HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1991-11-20, Page 261
16 For Sole
S7liiif.' QIAWSAW, 14" never used;
wheelbarrow; gas 4 eyrie lawnmower and
many useful tools. Call 284-2629.
aceosnmodations at Ocean Grove Resort. St.
Augustine, Dec. 15th to 31st. Asking
$400.00; Ibanez base amplifier, asking
$300.00. Phone 284-4115.
dual disc drive, monochrome saw, word
perfect 5.1, Lotus 1-2-3, DOS 3.1, *NX
1000 Dot Metric Printer, plus gams 51300.
17 Wanted To Buy
wrecking or resale, towing service
available. Brock Auto Wrecker, Crediton.
Phone228-6700. (40dn)
18 Wanted
machinery, cars and trucks for scrap or
recycling. Phan 235-1662.(44tfn)
19 Property For Sale
GRAND BEND Pineview Mobile Home
Panic, retirement comrnum living.
and street light, year round living. Homs
for sale, excellent condiiton. Cable T.V.,
pgol and club house, pets welcome. Phone
238-5584 or 243-2294. (42tfn)
Excellent location, treed Comer la on
county road, cement driveway, double
carport, large cedar dello, 4-5 bedroom,
main floc laundry and bedroom, large
countrykitchen and livingroom, cable T.V.,
new furnace, recently installed new water
heater, insulation and electrical panel,
pipeline water, lou of closets and storage,
low taxes, easy to heat. An excellent family
home. 237-3248. (43tfnc)
THREE PLUS ONE bedroan brick and
stone home. 1 1/2 baths, hardwood floors,
recent update and decorating,. Large
workshop/garage. All on 3 acres. Hensall
area Asking 8116,000. Call 263-2686.
$6900.00. In Norwood Village, Exeter
South - 2 bedroom nicely decorated trailer.
Almond stove and frost free fridge, air
conditioner and window coverings. Rent
and lues paid until August 1992. Available
December 1. Trailer hat to be moved
August 1, 1992. Please call 231-3115 for
further information. (47:48c)
EXETER - 5 yenold, 3 bedroom
bungalow, 4 & 3 piece bath, finished
Immanent, with family room (pine
wainscotting and cuRbwrds), bar and
woodstove; central air, mgrouod • ers,
cement drive. 5124,900. Phone 5-1039
evenings. (46tfn)
SCENIC COUNTRY LOT, 3/4 acres, 4
mils north of Exeter on no. 4 highway
overlooking a scenic stream. Phone
263-2343. (46:47c)
MOBILE HOME 12'x65' Located 1 1R
miles west of Exeter on choice end lot
Fully carpeted with new renovations this
year. 824,00000. Phone 237-3480. (46-50c)
JUST LISTED 10 minutes north of Lucan.
Family home with 5 bedrooms, new
windows, double garage, many upgrades.
3164,900. For more details call June
Redmond, Sales Rep. 679-2000. Re/Max
ForestCity Realty Ltd., Realtor. (47c)
20 Property For Rent
TWO BEDROOM ` apartments. Available
immediately, 5348:00. parmcrsth. -With ane
year lease, rent is reduced to 8290.00 per
month equivalent to two months rent free.
Call 235-2395 or 1-660-6585 or 235-2395.
bedroom apartment. Elizabeth Court
Apartmenu building. Phone 262-2612 after
6 p.m. (47tfn)
OFFICE SPACE for rent in Hensall.
5240.00 per month. Heat and hydro
included. ( 235-2420. (19tfn)
EXETER - 3 bedroan townhouse, Simcoe
St. Available immediately. Phone 235-1901
or 236-4230. (39tfn)
MAPLES - One bedroom 8312. Two
bedroom at 8345. Available immediately.
Heat included 236-4230 or 262-3124.
ONE BEDROOM and bachelor
apartment. No lease, fridge, stove, laundry
and parking. Phone 235-1497. (391fn)
HENSALL - Two bedroom apartment in an
attractive, well maintained 8 unit building
with controlled entry and laundry facilities.
3460. per (3onm. Available now. Call)
Phase227-4993 after 5 p.m. (34tfn)
spacious seven room apartment located
downtown area. Utilities included. 5352
month. Call 235-0173 from 9 to 6. (46tfn)
HENSALL - 2 bedroom apt. on Main Sr.
laundry facilities, fridge and stove $460 per
month. Phone 236-4961 or 236-4365.
CLANDEBOYB - Two bedroom *women
and four bedroom apartment Available
now. One month's free rent Phone
681-6569 or 227-1107. (42tfc)
LARGE BRIGHT 2 bedroom apartment,
laundry hookups, paved parking $485.00
per month plus utilities. Phone 235-1449 or
235-1950. (17tfn)
ZURICH - Spacious upper duplex, cattail
location, neutrally decorated, reasonable
rent, references, no pets. Available Oct 1.
