HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1992-01-08, Page 19dtAtvditakto -�3i11►atee�»�wnAu Rive,
Real, srtttlptaktly4ltatehed, firm 3tiwe,•erne
Raor. Pisa 15, wrestetly,yeerly
tlnreltsn. 'Phone 1+54224437 Thor 7 p.nu
2 'BEDROOM .APP. etove .and bike-
eaPt*ed. Clem so devioteavn. Not nhaAle
for children «pets. Apply to Box 31,
fltt.rer,NOM IS6. 4Jtfn)
EX8TI R - errand floor apartments with
fridge and wove. Call Olen Haven
firronents 2354349.i444n)
duplex • available imatedinsty..•$350 pc;
month plus -utilities. Call Heather Rogers,
Broker lixtate Realty in:. 235-1621. (2c)
Ester. Available itch. 1st. 5450.00 plus
utilities. Phone 235-2965 alter S p.nt. (2tfn )
2 BEDROOM APARTMENT' • in lirtater,
clean, washer, dryer hookup. Paved parking
5485.0X1. per menet Phone 235-1449 or
235-1950. (Sltfn)
2 BEDROOM API available Jan 1
round floor. Laundry facilities, heat
-.eluded, muting Fridge and stove
included. throne 235-0230. (1 Mil
First month free. Phone after b p.m
362-612: (tiro)
apartment is newly renovated, located al 88
Sanders Street West, 1 xctcr. 5370 month
Available -hob. 1. Ask for Kon 235-2689
FARM HOUSE: - 3 bedrooms, located
--between--Vama-and Zurich.- School ius
service to linuefield Public and Clinton
High. boiivaciC1eiild Hayter'263=3trt7
HOUSE - new 3 bedroom house, Hayfield
area, 1 1R baths, laundry room, single car
garage, immediate occupancy 565-507..
evenings. (2:3c)
21 For Rer
THE "OLI) TOWN HALL" auditonum for
rentals, including weddings, meetings,
banquet morn, lectures, exhibitions, films,
etc. Kitchen facilines available Phone
235-0318. (17tfn)
CENTRALII - 3 room apartment
furnished, heated, suitable for single or
student. Available unmedtately Phone
25-50 FARROW TO Wl3ANER or finish
barn. Close to LcntraLa or [:redden. Phone
234.62I3after h p.m. (2c,
In -the Estate of
Late of the Township of Stephen. m the
County of Huron, formerly of the Vil-
lage of Hensall, who died on or about
the lst day of October, 1991. C;editors
and others having ,claims _against the
above estate are required to file full
particulars of such claims with the un-
dersigned on or before the 31st day of
January, 1992, after which date the as
sets of the estate will be distributed
having regard only to the claims. then
-71 Main Street N.
Exeter, Onteno
Solicitors for tare Executn).
' Learn the Computer. Accounting a�
Business Skills that -will make you a
combative parltgpant in today s office
•Learn Word Pdrfect end Lotus t-?
.Free - at Sealorth Chaim, High Schou
•Jan to Aug Daytam Classroom instruc-
tion and full semester co-op assrgnmen'
•II you don 1 nave your diploma this will
allow you to work toward your Grade 12
Program Starts Jan. 13
For more tntormatton or 10 register
Halt firestorm District High School
Bea Dawson Bob Allan
Chairperson Director
Intros h11ic lint tris
' leftiEtt Op titt'luld
from the art:hives of
the• T11nes-Advocate
10 Years Ago
January 6 1982 An early Sunday morning fire de-
stroyed the Green Forest Motel in Grand Bend causing
damage -of $350,000.
.1 tgpite Guenther of 1`)a1ttiwood roitected $25,000 in a
May111041991 W'intario lottery draw.'He rfnly checked his
tutee a year.
1►wnship cnuneil.decided to,C with yearly'
collibierts instead of qtrarterly instatriltifitS.
,fib Down of RR 1, Hensall•was named president of the
tittllted Co -Operatives of Ontario.
. rhigelhurst United Church built in 1897 And destroyed
by fire on February 4, 1981 has officially passed into histo
ry. Members are joining Bonsai- 1lnited ("hureti.
25 tears Ago . .
January 5, 1967 - In 1966, Huron County dropped its
Emergency Moosures Organization and Exeter council .
itatts431.1911141thiftielIDIIS board over an addition at the
im4.0libtater minor *melte tourna-
lt. don, •i`h i i i , t.,. {arty. our
• `, ,x ` 'flrne Haggh win lite best.
bell W
oral meeting Exeter cntmeil,
t crrneernsof thaf municipal
gat!'Ra`# k't8 t 1t d<wo td soond1 a p they'
dit'f, pisa�gt>tl gAingiiiiratingiirthetrvi i'Re b tither
tett vtemiit n t.
41411011014441'1-,Ati;e44440i140041.0041#9019# icemaking at thc�t>Eta ,i ,.:I.
