HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1873-11-20, Page 3preofe att Otntoe thrilled with joy ? o My grave suspiciella t Yea have at home --that boy. e \awl tables hammered ? Ave your -nerves and inkul;set? lavetwo eyes, so bright and roguish, Made you every care forget Ilaveyour garden -seeds A prowler lArkto delights .tiut to destroy? These aro well-known indications That you have at home—tlxat by. }Tao you seen hina pinying circus, With his lr'ead upon the mat el his heels in mid-air twinkling— 'or his audience, the eat? Do you ever stop to listen, When his merry pranks =ley— Listen, TO a voice that whispera, You were onee just like—that boy? avo you heard of broken windows, with nobody to blame? ou seen atrousered urchin, to u conscious of the same? 'xture ,/daughters, got—that by. .11fUJIII0 A. man, rim is eulogized as an "ener. die citizen," was run over by a funeral a Providence, R. I., last week. The sporting season is here, and esrs are reported plentiful by young wlio ought to know. hat is the difference between Use a girl? One harms the other chums the he's. reason why a little man terry a bouncing widow ilea the widow's might. itning went through ispatch office on the er Alla ar eked the " devil" clown liar. s. Sarah Newcomb, of Illinois, re - y ruined a handsome bed -post by ng out the brains of her husbands etive bachelor in Main claims to nared and two pears old; but own bed," according to he must lie." without adver- pretty22airl es. You but no - e alevus are in no a temper - announced by 'aware. That awing a thunder ugh, but why they mg is a problem. • an married a Philade.1- and lived with her four e she found. out that he was , and she might never have heal she not hit him on +1 the coffee pot. ucle- bp lightning is ay •ry, harp o," said ecause blasted he ostmaster-general of Madras, ilia, \has a very mean estimation of nguistic talent. He advertises for a Ark who can read, write and speak English, Etirillostan, Arabic, Bohra 3azerati and Mahratti, and alI for four ,een dollars a month. But the para raph showsthat, if heiis mean, he ha earned one good tl-einge "how to ae'.vera --,e . ,-• A. rural 'Clergymen, who is fond of ify vorktuf7 in the gaiden and when so 00- uPiee- lresses in a very eagged manner ats cently engaged attending 'the Irly tato field, when he was surpri- y the very rapid apprea0,4 et rien "ei an open carriage, 'with some adios whima he was to mett at dinner n the afternoon: Unable to escape hi irae, he drew his hat flown over his 'ace extending his arrns covered. with iis '' tatered jacket, and passed himself )11 as a, seare-eroW • A lot of minstrels went to a town not ar aava,y and advertised to give a rfornaancd. for "the beaefit of the r, ti4Ots reduced to ten cents." was cramed full. The next nArtig a committee for the poor call - d, atpon the treasurer of the eoncern or the amount said.benefit had netted.. he treasurer expressed astonishment demand, "1 thought," gaid the f the c ommittee, " you ad - concert for am benefit of eplielt the treasurer :— e tickets down to ten r could all come ?" d. ay safely claim rinters' errors. ,Atehbishop of tnioxi before t,he British As - the following ,aeassage occur - hie is nothing ascertainable you call ' spiritual things ?' 1. telegraphs, which best inter - go, tells you the best you in that line of thought :-- ha, with rny weight of cares, orld's groat altarAtairs, gh darknes up to God,'" ote. xt day the 7Vmes corrected tlog.