Phonel-453-1847. (3ttfn)
GRAND BEND - 2 bedroom condo, River
Road, completely furnished, fire place, one
floor. Sept. 15, monthly, yearly lease, non
smokes. Phone 1-542-9437 after 7 p.m.'
Hensall Livestock Sales Ltd.
Order buyer for fats, feeders and stockers
Stockers and Westem cattle arriving daily. Sorting cattle for
TalbotvIlle Livestock Exchange Ltd. on Fridays
Restaurant open dally 7 a.m. - 3 p.m.
For more information contact:
Barry Miller, Owner Manager
Office 262-2831, Exeter 235-2717,
Kirkton 229-6205, Truck 1-661-8956
Page 26
Times -Advocate, November 20, 1991
16 For Sole
BTU, chi blower kit $750.00; lady's bicycle
(new) $75.00; super double water bed
Pbone2270. (474)
COUCH $140.00; rocker chair $80.00;
chair 580.00; twp end tables $50.00; coffee
table $50.00. Phone 235-2021.
new. $60.00. Phone 284-1264.
• Artboards • Brushes,
• Acrylic Paints
• Charcoal Pencils • Art Nibs
• Sketch Pads • Calligraphy
MOVING SALE - Make an offer. 39" bed
with frame and two mattreuer, weight set
with bench, ski and roof top carrier,
weenies tee, bicycle built for two, old
barber equipment and full tonic bottler,
cenent nuxer, refrigeration tools, gauges
etc., appliance dolly, safety beh, router and
bit, electric grinder, weedeater, clock
radio, 110 camas, carving set. Phone
CHRISTMAS TREES - High quality
Scotch Pine and Spruce up to 7 feet.
William Vandenbygutt, Pukview Cres.,
RR2 Grand Bend. Next to Pineridge Zoo.
Phone238-2697. (47-50c)
30" HOTPOINT RANGE $273.001
chesterfield, chair, ottoman 5450.00; 3 pc.
bedroom suit (double) $450.00; gas
barbecue, $45.00; lady's golf clubs, shoes
S250.00; chord organ $75.00; chest of
drawers 875.00; freezer $75.00; typesetter,
photocopier; open to offer'. Phone
DENIM DRESS, size 12, $20.001 one tut
coloured leather skirt, size 13, 840; Lady's
leather car ooat, mahogany coloured, size
11-12, 850.00; man's 3/4 length leather
coat, dark brown, size 42, 550.00; all
clothing in excellent condition. Call after 4
p.m. 284-2514.
Apartments for Rent
One & two bedroom
Call Marlene M. Parsons
Sales Rep. 235-1304
Extate Realty inc.
Realtor 235-1621
at Clinton Community Credit
Union, 48 Ontario Street, Clinton.
P.Q. (H.C.) 92-01 Move Out
P.Q. (H.C.) 92-02
Standby Custodial service
and Move Out
P.Q. (H.C.) 92-03
Electrical Maintenance
P.Q. (H.C.) 92-04 Plumbing,
Heating, Drainage
P.Q. (H.C.) 92-05_
7�pp11arlce Maintenance
P.O. (H.C.) 92-0e- -'__
General Building
The above tenders are on 'as
and when required' basis fol-
lowing a rotational systems
established by Huron County
Housing Authority.
Tenders will be received for
the above until 11:00 a.m. lo-
cal time. Wednesday. De-
cember 4. 1991 by the Huron
County Housing Authority,
44 East Si, Goderich, Onta-
rio N7A 1N3. (519) 524-2637
from whom details and speci-
fications may be obtained,
quoting reference number as
the residence and b1 known at
Lot 103 Plan 131 34 Victoria
Blvd. Vanastra Park
Tenders in own handwriting
must be received by
December 2nd, 1991.
Lowest or any quotatlonnot
necessarily accepted.
For additional information con-
tact the undersigned.
J.R. McLachlan
Clark- fl assurer,
Corporation of the
Township of TUckersrnith,
421st Avenue,
Wri stra Park, Ontario.
20 Property For Rent
nue badman Am f es --
fridge and stove supplied. Phone Jack
Taylor 235-3293.(42tfn)
2 BEDROOM APT. stove and fridge
supplied. Close to downtown Not suitable
for children or peas. Apply to Box 31,
Exeter,NOM 1S6. (4311n)
3 BEDROOM HOME in Exeter. Available
Nov. 1. Phone 235-2364 after 6 p.m. (46tfn)
EXETER - ground floor apanmenu with
fridge and stove. Call Glen Havas
Apartments 235-0349.(44tfn)
St. Phone 235-3380. (45tfn)
EXETER - House for rent. 11 Sherwood
Cres. 4 bedrooms, available Dec. 1. 8800
plus utilities per month. Phone 482-3026
after4 p.m. and weekends anytime. (4Stfn)
FOR RENT - 1, 2 and 3 bedrooms
apartments. available irrrrnediately. Phone
STORAGE SPACE an cement. Inside or
out. Phone 225-2127. (46;47c)
bedroom, 428 Main St. 3261.00 per month.
