HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1873-11-28, Page 2017.4 tothe Trues or .50 in advance ier free for the remain - This a liberal Pifer, op e many will wept- Send zegiAered letter, and it will le u•r risk. JOHN WHITE & SONS, 'Lugs Omen, OW64+-4.1 PREMIUNI LIST' We offer the followtee premiums to those Wo yish te cite -vase for the ereeri3OCAL PAPER Di TUE COILTETV. Any one sending us a list of five cash subecribers will receive a copy of the TIMES foi on Tear. Ay one sending VS fl, list Of ten cash etubscribers will reeeive a copy of the TIMES for one year and $1.25 in cash. Any one sending us a list of &leen cash eubscribers will receive a copy of the TIKES for one year and. $2,50 in cash, Any one sending us a list of twenty cash se -describers will receive:a copy of tine Thees for one year and $4 in cash. Any one sending ns a list of twenty- 'aVoil or ectore, up to thirty-five, cash subscribers, will reeeive a copy of the the Threes for one year, and $6 in cash. Any one sending us a list of from ffifty to sixty cash subscribers will re- oeive, a silver hunting case watch worth ' the Teems for one year $2.5 Cash, Bros., Parkhill, will be given for the Sargest list exceeding one hundred cash subscriberA prize of a $40 order, parb payment e on an organ from the factory of Marriu aper punctually will please give the s. ' $25- Cash eubseribers will receive a copy of Subscribers not receiving their Any orie Rending as a list of 100 Subscription, $1.50 per annum. arretice to Subscribers OffteVIOtlea, that investigatieu may be made lute the cense. Last week was the expiration of the theee months allowed to our subscrib- ers to pay in their subscriptions, and these who have not already paid in will greatly oblige the publishers by remit:, ting the amount by next Thursday. augesenomaisegeweraevezeerammee= xi,* Jjimtt. 1rETER, 7'1511RM:tee prOV 27,t 87 5 efer .1.P.1101104C111.71W CRISIS. The breaking .out of the war in the -rifted States caused the substitution of ur yfor specie payment; this wonderfel activity and abund- high prices. Manufactures clay, and as those further- • lowing labor their •nd-a- nd "s11E' ol- - • oportionetely. enotwithstandine. the high :ecess' ariei pf.lik, that more .he saved there than here. has changed, and the luminated day has given dark and • dreary night. now treaewith heavy step ded thoroughfares, and cry for hen there is no, work. They )een cast aside from labor, as tho ry, workshop, and counting -room been closed.,• The iron -works, if pped, are working only part of . Miles of freight are now ly- icago, which cannot be sent wing to •the stringency of the eteket. How long this °Mtn - of things will remain is a, rid to be solved by the lapse of There are those who go so fares ssert instead of iffairs haying ntelled'a elimaen they will grow worse. his an be tieieci to more than one else. a the first place there was a, up er abundencee,of paper currency -floe t- d. to carry on the. late war, end, as a natural result, when the WSJ' Was over,. ecelation and ex vaganc' ioneery •matters was resorted to to keep off re -crash. The end is now nearly reached, and sposie payment has been advocated as a remedy, On its resume, - "on• et "et eirchlating medium, a different od be pursued, and a new or. thin,ga instituted, and we will be rer less affeeted by if '444,he second place, the people of eY.s .1,iration have lived far too fa, 044, t) tle 1111 OS 0110 !IS icy they have efenped clean in. , " )er' d and 1cif toidone a eor- ' "f, 'solid work, withotit a 'wheleis tinSe,tis- ,aniertilt of 8 this line Were it 414 ti ij;!,4,t04 'tfit'OS 'Oh 'Which we w'ouhlhayoto empete, the question, would ha more easily answered. ButE iegitte Will give noie of her attention to Canada as tiaarket, ilOw -that the erash lets t).000 fOr it meet he remetnhered that the linit0 States ;inverted largely from .Britain.. As Canada, rIngiand, and the States are engaged in imoinfitetures of a einilanature, we as a young people, and but jovonile in the inanufitaturing line, require mere protection than We present enjoy. It may be said that. our manufactiires were doing remarka- bly well under their present prOteetion, and ,that fiirther proteetionis runs -woes_ sexy ; aleo that we are DOW ale t Q compete with any ether. country. It must be borne in mind that there was. ithlteet a protective tariff against Arneli- cell goods miming te 'our 'srtarketS Wages were higher in the States than in Canada, and nearly every article of food or dress was from fifty to seventy-five per cent. more in the Ste*. Thus, adding this: cost to the duty of fifteen per cent„ the margin of profit remains oe the wrong side, and gives us a pro- teetion of at least ninety per eent. against the American manufactures. But as our neighbors are now on the eve .of a change, it behoves us to look to our own industry. As we are destined to become the manufacturing ()entre for the great nor: -west' and can our mane- facthrers compete with the'Americans in such articles as hardware (bothehelf •and