+.41 _ telegrphs . ureate. e orgmahty has at last foua its to the obituary cohartne of the Childs—the Philadelphia 6 his little trousers, y ^ o gohiOn that verie without iria ettfely be eallea Aap6, The picturee eing golden stait is very bead nee the reflec. Biuio» daughter, whose do- nestio nature is opal to her •naturea wae invited by an Advent exa horter to join his eeet, get her white rObe readyand prtpare to ascend, "1 "the maiden replied; ' father and mother are going up and sonaeboby must stay to see to the cattle. "toee your arn pain you ?" asked a lady of a gentleman -who', in a mixed aesendoly, had thrown his arm =Lass the back of her chair and tuetehed her neck. "1'o, Miss, it don't; but why do you ask ?" A noticed that it was out of Plum, Uir, that's all. The arm Was P01110Yea.. uneo' chid of Nature' writes feel- ingly anent a popular topic : 1 could stenbein' called a liar and a thief," says he, or even to be told that the Old man kept a hoop -skirt factory, but when one of them loafin' goslins come aroma' me a-sayig' as I hail suthin' to do with that 'ere Betsy nor 1 is Out,' jest riz onto my hind legs and combed him down." A coloredldebating society in Trenton cCenneesee, has just debated the ques- tion, " Which is the most profit to man —money or education ?" One of the debaters argued that if it had net been for education the world would not be half so large as it is. This clincher was met, however, by the argument that "If it wasn't for money, how conla• you gain° to ride on de kyars ?" It was at (MCC decided in favor of money. A man having a bill against a distant merchant, sent a letter of enquiry to a banker of that locality. The reply was, He is dead; but he pays now just as well as he ever did," A. 'Kentucky legislator sent up the following memorandum to the clerk: " Leeve is to be given to bring in .A. ]3i11 to alter the time for the Legislatur to meat. Referred to the comity on Re- ligen." Baby's Inrst Tooth. The Danbury News man details the following pleasant domestic event "Mr. and Mrs. Harbison hali just finished their breakfast. Mr. Harbison had pushed back and was looking over the lounae for his boots. Mrs. Harbi- son sat at the table holding the infant Harbison, and mechanically working her forefinger in its month. Suddenly she paused in the motion, threw the astonished. child on its back, turned as white as a sheet pried open its mouth, and immediately cried Eplirairn I' Mr. Harbison, who was on his knees with his head under the lounge, at once came forth, rapping his head on the side of the lounge as he did so, and, getting on his feet, inquired what was the matter. 0 Ephriam,' said she, the tears rolling clown her cheeks ane the smiler coursing up. Why what is it, Armeithea ?' said the aston- ished Mr. Harbison, smartly rubbing his head whare it had come in contact with the lounge. Baby—' she gasp- ed. Mr. JIarbison turned pale, and conune ed to sweat. 'Baby has—. 0, 0, ' , Ephriam ! Baby has—baby has got a tooth!' 'No!' screamed Mr. arbison, spreading his legs apart, drooping his chin, and staring at the struggling hell: with all his might. tell you it is,' persisted Mrs. Harbison, with a slight evidence of hysteria. '0, 0, it can't be,' protested Mr. Harbison, prppairing to swear if it tvasn't. 'Come here, and see for yourself,' said Mrs. Harbison. 'Open it's ittle mousy wousy for its own muzzer. That's a toady woody; that's a blessed. 