Phase (46:47c)
NEW 3 BEDROOM HOUSE for rent in
Exeter. Phone his: 235-1242; res:
234-6488. (47tfn)
3 BEDROOM HOUSE in Bnuefield. First
and last month rent. References required
Phone345-2075. (47:48')
HOUSE FOR RENT - 3 bedrooms, 2 bath
in excellent condition. Clean reliable
tenant with references. Rent 8600 plus
utilities. First and last month's rent. Phone
653-6055 Cambridge and leave message.
downtown Exeter, fridge and stove
supplied. Choice of two, heat supplied in
one. Available Jan. 1 or earlier 5280 or
$290 per month. Call 235-1354. (45tfn)
Main Si. Exeter. Available Dec. 1. Phone
HIGHLANDS II Grand Bend area new 2
bedroom home for rent. Phone
MOBILE HOME ' in Minerva Senior
Citizen Park, H 17 and 92 central
Florida. Phone 235-2469. (47:48c)
21 For Rent
THE "OLD TOWN HALL" auditorium for
rentals, including weddings, meetings,
banquet room, lectures, exhibitions, films,
etc. Kitchen facilities available. Phone
235-0318. (17tfn)
WANT TO STORE your vehicle for
winter? Good clean storage space for rent
Phone235-2366. (43tfn)
22 For Sale or Rent
HOUSE - 4 bedrooms, 2 full baths,
fireplace, country kitchen on large treed lot,
2 mils south of Grand Bend on Hwy. 21.
1-313-334-1415or 1-238-8061. (33tfn)
25 Notices
I LINDA WEIN, 242 Algonquin D. Huron
Park am no longer responsible for debts
accruing other than those made by myself `,
as of November 11, 1991. (47c)
28 Auction Sales
'Time' is topic
for Ailsa Craig
United Church
clocks, calendars and minute
minders have in common was
the questions asked at the begin-
ning of the programme when the
Ailsa Craig United Church
Women met for the November
Of course, measuring time
was the answer and 'time' was
the topic presented by Margaret
Wilson. God's Minute was one
of the poems used in the pro-
gramme. and the closing mes-
sage was "The most precious
gift we can give is our time".
Wilma McIntosh used Re-
membrance as the theme for the
worship service while Jean Ma-
guire read a passage of scripture
from Hebrews. The hymn Be
Thou My Vision Lord was sung.
McIntosh closed the worship
with An Open Letter to an Old
During the business portion of
the meeting, several conveners
gave reports. Jean Maguire, the
UCW archivist, had brought the
history book to show to the
group. She will accept pictures
and material to be placed in the
Gertrude Rosser had sent sev-
eral cards. Some new books had
been added to the library collec-
tion. The quilting group are still
busy. The UCW members will
be making Christmas puddings
again this year.
The meeting was closed with
a benediction.
The Christmas meeting of the
Ailsa Craig UCW will be a sup-
per meeting on Tuesday, De-
cember 10.
November 30, 1991 at 12 Noon at RRI424
Kirkton, <Bdwards. Fart.. (6 mileacan, an;1
Exeter or 6 miles west of 423 Hwy. on 08 nes
Hwy.). Sell your old or buy a new one. Al
equipment must be regime ed by 11 o'clock
day of sale. Call for details 229-6143.
Terms 10% cash deposit, day of sale,
balance cash or certified cheque in 48
hours. (45-48c)
Quality Grain Storage 4H'.
Drying 8'AIM ing`1'rddrlt;t' } '
244 WMA on S1. W. Box 550
Phone Bus. (519) 235-1919
`Res. (519) 235-2018
Hensall Cattle Co.
- Order Buyers for fats, feeders and stockers
- Stockers and Western Cattle arriving daily
Contact: Office 263-2619
Greg Hargreaves - Victor Hargreaves
263-2619 233-7511
Bob Heywood
Thu rsdayetnittnentiocup I 9.m. ahem
We have been favoured by theexecutors to offer by public auction the
household effects, vehicle being a 1988 Pontiac Sunbird In excellent
condition and misc. items from the estate of the late Mrs. Jess* Lewis
of Ailsa Craig along with additions for Mrs.for l Pfaff who has
moved to Exeter Villa. Watch next weeks paper
to be held 5 miles north of Dublin and 1/4 miles west for Keith Murray.
