HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1992-02-12, Page 8$5o CRY .lir .y,1 REBATE MOUE I W U 1 005 Page ti I Imes-Aivocatt3, February 12, 1992 - LAMIL1 Varna UCW enjoys speaker from Goderich's Survival through Friendship House Sy Jess Beiwiiei VARNA - Janice Soave, Ane Ex- ecutive Director of Survival through Friendship Hose of Hem County, ens she guest speaker at Varna U.C.W.'a liebraaty casting. The house in (Oodarich has 10 bods and two sofa !rads -to acc.t.srodate women and children who come that in a crisis. It is an eaaagency reaideace and aide haver for !hose who are bang physically, sexually or emotionally abused. Help is available 24 haus a day. There is also a 24 -holm cis tele- phone line with an 804 let tabu where counselling is available at all times. Callers do not have to identi- fy themselves. Second stage housing where women and children can live for up to five monthsgives some of them time to adjust to living indepen- dently of their spouses. Shirley Hill and Mona Stephen- son prepared the program and led in devotions. Their theme was "Love" and the room and tables were decorated for Valentine's Marg McClymont had the lucky teacup entitling her to the lovely valentine flower arrangement. Shirley Hill conductd 111e busi- ness. Money was donated to MES to mark the U.C.W. asnivenary, and to a land for travel expenses for a Kenyan woman on exchange with a Canadian mania. 'plastic-you-1e01e5 -VW -received. One from Christine Otiaso% a res- ident of Dr. Orabartt Hames, was accompanied by a new photo of her. Upcoming events are the pan- cake supper on March 3 and the dessert euchre on April 8, also the World Day of Prayer service at Goshen. Stan Lee Club The Stan life Club members met in the basanent of Varna United Church on February 5 at 6 p.m. After a delicious pot luck dinner, Ivan McClymont _opened the meet- . • ing with a humoatnus reading entiAlb - tied "To all those bon before 1940". A contest "Towns of Onta- rio" made everyone do some seri- ous thinking. President Anna Keys conducted a short business meeting, minutes were read and measurer's report re- ceived. It was agreed to hold the next meeting in Varna Church on March 4 at 8 p.m. The club will pay 810 per meeting for use of church facilities. It was announced that a cnoid.ole patty will be held in Var- na Church on February 14 at 8 p.m. with puceeds-to go -to-due Clinton Hospital Auxiliary. Ladies please bring lunch! Floyd McAsh gave an interesting talk and demonstration about his hobby working with stained glass. In keeping with Valentines Day conning soon hp made a beautiful red heart and the winner of this prize was Mona Stephenson. Anna Keys conducted a contest "lied Banz" which was lots of fun First meeting for Brinsley 4-H BRASLEY - The Brinsley 4-H club held their first meeting on January 29. They began by playing "member bingo". The group then voted for president, vice-president, secretary and press reporter. President is Julie Jones, vice-president is Sharon Amos, they decided on rotating secretary, treasurer is Anne Conlin and press reporter is Jennifer Hodgson. Junior leaders are Jana -Lyn Rowe and Tara Conlin. The new president then took over and explained what the 4-H clover start They then answered the roll call which home/on our farm by?" The most common for. as "we save energy in our swer was using energy sav- ing light bulbs and turning lights off when notin the room. Leader Nicole Vanneste talked about defining energy conservation and what we thought ofit.The president then asked the members to bring a name and picture for the group. The club then divided into tiny groups and cut out environmental articles and our leader Carol Amos and member Sharon Amos brought a snack and a drink. The meeting was then adjourned and the next meeting will be on Febru- ary 11 at 7:00 at. Brinsley United Church. Lots of coming events for Exeter U C W EXETER - Unit leader, Grace Dnunmond welcomed 32 ladies to the February 3 meeting of the Exet- er United Church evening group. During the business several impor- tant -dates were noted - March 6 will be World Day of Prayer at Tri- via Memorial Church, April 5 and 6 is U.C.W. London Conference and April 