{L■�r.b �(��++ r � r r a
an�v. V•�I•1" ffft r
' elta�ri .1"111tidied-Ice �mr t rtt rr %l#3tr
t 'd4
SRb7ke'a �R �Yl1� i<F t )- it II,: 1 1Y ,
) y.,\•ii,,„:„,,,:„.:::„.„.,+,„.„:„,
4�mary ,` $S .....v a 1per took place at
d fdas• Ft Tien d. 'flier( were
�gtleiso 4
sStral�ttf`: l'arkhir,l, (.landetwye'and
Ontheinarkett ie8lt�i0 to t tends alt .� t
Applying for GST refunds
-REGINA :The -Goods and Ser-
vices Tax (GST) has placed an add- .
cd accounting function on farm
managers because they must ac-
count for the GST when doing their
"invoices that are either all per -
Huron County
ork Producers Association
Thursday, January 23
11 arm
Clinton Legion Hall.
95 Kirk St. Clinton
Meal Tickets $8.'
Available from
local directors.
Specializing in Posters up to 30" in wider
Exeter Times -Advocate
Exeter 235-1331
j. Henan" Livestock LW.
Order buyer for fats. le s and stockers
Stockers and Western cattle anis daily. Sorting oa ttie for
Tal#arotvilie L vesiock Eunihafies 14d. on &Ways
Flostwuwnt n fdaly 7 an. - 3 pen. •
For more information contact: '
awry MN .r, OmmoriAlemeer
Office 262.2831, Exeter 235-2717,
Kirton 229.6205, Truck 1.8814956
#+erma11 Cattle Co.
d'ankinetaYets WINS, rll♦r�nt ,ittt r
alitstokitrat and�y
reentiotaftioelithi•----- - •'rlll�bltr
sonaLor all business are not a prob-
lem to record, but there are some
expenses which only -a portion of
the GST can be used.as a farm ex-
pense," • says Martin Ferguson, a
farm management specialist with
Saskatchewan Agpculture and
In the case of car, house, power
or telephone expenses, you may
only claim the business portion of
the GST as a business expense.
Only tttc business portion of the
GST paid is refundable.
For example, an invoice for car
gas of S107 with S7 GST included
is only entitled to a partial refund if
the car is used for both business
and persohal reasons.
Assuming two-thirds of .this in-
voice was- a business ,expense,
$4.67 GST is eligible for a GST re-
bate for which producers apply on a
quarterly -basis during the year. As
well, $4.67 GST and S66.67 gas
can be claimed as an expense for
income tax purposes.
GST refunds, however, also are
shown as income received for in-
come tax purposes.
"If you have incorrectly complet-
ed your GST tax return, you may
adjust your December request to
compensate for any errors made
during-thc err,"=asys uti.
Two calculations are used to de-
termine GST for invoices that do
not have OST itemized. There are:
1. Invoices with GST only: GST
(invoice total) x (7/107)
2. Invoices with OST & E"&Fl
lax: GST = (invoice total) x (14/
114) divided by 2.
For assistance' with your OST
claim, call the OST information
line at 1.900.6674886.
Farm Safety
CW N - in .assouattun with
their e, "Junior Farmers Care
for Yoo .in -191 '92", the Huron
Couvgqy ,Junior Farmers will be 4is-
tribdting Facr',$afcty Kira free of
L charge:to local farms and business-
es. This project is being undertaken
in cooperation with ,lite Farm &
Hoene .Safety Association .and the
help of the Mario Ministry of Ag-
riculture and .Fopt1.
Thc•Kiits coalman Signs,aed.deaals
irmdiaalmng :
a0io -Minta", `sK erg:
Wiaaly COMM" , "bio Salakiwg" -etc.
Plus lather -t •ty isLQnnalien. The
kiisare,atta ilalimlaAhs
of the l,i issn Comity,
ars :or- t._
1n -
Saintsbu r
by H. Davis
SAINTSRURY The service oI
Morning Prayer was held on tiun
day, January 5 at 8:' O a.m.
Rev. Finery reading tate lessons
and his message was "The Word
Ind the Wisdom of Geri made
Sunday, January 12 the Holy
COmINItnion service will be held at
St. ANtileks'at 11:(X) a.ni., the read
legs will be Isaiah 61:1-4, Acts
• •8:14-17, Responsive -reading Psalnt
- -29,-41ve•HOty-Ooepel-Leke 3:1 s-1
21-22, Margaret Carroll to be lay
Bible study will begin January 16
at 2:00 pill. at the rectory and 8
p.m. tide/Arad. There will be a vid-
eo presentadon and scripture -study
"Jean Vanier in conversation", Im-
-agesof Love - Words of Hoc.
'SLIP -spiel's -Vestry meeting wT11
be held Tuesday evening January
. 28 at 7:30 p.m. at Hugh and Hazel
Davis's. Everyone is urged to at-
Bob and Heather MacGillivray
and family visited with Jack and
=S tcvieldaeGillivray sT Lions -HBO
on New Years.