Saturday November 23 at 10:30 a.m.
50 acre farm with farrowing operation for 200 sows and 40 x 80 shod.
99 acre farm with house, barn and shod being offered subject to re- i
servo at 1 p.m. 1978 International truck with 16 ft. Wiltsir livestock
body, Case IH 2096 4 wheel drive tractor, Ford 3600 diesel with bad -
or, Casa IH 1020 20 ft. flex head, Nuhn 5000 US gal. liquid spreader,
IH 720 5 furrow plow, IH 400 cyclo planter, 11 ft. 9 tooth trail chlol
plow, IH 7 ft. snow bower, 12 h. land packer, JM 350-20 gravity box
on double roach wagon, 10 ft. 8 in. hyd. drive transfer auger on
wheels, 18 ft. tube hay elevator, Yamaha 225 CC 4 wheeler, Hardt 10
gal. 12 volt pump sprayer fits 4 wheeler, good oforktg of shop tool
and oquipmont. Salo order, tools at 10:30 a.m. machinery approx.
Any announcement on day of sal take procodonco ovor any previ-
11:30 a.m., farms 1 p.m. Terms cash or chequo with proper V.
Auct1onaer Richard Lobb 482-71198 Clinton,
Keith Murray 345-2509.
printed material. -
♦ ♦ .tetl I.
Granton 4WhoId
achievement night
GRANTON - The Number Two
Grunion 4-H Club Blueboxers held
their Achievement night recently at
the Lion's Pavilion Hall. The pro-
gram commenced with a short skit
on being environmentally con-
scious, followed by the presenta-
tion of awards.
Members of the Blueboxers were
Casandra and Katherine Harding,
Paula Pincombe, Stephanie, Carrie
and Kim Currah, Estex Rancourt,
Norman and April Riddell, Jenene
Hart, Tara Westman, Lisa Couch-
man, Kim Harrison and Maggie Os-
Katherine Harding will be acting
as reporter.
Caven PCW hear report on
Missionary Society
EXETER - Caven P.C.W. met
last Monday evening, with Bertie
Keyes and Hilda White as guests.
Beatrice Ersman, president, opened
the meeting and welcomed alL
The group sang the hymn "0
God of Love, 0 King of Peace."
Mabel Stanlake and Florence
Hyde led the devotion period. Stan -
lake read the scripture from Mat-
thew 5, verses 1-10 and led in
prayer. Hyde read two poems "A
Soldier of Peace" and "Peace in the
Keyes and White told of their trip
to Europe where they saw the
Passion Play at Oberammegau.
Keyes also had a tape record about
the Passion Play. She passed
around books to the group which
contained pictures of this part of
the world.
A report on the Stratford Huron
Presbyterial of the Women's Mis-
sionary Society of the Presbyterian
Church in Canada was given. This
was held on October 24 at Atwood
Presbyterian Church and was at-
tended by Margaret Strang and Bet-
ty Smythe of Caven Church.
Beatrice Ersman conducted the
business of the group. The minutes
were read by Donna Webster and
reports were given by Ploy Forman
and Mabel Stanlake.
Farmland values fall
OTTAWA - Canadian farmland -
values fell in 1991 following two
consecutive annual increases. Farm
Credit Corporation (FCC) research
shows that farmland values de-
creased by 6.7 percent between
July 1, 1990 and July 1, 1991 com-
pared to a 3.9 percent increase in
1989-90. Farmland valued dropped
in the Prairies and Nova Scotia and
remained stable or increased slight-
ly in all other provinces.
Depressed world prices in the
grain industry have contributed to
declining land values in the prairie
provinces. Saskatchewan land val-
ues declined the most at 11.7 per-
cent. Land values in Nova Scotia
also decreased slightly following
increases the last two years. Land
value changes varied considerably
within pt+ov,).Oces because of market
conditions `. d productienl(4i -z. ,
Farmland values have declined
nationally in eight of the past 10
years. The largest decrease was in
1986-87 at 10.2 percent. Land val-
ues in Canada have dropped
35percent since the most recent
peak in 1981, despite increases in
1989 and 1990. Low market in-
comes and a general negative out-
look in much of the farm sector ap-
pear to have reduced the demand
for farmland.
In British Columbia, farmland
values across the province in-
creased, however the most signifi-
cant increase was in the Fraser Riv-
er Valley due to competition from
urban areas for good land. Land
values decreased in sonshun Alber-
llierto and remained steady a increased
slightly in central and northern re-
gions. Land values have dropped
substantially in those areas of
southeastern Alberta which have
been subjected to drought for a pe-
riod of years.
