HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1992-01-01, Page 8Times -Advocate , January 1, 1992
Saturday was a special day for Emmerson Wein of Crediton
as he celebrated his 95th birthday with an Open House .at-
tended by a large number of friends and relatives.
Imam chinches
tial Serv+iteS
By Muriel Lewis
GRANTON -sAt the St. Thomas' Anglican ('lurch on Sunday, the
Rev. Stephen Emery led the service of morning prayer and•his mes-
sage was about Mary and Joseph's acceptance of the Will of God.
Scott' Hodgins was the lesson reader and the Advent candles for
Hope, Peace, Joy end Love were lit by Jenine and Ken French and
Philip Hodgins. •
Al the St. Thomas`AOtglicati Muth on Christmas Eve, the Rever
end Stephen Emery celebrated the Mass of Christ. The sermon was
_about letting.thc Birth.of-the-Ghcist Child -take -place -aft your heart
and knowing the way,'the truth and the lite.
The Lectors were KesvBeatson and Gordon Parkinson, the Serve4 -
and Crucifer Paul Acres,-Accolytc •Melanie-Beatsors and Missal
Bearer -S yivia'Beetson.
Christmas music was provided intwo solos by Lynda Hodgins ac-
companied by organist Marlene French.
Poinsettias -were placed in the eitutth'by Cathie and 'Ross Weft-
• man - inmemtory of former's parents pert .and Catherine "Willmdre,
htintettrylit rtfultltt teWis.
•A basket of flowers was also plates in'the church from the funeral -
. of Arthur Ashworth of Merton who -tiled suddenly on Sunday. -
There -was no service at the St. Thomas' Anglican Church on Stm- -
day but several from' the congregation attended the parish servicesat
St: Paul's church in Kinston.
-Th esitevensndsStephen-Ertrery fetsw Q-ttie-EuettarltratirIfis--`
t the44etttanity,wftleays.• - - - ,• • ---,-
-._,The lesson reader was Norma Paul. A time of fellowship followed
the service. •' -
At the Granton United Church on Sunday, Pastor Nathalie
Voakes entitled her sermon the Singel and the Song.
The fourth candle of Advent, the Angel's Candle for Love wa.s lit
• by Tom and Darlene Hanton and baby -son Gregory. -
• A. Christmas Eve Communion service was held at Wesley United
Church led by Pastor Nonnalie Voakes.
At the Granton United Church on Sunday, Pastor Normalic
Voakcs' sermon was entitled "There's a Star .in the East" 'based on
the lessons from -Malachi 3 and Matthew 2.
Birthday gmethigs to Madeline Hardie and Nora Wissel, both of
whom hit the big eight -O. _
Nora Wissel attended a family Christmas last Sunday at the home
of son Allan and Carol Wisscl, and held Christmas for the rest of her .
family on Christmas Day. •
Larry Lewis of London was home with his mother for Christmas
and Boxing Day.
Christmas visitors with Don and Irene Roloson and Kaylene were
David and Barbara Roloson and family of Strathroy, Dani Roloson
of Waterloo and Jean Roloson of Exeter.
Muriel.and Larry Lewis were Sunday evening guests with Jeffrey
and Margaret Bryan, Jean and Susan.
Pastor Nonnaiie Voakcs held Open House at the United Church
Happy 95th birthriaymanse on Sunday afternoon.
Season's Greetings and a Happy New Year to all readers'
to Ernerson Wein!
CREDITON - On December 28,
1896. Emerson Wein was born to a
farm house. four km north of Cretti-
ton in Stephen township. He was
part of the second generation born
in- Canada. His .grandiathcr's family
had arrived 'front- the town -of
liaiersbronn in the Black Forest of
Germany in 1858 to seulc north ol
Cashion. Emerson s father Goin'
tried was the first child born to the
latnriy in Canada
.-Emersort.worKed'at home on the
tans anti as a hued hand wits
neighbours. He also worked on is
cap protects such as. the Black
(:reek dredging prolcct. In sumfnct
tie worked tor farmers for S2.(X) per
oily, and in the wmtcr tor Sylvester
%Sucr81 s recd mill at 51.00 per day.
is 1923 he went on the C.P.R
Summer Harvest Excursion to Con-
quest. Saskatchewan and worked
ns the Fletcher lamils. Later he
worked one winter at Dominion
ui in Kitchener, and at 1 union
rsxei in Detroit. He returned home
t , Crediton in 19'3- .
tie married Laurette May Hirtz.
on April 1 r s 1937. at the Evangel
cal United Brethren Church Parson,
age tit Crediton. That sante year. h.
purchased the family lam (Lot
Concession Stephen township
titan los lather for S4,(XX)
Emerson and Laurene operated it
mixed lana which produced white
field beans, eggs. cream. milk, beef
and*pork. In the late 1960's corn be-
came an important crop. Power was
initially supplied by_horses.
Major tasks such as baro thresh-
eingiandilater stooeska ing, -hutch-
ering.mand enenctming wood were
accomplished with the help of
many neighbours working together
in lams "bees". Such "bees" were
important until the mid 1950 s.
Elecuictty came . to the farm in
194L.. The .first_ tractor .au ited..in
1949; however, horses were still re-
uuned tor lighter work.