heavy), while we have only fifteen per tient. duty, While they, on the other hand, have imposed about forty or fifty per cent. We cannot deny the fact, that we are powerless to sell to such ad- vantage as they will, now that they know their soundings. They will, no, doubt, try to make Canada their vent- age ground, and to gain suchtheirevery American characteristic will 'make itself known. This they will do to get rid of their sm•plus stock. Cotton goods will also be affected, and the result will be that WO shall be run out of our own market, and the shutting up of our fac- tories will soon follow, and our mechan- ics go elsewhere for employment. Such, we • say, will be the result if we allow the small duty we have to remain as it is. For our part; we advocate protection thus far; impose a duty upon everyeliing ilia:Ported from a foreign country that we ere able to raise or manufacture' our: selves, and admit at a nominal duty that which we cannotpeoduce. As En- gland has ceded the right to all her self- governing colonies to impose whatever duties they think fit, no time Should be lost by the present Administration in calling the House together and giving that protection which will keep our in- dustries allye andwhichever party may be in power, to them will we accredit it. .rolitics in Municipal Elections. For some time past a good deal has been said in reference to introducing politics into contests for municipalhon- ors ; it has generally been -conceded by 'teeth peeeiee (at leeetpublecesele,hetesuch a Course would be productive of much mischief; but, as in other inatters, we find men do not always live up to their professions, but sometimes act a little hypocritical. We have only to look at the adjoiniug township of Stephen for ft case in point. Last year, about ten days previous to the nomination, the so. celled Reformers met at Crediton and proceeded to discusSthe probability of securing the whole number of township fficers to their party (the previous year two of their number had seats ifa the Council) and without any reference to men's qualifications made their se- 'eeeions, having but one object in view, mely, that of securing in every case.e 'geed 'sound Grit. •Whei 'these 'facts ev(pre made public, we believe some of de Conservatives decided that, as the qJrits had thrown down the gauntlet, t ey would meet deem on their ground, 'NO: 'eh was accordingly done. The Grits 'wecompletely routed, and Conserve - tires ''''easelei their seats at the Council Board. Guee would have thought that his would liale taught those men a les- son, but in theA• anxiety to secure office and further the interests of their party, instead- of throwing polities aside and electing men from both parties, as has been suggested by leading Conserva- tives, these rebid partizans, quite pre - pars -a• . at any time to sacrifice the best interests of the country if they an only serve their own ends, aro, we believe, about. to • decide upon their old course, with their characteristio illiber- ality. A neeeting•.yete celled a Cleedi- on on Saturday evening last, for the 7turpose of considering the prospects of he party for another campaign. To he credit of many of tneir number, be t said, there WitS het a' elim attendance; nit here were to be found the chief ac. ors, &sousing. not the chances of get- ing the best men to fill the respective ffices, but the great momentous question vas, who are the most popular Clear Grits that Will succeed in ousting.these miserable Tories. It is a wonder that Me• are to be found so destitute ofjudg- rient as to advise such a course, espe- jelly in a munitipality where they are argely in . the ,;tiii.nority. 'When w entrust fhbVierality , of leading don, orvatives'W1• 'offer to support men from in "{dorm (ankfor the ensuing er ith seise, s., artizan conduct Of' these /ci S ye , .Wo must say it appears that the of mixing ep polities with these rs lies at their door. ' Stich con,) 1.1 no doubt fail to coMniend its, c right thinking, men of Ste - ratepayer go to the arty and cast hie t'S beet, Oen- TOE flitta147ES Oirrolar The Most conflicting rumors ere afloat coneei;ning the action likely to be taken in regard to the wholetiale riliP.Sat" 'ere ef those on beard the Yirgiolue. The American 0011greSS 111.1110 reede one a list of eonditions, the sum and sub- stance of which mean war, and unless Spain has a very narrow baelibone, she' will BOt be soon to take it up. The Government at Madrid has answered those conditions in a inanner which shows an m2(1004104 opinion, They con- sider that the Virginius was not an American vessel at all, dIld as such Was not 1,101(1011 to AmetiOan laws; that ele belonged to the insurrectionists ; aid that she had, at different times sailed under foreign colors ; also that she had not cleared. an American port at the time of her departure for Cuban waters. Internal, dissensions will considerably weaken the Spanish strength ebroad. The Oastelar Government gives Orders, the Madrid authorities renew them, and the Cuban authorities disobey