Farmland values dropped
throughout Saskatchewan, ranging
from a 15 percent decline in the
southwest to a 7.6 percent decrease
in the northeast. Land values 'in
Manitoba remained steady or de-
clined slightly. Farmland in west-
ern Manitoba tended to hold its val-
ue better than the eastern region.
Although on average Ontario re-
corded a slight increase in farmland
values in 1991 compared to 1990.
the increase occurred primarily in
central Ontario as a result of when'influences. Land values in Quebec,
remained steady or increased slifh '
ly across he provinit6. 7111.V
sixth consecutive annual increase in
land values in the province, though
the increase have been quite con-
New Brunswick was the only
province in the Maritimes where
land values increased. Following a
few years of strong potato prices an
a stable dairy industry, land values
in New Brunswick recorded a 5-0
percent increase in 1991 compared
to 1990. Despite a potato virus
problem, land values in P.E.I. re-
mained constant. The demand for
Nova Scotia RI/inland was low in
1991 as evidenced by a 406 percent
decrease in land values.
Copies of the "Farmland Values"
report are available on request to
the Farm -Credit Corporation.
Bob Heywood
Wednesday evening. December 4 at 5:30 p.m.
at South Huron Roc Contra, Exeter
We will be dispersing appliances, furnishings, antiques, collectibles, etc.
along with an excellent well kept home and property for Mrs. Hannah
Lamport who has moved to Exeter Villa.
PROPERTY: Selling at 5:30 p.m. sharp on the location at the home
known as 59 Sanders St. W., Exeter. Subject to a reasonable roserve,
10% down balance in 30 days. According to Plan 376 of the Town of Ex-
eter, County of Huron, Pt. Lots 469 and 470 comprised of 82' frontage
(.17 acres) on which is located an extremely well kept 3 bedroom brick
bungalow, with large living room 3 pc. bath, dininroom, full basement,
attached garage, nice backyard. 1block from downtown. 1991 taxes
Bob Heywood,
Thursday /waning, November 21 at d p.m. sharp
at South iron Roo Centre, Exeter
We will bo dispersing tho estate of tho late Mrs. Flossie Willer[ of Dash-
wood along with addRbns.
AN11OUES AND COLLECTIBLES: 7 pc. birch dining room suite with
hutch and buffet ext. table, server table, 4 chairs, 3 pc. bedroom suite
incl. 3/4 hi back bad, oval mirror dresser and washstand, oak sideboard
with mirror, 4 pressbaok chairs, Ip poster bureau, small commode, top
of flat to the wall cupboard dovetailed blanket boxes oak kitchen cup-
board, 2 pall benches, fiddloback telephone 5 pc. china commode sot,
trunk,. 2 copper boilers, several crocks inc. Brantford Stonewall (6 gal.),
Welding blue flowered 1 gal, skaters lamp, coffee grinder, wicker, butter
bowl - print - ladle apple puler, sad irons, crokinole board (old), &M-
ors peanut jar. Celluloid dolls, hanging lamp frame milk bottles, old ra-
dio, 8 place settings of Brusl*m china ware, fine china and glass, bed-
ding, games, bks, old picture framos, primkivo tools, single bod,
Gilbert plleddoclk etc.
HOUSEHOLDEFFECTS: 3 pc. bedroom suite with boxspting and mat-
tress, 2 chesterfields and chairs, swivel rodars, chest of drawers, fold-
ing mirror, *nd tables, refrigerator, oloc. dryer, wringer washer, dehu-
midifier, Singer Mac. sowing machin, day bad, kerosene boater Filter
Ouean vacuum, Mac. lawn mower, small s, wooden stop lad-
der, garden and hand tools card table, are and hundreds of
useful and colloctiblo hems. dont miss this fine auction.
Two Bedroom Upper
Stove and fridge included
Utilities extra
$334.00 per month
Available Nov. 1st
Two Bedroom
Stove and fridge included
Utilities extra
$364.00 per month
Available immediately
Contact Oke Woodsmith
at Clinton Community Credit
Union, 48 Ontario Street, Clinton.
P.Q. (H.C.) 92-01 Move Out
P.Q. (H.C.) 92-02
Standby Custodial service
and Move Out
P.Q. (H.C.) 92-03
Electrical Maintenance
P.Q. (H.C.) 92-04 Plumbing,
Heating, Drainage
P.Q. (H.C.) 92-05_
7�pp11arlce Maintenance
P.O. (H.C.) 92-0e- -'__
General Building
The above tenders are on 'as
and when required' basis fol-
lowing a rotational systems
established by Huron County
Housing Authority.
