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Times Advocate, 1991-12-11, Page 25
16 For Sale USED STORM WINDOWS e.xcellent for dosing in sun porches or greenhouses, etc. $10.00 each. Call evenings 349-2770. FIREWOOD, seasoned 540.00 a cad. 32 cr. ft., $80.00. In ton truck or 51.25 cu. R. Limited amount of apple wood, $60.00 cord, S2.00 a cu. f1. Waha Dunbar 393-5388 (St. Pauls area). FIREWOOD - Beech and ktf 540.00 face cord. John Mc inay 519.7 34 -- APPLES OPEN SATURDAYS Frank Sawyer Hwy. 4 & Crediton Road • PA'TONS YARNS • - Discount Prices. Ron's Health Centre, Hensel (I6tfn) ENGINE PROBLEMS? Engines for molt can and pickup trucks. Pnces u low as 5450 installed. Call Advanced Auto Wreckers 234-6250 or 234-6790 RRl Exeter. Towing service available. (44tfn) FIREWOOD seasoned hanfwood maple, beech, ash. phone Dignan Landscaping 235-1678. (S1tfn) STEREO SYSTEM - Fisher receiver. Sony tape deck, Sony CD player, Pro -Linear speaken. Will only sell as oampkte package. 5475.00 Phone 235-1523 between 6 and 8 pm. Ask for Don. (24tfx) FILTER QUEEN vacuum leaner. chesterfield and lair, Regina steamer carpet cleaner. Phone 235-2477 anytime. ELECTRIC FURNACE high efficiency 20KW two years old with hot air plenum. Mw 25 ft. 1 1/4" conduit with electric cable, 100 amp. breaker switch. 5600.00. Phone 238-5535. MODEL 61 HUSQVARNA CHAINSAW - 18" bar with new chain, S250.00; Energair 1 h.p. air compressor with 20 ft. hose, $350.00. Call 284-2264. REALTOR 16_ For. Sale .. LARGE WEIGHT SET, York 2001, brand new, ideal for Cion prewar. Phone 235-2598 atter 4 p.m. (47tfn) 16' LANG TANDEM TRAILER, bolds 4 snowmobiles. 5900.00. Phone 461-0782 and leave message. GREAT CHRISTMAS GIFT! Pur jacket, stroller length. raccoon and indigo fox, medium. auditor condition. 52W0 new, asking 51200. Call 227-1553 and leave message. MEAT ANYONE? Veal for the freezer whole or halves at 32.00 pa Interested all 461-1649 ask foe Walter. CHRISTMAS TREES - Scotch Pine, cut gyocrnue own, or precut Klein Westland Geeerihausp. _ hwy. 21. 5 km. south of Grand Bond, next to Oen market. Phone 238-2757. (49:50c) HOCKEY EQUIPMENT for 13-16 year old, some things hardly used. Call 284-1951. BRAND NEW home stem* speakers, high quality. Blaupunkt atn/fm auto reverse car slaw system 2/equalizer.6a9 Must sell, best offe. Phone 1 -472 - SEWING MACHINES choose from Singer, Omega and Janome. New machines 5199.95 up, lots of used sewing machines. Sew & Save Centre. 149 Downie St. Stratford. 271-9660. Open Mon. to Fni. 9.9, Sat. till 5:30p.m. (49-51c) VISSCHER FARMS COUNTRY MARKET Open Mon: Sat. 9-5 CLOSED SUNDAYS POTATOES 56.00/50 lb. APPLES $10.00/bushel APPLE CIDER $3.754ug. BELGIUM ENDIVE $1.50/ Ib 3 miles west of Exeter on Hwy. 83 Phone 237-3442 &Ade t/Leai J"rac. 235-1621 415 Main St. S. Exeter 238-5530 55 Ontario ST. N., Grand Bend ©OO GK GK GK GK GK GK GK GK GK GK GK GK G. 6K Realty ' k and Insurance Inc. 284 Main St. Exeter, Ontario Grand Bend, Ontario REALTOR (519) 235-2420 (519) 238-8484 OLD VICTORIAN HOME ON HUGE LOT Located in small village 24 miles north of London. Five bedrooms, gas heat, municipal water, in ex- cellent condition. $149,900. GRAND BEND COUNTRY 2 miles from Grand Bend. Four bedroom country property with Lake Huron water and satellite dish. $109,000. NEW HOUSE 56 Devon drive, Exeter, ensuite, gas heat, double garage, low in- terest, low priced and time to buy. $149,900. Owner Is anxious. THREE PLUS TWO BEDROOM BUNGALOW Devon Drive, two year old