'idle o'sugar.' Thus conjured, the eir• opened its mouth sufficiently for author of its being to thrust in his er, and, that gentleman having con- icad himself by the most indubitable deuce that a tooth was there, immedi- -icked his hat across the room, s t in the lounge, and de - with much feeling did vehem- that he could lick the ihdividual would dare to intimate that he was ,happiest man on the face of the fl e. a cl en wh not ti eart hat 'Know about Panning. BY A PRINTER. Now tRE Pater is here, it wouldper- haps be as,well to discontinue haying, and turn yOnr attention to getting in your fall saw logs. No farmer can con- sider fall...4°p complete until he has his cellar supplied -with saw -logs. Seated around the blazing hearth of a winter's night, there is no fruit more delicious. A correspondent asks us, what we think of latee'plowin? Plowing should not be continued later than 10 or 11 o'clock at night. It gets the horses in thehabit of staying out late, and unduly exposes the plow. we have known plows to acquire string -halt and infiama- tory rheumatism from late plowing.— Don't' do it. To another correspondent who wants us to suggest a good drain upon a farm, we would say, a heavy mortgage at ten per cent, will drainit about as rapidly as anything we know of. When you make cider select nothing but the soundest turnips, chopqing them into sled lengths before cradling them. In boiling your cider use plenty of ice, and when boiled, hang up in,the sun to dry. A pick-ake shoullt never be used in picking apples, It has a tendency to hrcak down the vines and damage the hive. In sowing your winter apple jaik, a horse will be found preferable to a step- ladder; step-Iadders are liable to freeze up, and are hardly pahitable unless boil- ed with sugar, ' .In cutting down hemlock trees for canning select the largest. Don't throw away the chips, as they make fine parlor oreaments, encased, in rustic; frames.— Add a little salt and vinegar. , The present cola weather slould sag - t ,- iot water A, geet to the Inman° farmer the meessity for a good COW Shed. The Po m) ing ilia good receipt for making a co v shed:-- Pour a pail full oboilin on her back, end. If {Ira make a ood cow 1 ed 1 . 1 • g s 1,e no prophet to anyboay Ow is tho fl1snthdown tor hay: don't Ohemanaiess, courageawl great acteeity et inteheet are eneoudered'hy Follows' Componnd Syrup of Itypoahospaitee, teed its eapeek of rennutlog power of eeduranee 0 the erain uorvouj system is shown in its property oe eus, toiuu personthrough mental aigloulties, About four e'elock on Suoday morning a eollisioll ()conned 'between the express and a freight train on the Buffalo and Lake Huron branch ofthe Grand Trunk railway near Brantford. One man was killed and a couple seriously injured. The passengers escaped, but two bagage ears were burned andboth engines were destroyed. In court of Oyer and Terminer Judge Davis sentenced Jas. D. Centro, eighth juror in the Stokes case to 80 days im- prisonment and a fine of $25 for eon - tempt of Court in talking too freely of the case while the trial was in progress. J. ROS'S PLANING MILLS 3, ROSS, Builder, Manufacturer, and dealer in all kids Of BUILDING MATERIAL sucei, as SASH, Doors, Blinds, MOULDINGS, etc., DRESSED AND UNDRESSED. Re has also on hand a irrst-olass lot of Flooring, Siding CASING, Scroll -Work, etc. Which they furnish to order. FAUN:123ER Dressed and 'Undressed, constantly on hand. Lath & Shingles Always an hand: Special attention paid to PLANS & SPECIFICATIONS. Thoroughly understanding his lousiness, keep- ing none but experienced workmen, and using only first-class material, he feels confident of giving entire satisfaction to all who may favor him with their patronage. ACall solicited. Exeter, Nov. 12, 1873. EXETER STEAM Flouring and Grist Mil The undersigned. wishes to return sincere thanks to his numereus customers for their very liberal patronage in the past, and also take this oppor- tinity of stating that he is better prepared than ever to turn out THE VERY BEST OF WORK. The mill is in the best of running