HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1992-02-05, Page 211980 �rRYSLER LEBARON Town and 3.8 V8;-aane; p... , air-astllas as is. Cheat second cu for winter. Phone 461-0122 1977 PONTIAC PARISi/NNE, 4 dr., V8, ps., Ah, aireendilesing, runt well sailing as is. Cal 461-0765. SAVE 833 ON SAFETY INSPECTIONS. Only 535.00. Moet • an and weeks Call Advanced Auto Wredten 234- 250 or 234-6790. (3tfn) 1913o OLDS CUTLASS CIERA, au, 35000. Noone 226.6137. 1980 OLDS OMEGA V6-auio, aur, 4doo,, 84,00o km (leod eendidcat 51550 *unified. Phase 235.1449 or 235-1950 (Stfii) 1987 CHRYSLER LEBARON, 4 door, I °enact, noshiblesa, 2.5 hue engine, loaded and statue awd4on, always parted inn & r- everted. Phoru: 229.672Oalbr fpm 1978 CIIEV L'MRI CLASSIC 4 -door V8 113,000 kin, -air, ironer window, looks, swains and iwkes. (Mod mechanical cosdaionAlleane 237-3416. 1988 PONTIAC 6000-LE-V4iamentstic, in axcelient taunt ssadlaion 37100. Lady ernes. Calleentn6a 2284531. - 1987 FORD A$ROSTAR evaded $9500. or Oestortcr:111huma&S44136. 14 Apniiance' Teievistor ELECTROLUX VACUUM with power nozzle and all auad.n au, rarsswd good to work, 3150.00. Call 228.6531. -DRYER 1ZR SALE, 25.00. Pirie 343) BALDWIN ORGAN, 2 keyboards, (lower 3 1/2 octaves, higher has 4). 1R modal, exeellanttaarter organ. Phase 4610831. 15 Personal IF YOU WAN] to drink that's your business. I f you want to qw•t seat's ours. 'l o speak with an AA member pjaase phone tie 235-1934,227.4562 or345.2536„ (1 LAS VEGAS - EASTER yam. 17th Apr. - 20 AprJ92. holiday .hes, $379.00 USD; Imperial Palace. 3369.00 USD. Robert Q's Travel 482-7771 or 1.800.668-7471. (5:6c) s5 16 rnr aa,. NOW OPEN STUDIO 11 - Free colour analysis • Total image analysis • Beauti Control cobur coded cosmetics and skin care Also: scarves, sliders, ieweltery Evenings by appointment call Lisa Dietrich 234-64f'2 OIL FURNACE, Intercity 112,000 BTL, 1/3 h.p. motor, water beater, silastic, 40 gallons. oil tank, 200 gal/rms, windows and door, venous sues. Price negotiable. Call 284-2187. SEI-ILE solid wood opholstard :rat 5375; portable typewriter 325; old brass Are extinguisher 545; chaise lotmge 35Q Sinter portable scaring madhtne case and attachments 575: Moen single lever kitchen tap plus new eaitridge 320: liumig 8mm -piolectorS50.-Ph * .263.5202. • -METAL DETECTOR, • Bud II, new coadiuon, paid 3400 new, sell 3175.00; Panasonic iecaver with speakers. 3150.00, 4' upright Morse stereo, 1 pc. emit with fighting. 8 track, turntable aneiwn/fm radio. 5175.00. Phone284-1912 APPLES Times-Aclveaat0, February 6, 1992 APPLE CIDiER & APPLE BUTTER DEIMILUIIRDAis Prank Sawyer Hwy. 4 & Croditon Road BRAND NM HAM 1: STEREO SPEAKERS, high quality, Bfarpankt arNfm auto reverse ear stereo mean with Ter, 6x9 speakers. Must well. Best r. Phone 1-472-8003. 