bridle. Forced air electric heat. Full fin- ished basement. $147,000. MILL ST. BUNGALOW or 3 bedroom dean bungalow situated on a 212 ft. by 239 ft. lot which may be developed into 2 to 6 Tots In the future. Very good investment at 124,900. Cali Al Vasily for complete details. • GOOD STARTER OR RETIREMENT HOME 1 1/2 storey sided home in good condition on large lot. Close to school, centrally located in Hensel'. $79,000. MAIN ST. COMMERCIAL roe bedroom on Main Street, North, Exeter. Excellent value in coon-, ercial area. Priced to sell at $65,900. THREE BEDROOM COMMERCIAL ZONED RESIDENCE Is home is excellent for either a mainstreet residence or residence nd business. Owner is anxious. Reduced to $121,900. INVESTMENT WI conditioned apartment building in good location. Confidential de - ails by calling Al Vasily. BILI GIIiIIIan 235-0116, Murray Kays 235-289k Al Vastly 235-2420 ROYAL LEPAGE = MEMBER • Associate Broker Network O•..• •.•.• -1 6 F -or -Serle-- ELECTRIC TYPEWRITER Me new, would make nice Christmas gilt. Phone 235-2598 after 4 p.m. (SOtfn) SHOTGUN - Winchester Ranger Mode. 1300 pump action. 3" chamber with 28" vent rib barrel and removable modified choke, like new. Asking $275. Nisacndo entertainment system carnes with gun sod sit games $175. Call 238-8379 die, 5 p.m. CHRISTMAS TOOL SALES, stretch tow ropes 325; vice -grips 514; 3/4" socket sets 580: 40 fro. 1/4",3/4" socket sett $10; vices 4" - 540, 5'460, 6"-375; chisels, new kerosene heater S50; drill preu 3300; other bargain' too numerous to mullion.83Al Hamilwo Machine Ltd. (Hwy., west of tracks). Phone 233-1655. (50:51c) WOOD STOVE Elmira downdraft, real gold plated trim. Enough insulated Selkirk chlimey for 2 storey high Complete. 3725.00. Phone 1-293-3013. (50c) APPLES - Ida reds, Spys, Red and Golden delicious, Mutsus, Kings, Tan and Sweets, McQymont Orchards. 1 mile south of Varna. Phone 233-3214. (50c) 4'X8' 1f2" PLYWOOD POOL TABLE excellent condition, snooker and billiard balls, 6 cues. Phone 235-2313. (504) J.D. 826 SNOWBLOWER, 8 hp. electric start plus chains in good condition. Phone(50c) 262- 6 FT. BATHTUB. bone includes finings, like new 3350.00 or but offer. 2 dub chaus 375 for the pair. Phone 238-5080. (50:51c) QUALITY FIREWOOD 335 a face cad Ron Greason 349-2337 after 5 o'clock. 1-6 F -or -Safe SINGER KMTIING MACHINES 5249.95 up. Demansuation by appointment. Up to 40% df co all knitting accessories. Sew A. Save Centre. 149 Downie St. Stratford. 271-9660. Open Moa to Fri. 9-9, Sat. till 5:30_2.m. (49 -Mc) SNOWBLOWER - 26 inch, 2 sage, Gibson good condition. 3550.00. Phone 227-4825after 5 pm. (50c) SETTEE solid wood upholstered seat $375; portable typewriter 325; old brass fire exongu•uhcr 345; chaise lounge 550; Singer portable se machine case sod attachments $7Moen single lever kitchen tap plus new cartridge $20; Eumig 8mm projector$50. Phone 263-5202. MAGNAVOX COLOUR STEREO T.V. 21", 4 years old, on screen programming, video, audio connections, for- VCR's etc. comes with learning remote, excellent condition, priced to sell at 3350.00. Phone 235-1567 and no taxes. (50dn) SNOWBLOWER. MTD, 2 wage, 5 h.p., deotric start, used very link $400. Kirieton evenings 229-6339. (S0c) ARTIST SUPPLIES • Artboards • Brushes, • Acrylic Paints • Charcoal Pencils • Art Nibs • Sketch Pads • Calligraphy EXETER TIMES ADVOCATE 5777 Times-Adyocate, December 11, 1991 16 For Sale ELECIRIC FURNACE - 15 kilowatts, 4 years old, like new, 240 volt, 5250.00 or bat offer. Phone 