them. This is about how the matter stands. Report says Msulte were heaped upon Gen. Sioldes, the American Minister at Spain, and that this alone will cause a rupture. ,The Government does all it caff to protect him, There can be no doubt but that Spain will subserve many things to accomplish her end with the States—peace. The Cubans are doing their best to rid themselves of the Span- ish yoke, and make every effort td cre- ate sympathy. The United. States now seem, prepared for any emergency, and President Grant says if he were a priv- ate citizen, and saw what is now going onin the navy yards hewould thinkwar was on the programme, and that if he has not saicl in his address that war was the intention it was because he did not know what words to use. If Spain continues at the downward course of re- peletance she has commenced, it is like- ly the affair will end in arbitration, the Emperor of Germany to be arbitrator. • Hinting at Rribenj. In the Globe of Monday last we find these words used in an article on the contest in Lennox. • After roundly abus- ing Sir John Macdonald, he tells the electors of Lennox that "the position Of Finance Minister is next to being "Prime Minister of the Dominion, and it is no small, thing for a riding to "know that the representative it sends "to Parliament .controls the finames of "the Dominion." Just now the Do- minion treasury is pretty well filled with the sayings of the late Govern-. mene, and this is a significant hint that Mr. Cartwright will make use of the stamps amongst his constituents to se- cure his return, and his election expen- ses can come under the heading of "miscellaneous" or "dry -goods," or "furniture," We are loth to believe that the pure and holy Globe would throw out such hints as lo , kir. Cart- wright controlling the finances, of the Dominion: "and all the impertant in. terests thereunto appertaining." .4f - ter the great cry that he ha's, been mak- ing over ther‘perty of cortuption,"'one would naturally suppose that he would be the last to induce electors to "touch "the unclean thing." But this "hint- "ing" will have but little effect, as both Reformers and Conservatives seem uni- ted to place Mr. Hooper triumphantly at the head of•the poll on Saturday next. • THE ittariftoarm. Since the failure of the Jay Cooke te: Co. Bank in the States, considerable have been the rumors current respect- ing cortain railroads, and the effect it Would have upon -Allis road and upon that road. Interested parties 'have d'effuld themselves busy in regard to cir- culating rumors and others have ;bus. lect theinselves in dein their utm.ost to depredate the value of the .London, Huron & Bruce railway in the eyes of the English stook -holders of the Great Western. For a time this may have hadeits effect but onlyof a temporary nature.Those residing along the line may rely Ou what we say in regard to the early completion of the line, and by August next, the time which we before stated, we will, no doubt, , hear, the shrill whistle of the iron horse as he en- ters the corporation ,precincts. We have withheld saying anything ''upon , this matter for the past few weeks, a- waiting something more definite, and can now say that all necessaries cur- rent, to delay, ,have • been completed, and Mr, Hendriewill commence work immediately. Even should the Great Western desire to withdraw from • its engagement—of which we have our doubt—the directors of the London road are of that, staunch and persever- ing nature that they will not cast aside tho inducements offered by the Govern - Mont and. the various mimic ipal but will engine/it them, and construct the road upon an independent principle should sucli be necessary. We hope to be able to state in a more defined man- ner as to the exect date of completion and other matters in o`onnection there- with in our next issue. —nee Peterson's Magazine has long excell- eel all others of its kinds but in its Dee ember number it excels even ftselfThe : . , prnicupe stew engraving, " 1110, Orphaii 11/11SiOift11," Will totich every heart. There is also a steel title -page fot 1878, and a doublesized, colored, steel fashion plilt0. Thd 1'OVOI0t8 eta other • original stories are AU by our best writers. Peterson's," is, without quoatiou the cheapeA, of the really good Jetty's boob. It contaihs, overt, (no thousand wee ; fourteen Steel en. 'Whigs ; twelve colored, double.size, fasbion. plates ; twelve colored Per. patterne ; twenty-fonr pages of , and more flan a Inindred eov- ife"St 1 steres by the' best .1rigavg $ More earthenakes in San ikancisco. No inore boats this 664.8o1 duttIQ up' per lakes, i N evigationi lias 40t eloeed eel Oeler for fifteen years, ( • Navigation bee been dose on the BtV of Quillte, , Salt was obtained at Carroilb ook, at tlie depth of 1,250 feet. 1 ' lion. E. Blake is te speak atiiincase dine on the 5t1s of,Dec. ' A. Mitcliell'e is speaking of a new 'recem fire engine. 'That's right, feiendi • ' Gamier has boatel). Daly byne snorta of 400 to1.68 est Billie:We ill i0kigO) ' .