16' LANG TANDEM TRAILER, fields 4 snowmobiles, 5900.00 Phone 461.11/82 and leave message -' A'r` or -eke•-` ileaer w8olr or halves at 52.00 m�eer pound *wooed call 46I -164961k forNtrther. PREMIUM BIRDSEED - i11O% bled sunflower, each 15 kilomern (33 lbs) 59.99. Vdane discount greater Man 5 bag -Freedehveryavailable. Phene229.6253 V1SSCHEyRMA��FARMS i RKS•� T *leen Sat. 9-5 CLOSED SUNDAYS POTATOES $6.00/50 lb APPLES &SAO/bushel BELGIUM ENDIVE $1.50/ Ib Phone -23744423 FIREWOOD, seasoned 340.00 a cord, 32 cu. ft., 580.00.1/2 -ton *suck orSI.25 a. fs. Limited asuman of - wood, 360.00 mrd, 32.00 a -so ft. SAralter Dunbar 393-5388 (St Paula area). • PA13NS YARNS * - Dimond Pte. • Ron'sHealth Centre, Hansell. (l6sfn) ENGINE PROBLEMS? Engines for most cars and pickup trucks. Prices as low as 3450 installed. Cal! Advanced Auto Wredkers 234-6250 ne 234-6790 RR 1 Exeter. Towing service available -(44th$) STEREO SYSTEM - Fisher receiver, Saw tape deck, Sony CI) player, Pro -Linear speaker. Will only sell as oompiete package. S"` 00 Phone 235-1523 between - 6 and 8 of k for Lon. (24tfx ) CRYSTAL VASE. - 8 wine. glasses 24% lead crystal crystal sugar and COMM on a tray, 15" diameter atwiunmm tray, roque decanter and glasses m a telephone style metamer. 23" aruique bran camdle hoiden. Pyrex s .uerole, afuminurn holder with lid. Pbcoe263-5202 MATOL - Independent Mato! Distributor. To purcioue prase call 235-0116 or, 229.6644 after 4 p.m. (1-18•) 13 PC. COLONIAL. DININ83ROOM SUITE (maple finish). Hutch, buffet, oval table with two Leaves and eight chino 51200; 8 pa white wicker see3600;ceramic kid 5400. Boys' clodunsg (sues 12 mo. to 3 yrs) 3125.00 for all. Phone 235-0564. ALFALFA AND TIMONTY HAY. excellent quality. Square bales No ram Oven ready toasting chickens 6-8 lbs. (tate fed. no additives. Jen Iattotter, Bakton Pione229-8232. UTILE GIRL'S TAP SHOES, adze 12 Please phone 234-6396 after five p.m. DOUBLE CUT Iced Clover Seed Ca11. --Frank at 235.2650 or229-8851. (3tfn ) HAVING PROBLEMS establishing legume under winter wheat, try Hauy Vetch SI per pound or the stand by double cleaned red clover for75e/lb. Phone 229.6106. 238-5530 55 Ontario ST. N. Grand Bend OPEN MOUSE 24 George St., Exeter Sun., Feb. 9 2.4p.m. Host: Murray Wood 4 bedrooms, 13 yr. old brick bun- galow, with large femiiyroom. 8E1 AR ' I Ulm, Ammo? N91N 1_ !c• snowblower, WATER SOFTENERS: " Itere u yourdsssoe mist a misiseilliaseiloorelier ahaap. ' itslltied tree at or 41edisaiaareidy:11AmerveNisrlesteseal or marts ttvolllbie. Ask for Gene 1i365-5164. ORAP83N6R1iem.s 115,5' and deers, 2 pr. 6 1/2 x 7'; 14a1r 4 IR x 7 tracks indaded; ratite tothr oem sink and a patrol lamps,'pall romp).dirhwashrr (needs romp). WIPING SALE.GRAND BEND • Antiques • Furniture and lots more Something for everyone at 12 Oak St. Grand Send Saturday, Feb. 8 & Sun. Feb. 9 8%1041.1n. to 4:110 p:tn. TANDY 128K COLOUR COMPUTER, oanttdete with disc drive, °oleur meedlor, DM 106 Manx printer, lots • of lapses, brand new word preoesssisg and o= Great starter computer. Tr50.00. GB 238-8385 after by m. WALNUT TV/VCR CABINET 8125.00, sofa, iosaasat, der and odaman in and --.alert -6all137,3327 after 4;30 pan. (6c0 35" HOMESTEADER, (new 4 Teeeesaeo, used 2 years), deeps 8, all upphrsees including microwave and awning Call 349-2678 SPECIAL SALE-h➢opar.abe 24 ft. th wcuassiarathe,20 & -Opyilelwicc by Isstgth. Assorted sires oiuheel.asd plate rad, up to 3/16' at 100 lb. Nassihon's Mte8theShop2354655. ) PHILIPS CONVERTER -with mento, two Skean old 160. Phone 235-165& (4tfx ) DOLL HOUSE, handmade,- 40" tong x -34" high, in enccllena condition. 