228-6837. (50:51c) PREMIUM BIRDSEED - 100% black sunflowers, each 15 kilogram (33 lbs) 59.99. Volume discount greater than 5 bags. Free delivery available. Phone 229-6253. KITCHEN TABLE with wood grain top and chrome kgs. 2 extra leaves, plus sir fabric covered drain included in the set. Only 2 years old. Original puce ova 5850.00. Will sell for 5500.00. Phone 236-7722. Wrecking 1850's Home In London All materials for sale Recently installed 175,000 BTU gas boiler and water heater, electric water heater, 2 nearly new electrical panels, 3 cast iron bath tubs with feet, wall fau- cets - 2 antique fireplace fronts and mantels, hardwood flooring - pine sub flooring, pine panel doors, original wooden shutters etc. Ken.McCsnn Derlc McCann 2346401 235-3566 Page 25 CREDITON - 5 acre hobby farm. TOTALLY UPDATED AND PRICED RIGHT AT $85,000.00. Lovely 2 bedroom home on quiet street. CENTRAUA - 4 1/2 acre hobby farm, house unbelievable. GRAND BEND - licenced tav- ern, real money maker. AILSA CRAIG - 3 yr. old, raised ranch. Great place to live. HENSALL - Large lot on quiet Street, serviced. ST. MARYS - 120 acre building lot, treed, systematically drained, 1/4 mile from golf course, very scenic with bush and stream. IOMELIFE j Home Life/London Realty Inc. Sales Rep. Ron O'Brien Res. 234-6281 Office: 645-6445 (24 hr..) Canada Trust Realty Canada Trust Realty Inc. Realtor Pat O'Rourke 237-3762 Ron Cottrell 235-2473 235-1449 • 235-1055 UNDER $480/MONTH with only 10% down for your own Targe 3 bedroom apartment, retail store space and workshop. This is based on full payment before any rental income from the store area. Call for details. CT 26. T'was the Right Time to Buy T'was just before Christmas and all through the town, Buyers were celebrating because interest rates were down. R - JUST 5 YRS. OLD Solid brick bungalow ideally situ- ated on nice lot. Close to s ping„ three bedroorhs gbh rte level plus spare bedroom in'ln- ished lower level. Gas heat, cen- tral air. An immaculate home, ready to move in, owners relo- cating. Asking $139,900. CT 1 When, all of a sudden, down at Canada Trust Dirk, Pat and Ron .Wereaaying..''liuy now, it's a must." The selection is real good, The payments never lower, Why now is the time To become a home owner. THE ULTIMATE CHRISTMAS GIFT FOR YOUR FAMILY - 3 bedroom family home with many recent renovations and updates. Tastefully decorated. Large heat- ed shop also on this property. Located in Dashwood and priced at $84,900. With as little as 10% down you can own this property or $599.13/month including prin- cipal and interest. CT 163. EXETER - 5 ACRES SITUATED ON THE EDGE OF TOWN on a paved road. Nice 4 bedroom brick home, plenty of trees. Large barn and workshed. Ideal country property with the con- venience of in town living. Own- ers anxious for offers. $189,900. CT 163. With the three wise men in local real estate circles, No need to look elsewhere When we can work miracles. On Dirk... On Pat... On Ron is the cry If you're looking for a home, give these pros a try They'll give you their best.. and work long hours too Trying to find a home that's just right for you. $89,500 - North end. This home has just undergone major renovations such as new roof, siding, soffit and fascia, new 100 amp service, new gas fur- nace and water heater, carpet- ing and much more. Also zoned for commercial use. CaII today CT 26. COMMERCIAL EXETER - Custom built execu- tive home. Three bedrooms, en - suite off master bedroom plus 1 1/2 Maths, many extras. Main floor lamiy room with fireplace. Large eat -in kitchen, finished basement. High efficiency gas heat, central air, central vac, quality built by Schroeder De- sign. $199,900. CT 163. HENSALL - $199,900 - 12,000 sq. ft. warehouse. 