HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1992-01-01, Page 9Christmas church serves
hell at } Thames Road
11eIRIalda Rohde
`i'HAME'5 ROAD - Rev.'tSheila
Macgregor -was in charge of the
Christmas Church Service on Sun
day morning "Hanging of the
Greens. ,
-,•Kev- greger-eead,-the-Prophe
cy 1saiah 9: 2-7. Families from Be-
ginner Crass hung decorations.
The choir sang Incarnations and
Angels from -the Realms of Gtory
accompanied'by the organist -Apes
Rev. Macgregor read The Annun-
ciation --Luke 1.26,33. -Families
rth thnhaW"Ct `e`( Fig s`= '
tions. Rev, Sheila read th&Mtignifi-
cat Luke 1: 45-55. Families from
Junior Class•hung decorations. Rev.
The Comingiof the Christ Child,
The Fulfillment of the Promise
John l: 1-14 was read by Jayne
The choir sang Infant Jesus. Rev. •
Macgregor pve • the Christmas
Thc elders then were in charge of
the communion service and Ryan
Fulton and Angie Hovius handed
out candles that the congregation
-lit: The Greeters were Tim Aster
and John Miners. The offeatng ak-
ers were Rob -Lynn and Bnan`Rieh
the 'Readers -were Jackie— Mb
gan, Shauna Rowe and Jayne rRal-
' lantync. -Hosting the Felowtthip
Time: JoDce Rowe,' Rebecca • Mill -
.Macgregor read The Fulfillment er, Lori Kernick, • Angie Howells, •
Luke 1=20. Danielle Miners and Tracey Taylor__
''Y'lit coiigregt torr sail The afiii Tito above atiairtioried yotmgptlople
11e-` l'n$m -artltd'l iifl' tS41'""
Megan Parker: ht the fourth can-
.dle in the Adveltl Wreath, the can-
dles in the wreath stood for hope,
lice, joy and love-.
• Rev. Macgregor gave the Inter-
generational Message.
While the offering was being re-
ceived, Agnes Bray and Rebecca
Miller played a duet on the piano
which was well dont.
Families from. Senior Sunday
School and Confirmation classes,
as well as all others, hung decora-
Christmas Eve Service
• of Carols.and Candles
Rev. Macgregor conducted the
Christmas Eve Service of Carols,
Candles and Communion.
- The Promise of the Light of the
World, His . Coming. Foretold.
'Isaiah 2: 2-5: 9: 2-7 was read by
'Jackie Morgan.
Lighting the Advent Wreath and
Christ Candle. and the congrega-
tion sang the Candle Song.
Thc Preparation for His Coming,
The Annunciauor' - Matthew 1: 18-
25 was read by Shauna Rowe.
Thc choir sang to Jesus From
The Ends of the Earth accompanied
by the organist Agnes Bray.
While the offenng was being re-
ceived Agnes Bray and Rebecca
--Miller played a •duci .on the piano
which was well.deae.
-,'Graduate - Arnold. arid Coby
-.VandenBoomen are proud. to
announce the • graduation of
their daughter. Maureen from
• Mohawk College of 'Applied
Arts and Technology. Hamil-
ton. Last year, receiving her
diploma. in Radiologiear Tech-
nology she returned to school
and is Abw registered as a Di-
agnostic Medica; Sonogra-
pher. Maureen has recently
- accepted an ultrasound .pose-
- tion in Kitchener -Waterloo,
we_dd i
J¢Anna Denney
Cali us..;Wve. are
7Jie lotitr §idnals • r
23 5-2350
There were over 160 people -who
took communion on Christmas
• There will be communion unwed
at the .regular church service on
Sunday, January.. 5, at 10 a.m.. at
Ehmville and 11:15 a.m. at Thames
CMurth service
Rcv. Macgregor was in charge of
the combined church service 'at
Elimville on Snn lay morning. The
choir sang "0 Little Town of Beth-
lehem". accompanied by the organ -
1St Marjorie Johns.