6E2294216. 3 MONfii OLD IBM PS/1 386SX computer, 2 meg ram; 40 meg hard drive. Complete with DOS,. windows, MS works software. For more information call after 6 fam. weekdays 235-2488. (6c) HOG PARTITION in 16' lengths. •25x6" spacing x 114" wire. Weldable. 342.00 length. Call Centralia Partners Supply 228-6638. (6c) FOUR PIECE BEDROOM SUITE, highbo_y, triple dresser and mirror and night 70 table 30; two French Provincial white mate's beds 5200 each; 15 Nintendo games 535000 complete or 325.00 .each; battery operated grandfather clock 5175.00; two beige fivingroom -lamps 375.E oompIde; Sears stereo all in one with stand *15 .00; baby skates sue 5 315.00 new; Atari 2600 and 42 games acid stand 5100 complete; boy's clothes sire 3 to 6 3200 complete. All wood breakfast nook and -two bsxdrcs, excellent condition 3200 set. ()pee to offers. Phone 235.1698: (6• ) ARTIST SUPPLIES • Artboard.s • Brushes, • Acrylic Paints • Charcoal Pencils • Art Nibs • Sketch Pads • Calligraphy EXETER TIMES ADVOCATE tr*uditiat Phrvie2294111114 be aF�RESH��KILLED Woks - own illley ` escovdocks (or ilve for 9111811111). Hishes49-27*3. wasslAl- PUMP SPRAYER, 3 ta.-mobe "lace 315; 1R' plate glass t dryer fin "OM !Irene, went oer+diden 44"x34", 3425. (311 3M-2037 111 ACTOR AND LOA!*R preferably Miring. Neon S25-4260. (6c) WF NERD CARS AND 1RUI,*ICS for wrecking Of meek, melee service ttvailsbke Brock Awn 'Wreckers. C careen. --therte228-67611(40dn) - PIMP RAGS Psene228.6658.(6c) YEAR OLD LAVING HRNS, brown or *bite. Phone Darrel 2344227. ('l fx) ('(ANMlBAYI: Too Menem span:nem � Phone 681.6.569 arfTr11V7• t42Ue1) rent r I ARCH RRIAH'!' 2 'fin ipirsusiu, tatnsdry nominee, paved4484.00 per month pluainfthia. Phone 5-1449 or 235.1950. (37tfn) ZURICH - ,lean -mer dal $lex, earstral Menial, neutrally0e9tIltled. Arellehe now. Noone 1-453.1847, OMs) 2 BEDROOM API. -leve and e supplied. Close to Low editio. Not s for diadem or pets. Apply to lox 51. Exewr,NOM 1S6. (47th,) EXETER - grid floorivpsitimati wAh fridge and stove. (all Olen least Apennine 235-0,451:(441to) EXETER - Roost for Vent. 11 Bhersted t i.-4'%aareo6,,,- iv ili6klfbc.-i7 5 isles utilities per menu, Phone 482-9026 after{ p.m. and weekends aayeti es. (45*in) FOR RENT • 1, 2 and 3 `ascension, aappaaMteMs, s rs fable tnimedblely Piton, 235-0537.(462n► ..ese 29 THR Main Si.E* rood. Main SDe�tv�oe�d. OM jkI0D.00 ' s. hent /lay 15e IftAlad quabMtttedlttaay. ified t4smtiAr 510 nx'i!377671. (41tfe) 2 11PfRrl(3M AITAT1111 In Rifler, cleat, washer, dryer hook Pined rabies 3485.00 per month Moate 235.11149 or 235-1950 (iltfn) Ap8tt111911ht fQL'1%tu One & Two Bedroom (`,all Marlene M. Persons Sales Rep. 235-1304 Extate Realty Inc. -Realtor 235-121 BOARDER WANTED - for U forateUert esil235-2436. (6:7c) - BRAND RENT) Pineview Mobile Home Park„ retirement cnrrrmunity, paved roads and street lights, year round living Homes for sale, excellent oondiitat. Cable T.V. - aMteste 38-5584 or 243-2294.