900 sq. ft. air condi- tioned offices. Ideal for storage or manufacturing. CT 163. EXETER - EXCELLENT COMMERCIAL LOT. Close to downtown. Please call for further particulars. CT 163. LUCAN - Downtown retail location includes nice apartment. Many up- dates. Great potential. $105,000. Please call for further details. CT 163. 3 = i ` • OM : RICK - $109,900. Exeter. Large eat in kitchen, main floor family room, 2 baths, and large workshop. A thisb All and located close to downtown. CT 26. OTHER FINE PROPERTIES DASHWOOD - TWO BUILDING LOTS - $19,900 Each or both for $39,000. Water hooked up. Builder is ready for your plans for these lots. CT 124. HENSALL - Two excellent building lots, fully serviced, owner will as- sist in financing. $23,900 each CT 163. ERTY $259,900. - 50 acres located on 17 highway west of London. Features one year old 2 storey brick home, with attached dou- ble garage. This home has all the amenities from a beautiful open rail staircase to large en - suite with whirlpool, Toads of closet space, •sunken family room, fireplace and the list goes on. CaII for your personal in- spection. CT 26. DASHWOOD - Rustic atmos- phere with beamed ceilings, ce- dar wainscotting, and open concept. Many recent renova- tions, large shed and good sized lot. CT 26. i c- 99i ACRS Th fcleril rete "for ynur<'•:.:: jtie prnperty`has 16 acres of tush, straerri.V., ..:: Of w rkntle land. nail. thn land out and st ill ••ilgS�� irtt�mt . Prpellrie water ave►iAbie at the.,161 jj�iY'1 :l g 86 t.tess wnrka Ire ».i sandy clay iv:rm $01 i:+1YY .lMyt� Y,�. R'!'i` base,• /: f \AL1/` 01.P00044::'I'WP (5I)a - .l ftiiotn hf Iftaej o4 Choid clay k,nm- syeterrietilittiy tiled.'"rxeter Centnatia Vie; $94,500 - Look at the features this home has to offer; loads of oak cupboards, finished rec room with wood stove, 2 baths, finished laundry room and extra large lot. Great family home. CT 26. • 235-1449 EALS WHEELS • FIREPLACE FOR CHRIST - AS - This 3 bedroom brick • ungalow features finished easement, gas heat, 2 1ireplac- s and terrific treed lot. This ell kept home is offered at $115,900. CT 26. When you buy a home through the Canada Trust Realty Network you'll get an opportunity to win one of ELEVEN 1992 Dodge Shadows. tone car pet Canada Trust Realty re;ioNtrarxhise nerworkl &,frise /fi4 fewtiat Serving Exeter and Area through the Huron County and London - St. Thomas Real Estate Boards $89,900 - Payments of only $715. 23/mo. with 10% down. Brick bungalow, 3 bedrooms, all modernized including Targe 4 pc. bath. This home has gas heat and large detached work- shop. Well treed lot, located on Main St. Excellent starter home. CT 26. 235-1055 4 0 s 3 . } Move in by C rlistmas .6 4 bedrooms, natural trim 599.900.129 Dashwood Duplex $79,900 w 2 Bedrooms, 2 baths $69,900 Deluxe style and quality Beautifully renovated $89,900 I . k r . + ,..„. s ' '', • , .s . 