The congregation sang the chil-
dren's hymn Love Cane Down al
Christmas. Rev. Macgregor gave
the children's message "Blowing
Kisses" and each child and adult re- -
ceived a candy.
Rev. Macgregor read the Old
Testament Lesson Numbers 13, 14
with selected verses and the -New
Testament' Lesson Acts 2: 17-21.
Her sermon was entitled "Thc Cou-
rage to bream" with the texts taken
from Genesis 15 verse 5 and Acts
2: verse 17.
Congratulations to Don .and
Joanne McIntosh on the birth of
their son Keith Robert McKenzie.
Proud ..grandparents -are Mac and
.Helen Hodgen and Edith Mcintosh.
L1on Iariies net
EXETER - The Ladies Auxiliary
to the R.E. Pooley Exeter Branch
167 Royal Canadian Legion held
their last meeung of 1991 Decem-
ber 16 with 54 members enjoying a
delicious dinner prepared .and
Usborne Township is
celebrating its
150th Birthday
Join us at a
Sunday, January'S,A99.2 -2!591n.
♦ Music V Button draws
▪ Displays of historical Item If beard growing registration
✓ 1 rcket Early Bird draw V Refreshments
FOfficiaf Opening -22=50 --ter . -
Come dressed in period clothing (including 1992!)
and visit wiith.friends and neighbours
qyBirtlhday, :elates.,
served by theltranch.
Donations of $500 .each were
made to the Christmas Bureau and
to -Veterans Hospital at Victoria -
Hospital for swim suits so they can
attend a Swim Program. One hun-
dred dollars a month was also
pledged to the Veterans Hospital to
be used for a birthday party .and
Santa Claus amved atter dinner
t0 hand out gifts revealing—Secret
Pals of 1991.
Thanks to our Social Committee
Cathy. Pfaff, Barbara Hearn, Erns
Robinson, Gladys Beirhng .and
June Borland for their efforts to
make -our Christmas party enjoya-
Zone Commander Sharon Sere
ton of Godench and Deputy Zoe(
Contnutnder (havc Little. Seaford'.
made their official visa of 1991 in
-- .er=al--the-members-til---thw*
Pooley Exeter Branch 167 and their
Ladies'. Auxiluiry a Merry Christ-.
Inasand a Happy and Healthy Nevi. 4 -
Year and most of all Good Com-
radeship in 1992.
Next Cietteral Meeting .win be
held on Monday. January 27.
'Mods Advocate January 1, 1992
The Qttaad #1)eposit insurance .Co :lion had announced that
there stiirmay be Some hole for Standard Trust, which closed its
Mors twoweeks earlier. Deposits are insured by the CI)1C to a maxi-
mum of 560,000 per person.
Ron -Myles, operator of the -Aisle Ciaig Food Bank reported that his
shelves are almost empty, and a crisis is nearing as well. The hank's
donations, which•supplements 28 ramifies, had dwincried with the re
•quired staple hears.
-limy 4 /941
Town of/hetet reprirted thapits ovoralliudget stiratus at the end of
1990 was S132,495.
Mummer Aestj4 ne•enttewnced the grand -opening of a new 31.6
million wing to!the '4t me, which contained twenty more private
rooms. •
Huron County stated that it wanted no part of Highways 83 and'K4,
as the Ministry had proposed earlier. -
Huron County -Board of -Education considered -bussing school chil-
itren .. - o t-Maehlaa +t►
ton Park, however it was turned down.
.May 15, '1991
Grand Bend was told to find alternate arrangements for public
washrooms, since a deal?vith Gibbs was unable to'be made.
-Ztutch-CourirtrigniterttlarairatteMpricrbring Natwaf- Ohs-to-the--
;-atake t
"pipe dream".