Tenders will be received for
the above until 11:00 a.m. lo-
cal time. Wednesday. De-
cember 4. 1991 by the Huron
County Housing Authority,
44 East Si, Goderich, Onta-
rio N7A 1N3. (519) 524-2637
from whom details and speci-
fications may be obtained,
quoting reference number as
the residence and b1 known at
Lot 103 Plan 131 34 Victoria
Blvd. Vanastra Park
Tenders in own handwriting
must be received by
December 2nd, 1991.
Lowest or any quotatlonnot
necessarily accepted.
For additional information con-
tact the undersigned.
J.R. McLachlan
Clark- fl assurer,
Corporation of the
Township of TUckersrnith,
421st Avenue,
Wri stra Park, Ontario.
20 Property For Rent
nue badman Am f es --
fridge and stove supplied. Phone Jack
Taylor 235-3293.(42tfn)
2 BEDROOM APT. stove and fridge
supplied. Close to downtown Not suitable
for children or peas. Apply to Box 31,
Exeter,NOM 1S6. (4311n)
3 BEDROOM HOME in Exeter. Available
Nov. 1. Phone 235-2364 after 6 p.m. (46tfn)
EXETER - ground floor apanmenu with
fridge and stove. Call Glen Havas
Apartments 235-0349.(44tfn)
St. Phone 235-3380. (45tfn)
EXETER - House for rent. 11 Sherwood
Cres. 4 bedrooms, available Dec. 1. 8800
plus utilities per month. Phone 482-3026
after4 p.m. and weekends anytime. (4Stfn)
FOR RENT - 1, 2 and 3 bedrooms
apartments. available irrrrnediately. Phone
STORAGE SPACE an cement. Inside or
out. Phone 225-2127. (46;47c)
bedroom, 428 Main St. 3261.00 per month.
Phase (46:47c)
NEW 3 BEDROOM HOUSE for rent in
Exeter. Phone his: 235-1242; res:
234-6488. (47tfn)
3 BEDROOM HOUSE in Bnuefield. First
and last month rent. References required
Phone345-2075. (47:48')
HOUSE FOR RENT - 3 bedrooms, 2 bath
in excellent condition. Clean reliable
tenant with references. Rent 8600 plus
utilities. First and last month's rent. Phone
653-6055 Cambridge and leave message.
downtown Exeter, fridge and stove
supplied. Choice of two, heat supplied in
one. Available Jan. 1 or earlier 5280 or
$290 per month. Call 235-1354. (45tfn)
Main Si. Exeter. Available Dec. 1. Phone
HIGHLANDS II Grand Bend area new 2
bedroom home for rent. Phone
MOBILE HOME ' in Minerva Senior
Citizen Park, H 17 and 92 central
Florida. Phone 235-2469. (47:48c)
21 For Rent
THE "OLD TOWN HALL" auditorium for
rentals, including weddings, meetings,
banquet room, lectures, exhibitions, films,
etc. Kitchen facilities available. Phone
235-0318. (17tfn)
WANT TO STORE your vehicle for
winter? Good clean storage space for rent
Phone235-2366. (43tfn)
22 For Sale or Rent
HOUSE - 4 bedrooms, 2 full baths,
fireplace, country kitchen on large treed lot,
2 mils south of Grand Bend on Hwy. 21.
1-313-334-1415or 1-238-8061. (33tfn)
25 Notices
I LINDA WEIN, 242 Algonquin D. Huron
Park am no longer responsible for debts
accruing other than those made by myself `,
as of November 11, 1991. (47c)
28 Auction Sales
'Time' is topic
for Ailsa Craig
United Church
clocks, calendars and minute
minders have in common was
the questions asked at the begin-
ning of the programme when the
Ailsa Craig United Church
Women met for the November
Of course, measuring time
was the answer and 'time' was
the topic presented by Margaret
Wilson. God's Minute was one
of the poems used in the pro-
gramme. and the closing mes-
sage was "The most precious
gift we can give is our time".
Wilma McIntosh used Re-
membrance as the theme for the
worship service while Jean Ma-
guire read a passage of scripture
from Hebrews. The hymn Be
Thou My Vision Lord was sung.
McIntosh closed the worship
with An Open Letter to an Old
During the business portion of
the meeting, several conveners
gave reports. Jean Maguire, the
UCW archivist, had brought the
history book to show to the
group. She will accept pictures
and material to be placed in the
Gertrude Rosser had sent sev-
eral cards. Some new books had
been added to the library collec-
tion. The quilting group are still
busy. The UCW members will
be making Christmas puddings
again this year.
The meeting was closed with
a benediction.
The Christmas meeting of the
Ailsa Craig UCW will be a sup-
per meeting on Tuesday, De-
cember 10.
November 30, 1991 at 12 Noon at RRI424
Kirkton, <Bdwards. Fart.. (6 mileacan, an;1
Exeter or 6 miles west of 423 Hwy. on 08 nes
Hwy.). Sell your old or buy a new one. Al
equipment must be regime ed by 11 o'clock
day of sale. Call for details 229-6143.