1i]!h Commercial, stained glass $23,500 �r •s \ ...A• 61 acres, house $149,900!! Heather Rogers' 235-1732 Murray Wood" 235-0927 M.J. Chanyi '• 235-1077 Barry Menary** 262-3107 Marione Parsons** 235-1304 ** Sales representative • Associate Broker GK GK GK GK GK GK GK GK GK GK GK GK G. 6K Realty ' k and Insurance Inc. 284 Main St. Exeter, Ontario Grand Bend, Ontario REALTOR (519) 235-2420 (519) 238-8484 OLD VICTORIAN HOME ON HUGE LOT Located in small village 24 miles north of London. Five bedrooms, gas heat, municipal water, in ex- cellent condition. $149,900. GRAND BEND COUNTRY 2 miles from Grand Bend. Four bedroom country property with Lake Huron water and satellite dish. $109,000. NEW HOUSE 56 Devon drive, Exeter, ensuite, gas heat, double garage, low in- terest, low priced and time to buy. $149,900. Owner Is anxious. THREE PLUS TWO BEDROOM BUNGALOW Devon Drive, two year old bridle. Forced air electric heat. Full fin- ished basement. $147,000. MILL ST. BUNGALOW or 3 bedroom dean bungalow situated on a 212 ft. by 239 ft. lot which may be developed into 2 to 6 Tots In the future. Very good investment at 124,900. Cali Al Vasily for complete details. • GOOD STARTER OR RETIREMENT HOME 1 1/2 storey sided home in good condition on large lot. Close to school, centrally located in Hensel'. $79,000. MAIN ST. COMMERCIAL roe bedroom on Main Street, North, Exeter. Excellent value in coon-, ercial area. Priced to sell at $65,900. THREE BEDROOM COMMERCIAL ZONED RESIDENCE Is home is excellent for either a mainstreet residence or residence nd business. Owner is anxious. Reduced to $121,900. INVESTMENT WI conditioned apartment building in good location. Confidential de - ails by calling Al Vasily. BILI GIIiIIIan 235-0116, Murray Kays 235-289k Al Vastly 235-2420 ROYAL LEPAGE = MEMBER • Associate Broker Network O•..• •.•.• -1 6 F -or -Serle-- ELECTRIC TYPEWRITER Me new, would make nice Christmas gilt. Phone 235-2598 after 4 p.m. (SOtfn) SHOTGUN - Winchester Ranger Mode. 1300 pump action. 3" chamber with 28" vent rib barrel and removable modified choke, like new. Asking $275. Nisacndo entertainment system carnes with gun sod sit games $175. Call 238-8379 die, 5 p.m. CHRISTMAS TOOL SALES, stretch tow ropes 325; vice -grips 514; 3/4" socket sets 580: 40 fro. 1/4",3/4" socket sett $10; vices 4" - 540, 5'460, 6"-375; chisels, new kerosene heater S50; drill preu 3300; other bargain' too numerous to mullion.83Al Hamilwo Machine Ltd. (Hwy., west of tracks). Phone 233-1655. (50:51c) WOOD STOVE Elmira downdraft, real gold plated trim. Enough insulated Selkirk chlimey for 2 storey high Complete. 3725.00. Phone 1-293-3013. (50c) APPLES - Ida reds, Spys, Red and Golden delicious, Mutsus, Kings, Tan and Sweets, McQymont Orchards. 1 mile south of Varna. Phone 233-3214. (50c) 4'X8' 1f2" PLYWOOD POOL TABLE excellent condition, snooker and billiard balls, 6 cues. Phone 235-2313. (504) J.D. 826 SNOWBLOWER, 8 hp. electric start plus chains in good condition. Phone(50c) 262- 6 FT. BATHTUB. bone includes finings, like new 3350.00 or but offer. 2 dub chaus 375 for the pair. Phone 238-5080. (50:51c) QUALITY FIREWOOD 335 a face cad Ron Greason 349-2337 after 5 o'clock. 1-6 F -or -Safe SINGER KMTIING MACHINES 5249.95 up. Demansuation by appointment. Up to 40% df co all knitting accessories. Sew A. Save Centre. 149 Downie St. Stratford. 271-9660. Open Moa to Fri. 9-9, Sat. till 5:30_2.m. (49 -Mc) SNOWBLOWER - 26 inch, 2 sage, Gibson good condition. 