\. Ex -Mayor Drennan of King;iton re- eeieed. et .presentation portrait, on Fri- day last. A railway man named Thompson liad his leg broken at Kincardine one day last week. : Kincardine is in agony wham tO rnn for Mayor. It's awful this town busi- Wigan, England, has been the scene of a mining explosiou. Twenty-five, men were killed. • Charles Livingston brother of :the African explorer, elied on Friday: last, in London, England, „ General Sickles; IT St Minister in. Spain, has been insulted, and war ap- pears to be inevitable. Marrying is likely to he PoineWbat lively this :winter in Kincardine, if rnmor speaks truly. Spurious Canadian Silver is in circu- lation. It looks something like the genuine, but is lighter • The Liberal Conservatives of London are now ont on their muscle, and show a fighting front. Kincardine Mechsnics Institiite hold free evening classes. Prizei' are to be given at the end of the term. Ridgetown has had a sensation in the elopement line. A tradesman ,.'and a tradesnatta's daughter were the cause. Captain Gourley of Fullarten, was complimented by a supper rap in his honor on Friday evening hist: • Stephen Alfred has been arrested in Chicago, on a, charge of forgery on his employers, Bass & Co., Brewers, of London. 1 There are rumors of certain rcon- cessions which the United 8tates de- mand. of Spain but they are not:confi- rmed. George Franklin is under arrest in Montreal, on suspicion of heyerigennir- dered his wife. Bethshad 1)4'04:get, ‘-` a drunk." . Disraeli • prophesies a, great struggle between the spiritual and • temporal powers. He fears the struggle in anarphy. Palmerston gives the "go-by," to the promoters of the Port Dover and Lake Huron Railkoad. And .Willkhave nothing to do with it.. Mr. Alexander Sproat received a pre- sentation and address upon the occasion oflis retirement from the Merchant's Bank of Port Elgin. Louisa Haft had hard work restrain- ing some roughs from entering her house in St. Cetharine's, a few nights. ago. The police interfered. David Nesbitt, Who murdered Mrs: Hoopwood, at Lindsay last 12th of July has been found. guilty' and. sentencea te be hanged on Monday, 22nd. December. A bull tried its goiring abilities upon a Yanmouth farmer, afew 'lays ago; .and. neaely despatchedlifi(the farmer not the bull), Two of the members of Mr. .11.1aoleen-,. zie's Cabinet aee men whoofferedtheir services -to Sir John MacdOnold, services which were "declined With thanks." The Huron ,Signal, says that about 180,000 barrels selt Were shipped:foie that port to the United Stake dining the consulae year ending 80th, Siem Kincardine people now feel some- what large, over their new railroad; but what • do they think of Preiittent Dakins address before the English Stockholders? So justice has at last been dealt out with a liberal hand to Boss Tweed. He has had imposed npon hini a fire° of nearly $13,000 and punishment • of twelve years in Sing Sing. • Day. Gilts§ ,has received:a deputa- tion from the convention that nomina- ted him, demanding is resignation. glee and the petition of 700 names should be a warning. But he still asks time. Mr:- Baring, the English banker whose death has been just anniAlneed was born in the year 1800, and he has been at the head of the great banking and commercial house in whielnlie in- herited his position. The. Coroner's Jury - returnetta ,ver - diet of wilful murder of his wife, against Franklin, in Montreal, who was at once remanded to prison to await his trial at the Court of Queen's Bench, sit- ing on the 24th of next March. Tom, Allen, Arthur Chambers and Tom Kelly Were arrested on the 21st, on a requisition from thei4ernor- of Illinois for participating in a' prife fight betsVcen Allen and M,cCole on Illinois soil last September. We bid our Mitchell coten. good-bye and. hope he may fere well is the ranks of the treasury-holders—if they'll accept him. The Loganites held a:meeting, it few dais ago, and exPresea their dis- approval of his conduct. ' A young woman named ellped was awarded $200 darmtges by 'the Moll. treat Superior Court agairbt a man named. Emond, who had seluced her ender promise of marriage, n be paid , in e tse he failed to merry he' within fiiteen days. , . 1. , , a , 4 ' 'ilibriditr. Tfoxi lm freehold:A ofethe County of Perth vote upon tie $120,- 000lonne. It swilltousider,,I,ly effebt . the western townships. Isn' it nice paying out money to Tamil ytaselves, and do another section of thecountry,, good . , . ' . • li, \ e. The Anglo-Ametican, stea ..i. Robt, I Lowe, engaged in the 6able evice he Newfoundland, Was totaft Svecked 'on 'Wednesday ,,night in tl •of Shott's, with it sad los captain died at his PiCkle' i sonsiv all Wore 1 . .. A" fe Coeipe eider - lento • anc.Vitenectoroinetion for Leintex toeli place et Narauee on Seturday last, AM! 1N'ssrs doCn1 ' er't' 0 1 j 0. Mi°111411-1 tea, aria delivered addresses. The at- tendionie was not large. Cartwright winced visibly when he noticed the oxPemier - eParle:ofielt'engraVillge at Wellace- town on Thureday evening luet, Sir John