HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1992-01-08, Page 2Pae Regional 1 wrap up Gas leak closes street ST. MARYS - Fire crews and Union Gas were called out over Christmas in St. Marys to repair a natural gas leak which closed James Street South from Max- -well Sireet4o4lighway 7- for-al— most 12 hours. At 1?.:45 on Christmas' Evc, police }received a report of a strong smell of gas in the arra. • A large leak was located near the -entrance-•of--the -Hayes-Dana Figure skater makes return SEAFORTH - Seaforth native Lloyd Eisler and his pairs part- ner Isabelle Brasseur made a re- turn to the Seaforth Arena last Saturday. The 1991 Canadian Champions have agreed to be- come honourary representatives for the United Way in Huron County. Snowmobi-Ie rally set for Colborne COLBORNE - The Colborne Snowmobile Rally has been set for Saturday, January 19 and will - begin at the Colborne Snowmobile Club clubhouse lo- cated bust east of Colborne T nship'Central School be - 6 -ween Carlow and Benmiller. The ride will feature a light lunch of chili or cabbage soup as participants travel along the Maitland .River.. Proceeds will be split with hall donated to the Cancer Research Foundation while the remainder will go to- ward oward local snowmobile - sponsored projects. Residents concerned with overuse of land GODERICH - Two Colborne Township residents have ap- proached Goderich Town Coun- cil with concern for some pub- licly -owned farmland which they feel should be allowed a pe- riod of rest. Bonnie and Rod LaFontaine addressed council in a letter re- ferring to land at the municipal airport. Land between the run- ways is rented to a farmer for S5.000 per year but the couple maintain that the individual has planted can with no rest period or crop rotation for the past five years. The letter has been refened to' the Environmental and Works Commiuee. ,Clinton ,artist to paintueen CLINTON - 'list Cyril Leeper of Miami, who earlier this month in Toronto unveiled a portrait of former Ontario Lieu- tenant Governor Lincoln Alex- aoder, has been conunissioned by the head of the Royal Regi- ment to pint a portrait of Queen: Elisabeth II. Deeper. age 42, studied at the Fine Arts Academy of Roe, ItalyReese, and bas several portraits to his credit including those of The Most Honourable Reverend Ph::ip F. Pocock, archbishop of Toronto, The H000urable,Greg- ory T. Evans, chief justice, Su- preme Court of Owe° and Lieutenant Governor of Sas- katchew�alcwin McIntosh. Leepez recendjrrecdsed an.in- vitation from Sir Edward Bur- gess to paint the Queen as Pa- tron of the Royal Regiment in full military costume. The artist will undertake the challenge next year. . Tweseismalr histories compiled by Usbome Township's e Women's Institutes, Kirkton, Elimville, and Hurondale, were on display Sunday at the lege. Gladys Cudmore (centre) and her daughter Ruth Johnson (right) were looking over the collection of old class photographs from the township's schools. Laura Sillery of the Hurondale Institute stands at left. Osborne begins celebration Continued from front page ry in 1948, Roy Westcort in 1970, and of course, myself in 1980." Fern Dougall, chairman of the history book committee took the stand next to explain the progress on the township's official 150 -year history, and what was discovered about Usbome in the process. Dougall said the committee first met in November 1986, and has had 50 meetings since then. The 600 -page history book is now fin- ished and is at the printers. She explained that in 1829 sur- veys began on the area north of London of wpich Usbome Town- ship was a part. "Some of you may not know this but when Usbome was surveyed, it' went right out to the 23 Highway. That part of Fullarton that I lived in was part of Usbome at one time," said •Dougall, who also explained that Thames Road appears to have got its name because it was part of an old indian trail fmm the Thames River, over to the Ausable and across to the lake. Dougall went on to explain how the township and surrounding areas got all their schools through the Canada Company to encourage set- tlement. - Each school, she described, was made of logs and had "a fireplace to heat it, benches around the out- side, and each school hadto supply a bell, a pointer, a split -leather strap (now why would they -have a split leather strap?), a dipper, a pail, and a towel. And every child had to have a slate, a slate pencil, and a rag to clean it. Outhouses were nonexistent, you probably had to go out behind a tree," Dougall ex - plained, much to the amusement of the audience. The schools also served as churches on Sundays, as well as chambers for council meetings. 