3550.00. Phone 227-4825after 5 pm. (50c) SETTEE solid wood upholstered seat $375; portable typewriter 325; old brass fire exongu•uhcr 345; chaise lounge 550; Singer portable se machine case sod attachments $7Moen single lever kitchen tap plus new cartridge $20; Eumig 8mm projector$50. Phone 263-5202. MAGNAVOX COLOUR STEREO T.V. 21", 4 years old, on screen programming, video, audio connections, for- VCR's etc. comes with learning remote, excellent condition, priced to sell at 3350.00. Phone 235-1567 and no taxes. (50dn) SNOWBLOWER. MTD, 2 wage, 5 h.p., deotric start, used very link $400. Kirieton evenings 229-6339. (S0c) ARTIST SUPPLIES • Artboards • Brushes, • Acrylic Paints • Charcoal Pencils • Art Nibs • Sketch Pads • Calligraphy EXETER TIMES ADVOCATE 5777 Times-Adyocate, December 11, 1991 16 For Sale ELECIRIC FURNACE - 15 kilowatts, 4 years old, like new, 240 volt, 5250.00 or bat offer. Phone 228-6837. (50:51c) PREMIUM BIRDSEED - 100% black sunflowers, each 15 kilogram (33 lbs) 59.99. Volume discount greater than 5 bags. Free delivery available. Phone 229-6253. KITCHEN TABLE with wood grain top and chrome kgs. 2 extra leaves, plus sir fabric covered drain included in the set. Only 2 years old. Original puce ova 5850.00. Will sell for 5500.00. Phone 236-7722. Wrecking 1850's Home In London All materials for sale Recently installed 175,000 BTU gas boiler and water heater, electric water heater, 2 nearly new electrical panels, 3 cast iron bath tubs with feet, wall fau- cets - 2 antique fireplace fronts and mantels, hardwood flooring - pine sub flooring, pine panel doors, original wooden shutters etc. Ken.McCsnn Derlc McCann 2346401 235-3566 Page 25 CREDITON - 5 acre hobby farm. TOTALLY UPDATED AND PRICED RIGHT AT $85,000.00. Lovely 2 bedroom home on quiet street. CENTRAUA - 4 1/2 acre hobby farm, house unbelievable. GRAND BEND - licenced tav- ern, real money maker. AILSA CRAIG - 3 yr. old, raised ranch. Great place to live. HENSALL - Large lot on quiet Street, serviced. ST. MARYS - 120 acre building lot, treed, systematically drained, 1/4 mile from golf course, very scenic with bush and stream. IOMELIFE j Home Life/London Realty Inc. Sales Rep. Ron O'Brien Res. 234-6281 Office: 645-6445 (24 hr..) Canada Trust Realty Canada Trust Realty Inc. Realtor Pat O'Rourke 237-3762 Ron Cottrell 235-2473 235-1449 • 235-1055 UNDER $480/MONTH with only 10% down for your own Targe 3 bedroom apartment, retail store space and workshop. This is based on full payment before any rental income from the store area. Call for details. CT 26. T'was the Right Time to Buy T'was just before Christmas and all through the town, Buyers were celebrating because interest rates were down. R - JUST 5 YRS. OLD Solid brick bungalow ideally situ- ated on nice lot. Close to s ping„ three bedroorhs gbh rte level plus spare bedroom in'ln- ished lower level. Gas heat, cen- tral air. An immaculate home, ready to move in, owners relo- cating. Asking $139,900. CT 1 When, all of a sudden, down at Canada Trust Dirk, Pat and Ron .Wereaaying..''liuy now, it's a must." The selection is real good, The payments never lower, Why now is the time To become a home owner. THE ULTIMATE CHRISTMAS GIFT FOR YOUR FAMILY - 3 bedroom family home with many recent renovations and updates. Tastefully decorated. Large heat- ed shop also on this property. Located in Dashwood and priced at $84,900. With as little as 10% down you can own this property or $599.13/month including prin- cipal and interest. CT 163. EXETER - 5 ACRES SITUATED ON THE EDGE OF TOWN on a paved road. Nice 4 bedroom brick home, plenty of trees. Large barn and workshed. Ideal country property with the con- venience of in town living. Own- ers anxious for offers. $189,900. CT 163. With the three wise men in local real estate circles, No need to look elsewhere When we