A. Macdonold's pieture sold' for 50 per cent, more than those of the Hon. George Brown or the Hon. Ed- ward Blake. There was quite an Oitirig 800110 at the auetion, Sir John's being determined to carry the day. The steamer Oritario, for Beatty's • Lake Superior line of steamers launch- edefroin Chisholm & Simpson's Yard, Chatham, on Satnrday last. She is 192 feet, 34 feet beam, and 18 feet hold has tt, splendid upper cabiu, 48 state rooms ; it pair oe coedensing engines of most approved style, 450 home - power. An oe-Arnerican consubgeneral at Cario has weitten up in graphic style ,that reinarliable Afrienn sovereign, the leinich tallied of Khedive of Egypt. From this entertaining accoant it ap- pears that the shrewd Egyptian ruler has an annual lecome of $110,000,000, is rather .more then one-half of the total yearly 'eapenees of the 'United States Government, including interests on the national debt. Yet he is not satisfied. • • In view of a groat scarcity of work during the coming winter in New York and througout the country generallythe the Society of Amalgamated Carpenters of New, York, are sending largo num- bers of English workmen' belonging to their society, some of whom, have recen- tly landed in this country, back to Beg - land, to work their during the depress- ion of business on this side of the water. Many have already sailed, and large additional numbers will be taken by steamers sailing for Liverpool and Lon- don. We hear that American mannfactu- rers and merchants are Making frantic efforts to realise and beginning to util- ize the Canadian markets, which they most likely make e kind of slaughter- house for their goods. They can afford to cut prices here as they would scarcely dare de at home. This is one of the vicissitudes to which our traders are constantly being subjected, very- mush to their detriment. Whatever other effects high rate g of import duties on manufacturers might hay,e they would. at lelist check this spasmodic fleecing our market at any prices with the sur- plus of goods which Other larger and leseencebeeible markets will not absorb. .Philadelphia has already organ' ized its system of relief for the poor, in anti- cipation of a severe winter for them. Its ,plan is as follows. Each ward forms a branch relief association Under control of an official board. The pre- cincts of the warcl are divided heto "blocks," for each Of which is appoin. ted by the board it committee of two ,gentlemen of established character to solicitate donations of money, goods, cast-off clothing, bedding, • etc. ; and two ladies whose business it is to visit every house and examine ,stnctly into cases requiring relief. All donations are sent to a centrai,room or hall, and receipts given to the contributors, THE VICINITY. • ,New—The type and press of the Times pfliee tire new, stua the workmen preell-' CUL PEETTV.---ThOSo ball circulars and pros grames printed at the Mies office. Don't order until you SOO them. THE MAPLE LEAP.—WO would refer the travelling public to Mr. Nevills card in another column. It is of interest. TRESPASSING—The Canada Company have issued notice forbidding any tres- passing upon their property. Pitmen:G.—Bill heads, Blank forms, deeds, Municipal blanks, Bali circulars programmes and counter -heads got up with taste at the Tines Office. Noen.—Mr. J. Treble has opened a harness shop in connexion with his boot and shoe store. He advertises that his material id good and his -workmen first- elase,eand with such he cannot butesuc- , ceed. e. LARGE DROVE.—.Mr. Goventock drove alarge herd consieting of nearly two himdred cattle through this viliaee yes- terday. He has sold them to a Windser distiller, who will feed them on refuse (luring the wintei. YANKEE LABOR.—On Tuesday last we were visited .by one of the Atnerican castaways seeking work. Before the winter is over there may be many of the same class visiting London and Toronto are new thronged. GAINIE.-111r. McLeod, of Stephen, had the good luck to capture five deers in two days, within a couple of miles of Mr. Holt's hotel, in two days. They fine fellows. Our correspondent re- ports game as abundant in that sec- tion. Goon News.—Our Exeter friends and their country cousins are about to have a new book store establiehed in town, Mr. F. 1116ntgomery. late of St. Mary's, has= rented Mr. Southcott's store,soath of the Britannia Hotel.— Opening end advt. next week. Illysensi-Lniii.,--We were informed by Mr.Clitte.lVleitis that he dug Out oil his fernina'few days ago, a moose -horn of svimelerfel dim ei, sloes,. ,At the .beee or 2Ofit it .nleastirocl ovet tWo r feet in drown- ference, and was over three feet in length, it 'Couple of ' feet having been letokeei eft • See 9 • YRATtLY A 0 ONZIL-011 rildaY alight , it 0110 of our citizens vvas passing dont Main street of our Village: ito :Anne nearly being the victim of, we holm), it Very ead mistake, From the Weet eel° of the etreet, lie hoard it re- port as of it pistol and in the next mo - Rent was astQnjsllcd to fituj. thae it bullet had just passed •in front of'him,, He avers that it was shot from all open door, We hope that, even if this 'wes not done inteetionally, the indiscreet use of firearms will receive a check Artentrat -13esiscu.