Mary Davis was New Years din-
ner guest. with Hugh and Hazel Da-
vis. Hazel Davis visited Ross and
Audrey McFalls on Thursday. Ross
was celebrating a birthday.
Sorry to hear Ryan Carroll has
broken his wrist. We all wish him a
speedy recovery.
Happy birthday wishes go out'to
Eileen Carroll, a resident of the Vil-
la in Exeter from all her friends at
St. Patricks.
Golden Glimpses
Blue Water Rest Home
"ZURICH . - Residents are able to
resume their daily walks around the
driveways, since the January thaw
has removed the ice and snow
which: gives them the opportunity
togdt their daily quota of fresh air.
January is always a quiet month
after all the holiday activities and
-many organizations and groups pro-
vided Christmas cheer by way of
music, treats and visits to,the resi-
dents. However, residents would
welcome visitors, programs, etc.
during she month of January to bol-
ster up the winter morale,
New residents. to Bluc -Water are
Alma Prance, formerly of Grand
Bernd; also Mary Martin, a former
Zurich resident.
Residents who were able to enjoy
spending New Year's with their,
families were: Madeline Harburn,;
-Theresa Dudiaarme, Marcella Die-
trich, Ellen McGonigal, Pearl
Hooper and Frances Dunn:
The Thursday afternoon chapel
,service was conducted by Pier
Steckle of the Blake Conservative
The sympathy of residents and
staff is extended to the families of
the late Raymond Denommc and
Lucinda Keller.
Youth for
Christ Rally
enjoys talent
BRUCF..FIELD - The Youth for
Christ Rally was held on January 4
at Huron Cedbiinial school.
Director Ron Westlake welcomed
everyone after which everyone
joined in singing choruses led by
Dan Bison and Jim Ramer on their
guitars and Jason Feb on the piano.
The gym was way well filled .with
a good crowd to enjoy "Talent
An excitjag quiz.was again expe-
rienced with -youth Asking -.part on •
answering questions Iron Romans
12. These teams ,are : faun Zurich,
Goderich mid Auburn:
The first poop of young people
w spare lhoir )lent was, The Red
Sea Czusaing from Zurich, after
which Crystal Fedietsapn • jyav9yred
us with a actio "My Estlisr's Eyes."
They then nojoyed a duet by the
Cassel twins Amy ,pfd . Sherry,
called "(,Aire iln Any e."
The lased imp ,,ate 'Wow and
Sour led by gayjniaemars (youths
from the, Smaler Rgntecotaal
Am ). Atiargabia limo"Fa e
nolo, aplt .a� the yawing
Was boa/Nakao.
Thc lull+lgb's .Mites s" lawn
GoditiobF+M>j 1Q tGlic Dsl-,11awali ash
bal tihert Amigo. 4 woke
Lod +a
.w. At1Mwi►s,$or ,
Colossi bellies.eaditrialis.wefc
it.vi'cf to all who stayed for fellpw-
--4ahntil>rG tn. .
IN11be41141,abbete, 4194atity11,1902
Worth a stamp?
AIWa Struyke of Exeter holds a cheque she received
from the Govemment of Canada for three cents.
Struyke received no explanation for the payment espe-
cially since she does not qualify for old age security
from whom the cheque was sent. Struyke wonders if a
three cent cheque is worth a 40 cent stamp and the
resume wily
help yon
get the job
you are
looking for!
A resume detailing an applicants work history and education is
extremely helpful to an -employer who is seeking a person for a
specific Job vacancy Your personal resume should accompany
your whiten letter lit application
Here are some guidelines to hollow In preparing your resume.
• Make it clear, concise and easy to read - and no longer than
two pages.
• The resume should be typed on 8 1/2" by 11" white paper with --
enough white space to prevent a cluttered look
• Start waft your name, address and phone number.
• Next under a sub -heading "Work History" detail the previous
Jobs you've held - in revere date order..- that is, last job first.
• Use a separate paragraph for each position and precede it
with the dates you held that position.
• State the job title, a brief description of the responsibilities -
and the results you achieved.
• The next section of your resume should come under the sub-
heading of "Education". Start with the highest d ree obtained
or 9rade completed, followed by the name of the titution at
which you studied. Follow this with previous educe n attain-
ments. At the tared, list any specific instructional courses you
have attended in conjunction with your work
• Under the sub -heading "Affiliations", kat memberships and/or
offices held in protesesonal br industry associations_
• Under the sub -heading "Personal Interests", list any activities
which you feel will be of interest to the employer - such as vol-
unteer work, etc. -
Your letter of application and your resume will be tfae to ors
that make the envioyerilecide whether to short list you for lin
interview. So mike -Las k1 plosive as you can
- but to the (Acts.
We can help you *it �n •irnyrol�re
arid 100416$19ophipoking mosime
i1 -
424,481n -et.