(42efn) st X TER - 5 year old, 3 bedroom bungalow, 4 & 3 piece bath, finished basement, with -family roan (pine wainscotting -and aspboards), bar and woodstovee; central air, inground en, cement drive. 3124,900. Phone 235-1039 evenings. (46tfn) 25 ARES of wadable lard en llig1sway 84. Phone236.4566. (48tfn) EXETER - alder home 3ierbeerns 1 1/2 baths, hvingrocen, dining noon and fasnily area, walk=in doses, new eloeed in-po.vh, new storms and doors, 'energy efficient furnace, 1 block born downtown. Phone 235-1370. (5:6c) t, ACRES - four bedroom compkaely renovated, 1 1/2 storry family roan reground pool, gorge and- workshop, excellent drilled well, 10 miles north of Exeter. Asking 5129,900. Call John MsshalL227-.4271,. Glen Powell Realty Ltd Realtor 1.666-1010. (6c) 20 Property rot ker 2 BEDROOM APARTMENT, grand floor, downtown Hensen, carpeted, bright, paved parking, TV tie, special rate for semorciuzens. Piste 262-2230. (48tfc) HOUSE POR RENT - 3 bedrooms, 2 bath m excellent condition. Clears reliable taunts with references. Rent 5600 plus utilises. Fust and Ln mouth's tent. Phone 653-6055 Cambridge and leave message or phone 653-1460. (6-8c) THIRD MONTII FREE RENT. (Inc bediocrn apartment. Ehaebeth Caen Apartments huildiog. Phone 262-2612 after 6 p.m. (47tfn) OFFICE SPACE for rats m Hensall. 3240E per month. Heat and hydro, Included Caii2354(20. (l9t6t) DHOW 1-237-3671 �l(l(�rbLa1,���ita� DRYSDALE Major Appliance Centre Ltd. Sales With Service The place to hu!. appliances NEV. AND USED Hensa l l 262-2728 .For Rent Maples Hensel! - 2 beWooM apartment 1 bedroom apartment Heat included, Immediate occupancy Shorne St. Townhouse,_ Exeter • 3 bedroom rec room, 2 bath Newly decorated, immediate occupancy Wellington Place, Exeter - New building, large 2 bedroom and one bedroom apartments Januar 1./92 occupancy - Now offering Discount Rates Ducharme Investments 236-4230 235-3511 CHISHOLM WOOD PRODUCTS LTB . Dungannon 1 1/2 mines east of Dungannon - • Kiln dried furniture grade lumber • Assortment of lengths, widths and thicknesses • For hobbiests - Cabinet makers, contractors • 36- planer WILL CUSTOM DRY YOUR LUMBER Nine Different Species in stock Phone 529-3138 Open Saturday 9 - 4:30 p.m P Home after 6 p.m. 529-7606 DASHWOOD - Become one of the village people - just move into this 3 bedroom house today. The vendor has re- ptaoed practically everything even the kitchen sink. Only $89,900 LEVEL Thts 2 bedroom house has had a complete face lift. Also offers en attached garage, fenced yard in a homey neighbourhood ,Asking $94.500 23$-1732 Murray Wood" 235-0927 - 235-1077 Barry Marian(' 282.3407 235-1304 " Sales representative Cirlcia Trust Realty Really it . Dirk Coolman X235-1950 ihtik Pat O'Rourke 237-3 : 2 Ron Cottrell 235-2473 Exeter's Home Team 147 Main St. Exeter, Ont. 235-1449 • 235-1055 GOOD NE 0/ Now first time home buyers will only need a N down payment. Exeter's full time Home T am has an excellent selection of first time buyer homes for sale. With interest rates at theirlowest level in al est 20 years, this truly is the opportunity of a lifetime to purchase your first home. „COMMERCIAL BUILDING on 1/3 acre. Over 3300 sq. ft. plus _office. 