--Mr. W. Fa,nson ha e added to his Harness Shop a large and really well selected stock of boots a. faancdtusirle°.es'll74117s ael.:317gia'figle.sdt clthaesssemrvailol os of Mr, T. Allen to attend the wants of the publie On the boot and shoe line. It is scarcely necessary to eoniment up- on the harness turned out byMr. F. as various prizes that have been My:laded bine speak latiops galore. A New ORDER OF Mmes.—Naviga- tion has now closed on the lakes, and we aro 'at a loss toknow hew and where the village lots in Kincardine intend sailing. On glancing over the local column of the Kincardine Reveille we noticed that by looking at its advertis- ing pages something of interest might be seen. We like to be interested as well as anyone else, end so ye acted upon the suggestion. Our optie gezed up, it gazed down, it gazed up, and then, gazed down again. We learned something which geologists might envy us. 'Under the very unpropitious head- ing (at this time of year), "For Sail," we saw it meant several town lots; "apply to the undersigned," &is. If friend.° Cliffe gives dead -head tickets would he mind chalking our name down as one of the passengers, and oblige, etc.? Muencaren.—There appears to be but little stir in th.e different municipali- ties with regard, to the forthcoming mu- nicipal elections. La our own village dame rumor has mounted her winged horse, and speaks strange thing's. In Stephen, it is not altogether. imProba- ble that last year's,ga,me will be refeat- ed, and Greek meet Greek in the con- test. So far, the Consertegves. have heldethemselves aloof from any party cry, but we learn that the Reforna ranks aro being reviewed, and their best men will be brought to the. front. Mr. Greenway will resume his seat as Reeve without eposition. His services in the County Council are too well ap- preciated to ha,vethem thrust ruthlessly aside. Mr. Fulton will be opposed by Mr. Parsons, as Deputy-Reeae, but will have all his old friends and -many new ones to support him. ME. Parsons however, is a strong opponent,' and a man not to be frowned at. Mr. • Mol - lard, were he in it position to:run, would retain his seat. The ether councillors will go in without much op- position. In Usborne, Mr. Bishop teal continue in office. There tsno one spoken ofas yet to . take Mr. Willis' place as deputy. He vacates his office this year, after seasons of toil, and giv- ing many advantages to the township. The councillors will likely reniain as they now are. There may be some change in this respect before nomina- tion day. Hay and Bidclulph will re- main almost as they now are. THE HORSE MARKET.—During the pa week business has been brisk in th line. We knoW °fa dealing dr dealing which took place during the last fe days that verifies .our statement. One upon a time—probehly during Adam' childhood ---the nice little sum of $30 was • paid. for a beauty in horselieth For several years did this equine per form Ids master's duty, obey his oxer word, and in every way show himself c horse worth the money. Time passe on, and the horse, ss a matterof course -became the worse for wear, when spec ulatiMe became rampant, which a few days ago ripened. The neW venerable but no longeruseful—except for spec.— quadruped enters the market. Stand - Ma outside the bar -room &bee, patient- ly awaiting his price, and trying to put his teeth through a rotten board, the animal is the recipient of inany eulogies. "1 say, Ned, what'll 'yon advance on the colt ?" says our Bonner. "Two drinks 1" says the speculative landlord. It was accepted. Seventeen men and four boys and a -half succeeded in get- ting the least to the stable's. Hay costs money; but nevertheless our ex - Beelzebub Wits SO delighted at the pros- pect of a cheap horse that he allowed himself to be victimized to the extent of a quertme "Put a beggar on horse- back, and hell ride to the de—;" well, we won't mention names, but in this case if the devil had gotten on horse- back he would have ridden to beggary. We looked forward in pleasant antici- pation of jaunts through the countiy by moonlight, and frequent pleasure trips. But ales! Vain hope! Mazeppa, was found a couple of morninge ago, in the pou—; We sha'n't say where. Anyway, the " animile"' was disposed of by the printer for two nails, and at last foetid on the roadside ---dead as a macketel, Boit eheval, he said, fieluieeedt'in pae,e, st is 0 cOir.ferr 11V.116. The County Council meet Oh Tuesday reekt: ' ' • 'Cioderieh is to, heve a Curling so says the ' ,Abe examinatiOn of candidates for seceeid - class certificates' will take place itt Goderibli on the loth of. December, Tete exteninati011 tor third elites certifi- will take place iri GOdeeich on the 26th .of Dec.prieher. 116ii1:1:1;t1siadsntehtailt:tgurnr. I:lxesimearos.