Terms 10% cash deposit, day of sale,
balance cash or certified cheque in 48
hours. (45-48c)
Quality Grain Storage 4H'.
Drying 8'AIM ing`1'rddrlt;t' } '
244 WMA on S1. W. Box 550
Phone Bus. (519) 235-1919
`Res. (519) 235-2018
Hensall Cattle Co.
- Order Buyers for fats, feeders and stockers
- Stockers and Western Cattle arriving daily
Contact: Office 263-2619
Greg Hargreaves - Victor Hargreaves
263-2619 233-7511
Bob Heywood
Thu rsdayetnittnentiocup I 9.m. ahem
We have been favoured by theexecutors to offer by public auction the
household effects, vehicle being a 1988 Pontiac Sunbird In excellent
condition and misc. items from the estate of the late Mrs. Jess* Lewis
of Ailsa Craig along with additions for Mrs.for l Pfaff who has
moved to Exeter Villa. Watch next weeks paper
to be held 5 miles north of Dublin and 1/4 miles west for Keith Murray.
Saturday November 23 at 10:30 a.m.
50 acre farm with farrowing operation for 200 sows and 40 x 80 shod.
99 acre farm with house, barn and shod being offered subject to re- i
servo at 1 p.m. 1978 International truck with 16 ft. Wiltsir livestock
body, Case IH 2096 4 wheel drive tractor, Ford 3600 diesel with bad -
or, Casa IH 1020 20 ft. flex head, Nuhn 5000 US gal. liquid spreader,
IH 720 5 furrow plow, IH 400 cyclo planter, 11 ft. 9 tooth trail chlol
plow, IH 7 ft. snow bower, 12 h. land packer, JM 350-20 gravity box
on double roach wagon, 10 ft. 8 in. hyd. drive transfer auger on
wheels, 18 ft. tube hay elevator, Yamaha 225 CC 4 wheeler, Hardt 10
gal. 12 volt pump sprayer fits 4 wheeler, good oforktg of shop tool
and oquipmont. Salo order, tools at 10:30 a.m. machinery approx.
Any announcement on day of sal take procodonco ovor any previ-
11:30 a.m., farms 1 p.m. Terms cash or chequo with proper V.
Auct1onaer Richard Lobb 482-71198 Clinton,
Keith Murray 345-2509.
printed material. -
♦ ♦ .tetl I.
Granton 4WhoId
achievement night
GRANTON - The Number Two
Grunion 4-H Club Blueboxers held
their Achievement night recently at
the Lion's Pavilion Hall. The pro-
gram commenced with a short skit
on being environmentally con-
scious, followed by the presenta-
tion of awards.
Members of the Blueboxers were
Casandra and Katherine Harding,
Paula Pincombe, Stephanie, Carrie
and Kim Currah, Estex Rancourt,
Norman and April Riddell, Jenene
Hart, Tara Westman, Lisa Couch-
man, Kim Harrison and Maggie Os-
Katherine Harding will be acting
as reporter.
Caven PCW hear report on
Missionary Society
EXETER - Caven P.C.W. met
last Monday evening, with Bertie
Keyes and Hilda White as guests.
Beatrice Ersman, president, opened
the meeting and welcomed alL
The group sang the hymn "0
God of Love, 0 King of Peace."
Mabel Stanlake and Florence
Hyde led the devotion period. Stan -
lake read the scripture from Mat-
thew 5, verses 1-10 and led in
prayer. Hyde read two poems "A
Soldier of Peace" and "Peace in the
Keyes and White told of their trip
to Europe where they saw the
Passion Play at Oberammegau.
Keyes also had a tape record about
the Passion Play. She passed
around books to the group which
contained pictures of this part of
the world.
A report on the Stratford Huron
Presbyterial of the Women's Mis-
sionary Society of the Presbyterian
Church in Canada was given. This
was held on October 24 at Atwood
Presbyterian Church and was at-
tended by Margaret Strang and Bet-
ty Smythe of Caven Church.
Beatrice Ersman conducted the
business of the group. The minutes
were read by Donna Webster and
reports were given by Ploy Forman
and Mabel Stanlake.
Farmland values fall
OTTAWA - Canadian farmland -
values fell in 1991 following two
consecutive annual increases. Farm
Credit Corporation (FCC) research
shows that farmland values de-
creased by 6.7 percent between
July 1, 1990 and July 1, 1991 com-
pared to a 3.9 percent increase in
1989-90. Farmland valued dropped
in the Prairies and Nova Scotia and
remained stable or increased slight-
ly in all other provinces.