can work miracles. On Dirk... On Pat... On Ron is the cry If you're looking for a home, give these pros a try They'll give you their best.. and work long hours too Trying to find a home that's just right for you. $89,500 - North end. This home has just undergone major renovations such as new roof, siding, soffit and fascia, new 100 amp service, new gas fur- nace and water heater, carpet- ing and much more. Also zoned for commercial use. CaII today CT 26. COMMERCIAL EXETER - Custom built execu- tive home. Three bedrooms, en - suite off master bedroom plus 1 1/2 Maths, many extras. Main floor lamiy room with fireplace. Large eat -in kitchen, finished basement. High efficiency gas heat, central air, central vac, quality built by Schroeder De- sign. $199,900. CT 163. HENSALL - $199,900 - 12,000 sq. ft. warehouse. 900 sq. ft. air condi- tioned offices. Ideal for storage or manufacturing. CT 163. EXETER - EXCELLENT COMMERCIAL LOT. Close to downtown. Please call for further particulars. CT 163. LUCAN - Downtown retail location includes nice apartment. Many up- dates. Great potential. $105,000. Please call for further details. CT 163. 3 = i ` • OM : RICK - $109,900. Exeter. Large eat in kitchen, main floor family room, 2 baths, and large workshop. A thisb All and located close to downtown. CT 26. OTHER FINE PROPERTIES DASHWOOD - TWO BUILDING LOTS - $19,900 Each or both for $39,000. Water hooked up. Builder is ready for your plans for these lots. CT 124. HENSALL - Two excellent building lots, fully serviced, owner will as- sist in financing. $23,900 each CT 163. ERTY $259,900. - 50 acres located on 17 highway west of London. Features one year old 2 storey brick home, with attached dou- ble garage. This home has all the amenities from a beautiful open rail staircase to large en - suite with whirlpool, Toads of closet space, •sunken family room, fireplace and the list goes on. CaII for your personal in- spection. CT 26. DASHWOOD - Rustic atmos- phere with beamed ceilings, ce- dar wainscotting, and open concept. Many recent renova- tions, large shed and good sized lot. CT 26. i c- 99i ACRS Th fcleril rete "for ynur<'•:.:: jtie prnperty`has 16 acres of tush, straerri.V., ..:: Of w rkntle land. nail. thn land out and st ill ••ilgS�� irtt�mt . Prpellrie water ave►iAbie at the.,161 jj�iY'1 :l g 86 t.tess wnrka Ire ».i sandy clay iv:rm $01 i:+1YY .lMyt� Y,�. R'!'i` base,• /: f \AL1/` 01.P00044::'I'WP (5I)a - .l ftiiotn hf Iftaej o4 Choid clay k,nm- syeterrietilittiy tiled.'"rxeter Centnatia Vie; $94,500 - Look at the features this home has to offer; loads of oak cupboards, finished rec room with wood stove, 2 baths, finished laundry room and extra large lot. Great family home. CT 26. • 235-1449 EALS WHEELS • FIREPLACE FOR CHRIST - AS - This 3 bedroom brick • ungalow features finished easement, gas heat, 2 1ireplac- s and terrific treed lot. This ell kept home is offered at $115,900. CT 26. When you buy a home through the Canada Trust Realty Network you'll get an opportunity to win one of ELEVEN 1992 Dodge Shadows. tone car pet Canada Trust Realty re;ioNtrarxhise nerworkl &,frise /fi4 fewtiat Serving Exeter and Area through the Huron County and London - St. Thomas Real Estate Boards $89,900 - Payments of only $715. 23/mo. with 10% down. Brick bungalow, 3 bedrooms, all modernized including Targe 4 pc. bath. This home has gas heat and large detached work- shop. Well treed lot, located on Main St. Excellent starter home. CT 26. 235-1055 4 0