--The quarterly exult- netion Of 8. p. No, 7, Ushorne, will be held tonnorrow (Friday), the 2elth inst. The programme eeneists of reeitations, etee, by the children, and general exam - elation on the different subjects taught in the school, The presence of parents and friends is anxiously looked for. ASSISTANT TEACIIER.—MISS S. 0114•30 has been engaged as assistant teacher for S. S, No. 7, owing te the large at- tendance at the school, Socurs—A fruit soil will be held in the Wesleyan Methodist elated*, Elim- ville, on Wednesday evening, 'Dee. ard, commencing at 0 o'clock. The literary part a the entertainment will consist of readings, addresses, music, &c. A fine time may bo expected. EXETER'S BUSINESS 1. HER MERCANTILE at, MANUFAC- TIMMS INTERESTS! THEIR PROSPECTS, ETC E. DREW'S CABINET WARE ROOMS.• This largo establishment which really is a credit to our town, from its zone - medal importance, is situated on the west side of Main street, to the rear of Mace's Grocery Store. We unliesi. eetingly Aver that but few villages of the size of Exeter can boast of so many really first-class cabinet ware -rooms. Mr.. Drew was rather reluctant in giv— ing us infornartion, as he expressed himself not wholly satisfied with the crude state into which the selling of his show -rooms had thrown him. So, thus far, Mr, Drew must be excused. It had been this gentleman's intentions owing to in—health to dispose of his factory but being -unable to do this with antis- fedi= to himself, he decided to con- tinue in the business, although having disposed of his show -rooms. Every article which he has for sale has been made on the premises, with the except- ion of cane -seated chairs, which it pays better to purchase in another market. We were shown a quantity of settees, which were being made for the Free Masons, of Parkhill and Odd Fellows of the same place, also some chairs, which to say the least, were really magni— ficent. We were not astonished to know that the carving, ,teimming etc., were done here, where we saw in every department the number of machines which were in motion. We have no doubt these chairs will prove an excel lent advertising medium. Besides the cabinet making, Mr. Drew carries on the business of builder in all its branch- es. He has finished several buildings the past summer. The number of men employed varies from nine to fifteen. He is now busily engaged in getting a larger engine to replace his srualler one which is not sufficient to drive the new machinery he propoies putting up in the Oring. ,The front street will as— sume a different- aspect: We would not be at all surprised if the Hon. Louis Riel. the member for Provendier, is the rock upon which the Blake -Mackenzie Administration is to splitOur readers will doubtless recollect the (lobe's blood -thirsty yearnings for the Capture d Biel. Its judgement pronounced in no dubious stram that he should be taken rigot away and hanged fst the murder of Scott. In fact there was no one so ferocious in its fury as the Glebe. But bleats its heart t thee, was when the Globe was only the organ of • the opposition. Now it is the mouthpiece of the Grits Rouge Government tuid noel avons toui peto, Howane.—On Saturday last, Mrs. Wxn. How- ard, Exeter, of a son. •' • PIERCE. -011 Thursday last, the wife of Mr. Pierce, Rodgerville, of a sou. .1i1.111.KETS. ' EXETER, (Corrected by Spackman & Back.) ' $ 1 10 g 115 Spring Wheat 1 10 1 15 -Flour, per barrel 5 40 g 5 50 Oats 33( as Peas,. ,. , 80 55 90 Barley 90 g 1 10 „. CO. @ 05 Potatoes 50 0 60 Hay 17 00 g 17 00 Vatter, keg 18 g 20 " in roll .. 20' 22 Eggs . 00811 17 Laid 10 " 12 Bides 6 60 g 55)) Shoop Skins 1055 75 Lamb Skins 75 g 90 Calf Skins......„ ... , . .,,,. ... . ... ....,„.. 08 g 10 Wood • 2 00 g 300 6055 75 60 .„ 65 00 „, 100 Pork 1100 800 Turkeys, from 6 to 7 cents per lb ; Gem, 5 cent§ per lb ; Chickens, from 20 to 500per pair, • Straw per load, 83 00 to 84 00. White Wheat, new Apples, nor bag Bran Shortd LONIMN. (Fro)a yesterany'S Free Press.) White Wheat, noW .. . . . ... .„. .. .. „..„....:.,81 15 0 1 20 .... . . . ..... . . 1 10 " 1 14 Rod Fall Wheat, eld . . . . ...... 1 co " I 15 1 08 " 1 13 Spring, old ..... .. : .. . .. ........ 1 15 ' 1 20 flarloy,. .. . . .... . . 00 "'l 10 Peas . . .. . „,....,...„..„, .... 50 " SI Oats, now 36 "old., : 40 0 40 Diggs, froth, per &Ms., .... . 22 " 28 Rutter. . . .... .... .... .,18 " 20 . . . .. . . 00 8 ' oo 6 stAimiumil Poi . ... „.,..„.„,.„" 111 Spring VJhct,, 1 GO " 1 07 Barley 00 1 05 ,Iletterallo. .... 18 31 .. , ... ........ 00 6 " 00)1 Weed ..... ... 3 30 %"' it 15 ST. NtAltY'Srsn . Wheat.„..„, . , .. .„„.„0 114 " 1 16 Riving Wheat .. 1 13 1- " 94 56 better . . 31 v" 33 iteee '4. STRAYED. CATarE. OA 4.4 m reeeteee. 