The children, Ross Wallace of
Edmonton, Orville Leroy of Lon-
don. and Eleanor Elizabeth (Rader)
of. Dashwood were raised on the
lame. They attended Sharon School
(Stephen School #4) and.South Hu-
ron District High School. There are
six grandchildren.
In 1974, Emerson and Laurette
sold the farm to Jim lvlorlock and
rcurcd to Crediton. They remained
active with gardening, and Emer-
son built windmills, which decorat-
ed the yard for several years, Emer-
son gave up his driver's licence at
age 83; however, he still drives his
riding lawnmower'
A 95th birthday cerebration was
held on December 28, 1991, at the
Crediton Hall. Happy 95th birth-
day, Emerson'
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Lots of Christmas
parties in 2u)ich
IIy n eligwesaey
ZURICH - 1 would like to wish
all my readers a very Merry Christ-
• mas and a Happyand Iiealth_New
' Year. �/
Christmas droners
. _ .T'hcrc were _many. family .Christ-
mas dinners taking place during. the
holiday season, a tune for being to-
, gethcr with families travelling from
. various places. A few include:
Melissa Beer and her two chil-
dren from Orleans (Ottawa) spent
the holidays with her parents Mo -
=rt. and Mane Gebnas Sr. and vis -
lung family members in the area.
Children, spouses and grandchil-
dren of. Mary -Lou Desfimme spent
Sunday. together at her home cele-
brating' Christmas
Kathy Messner spent last week
home from Cleveland, Ohio visit-
ing with her parents Bob and Too-
tle Memcr and celebrated Christ-
mas with her family and relatives
over' the weekend before leaving
again on Deeernber 23 for Montreal
and Quebec for a two-week skating
show .with the ice Capades.
The Optimist Club members and
others sang Christmas carols
y -night -before =
Josef and Connie Risi enjoyed
spending the .week before Christ-
mas in Florida.
The Brownies ended their first
term of meetings last Tuesday with
a Mother and Daughter potluck
upper at St. Bootlace school gym
.with a good Wiwi.
Afleswatds -the ;girls made' two
-Cluiaiimas motions 10 lake
-bathe: an angel and spiced .tipple
I ring. Their Nutt meeting will be
held on January 7 after the Milt-
. says.
The ChriMaras concertsjreasated
:at both the Zurich Public school
and St. Bohifacc last Wednesday
were.each successes with full hous-
es. -
The students put on great plays
and all did a terrific,iob!
Birthday wishes
Happy birthday wishes go out to
Ivan Bedard rectnth .
Wishes are also extended to
Louis Willer and Noel LaPorte
whose birthdays were on December
"$y *relate Mt»Illtz
SRIPKA=5Vititbwd of over 65
gathered at the'llihipka Community
Centre for the annual Pickering
family Christmas dinner last
Wednesday. Relatjves came from
London, Arva, Forest, Grand trend,
Windsor, Granton, Brantford, Park-
hill and Greenway.
Lorne 'liid-Dor6'Qty diner, -Den
and Mabel Fraser, were guests at
their niece's home, •kenneth and
Leona Moore, ofSarnia, Boxing
Day. Over 'SO relgdves joined the
festivities at the Moores, coming
form London, Nova Scotia, Coun-
rightend Shipka.
-Ross:anti Evelyn dCeriag_host
ed :,heir family Christmas Boxing
Day for 20 family members. Their
son Stan, is home froth Brantford
for the,llolidays.
Pre -Christmas dinner guests with
p4n'and Mabel Fraser, Sunday}
were their daughters, Jdhn and Kar- -
enittehard,Rachel and Richard, of
Windsor, Bruce and Betty Shelley,
of Ingersoll, James and Karen
Guenther Green, of London.
Karen and James had just re -
by A le Morenz
^ltlrt/ed from a two week vacation in
Costa Rica
Pat and Jake Schroeder attended
a pre -Christmas gathering of Case
family members, as dinner guests
last Saturday tight 'at the home of
their nephew, Pete and Wendy
Case, Adam and Kyle of Heeehll.
Bonnie end Mike Erip_inon1 bi it
chiltften Jason and Fmily,liave left
this area to take up residence in
Port Huron, Michigan. Before de-
parting they were presented with
farewell gifts from the ShIplca
AlberdinaWesterhof and her son
Arte of Dalfsen, Holland, arrived in
--armada--last-Friday, -to-end-1+Mi=
day time with her Zielman rela-
tives, nieces and nephews.
Alberdina is a sister of thc\late
Dick Zielman.`
Hugh and 1 and our son Bill, r i
Christmas. at Hugh sisteess I L. .
zci Corbeu, in Hensel!. Others at
tending were Blanche Chapman,
London, Les and Marjorie Adams.
Exeter, and Al. Corbett.
Repairs and sales of all major brands available.
Financial assistance available
Location: Exeter, Big V
Date.:' Thurs. Jan. 3
Time : :p.m. to 3 p.m.
Fair% Bearing Aid Service
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Registered vendors tor Ontario Ministry of Health
assistive devices program.
Donuts Now
We arse
Closed fo
the ChHstrnas
We will be happy tv serve you
Friday Jan. 3, 1992
Wishing even ane a safe and happy 94(cu' year
to the.chil e(1. t the
lei's Asti for the
.0 istmas
gifts, your 'thoughtful-
ness is, greatly appre^
dated. Have a happy
and safe holiday.
Mrs. $kjhner, Juts ,
Tammy & Mrs. Wagner
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