27 is the April Evan in Mitchell. Audrey MacGregor reminded everyone of the Chili Luncheon on Friday, February 7 and Carol Moore reported February 8 would be a Games and Dessert night at the church. Betty Clarke's group was in charge of the worship service and programme. Their theme was based on women and homemaking and its many problems and stresses in to- day's society. An informative video was shown and discussed. The meeting was clotted with tea and a delicious lunch served by Bev Prout's group. Zurich WI ZURICH -- The monthly twain of the Zurich Woman's Institute was held on Monday at the Blue Water Rest Home, with thirteen members and Wee visitor4 present. The I • in charge of the meeting ' - the direction of lama Neeb .' to have tine Ot- terbein family aaiatain with Weir music and song, -which 'wars Nally enjoyed by We residents of lite home, who were able to atioad the monthly bittbday party, as well as the Institute members. Marg Mime acting on the com- mittee in We absence of her !.usher read a very annealing pmt. Birth- day Gifts were then distributed to the members of the home. This was fc 1 wed by a dainty lurch nerved by We committee inked* Frieda Moore. Atter a ahtaii business sleeting with discussion .het the anent !tooth's armit*1 chilling day. 4o which all ladies wbo enjoy, quilling are invited . • • • i• • • • • • • •• • • • • N • • for both onlookers an oontvestants. Bach member had been anted to bring a small gift. Numbers were drawn and one could choose a wrapped parcel or if you fancied one your neighbour Hind chosen you could take it. Most difficult gifts to teep-were a -bag of apples and -an arrangement of peacock feathers. Several games of euchre brought the evening to a close. Personals Congratulations to Sandra Cole- man who received the degree of Barrister -at -Law and was admitted to the Bar of Ontario by the Law Society of Upper Canada. Coleman is practicing Civil Litigation Law with Lerner Associates in London. SAL f rte)= SAT OF DA' 170011Z0 FINAL CLEARANCE SALE FABRICS All locations (Excluding Windsor) 1/2 off Reg. Price Everything in the Store (Excluding patterns, Loam, batting,pillows, and stuffing) Even Metres - No Ends - Sales Final (instock merchandise only) Hours: Mon. to Thur. 9 to 5:30 p.m. Fri. 9 - 9, Sat. 9 - 5 397 Main St Exeter Phone 235-2842 • • • • • • 0 • • • • • • • • • i• ••••40••••••••••••••••f 1 CLOSING OUT continues FURTHER REDUCTIONS! EXETER STORE ONLY SPECIALS START MON., FEB. 10/92 All Patons Yams 30"orr Pius Patterns & Accessories Now 1/2 price All • Toys • Games • Jigsaw Puzzles • Hobbles 25% ••.�- Off • Pn" All • Paperback Books • Hardcover Books • Children Books Off All Craft Supplies 1/2 Price Plus Selected Craft Items 75% Off (including selected yam) All • Giftware • Wall Plaques • Leather Wallets • Novelty Gifts • Brief Cases 30"ovr Selected • Giftware • Wall Plaques • Games &toys 1/2 Price MAIN STREET EXETER PHONE 295•2202 = i€* lack and Eleanor Coleman and Dale Stephenson attended the Call to the Bar Ceremony at the Radis- son Hotel in London on February 5. Huron Centennial School is 25 years old this year (1967-1992) and Huron County is celebrating 150 years -this year. During the school year the school will be celebrating their heritage by integrating some special activities with regular pro- grams. During education week .(May 4-9) they are planning some special activities for students, for- mer students and staff, parents and all interested community members. Events will include Tuesday, May 5 - Grandparents day and Tal- ent Show. Thursday, May 7 will be Pioneer Activity Day. Volunteers are needed for activities such as quikatg, tape making, sausage making weaving etc. If anyone could assist or knows someone they could contact for this day it would be greedy 9 wall -be a Com- munity Breakfast which will matte it an opportunity to -meet old friends. If you can assist in any way would you please let the school know. Once again the Annual Rec Com- mittee's Stanley Township Family . Fun Night will -be -ice, -so mark your calendars for Saturday, March 7, more information to come at a later date. NOTICE! LIMITED TIME OFFER! 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