10t 1,7,. G2S. 4, ts yeerkles . Ile /,11i1 Oteor, ene 01/ ,,,it, A ,001.91 4 iilsrOY /leifer, in441 vii is rue tiv;.ovti, p.r...o..,tY. PeY exp,007D4 .1;1:03,1torrt;r4 $11i114STB.:L ' ' Hi'1411 16t44,4 8.0Zt,°13,1Firi .fi1wtieleasitluil"tewIlearno,klikt!'r `,.1.1",lbt,9.Q10t-ivItilPIrt' oc itt,1).10:4:110470, :0;ot, onl lu.00:24, as41,0:4),:ibilevy:olii:itrioomvimxtini4e4, 4,s6r,,,Qiivi; .., ri fali,oy IN0 5, an • , 9410. ST1lAY,sse-3TRAYED' INTO 1 Ii Premises of. the subscriber, lot Et, con, 3, berne, en or Itlieut the let of Oetober, se. yourlih' heifer. The owner can have her by proving 'prop- orty, paying expense?, and taking her away. 13-8n RALPH REDDY el STRAY. STRAYED INTO THE, • premises of the subsoriber, on or about the 03r8 Oetobor, year,old steer and a two-year old heifer. The owner, by proving ,property, paying expenses, and taking them away, dm have Lem. CHARLES MORRIS,. Lot 22, 4t14 OWL fitephOR, 13-80. Tel eTRA,Y.—STRAYED INTO THE premises of tho subscriber, on or abut the lasut oefa:Seeltiosebao.r, tWo one-year old steers. The own - or can have them by Proving Property, and paying • WILLIAM THOMAS. Lot 17, eon. 4, Stephen. , 13-30. -1-47 STRAY—STRAYED INTO THE premises of the tilbscribor, lot 33, con. 4. VII. -1)0p10, 04 or about' the lst of November, two hei- fers, two years old past. The owner eau have the same by proving propertrand paying expenses. 18-3t. ROW: MO.. RI S ON neso.o..151troosalst.MMOMINOMIemilier:MmemilM.1•11ft f MISC'LLANEOUS. QTOLEN.—$5 REWARD. THE above reward will be given to any person or persons -who will give such information as will lead to tho oonvietion of thuperson who stole a W1t1'CII from my house on or about the 27th Sept. last. The Watch is n huntnte...ease,tem.opetting-sentrrg 6 brOkOn, AttWethOd tO the Watch waii efithick yellow chain and it goldkay, With ivory end. 13ROWNLEE, Exeter North, Oet. 15, 1873. rIENTRALHOTEL, L UCAN, ROBT. MoLEAl...T, proprietor. A 'bus runs in con- nexion with this hotel to and from all tr sins, The choicest liquors and cigars kept constan ly at the bar; also sample rooms for Com erei 1 Travel- lers. Good stabling and attentive h • . 14-1y. poYAL HOTEL, LUCAN . W. CA,RROL, proprietor, The bes tion paid to the travelling public.sTirst.c. as tors and cigars at the bar, Good stabling a at ent- ive bottlers. Charges moderate. 14-1y. APLE LEAF HOTEL, LIMER- _lie- ICE. This hotel has been lately built and furnished by the subscriber and affords every mo- dern comfort for the traveling and farming public. First-class liquors at the bar. An attentive hoot - ler and good stabling. Id. NEVILLE, Proprietor. agon arid Carriage Making, Blackmail- ing, dm., in connexion. 'First-class work at moder- ate prices. Call early and often. 14-ly RAM FOR SERVICE. '2.8. Ifartyn informs sheep breeders that his celebrated Cotswold Item will be for service on his farm, lot 20, von. 11, Stephen, six and a quarter mileswest oi Exeter, during the season. This rain has taken First Prizes at Exeter, Seaforth, Zurich. Answering, Provincial (when a ram) and Western (when u yearling), arid several others. Price ,S26 To be paid before leaving premes. isT. 33. MAR- TYN. Sarepta P.O. 10-4t. NOTICE. Noticeis hereby given, that after the expir- ation of twenty days from the first publication of tLis notice;'1, William Down, of the Town- ship of Stephen, in the County of Huron, and Province of °uteri°, Partner, will apply to the Judge of the Surrogate Court of the County of Huron aforeseid to be appointed guardian of Mercy Ann Down, Emily Down, William Bich. ard Down, Wesley Dowo, Fiederick Edward. Down, and Mary Elizabeth Down, the infant children of Grace Down deceased and me the said William Down. WILLIAM DO Stephen, Nov. 12, 1878. INSOLVENT ACT OF 1'4., 'IN THE MATTER OF JOIN (RANDY and 'Wnei DY, of the Village The ,Insolvonts have made a • their Letzde to me, and sne oreoi.01. to nidat':Grtlie lettere t cynt business in the azticl 'Village of Zuric ty of Huron, on Tues.day, the Ninth ber, 1873, et the hour of Three o'cloek • ne noon, to receive otatements of their ufiairs, and ap- point an Assignee. Dated at Goderieh this Leth I day of November, 1873. f DIXL7., WATSON, Interim Assignee. THE E., H., & B. R. mte-; - 11/333331161130 itas12114(ida - .44,er:en THE subscriber begs to thank the pee of Ex- eter and surroundin„,” country for tho v liberal patronage bestowed upon him in the pas and now after enlarging his premises is prepared do work. which cannot be surpassed either in or dsido of cities. Particular attention paid to along. and fitting of COLLARS/ H A RNESS HEAVY AND LIGHT, BLACK AND SILVER) 11101TITTED, In the most stylish and fashionable mariner pOS- sibfe:.' Repairing receives every'attention, The ROCKWELL BIT AND OVER -CHECK on hand. He would letiniate to his,reany friends that he has looked to theirlhealth and interestal Boots 'and. Shoes, and has just received a large and varied Stock for Gents' Ladies' Misses' atm Youths Wear. Thi4 brooch will be found replete in every partioula,, and tho stock will be sold itt it slight advance (I I Cott. The SerViCOR of MIs. THOS, ALLE'N, Thames Road, have been engaged to take ehargo of thi4 department and it now prepared to receive ell el, ders for work in thither). Satisfaction guaranteed and work performed with prom ptnees. 14.3m. W. FANSON. NOW RE AD Y AT THE EX CARRIAGE A lam CUT' 13oth 1D OW /$ dAASE while t Cutters a .mdo te ,?itster st