The Rural Transportation: Workshop in Kiticton called for transpor-
tation for the elderly and the handicapped in the area. A possible sys-
tem was proposed by Joe Pickering of the Grey—Druce-Huron Diabilli-
ty Transporiatiorl Corporation stating that "it docs -work, it will work."
Ma% 22, 1991.
Although its future seemed hleak, the Huron Park Pool was ap-
proved for opening during the summer, when the Ontario Develop-
ment Corporatibn, •which owns the pooLdipped into its pocket a little
deeper to find the required $40,000 for repairs.
For the second nue in the pay( year, the Toronto Dominion Bank ur
Kirkton •was held up -by a suspect similar in description to the one that
held it up the previous year.
Lucan villager uncil-approved a new budget with a zero percent
increase, of which -they were "rather proud". ` .
May 29, 1991
Lewis Sanitation Landfill was closed after being presented with a
court order, however a group of Biddulph residents -protested due to
many comments made by'the local politicians.
The recently -clotted branch of Exeter Standard Trust reopened un-
der a new naive, that ofLaurentian Bank, after Lauentian finalized the
deal with Standard Trnratco.
Audrey and Steve -Skinner revealed that .the- walk-aahon held -re-
cently, raised just under $23,000; a figure which was overthe original
estimate by 518,000.
Due to flying debris from the Lewis Landfill Site, the Nippat family,
which farm next-door to it were awarded 5100,000 by Justice Jeffrey
Flinn, after th,ir farm was revoked o[ organic certification.
0811 the
Times Advocate
24 hours a day
(Answering machine
alter business hours)
&mid Master'
The_sale you haveivellwaitiagior
.li •
* Free estimates*
Continued on page 10
Paiae 9
1itI 1111 i`!
?�01A On
Bar ;ain,
MRint AnnliancPs
H'nsAi hntl•i,
rh place tr i,Ruy Appllanro.,
?F2-2725 Open Oa&Sy
Fr. - 9nm
The 3mutn Hu►bn1sti%t
SART ' iartlolpm4is would
&et° balk :
Sharon Vuitton, Sherri
Thompsen, `Shane Cooper,
Deb- •Stelnt»ank.Socla l'Se rvic-
es wdi4 er; Phelly King and
Jeanie e'. fib, : `fR6n
County 'BMW Of Education;
Helen, Canada Employment
Centre (Etcher Office); Greg
Pfaff, *leert and Stroke
Foundation; Times Advocate:
Challenging Learning Needs
Class, Exeter Public 'Stchoot. -
Toddler's Inn, -Art's Auto Re-
pair'fnc., Frenchman's Inn.
South Huron arena, Herr
Tractor, Wayne Shapton Car.
struction, South Huron Hos
petal, Leisurettte Enclosures,
Hamilton's Machine Shop.
Dinrrey Furniture, Shirts and
Signs, . Big '0". Oke Wood
Smith, Mason's Small En-
gines, M. V. R. Designs. Pin-
ery Provincial Park and Ray-
mond and MacLean Law,
Office for taking the time out
of 'their busy schedules to
share their skil:, expertise
and experiences with the
START group. Thank you so
Rooth Hawn
START Paitiaiiaoaits
Huron County Board
of Education
■ a ■ ■ ■ • • . . a a ,a .a ,a ..a .a a a ,a .ea
Exeter Deur (:entre
235.101 U
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Decongestant Tablets 24's
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Cotton Swabs 400's
Wampoie Chewable 500 mg. 100's
Vitamin C
tablets -
ood News or Daisy 10's Plus 2 Free
Maxwell House Coffee or Sanka Decaf.
Coffee Pouch
3 for
Iso mi
uth . re
erdent 66's
'Denture Cie.anir 209
Glade 150 l,.
olid Air
Shampoo, Conditioner. Hairspray 300 mI.
or Morisse 150-g. -
Prima Maxi 22's Wog 22's4ind twelve
a 'free packageof htsa4's