'Bob Fisher warden of Huron County said "On behalf of Huron County I congratulate all Usbor- nites on attaining the 150th anni- versary...or should I say Usbomi- ans...what do you call yourselves?" Huron MPP Paul Klopp echoed those sentiments by saying "it's a great pleasure for me to be here this afternoon and on behalf of the Ontario govemmentto bring greet- ings." Gerald Prout past reeve of the township offered recognition to both the history book and sesqui- centennial committees for their volunteer work. Prout said the work involved in puuing together the book that will "bring the township's history up to date" was impressive. "There probably should have been a book written 50 years ago," said Prout. Pat Down, the present reeve of Usbome said "Isn't it great to take time to remember our past, visit with our friends, and look forward to the future?" said Down., who then introduced the present coun- cil, and municipal staff. The -next event on Usbome Township's sesquicentennial calen- dar is a family skating party ,out Saturday February 29. The cele- brations will _wind up in on July 26 with the conclusion of the Home- coming Weekend. Suspect charged in school vandalism case EXETER - Town ,police have charged a suspect in connection with a break-in and vandalism at Exeter Public School that left about 30 windows broken on December 29. Police arrested Mark Bruton, 19, of 12437 Riverside Drive, Tecumseh (north of Windsor) on January 4 in connection with the vandalism, and charged him withineak and enter and committing mischief over $1,000. The exact estimate of the total damage done to the 'school has not yet been_tabulated and will nit be available fora few days. Police chief Jack Harkness would not reveal how the police foroe's-in= vestigation led them to the arrest. Burton is scheduled to appear In Exet- er's court on February 11. The investigation into a break-in on the same night at the Exeter Liquor Store is still continuing. Minister cancels Grand Bend visit GRAND BEND - Peter North, Ontario's 'minisler of tourism and -recreation-,. has- etmeel ted-tris'Jams= ary 9 appearance in Grand Bend. North was scheduled to speak at a Rotary Clu¢ meeting and sOmc had hoped his visit to the communi- - ty would bring the attention of thc provincial government to the vil- lage's problems. During the fall municipal election campaign, Tom Lawson, now may- or, had expressed hope that North be able to come up with a solution to the ongoing beach dispute with Parkhill contractor Archie Gibbs who was awarded possession of a 300 metre strip of main beach in December 1989. Lawson had said that the minis- try's decision to purchase, a section of Port Stanley beach for public use" might make for an interesting prec- edent in the Grand•Bend case. Lawson said Tuesday morning that he did not know the reason for North's office cancelling the visit, and found it puzzling because he -knew__ ml apeaktrtg with the min= - - - ister that he -was intereSted,lii com- ing to the village. "His office cancelled him out," said Lawson. "So if it is postponed or what I don't know." However, Lawson said he contin- ues to hope the minister will even- tually come to Grand Bend. "We certainly hope so, tourism is our industry," he said. While the Rotary Club engage- ment was the main reason for the visit, Lawson saidy1 had planted to meet informally' wflh the minister, give him a tour of the vil- lage and explain some of the issues and concerns facing the communi- ty. Lawson said the village is pres- ently working on a plan for the fu- ture of Grand Bend's tourism with the Ministry of Tourism and Recre- ation. Man charged in assault EXE L ER - The Exeter` OPP say that New Year's Eve kept the de- tachment busy as they responded to nine general occurrences that eve- ning. The police say they arrested one 44 year-old London male on New 'Year's Eve for assault causing bodi- ly harm to his 50 year-old girl- friend. Police say this incident oc- curred while the couple were staying at the Oakwood Inn. Three local people have been charged with theft and possession of a stolen snowmobile from Ste- phen Township. Police are also investigating the theft of a truck from Concession 15 of Usbome Township after thc ve- hicle w9s recovered by the Sebring- villc OPP. Part moves of t/sbonte were honoured at Sunday's levee. From right are -Archie Etheririgton (reeve from 19641966), Floyd Ferguson (1971-74), Bill Morley (1977.81_) who was also Huron Warden in 1980, Murray Dawson (1.98283), and Gerald Prout (1983-9 Jn front Is master of ceremonies Bob Down, who also honoured former clerk treasurer Hany Strang (1947.83) and road superintendent John Batten (1972.86). ', r un) • J • rf t1 PIJBLIC MEETING to discuss Heath Planning in Huron County and the feasibility, of establishing.a' DISTRICT HEALTH COmm. atittgi Tuesday. January 28, 1992 loam North Street United Church • Goderich, Ontario (turn 9ff the Square onto North Street) T : 7:30 p.m. ppgst.: to learn about and discuss - what District Health Councils do - how.District Health Councils function in other areas . - the pros and cons of -such a Council for Huron County For further information contact: Mr. Ken Engelst.ad (524-8323) f;,f-;"1— J T�rz1 T;j�1[�Ti�Jfz7 lf�Jj�)j��( j�if�I(�T�T? (�T�i;2 ;11.=• 5 S� ,c) Souvenirs of history were on sale at Sunday aftemoon's Us- bome Township Sesquicentennial Levee at the Kirkton Corr munity"Centre. Looking over the spoons, mugs, and plates were Kim Passmore , (left), Carrie Prout, Karen Passmore and Barb Passmore. Behind the counter, and also in period cos- lume were Judith Parker (right) and her son Ryan. INFORMATION EVENING about: R.R.S.P. and _ RETIREMENT OPTIONS PRESENTED BV:7 Hanna Co- erative Trust Co. Canada AT: Clinton Cwnrnunity Credit Union Clinton Branch - 48 Ontario St. DATE: Monday, January. 13, 1992 starting at 7:30 p.rn. , , Come c,nd learn about the ,few RRSP legislation and how it applies to you. And get the facts you need to make the right decisions about your future. RE..FRESHME WILL BE SERVED- Clinton tCommunity CREDIT UNION U nian 482-3467 -- 0416111235.0640 4110101110.11.11