Depressed world prices in the
grain industry have contributed to
declining land values in the prairie
provinces. Saskatchewan land val-
ues declined the most at 11.7 per-
cent. Land values in Nova Scotia
also decreased slightly following
increases the last two years. Land
value changes varied considerably
within pt+ov,).Oces because of market
conditions `. d productienl(4i -z. ,
Farmland values have declined
nationally in eight of the past 10
years. The largest decrease was in
1986-87 at 10.2 percent. Land val-
ues in Canada have dropped
35percent since the most recent
peak in 1981, despite increases in
1989 and 1990. Low market in-
comes and a general negative out-
look in much of the farm sector ap-
pear to have reduced the demand
for farmland.
In British Columbia, farmland
values across the province in-
creased, however the most signifi-
cant increase was in the Fraser Riv-
er Valley due to competition from
urban areas for good land. Land
values decreased in sonshun Alber-
llierto and remained steady a increased
slightly in central and northern re-
gions. Land values have dropped
substantially in those areas of
southeastern Alberta which have
been subjected to drought for a pe-
riod of years.
Farmland values dropped
throughout Saskatchewan, ranging
from a 15 percent decline in the
southwest to a 7.6 percent decrease
in the northeast. Land values 'in
Manitoba remained steady or de-
clined slightly. Farmland in west-
ern Manitoba tended to hold its val-
ue better than the eastern region.
Although on average Ontario re-
corded a slight increase in farmland
values in 1991 compared to 1990.
the increase occurred primarily in
central Ontario as a result of when'influences. Land values in Quebec,
remained steady or increased slifh '
ly across he provinit6. 7111.V
sixth consecutive annual increase in
land values in the province, though
the increase have been quite con-
New Brunswick was the only
province in the Maritimes where
land values increased. Following a
few years of strong potato prices an
a stable dairy industry, land values
in New Brunswick recorded a 5-0
percent increase in 1991 compared
to 1990. Despite a potato virus
problem, land values in P.E.I. re-
mained constant. The demand for
Nova Scotia RI/inland was low in
1991 as evidenced by a 406 percent
decrease in land values.
Copies of the "Farmland Values"
report are available on request to
the Farm -Credit Corporation.
Bob Heywood
Wednesday evening. December 4 at 5:30 p.m.
at South Huron Roc Contra, Exeter
We will be dispersing appliances, furnishings, antiques, collectibles, etc.
along with an excellent well kept home and property for Mrs. Hannah
Lamport who has moved to Exeter Villa.
PROPERTY: Selling at 5:30 p.m. sharp on the location at the home
known as 59 Sanders St. W., Exeter. Subject to a reasonable roserve,
10% down balance in 30 days. According to Plan 376 of the Town of Ex-
eter, County of Huron, Pt. Lots 469 and 470 comprised of 82' frontage
(.17 acres) on which is located an extremely well kept 3 bedroom brick
bungalow, with large living room 3 pc. bath, dininroom, full basement,
attached garage, nice backyard. 1block from downtown. 1991 taxes
Bob Heywood,
Thursday /waning, November 21 at d p.m. sharp
at South iron Roo Centre, Exeter
We will bo dispersing tho estate of tho late Mrs. Flossie Willer[ of Dash-
wood along with addRbns.
AN11OUES AND COLLECTIBLES: 7 pc. birch dining room suite with
hutch and buffet ext. table, server table, 4 chairs, 3 pc. bedroom suite
incl. 3/4 hi back bad, oval mirror dresser and washstand, oak sideboard
with mirror, 4 pressbaok chairs, Ip poster bureau, small commode, top
of flat to the wall cupboard dovetailed blanket boxes oak kitchen cup-
board, 2 pall benches, fiddloback telephone 5 pc. china commode sot,
trunk,. 2 copper boilers, several crocks inc. Brantford Stonewall (6 gal.),
Welding blue flowered 1 gal, skaters lamp, coffee grinder, wicker, butter
bowl - print - ladle apple puler, sad irons, crokinole board (old), &M-
ors peanut jar. Celluloid dolls, hanging lamp frame milk bottles, old ra-
dio, 8 place settings of Brusl*m china ware, fine china and glass, bed-
ding, games, bks, old picture framos, primkivo tools, single bod,
Gilbert plleddoclk etc.
HOUSEHOLDEFFECTS: 3 pc. bedroom suite with boxspting and mat-
tress, 2 chesterfields and chairs, swivel rodars, chest of drawers, fold-
ing mirror, *nd tables, refrigerator, oloc. dryer, wringer washer, dehu-
midifier, Singer Mac. sowing machin, day bad, kerosene boater Filter
Ouean vacuum, Mac. lawn mower, small s, wooden stop lad-
der, garden and hand tools card table, are and hundreds of
useful and colloctiblo hems. dont miss this fine auction.