Rest Home's Ladies Auxiliary were :six of the group's original members Meda O'Brien, left; Marlene Ginge- rich, Martha Ducharme, Rose Regier, Theresa Stark and Car mel Sweeney. Absent were: Gladys Gingerich, May Curtis and Verda Baechler. A special ceremony was held at the Zurich Rest Home last Tuesday to honour the ladies and their many accomplishments. Lucan seniors hoki dinner -and euchre . LUCAN - The Lucan Seniors met in the Scout Hall Friday with a good auenciance. All enjoyed a pot luck meal. Gordon Clubb opened the meeting with 0 Canada played by Mary Kooy. The minutes for the last meeting were read and ap- proved. Jean Miller gave the treas- urer's report of a bank balance of 5644.82. A letter was read from the Pallia- tive Care Unit tladcutg us for our doostion. We also received a nice leuer from Iva Hord,' a former member now wintering in Arizona. Greta Gibson slid she had sett a card to Jackie Loyens for her 85th birthday, to •be celebrated at Bryaratonori 1rnddy. Birthday greetings were extended to Josephine Chubb and Mildred Hirzel. Harry .Noels reported on the Tri County games to be held June 2A and 25. He has cards for sale, 52.00 each and asked each member to buy one to help support,the games. We pian to bold a Euchreama in the Legion Hall on -March 12, 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Admission 53.50 which includes lunch sup- plied by the Seniors. Everyone wel- come. Harry said he would ask the business, people .for any gift they would care to contribute. Proceeds to go towards the Canada Games. Gladys Atkinson, an bonoutary member of our club. is being trails - feared from the iucan Villa to Crai- gholme in Ailsa Craig. The meeting adjourned for cards and crokinole. Winners were Jean Hodgns, Dorothy -Darling, While - mina i teasels, Marjorie Steeper, Harry Noels, Chris Hall. Greta Gib- son. Saintsbury by H. Davis SAINTSBURY - St. Penick's ACW ' held its February meeting with co --hostesses Mary Davis and Mihel Needham at the Needham home with 10 members present. Betty Johnson and Hazel Davis ware the program leaflets. Mem- bers, prayer and general liaai"g v- ing were said in unison. Johaaon led in combioxl.prayer for Sunday schools, Owrch and her work and for sick members; remembering Et leen Carroll and Mary Davis. The meditation by Daeis batted ort the reading "The Feast of the Presentation" was an outline at its meaning which the end of the cycle of Christmas les, this cycle begins with the birth Jesus, describes the manifestation Gods glory to all nations and lodes with the ritual presentation of the MINA Jesus in the temple at 40 days old as the Jewish law re- quired. A poem, .""[hc Divine Weaver" ended the mediudion. 'Heather Maetiilliway gave an in- teresting contest "Women of the Bible" won by Nadene. Bedell. The Common Calendar, Seasons of ,rhe Otristi m Year. the loagth and ,We colour were headed out by des lead - The harasses awe dunked mid all uyoyed the tree of Fellowship together. Maw asetiag will be hold at diabolic of Cheryl Carroll, the date will be set laser. St. Patrick's celebrated the Holy Communion service at 11 .am. Sun- day February 9, Marguerite (keen - lee reading the lessons, Lisa Carroll as server and Margaret Carrot) lay assistant, (Meryl Carroll providing the music . House church, will be held at 8:30 a.m. Sunday February 16 at ibe Da- vis's. Lisa Carroll to read acriptalre lessons Jeremiah 1R: 5-10, ' Co- rinthians 15: 12-20, resposwvc reading Psalm 1, the Holy Gospel Luke 6: 17-26. Sixth Sunday after Epiphany Year('. • t0 �yC,,��i3Oratir'�}�, beheartsInked [hombre e r i ;41';Irl jest tD t'le &b D NThTTOWN 2a;.12.11 ' FACTORY 2 1283 • r TEMPO GL 111E COM FU Y_PED TFMPO GL ^PO pap GS COMENWITH era,pg,CiPC Tiralititt. SSI SrON L. GVW Ss#EE "r cIol shrew NTERVA WIPERS AR DSWIjj..11ppppW DEFROSTER 1NTE•aL.q$S $IDK N7' j RORS OU D INSUf�ATRUN PAGKAGr PLUS NOW OET ADDED PROTECTION NEW 36 MONTH/60.000 KM. BUMPER-TQ.41113UPIPER NO -DEDUCTIBLE WARRANTY FINANCING FOR 11 MONTHS OR /o FINANCING FOR UPTO 48 MONTHS OR CHOOSE rommsmo PER 14 • NTH -48 MONTH R EASE_ WINO DOWN nerkigisfr MOREGOOD NEWS PAPAW MENG9�i18R�! 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