order, and par- ties can generally rely on getting their grist home with them. FLOUR AND CROPPED -FEED ALWAYS ON RAND. HIGHEST MARKET PRICE PAID IN CASH FOR WHEAT. M. MLENNAN. pRIVATE BILLS. Parties Intending to Make Application to Parliament. For Private tills, either for granting ekelusive VilogeS, r °drift:wring corpcirate powers for coin- merelal or other Purposes of profit,' or , for doing anything tendingto tatot the rights of property of other partieS, are Ioteby hotifieci that tney aro re, quirecrby the Ituleg of thii two Muses of Parlia- ment (which aro published iti full in the Canada (Matte) to give TWO MONTHS' NOTICE of the application (Clearly and ditainttly specifying its nature and object) ln the, Canada Gazetth te, and ou a,nowSba;p0k pUblished in the Connty,or 'Union Of Cenqicaltffeeted, sending copies of the papers 0,ontnin no the, first and leg of Such notices to the Private' Bill' Olt Co of eachlinse. Ail Petitions for Private Bills must be presented within the first tlipeo vec74 of the Session. HOBERT TAMOII411, . Clerk Of the Sens,to ALPHED PA.TItICIC; ' Clerk of the' nense Of °Mimic . n ROOIONIAL ho OentniiSsionerati, canted to 6 reblenita HaitiVer,V Id" trod 110 4 'L T<- MARRIN BROS., PARKHILL, 0 NT,P. .13.00KSELLER. A Stock of Family 13ibles Pocket Bibles, We'S and Bible Christian Hymn Bo Psalm Books for the rise of Pre. - byterians, Church of England Pro.,yer Books, Miscellaneous Literati re of a non -demoralizing nature and a general assortment • OF SCHOOL BOOKS &STATIONERY always on hand W, GliderG. yan St OCTOBER 23 1873. iUST OPENEiD EX -STEAMSHIP POLYNESIAN, AND DIRECT FROM THE MILLS IT DEWSBURY, IN YORKSHIRE, Two Bales More OF THOSE BEAUTIFUL TWILL - LED _IMITATION CANADIAN BED BLANKETS ONE BALE HORSE BLANKETS Also just opening, ex, sthamship scandanavian, re peatorders, those wonderfully cheap FLANNELS; vicruarcEirs. MALIE S' Skirts & Mantles. G. B. SMITH, pREPARE FOR WINTER PRICES - to SUIT The TIMES John Treble, BOOT & SHOE MAKER MAIN STREET, Having enlarged and refitted his Shop is prepared to receive order a for all doseriptirns of work in his line. A large and varied assortment of Ladies' Gents' and Ohildrons Boots and Shoes of the latest styles and best workmanseip kept constantly on hand.".1,-None laut first-class work turned out of this shop. Please call and OX(1141110 stock and prices. JOHN TREBLE. GO TO THE OLD ESTABLISHED DRUG STORE For the largest and beet assortment of PURE DRUGS, MEDICINE S, DYE S, WINES AND LIQUORS for medicinal use, tuat everything usually kept in a Arst-clasa Drug Store. Special attention paid to filling receipts and prescriptions, and satiSfaction guaranteed. . C. VANDVSEN, H. 13, WINAN, M. D. Chemist & Druggist, rer1-1E1V, D, MeGI.JOCTILON WATCH Is tits best in the market, otNk_,owi,r,rtm,n_"vwtoilipl tikgpiliiiling. air; 1111.14illuiiii1011611111111111111111111; 0111114911i: 1111 1 44_.‘...,,i2j9,-.„Zu 1111111111111 si 1116 triTtit r11 entitai Delteleeleeffieltele 114.10 JOItepglil # I II 4+, 11'cl 0 5 e gPAle.Q rTesi, 5 ea12 c -t - H z A) tog 5 5- 0 g 5 e' r, • a La. ea. .0,7.47e The King of Reed Organs. We do not Wish to aetractfrom the merits of other Organs by upholding ours, but are ever ready to submit them to a fair and impartial test, feeling confident of the result, PRICES FROM $55 TO $1,500. 1..