2iaroe-doors,-And 15 cod 18 ft. ceilings. Large gravelled parking area. Suitable for many uses including heavy .equipment repair etc. Priced to sell. CT 26. 047.15 *or • month including principal and interest . with 10% Mown, for this beautifully remod- elled 3.bedroom hems in Dash- wood. Maui floor laundry, open floor plan, large workshop, groat family home. Full price $79.900. CT26 $68.600. MENSALL - This is an ideal starter property which in- cludes a large bright 3 bedroom apartment, store (presentlyy used as rec room) and wroritsftop. , Payments much lower than rent. Owners re-looaaing and will look at ail reasonable offers. CT 26. COUNTRY UVING • $115;000 - 3 bedroom bungalow, at 'ached carport; Finished base- ment, gas heat, 2 fireplaces, one in finished sec room, a well kept home at a reason- able price. CT 26. 704/Mo, nus taxes with 10% down. Excellent starter. full price 894,600. 2 bedroom, k kitchen, ,baths, Lerye b , fin- nt. CT26, 235-1441-; OPEN HOUSE 239 MITI 8t., Exeter Saturday Feb. 8, 1 pm. - 3 p.m. Your host: Ron Cottrell 1700 80. FT. brick ranch, many extras! Drop In to view this very special home. Priced at 8169,900. CT 163. NEW USTING RABNWOOD Excellent surfer or retirement hope - 3 bsld000i , separate dining room. main floor. -laundry room, no stairs to climb, all orae level. 24' x 12' insulated and heated shop at the rear of the -.Property. CT 124. HENSALL -STAFFA AREA - Wail kept 3 bedroom aouofry home. Mein floor family room and Laundry room. 1.3 eicxe property with line trees. Lalrye shed tor storage or a small barn. CT 124. CREDITOR - Immaculate 4 bedroom 2 storey home with many recent renovations. Large lot situated at he edge of town. Ideal -property for your yyro,�w�'�ng �fam' CT 124. HliwaiALL - $1990900 - 12,000 sq. ft. healed and insulated warehouse with 000 sq. ft. air conditioned offices. Priced well below replacement cost. CT 124. /14 riedost e jet Vita() Lxet .' and Area through the Hulura county also �ulrciurl - St. Tnw nae Real istate Hoards SPRLNG POSES 1E8SION 163,600. - including GS . All .=brie.k.34iiedrtiorn lanshAoaded with extres. Over 1550 sq. ft. plus double garage with auto garage door opener, clad win- dows, high efficiency gas hath, main floor laundry, main floor family room, 3 pce. enaitiie, quality built by Van Haarlem, with new home warranty. 01 N6 EWER HONE 984 SP ACRES - 4289,900 - West et London. on Highway #7. Fea- tures terrific 2 storey brick home only 1 year old, this home has .everything from -in - Welted garege 10 lar n foyer with open staircase open in oak. Natural fitaplace, ensuite with whirbool, sunken family room and more. Call for your personal inspection. CT 26. 1670.A5/mo. plus WWI with 10% down. Full price 699,500. Remodelled brick 3 bpd* , gas heat, and huge dot workshop for (Xtra income. Why rent? CT 26. $824Jmo plus taxes - with 10% down. Very spacious 3 pedrpom brick home with eat in kitchen, main floor family Mom. large '4el41ched gars hvork.hpp Ip tOd c10$0-10 downtown. Asking $109,Sp0,