*Testimonia1s from the best musicians in Canada can be soon, MARRIN 13R08„ FAi I imarozoonaraemes N'S GO•I)S ARE Attractive and Good AND WILL BE Sold Cheap for eady Pay ES Wee ARE A SPECIALITY. SEE TI1E111-g JOHN RA.NTON. Exeter, Oct. 0,107a.k-7'.t4e` Begs to return thanks for the patronage bestowed upon him for the past twenty years by the people of Exeter and surrounding country, and is now opening—M ell departments—the , Largest and Most Complete Stock OF GOODS IN THE COUNTY. COMPRISING Dry Coods, Ready -IC -axle Clothing, Mats cr4 Caps, Crooeries, Boots & Shoes, I-lard.ware, Crook.ery, DRUGS, PAINTS, OILS, ETC., ETC., All Of which will be found to be as low as any other reliable house in the country, Remenaber this it the ,Oldest "Established House in ilte County pposite the Post cc. JAMES PICKARD, Exeter, Ont. W ....Mvxmaseamram.yasansemcenewsencsa eimramsna SAMELL & PICKARD Would beg to call attention to their ITW FALL STOOIC. HAVING PURCHASED SOME , VERY GOOD LINES OF GOODS AT A PRICE FAR BELOW THEIr VALUE Are now prepared to offer to the Public BA.HG-A_T.NS Silk Warp, Paisley Shawls, Plan and Fancy 8ITAWLS Checked, Striped & Plain VVinceys Dre 0 -Goods oF BLANK 5 &Co , CB.001(.. will a,leva,ye , Also . GRAND OPEI\s'INOr SA An Immense Stook of Goo OPENING OUT AT THE K5K )1(c) centralia. T. GREENIAT'AY & Co. ARE BOUND T RUSH OFF A LARGE QUANTITY OF GOODS AT ONCE ON ACCOUNT OF BEING- LATE IN OPENING, AND WILL OFFER SPECI L IN IUCEMEN FOR ONE MONTH. THOS. GICEENWA Y Sv CO., Centralia & Crediton, GROCERYE(3jfJTOR STOR THE Selections have been made purely -from: the Upper Canadian Markets and the Goods are of snail quality as must give nudoubted satisfaction. Attention is particular ly ailed to the hole° stock of - Sugars, Teas, Coffees, Ilennessy's and Sazerac Brandy In Wcrott-&-DrAti Scotch and Irish Whiskey, .ARIANG'S Amber Ale & Stout Portelt Old Tom, In Woocland Botti DeKyper's Gin, Booth's Together with a general assortment of all classes of CP Y STIMRSara,C1SARDINES Purchasers are requested to compare prices before going elsewhere, as the goods will be sold at an exceedingly small profit. Liberal inducements offered to Hotel Keepers purchasing in quantity. G .A.. MACE September 17,1878. Main Street, Exeter. SADDLES, HARNESS, TRUNKS, &c. G. EACRETT, EX1TER, Who has carried on the business of Saddler and Harness Maker for the past sixteen years in ye midst, embraces this opportunity of returning his sincere thanks to his muary customers for the ver liberal patronage bestowed upon him. So aft to retain this patronage and that of his nOW CUS'10 1210 he begs to state that he keeps on head and makes to ckder a first-class astortment of HEAVY and LIGHT HARNESS which he will sell as cheap as any other house in the Dominion. He would call special attention his stock of H011sE CLOTHING, just received. Ho also keeps on hand THE ROCKWELL PATENT BIT AND OVER -CHECK. Particular attentiOn paid to the fitting of cellars and the fo.cing of them. rm REPAIRING d with neaboeSs and deSpatch, REMEMB1,11 THE PLACE—shoP, smith of Jas. Pickard's stbre. - GEO. E,A.CRE strarsk vissizermsasaii.sa. fsmotefflammossimmw EXETER NORTH tX-ETER CARRIAG. E rA,CTopx, OARRIA-GE J, Trick, The subse•Aeps take advanlege of this elver, tvnity to mile 1010V/010 tite inba11(1,111H 01EM3tOre and sur-olui Meg country test they aro prepared to furnish the 4109t Stylish Buggies, C.!1ters, thatttin Ito built ottidiths of the cibio, Nene but two lea 1. woritivion are einpleyed, aml es the pre- prietois are therenghly practical, they vl1l beve 6 66V011,181011 over all week dem, Portlaid Swell Boay 11014 tIeay. )t'005 tttbontAon 'yam to • dld 'VIIIIM110101110 11110WI*1111111 1.0106660,'",..walOokiiiial06., eeps constantly on bend manna . to =ler wcomplele sleek 1St: * Carriages, toggles, Cutters, Wagons ala Made 'of firtit-eldlls ship, whillti habiTerSIO Mk at ,r, bads tO$!otorit,strre nes eustoinerS for VA the pastaiXteert yon tiol, Of the As he giVislg44 to pay More part